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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1911)
WHAT'S THE USE Of PRODUCING IF YOUfARE SHY ON THE SALESMANSHIP YOUR. ADS. CARRYING four store-news, should appear as regularly os docs Uils newspaper. If newspaper omitted nn issue now and then oven for so wclgaty a rci m s fearing that It might rain (Eons lag Qxmw SOMEONE HAS SAID: 'A store's advertising space la newspaper, compared with tuo po used by otJicr stores, should doflac U comparative importance la th onuiniiiltyt Docs your storo's m& crtislng spaco do that? It would not no n K"" ncw-amuicr. MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PItESB Established in 1878 as The Coast Mall VOL XXXV NIARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1911 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times. Coast Mail and Coos Day Advertiser. No. 58 VICE-PRESIDENT O'BRIEN AND PARTY HERE TODAY Expects Actual Construction on Coos Bay-Eugene Line to Start Soon. WORK NOW UP TO CHIEF ENGINEER HOOD Expresses Himself As Greatly Pleased With This Section. Declaring that tho Coos Hny-Hn-genc lino will be built b rapidly ns I. consistent with good business pol- . . .i., i,n i.ii.l lionnil tlmt at i ' O'HHIKN' icy nnu mm " - -- ,... tontv or thirty miles of it Vlco-I'ividdent and (Jenc-ral Malinger would be graded this fall beforo '.ho rainy season Bet in, J. P. O'Brien, Tlce-presldent nnd general ninnnger; of tho Southern Pnclilc linos In On.-, gon, today gave- further assurance of the early construction of tho line. "We have right of way men In tho field, part of tho final locating survey completed nnd engineering corpa fin- Z'.'""ZZ: Special Reception at Mlllicoma wAfa&&iiP " MTvT i' iflaaaaaa A Glad Hand to Greet You, Mr, O'Brien of the llnrrlman Lines. I TO S 5 preliminary O'Drlen. "It la our Intention to lot the contract for sections of tho work just as soon ns continuous strotchns of right of way nro secured to onnblo in to do so. "The matter of construction tinder Club This Evening For O'Brien's Party. PlutiR were perfected today for nn Informal reception to bu tendered) the Southern Pnc'llc system of doing thla evening nt the .Mllllconin club for builncss Is now upto Chief Engineer. VIce-presldont O'Brien nnd party, it Hood and I enn spcnlc only In a gen. j will bo for c)ub members nnd visitors. erl way of It. Tho riionoy has been This will bo one of tho many cottrte approprlated for tho work nnd every- ales to bo extended tho visitors during thing Is In readiness Just aa soon nB their stay on tho Bay. Tomorrow heennget things lined up. Mr. J night, a banquet will bo tondored nt Hood will determine Just whoro tho Tno chandler complimentary to tho line Is to go nnd look nftor all intit- j visitors by tho Mnrahflold Chamber of ters of building and when It Ib com-'commerce. pleted, It will bo turned over to tho! Airenoy tho 110 seata arranged for operating department nnd como nn- Ul0 unnnilot have been disposed of der my Jurisdiction then. 'but th,B ftcrnoon, Tho Chantller nr- "Much of tho right of wny lms(rnng0(l 80 tlm, n ,,ozoll 0.. B0 ,,.,. been obtained nnd It Ib our hopo to . . . nccoinlll0datcd and this will get It nil soon. Just ns soon nB wo QmhQ w chnniuor or Commerce to enro for n fow more gnosis. This forenoon, Mr. O'Brien nnd pnrty woro tnketi for nn nuto trip down tho Empire road, a scoro of promlnont Mnrshllold men nccompn nylng thorn In othor nutos. Thla afternoon thoy visited the C. A. Smith mill. MlwipOviT Reception. Owing to the Breakwater not get ting In this morning na early as was to construction work and wo may e"ected' tho,ro w" ,,U, h,tc!" wt be able to get as much of the tho preparations that was greatl construction done thla fall as wo , rogroiwa. in uvuib. " -ioped. It wna our expectancy ,0lected that tho Breakwater woud get Utc twenty or thirty mllea out of .Into North Bond between 5 o clock Esene at least graded thla fall. In and C o'clock this morning. Sunt. "lay weathor. construction work Is Miller had nrranged to moot the low, expensivo nnd uiiBntlsfacto-y Breakwater with n apeclal launch through tho Coast range and down i there nnd bring Mr. O'Brlon nnd on the coast ns wo havo found in ' party to Morshfleld. Owing to this building tho Tillamook line. Wo'arrangomont, It wns deemed Inad h been much longer on that thnn vlsablo to attompt any particular re- anticipated and tho cost has also'coptlon for thorn on their nrrlval and run nucn greater thnn we had nn- President McCormnc of tho Chamber ttclpated. 