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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1911)
1 Wf.YJT--Tr i e iSl ADVERTISING In Tlio TIMES (Earn Sa Stows yill rut xour ileal Estate "In WANT ADVERTISING In Tlio TIS1E8 Will Keep the Income from YoHr Furnished I looms from Lapsing! YOU can really holp tho family revenues by renting a fow furnished rooms and, If you know how and when to use tho clnBslflcd columns, you may keep that little extra Income as "steady as n clock." ,, Market" Kf t c c 1 1 v o 1 v 1 n will put tho facts about vonr Iwolterty boforo tho eyes of all 'p08- lible buyorB" m town. And If fv.g ono of thoni who oucht tn own . you'll boII It! MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS OL XXXV Established In 1878 - The cot Man MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1 911 EVENING EDITION EIGHT PAGES A owtin f Time, const ' TT! grr ' ond Coo. Bny Ailvertisc-r. Moll No. 137 k -""gj ' Sgv4. hum imm ib unto OF FIRST DEGREE MURDER SAYS TREATY BLOCKS GJUUL iUI layer of Roy Perkins Con victed Second Time by Jury In Uoquille. NLY TWO HOURS IN REACHING DECISION lenience Will Be Pronounced Next Tuesday Likely to Be Death Punishment. (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILLE, Oro., Dec. 23 After ielng out nbout two hours this bornlng, tho jury In tho cubo of funk Garrison, on trnll for tho mur- Icr of Itoy Perkins nenr Murshflold a etr ngo laut Hiimmor, brought In n jcrdlct of murder In tho first degree This Is tho second time that GnrrI NEW ALLIANCE IS QUESTIONED t & united Mates Anxious Over British-Japanese Media tion In China. (By Associated Press to Cooa Hay TlmoB. LONDON, England, Dec. 23 Con- sldornblo curiosity has beon aroused In diplomatic circles ovor the reasons him been convicted nf limrilnr In for the proposal of Great Ilrltnln mill first dogreo, his llrat conviction Jnpnn to undertako a dual mediation i tentenco for execution having,1" v,nma u tno powers, Including tlio uniicu amies nan not decided to pro sont an Identlcnl nolo to tho confe rence now mooting at Shanghai. Tho Is morning by Judge Coko and lm- propoanl enmo from tho British gov- iedlalcly rotlrod. About 0:30, thoy eminent, acting on tho belief that :re rendy to report but Doputyl1"5 "ritisn uoiibui ni Jiankow, who wcutlng Attorney L-IIJoqvist could ,ln" Induced tho combatants to agree t bo found. After waiting fori to an nrmlstlco, might again succeed out a half hour, Judgo Coko an- ns medlntor of tho largor question. nnwil thnt tho nrosonco of tho do- It Is understood the Stnto Dopnrt- tr prosecuting nttorney would bo "nt nt Washington Is mnklng Inqul English Officials Quote Hay Pauncefoot Agreement As Phohibiting Preference to American Shipping. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) LONDON, England, Doc. 23. Tho Hny Pauncefoot treaty of 1002 be tween Great Britain and Irolnnd nnd tho United States Is quoted today as against President Taft's suggestion In his messago to Congress, Decem ber 21, thnt preferential treatment should bo accorded to American ships n ect nsido by tno urogou su (remo Court. Tho Jury was charged nbout 7:30 passing through tho Pnnnmn canal, tlio Suez canal CmiiBo 1 of Artlclo 11 of the trenty referring to tho Panama canal, which was proclaimed February 22, 1002, Is textunlly as follows: "Tho cnnnl Bhall bo freo nnd open to tho vessels of commerce nnd of wnr of all nations observing these rules, on torniB of ontlro cqunllty, so thnt 'there shall bo no discrimination against any such nation or Its citi zens or BUbJecta, In respect of condi tions or chnrges on trafflc or other wise. Such conditions and charges of trafllc shall bo Just nnd equable. ' rino rules referred to nro substnn- tlolly thoso embodied In tho conven tion of Constantinople signed Octo ber 28, 1888, for free navigation of FIFA KILLED IN STREET BUTTLE IN RHEUM TODAY FOUR-FIFTHS buKd and tho verdict rccolvcd. The verdict did not occasion much krprleo. Whilo many had boon or.