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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1911)
-ir Vf', V NEW mKS A GOOD 5WE4R OFF DAY-BIT TODAY'S A MUCH BETTER ONE '1 WANT ADVERTISING In Tho TIMES Will Tut Your Real Estate "In tho afnrkct" Kf t c c 1 1 v o 1 y l It will put tho facta about your proporty boforo tho eyes of all 'pos ulblo buyors" In town. And If thero's ono of thorn who, ought to own It, you'll soil ltt (Ham Wwx Exmm M KM MICH OP ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL XXXV WANT ADVERTISING In TJie TIMES Will Keep tho Incomo from Your Furnished Rooms from Lapsing! YOU can really hulp tho family revenues by renting a fow furnished rooms and, If you know how nnd when to ubo tho classified columns. you may keep that llttlo extra Incomo as "Meady as a clock." Established In 1878 as Tho Coast Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1 91 1 rEVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times. Coast Mall and Coos Hay Athertlser. No. 142 CHARLES MURRAY DIED THIS AFTERNOON AT MERCY HOSPITAL ?? tfirr for garrison SherllT W. W. Gngo and De puty Sheriff Krantz loft this morning for Salem with Frank Garrison under sentence to ho hanged for tho murdor of Itoy l'orklns. They will go via Gar dlner. Judgo Colco ycetcrday after noon Issued tho death warrant and llxcd Fobruaiy 9, 1912, as tho dato of execution. It Is expected that Gov. West will grailt a roprlovo in tho enso. Y 0 SLl IN RESORT ROW Victim of Goldie Bestscott Succumbs to Wound With out Making Statement. ASSAILANT WAS WITH HIM DURING LAST HOURS Has Neither Eaten or Slept For Days Placed Under Arrest Again Today. Charles Murray, who was shot on North Front street a week ago yes terday by Gnldlo Bestscott, mistress of a North Front street resort, died i,4t t 44t' at i:3U tins uttcrnoon nt .Morcy ios- pita). Slnco yesterday, ho hnd boon unconscious wnicn uovoiopou soon- after tho delirium became evident. Ever Blnco sho was released on ball, Goldlo Bostscott, tho woman who Indicted tho fatal wound, has been nt li 1b bedside at tho hospital constantly. Last night, sho did not Icavo tho hospital nnd remained thcro until ho died this afternoon when sho was brought to tho Coos hotel where she was confined while sho was under arrest. Soon After hearing of Murray's death, Justlco I'onnock Issued an other warrant for hor arrest, charg ing murdor in tho first degrco. Con stable Cox loft to servo tills but was Informed by tho physician that her condition was such tlint stio could not bo placed In jail. Sho hns -scar cely touched food slnro tho tragedy and has slept vory llttlo. Her con dition hnB oxcltod tho sympathy of tboso attending Murray. Tho only relief from romorso soemod to como from boing near Murray and assist ing" In mlnlstorlng to his wants. Sho has boon sllont, except for brief con versations with him, rnddo from ex pressions of regrot now and thou. She will le placed under tho guard of a special officer at hor room In tho Coos hotel. Not Ilcr'AcciiHcr. Murray died with his lips sealed relative to tho crlmo. Ho absolu tely rofusod to glvo Coroner Wilson any nnto-mortom stntomont concern Ing tho crlmo. Ho told something of his past, o his old 'homo In Missouri, and tho length of tlmo ho had been, on the Ray, hut as to mo snooting and tho possible motives prompting it, ho refuse?" to speak. Murray was a llttlo over thirty years old nnd hud boon a sort of a wanderer', ifo c'nmo to Coos Day a couplo of" years ago and was then "down nnd out." Tom Madden as sisted him financially then and Inter ho tended bar In dlfforont saloons. This afternoon, a .post-mortem ex amination Is bolng performed at Wil son's undertaking parlors to deter mine tho jinturp oj tho. wound. vNo nrrangomonts concerning uio 8C0,ng tnojr porn atui their of funoral will bo mado uutll relatives fortfJ tQ got tn0 cnnoo to Bhoro tnoy oi mo ueceascu mivu uuuh tuiiiiiuun-'ypj j ttuuu wuii. Constablo Cox was Informed this afternoon, that another preliminary hearing will bo Insisted mi In tho case ob a result of tho arreBt of the Bests cott woman on tho chargo of mur der In tho first dogreo. It will prob ably bo n fow days boforo Bho can he arraigned, owing to hor wonkoned condition. WANTS WARSHIPS TO INSURE PEACE ABDICATION OF THRONE IN Admiral George Dewey Favors down to two- Cnnstrnr.tinn nf Fnnr Wnu' "Tho United stntcs should build Vessels Each- Year as Precaution. