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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1911)
r""! "f -; A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE IfANT ADVERTISING in Tho TIMK8 Will Put 1'our Itcnl Estnto "In tho Mnrkct" Kffoctlvolyt It will put tho fncta nbout your oroporty boforo tho oycs of nil "pos llblo buyers" In town. And If there's ono of thorn who ought to own It. you'll soil It! OI0OS Saw Stmfcs WANT ADVERTISING In TI10 TIMHS Will Keep tho Income from Your Furnished Rooms from lapsing! YOU can really holp tho family revenues by renting a fow fumlahod rooms and, If you know how and when to use tho classified column, you may keep that llttlo extra income na "steady ns n clock." MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS j0L XXXV Established In 1878 MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1'911t-EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times. Const Mni) -a and Coos Uny Advertiser. na Tho Const Mall No. 138 TWENTY REPORTED KILLED IN BATTLE IN OLD 110 Large Number Are Slain In Engagement Between Ru- ralcs and Rebels. MAY BE FIRST CLASH IN NEWJEVOLUTION Long Expected Revolution In Southern Republic About to Materialize. tVa 8000 01 BBOJJ pOUOOSflV U) 'eoaitx tM. To... Doc. 25 Twcntv oro reported to havo killed In n fight between tho Iturnlcs and tho rcbola according to ndvlccs from Colonla Dtililnn. ny Bomo, tins cinsn is ueiinevcu to v.. imnn (tin flrnt (if Mm nmv rev- I oluton wheh litis boon throntcfiliiB In Mexico lor mo iobi iow iuuuuih. The now rovolutlon Is nlleged to liavo been Inspired by formor Vlco-pros-ident Itoyes who wbb arrested In Snn Antonio for violating tho noutrnllty lftWB. .A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU- Chamber of Commerce Takes Matter Up With Engineers and Congressmen. Tho Mnrshllold Chamber of Com merce Is leaving no stono unturned to sectiro enrly action by tho govern ment to secure tho reconstruction of the North Jetty. It has tho matter up with tho congressmen and engin eers nnd Prcsldont McCormnc Is still hopeful of securing something lit tho present session of congress. 8o far ns Dr. McCormnc wns per sonally nblo to nscortaln from Major Mnrrmv. tlm Portland onKllieors' of- flco at this tlmo did not doslro to ro commend nnythlng furthor tlinn n tiAiv oiii-v.iv nf t lut lmr to nscertnln just whnt will bo neeoasnry to soouro tho desired depth of water on It. Jlajor Morrow Intimated that If tho Ilnnnln nf Hnna llnv WOtlld KlinrMlteO fifty per cent, or oven twonty-Ilvo per cent of tho cost of reconstructing tho Jetty, It would probably greatly faci litate tho reconstruction 01 mo jui- Tho ldon of Cooa Hny having to bear part of tho oxpenso of tho Jetty work besides aiding In tho Improve ment of tho Inner harbor Is not ac ceptable to some It Is pointed out (hut ti.n rrtttniiiniit la flnlnir nil tho ! bar and Jetty work on tho Columbia river without nny aid irom mo im plo thoro nnd up to n fow yean ago whan .o unr nf Pnrtinm! was form ed did tho Inner harbor work with-, out asalatnnco front tho local poopiu. Dr. McCormao laid tho wnoio moi ter boforo tho Oregon dolegatlon In Cnnirrnn nnmrrnasmall HaWloy'B responso wob tho most definite of any ami Imllnninil n Rtrnntror dcalro to do something. Ho wired ns follows: "Havo made inquiry in person hi. offlco of chief of engineers rolntlvo to tho proposed bridging of Coos Bay and was informed that no permit to build such bridge had ueon grwuuu nnrl tl,n i,nrni.i. nnv nrHnn is taken. full hearing will bo given, that nil interested may bo heara. wnuii went over tho bnr during my visit. I lin.lnrulnn.1 tl.n n til nil nnd KtatOIIlOIK . -..v. aivuu limb ! " . i were to bo propared and sont mo roi- atlvo to tho rebuilding 01 uio w" Jetty nnd tho movement of tho cur- tAttta T nntA tnnm VfifV mUCll. I have" taken tho matter up with tho engineers hero and if tho engineer Of thn Ttnrtlnn.l nOlpn will rPCOninielld repair and reconstruction of tho North Jetty as necessary wo may bo .able to secure an appropriation for this purposo upon a favorable ro commondntlon of tho chief of on- etnfcnt.0 lint nnilnn TTIllKt lift TirOmPt. Can you take this matter up with Major Morrow or Major Mclndoo? No report from tho Portland office on the repairs or reconstruction of tho Jetty appears to bo on file hero, at least no recent report. Wlro mo im mediately my oxpenso." Senator Bourne's Letter. Senator Chamberlain In acknowl edging tho letter promises to do ovo mhlng ho possibly can. Sonator Bourno in his lettor says: "I am In receipt of your letter 01 December 12th Informing me of your conversation with Major Morrow re garding additional appropriations for Coos Bay, particularly for the prs rvatIon of tho north Jetty nnd for JETTY Will IS BEING UDGED (Continued on page 2.) .