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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1911)
'OUR SHAVING GLASS WILL TELL YOU WHO YOU SHOULD BLAME IT ON Wast aivkUtising f Th times " .4 ....- II.... I !....... .,.. )IH ' lu "" iiisiuiu "ill ,!. Market" Ef f c 1 1 v o 1 y ! It will P"t tlio fiictn about your iropertr ueroro uio ojoh iji nil -nog-!lble buyora" ,n " And If ,i,,re' ' of t,H'1" w,1 oBlU to STlt, you'll toll Ul (&nm lag oTtms MKMHEH OP A8SOU1.U El) I'ltlCSM WANT ADVERTISING In TlioTIMBg Will Keep tho Income from Your KtmiMirtl ltooms from lapsing! YOU cnn renlly holp tho family revenues by renting n few turnlahod rooms -nnd, If you know how nnd when to use tho classified columns, you tuny keep Hint llttto extra Income nn "rtcady ns a clock." VOL XXXV KMflbllslicd In 1H78 n Tho Count Mali MABSHFIELD, OREGON SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1911 EVENING EDITION, EIGHT PAGES. AYS EM) MO GERMANY ML L BE ST iH VERY SBOI FATHER SHOOTS SOS 10 SELF A Consolidation of Tliura. Const Mall and Coos IJny Arivenlvcr. No. 131 L Norton Griffiths, Conser vative Member of Parlia ment, Makes Prophesy AYS BANKERS PUT STOP 10 IT FIRST leclares That Prospect of Con flict Caused. Canada to Reject Reciprocity. h; Associated Press to Coos liny I iuib. i XEW YORK, Dec. 10. John Nor- a Orlfflths, conservntlvo member of t Pnrllnmont, wlio hnH Just nrrlv- KING Mi Samuel P. Ayers, Despondent' rC8ldcntofnos,in'Bliotnndrolmb,y ninn I ncc nf r fatally wounded his son In n hotel u,v" k-UOO Ul Will, UllUUld I IICI'U tnilnv nllil Ihnn n.imtiiltln.t mil. cldo. No cause for tho shooting Is assigned unless Its bnsls wnB n rc mrtrk yesterday that ho had lost hla "wife nnd 1ms nothing to Hvo for,' ami decided to kill his twenty-yenr oldon and himself. Tho son Ih se riously but perhaps not fntnllv Inlur- cu. Tragedy In Los Angeles Ho tel Today. (Hy Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) I.OS ANGELES. Cnl.. Doc. If. , SamueMAyors, until recently n UNITEO STATES 10 RUSSIA 01 VERGE OE SERIOUS TJ IS M1ESTED;ortie M'MMIGAL MAYBE RELEASED Geo. Barton, who Fled From worth Bend Officer. Recap ' tured Last Evening. George Morton, who eluded Mnr- siinj I'oto Anderson of North Monti I from tho Canndlnn northwest, last week nnd escaped, waB recap-1 .. (lint u'ltliln tlin nnyf nlr vnnra tni.wl lout ti. . I Confederate Of McNamaraS hrldges, viaducts, derrlckB and bulld- Whose Confession Secured ,nB8 hntl bccn wrecked y iynnmiw Their Conviction May Be nnd n,tros,'rcopno woro today taken Granted Freedom. REH FIGHT I. ELECTNIi Opponents of Port of Myrtle Point Now Seek Another Injunction There. Sulzer Resolution to Abrogate Treaty on Account of Jews the Cause. NO GAItMISOX JUItY. COQUILLE, Ore., Doc. 1C 4 At 1 o'clock, tho Jury for tho 4 Gnrrlson enso had not been so- FORMAL PROTEST IS MADE BY THE CZAR Expected Senate to Recede ' From Severe Language of Resolution of House. (My Associated Press to Cooa Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. O., Dec. 10. Mecauso of tho protost by tho Rus sian ambassador to Taft against tho langitago In tho submission of tho resolution to nbrognto tho treaty ot 1SH2 with Hussla, It was reported to day tho Scnato would pass olthor before tho federal grand Jury. They woro pnrt of