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times) WASHINGTON, D. C, Doc. 29. four now battleships this year to keep up tho efllclency of tho fleet," tho ndmlrnl Is quoted as saying. "1 nm for peace, but peace with four moro battleships Is tin assurance that It will bo maintained. It always lb possiuio tnat there may bo boiuo Pence, but with four now bnttleshlps quarrelling nmong nations aB to Just uuen year to iiBsuro u, is annumi now penco ought to bo brought Oeorco Dowcv'h wish for tho futilrd .about. Such a thine vnn hnnnnnii of tho United States In Its forelkn at penco banquets." Dewey nlso relations. As head of tho General 1 pointed out that now ships soon Nnval Board, Mio Admiral recom- would bo needed to replace the Ore mends that four now mon-of-wnr jlio 'gon. Indiana nnd Massachusetts, built but an effort probably will 'bo which aro now over twenty yenrs mauo in congiess to cut tuo ntimuer oui. : TUFITMflF' RFRflRn IWUFQTIRATFn 1 I IDVIBII III! ! II I II in Federal Grand Jury Digging l01nf A- Tvcitmoe. the snn Fmndsco Into San Francisco Labor Leader's Transactions. Killing Follows Drunken Ornie and Attempt to "Shoot up" Place. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Hay Times.) LE8TBR, Wash., Doc. 29 Chea ter Raymond, aged 21, was shot and Instantly killed by Louis Shrincr, n cook, whilo Raymond was trying to forco his way into a restaurant and n resort connected with a saloon n half nillo cast of Groon River Hot Springs Into InBt night. Raymond and his companion had been drink ing and started to shoot up tho re sort, running tho inmntes Into tho snow outsldo nnd taking their cloth ing. Shrincr, who worked In tho. restaurant, ordorod tho rioters to; leavo tho place and whon Raymond reached for his gun, shot him. Shrinor surrendered and was" taken to Seattle (By Associated Press to tho Coos Ba Times) LOS ANGELES, Cal., Dec. 29. t Tho federal grand Jury Investigating tho alleged nntlbnal dynnmlto conspi racy evidenced today a purposo to g Into all tho httslncss relations of TAFT TO OPEN labor lender, mid nil his transactions In bohalf of organizations with which ho Is connected. In addition to sum moning Miss Ethel Murphy, n stenog rapher In Tvoltmoa'8 office, tho gov ernment Inquisitors Biibpoonned A. D. Glbon, his secretary, Gllson, wns n Witness todny, as was A. E. Vooll, secrotnry of tho Asiatic Exclusion Lcnguc, of which Tveltmoo Is president. HIS CAMPAIGN CANOE HIDE IS fatAl. OorvnlllM Student Drowned nnd Com panion KttcniK'K. CORVALLIS, Ore., Dec. 29, Bon II. Wllllnms, or Pasadena, Cal,, who haB boon attending1 tho Oregon Ag ricultural Collogo, was drowned lato whilo canoeing on Marys river. Tho ennop, containing Williams and ono pprnjinnlpn, wH overturned Just appyo tho dam and It Is thought tho student was carrlqd over tho dam. Williams' body has not boon found. Bert Colo, who vyns with Williams, had' a narrow escape Ho says that In nttemptlng to pass from tho river Into tho mlllraco thoy wore caught In tho current nnd carried towards tho dam. Tho boys became excited upon President Reported Jp tfaye Selected New Yorker as ' Political' Adviser.' (By Associated Press to Coot Bay Timet. NEW YORK. Doc. 29 If Is re ported todny that PrcBldont Taft will soon ask Otto T. Bannard of Now York to nccopt an Important position ROOSEVELT ON RUSSIAN TREATY CHINA EXPECTED VERY SOON MOHK DYING IN BERLIN ALMS 1 musics . (By Associated Press.) BERLIN, GERMANY, Dec. 29. Deaths from tho mvstorl- News of Election of President of Chinese Republic Reaches Pekin Late. oub sickness which nffected tho Inmntes of tho municipal shelter i now number C2. Botwcen sov- only nnd eighty men aro still suffering from tho effects of tho consumption of what ofll- clals declare tainted fish. ROYAL FAMILY WILL LEAVE SOON AFTERWARDS NEW T ACCEPTS PLACE Chinese Revolutionists Choice For Head of New Govern ment Announces Policy. Independence of Mongolia Be lieve to Be Conclusive at 1 Chinese Capital. WANTS AMKRICAX CHINESE TO All) RULE IN CHINA (By Assoclntod Press.) SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Doc. 29. A cnblogram from Dr. Sun Ynt Sen, tho nowly olectcd pros- 14 ldont of China, urging tho Chi- noso National Association in America to seek out tho talent- ed nnd. oxporloncod Chinese In this country for service under tho provisional govornmont, wnB received hero today. Former President Says It Should rtav,e i first BeVn Sub mitted to The Hague. