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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1911)
-" 1.4 , t ! f VtV.-, -" -' i "i MO f MAN WHO IS HIS OWN SEVEREST CRITIC HAS NO TIME TO KNOCK OTHERS KVTAlVEIVriSlNa In Tho THINS (Hum Exm?& WANT ADVERTISING In Tho TIMES Will Keep tho Income from Your Furnished Rooms from Lapsing! YOU can really help tho family revenues by renting a tow furnished rooms nnd, if you knew how and when to uso the classified columns. you may keep that little extra income as "steady as a clock." VI1H ,u "" .". ... 0 Market" Effectively! t will tnit U10 facts about your Overs' in town. And if '".. 0110 of them who ought to re.. ..,.M1 nnll it! n iii ju" 1IKMDER OF ASSOCIATED PHEHH xxxv Established in 1878 as Tho Const Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 191 1 -EVENING EDITION-EIGHT PAGES. A ""TTitZ "SJUZL No-130 nntl Coos liny Advertiser. mm IB TO Lrt That Members of One Ballery or u. a. Army are invoivea in u. mEATENING LETTERS RECEIVED BY Ur-NUbKS Lir Mpmhnrs of Batterv E Now Under Arrest Great Precautions I aKen. ir Associated Press to Cooa Day Times.) mvfTtns CITY. Kan.. Doc. 15. That thrco commanding oillccrs at rt Itllcy hnvo noon receiving ...toninir lnttors slnco InRt Mnrch. Ilotflng the first incendiary fires at t fort becamo Known lotiay. i nc rlplcnts nro Drlgndlor Gonornl W. chnvinr. Colonel Charles A. P. Hficld nnd Colonel D. Hoylo. Tho i.r. wnrn written In scrawl and peared to havo been penned by dlf r.n Tinrsoiis. Tho nnturo of tho roats hns not hecu mndo pub- Tho missives camo with nnch fro incr that tho guard around tlio (crvatlon was Increased and orders med to shoot strnngcrB prowling onnd the grounds. A Bcrgcant was lot In tho hand by mistake- one. git and several porBOtiB wore nrotl fcoa out none injurcu iiiuuij. mu imor Is that practically all tho kmbcrs of ono battery aro believed j be Involved In a plot to destroy t cntlro fort. Four members of itlcry E aro under arrest In closo a linemen t. It Is estimated that tho dostruc- wrotight nt tho fort slnco last arch 1MB cost tho government n ulllon dollars. umors That English Kiner las Slain In India Is With out Foundation. from Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LONDON. England, Dec. 15. Ru- on that King George, had been as- uiaatcd nt Dolhl caused tromon- ti excitement hero. Ofllclnls ln t thero was no foundation for the laor. WJ Associated Pross to Coos Day Times.; NEW YORK, Dec. 15. London mors of King Goorgo's nssnBsl tlon aro baseless ns is Indicated In spatch to tho ABSoclated PresB on Delhi, filed at noon, allowing king Is allvo and well ami pro ving with tho oulclnl program In ancction with tho laying or tlio corner stono nt tho now capital. DELHI IS CAPITAL g mul Qureii Lay Cornerstone of India's New Capitol. 1 Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) DELHI, India. Doc. 15. Tho "8 Emnoror nnd Oucen Emnross By laid tho comor stono of tho ' capltol of India which ns was oclalmed after tho Durbar, Is to t Dolhl. Thero was a brilliant emblngo of ruling princes, gov- ors and stnto ofllcluls. Tho foun- on stono simply bore the date 15-11. Tholp mnlflRttos are en- iIob splendid health in splto of ' great fatigue undergono during e lengthy ceremonies, WST XMAS TRAGEDY. Girl Aged Two, Rushes Into Flames to Bnvo Toys. BAKER, Ore.. Dec. 15. Joseph Shultz, 20 years old, TlfAWv.l VI . . 1 ...... r-'iu uijubuu nero uy buy- JS against her will little Edna, "" iwo-year-old daughter ot Wward Stearns, from a flroy death. Slmltz saw smoko coming Irntn . ni -.. . -r..l. - lllo oiuurn s nouso, jiubu- lnf tt..... .. .. . ...i .a. --o uiuu(;ii me rooms no iuuu llttlo girl alone nnd carried " out. As soon as ho released "er Bho rnn back into tho blaz- "S house for her toys. Shultz - cnaso among the names, "bhi her nnd again carried jer out, whore sho was guarded ; ""til the flro was oxtinglished. The family Christmas money --. .4. a tun JU luo UlUU ; found in tho smoking deb- I K WAS NOT ASSASSINATED PLOT AT FORI RILE! ' DESTROY MILITARY POST ANGRY