0f commorco did not appoint any spe- "A to Just whoro the lino will run clnl reception committee. 1 the termlnala on Cooa Bay he, Howevor, lnstend of getting In as also up to Mr. Hood. Wo hnve ro. ehrly na was nntlclpated, tho Break wmmended that tho lino bo bulltlwntor got In about 8 o'clock and "on Eugeno to Coos Bay and tho ' maie a short stop at North Bend, nnd tt0y has been appropriated for It cnino direct to Mnrshfield with Mr. set tho work underway, wo feel that any right of way opposition will end. We wish to Hccuro It without litiga tion but of cottrso If condemnation Is necetsary to prevent bolng hold up by property owners or othors, wo will Imply havo to resort to It. If wet can accomplish it without this litiga tion, tho construction will ho facili tated nnd that Ib what wo deslro. "Weather conditions for tho next few months will probnbly bo ndvorso COOS BAY extenda Its most cordial greeting and hearty hospitality to you and your party Mr. O'Brien. As vice-president nnd gcnoral manager of the Hnrrlmnn lines you nro bearer of a messngo that la os important aa It Is pleasing, and wo open wide our hearts, our homes and our city for both message and messenger. You will And no mental reservation or equivocation In tho heartiness of your greeting or any hcaltatlon in tho honest hand clasp extended. While thero may hnvo been previous differences nnd In tho future bo disagreements, todny you nre our guests nnd na attch nil Cooa Bay la yourB. Wo are glad to greet you. Qlad to have you see HiIb city and section and "have nt flret hand peraonnl knowledge of lta resourcea nnd possibilities. In the olden' days It wns "ace Rome nnd die." In these modern times It shall bo ''soo Coos Bny nnd live" Live in tho glory of its climate and tho greatness of Its prosperity. Wo havo not many historic or notable points of Interest for you to visit but wo enn bIiow you: Fifty billions feet of tho finest Btnnding timber In the world In the Immediate proximity of Cooa Bay. Tour hundred aqunre mllea underlaid with conl. The most modern nnd ono of tholargest sawmlllB In the world. Tho finest dairy lands on tho Pacific const on which grazo hords that lust year produced for export moro thnn ono million pounds of butter. Fruit land that produces tho famous Qravenstcln npplo, ono of tho finest In tho world. Strawbarrles, red, luscious and fresh from tho vino In December be sides rlpo cranberries grown In tho anmo section nt tho same time Tho largest lumber schooner in tho world, tho Nann Smith, capacity 2,22G,000 feet, plying regularly from tho largest saw mill on the Pacific coast. But why continue? We might enumcrato interesting Items of thla character until tho hills hereabouts were awakened with tho echoes of your incoming trains and thon tho half would not be told. Anyway you nro hero and may seo for yourself. If you aro tho Prlnco Charming whoso kiss is to awaken Coos Bay, tho sleeping Princess of Prosperity, then indeed nro wo charmed to meet you. That thero has boon delay In your nrrlval only adds to tho warmth of our welcome Thoro Is a legend hero on'Cooa Bay that you wcro to eat your Chrlst mas turkey hero somo years ago. There aro not wanting thoso who say you hnvo kopt us bottled up. Ablrd and a bottlo aro both suggesttvo of a banquet. Wo Invito you to pnrtnko of our prosperity a prosperity that you enn, and wo bcllove, will help to create Thnt ChrlBtmna turkey, garnished with Cooa Bny cranberry Banco, supplemented with venison, ducks and mountain trout Is still waiting for you. Mr. O'Brlon, you nro welcome! And you, too, Mr. Wondling. Ah Prosldont of tho Wlllamotto Pacific Railway Company, you nro entitled to walk right Into our open city gates and throw tho koya Into tho bay. Wo havo heard of you na "tho man behind" but whllo you aro our guest wo will mnko you "the man before" Wo undorstnnd you started tho activity that mado our South ern Pnclilc friends sit up nnd take notice You said you wanted a rail way from Eugeno to tho const nnd were going to havo It If you had to build it yourself. In othor words: "I want a railway to tho const, you bet your Ufo I do; And I'vo got tho norve, I'vo got tho scads, and I've got the timber, too." When thoy saw you were In earnest thoy got Into tho gnmo, but wo nro glnd to accord you n full menstiro of honor nnd a wolcomo common aurnte with your distinguished services. 