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) NfcTW YORK, Doc. 29 In an edi torial on "Tho Russian Trcatyj Arbi tration and Hypocrisy" by Thcodoro Roosevelt In the current Issuo of IRE I ARE STARTED INSANITY NOW ON INCREASE Southern Pacific Contractors Arrange to Hasten Cons truction Work. EUOEND, Ore., Dec. 29. Fuller & Co., sub-contractors on tho S6uth ern Pacific coninauy's Cooa Bay branch. ha,vo a small force af n on 8tateB wUh 344 per ,00 throwing up tho grade on trlfcht-t nm1 Nqw York wa8 a of-wny Jjetween tho city limits and I, 8econd wUh 343tl for every vuo auD-comrnciora cunu ouu t "- i1(in am leading from tho main lino to a point Census Returns Shows Twenty-Five Ppr Cent More Pa tients In Asylums. (By AssocJatod Press to Coob Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 2?. Whlld tho total population of tho United States has Increased cloven per cent In tho last six years, tho niimber of insano was augmented during tho samo period by 2t per cent. In the 372 Institutions can vnHe,i hv the census bureau up to January 1, 1910, there wore 187,445 insnna nat ents or an increa.o oi w,- 303 since 1904. Massachusetts led (n connection with tho campaign "Tho Outlook," tho former prest loading up to tho national republican dent, says "I cordially approve tho convention. In ovont Taft is noml- action taken by congress In abrognt nated In Chicago next Juno, It was lng tho Russian treaty because mon snld, Bannard, If ho takes part in must voto and act on tho situation tho preliminary campaign, might da It actually confronts them, nnd contlnuo ns ono of tho principal ad- ,ln the nctual ovont congressmen had visors to tho President until tho vot6a bujt two alternatives, namely, to nb aro cast In Novombor. rognto tho treaty or to submit to tho Tnft hits boon urged by republican contlnupnco of conditions which have leaders to take n deopop Interest in uccomo Intolerable in our national tho nro-conventlou activities At bolt rosnect and which ronresont a Inst, It Is snld, ho has consented that continuing wrong, especially to Am- Taft hondquartcrB bo o'ponod In erlcan citizens of tho Jewish faith. Washington at an early dato, "I still bollovo,"" continued tho edl- Whother Bannard will tako charge of torlal, "Thut In so serious a matter, theeo hendouarters may dopond upon It would havo ben well first to on- a conference to bo hold in Wnslilng- denvor to Bocuro n decision by tho ton next wcok in which tho president, Hague court on tho Interpretation Bannard nnd Secretary Chad. D. of tho existing tronty. I am conn IIIIIcb will participate. dent such a decision would havo been The pre8Biiro of political business in our favor, and if bo, would havo at tho White Houso has been In- onabled us to retire from an unten creasing steadily slnco tho meeting ablo position with good crnco and of tho Republican National Commit- no loss of solf respect, an object that tco In Washington December 12, and should always be held In vlow In It Is said tho opening of hendquar- dealing with any foreign nation with tors has become necessary to divert which at any tlmo wo may have dlf tho flow or visitors from nil sections Acuities, whilo If tho dealslon had of tho country. There still exists a boon ndvorso to ub wo could then belief In political circles that porno have abrogated tho treaty and been ono will bo called on to direct tho clearly right In so doing." campaign for President Tnft In the I NEW pnusTnKXT CHOSEN. evont of tho batter's renomlnntlon I - i but no doflnlto decision to that ef- Troops Proclaim New Head of Ite- fect. BanAard will accompany Taft public of Kcundor. back to Washington Saturday night (By Associated Press to Coos Bay after tho peaco banquet and will Times.) spend Now Year'a-OOay at tho Whltol