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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1911)
A ..,, 'I THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD)OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1911 EVENING EDITION. ''' COOS BAY TIMES U. C. MALONEY Ktlllur nnd Pub. DAN K. MALONEY News Editor I WITH THE I Z TOAST AND TEA t Entered at ttao po-tolhco At Maw I .old, Oregon, Tor transmission (JO()I) ,.:vKX,X(J , through tlio malls as second class j$ 4 urnll matter. ! Love tnkcth up no malign ole- .I iimiiimmiMw 1 nioiits; Its spirit proiupteth . ... , 't to cover In mercy nil things Dedicated to the service t tho' (Mnt ,,, m)t lo 1)0 ex08e(i pooplo, that no good cause shall lack1 to hcllovo nil of good that can champion, and that evil shall not thrlvo unopposed. ft Address nil communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. Mnrshlleld :: :: :: . Oregon OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY OF MAItSIIFIULU. SUBSCRIPTION HATES. DAILY Ono year $6.00 Per month GO WEEKLY. Ono year $l.bO When paid strictly In advance the iubscrlptlon prlco of tho Coos Day 'Iuicb Is $5.00 pr year or $2. GO for flix months. lie believed,, to hope all things O that a good God makes pos- slble, nnd to endure nil tl lugs that the hope may ho mndo $ good. J. II. Thorn. COLLECTING FEES WRONG. DOX'T MIND, LITTLE HOY. Olllclal I'nper of Coos County XEHVE WASTE )ItonABLY most human norv r ous systems develop only a small fraction of what Is with in their powor, clthor quantitatively or qualitatively," declares Dr. Chris tain A. Hortcr, the famous biologist. Tho statement will not be question ed by moBt peoplo who have consid ered tho matter of humnn develop ment In tho light of nctual and possi ble attainment. Tho reason for this condition Is often not tho lack of en ergy or nmbltlon so much as that of concentration nnd nerslstence. Tho nvcrago man or womnn In tends to do vory much more than ho or she actually accomplishes. Tho schedule of work which tho average person maps out for himself cltho for n slnglo day or for that vague and conven'ontly delnyed future dif fers radically f 0111 tho amount or work that ho nctually gem done. And this Is not because tho dreams or planB aro so impossible or so dif ficult. Tho plans aro oftcnor In lironor accord with his talents and capabilities than aro the actual re sults. This dlfloronco between wnat ono conceives of doing and what one .really does represents quite Accu rately tho dlfforonco between what his no-vo system Is cnpahlo of and what It nctually atta'ns. From this difference, hqwevor, must bo subtracted tho ndded power which would ho gained by continual success Instoad of continual failure But Dr. Ilortor'n statement about norvo wasto Is not that of n thoor'st or Impractical educator. Its truth can bo nttcsted by practically ovory ono who Is honest onnugh to admit tho facts of his own life a record. Tho oxnmplcs of great nchlovo ment nro often cited ns freaks of liu man capac ty. As n matter of fact, they may be rogarded ns tho sane and no-mal Illustrations of what tho nv ernge mortal might do If ho had do velopod his norvniio system to tho full, had not grown wenry boforo ho fairly entered upon tho practical working out of tho things ha cco thought possible for hlinsoif. Hit. WILEY'S DECLARATION ACJAIXST AHSIXTIIE. Don't mind wbnt tho world has to say, little boy, Dqn't worry because of Its Jeers; There are plenty to mock nt tho errors you make, And meet you with tnuntlngs nnd sneors; There Is over n frown for your laugh, llttlo boy, And ever n scowl for your smllo, But give to tho world all tho best that you have, And tho best will return In awhile. Don't mind all the Jibes of tho