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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1911)
w"-iii lWiKNi"IMil"l READILY YOUR. ADS CATUIYING your stowuews, should nppoar an regulnrly.a docs tills nowspnner. If n newspaper omit tod sin lssuo now niul then ven for so .weighty n ren fion as curing thnt ittinight ruin It would Jiot bo a wot! nowspupw. SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A store's ndvcrtlslng space in a newspaper, compared with tho space ii.slmI by other stores, should define Its comparative Importance in tha coiiiinuiiltyl Docs your store's ad vertising spneo do tlint? rotes MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS f i IP i. inwpiMPI'HMP Olojoa Sag Established InlWJJ tn The Comtf Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1911 EVENING EDITION iiHLOi ! 1 "fcoraf b "SslllFiri I nnil 1SEB I ! mn minnrnn ML ILL BIB SUIititiiiJ A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll and Coos Day Advertiser. No. 107 . Courteney"Property Tnay Taken Over and Started By Los Angeles 'Man. Be (Large Audience Hears Deuel- 'lenHProgram Despite ln tloment Weather. Joseph E. Culver of Ijb ttngoles ' 'Despltu tho Inclement weather, tho 1 Coos 'Bay Isolated as Result of wcnthcr- Fo,ir of lo pontoon wore sunk and It will take some llttlo tlmo Heavy Wind and Rain to ropnlr the damage and to got tho n-!.. n n tt dredge to work again. Dredge Oregon .Suffer Th0 telephone company also suffer- I cd more or less dnmngo from tho (storm. Ab a result of a Btorm of jtnusu4l Last evening, the electric light severity for the month of May, Coos company was threatened with con- uny jb today i-shut off from coinmunl- Blderahle wlro trouble and the cur Slight Damage. concert at i...iii,tr nnctrtlntlons for "tho imr- XIjikoiiIc llnnrn Hnnn inn nvmfhm hrnyv. inc western union ho 'cation with the outBlCo worhl'by tole- rent wont off several times for a few In Mnrahfleld Tor tho puTpose of con- 'Cmunliilul-i Cluh'B imr clinno of tho Courtoney Trilll at Mil- O.cbw a good attendance nnfl was one wcnt down y'8tcrt,nr afternoon artd located and overcome, iinntnn niul tonrrnnco for-Htnrtlmr -ortho mt,t micncRHtuI from mi nru.ijMn"n'or SChettcr is ainnblo Ut oven, -As n result of tho the plnnt nt nn-cnrly date lflil.1 nego-tIc standpoint thnt the club htiB tlatlonB go through, as now appear Iglvun. Tho nndlonce was liberal m qulto certain. ivxpressing Its approval nml every ODD FELLOWS HOLD SESSION Oregon Grand Encampment Now Meeting In Portland New Officers Chosen. PORTLAND, Ore, May 18. Til roil hlindrnil nfflrnrn. ilnlmrntna nml linn .1. ....... 1... .Im .HMililn .. mmIaMh "" lUIIlllll-B "111 lll nullum iiuo HU.un.j v Bltnra wnr.l nrnumt whnn Grand ARRIVE 0 BREAKWATER wires bulns Patriarch Leo WImborly called tho twoen Portland and Coos Day 37th annual session of tho Grand En. long tlmo. Sho encouutorod Steamship Had One of Rough est Trips In Long Time Brings Machinery. Tho Urcnkwntcr arrived In lato yes terday afternoon after ono of tho roughest trips tho vessol has had bo In n tho i The Courtenoy mill watt ml lit threo number wad encored onco ur twice, tiiu singers graciously responding. Mrs. Elffldn Hollor Wulnstoln, so pruno, nnd 'Xlra. Bolpnlnu Marx, con tritlto, of Portland who assisted prov ed 'fhomsclvid vocnllBta of unusual or four years ago but owing to flnnn clal mlxups In which tho utlllUerH be came Involved, tt was nevur opornt cd. Tho mill was completed -and Is of tho moat moduTii typo throughout. Litigation following tho inlxup has tied tho proporty up until recently, j