GUAYAQUIL, Ecuador, Dec. 29. Houso. It Is said a nronosltlon to Troop3 stationed in this city last Bannnnl to lolii the Taft forces will. night proclaimed General Pedro (By Associated Press to the Coos Bay, Times.) PEKIN, China, Doc. 29. Nows o tho selection Of Dr. Sun Ynt Sen ns president of tho Chinese Ropubllo ronched mombcrs of tho Cabinet here by mcanB of tho Associated Press this evening. It Is boltovod thnt the (By Associated Press to Cons B) Timos.) SHANGHAI, China. Dec. 29. Immediately following rccolpt of wora irom manium; tnat no was olectcd prcsldont China, Dr. Sun following statement od Press with tlio ro'quost that It bo'Nror Is announced which IB const transmitted to friends" In tho United "or0(l "' .o rnnttor oi uas. Stntcs; "I cdnsldor' It my duly 'to I Tho lndop6udehc6 of outor Mou acbopt tho presidency, My policy Sol'n 'b considered horo as conclu wlll bo to secure peaco nnd n stnblo,Blvo slnco tho proclnmutlon of the government by tho nrbmntest moth- .u uK.nin as unan. uussia is ex' it of tho lopubllc of mombors of tho coiirt will ronmtn Iu Yat Sen hnnded tho'T'11 ,l""1 tno hbdlcnllons of t(he nont to tlio Assoclnt- ftnipruas Dowager hnd tho child uni- thon bo made. MANY ARRIVE ON flE DONDO half a mllo west of tho Junction will be hullt as soon as tho grado Is fin ished. This spur will bo built for the purposo of hauling building ma terials to the ground which tho com pany has leased In tno vicinuy i Fuller & Co.'s camp, where It will be stored for ubo In the construction t tho roid, which will begin early next year. Fuller & Co. havo established boy eral camps between Eugene and the tunnel site and hayo 25 or 30 men at work at different placos clearing the right-of-way of brush aud tim ber, LlbbyCOAL. The kind YOU have ALWAYS t'UKDf PHONE 73 Pacific .I4very & Transfer Co, SAVE CRIPPLED VESSEL. Torpedo Boat Warrington JUeaches Poit Iu Crippled Condition. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 29. Tho crippled torpedo boat Warring ton which was run down oft Capo Hatteras In a galo Wednesday by an unknown ship, was safely towed In to Hampton Roads. Although the revenue cutter ser vice reported tho Warrington safely in Hnmnton Roads today, an Inter cepted wireless to thp Navy Depart ment reported tho crippled destroyer passing In Virginia Capes at 12 J 50 this afternoon, under tho convoy of thd scout cruiser Salem, to the Nor folk Navy yards. Steamer In from San Fran cisco Late Yesterday Sails South Saturday. Tjie Rcdondo arrived lato yester day from San Francisco with a largo Montero as president of the ropubllc, oda possible My ulnglo aim Ib to sdcuro tho ponce and'ciintentmont of the millions of my fellow country men,." Given Great OvhIIoh. Tho nows of Dr. Sun Ynt 8onB oloctlon to tho presidency by tho del egates of eighteen provinces of Chi na proper ns n conference In Nan king, spread with extraordinary rap idity among tho population. Crowds mado tholr way to tho Houso In tho French concession, In which hn has resided slnco his arrival horo. Whon ho appoared, ho was grcotod with an ontliUBloBtlc ovation. It Is bolloved tho now president will Immediately domand the withdrawal of tho so callod Imporlnl troops from their strategical positions, In ordor to avoid possible conflict with tho troops of tho roiiubllcan government. Ah soon ns thla has been effected, the nrmlstlco now existing will bo oxtendr ed and tho Manchu troops will bo ordorcd to lay down tholr arms or tender tholr eorvlccs to tho ropubllc. As soon ns tho military arrange ments are completed, negotiations will bo opened on tho Bubjoct of pen sions to bo offorod to tho formor princes and Manchu govornors. pe'eted to' rocognlzo .the Independence of Mongolln after somo months, MIXUP IN MONGOLIA. ONITED STATES TO HOLD ALOOF State Department Withholds Recognition of Rebol Gov- ernment In China. IliiRdla and Jnjinti Itotli Anxious to GhIh Control There; (By Associated 'Press to Coos Bay, Times.') ' ' TIEN TSIN, Doc. 29, It Is assort ed by members of tho sulto of the amban (goVdrtior) of Mongolia that Russian 'complicity nt Urga, capital of Mongolia la responsible for the virtual dbinlnntlori In Manchuria by; tho Japanese. Tho chargo Is ninda In tho same' qimrtors