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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1911)
,w r,,, rwTOW , t . .,,Tp. ,iM.TyiW,,.,a..ivyTi'f "rw"H)"" n' iff wv"T)WpWiiypWpMIBpiP , -N , v W i i i w ! 1 1 y wTHE C00S-BAY-T4MESMARSHFIELp,.,CEG0(aJUJlSDAyM JUP. 22,.iiai.1r-fiyKNNG EDITION $y I " ... a .j. mtmfm, m 'oiWh'. y i J- -1. T W:mMW&w : Pi H. Finnell Going Out of ....:' , ....- , mc greatest saving ovonE.eTer oneroa ine peppfc.j,qi ,yqos isar. iiunarcas oi-peopie mil arau tnemseiTca 91 vma ijouuouui uyui-Luuic. tt uvo aparou no pains in-making this tho grandest event evor. People' f or, miles' ardund haybecn $old o thisirrij!eojioinicaboTent and this stoip promises to b jammed to tho doors bj 'eager shoppers waiting tos avail themselves of this wonderful prico cutting' event, ," L'l ' Store will close Thursday anil Friday :D:This Week mfa open its doors Saturday, June 24th at 9:00 AW Come felrly and take advantage. Extra Special! 100 Prize Packages to be Sold at 25c Each As nn extra inducement, Piuuell has put up 100 prize packages, containing ;frorn 50q to $5.00 worth of merchandise. Not one chance to lose. Every package con taining something useful and more than the price paid. These packages will co.utain good merchandise of all kinds and among them will be Capitol prizes. All those attending the first day will have an opportunity to take away a very pleasing purchase. Extra quality Simpson prints. While they last. Yard 5c Extra fine, fancy Dress Ginghams. Q 12y2 and 15c quality. Yard 10c quality. Yard ...7c ..'38c China Silks in all colors. 50c quality. Yard Shoe Department I 1 r f stock. $3.50 and $4. Ladies' fine Dress &j 4 r Shoes. Sale Prico $ $4.50 and $5 Ladies' fine Dress 9 or Shoes. Salo Price $6.0 J $2.50 and $3 Ladies' Sandals, M CF black and tan. Sale Price T $3.50 and $1 Ladies' Sandals, !' . $2.45 black and tain. Salo Prico Ono lot of assorted colored Infants' Shoes, regular 50c quality. 30r Sale Prico, pair 3VL $1.25 Children Shoes, all sizes. Salo Price, pair 72c 90c $1.50 Children Shoes, all sizes. Sale Price, pair BOYS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Boys' Long Pants Suits. $6 (to r a to $8 values. Sale Price ijO.OU Boys' Long Pants Suits. $9 frn tA to $12 values. Salo Price. . . . 4"W Boys' Knee Pants Suits. $3 (t 9 a to $3.50 values. Sale Prico. . y&.6) HAT DEPARTMENT Men's fino Dress Hats, consisting of all colors and shapes, right up-to-dalo styles and all sizes: $2.50 quality. Salo Price $1.65 THANKING YOU FOR YOUR PAST H. FINNELL, ioSa A1rf,rrSt?i VK$ T W0TJLD LK T0 CATALOGUE IN THIS ANNOUNCEMENT THAT SPACE ArrirTfriTiV m(j' Z'UAl'V AM SELLING LESS THAN HALF nln nnniAm mrr in, rrirTrxJ'JllSMlJj rujtSLlW 1U ATTEND TEE GREATEST SAVING EVENT "" Jyj" ixjy J-dim x M X1JLI ULJLlVUi ItUUU nY ttlll i-i'l'A'rKMHN'r. T77TTT One of MorshfieW's oldest iperchahts to retire. Will dispose of his entire-stock of Dry Goods, aothtng.Hatsi Shoes, FamishingvEta, rrdess ofoort;. , .... -, ! ""' i' ,' ' a 'i i Dry Goods Not a single article excepted' during this Quito a number of pieces fa AlpAcca, Serges, Panamas, Cassimcrc, Pancy ill Plaids, etc. Regular 50c quality- 'OQ-" TOCLO'SliJb"UTAT,YARB... JOL I All Wool CovertOloth. Extra wido and selling regularly for "$1100" 0, tho yard. Salo rico . . . $ s a . , . vQ v. Taffeta Silks, pegular 85c CQr' oualifcv. Yard . ' UOL. ' s 4-J. I v '' I have an unusual largo stoiKoJ'iSn'oes, lninost" every ) itv-r.r.;iiitjA(-'"it.'jij."j.:j"t.')' up-to-date stylo and sizes .complete and are niakiic, $x tra large inducements to effect a quick sale of tho entiro Kf ;v.i ; : m tv ... ... f-ii'1 i . " ifc;m ,'t.