0 TELL OF 4 the details of It have been loft to "' Hood as chief engineer. tre So Just our lino win run hero, I don notay or even venture to forecast." O'nrlon and his party nboard In consequence of this unexpected turn of ovents, there wns no special committee or turnout to welcome tho - . iconuiiuice ui '""" --- , , v to whether construction will .,,,i.,!0t,o,i visitors on their nrrlval II ePMrCn.nd,froni b0th em,s ( the n Marshneld. deft I Wns not ab,e t0 3,,y nltely. Ho said tho company wna FnnY WILL CASK oil IT t0 Eet tho Uno comI,lete'1 n ' CI,,," 1,0S8lbl- " lB the un- B A8SO0ated Press to tha Coss Bay standing that this will partly de- ' Times) - "wn mo contractors nnd upon CONCUiiu, . .. w" - K00d and has hla own hired mourners ,?e Engineer Hood'a l.he. or today's hearing In the Eddy will con- a ,, Russian Paper Claims Premier Stolypin Was Sacrificed by Plotters. By Associated Press to the Cons Hay Times) ST. PETERSBURG, Sept. 21. Full exposure of tho scandalous criminal IntrlguoB In high governmental cir cles leading to Premier Stolypln's sacriflco Is forbidden for pntriotlc rensons says tho Nova Vremya. Tho paper says only n more fraction of tho findings of MlnhUor of Justlco Chotcheglovltoff, who is Investigating tho assassination of Premier Stolypin, can novor bo published. Twelve thousand Jews hnvo loft Kiev alnco the assassination and the exodus keeps up. SPAIN STILL E PRIEST IS HOTTER. Russian Divine Refuses Funeral Sev- vlco For Stolypin. (By Associated Tress to Coos Bay Tlmea) TSARITSYN, Russia, Sept. 21. Rev. Holldorous, the reactionary priest, declined official requiem mass fnr Stolvnln. saving. "Stollnln was not 0- t'0' our am,ly c,rcl0, JIe d,lJ "8 n0 I'rnlsc-H Coos Hny. wminm R. Chandler testified "" w that ho paid all the expenses of the Over 30,000 Building Trades Workmen Quit Today Less Violence. (By Associated Press to the Coos Bay Times.) MADRID, Spain, Sept. 21. Men employed in the building trades hero oboyed the strike order and quit work today. Thirty thousand aro Involved; Tho military holds a closo grip nnd tho government Is maintaining a firm attitude toward tho labor leaders, who it is claimed, nro being used by revolutionary agents to further tho campaign of violence against tho state. The streets prcsont a normal appearance except for tho prosonco of soldiers doing picket duty. The strikers have seriously interfered with the newspapers. Some were not Issued at all and othors with less than tho usual number of pages, Dis patches from tho country indicate the government's firm action has succeed ed in heading off a general suspension of activities which might dovolop in I to a revolution. At most points eve rything is quiet. However, at Jatlvn, when a batalllon of troops arrived, they were received with volloya of stonea. Tho troops fired back killing one and wounding four others. What has become of the old-faah- "i.... " ""'' . .,- A 1007 in Mov Un-rM. T-Ea' that J ara more ,Jinn eaB0 :Z ;..,. NW. loned man who referred to hla legs - - Wl UlllhBln. 1 -m m-t. il 111 U I I lid 1U,HW" .--- tinned- surprised In Coos Bay" 10, 1909- Tne O'Brien. "You have (Continued on page S.f Un. ault of 1907 wna carried on,.. "Shanka' males''? hv Phnndler na counsel ior ueu. . Glover nnd other heirs of Mrs. Eddy. Read tho Times' Want Ads. Family recipes nre the terror of a druggists' life, as the names of tho (ingredients are never spelled right. Have your calling curds printed at The THni offlc M G TERY ENSHROUDS OF TWO HDERED FAMILIES OK IS TOWED BACK Atlantic Liner Worse Damaged In Yesterday's Collision Than Reported. ' (By Associated Press to the Coon Bay Times) SOUTHAMPTON, Eng., Sept. 21 Assisted by six tugs, tho liner Olym pic, dnmnged yesterday In a collision with tho cruiser Hawko, wns taken bnck to dock horo and tho pnBson gors, who had spent a comfortable night nbonrd, wcro tnkon ashore nnd by trnlns to London for sailings on other vessels. Rcpnlrs to tho Olympic will bo made nt Bolfnst and may re quire several months. A. J. Burnham, Husband of One of Slain Women, Held . As Suspect. ' Think revenge was only motive of deed p TO FIGHT CASE Chicago Ju;ist Will Not Resign In Face of Threats of Exposure. ' (By Associated