that the Rus sian military c6nsul nt Urga haa1 booh ptir,8ulug"tho' samo policy in Songdlld ns Wan formerly carried out ' Afghanistan with th6 purpoBo 6f. making a "buffer" state and pra venting tho Jnpa'neso expanding be yond Mukden In Manchuria, ' Lieu tenant General Horfath In command of tho Russian troops at Harbin re peatedly denied Russia had ulterior motives jn Mongolia, hut admits Rus sia needs a ''b'utfof etato" in that re gion In' tho samo way as Afghanis' tan serves ns a "biiffor stnto" on tho northwestorn frontier of India. CONVENTION Ifl OALLKD. ALLIANCE IN FROM PORTLAND Steamship Arrives From Nlorjh and Sails For Eureka This Afternoon. The alllanco nrrlved In Into yes terday from Portland, hiving boon cargo of miscellaneous freight and a Bughtly delayed Jfi h'Ji trip by rough xair passenger usi- oao encuuuiureu weather. Shq sails again this after a llttlo rough weather coming up tho ,loon for Eureka and will return coast. hero Monday morrtlhg and sail tho ine ueuoiiuo win sun irum ero.8ame day for Portland. for San Francdsco tomorrow. Among those arriving on tho Ro dondo wore: W. F. Bowron, Jr., Roht. Banks, Among thoso arriving on tho Alli ance yesterday were the following: Grace Llnegar, Edward Llnegar, Alnba LIneKar. W. Hunter. J. L. Bessie Coke, L. Dlngeo, C. A. Dlngee, Drlggs, Pat Kenenly, Mlko Oaks, Mrs. Mrs. E. L. Walker, Miss Violet Hen-1 w Stewart, Lynn Hogan, A. Gar derson, Mrp. Paz do Vlconto and , ter( Jessie Jtlciardson, Wm, Noblo, child, Master de Vicente, W. J. Mc-'-ym. h. Cohen, II. Johnson and 0. J. Phee, R. M. Mettler, Bert Rush, M. Bailey,. (By Assoclatod Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, Doc. 29. Tho United States does not rccognlzo tho now Chlneso ropubllc formally at thU momont, nor will not until It beco mes clearly apparent that tho Im perialists aro no longer capable of maintaining themselves In power. But this attltudo will not prevent representatives of tho State Depart ment In China doing business with the provisional ropubllo to tho ex tent of safeguarding American lives nnd proporty. Tho State Department ofllclalB have all along boon expect ing that Dr. Sun Yat Son would be proclaimed provisional president of China soon aftor ho landed at Shan ghai. The point of Interest at present Is whether Wu Ting Fang, who has been acting na tho mouthpiece of tho revolutionists, Is propaied to rccog nlzo Dr. Sun in this capacity. Chliu'xo Peace Coiifemico Map Out Program. By Assoclatod Press to the Cons Bajt Times.) ' SHANGHAI, China, Dec. 29. The peaco conference today decided on. tho calling of a national convention to detormlne tho now form of Gov ernment for China, whose doclBldn shall bo binding on both sides. The Manchu troops aro moahwhtlo to ova cuato their positions and tho ropub llcnns maintain theirs. J H. Nay. J. L. Nay. J. S. MqEwon, S. p, Hnnsley, Jas, Johnson, G. John- son, It. smitn. a. unoaes, w. n. Blucklny, J. W. Conn, L. Lackey, B. Matthews and N. I. Pool. OL1VANT & i WE U iVEK for eggs, RE.FKW your.huntlprg and anglois LICENSE at Thi GUNNERY, What Is thought to ho tho oldest applo treo of tho Pacific coast stands In tho United States military rosor- vntlon at Vancouver, Washington, nnd has lately been markod and pro tected. It Is said to havo been grown from seed brought from Lon don In 1825 by offlcors of the Hud son Bay company, It boro a fine lot of apple this year, TO GO HIGHER Eastern Manufacturers An nounqe Advance of Five to Seven Per Cent. (By Associated Press to tho Coob Baj) Tlmoa) LINN, Mass., Dee. 29. An In crease In tho wholesale prices of shoos which will bo Inaugurated, by tho Brockton shoo manufacturers will bo put Into effect at (he samo tlmo by tho Linn Association aud by most of tho Now England inanufue-. furors, Tho matter will be taken up later beforo tho convention of the National Association iu Now York. Linn manufacturers Bay their ad-4 vance will probably bo 5 tp 7 per cent. Retailors wllll add enough to tho retail price to proteat them- i;HJ selves. HAND HOYS glvo another H DANCE at Eagles IJaJl Saturday night, December 30. A JH . f Jfc lite" I nJtfarr r i ii ' -ifrinn-i rTiVfTma tiir" A- Sr i. l l 1 i 1 c j i. jA.-Ju.ia,j?tL.L.u. mamr