-A MERRY CIIHISTMAH TO YOU- DROPS THREE KTOHIEH; CALLS "TAKE A DltlNK" (Hy Associated Press.) SAN FItANCISCO, Cal., Dec. 25 After falling from tho $ mini story window last night, Edward Futroll. who ntvlns himself tho light-weight chain- v j)ioii Hnwnllnn, arose and In- vlted tho witnesses to his fall to Join him In n drink. TO Special Election to Be Held There In February to Decide Question. GARDINER. Oro., Dec. 2C. Plans for holding n special election hero In February to arrange for In corporating tho town nro being mndc by J. E. Schilling, W. F. Jowett nnd other prominent residents of Gnrdi nor. It Is understood that thoy hnvo tho necessary petitions drafted they will probably bo nctcd on by The Douglas county commissioners nt their meeting in llosobtirg enrly In Jtinunry. Tho question of Incorporating was submitted n year or so ago' but was dofentcd then owing, It was unders tood, to tho prohibition question en tering Into It. With tho likelihood of grent rail road activities hero noxt spring and tho necessity of tho many ndynntngos accruing to nn Incorporated town, most of the lending cltlzons horo are now understood to favor incorporat ing ns soon as possible A MKItllY CHRISTMAS TO YOl- MURRAY IS BAD Man Shot by Goldie Bestscott Has Not Recovered Suffi cient For Operation. Tlmrn In lit tin or no tiorceiltlblo chungo 111 tho condition of Chns. Mur ray, tho bartondor who was shot on North Front street a fow dnys ago by CJoldlo Bostscott. Ho Is resting fu rlv ensv at Mercy Hospital out shows no Improvomont. Whethor ho will linprovo suniciont ly to permit nn oporatlon which af fords tlio only ennnco oi his escap ing iinrnlvclo If IiIh Ufa should bo spared, Is very doubtful. Tho chnn- ces nro ngnlnst ins recovory. C. F. McKnlght, who Is to defend tho Destscott woman, has been nd vlsnil (tint Dnnutv Prosnciltlnt! Attor- noy LUJoqvist will bo horo from Co qulllo Wednesday to look Into tho case. Whether sho will havo her preliminary hearing Wednesday pro bably dopends on tho dovqlopments in Murray's condition. It Is not lIKeiy that anoinor ortori win tin nmdn to havo Murray make nn nnte-mortom stntomont of the shoot ing. Friday, ho would )iot glvo Coroner Wilson nny statoment rela tive to tho shooting or mo causes that lead up to it although willingly iravo all other Information desired about himself. A peculiar senso of loyalty to tho woman probably caus i him tn nnnl his Una so far as any accusation against her. Tho absence of such a statement, in caso oi .hur ray's death, would havo a tendency to weaken tho prosecution of tho wo man for tho crlmo. GIVEN LIHEHTY. Owing to tho delay in filing char- mu .ntrtilnnf Dnldlo Destscott. wllO has been glvon partial liberty. Sho Is no longer confined In tho city Jail but Is now occupying a room at tbo Coos hotel. No special omcor is guarding her but close watch Is kept over her. She has glvon her promise not to mane an uuun m get away. C. F. McKnlght and Deputy Prose cuting Attornoy Llljeqvlst had quite a tilt over the long distance phone over her detontlon Saturday night. Murray had a had any at tno nos nltnl vesterday. -A MEKKY CHIUSTMAS TO YOl'- Servh-es Saturday Tho funeral CI Mrs. Myrtlo Johnson Saturday aft ernoon from tho Wilson Chapel wai largoly attended. Rev. H. I. Kqt ledgo officiated. Tho pall bearers ...o woainv smith. Alva Doll. Rob ert Lang. Alfred Matson, Will Lynch and Herman Smlthgall. .A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO Y01'4 4 ui'iiiiv rilltlfiT.MAS TO Y0U4- GARDNER INCORPORATE GOND 0 OF A BIERRY OHIUST3LS TO YOL- A Christmas cal witlr-v :nicrry JinglcfP5 church bells sctp jthc ah atinglc7whiic) f ' L,withr"ythcsc thcCdoor? ' bclls--J mingle r- - - nnf .score. "r rhercs orttrrt ao Wl WWUlif UJ f fare meeting i Aol Christmas fleeting as the clocks P strike o'er and ocrj shriekinprshrillv. 