- lng tho belief that Garrison ll$bt cscnpo with n second dogreo urder verdict, It Is understood thnt i majority of tho jury were for a rloB both In Japan nnd Orent Brit aln In rognrd to tho proposed British Jnpnnoso mediation. Tho rcltorntod report that tho Brltlsh-Japaneso mediation contem plated nu Inslstonco on tho monnr ehlal movement Is officially don led. it decree verdict from tho firm " wn8 Bn,d Rt tl10 foreign omco tlmt Hot. A fow Jurors hung out forltno orrorts or tlio Hrltlsli government Hcond dogreo verdict but finally ,n conjunction wun otnor powers led for tho more Bovoro ono. wo directed to assisting ciuna to Amotion for n now trlnl was mAdo'B"ro nn ofllclont form of govorn- tbe attorneys for Qnrrlson but,cnt subject to popular approval. Nge Coko overruled It and un hnccd thnt ho would pronounco ntenco on Garrison nt 3:30 next way afternoon, Judgo Coko sen sed Garrison to bo hanged nnd It paid not bo a surprise in vlow of verdict bo nc tho Bnmo. If tho ntenco would again bo death. I hi all, forty-Bcvon witnesses testl Id at tho trlnl Expect Big Panama Project Wlil Be Easily Completed Within the Next Year. By Assoclatod Press to tho Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 23 Four-fifths of tho excavation required to comploto tho Panama canal has, been done. Tho task is expected to. bo completed within the noxt year. ESCAPE WITH $850,000 GOLD WILL DEDUCE LUMBER CUT Oregon and Washington Asso ciation Mills to Run on Part Time. Manchurian Brigands Make Rich Haul by Attacking Im perial Convoy. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times.) HARBIN. Manchuria, Dec. 23. A band of Chlnoso brigands attacked today an Imperial convoy en routo to Kirln with bullion. Tho robbora carried oft $850,000. FEAR TROUBLE LAND SHOW ENDS. Tn St. Bny Boy Scouts Attend Exhibit Paul. (By Associated Press to Coos Times.) ST. PAUL, Mo., Dec. 23. Tho Boy It Is estimated tliatiSco,ltB formed tho land show today, itnl . f !. n...l.nn .., tn I'lO inm u iu uinim. ill Hi" ,....,., i. i i .i, .'.i,Jlecturo hall, J. D. Leo spoko c .'. I pnn." nml .Tninna W. .Tnnnn nn "Tho n., .. .. ... ...., ... . ... (By Irhood of $4,000 (Immediately nftor tho Garr'son was disposed of. court was ad- urned. Tho Jury trials will not be Fumed until Jnnunrv 8. but an lty term will opon January 3 Tribute to Jiiilun Coke. After bringing In tholr vordlct In tittrrlson enso. tho Jurors united a bandsomo trlbuto to Judgo Coko ino manner, in which ho nreslded the trial. It was presented in the , rm nf n i.n.H a t.i ,.i i... wn.Mi r ui ii lunur iu (i i in, mgiiou I'jf tno Jurors, ns follows: tho Hon. John S. Coko. Circuit Judgo of Coos Co., Oregon. r 8lr: We. tho undersigned, membon of jury, tako this onnortunltv of Fklng you nnd your court for th m considorntlonB of our comfort W Welfarn rtnrlnp thftf Inner trlnl. IWlshlng you and yours n Merry i"imas and a Happy Now Year, to remain Yours vory truly, ORVIL DODGE, AARON WILSON. "W. R. FOOTE, J. D. MYERS, E. O. HOWE, ALVA HUNTLEY, J. C. LETT, H. A. JOHNSON, FRANK E. WILLAUU, JAMES I. JENKINS, O. O. PRICE. H. N. TYRRELL. spoko on "Oro I HUM mm uiiiiivn v. uuiiuo i Irrigation Project of Idaho Tho Washington Stnto exhibit, partly de signed, built xnd equlppod by Mrs. W. J. Wessols, wns winner of tho cup c w PEACE DINNER Revolutionists Display Ten dency to Break Armistice and Cause Fright. (By Assoclatod fross to Coos Bay Times.) PEKIN, China, Dec. 23. In gov ernment circles thoro scorns to oo llttlo doubt thnt tho conferonco at Shanghai botwoou representatives of the Imperial govornmont nnd tho rev olutionary party will prove a failure W M y DOESN'T APPLY HKltlC. donated by tho Great Northorn Rnll-!Tj,0 rncf prevails that tho rovolu- way tor mo mosi nriisuc Konorni u- tlonnrles aro proparlng to advance to hiblt. thn north bv wnv of Ptikow which Is in their possession. TO EDUCATE CHINESE. Free Bay University Offers Scliolnrhlilps. Associated Press to Coos Times.) NEW YORK, Dec. 23 Beginning noxt year Columbia University will givo freo tuition to n limited num ber of Chlnoso students accredited by tho Now Chlncso Movement for the privilege At prosont Columbia has forty-flvo Chlneso students on tho rolls. UOAST CHICKEN and ROAST USK for Vmna nlnnor nt CoOB taurant, 150 Front Street. "ancr nio.irtn ri,i t00 t MILNER'S. LAMPS VnTinp irri xtnrar. Il raemliora nt thn T.nvnl Order 08e nrn rnniwwitail tn moat at dd Fellows hnll at 1 o'clock, rf Sunday afternopn to attend aerai of brothor A. M. Ross. CHAS. I. REIGARD, . Dictator. GLAD SON LOST JOB. Mother of Morgan Sinister Says It Is Good News. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times) WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 23. No Christmas messago could give mo more cheer than this has," said Mrs. William M. Sinister when she learn ed that her son, W. Morgan Shuster, tho young American treasurer-gon- ornl of Persia had been dismissed of his ofllco In compliance with Russia's demand. AID FOR TILLAMOOK. Mayor ' GLASS at aniiNER'S. Morrow Favors Kvpending S81 1.000 Thcro. WASHINGTON. D. C. Dec. 23. The roport of Mnjor Morrow to tho Board of Army Engineers, endorsed by Gonoral Ulxuy, recommeuas an expenditure of $814,000 for Improve ment of Tillamook Bay and bar with $50,000 for annual maintenance. It is desired to have $200,000 immedla niv nvnllnlile. the bnlanco in two years. The improvement contem plates $200,000 for a channel of 10 feet depth at Bay City. SENT TO FAMILY Two Dead and Others III In KentuckySuspect Reject- ed Suitor. (By Associated Press to the Cooa Bay - - .Jfluios) HENDERSON. Ky., Doc. 23. While tho coroner began an Inquiry into tho fatal poisoning of tho Roys tor family at Rogars last night, tho shorlff moved rapidly today by arrest ing Phillip Burns, said to bo a re jected admires of tho Royster sisters, and formerly omployod on tno ulg Royster estate Of thn persons stric ken, two aro dead. Thoy are Henry Royster, aged 18, and a negro cook. Thomas Royster nnd daughter, Loro na, aro seriously 111 but tho physi cians said they nnd other mombora of tho family will recover. Tho ruse omploved to poison tho family was accomplished, It Is believed, through beer sent tho Roysters sup posedly by a friend. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. For tho balance of tho winter, there will bo a boat at tho O'Kellyi landing that can be chartered day or night. J. A. O'KELLY, Prop. President Taft Will Be Guest of Honor at Notable New York Banquet. (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay Times.) NEW YORK, Dec. 23. Moro than fifteen hundred porsons hnvo already purchased tickets for tho poaco din ner hero noxt Saturday night. Pres ident Tnft will be tho guest of honor. Ho will como from Washington. Near ly all tho mombora of tho Cablnot nnd tholr wives nnd many ambassa dors hnvo accoptod Invltnttons. It Is stated thflt tho C. A. Smith Lumber nnd Manufactur ing company Is not n member of fho Oregon nnd Washington Association nnd consequently tho nrrnngoment to run only pnrt of the tlmo will not affect them. Tho Smith mill will cIobo down only ono dny for Christmas. It Is planned to cluso tho mill down for a couplo of wcoks somotlmo within tho noxt six montliB to mnko somo oxten slvo alterations nnd Improvements. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times) SEATTLE, ,Wash... Dec. 23 Carrying out a curtallmont plan, In tho Oregon nnd Washington wnw mills tho noxt thrco months will nvo rago 04 oporativo days oach, repre senting n total loss In production nt 034,250,000 fcot of lumbor, accord ing to a roport mado to the West Const Lumber Manufacturers' Asso ciation. , Russian Troops Seize Capital of Persia After Severe Fighting. TAKE POSSESSION OF GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS Many Private Buildings Des troyed During Bombardment, of City. (By Associated Press to Coos Ilujf Tlmos.) LONDON, England, Dec. 23. Fif ty Persians wcro killed during tho street fighting botweon tho Russian troops and Persians In Tabriz, ac cording to official telegrams from Teheran. Tho Russians hnvo occu pied nil tho govornmont ofllccs, ns well as tho telegraph stations. Thoy bombarded tho governor's pnlaco and demolished many prlvnto buildings with artillery fire. M y STILL ALIVE TODAY. FEAK AN OUTBREAK. to l! t ' J Goldie Bestscott's Victim May Survive for Weeks Woman Still In Jail. LOYAL TO WOMAN. Yostordny nftornoon whon Coroner Fred. Wilson attempt- od to got nt nnto-mnrtom stnto- mont from Clias. Murray, ho absolutely refused to glvo any ovldonco against Goldlo Bests- cott. Ho politely told tho ofll- clnl of his past llfo and relations but would hot ovon hint nn an- cusatton agaliiBt tho woman who Is alleged to ltavo fatally wound- 4 ed him ns n result of Joalousy. Thoro Is very llttlo chnnco In tho A CHRISTMAS LESSON FOR ALL. condition of Charley Murray, tho Tho following letter, which wns bartender, who wns shot on North voluntarily and kindly sent us by Mr. Front street Thursday afternoon by nnd Mrs. A. C. Gnbornacho, Is solf- Goldlo Bcstscott. If anything, ho hi Revolutionists Show Disposition Break Armistice. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) NANKING, China, Doc. 23. Tho present temper of tho rovolutlonnry troops horo gives ground for fear thnt tho nrmlstlco now existing may bo broken nnd thnt a sorlous w countor mny occur In tho territory north of Pukow. 0 CARVING SETS at MILNER'S. SU1S THREE Unknown Black Kills Two and Fatally Wounds Third at Nelson, B. C. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) NELSON, B. C, Doc. 23. Jack Gould and Caleb Barton aro dead and Albert Bolton Is dying ns a result of tho attompted hold-up of a saloon hero today by an unidentified hogro. Tho negro asked for $20 and when rofused, shot tho thrco men. No traco of the slayer Is obtainable. MORSE NEAR DEATH. New York Banker Convict In Critical Condition, (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmos.) ATLANTA, Gn., Doc. 23 Chas. W. Morso, tho Now York bankor, must regain his freedom within a very short tlmo or ho will die, ac cording to a roport proparod and sent to Washington following u confe rence of the physicians. LIBRARY NOTICE. explanatory Marshflold, Or., Dec. 22, '11. I. S. Kaufman & Co., Marshflold, Oregon, Dear Sirs: Wo aro highly ploascd with tho promptness and honesty with which you hnvo dealt with ub in tho flro Insuranco you sold us In tho Llvorpool & London & Globo In suranco Co. Wo recelvod tho full amount of tho policy oxactly ton days after tho loss of our homo by fire. Wo nro vory thnnkful at tho eve of Christmas to hnvo tho relief thus afforded by rollablo flro Insurance. Christmas will now bo a bright day for us, owing to your diligent way of serving your cllonts. Wo especially urge all who do not have Insuranco to got It nt onco; for If wo had not had any, our despair would bo hopeless. Wo novor thought of losing our homo In so frightful a manner. Wo thought when wo bought Insuranco from you that wo were foolish; now wo think people who do not Insuro aro taking a Ulg clianco or losing many years- labor In a fow minutes, Yours very truly, MR. and MRS. A. C. GABERNACHE, Tho Marshflold Public Library will bo closed Christmas Day. White and gold CHINA DINNER WARE at MILNER'S. BUYS LAND AT LOS MOLINOS. A. E. Poison, a formor resldont of Coos Bny who sold his ranch hero ro- contly and romovod to California, has purchased thirty acres of bottom In ml In tho Sacramento Vnlloy at Lob Mo linos, Tho Lob Mollnos Land com pany, from whom ho made' his pur chase, Is under tho samo manage ment as tho Reynolds Development company of this city and W. F. Mo Eldowney Is tho agent for these Irri gated lands. Mr. Poison is now building n horn? on his land. Ho IntondB to engago in fruit-growing and dairying. a llttlo wcakor and tho prospects of his recovery nro slight. Tho oporatlon proposed ns a pos slblo reltot for tho paralysis result ing from tho Injury to tho spinal cord by tho bullet was not performed yestorduy. Murray was In doubt about having it dono, owing tottho physlclnns not being nblo to promise him doflnltoly thnt rollof would ou suo. Thon, too, his lungs woro 'n poor condition to recolvo an anaiw thotlc. Tho oporatlon will probably bo nocformed Inter If his condition will pormlt. If ho rocovors, It will bo llttlo short of miraculous. If complica tions do not sot In, ho may survlvo for somo llttlo time. Kllll In Jnll. Goldlo Destscott. Murray's nssall- nnt, Is still confined In Jail. Doputy Prosecuting Attorney Llljeqvlst wai expected horo today from Coqulllo to tnko tho manor up but did not como. C. F. McKnlght, who has beon ro talned to defend tho woman, was do cldedly Irritated ovor tho non-up pearanco of Mr. Llljeqvlst as ho, do clared It was not right to keophnr confined In tho city Jnll without ovon a chnrgo being preferred against hnr. Nothing now has dovolopod In tho case. Tho Destscott woman' lms 'U- "It's tho samo old story and tho samo ending of thoso who troad tho nrlmroso path," remarked n local man today who Is moro or leas Mml llnr with the circumstances of thn crime. PATRONIZE popular ten cont DANCE I. O, O, F. SATURDAY nlght.Frout Street. Thoro is nothing moro PLEASING or approprlato for your FRIENDS on CHRISTMAS than a flnoly finished PORTRAIT of yourdolf. Lqt U3 MA1CE It for you nnd wo aro cer tain thnt tho result will PLEA8H both tho giver nnd tho ono who re ceives It QUATERMASS STUDIO, m A In 'ill