ABOUT ALASKA 0F8I Republicans Score Democrats For Dropping Controller Bay Investigation. . (Dy Associated Press to Coos Dny Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 15. Tho sudden ending ot tho inquiry Into tho charges that tho govern ment had allowed a monopoly to control tho coal and harbor at Con troller Day, Alaska, was roundly Bcored In tho republican minority report of tho IIouso Committee on Interior Department Expenditures, filed today. Tho republicans said that common deconcy, If not Jus tice, would havo demanded nn In vestigation to oxposo thoso respon sible for tho fabrication of tho so called "DIck-to-DIck" letter. Tho minority said this oxposo should havo bgon permitted, ovon If tho demo cratic majority was unwilling, for pnrtlBan renBonB, "to exonorato tho Interior Dopartmont nnd other lilgh ofllclnls of tho unJiiBt cruel charge. SLAYER OF TEN IS Arkansas Deputy Sheriff Says He Is Now Worse Thanr Billy Sunday. fDy Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmos. OSCEOLA, Ar, Dec. 15. Dob Dean, n deputy sheriff who killed ten mon nnd stopped bullets tlitrtcon times during his career ns tin officer. Is to becomo nn Evnngollat. Dcnn got religion during tho rovlvnl hero and says ho Is no woruo n man than Dllly Sttndny, tho bnsoball Evango llst, nnd that thoro Is no renfion why ho should not follow In Sundny's footstops. Gives Important Evidence In McNamara Dynamite Cons piracy Probe. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LOS ANGELES, Cal., Dec. 15. Tho federal grand Jury Is making rapid progress in tho investigation of tho activities of tho McNamaras and others connected with tho na tion wido dynnmito conspiracy. It is expected that by tho closo of to day's sessions tho most Important witnesses will have completed their testimony. Tho Inyesligntlon mny oxtond ovor Into noxt week, but the picking up of tho stray ondB will not ' ...., Hmn nftnr todays session. Miss Ethel Gill, a telephono operator at san ituucii-cu, b' -portant evidence today. NEW STOK.M WARNING. Government Weather IJurenu Pro vides For Small Crafts. Tho following letter from Edward A. Deals, in chargo of tho United Stntes Weather Dureau Servico In this district, to D. L. Rood, tho storm wnrnlng dlsplayman of tho Mnrshflold station is self-explanatory and will bo of valuo to many on tho Day: A now warning to bo known as tho "Small Craft Warning" for dis play when moderate winds nro ex pected will bo adopted on December 1 1911, tor tho benefit of fisherman and small craft. It will be repre sented by a red pennant displayed during tho day only, indicating that, while tho winds may not reach a ve'oclty sufficiently high to Justify the display of a regular storm warn- EVANGELIST PHONE GIRL IS WITNESS NO REPORT ON Grand Jury Discharged With out Any Report on Alleged Illegal Voting Circuit Court. (Spcclnl to The TJmes) COQUILLI2, Ore, Dec. 15. Tho Coos county grand Jury for this term of court was discharged by .Tudgo John S. Coko last evening. So far an could bo lenrnod, tho grand Jury mado no report on Its investigation of nllcgcd Illegal voting In tho Inst Mnrshflold municipal election. This Ir tnken as an exoneration of tho Jury Box Filled Late Today Testimony Will Probably Begin Tomorrow. (Spcclnl to Tho Times.) COQUILLE, Oro., Doc. 15 Lato, this nftornoon, it looked ns though1 n Jury would bo secured Into tonight to try Frank Garrison on tho chnrgo of murdering Roy PorkliiB on Coos Dny a year ago last summon Tho Jury box was full but tho state had two prcemptory challenges re maining tho dofonso four. Doth sides will posBlbly excrclso nil their pro-omptory challenges. Tho taking of testimony In tho enso will probably bogln enrly to morrow. Injunction Denied. Judgo Coko In Circuit court today, denied tho application for nn injunc tion to Mohtblt tho holding, of tho Mettle Tolnt poijt election next Tues day A ilomurre" waB filed nt this has not Iccn, ruled on. , r.ic.t'frts of Conulllo City land thn lMjor rlvor nre trying to tijock tho nrr.nnlzntIou of tho Port of Myr tle Point