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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1911)
mRsaMmam iyyff'IJ mr. w ij'imi,wwn,"."i'ni.wi, i. iiiiiwuiJMim,iiMiijiviviiu "wwwwps" IIS NO BADGE fff BESPlCTABJLtTY TO MSLIKE WHAT YDU HAVEN'T KNOWN YOUR. ADS CARRYING your fetorc-n'owB, should nppenr ns rciilnrly'nfl docs this riewspnpor. If ji newspaper omitted on issuo' now and then even for so weighty a roii gon ns fearing that It might rain It would not ho a good newspaper. SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A store's advertising spue In newspnper, compared with tho space used by other stores, should define Its comparative Importanco la the community! Docs your store's ad vcrtlMng space do thnt? mtm& MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXIV EstabUshod In 1878 ns Tho Coast Mail MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1911 -EVENING EDITION A Consolidation of Time. Coast Mnll and Coos Day AdrrrtlM'r. No. 137 ll,,J" "WlWPPipfUPI (tag mn 11 POMP ID PAGEANTRY GEORGE V IS Great of the Earth Participate In the Proud Ceremonials . of' Coronation. ' WAST CROWDS"THRONG LONDONS GAY STREETS Queen Mother Not Permitted to Witness Her Son's Triumph. '(By As&fi-latod Press to Coos Day Times.) LONDON, Englond, Juno 22. King Goorgo tho V, eighth of tlio Houso of llnnovor, wub today crown ed King of tho Drltlsh Empire, nnd given tho public homage of his world wide subjects. With his consort queen, Mnry, his majesty was crown- crt In tho Abbey of Wcstmlnntor with nil tho wealth of religious rites, nnd .n1 nrnnimiln ilnnrrllin,! 1,v cub- torn. Tho plcturo within tho gray wnllcrt nbboy wob ono of modlovnl splendor. Tho coronntlon services woro solemn nnd Impressive. Tho words woro handed down from tho earlier centuries, nnd the nctorB In the principal and secondary roleB of today's great function woro garbed In reprodnetlon of tho multicolored, gold ombroidercd trappings worn by their ancestors. Tho latter woro mndo wonderfully offectlvo-( sotting around tho contrnl flgurcB. Outside, the liRiinllv dull streets had been 1 ... a .1 !! nAM 9 Ml I iranBHiniii-'ii imu a union m tumi., Tho king and queen's progress to tho abuey, nnd tno routo to uucuingnnm palnco was ono'of unbroken ovations. Hundreds of thousands of spectators shouted thomsolvos hoarso, and at. tomo nolnts tho throngB woro so ' - . i closely packed it would not lmvo bcoa nn Interesting business nnd social difficult to hnvo walked on tho bonds BCS8ion last evening. Dr. W. Cnrl of tho people. Tho tumult of thunrt-'ton SmUh of Sn,om( D,8trct Dopulv crous welcome was nimosi aaniaiiiDK as the king nnd queen on tho out-' - . ward nnd homo Journoys precedod In tho Drat lnstnnco nnd followed on tho return by a stntoly suporb cayalcado or eminent princes, mnny thomsolvea helrs to thrones, stntesmen, dlplo- mats, courtiors, soldiers nnd mon of all hues, rnces nnd creeds from the four auartors of tho globo. The great coromonlal passed off unmar red by nny untoword Incidents. It s n proud day ln tho uruifln bin-. pno, nut of nil its millions, tno ono paraAQ md Exn,t0(1 Ru,op c p Mc. who perhaps had most reason to ho KnjBht ftUtfcorUed to nppolnt ft 8po proud was denied by court etiquette dal conunttco of threo that will have the Joy of witnessing tho triumphal Qf tho dotng nnd ftrranpe. event. At Sandrlngham palace, njont8 Queen Mother Alexandra, who 46 banquot wh,ch followod wns years ago this month gave birth to 1 exoinpllflcnt,on of rei good fol nrltnln's king, awaited news that her nm, tJlj brof nmJ brllftnt ..:..! uiKvn ins i..,.u0 ... u.u .u,.,. lino of English monarchs. i. V. Smeaton and Geo. F. Murch Buy Property as Residence Sites. . A transaction was consummated