tho ovldonco In tho gov- xi that within tho next six years tured last nlcht. Iinrfnn wna fmm.i ' (Dy Asaociutud PrnsH to c.nna nut , ernmont's Investigation of tho dyrv- kKlsntl and Qormnny wIM bo at war hidden In tho basement of thob ulld-' Times i mlto C0Il8I,,rncy nnl wee gnthorcd by id all Europe win reel tlio crfects mg occupied by the Grand Snloon LOS ANGELES Cal Dec 10 ' unuorr n uotcctlvo omploy- tho conflict. which is near tho building occupied Sheriff Hammol said todnv that Or- c-(l by tho Nnt,on,l, Erectors Associa te .nndo this nronhocy without by tho rcnttiurant conducted bv Unr- ?," , il"TJ,B ..(i...,a1u.,nl ". tlons. Dndorf Investigated more than locations and ho said that recog- 'o's parcntB. I ,,'', , ,,,.", ...,i- V ono hundred explosions, boglnnl'ng cured and it lojked ns though It Monday or Tucsdnv n modified ma- don of tho fact that sooner or later , Barton returned to town yesterday Boluto nBaurnco .- dvon thnt thn wUh tn0 ono nt M,llors Fills.. Mass., I might bo Monday or Tuesday olutlon. Tho mntter was discussed ogland and Germany must meet In frm tho woods whora ho had been confeS8",i dynamltor and accomnllco Ln 1?05, ftnd conl,nnB down until! boforo It would be. It Is lasting nt a special Cabinet mooting today ..Met was ono of tho reasons that ?"? flnco his escape. It Is intl- TthtSZhK 1C- 10"' when dynnmlto longer than was expected. attended by KnoxVlckorsham. Mao mdlans dofentod reciprocity In " "-" V lins tried to got rctHrncd wUhout extradition nro- w round nnaor brldgo near Santa v-vvvv Veah, Mycr and Nnglo. .recent election. " Rlv- ' "c" "IJ nnBWor Sfn i l '"jtuatlon, howovo ftnrn' "l Jt hoforo (Special to Tho Times.) The modified resolution will nbro- Tho peoplo of Canada," said Grlf- thli U.ft tl o "tin" wn mI"' may bo cleared by tho rS Iobbo of J?5 Tnft B BpcdnI trn,n I,as8C(I- COQUILLE, Ore. Dec. 10.- Tho gate tfio treaty as effectually as tho lit, "realized In their olcctlon thnt iV..tV,. '....,". "i1. W"B. R".n t0 t10 m, t,ta nwn ,.BBi,nM i.w Special nttontion was given to tho 'fight of tho peoplo of tho lower Co- House resolution, but It will loav. farcravor problom tlmn trndo co- ..,., ,. "," .... i nB l0 w,lcro " thn ntntn miMinrin0. nlnn of John J. MoNnmnrn in tmvn'Valloy against tho Port of Myrtlo out tho long recitals of tho Hours Itr with tho United Stntcs con- ti,, .,',, ,.., ..,... i , ii i...w ,.. Point wns renowed todny when n now document, csnocially nbout Russia (anion" tf-etn nnd that problem wns wiinro ,, wm ,, ,',',,, T . ....' Much Evldencn fllvpn I in fnr nniin.i nw,, ti,i i" application for nn Injunction to pro- having vlolntcd tho torms of tha ebrlnelng togothor of tho English tnit nfiiiiiini. inr.i rmn k. i., i mv Anniiiiiinii irii m i,ma tinr ! ,im,n , ...i v.. i,..t. . vont tho holding of a special election treaty, ..!. In nll.. nr.n. It . '..'' "" .""" V"'" V,u ."""'ol""? " ' .. " ' ' "" "" l""' "1 "UUWW I.U nn Tllna.lnw n l.l1. !.- . l TU ....l- . . v", ' 7 ,7" """" "- itinno, onicinis. whero ho Is wnntctl nmcs.j show thnt porsonB othor than thouo 7 , i """"'"-"""'' " BH"1" . l"'Ml'uri uoorKu- ce of a war which would soon for breaking Jail whllo serving son- INDIANAPOLIS. Intl., Dec. 10. already known woro Implicated In tho , V ,' bo votc'1 on by rcsl Hnkhmotnff, cnllcd nt tho Whlto S ta ice KltCn 1110 OXISienCO 0 tllO mother tenco for lnrronv. I In nvurntnil ntlllillnn nf lllintnL'l-nnlln nlinwllif. dnn Mvnn.nltlnn. L... ..:..:.. . " . . --.. - - .