'life's noti stifii he makes altemFfswto drovii J? but illy SXsounds of guns dZ t There's the squeak of squawK dl JJollics polJy, vlaughtc.rjc;ljy Irom thisJjappy Wzf l--madcbyrdittlc girls and boys tsone thaiN s rpcttcg Jnan all toys isi morcT" good , cheer Hit'. r.'M 1 (of mothc r about out as she calls , we're itchin'l "Come to I i dinner 1" through thedoor.' MERRY CHRISTMAS ON GODS 'BAY Business Practically Suspend ed Here For Christmas Holi day Today Many Celebra tions. Seldom if over has Micro been n nioro marked colobratlon of Christ mna on Coos Iluv thnn this year. Uosldesho special services sn tho churches, special Christmas oxor- clses wore hold by many other organ izations and family gatherings brought morrlness unboumlod to all. Tho speclnl sorvlces In tho chur- dies this morning woro largely at tended as woro tho services yostorday which savored of tho great anniver sary of Christendom. The High Mass at midnight nt the Marshflold Catholic church last ovo ulng brought forth nn attendant that crowded oven standing room in tho church. Tho edlflco was hand somely and npproprlatoly decorated for tho service Besides this, tno special musical program attracted many non-Catholics. Early Morning Service. Christmas Day was celebrated in tho old, accustomed way In tho Swedish Lutheran church this morn ing nt an early sorvlco known ns "Jul otnn". Rev. Dongtson conduct ed the sorvlco, which was qulto woll nttended. Sm-dlsli-EJniilsh Colobratlon. Practically tho wholo Swedlsh-Flun nonulntlon of Marshfleld assembled In tho Finnish hall on Central avenuo last evening for n genoral Christmas celebration In true old country style. Tho celebration, which has becomo an annual institution all Its own, was held by genoral consent, In the oro nnmtion of which everybody ontorod with vim nna aiacruy. aim wiwun GETS BBIOE AS "Champion Bronco Buster" Manz Married Massachusetts-Girl Sunday. By Associated Press to tha Coos Bay Times.) BOSTON, Mass., Dec. 25. Burt R. Manz of Walla Walla, Wash., claiming to bo tho "champion bronco buster of tho northwest," was mar ried hero yesterday to Miss Ida Stone, daughter of Mrs. Fannie Walker cr Brighton. Manz won the title of "Champion Bronco Buster" at Pen dleton last year, . lipiiiiv rtuniSTMAS Tfl YOU- UA MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU- -A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOr- A -MERRY CHRISTMAS TO VOUf- MS PRESENT Tree Talk. bcll8?B in afsyncopatcd- tnc sound 7 --ol haoDV a ' - nriiii'infniAA UWUUU11JIU11L1.3 there's the knclP f Johnnies trumpets' Philio'sS. drum and that outsiceT" roe Mollic's dolly, and -thc r and the scrcamscr "of n it holds in storci Tis the sound pitchin' things I tn the kitchen' (she knows ovorybody thoreforo could unreser vedly enjoy. Mr. Alex Johnson nctvd as mnstor of ceromoulos. A varied program of singing, music, recitation nnd speech-making occu pied uho hotter part of tho bvoulug. When, finally Interest contored n round tho huge Christmas treo. Pre sents woro now distributed to all. Tho aiuusemout, tho spirit of Joy an J foatlvonoss boenmo altogether gen eral niiu ii. u uvuuuig was u iuumi pleasant ono throughout. Just as tho presents woro being distributed right and left, word was passed around at shortly boforo 1 o'clock In tho morning, Mint tho wife of tho Janitor of tho Hull, Mr. Ed ward Johnson, had given birth to a girl baby. So unturally, Mr. John- sou considered that ho received tho best present of all. Socialists' Xmiis Tree. Tho Finnish Socialist Society of Marshflold eelobrated Xmas ovo with a festival nnd Christmas treo nt tho Socialist Hall on Front street Mast evening. A lengthy and var'nd program of music, singing nnd reel- tntlon was rendered, all in tho Fin nish language, except somo romarkB towards tho end of tho program by somo English speaking socialist mem bers who arrived lato. Tho fcaturo of tho ovenlng was tho distribution of presents to tho numerous children and nearly all tho adults present. The most enjoyed number of tho pro gram was probably tho reading of n comlo animal papor, written for ho occasion. Tho address of tho cvo nlng was mado by Chas. Hoffron. It was a thoroughly enjoyed colobratlon ond ns nearly lko ono In tho old country ns circumstances would per mit, and lasting from eight till aftor twolvo o'clock. -A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOt'- PROVES FATAL Henry Milne, Bartender, Suc cumbs to Bullet Wounds by Another Bartender. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASCO, Ore,, Deo. 25. Henry Mllnn. n bartender, died today as u result of injuries received last Sat urday night in a quarrel witn uui. Stevens, also a bartender, In which Stevens shot Milne. Thore woro r.o witnesses. Stevens claims self-defense, .A MKItllY CHRISTMAS TO YOI'- Ua MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU- .A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOUf- Lii f PlllfV rrilllKTMAH TO YOIT. .A MERRYCHRISTMAS TO YOV- I i WASCO QUARREL L TO -A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOl- HONOR AUTHOR OF GREAT X.MAS l'OEM (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK. Dec. 25. Upon tho grnvo of Clement C. Moore, who wroto " 'TwnB Tho Night Boforo Christmas," n holly wreath, was placed today by hundreds from the Sunday School of tho Church of tho Intercession. A brief prayer and tho singing of a Christmas carol and hymn nt tho gravo completed tho ceremony. -A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU4- California Woman Willing to Pay What Marshfield Gets Free. HORN. JOHNSON To Mr. nnd Mrs. John Edward Johuson nt their homo in West Mnrflhllold, Monday, Decem ber 25, n daughter. Mother nnd child nro getting nlong nicely, and both parents aro enjoyed over tho gift of all gifts to mako their Christmas n most merry ono. -A .MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU- WILDON To Mr. nnd Mrs. R. II. Wlldou nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. I). B. Hampton In West Marshflold, Sunday ovenlng, Do combor 24,' uu olovon nnd ono half pound son, Chostor Rhodes Wlldon, "It'B tho finest gift Mint Santa Claus had In his pack," do dared tho proud fathor today. -A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOl'O- SAN FRANCISCO, Doc. 2 1 If tho quest In San Francisco of Mrs. II. A. James, wlfo of n wealthy business mnu In Mondoclno county, Is success ful, her husbund will find n flno bouncing bnby boy, obta'nod by adop tion or purchase, in his stocking; or, to bo cxtict, In n wicker basket trim med In baby bluo, when ho nwnkes ChrlEtmas morning. Proparod, as sho said, to buy or adopt n baby boy with bluo oyoH and fair hair, Mrs. James arrived horo ,ono mo(rnlng last w)k. 'At tho Ferry building bIio sought Informn t'on nt thn pollco bureau as to whoro sho might negotlato for tho bnby. "I want to buy, borrow or adopt n baby," sho bogan. "Porhaps you can toll me how I might go about It." Although tho sorgeant In chargo of tho Ferry station Is a man who has had wldo oxnerlenco in pollco matters nnd has met various persons from various points of tho world -nt tho city's portnls, ho admitted frank ly Mint tho question hnd him stump ed. Ho npponled to his brothor of ficers to holp him out of his dllom na, and thoy In turn referred to tho pages of tho tolephono directory. After n consultation tho sorgeant directed her to tho San Francisco Nursery for Homoloss chlldron, whither sho wont, prepared to nego tlato for tho baby, Mrs. James said that sho had often talked tho mat tor of tho adoption of a baby with hor husband and that sho -wns acting with his full consont, although ho did not know that hor visit to Snn Fran cisco would tako tho form of this unlquo Christmas shopping. .A .MERRY CHRISTMAS TO lOU. OLDEST T ARE 93 TODAY Four Generations Will Help Aged Brothers Celebrate Un usual Event In Louisiana (By Associated Press to tbo Coos Bay Times.) NEW YORK, Dec. 25. Today is tho nlnoty-thlrd birthday of tho old est twins In tho United 8tafes, Sam uel and William Muncy of Ration, L. I., four generations will holp them colobrato tholr Natal