on tho ground thnt tho en tire CoquHIjk Valloy should ho In cluded In ono port. Very llttlo Im provement can bo mado on tho part of tho rlvor within tho proposed port of Myrtlo Point nnd conBoquont ly tho pooplo thoro would ,not havo to pay much. On tho lower rlvor whoro tho principal work would hnvo to bo dono, a soparato port would havo to bo organlzod If tho Myrtlo Point port cnrrles, nnd tho proporty ownors thoro havo to pay for tho oxponslvo work which would also ho bonoflclal to tho Myrtlo Point section. MORE THOUISLE IX CHINA. Foreigners nt CIiiuik Pii Aro Threat ened y Natives Now. (Dy Associated 1'reBs to Coos Day Tlmos.) AMOY, China, Doc. 15. An ox tromo nntl-forelgn feeling provalls in Chang Pu whoro English nnd Ro man Catholics mission buildings woro burned In 190C by tho Doxors. Mnny plncnrds threatening foreign ers aro postod. Forolgn consuls havo boon requested hy tho military governor to recall all missionaries to Amoy. Contest Soclnl. Tho Junior Dnp tlst Union will hold n social this ovenlntf, nt tho Daptlst church. Tho Itcd and White Juniors glvo tho so cial to tho Dlack nnd Gold. Tho Juniors nro in chargo of Mrs. G. L. Hall. CASE GOES TO JUAl'. Chorus Girls Charged With Shooting Will Soon Know Fate. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmos.) NEW YORK, Doc. 15. Tho case of Lillian Graham and Ethol Conrad, tho chorus girls charged with shooting W. E. D. Stokes, tho mllllonnlro, went to tho Jury this nfternoon. Ing, they will intorfero with tho safe operation of small craft, such as thoso engaged In fishing, motor boat ing, and yachting. Such a warning will read "Small craft warning indi cated," followed hy the expected di rection and force of tho wind. En try will fc mado on your monthly report of 'ts receipt. 'I nm Inclosing a circular Issued from tho Washing ton offleft regarding this warning, nnd will also advlso tho Coos Day M-nor Doat club and tho Life Saving Station Hbout tho wnrnlng. MESSENGER SERVICE, phono 9&R or call at 115 Front St. Storgar aud Johnson Cigar Stand. For XMAS GIRTS (hat will please tho ROYS, see Tho GUNNERY. HAINES can SAVE you MONEY on feed and FLOUR. SPARK COILS at Tho GUNNERY. HARD TO GET GARRISON JURY ELECTION PROBE men who wcro charged with voting Illegally In Mnrshflold. Tho grand Jury roturncd n num ber of "blind IndtctmontB" but ns tho accused parties aro not in cus tody, the names will not bo given out. Tho only ono nrrestcd on nn in dictment by tho present grnnd Jury wbb Lester Donnldson, aged nine teen, oftCoqultlo. Ho is now In Jnll In dofnult of $5,000 bonds. Tho charge Is n statutory one, tho com plaining witness being Miss Hollen beck ot Coqulllc, who is under fifteen years of ago. TO SEER 8IG GE Shippers of Spokane and Vici nity Seek to Recover $2,- 000,000 From Railways (Dy Associated Press to Coos Daj TlmcB.) SPOKANE, Dec. 15. Shippers of Spokano and tributary territory aro preparing to file claims approximat ing two million dollars against tho railroads for thu recovery of alleged excess payment. on freight shipments from tho cast In tho last two years. EAST AND WEST OREGON LINE 1 W Southern Pacific Incorporates, New Company Coos Bay ,' Is Western Terminus. . SALEM, Ore, Dec. 15. For thd purposo of running n rnllrond tho full length of Oregon from Natron, near Eugcno to Ontario, on tho Ida ho lino u'nd dropping feeders from thnt lino to sovernl important points along tho southern borders of the stnto, tho Oregon Eastern Railway company filed supplementary ar ticles of lnc6rporatlon with tho Sec retary of State, increasing its cup ital stock from $100,000 to G,000, 000. From tho main lino tho company proposes a branch lino to Weed,, Cal., to connect with tho Contrul Pa cific lino, n brnnch from tho main lino to Agoncy Plains, n brnnch to Lnkovlow 15 milos south to Goose Lnko on tho stnto lino. Tho resolution by tho bonrd of directors Increasing tho capital stock and embodying tho nbevo plans of construction with the necessary ac companying powers is attached to tho articles. The directors aro