-,............ ,.-., u,M,,,,.,nl uoa. , Hint tlio Itinno oil cm Is will como hero onmtns sniti. -tiio wunio ncrmnn to tako Darton bnck. tlon Is peoklng n wnr with ub at err turn of tho road and when a aaaaaaaaaa tale nation Is hohlntl n thing thoro SAYS IMtOW.V WILL nothing to Btop It. Tho bnnkors ME CANDIDATE AGAIN pped n wnr at tho tlmo of tho re- (Special to Tho Times.) at crlBla. but wnr wns very ncnr PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 10 J tho bankers cannot always stand This mornlng'B Portlnnd Oro- tbe way of n whqlo peoplo,!' IIAKKIl POST ELECTS M Hay (. A. It. Dlvlnlon ChtHisea ew tmifft-M This week At tho annual nicotine of Maker 'Bit, G. A. It., tho following' onicera rechoten for tho ensuing yenr: Commander S. IJ. Catlicnrt. Stwor'crcommaidor W. E. iorp. Junior VlcO'Coniinnndor S.. Miller fiorgoon C. w. Towor. CnipalnI. S. Knufmnn. Ofllcer of tho Day Geo. Dlood gonlan says, "Goorgo M. Hrown has concluded to hecomo a can tlldnto for re-election nB district nttnrney for tho fifth successive 4 term. : LOVE LEADS TO STRANGE DEED Mr. Mrown Is now at CoqiiIUo attending circuit court. The nn- nnuncemont of his cnndldncy 4 comes ns n ntirprlRo ns It wan 4 roportcd hero that ho would 4 step asldo and fnvor tho candl- 4 Mrs. Edna Robinson of Port land Attempts Suicide Under Peculiar Gonditions.' (My Assoclntntl Press to Coos Hay Times.) CHICAGO, 111., Doe. 10. White ' wwwwwo r wTnryi HIGT SCHOOL CLUBS MEET Coos Countv Association Ar ranges For Oratorical Con tests to Be Held. tsO- aonts or tho uppor vnlloy. Ycstor- Houso today formnllv nrotostodi day, Judgo Coke denied tho nppllca- against tho proposed abrogation ot tlon for tho Injunction mndo In tho tho treaty of 1832 with Tlussla on nnnia of II. J. McKcown 'of Marsh- tho ground that ouch action would - fluid. Today's application cites that bo Inconsistent with tho lonir frlnnri- I It Is wrong for tho wholo county to ship which hns existed between tho - uuiiuy uiu uail-iibo oi mo election iwo nations. nnd nlso thnt tho proposed port Is When ho reached tho Whlto Houso.. not on n river or bay navlgablo from tho ambassndor wnB nt onco prcsont tho ccn. Residents of tho proposed ed to President Tnft who callod Sec port district to offset ono clnlm hnvo rotary of State Knox Into conference doposltod Humclont n 5noy to dofrny Thp amlinsBntlor lot It bo known thnt tho oxponso of tho olcctlon. Tho henr- Russln was decidedly dissatisfied wttn lng on tho application will bo Mon- tho Sulzor resolution. After tho til day morning. plomat had departed, Tuft nnd Knox. , uuuiiiiuuii in cnnsuiiniion, I Seo Dnnger of Wnr. In Bomoqanrtors tho protest , of ALONG THE WATERFRONT It Is announced that tho Southern Plioltlr. nnmtvriMt. linn MlmlAA.l .V. Tho meeting of tho Coos county, WUholmlnn for n numhnr nf trlnn lo K,IBS'i through Its nmbasaatlor was High school association at tho Chan-, h-lng salmon to Coos May for rcshlp- ,ool0 "I'on practically nB a threa. tiler last evening was attended by mont on tho Mronkwntor. 8ho will t,int Russia would sovor all frlondly . . . t 4-. 