yesterday by whloh J. V. Smeaton nnd Geo. F. Murch acquired tltlo tq Louis DoFnuIt's ten ncro ranch at Flagstaff. ' There is nothing speculative or significant In tho purchase Mr. Smeaton announced yesterday to Tho Times. Messrs. Smeaton and Murch have purchased tho property ns tho 'he for two permanent summer homes which they expect to build So' n Plans are now under conslder tton and work will doubtless bo commenced this summer. T-e prlco paid for the ten acres as $5,500. AUTO L,I N E MRSHFIELD TO ROSEHURG DAILY FARE PNLY JC.00 OTTO SCHETTER, Agent ILL BUiLD lEV HOIB ;m mnagan 9 Phono Flanagan & Bennett Bank Building, Phono 11 -- 120 Market Ave., CROWNED K1G IS. LENEVE I PROMINENT PIONEER OF CO QUILLE VALLEY 18 FOUND DEAD IN HIS RED THIS MORNING. (Special Long Rlstanco Tciopnouo to to Tho Times.) C0QU1LLH, Ore., Juno 22. Mrs. Noah Lenovo, a prominent pioneer of tho Coqulllo Vnlloy, was found dead '" ucd nt Condloguo's Qnmp nt 2 o'clock this morning. Sho was thoro visiting hor son nnd complained of holtlg 111. WllOU they WCIlt to her room to look after hor wnntn, thoy found hor dead. Sho leaves thrco dnughtcrs nnd six sons, all promi nent in tho community. rw II' ! n Grand Lodge Officer Visits Bay -Elks Will Help' Celebration. Mnrshflold lodgo of Elks enjoyed Qrnnd ExnUot, Ru,or wn8 pr(J80nt on . . . ln.nootlon nnd 0xchnnKo of 11 IDIt VI l!D,t;VHUi Mill. VAW.It.l.CV " ,, . , i. nnoi0inn PASSES m ELKS BE A BUSY SESSION MB huciiii cuui ii-an-o. t. ni wuwumu.1 in (no auiiiuo wun bviii iuuuui cum- Qf tho reRM,ftr ordor ot business dur- piicotod todny when tho Sonato Fl- lnR whJch tJjo ,nltlnt0,y work waslnnnco Commlttco decided' to throw oxon)Uno,i by tho induction of P. N. tho woolen rovislon "and tho so-cnllcd' nooorg of North Dond into tho order, 'farmers Jreo list bills recently pass- & bnn(UCt wn8 B,,rona jn tho Masonic j'ed ,i,y tho democratic Houso Into tho ,,. rnnm nt wi,ieh Dr. Smith Ln'n cnni nn,i nt nnm tn v tnko baunuet room nt which Dr. Smith ,wns guest of honor. During tho rogulnr session It wns decided that tho Elks as a body will tlcl nt0 ,n tho Fourth ot jiy tongta m(do tJjo mmM fea8t alIto no .nw.w. n.n nmtorlnl. Dr. tin jww . .. . - . - -- Smith promptly caught tho booster spirit and pnld n glowing trlbuto to Coos Dny's resources nnd prospects. M. C. Mnlonoy ncted as tonstmaster nnd ln addition to tho principal speech of tho evening mndo by tho guest of honor, responses to toasts woro made by C. F. McKnlght. v J. Albert Mntson, J. V. Smenton, A. S. Hammond, E. D. McArthur, J. D. Gcss, nnd P. N. Reberg. 11ANDITH STILL FREE. Sheriff Gage and the deputy sheriff of Douglas county camo down from tho Loon Lnko country last night. They had not succeeded ln picking up tho trail of the Drain bandits but returned enrly this morning to con tinue tho hunt. FIREMEN NOTICE. All members of Marshfield Fire De partment aro requested to turn out tonight for drill. By ordor of L. W. TRAVER, Chief. JAVA COFFEE HOUSE TO RE OPEN NIGHTS H. A. Wells announces that the Jnya Coffee 0"e;.p order houso nnd restnurnnt, 1U be onen nights from now on. For tho'""'' "' ... . , , .... .. last few months, the place has beenUo83 wlu ne a unei "' "' u "" j6i, iow .iiu.m.o, i .nrdor Hutler oxnects to arrive nt .closed nights owing to tho dllllculty In obtaining eood hell). Carl E tntrlnlln will linvn olmv'-o nt nlchts land the best the market affords will be served. SOUTHERM OREGIjN GO. CHANGES TWO Large Corporation Passes Into nvml mcct,nB of tho stockholders of i - i, . ,. , j, 'tho Southern Oregon Compnny which the Control of C. R. Smithiwai hcld ln EmDlro todoy. lt con. WbO 'Has Been 'Elected NeWflrm8 tho forecast published in Tho President Dropped. -EJijah Smith ,1s NEW OFFICERS OF SOUTH ERX OREGON COMPANY. President C. It. SMITH Vice-president and treasurer f HERDERT ARMSTRONG. Secretary C. G. HOCKETT. Assistant secretary nnd trans fer agent FRANK II. DAMON of Boston. NEW DIRECTORS OF SOUTH- ERN OREGON COMPANY CHARLES R. SMITH. WM. H. MINER. HENRY S. SMITH. O. C. SETHER. HERBERT ARMSTRONG. O R. E. SHINE. LEE WEBSTER. The nbovo Is tho result of tho nh Further Confusion Is Caused When Finance ConirilltteG Decides to Throw Woolen T ' nrl I arUTi- ana. rarmerSr-rS9 List Bills In Open Senate. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmos.) WAamvflTON. D. C Juno 22. An alrcndy badly tangled situation H llirVUll U1IUJ; lililblV14 DHUlt.lUII . .... .- ...n, ..-.i.- ., open Sennto nnd at onco to tnKO REIGNS their changes along with tho Cana- July 1. Smnrtlng under this un dlnn reciprocity. Both measures usual action Ponroso called a meot howovor, recelvod a 'formal nd-,lng of tho Flnnnco Commlttco tor to verso commltteo roport. Tho com- day. "It would schedule", rind grnnt mltteo rofueod to tako tho responal- tho requested he'nrlngB. Anything blllty for reporting In dotall on these short by thnt tlmo will be usoIos.i. measures at any" given, tlmo, and do-.Tho bill might Just ns well bo ro; elded to cast xho burdon of tho Sen-' ported today ns on July 1," assorted nto legislation on tho coalition of tho ' Penrose. democrats and Insurgont republicans All guesses of n posslblo dnto for suddenly brought nbout last night adjournment, It Is now admitted, when tho wool bill camo from tho nro useless. Somo sonntora bollovo House. Tho Flnnnco Commltteo had extra sessions will dovotnll Into tho beon Instructed to roport tho wool In Lovegren Case It Is Con tended That Giving Away of Liquor Is Not a Crime. Before City Recorder Butler, nr- guments to a domurrer woro mado by the attorneys yestorday ln tno , enso of Charles Lovegren, chnrgad . with giving away liquors' on Sunday. Lovegren was charged originally with selling liquors on Sunday, but nt tho suggestion of City Attorney J. Goes at the bearing a week ago, the chaigd was changed from selling liq uors to giving away liquors on Sun day. Thnmns nonnott ronreseutlliK the defendant contended th(at tho giving nu-nv nf ItnnnrR wna not a crime, and ' , charge ngalnst the defend- ,., nt nnro.' corder Butler expects to arrive nt a decision during tho next week, fc- PHONE I. S. KAUFMAN & CO YOUR COAL ORDERS $ PER TONj i mm m?M m w m m LHIB I-UU n KUUL U! IL.L.U lUUifl TO DEBRER FOR Wffll LMD !3 Times some days ago of tho transfer ot tho control of this big corporation from' Elijah Smith to Charles R. Smith, head of the Monashn Wood enwaro Company. Tho nbovo ofllclnl action of the stockholders Is tho only matters mndo public today. No an nouncement of any kind will bo mndo fcrtKo prosont. C. 'It. Smith expect ed to bo present but was called eaBt On important business. ,It is not bought anything was dono othor hnn tho chnngo In tho personnel of ho directors nnd officers. Tho fact hat Elijah Smith wns not' given a Ilrcctorshlp 'would Indicato that his loldlngs aro very small. It Ib probable no announcement of Lho purposes of tho company will bo mndo until tho noxt TCgulnr meeting jot tho now directors which will bo liold on Thusrdny, July 13. Tho following is tho list of tho old oincors who nro succeeded by tho names printed nbovo: Former OfllceiN. EUJnh Smith. President. James Polhcmus, vice-president. It. E. Shlno, BQcrctnry. F. II. Damon,- treasurer. Wl1 by July u wnB ronort0(1 t0lJny lin, Cunnlnr Plnnn Intnnilnil tn of- for n resolution of Instruction ns to I i, ., Hot lilll Tint tlio rnnimltlcfl foresuned bucii notion. i ..... "R has boon demonstrated thnt tho republicans no longor nro In control of tho Sennto, and tho responsibility linn lienn tnken from thoin." This statement from Penroso of Ponnsyl- ivanla, tho chnlrmnn of tho onco'nll- noworful commlttco on llnnnco, to- day roflccted tho chnotlc conditions uil iutn.