world, llttlo boy, But bravely accomplish your part; Success will rownrd you If you will persist, With tho sunshine of song In your heart. Don't wcakon when barriers rise, llt tlo boy, You'll meet with obstructions each mllo; Just give to tho world nil tho best that you have, And tho best will return In nwhllo. Don't worry becnuso of dofents, llt tlo boy, You'll moot thorn nloug your llfo's road; nut doggedly rlso when you'ro bckt en to earth, ,. And stagger along with your load. It Isn't n pathway of case, llttlo hoy, You'll find It Is not to your stylo; Ilut glvo to tho world nil tho best that you hnvo, And tho best will roturn In nwhllo. Don't weaken nt dangers you'll face, llttlo boy; Do bravo when such perils nppcnr; Do dauntless nnd valiant nnd honest and true, And you wlU hnvo nothing to fonr. Go boldly, courageously' on, llttlo boy, With a song on your lips, and n smllo; Just glvo to tho world nil tho best that you havo, And tho bout will roturn In nwhllo. E. A. nitlMINSTOOL. Another renson why tho prlco of gnsollnu goes up In spit of tno dU solution of tho Standard OH trust is becnuso tho trust needs the money to pay Its Inwyors for their Htionuous ondenvors to savo It from diunnLitltm. If you know of n bettor icaso.i by all means go to It. A big fat man stretched himself out In n harbor's chair toil.iv. The harbor, following tho usunl custom, soaked his faco In 11 212 dogreo tow el, whllo ho whotted his rnzor. When ho took tho towol off tho man In quired If ho had n fork handy. "1 am pretty suro my fnco Is done, but If you hnvo n fork handy you might stick It In nnd see." CIIEEIt UP! No Jockey over uchloved greatness unless ho was a crackorjack Post HIdor. It's tho Start that counts! THE pure-food bonrd of tho na tional dopartmont of ngrlculturo hris declared nhslntho n monaco to American health nnd forbidden Importation of it after Decombor :'.. Tho board novor did a bettor day's Job In nil Its morltorlous enreor. Abslntho, a redistillation of ulco hollo distilled spirits, Is n bane to body and mind whoso ovll offocts can not be oxnggcratod. Ever slnco tho French soldiers re turning from Algorla Introduced It Into Franco about 70 years ago It hns moro and inoro played tho mis chief with tho Fronch physique and morals, its quality la such that It would mako a lamb that drank It Insult n tiger or slap a wolk on 'hv cheek. Many of tho knockout drops nro mild In their action when com pared with nbsdntho. American liquor dealors nro re ported to support tho prohibition of tho bnnoful beverage most strenuous ly. Europe Is nlnrmsd over tho provnl enco of the drinking of ubslntho, Belgium nnd Switzerland hnvo for bidden tho manufacture of It, France regulutes tho salo and manufacture rigidly. Dr. WHoy characterizes nbslnMio as "ono of tho worst onomloa of man" WIth huslnoss worrlos put nslde, nm! It Is to tho erodlt of Amorlcnns curtains drawn on strife unJ that, nccordlng to tho seorotnry of .1 enro, leading ilrm of 'liquor donlors nt Ho likes to tnko a deck of cards nnd Chicago, "thoy have not tnkon to havo n'gaino of solitaire, nhslntho kindly. A few tnko It bo- causo they can dissipate fastor In To boat "Old Sol" Is quite a tnsk, hut AttoinoyOenornl's Olllee lloldn Thnt Sheilirrt IlinV Xo Right to Tliem,' SALEM, Ore., Dec,' 28. In nn opinion by the Attorney-Genernl's of lire to ho handed tljiwn snonl It ts held tlint every Shotlff' of every county In the state, with tho poaslb 0 exreptlon of Multiionmh county, th) collection of fees In civil enses now, or heretofore. Blnco the cession or tho leglsluturo In 1S91, hns bcou without authority 0 law. This opinion was rendered nt c quest of Sheriff Will C. Smith, of Josephine county. According to t'ie opinion nnd Supremo