1 11 Sit.. I .nnpflDAntnlltiAfl tnn nil tUn filf.ll till' ltntwnnn Iiaa nn.l MnnMl... .n..-. rOlntlOnfl wIMl Mill TTrlltnfl Qtntna In I A ilnpv nf Ilia Hnnnfv T. A T II. A lOIOpnOIling T TUniC UUCKTUII, n Ulll-1 wii vov""-b . " ..u ..!,.. t.. .v..vv.. uuu iiiiu iiiuiuj vuubi ""- " uwiv. ,.. T , ...?.. -P. ". .A ' I. t enco lumber donler. to ronroach hlm'schoolB In tho county oxcopt Coqull-i points. oyont Congress goeti nhond with Its I. iV.'Ii1 0'ii". ior uio .",., r0fllBni to marry hor. Mrs. lo. Tho meeting was rathor moro Plan to abrogato tho treaty. i-.lilMlu. . .... . ..:. ll ,l, l.,,l. rn,..' Kunn unuinson oi I'nriinnu. uro.. a " "'" m "". " " Ml... .. ii.. n.. ".i n- .,. I '-l""v"' v n. .. ' nT uunr" " v,''- . 4444444444444444 Tie now ofllcors will bo Installed . i mooting to bo hold tho second aesdny In Jnnunry. NAME NEW OFKIOEHS i Nay Camp No. 1IKI, AVT Molds Annual Election U tho nnnunl olcctlon of Coos Day lap No. 190, W. O. W., tho follow- romcera were elected for tho onsu- ; roar: IConiul Commnndor J. L. Drown. I Adviser W. II. Ferguson. Banker I. S. Lnndo. Clerk W. U. Douglas. wort E. R. Colgan. sentry C. H. Wilson. hVatchman H. M. Tuttlo. Manager A. D. Campboll. NOUTII MENU KEWS H. Mroulllard and family will dm JETTY i I WO a ...mof nt thn T.nontin .mini, mint nrlnclnnl feature boliig n dinner In ! i. i.. ..i.. .t ... ini.n n thn irrlll rnnm whnrn nil wnrn nnrnur- BUIl I'linjr iuuii uuu in mnuu iu - . - - --- -- hospltnl In n sorlouB condition, Cock- B1 to talk shop to tholr ontlro sat mii wna nt nnniimr hnioi n liiock Isfactlon. Dinner was followed by I away and honrd tho shot over .tho n short business mooting after whlcn telophono nnd wont nt onco to tno nuunucu mo uubkuiuuu Kmu uo- Lasnllo hotel whoro Mrs. Robinson iwuon unuuon nnn Munumuiu. 0 Capt. Macgenn Favors Spenu- ing $200,000 on It Instead of In Inner Harbor. i was found. KNOWN IN PORTLAND. to Mrs. Robinson Expected Thero Spenu Christmas. (My Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) Ii ll u uuaiiiuna iiiuuiiuk wan uuiiujuuu mainly with suggestlonB to Suporln-I tondent Rabb to holp him In drafting I a constitution for tho proposed coun ty Oratorlcnl Association. Thoso OLD present nt dinner woro Messrs. Ifnh Grubbs, Ilonskn, Chapollo, and Miss Grlflln of North Monti, Mr. and Mrs. I A T Pnntr nf Mvrtln Pnlnt. AfnBflrn ... M. W . w..., ...whh.h. nnntr iwn nrn Tin.. intrn . w. . ', w.-., . -- TT .., . r, ti.i Edna Robinson wna tho divorced ""'m,"DT, ","u f . i ' wife of n telegraph operator named ?88r8' ?,nrler- Ornnnls, Tledgon nnd -ti.i ,i. oAnnnn , .i.o. .,. Dnhlnmn Rim Infl horn n vnnr no.. otivwraau mm urpuiuor ui ".vj'u -:.. ". ,-". r.r.'..: ;: ::::.-; "- ;. ;. Mnrshfioid. tors oi uio pon oi v;ooa way uminct iu vu. ... .. vv. .. nrflfiHcniiv rici,io.1 tn hold IITLIt.. .. i i . uiiuo iiciiuer tno President nor , Knox Is nlnrmed over tho turn of affnlrs, it wna said at tho White , Houso n determined effort will bo i made hy tho Senate lendoru to modify, mo uuizor rosoiution. Owing to tho rottconco of all cou corncd In tho negotiations It la Im possible to lonrn tho oxnet nature or; i tho protest. It Is bollovod. however. , to bo directed principally against tho lnnguugo In tho Sulzor resolution CONTROVERSY RETWEEN- which boldly declares Rusala haa vlo- GOLDEN AND ANTI-GOLDEN '" o! ,"' T ,f ,tho tronty f, 183a ,,,,,.,. i,mfivi,'m iv imvmv . l,I0r "cc,nrol ho Bnw nothing tn I'ORCES REVIVED IN MONDAY mililm- tn Rn.iiivn SCHOOLS HOT hnvo voted for tho Improvement ot tho harbor should bo used as a nu She has a brother, Smith at Gilbert F. NIGHT'S ELECTION TWO CAN 1)1 DATES. Tho special school election to bo hold nt tho Central school building In Marshflold Monday evening at 7:30 . o'clock promises to bo ono of tho T shortly for Dos Moines, Iowa, clous for tho restoration of tho North tor, Mrs Mmirns Oro'con ami a sis- " n' oratorical contest at Myr- o ciock promises to oo ono oi -no T P riark 7fo of n nro- o Point tho second Friday In April, .warmest Bchool elections over hold ;i:i;.(C.i! ..f It was decided tho contests Bhould on the May. Tho contest is over a dl- mlnent druggist In this city. Mrs. . SlVhoZTI tow rec tor to' fill tho TeT u5 V I Clark had a ottergrnm from her sis- " IX hfloldCon ,mnt0Z tho resignation of C. J. Mllll. who. ter enying ano wouiu oo nomo . moved to San Francisco. re they oxnoct to mnkn tholr fu- Jotty is tho opinion that Capt. T. J. bW libinu Macuonn of tho Mreakwater has nr- nev. R. n. snmmnriin wim nnw rived at slnco ho and tho other mom- ter enying aho would bo homo to ......... v. ....w w.. . - -- . . iii.. r 1 cnargo of n United Hrothorn bora ot tho apodal committee from penti uio unnaimuB iiuuuujb. mm. rch at Vancouver, Wash., passed tho Marshflold Charabor of Commor- Clnrk knows nothing of tho Cockrell W'h hero this week on routo to co hold a conforonco with Major Mor- named In tho Chicago dispatch. me Point to yisit his fathor who row at Portland last Monday. In fact, - meenvorv . i. oo..D n.ot it. m..n. i.,,i...i . . . . . .. ncinis. unless nroicsi is enioroa enr- rau iu nri,ni.i i. u. Arno ,1 imm frnn, Pmifor. w".t" " ? '"." " ,"7" " improved. tho inner cnannoi is now , by tho vfljtInK team against any r .. " l"' ,.'"', ".","'" XV .--".. . .-..-- - LllllL LI11Q nuuill II U L1IU UUIIDUUIU I . A.l ri'llAHA la M nflA " . . . . . - Uli. II U a UUITM DUlULLIlll UH LIII1 I'lllllll Mnndon, Mnrshfioid, Coqulllo and Vnrlli Tlnnil In ihn nrilnr nnmnl. t ,it...i ,u,i. i .... T1,o contest has dovoloped Into rui n ninlln h f ' .Lt rovlval ot tbo ol aolden nnd Antl cill a?b" l l '. rHnAu "f. Qoldon controversy. John O. Mor- IIIU IIUIIIU (Vttlit DI1UIIU DVIVUt ItlU Ul' nclnls. Unless protest Is entered ear ALLIANCE IN I -,.. .. LKUM BOK H chant, who was recently elected member of tho Marshflold city ca ell, haa been solectod ns tho candl-! Steamship Arrives After Rath er Stormy Trip From Port land Down Coast. FA ,lnli a ii. ... . ... - .i ' III LUUU B11UIJU 111UIU ID IV upv urn no noli a ninlnl Y n. ImtMA nnfa 'w.R?VX?0OIm8IaU,0f,o"rI0"J,r.l!0J" 8!!.,')B...of making tho inner harbor far aupo- choice Btnnda. tV10!??1111- The steamer Alliance nrrlved lrt Itohert ii.. i ...w.. t l"u ""llu vl'i- i.-Hiii 9m i"' rl0r to tho bar because thO VCSSe 8 . , . , . " UUUB,1U1 ,b lllu cuimiumo m Uia nor lotn this nflnrnnnn frnm Pnrt. nini? borUon"nd wlf0 l torday. "Tho people of Coos Ma, "mlng hero nro rosulnted by tho Tho Instructora nlso favored great-' nntl-Golden faction. Mr. Merchant, fml after a rS hor Bt?omv trln in K a Bon ftr rJOlC,nS V0 -M "houM tnk0 BiP at onco t0 havo th0 Top lof water on tho barf f ndependenco of tho school dls-, u . stated, haa announced that ho gfi Sf" She brought tfo follow" iT&n.i.t.nJfi 200'000 wb,cb l understand will Tt" b Uovo from Major Morrow's trictii from itato Independence of the desires to seo Superintendent Golden lng passongera g . . . , x uv(kj t-rtm - i. ! . w-.