Press lo Cooa Baj Times) CHICAGO, Sept. 21 United States Circuit Jttdgo Gro8scup announced todny that ho will not Bond In his res ignation to tho president until tho threatened publication of tho chnrgos and criticisms of hla Judicial career havo been made nnd perhnpB ho will tnko action to vindicate hlmsolf. The Jurist says ho would Invito n far ronchlng Investigation of his official conduct. Six Were Evidently Killed Sun day Night While Asleep. (By Associated Press to tho Cooa Hay Times. . COLORADO SPRINGS, Sept. 21 In the absence of any cluo to sub stantiate robbory ns tho motlvo for tho murder of .Mrs. Allco Burnhanr, her daughter Allco, aged bIx yonra. and son John, aged threo and Mr. nttct Mrs. Henry F. Wayne, found dend ft their homes horo yesterday, tho authorities hold to tho theory thnt tho crime waB committed by soma euomy of ono If not both ramUfosu Tho two famine lived In adjoining Houses nnd were murdered with am nx whllo nsleop In their bed's probab ly Sundny night. A. J. Burnham, husband of ono or the murdered women, Is bolng hM by the police Ho Is n consumptive nnd the cifllclala of tho hospital whoro lie nna boon working .... ,.. ... . n on) iiu m nop Physically strong enough to wlold nn nx nn waa done by tho murderer. Burnhnm'a attitude, however. led tho offlcors to think thnt ho may knor moro of the cr'nto than ho enren to. Ji, m n,,ponrs "cocornod:. llio officers of the sanitarium that Burnham ia employed In porslat that thoy can account for hla movements during the period tho murders must novo boon commlttod. Chomlcnl nml mlo-- i- . ',, . ., -.wDtujj.c oxnmin- n ion of tho spots on Burnhamli hoes and clothing will bo made to dny. A rng with which tho mur derer wiped hla hands nnd tho nt hnndlo amenred with blood haa be 1UIIUU. CANADA VOTES ON RECiPaOCITY Upon Result of Today's Elec tion There Depends Fate of Agreement. (By Associated Press to the Cooa Bay Times.) MONTREAL, Can., Sept. 21. Die patches from nil over tho Dominion Indlcato ono of tho largest votes over cast at a gonoral election In Canada, Workers of each of tho parties woro early In tho flold and long before tho hour of oponlng tho polU, long linos of voters gathered eager to cast bal lots for or against reciprocity. This was particularly truo In Montreal, Toronto, Hamilton, Ottawa, Winni peg, Halifax and tho lnrgor cltlcp. Interest in tho rural districts Ib not less keen than that in tho contort cf populations nnd upon the heavy fnr mor vote tho government Ib depend ing for success. A Montreal Fronch newspaper has devised n unique schomo of making known the result of the election to night. It has arranged with tho light ing companies in the city to shut off tho electric lights at 9 o'clock for an interval of ten seconds if Lnurler wins, and for two Intervals of ten seconds each If It Is n Bordon victor. Ninoty per cent of tho houses In Montreal are lighted with electric lights. There Is less senso and more mon ey In tho world than ovor before in Its history. TAFT WILL NOT ALTEDJOURSE President Says Even Threaten ed Defeat Won't Change Tariff Policy. (By Associated Press to th Coot Ray Times) GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., Sopt. 21. Taft mndo tho first speech of lifts Western trip on tho tariff and bio vetoes of the wool, cotton nnd far mers' freo list bills horo today. Tha President nttnrked tho Domocrata nnd "Insurgent" republicans In the sounto and house who put thoso hills through congress at tho apeclal ses sion, and defended hla own course In vetoing thorn nnd declared ho wn3 unalterably opposed to n rovlslon nC tho tariff except on Information bo cured by tho tariff board. Ho do nned clearly his own position fit re gard to tariff revision and madn II" plain that oven if political defeat atared him In tho face ho would not. alter hla policy. Tho Prosldont pre dicted that revising tho tariff with "blacksmith tools" such aa ho said tho coalition domoprnta and "Insur gents" used, will lead Inevitably to a revulsion and tho recurrence of higher rates add tho "old system at high tariff." COX.VKHSH QUlTfiHPLACE" (By Associated Press to Tho Times) ALBANY, N. Y., Sopt. 21. Will iam J. Connors, of Buffalo, former chairman of tho Democratic state commltteo, has reslgnod as a member of tho commltteo to tnl o effect Immediately, ini DO NOT SK HOW A SENSIBLE MAN CAN BE A PESSIMIST ON COOS BAY Cn