court rulings aro quoted when tho legislature passed tho flat-salary act, till laws vesting tho Shorlff with authority to collect fees In civil ensos woro ro pcnled. Opinion cites Hoctlon 31'20, Lords Oregon Laws, as nutliorPv. This was passed In 1874, grnntlng tho Sheriff authority to collect fees In civil cases to bo hold by him as compensation, and later tho leglsl.i turo passed tho lnw In 1S01, which waB amendatory and provided thnt salaries bo paid to all county oftlcs nnd thnt fees collected by them be turned over to the county. Tho opi nion holds thnt tho legislature In 1895 nmonded tho law again nnd re moved tho clause providing thnt civil fees bo turned over to tho county, which, therefore removed tho Shov Ift'B authority to collect them. If tho opinion Is correct, tho Sher iffs throughout tho state are, nnd hnvo been for yenrs, collecting civil fees without nuthorlty, nnd many thousands of dollnrs hnvo been paid by parties to suits who wcro not re quired to go to tho expense. WEST GIVES HIS Y1EW OX USE OF LIQUORS HEIXDEEH MEAT FOB DIET. Alaska Mny Supply Tables of the American People. WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 29. Reindeer ment from Alaska soon mny be n food common to tho Am erican table. This opinion wns ox prresscd recently by William F. Lopp, In chnrgo of tho government's rein deer service, who has Just returned from n tour of Inspection through Alaska on behnlf of tho United Stn tea bureau of education. "A commercial shipment of roln deor ment, tho first mndo Into this country, has JtiBt been received nt Senttlo," Mr. Lopp said. "In 2G years, with tho pcrcontngo of In crease, thoro Bhould bo C, 000, 000 re indeer In Alaska, on which the peo plo of this country can dopond for much of tholr flesh diet. In tnsto ro indcer mont 1b a cross between mut ton nnd beof, but moro pnlatnblo thnn either." FREIGHT REDUCTION OX LUMIIEU IS AXXOUXCED JnATTtI.1 HTnoli Tnn 9 O "'"" "". ....on., y.-t --- An announcement wns mado of freight reduction of 10 cents per hundred on shipments from westom Washington to Donvor torrltory. This Is ono of tho ' deonest cuts ovor mndo on for- est produets andlumbormon say It will lncroaso tho rod cednr shlnglo mnrkot from 10 to" 20 per cent. nnllroadB nlso an- nounccd n reduction ranging from 10 to 20 por cent on flr lumber from tho Pacific coast to Nebraska points. OXTAHIO LICENSE SYSTEM. If wo thought for n minutq thnt wo woro novor going to mako an other Mlstako wo'd oxporlonco n Mournful Apprehension of n Monoto nous Future! It's queor how stolid nnd unmov ed Luck can remain under tho "cuss ing out" that's being handed to him nil tho tlmo! i It's queer how porslstently punk the luck remains for tho man who mnkos a prnctlco of peovlshly toss ing his hands Into tho dlscnrd! Thoro's n lot o' dlfforonco between keeping a stiff upper lip and being Just sassy! If bolng broko woro n crlmo a lot of us would bo unable to avail our selves of tho statute- of limitations! CLARENCE Cl'LLEN. COL. WM. GRIMES HOIII1Y tr-nt way than In any other," Don't forget tho PHOVE 21 l-J. Turkish Baths now and thon ho wins a game, And yet ho novor slips tho cut, Uv ohontlng "Sol" would bo n shnmo. Issues Saloon Licenses Monthly on Probation Plan. ONTARIO, Ore, Dec. 29. Ontn- rlo has nn unlquo saloon license sys- torn, Aftor nn experiment of ono year most evoryono hero has conclud ed It Is very successful. Tho Onta rio ordinance provides that tho num ber of saloon licenses shall bo lim ited to six, nnd that thoso lice scs shall bo Issued monthly nt tho teg ulnr monthly council meetings. Bj this plan tho saloons nro kopt strict ly on probation If n saloon Is not run according to tho ordinance nP the council has to do la to rofuso to grant