-v.ivu mw v..,..w ,w w..- i. c.., ,, rnat nt int 111 mu ouiiuiv no u .o.. w. ..... night's light over tho Houso wool bill which brought nbout a coalition of democrnts nnd progressive repub- llcnns by 39 to 18. This coalition instructed tho Finance Commlttco to rmmrt tho wool bill to tho Sennto'by roport tno wool dim io mo oenuui u regular session next uccomuor. Steamer Breakwater With Large List of Passengers Sails for Portland. ' Tho steamer Breakwater with inrg0 passenger list nnd n good cargo of fr0ght sailed today for Portland. Thoso who took pabsago aro: F, E. Under, Chas Smith, Fred Case, L. S. Street. L. B. Pray, W. L. Simpson, Mrs. W. L. Simpson, P. Sonnevel, M. R. Brown, Mrs, Brown, Dora Brown, Mrs. L. S. Welds, Miss A. B. Streot, A. Rankin, C. E. Flnon, G. F. Mead, James Crank, J. M. Chamberlain, F. Komp, L. C. Bargolt, vinin RhirlilL'o. Goo. P. Storey, K. vntant,,r Alva .T. A. Yoakum. .Mrs. 8 t jinjehom, Orlona Montgomery, .1. i n,,.,iin,i. Mm Rlilrldiro. E. M. f. - ' " w w. G'. Knott, J. R. May. ' J , ....,. t t, cu..t. ii. "" l',"' ,"l,-'"-," "; ' , ..,' Hndabaugh. L. Htewari. t, j. lower, t, i nin.minir v n. itenwnv. Frank i, 3 nj,nrnck, F C, Benway, Frank i lex. Larren Forty, T. C Russell. A. McPUerfaon, Mike Bahler. Mrs. Grove, ,8. Johnson, A. Omhoff, George Illadh Jlty. John Bume, Mre Glllnett. SE1IE !r: WOEN NEARLY KILLED N RUNAWAY VNS'",SWN CHILD MEETS Ailll. DEATH GEORGINA CROSBY DIES AS RE SULT OF RURNS RECEIVED 111. IWLLINO IN TUR OF ROILING WATER. LnBt nght, nftor suffering two days from Bovero burns caused by falling ln n tub ot boiling wntcr Inst Mon day, Gcorglnn Crosby, tho 6nly child of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Crosby of Catch ing Inlot, passed away. Tho death Is tho more pathetic as tho father Is absent in Washington Bocklug n now homo r.nd It Is Impossible to notify him In tlmo for tho funeral which tnkea plneo from their homo tomor row afternoon nt 1 o'clock, Rev. II. I. Rutlcdgo olllclntlng. GOAST LEAGUE Portland Defeated at Hands of Oakland by a Score of 8 to 1 at San Francisco. , STANDING OF THE CLUBS. , Per ' " ' ' Won Lost ' cent Portland -14 32 .570' San Francisco. . CO 37 .55-1 Onkland. .' . ..43 40 .518 Vernon. ... .41 40 .500 Sacrnmento. . . 30 43 .457 Los Angoles... ..31 41 .388 t (By AFSoclntcd Press to Coos Day Times.) PORTLAND, Oro., Juno 22. Oak land deofntod Portland yesterday at San Frnnclsco by n scoro of 8 to 1, Tho results of tho gnmes plnyed yos qrdny In, tho Const League aro as fol lows: At San Frnnclsco R H Portlnnd 1 B Oakland 8 10 At Sncraipento R H Sacramonto. ..,,.".. 0 3 Los Angoles. ...... 2 8 At Los Angoles It II Snn Frnnclsco 0 11 Vernon 5 13 LOCAL OVERFLOW. RAY KAUFMAN returned Inst eve ning from nn oxtonded trip to Portlnnd nnd points north, DIt. SMITH J. MANN of Bandon was n visitor In Mnrshflold yostorday coming up to attend tho Elks meeting. ED. WEIDER, who returned homo rocently from Columbia University In Portland, went to Coqulllo this morning. MISS DAISY RUSH loft this nftor I noon on tho Nnnn Smith on hor j way to hor old homo In South Bond ! Indlann, whero sho will spend tho ' Biimmor. E. M. WRIGHT and L. M. KossUr woro among tho Portland bound passengers on tho Draln-AUogany utngo this morning. A. S. HAMMOND roturnod to Co qulllo this morning nftor a brief business visit in this city. FOURTH OF JULY MEETING. v moating of tho business men and citizens of Mnrshflold will bo hold at tho Marshflold Chambor of Commorco at 8 o'clock, Thursday ovenlng, Juno 22, for