R. Dlalsdoll, J. F. Meyer, J. P. O'Drlon, C. G. Sutherland nnd James G. Wil son. Tho Oregon Eastorn at present Is ongngesd In constructing tho South ern Pacific's now mnln lino botwocn Natron nnd Klamath Falls, and It lu understood that this movo, which provides for extension ot brnnch ronds to Agency Plains and to polnta In Southern Oregon, will jifford tho Harrlman Bystem n moaus of con necting its Eastern Oregon lino with tho Wlllamotto Valloy rallroud, giv ing a through road from Ontario, on tho oxtromo eastern border of tho slato, to Coos Day, on tho Pacific Coast. This will provide not only for diversion of Southorn Oregon trtfllc to tho Wlllamotto Valloy lino, but, nftor tho completion of tho Eugene-Coos Day lluo, now under con struction, will provide a direct out lot for tho products of Coos Day and tho Wlllamotto Valloy to tho East without tho circuitous routo through Portland. Valley Plans Revealed. While this stop does not moan, necessarily, that tho company will start at onco to extend Hb lino from Vale through tho Malheur Canyon to Natron, ns tho articles provide, it Bhows that tho Harrlman Interests intend to run a road from tho east ern border of tho stato to tho Wil lamette Valley about half way be tween tho north and south bounda ries as soon as development of tho Interior will permit. A foico of mon Is now at work, under contractors, extending tho Oiegon Short Lino's road west of Vale, and surveying parties nro en gaged In obtaining additional Infor mation on the territory west of Vale to n point Hear Dog Mountain. Whllo Dog Mountain is out of a direct lino between Vale and Rums, it Is be lieved that Durns will bo tho west ern terminus of tho first rail link t ROOSEVELT SCORES APOLOGISTS OR I' HUM MEAT TRUST LOSES TRADE Great Britain Prohibits Ameri can Packers From Furnish ing Army and Navy. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay ' Times.) LONDON, England, Dec. 15. Tho Drltlsh government hns decided to exclude Amoricau meat packers against whom prososuttonu wero in stituted in tho United States, from tendering bids for contracts for to supply ment to tho Dritish Army and navy, pending settlement suits. Tho decision of tho government Is duo to oppositional lnbor an,d Is ndvancod by radical members of tho parlia ment to American trusts. Tho con tracts which havo expired will go to Argontlno meat packors. It was stated that Drltlsh Arms would havo received tho samo treat ment under tho samo circumstances, tho contracts bolng withhold until tho litigation is terminated. WIDE RANGE IN :Men In Several States Involv ed In Dynamite Conspiracy Is Claims ' (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day :', ' Times.) INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Doc. 15. Tho federal inquiry Ihfo the dyua jtntto pQusplrncyouEo, nlleged to In volvo vnrloiiH union labor officials, Is said to bo Inking n vory wido rango, nnd already involves men In sovernl states. A number ot dorks and employes of tho union head quarters In thlB city hnvo been ex amined or nro awaiting examination. Tho appcaranco Indicates tho Inten tion of tho government to bogln an Inquiry nt n point from tho Insldo thnt would dlscloso tho Identity of nil thoso remotely nnd directly ro sponslblo for tho explosions. L United States Likely to Ami cably Settle Jewish Pass port Question. ' (Dy Associated Press to the Coos Daj Times) WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 15. It wns roportod today that tho ef forts of tho U. S. Stato Department to procure moro liberal troatmont for Amorlcan Jewish citizens In Rub sta had rosultcd In a tentative agreo ment for a modification of Russian restrictions which might provo a sat isfactory solution of tho voxlng ques tion. rushed from tho eastern portion of tho stato. Tentatlvo plans provldo for further construction work from Durns to Dond. Crescent, 55 miles south of Dond, Is tho natural placo for a connection between tho pro sont O.