n llconso for tly? succeeding month. This eliminates tho usual complications Involved In revoking n llconso. Ontario Is going on the thoory thnt It Is n groat deal easlor to refuso n llconso thnn It Is to re voke ono. Grnntlng n llconso monthly gives any of tho cltlzons nn opportunity to nppenr boforo tbe council nt the reg ular meeting to object to tho Issuing of n llconso to any placo whore the ordinance has boon vlolntod or to thoso keopors of saloons who do not conduct nn ordorly place Tho ro- sult Is that saloon men nro consider ably moro enrofub as to how thel places of business nro conducted, nnd the town Is freer of tho disorderly olomont than It othorwlso would bo Tho plan gives any ono who hns fault to And with tho manner in which any saloon Is conducted to nppear boforo tho council nnd make complaint, nnd thoro Is no renson for any chronic kicker on tho stroet ns thoy can take tho caso boforo the council each month. Aftor the show try a Turklhh Bath Phono 214-J. t JIMBNUSCO. -".-rfcMff mm MWV fiOOR Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality THE ELITE HAIBDRESSIXO nnd BEAUTY V IHLOil Facial and scalp massago and shampoolug, scientifically given. Ladlo3 and gentleman's manicuring. All kinds of hair, ornamental, and shell goods, hair tonic and cosmotlcs, com bings mado to order In any stylo, nil work guaranteed. Hours from 8;iU) A. M. to 7:30 P. M. Shtuitlay 0;0 P. M. Phono 5I70-X 170 South Broadway. Not for Prohibition, hut in Favor of Bettor Iteuulntloii of Trnlllc. SALEM, Ore, Dec. 28. Prompted by n letter received, nsklng his views on tho woinun's BUffrngo ques tion In connection with the snloous nnd tho liquor trnlllc In genernl In this state, Governor West made a res ponse In which ho seta forth his stand not only on woinun's Ruffri;;o nml tho snloous. but ns to his Ideas concerning prohibition. Ho says l'i his communication that ho not only chnntplons womnn'B suffrngo, but be lleves tho pag8,ago of such nn act In tills state would tcnu to grentiy ciom up disorderly dive's throughout the stnto. The governor says In part: "I nm against tho nbuse, not the use, of liquor. I urn not for prohibi tion because I tun living nt a lime when it 1b tho custom for n great mniiv nnntitn tn itrlnk llniinr. These pooplo bollovo that to deny them the rluht to take n drink 1b nn oneronch- mont upon their porsonnl liberties. 5 nm sntlsfled, thcroforo, to take nn"i nnu conditions ns i una mem auu work In tho most, practical way for their betterment. t -i wMMnn to grant my neigh bor this Bo-callod porsonnl liberty, , a puiiiilt i.lm to hnvo his drink, hut nnlv so long ns ho controls hlmsolf, does not drink to oxcess, wnsto lis opportimltlcs, pnuperlzo his famMy, or becomo n burden to Boclcty. When wo grnnt him UiIb privilege how ever, wo hnvo tho right to demand nf him that ho Join with us in floo'ng that tho laws nro enforced and that all dives, pitfalls nnd dona of vlco which nro tho outgrowth of tho sys tem nro wiped out of oxlstonce No dlvo Into which n worklngmnn is enticed on Saturday night nnd kept until ho hns boon Bopnrntod from IiIb weok's earnings nnd his wlfo and chlldron loft to go ragged nnd hun gry, or whore tho habitual druuk nrds nnd young boyB nnd girls are Biippllod with liquor, Bhould bo nl lowed to exist. Thoso nro abuses which tho liquor pooplo can and Bhould nld In wiping out. If thoy don't loud n hand, othors will, nnd It 1b npt to result In tholr going too fnr. "I am for woman BUffrngo be cnuso I am suro It would mako fot bettor nnd cleaner government; thnt womon could ho deponded upon to Btnmp out all dons of vlco and clean up our cltlos. Womnn suffrngo does not necessarily mean prohibition. It will monn, however, such n regula tion