hearing reports of commit tees on tho Fourth of July celehra' tion and the transaction of othor bus mess. Everyone Is urged to be pre sent. VIOLET HENDERSON. See SO NEAR COQUILLE Elizabeth Gamble, Nurse Ifi Mercy Hospital, May Be Fatally Injured. mrs. ben Mcmullen of myrtle point, is hurt Thrown Into Rail Fence With Force to Crush Their ' Bodies. (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILLE, Ore, Juno 22. Mlaa Gamblo, tho professional nurso of Coos Hay, rc'olved what mny prove to be fatal Injuries, nnd Mrs. Boa McMullon of Myrtlo Point wns Borf ously Injured ln n most distressing runnway nccldont near this city yes terday afternoon. Mrs. McMullen nnd Miss Gnmblo started from Myrtlo Point for n pleas ure drlvo to Coqulllo with u ono-horso buggy. Whon nonr Coqulllo tho iinl mal becamo frightened nt n cow and started to run nnd kick, smashing tho slnglo trco which thrust ltsolf Into tho nnlmal, further exciting It until It was tonrlng nlong tho road nt ter rible speed the buggy, swnylng from side to side. In n few minutes It struck somo slight obstruction and both ladles wero thrown out and hurled Into n rail fonco nt tho road stdo with such awful force that Miss Gamble's skull wns fractured, hor Jaw bone brokon. collar bono and several ribs broken. Mrs. McMullon was not so seriously hurt but suffer ed contusion of tho chost, arms and legs. Mies Gamblo was knockod un conscious tby tho fall nnd Mrs. Mo Mullen screamed for help 'which soon renchod her and brought both tho In jured women to this city. Mrs. Mc Mullon wns taken, to 'tho John Slo cum homo nnd Miss Gamblo tq the hotel nnd medical aid summonod. Dr. Culln wns called and n mossngo nlso uoiit to Dr. Dlx In Mnrshflold. r)r. Dlx responded promptly nnd broke tho Coqulllo, MnrBhflold auto record, making tho trip from Front street, Mnrshflold, to tho Coqulllo hotel In exactly flfty-flvo minutes. Tho Injured women's wounds woro dressed and everything possible dono for tho alleviation of their sufforlng. Tho accident Is tho mora distress ing ns Mrs. McMullen had roturnod only a week ago fronftho Coos Bay hoHpltnl where sho undorwont an operation. Miss Gnmblo aocom panlod hor to her homo In Myrtlo Point to nurso hor back to health and yesterday was tho first day sho was nblo to bo out. It was found thnt It would bo nocesunry to take Miss Gamblo to Coos Bay and perform a surgical oporntlon to snvo hor llfo. Accord ingly sho wna prepared for tho Jour n oy this morning nnd loft on tho ten o'clock train for Coos Bay. Tho young son af Mrs. McMullon, who acrompnnlod them, escaped with a fow slight bruises nbout tho bend. An Ives lu Miirshllnld. Miss Ellznboth Gamblo, for somo years n professional nurso in Morcy hospital, arrived on tho noon train from Coqulllo, carried on n stretcher. Sho had regained consciousness hut wns sufforlng greatly from mnny broken bones and brulsos. She was taken nt onco to Morcy hospital at North Bend, whoro at a lato hour this afternoon sho was roportod resting easily with chances lu favor of hor rqcovory. Right IiryoiirTJuslost soason whon you have tho least time to spare you nro most llkoly to tako dlurrhooa and lose bovornl days' tlmo. unions you have Chamborlaln'a Collo. Cholorn nnd Diarrhoea Remody nt hand and take a dose on tho first nppearanro pf tho disease. For salo by all deal ers. FAST TIME TO ROSEHURG BY COOS RAY AND ROSEHURG AUTO LINK. Lonve Mnrshflold at 0:15 each morning nnd reach Rosoburg In 8 hours. Leave Rosoburg nt 0 45 a m dally nnd reach Mnrehfleld In S hours. Wnde & Goodnlo, Marshflold ticicqt offico a Blanco Cigar Sforo. cons c untv PEAS, FRESH eve-, ry day SACCIH'S Grocery. i i 1 I 1 M :1 S.jkr "--"-" - tiiii- i'iIii lid iMmJMvh'tfttitmi.tMiV'- rfAL..Ak. 'v. irt .- -