- Z. t' ' ' 1 Jlj j Take Advantage vl Boys' Shops in Pntpnt. V nlnnvn nwl T i1 leathers, sizes' 2V to 511. Regular $2.50 and $3 quality. " or Sale Price, pair'. rP I OD One lot of Men's fine Dress Shoes in Patent and Willow Calf. $3.00 to $3.50 qualit'. Closing &t fr Out Prico M I "3 $4.00 to $5.00 Men's fine Dress fry or Shoes. Closing Out Price . . $w0 J Extra quality Men's fine Work Shoes. $3.50 quality. Salo Prico $2.35 $6.50 and $7 Napa-Tan, Loggers' and Cruisers' Shoes. &a a a Sale trice $4.:JU $4 and $5 Loggers' Shoes. Sale Price $3.15 Boys' Knee Pants Suits. $4 d?9 2C to $4.50 values. Salo Price . tpS.OD Boys' Knee Pants Suits. $5 y rr to $6 values. Salo Prico .... W.OD 50 and 60c Bovs' Blue Deni.m Overalls. EXTRA SPECIAL 99 ' pair &&C $3.00 quality. Sale Price $3.50 quality. Salo Prico $4.00 quality. $2.10 $2.65 $2.85 bale Price PATRON AG. North Front I - rv . . -. m-m . ' ' ' ., ,. ' Department sale, everything goes at a great sacrifice. .- ... .. Extra largo Turkish Bath Towels,, sells everywhere for 35c. 4 n Sale Price, each , . J tfl Medium sizes Turkish Towels, 12c .. 20c quality. Sale Price, each . .. Children's extra quality, black and tan hose.. Regular 30 and 35c t Q quality. Salo Price, pair OL Men's line JJress lJants. S3 fr at to $3.50 quality. Sale Prico . 4 1 .30 Men's fine Dress Pants. $4 frr rr to $4.50 quality. Salo Price . J&.JD Men's fino Dress Pants. $5 tf--i or to $6 quality. Salo Prico . . . $J.OJ $3 and $2.50 Men's fancy Negligee Shirts. Each . $2 and $1.50 Men's fancy Negligee Shirts. Each . $1.85 $1.15 ...65c $1.00 Men's fancy Negligee Shirts. Each , 50 to 65c Men's Work Shirts. 35c Each v P A.w mmm:is9m 1 MS 'i -M .x .' ( 1! h rvi Street, "Marshfield, Oregon: Business - :-u; w.t . ' ) J .Via Children's black and, tan hose, ja 20c quality. Sale price, pair .. . . lUC Children's black and tan hose-,. 15q q quality. Sale Pricey pair oC Ladies' black and. tan Cotton Hose 30 to 35c quality.. Sale Price,, aq . pair I"C Ladies' extra quality Wool Hose. 4 n. Salo Price, parr iyC Stock of Meii's and Boys' Clothing ,' To be sold less tiian actual cost in order to dispose of them quickly. Men's Suits, all sizes, $10 to $12.00 values. Salo Prico $6.25 Men's Suits, all sizes, $12.50 to $14.00 values. Salo Prico $7.35 Men's Suits, all sizes, $15.00 to $16.00 values. Sale Prico $9.85 Men's Suits, all sizes, $18.00 to $20.00 values. Salo Prico $12.65 Men's Suits, all sizes, $24.00 to $28.00 values. Salo Prico $16.85 30 and 35c A Ecu's Cotton and Cassimere Hose. Pair 15c Men's Cotton Hose. Pair 21c 9c Men's Cotton Work Socks, 10c tr quality.Pair JL Men s Cotton Work Socks, 15c Qr quality. Pair M"en 's Ilea vy Wool Socks, 30 4 Qq and 35c quality. Pair ' Mon'S'IIeavy Wool Underwear, Clr $1 quality. Salo Prico, garment VJXi M"en's Heavy Wool Underwear, Q9( Men's Heavy Wool Underwear') QQ $2 quality. Salo Price, gar.. . $ ki yx,&o quality, oaiu arnui;, WILL NOT PERMIT IN LOTS OF ORIGINAL PRIGE. EVER INAUGURATED AND " f SS rt re e o