of tho liquor tralllc ns to wipe out nil pltfallB and dons whoro mon nro robbed, crlmlnalB nro mndo nnd girls nro ruined." WILL INVESTIGATE THE HASH. Campaign Started by tho Kansas Board of Health. TOPEKA, Kan., Dec. 29. With thoultlmnto objoct of standardizing nil hush served In public plncos In Knnsns, tho stnto board of health Instituted nn InvoBtlgntlon as to tho Ingredients commonly used by ros tauranta nnd hotels In tho concoc tion of tho dish. "ThlB dopnrtmont hns found," said Dr. 8. J. Cromblns, socrotnry of tho bonrd, "Hint all mixed foods must bo stnndnrdlzod or tho pure food lnw enn not bo onfbrccd. Tho iinm-,1 iinon not nronoso to deiinturo hnsh merely to tono t down." (fAM'J 4 WE'RE HOLD- ING OUR OWN nnd moro In tho soiling of high grndo candle?. Wo nro glad to say that our bus iness novor wns hotter. Every day sees nn Increas ing domnnd for our SWEETS Thoro nro , rea sons of coursn, Como seo what thoy nro. Wo nro particularly nnx lous to add your fiamo to our list of customers nnd wo know a look nt our goods will do It. TWO SToltES. Now Is the Time TO HAVE THAT BESIDEXCE WIRED FOR LIGHTS. ESTIMATES GIVEN Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phono siai . I The Merchant Who Lights His Windows Performs a Valuable Public Service Visitors in the city are keenly iinpressod by ihe show window displays of nierclianls--particnlarly tho appearance-of the windows after ni(j hi fall. "Well dressed, wlvll-liyhlod snow windows compel a good impression of the morchant and of ho cily. , No visitor is too busy to inspect the windows in tho evening and they vitally infh'CHwi.Jte purchases he makes (ho next day. The reputation and fame of cities and Mer chants aro bnilded by .just such things. For merchants who desire it our representa tives will plan effective window liyhliny. Telephone 178. Oregon Power C6. Corner Central and Second FAREWELL PERFORMANCES Musical WB vwrit tk. m lVral Say 11IU11U 1 CUI ComedyCo. Masonic Theater Dec. 3 1 and Jan. 1 TWO NIGHTS ONLY STATEMENT OP CONDITION Flanagan (& Bennett Bank of MAHSHEIELD, OHEGON At tho close of business, December 0, 1011. Resources. Loans nnd Discounts $422,312.08 Dnuklng Houso 50,000.00 Cash and Exchanges 184,480.42 Total 9000,700.10 ' Liabilities. ' Cnpltnl Stock paid In GO, 000. 00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 58,531.57 Doposlts 548,207.53 Total . . ,. 050,700.10 Condensed StatemenL of tho condition of The First National Bank I OP COOS HAY at tho Closo of Business, Dec. 5, 1911. r"irR'" i. Itcsources. Loans and Discounts $229,329.87 Bonds, Warrants nnd Securities 73,101.50 U. S. Bonds to eccuro circulation 25,000.00 Ronl Estato, Furniture nud Flsturcs 81,472.94 Cash nnd Sight Exchaugo ; 141,131.98 ' Total '. . 8330,000.20 Liabilities. . Capital stock paid In $100,000.00 Surplus nnd undivided profits.. 10,797.39 Circulation, outstanding 25.000.0u Doposlts 414,298.00 Total 8350,000.20 INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. MAItSIIFlELD OREGON Vvrj2j ' ' I'v Choice Cuts of Roast Beef Many pooplo say thoy nro- har.l to find hard If you dou't know, easy if you do. To make Jt easy, note tho nddress below when in search of tendor, Juicy, nltogethor satisfy ing cutB of beef for roasra and steaks. MARSIIFIELD CASH MARKET. FOURIER BROS. Two Markets NORTH nEND MARSnFIELD WANTED!!! JARPETS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by the Pneuma tic Cleaning Company, Orders foi York taken at GOING & HARVEY 1'IIONE 100 A. Modern Brlok Bulldlne, Electrla Lights, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Room, with Hot and Cold Water. H O T E L ,C O OS , C. A, METLIN, Prop. Rates: 60 cents a Day and Upwards. Cor. Broadway and Market Marshfleld, Oregon, JMii ??