-. . & i. i. ... Hi'iiiiiii iiiHirii'iK ri in Hiiiia nil miru tm BSMiv.of.a mm ia..s . m at. . ir..i.a.i.i 1 UUliUVU it uiu uujui iuunun o i.i ji.i.i.i - t . 7 . " ----- -..- Wns inlet ranch hna Purchased f0.0." a . ."' remark, to u. that It this 200,000 Xr nUAVi.BihTr WVV . 5 ,at0 VB "2 .Ltb M"rBb"Ia n .si,inn. n.n, uouuB ucau iu oiu i. uiu rccoiiBiriio- wns tumofl over to tho covornment . """ " -" duuuu.d. jui oumu uwo, j. v. nun- .. .... .... . - nrn. i .u &i. i - e .h--l,i.. Z " .; soon bo available from tho salo of fflnk f Hint tioalilnnnA nmnnpfV and win nnnnm, it n nnn tlon of tno worth Jetty, with this to atnrt tha reconstruction of tho Kbe North Mond High ahool do- starting tho work, tho government jettyi wo would got prompt govorn- 6 teams next Wednesday will do- -""" "v ammoi. imwu iu iunu mu raent nld t0 compieto it." the question "Resolved. That necessary appropriation for tho cou- cant. Macgenn dlscuaset llfrnll n, t,..i r.ii.i ii niriiptlnn nf thn Inttv ' "" "i ouusra ib ivuoiinuiu. " -- -- - . turmatlvo team conalata of Goo rvaomi Smith nnd Norma tv. Thn nnmittirA inn nnnotatil n.l na thnt tlmrA ivmilil lm nn .llfllniil P. - - HUhUlMU 1UI111I VWMO.D.M Vt MM V..V .... V T.WM.M MJ .W Ultl.VUt VUS8 otc. DEATH OF MRS. JOnNSON. Capt. Macgenn discussed tho mat- E. W. Lent. Goo. RIddell. C. W. Roborta Wm. Jenkins. E. II. Mm?. nott nnd other friends of Suporln- nea. Jos. Oawloy, E. A. Elmoro, Fran- tendont Golden hnvo been nctlvo In els Kotn, Edna Kota. tho campaign to regain control of A largo consignment of frolcht la tho school board with a view to ro- being unloaded, and a consTdorablo Instating Suporlntendont Golden, no- quantity will bo taken on board from Btructlon or tno jetty. ' ter wlth a number of Coos Day mon Xow8 of pemlso In Sun Francisco ,n8l,a.unB. Bupor nienaon uowen, no- qiiunuir win uw iokou on ooara .' "So far as tho work In tho harbor yosterday. Ho oven asw J. W. Hen- ruJI , S?nJ ViL iri co',(1,nB to BossP n connection with hero for California points, i la concerned, Major Morrow assur- nett about It and I ho .utea that Mr. KI' rll ml JJiiSnv tho 0,oct,on on tbe Btre0,H today.. Tho Alliance will lenvo hero r od us that there would bo no difflcul-. ZltXtnr him thhl l!h ..T? ".WB. ! Women nro permitted to vote In the tomorrow morning at 7:30 p'. Mennett Informed him that ho would again no.miitnj n imi in ihn tomorrow mnrnlnir nt 7!n nVlnov. nrnmn nim tnnr nn wniini . a. j .. r...i- rt .,w...w. ... iu..,viwu m um ... mu ---,. ".:-" " -.-- ..-.-, . Vnn V i nn;n;h ifll.ln t In nhinlnlni. Mm o. on " ."V.r ""'"" ZT- """ .7 ol l" "-" ol ' """ U"BU" " Bnhnnl nloptlnn. Thn nnlv nunllnoB. Willi 0001110 paSSOngCrB aeaVlnK Ly.e Chappeiie: '. ty WlonV7o"r the Vnn harbV o , C UXcgenn'aTde but wo d ap- JifS TQ ZaJZl an, rT , tlon 'or Voting In tho school eiecUon "em thl. poVt. !lSM.?ls of from time to time. Anyway, the iu- SoVe IL I ike0. Her rZZZ7Z. .... . - - . - .--. . . -. in. nnvuF .m..i..i.. i. &... nnr 11 ii. (ir.ii . . . Ill 1 ii . Ii . l.