day and Christ mas. A .MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOL- NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. For tho balance of tho winter, there will bo a boat nt tho O'Kclly landing that can be chartered day or night. J. A. O'KELLY, Prop. M M a BUY BABY AS IAS PRESENT! W S Take Prisoner From Jail and Execute Him Without Offi cers' Knowledge., NO CLUE LEFT BY PERPETRATORS OF DEED Trivial Quarrel Over Pool Game Leads to Shooting and Lynching. (By Associated Pross to Coos Ra Times.) BALTIMORE, Doc. 21) King Dav Is, tho negro, who Saturday night shot nnd killed Frederick A. Schwab nt Fnlrllold, was taken from tho Brooklyn, Mil., Jail onrly today by a mob and wns choppod to death wjth a hatchet. Tho lynching wns conducted with! secrecy, tho town authorities having no inkling or It until Chief of Pollco Irwin was notified by a nowspapor carrier who found tho body as ho de livered his papers. No guard waa kept at tho jail at night nnd thoro la no cluo to tho perpetrators of tho deed. Tho front door of tho Jail wa ofund to hnvo been burst opun and tho lock had been cut off tho door of. the cell In which Dnv's wns confined. The trouble which caused tho shooting starting In n saloon In Fair field over n gnmo of pool botweon Frank Schwab, a brothor jof tha dead mnn, nnd Davis. Schwab claimed tho negro called him vllo names. Af tor thq party loft tho saloon, Freder ick Schwab took up tho brothor'a qunrrol with Davis who drew n pistol and Bont n bullet through Schwab's henrt. Davis fired Two bullets nt. Frank Schwnb but mlssedi 'Tho no gro wns nrrcsted nnd claimed self dofeiiBo. .A MKRRY CHRISTMAS TO YOl'-, ON COOS BAY Special Programs and Gather ings Mark Yuletidc Many Attend Services. The Christmas holiday is bolng generally obsorvod in Mnrshllold to day, Somo of the biiBlnoss hoiucs woro open this morning to onablo tho lato Christmas shoppers to get thulr presents nnd provldo for tho dny. This nfternoon, prnctlcally every Btorn will bo closod. Tho stores genorally roport tho largest Christmas business In their history. Tho shopping was distribut ed over a longer period of tlmo this year Minn usual. Thursday was n big day, Friday not qulto so good .mil Saturday tho bannor day of all. Ono retail storo in Marshflold did orer $1,500 business Saturday nlono, tho largest business In Its history, Asldo from tho Christmas tioe.i nnd Christinas exercises tn tho chur ches and elsowhoro, tho Christmas crowds aro finding plonty of diver sion. With shows at tho Masonla Opora Hoiiko and tho moving pic turo houses nnd tho Coos Bny Con cort band's danre nt tho Eagles' hull tonight nil aro finding plonty of di version. Many Strangers Hero. Tho largest number of strangora Is congregated in Marshflold to spend Christmas that has ovor gath ered horo. Tho majority of thorn aro employes of tho various logging camps throughout tho county. Saturday night and Inst night, many had difficulty In obtaining sleeping quarters. In fact, Saturday night somo did not securo rooms buc tn their Christinas exuberance it mattered llttlo to thorn whoro thoy, slont. Tho hotols, rooming and lod- glng houses woro full both nights. Despite the unusual amount of colobratlng, tho crowds genorally; woro orderly. A numbor of arrests woro mndo for Intoxication but no porloua quarrels markod tho oventu. -A MKRRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU4 CHKISTMAB PLUM PUDDING CORVALLIS, Ore., Dec. 21. How to mako a ChrlBtmns plum pudding ia told by Miss Keren DavlB of Port land, a sonlor mombor of tho Domes tie sclonro department nt tho Orogon Agricultural College, In an artlclo on "Christmas Cookies and Plum Pud dings" In tho December Orogon Coun tryman. Tho Ingredients, wliicli aro to bo combined in the order glvon nnd steamed for four hours, aro aa follows: 3 eggs, 3 cups of flour, 1 cup chopped suet, Vt cup candled lemon, 1 cup each of molasses unci sweet milk, 1 teaspoon each of soda and Bult, 1 cup of citron, one-third teaspoon spices, 1 cup raising, 2 tea spoons cream tartar, 1 cup currans, l cup orown sugar. A .MERRY CHRISTMAS T0 YOUf C w B K V . "" " . jrttfMJi- K. "ST T4'JVeAA.ii'. aMK5X323j3BBd , irw em, wit jaj