-W. R. & N. torminus nt Dond nnd tho now Southorn Pnclflo main lino being built between Nn tron nnd Klamath Falls. How soon construction work on tho cast and west Orogon lino will ho started will bo detormlned largo ly on tho rato that tho Interior of the stato develops. Work Is Progressing. Tho Eugene Guard says: "Judgo Twohy returned to Portland. John D. Twohy nnd tho Southorn Pnclflo onglneors nro out on tho lino. Work on tho tunnol Is progressing rapidly and dump cars aro now being used on tho grndlng. A car of powdor for uso on tho tunnel wns shipped from San Francisco, ponding tho ar rival of which tho contractors will uso powdor from local firms." Tho Tlme3' Want Ads bring results E W I DY1MI1GS Former President Likens Plea For Them to That Used by Big Interests. SAYS EMMA GOLDMAN AND DEBS ARE BAD Terms Them as "Inciters of Murder' Menace to So 1 ciety and Unions. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day, Times.) NEW YORK, Dec. 15. In an ar ticle In Tho Outlook, former Presi dent Roosovelt nys In part: "Slnco tho ntnrtllng outcomo of tho McNa mara trial, certain npologlsts ot these men havo mado thomsolvos conspicuous by assorting that thoso depraved criminals, who hnvo on their scared souls tho murdor of so many innocent persons all of whom woro lnborlng people, by tho way aro "victims" or nt first, fanatics, who should recolvo sympathy bo causo they were acting In a way they; rognrd ns "fntr" In bohnlf ot tholr, class. "This plea Is monstrous In Ita foK ly nnd its wickedness. It Is proct soly tho kind of n pica sometimes -advanced in bohnlf ot n crooked man. of great wealth caught bribing a legislature thnt ho has to do It to protcrt his business." Roosevelt likens tho McNnmarot murders to thoso ot tho "Dlack Hand" or any band of out-throats, fraught with lnflnltoly heavier mo nnco to society." "Yet, great though tho mannco le to tho community, tho monncoto the causo of honest organlzod lnbor U still greater, and no duty 1b moro Imperatively laid on. lenders ot labor than tho duty of nlnrmatlvoly froo Inr themselves and tholr followers) from tho tnlnt of responsibility for such crimes." Roosovelt characterizes Dobs nnd: Emma Goldman ns "more Inciters to murder nnd prenchora of nppllcil anarchy," nnd scorches thoso labor loadors who support tholr doctrines. JIosny& they nro hot Socialists la tlfc- trua sonse. " IN THE GAME FOR.MER HEAD OF IHLTi LINES IN OREGON ORGANIZES CON STRUCTION COMPANY MAY HE INTERESTED IN COOS RAY. Further Indications that John F. Stovons, former bond of tho Hill lines In Orogon, may bo tho "man holilud" ono of tho Coos Dny linos, nn wns Intimated tho othor day, Is glvon in tho following story in tho Portland Orogonlnn: "With n capi talization or $2,000,000, tho John F. Stevens Company hns boon or ganized In Now York to ongago lrt railroad construction work. John F. Stevens, ox-presldent ot tho North! nnnk road nnd tho Hill lines In Oro gon, Is uresldeut nnd holds u small block of stock. Tho romnlnder ot tho stock Is held by tho United Stn tes Realty & Investment Company, of which tho John F, Stovons Com pany will ho nn nnxlllnry concorn.. It Is understood that EastorncaiTl tal Is back ot tho ontorprlso; "Mr. Stevens, It wns'loarnod horo has virtually complotod nil nrran gomonts for engaging In oxtonslvo railroad work In any part of tho United States that may requlro his eorvlces. "Whllo tho John F. Stovons Com- pony haB not yot entered nctlvely In to tho field, It would not bo surpris ing to see Mr. Stovons bidding for work In tho Northwest within tho coming year. It Is said that' ho and his associates also aro figuring on proposed construction work In Mex ico nnd In cortaln parts ot Canada." HARMON WON'T ACCEPT. Ohio Governor Turns Down Invita tion nnd Rryau Accepts. (Dy Associated Tress to Coos Day Tline3.) WASHINGTON. D. C, Dec. 15. Governor Hnrmon of Ohio, has do ellnod nn Invitation to nttend tho Jnckson Day banquet hero January 8, tho dny tho National Democratic Committee meets. Drynn haB ao-( copted an Invitation, DON'T FORGET to hnner n FOOT RALL on tho XMAS TREE for that boy of yours. THE GUNNERY. AIR GUNS nt Tho GUNNERY. w. STEVENS BACK v Jv.