(.JW, I " -w--. ..v.... ..HV "... MW. with her In San Francisco. Death was duo to goiter, for which sho un- ca- evening tno Knignts oi " " eiectod the following ofllcera: nor harbor Is now better than thol nL eri!rVBhlre' Chancellor Com- uar, Tho sunken Jetty fills tho . -" 1.11ns. II. Wnrrnll. vice- 1. i .1.0. ., .,! ... SCHMITZ TO RE TRIED mcellor. p,nni, Vfiu- :;ji-f w "uur. ? Ul ".'" ci'l" U4 u pn H master of nZnrn Ann Hnr a.m.,".nr r1",1116,1:00! uay Da!; Former San Francisco Mayor Must derwont nn operation, nnd other com- ,ie of exchenuor riina Vllllnms ,v" -". ' u . . ",an" "'"'" U'',U!",U Answer Urnft Uiargo at Tni ? cteai ?ml Sr to comlne ,n hcr0, " raakes U raoro (My Associated Press to the Cooa Day . Andrew3 UnitT 3 JX. expensive for shippers to got special TlmpRx E Tl ---., WV.w. 0tr.naa nnn I ., ... r WKUB. mnntni rf wni fl 'I . r" and E. F. Russell trustees.' Inn edgo at MILNER'S. Kf"Vn our A1V nn n.tnis n. iniART-PARSQNS Drug Co W AIR GUNS at 5HLNEIVS. rKWCKTS and NECK CHAIN M 12 WATCHES at MILNER'S plications. Sho had been ailing nbout three years. Myrtle Abbott was nbout twenty- QAV T?f A Vn.aPn nr. Iti V.- fnn. vnnra nl1 nn.f hflrl annnt .lift ... ., ... , ., , .. .. .... I kl.. 4.4,. w.UWVr. VCL. U i'Ui" " jw...w w.. ..u . w..vfiv nnn , . VE. , . . ' "or Mayor Eugeno E. Schmltz will greater part of hor llfo on Cooa May. 000 lor inner OarUOr WOrK IB turned ,, nn rnl enmn tlma In .Tnnnnrv nlth. aha wnn n ffrnrliintn nf fhn Mnrnhflnlrl over to the government for that pur-er on the chargo of extorting bribes High school. Sho wns married to nan If mill tnlrA n Inni .Imn vnul. .. ..... . .... . .. pond it. Then, too, the dredge Ore gon wns built for Oregon and Wash lngton harbors and It would take a, great disaster in 190C. in connection with tho granting of Art Johnson nbout four yenrs ago the trolley franchise or with fixing Ho died nbout two years ago. He me gas rate immediately oner tho sides her parents and her brother, special act of Congress to keep in Orogon on Cooa Day. This would bo opposed by Senator Jones of Wash ington. "But, anyway, wo want the bar Tho prln-1 Arthur Abbott, she is survived by a E. R. Col- I rftfnal n'ttnaao atvatnot Q.nmtr will i..- i .a j, .. -" ".... ( "v uuu..v ..... mue aaiignior, uionua ii. Aurunam iiuei, uio loriner ponii-gnn B an uncle, cal boss, who la now serving four-, she carried $1,200 Insurance In teen years' sentence In San Quentln the Fraternal Union, the little daugh for bribery. , ter being the beneficiary. 44444444444444444, 4 TO TIMES READERS. 4 4 An unusual rush of holiday 4 advertising at n lato hour 4 4 crowdod out several columns of 4 local and gonornl news which 4 4 will bo published Monday. 4' 44444444444444444 Got your lady n nlco ring nt RED CROSS JEWELRY DEPT. EXPRESS Wagons, Air Guns and Boys' Tool Boxes at MILNER'S. Flno JEWELRY nt tho Rod Croaa DRUG STORE. TOOL CHESTS for boya OOo to, $3.45. Cheapest on Coos Bay at NORTON HANSEN'S two stores. FOl'Vl) a good PLACE to buy at HAINES. Do your CHRISTMAS shopping at I Tho HIGHEST GRADE Sewing Ma THE HUM It pays. 'Money Talks' ohlno made for $35,000 at MILNER'S Do vour CHRISTMAS shonnlnc at I THE HUB It paya Monoy Talk3'l Hnvo your Job printing done at Tho Times' office. I OTi