Mf11lnir.1T 3r.lik.irtm. la HitnUn .. ....... I '- "'"""' KUH.UIU IA UY'JU R1ICSS When Service Mill 1)11 rffltnriil. .lnn.n Tim Tlmni wm niinhln Tin tn. ! ii. ,.,. .,.. u,,n, ,.. , """"' "" icnmpnii'nt, I. O. O. P., to ordor in southwest Btorm soon nftor leaving no nas thrco llnomen out but ho (euro Its regular Associated PrcBB ro- nA. t.'rtn."r..,,..,i bi,. t ., i m.i. . . . . i , , . . thinks thero mo a numbor of breaks . oi t today. dd ""T Tc,""lc' Hr,fl,t nmI pA,,,or ABtiorlfl nt c 'cl Tuesday evening awln.itn hn i.,.i mm... MMM .' , ..' -, v-.,. ... ...., !,,trcct8 thlfl wok' Ilcn,,lnB r r- ""' rought nil tho way down tho u. j. u.w.. v,. .,w.. v.. ........ por(Bi conforrnK of tll0 nrnn, Ell, j cstrday afternoon, tho wind at-.hero this aftornoon aftor having tnlned ii velocity of nbont sixty miles 'driven from Myrtle Point. Ho re per hour nnd jmrtloa out in tho j ports that thoro Is considerable woods snld that trees woro constant-1 brmih on tho road and that many ly fallluj,'. One man saw twolvo lnrgoltroo are down. Tho worst obstnelo ability. Although mtponrlng under lro;8 f"U w,th,n n Bhort dlatanwi of ;was noar tho Bummlt whore thoro ldgrC(j nR roUow. M 8 Wonlmn c D coast. jenmpmunt degreo nnd appointment! In hor frolght cargo, sho had nn it)f committees consumed tho time at other largo donkey onglno for tho itho morning sosslon. 'Spilth-Powers compnny nnd tho mnch Twunty-olght past chief pntrlarchs Inory from tho wrecked Oshkosh rocolved the Grand Encampment de-' which Is being built at tho Kruso and rntlter adverse clrcumstnncos, having illnuliB yards now. onnli It ! i i a ii .f . t. . .1 " ,;.. "::: 7 :: .. . '" ""?... "".!" '-"". Abbott, A. T. Drlsco, O. W. Drink-1 Among tliiwo arriving on . .i . . . iiiu ui:uuu vjifiriin a run iiixlop nnnudarn mt hiiiipiiitv in rrniTin? Tiinr i Mr. L'uiver nan wuon engaged in mo jurnvuii into yoaioruay on ine Jjreaic- " 7 "- - ' - nr,i, j. p. Modernnch, 0. L. llonnoy, Ilronkwntor were tho following: .-.., .......w,. uwuu uu ...ii luiyiu ii. tho lumber business tor yenrs and lilfl father v,nn lilontlftod for n numbor of years with tho Weyorhnuser Lum ber Company In Its tiporntlons In WIb- wnti'i after nn unuBiially rough trip from Portlnnti. nolther Bhowod any 111 orfects of tlai strain nnd Hcorod do cldod hits. Doth voIcoh liavo un- conRln. A brothor will bo nsmoclutod usunl ninge nntl showed cnroful train- " with him 1n tho bmrtness here. Begldes tho rogulwr mill opera- Iiir. "Mrs. Mnr perhaps sung with nw y i i 01 mmm lie bettor bettor oxprosnlon of the. tlons, Mr. Culvor 1b tconflldorhig tho two. nlnn of imttlng In n creosote plant XI rn. 'Froderlc'K E. Leofo wan tho In connection with It lor tho pnrpoio ''.pcomjurnlst for 'tho choruH Whllo . ... ,of turning out croosottil products for Mrs. Win. Horslilll, Jr., director of tho Clmmlnndo club, played tho nc- btCaiTlShip "SailS Late TilSS.Alt- tho compnnlmont for Mrs. Mnrx nnd tho I Mrs. "WtfrnBtoln. 'This wns Mrs. M S A. Ayres, William Gunning. II. I Mrs. J. K. Kckmnn, II. 1). Donohng, iM. Tnyior, .inmoa wntson, u. u, Hoy- xirs. II. L. Glvort, Xlrs. L. Strong, L. j nobis, S. T:. Pholps, C. H. Hnworth. Strong, A. A. Levy, T. E. Poromnn, D. A. Harmnn, .T. A. Arbuckle, II. IJ. llov. .1. D. O'Drlen, J. 8. Lawronco, Coolldgo, .1. P. Schall, P. II. Xlyors, Mrs. J. S. Lawronco, S. Goldsmith, W. C. nndleott, J. S. Pino, J. It. Olm- C. II. Dnvls, n. II. Iluntor, P. Dnvcn- , which thoro Is n great domand. Tho mill -would omilloy In neighborhood of forty inon nt plant besides thoso who would And iLoefo's first nppcnrtiiico boforo n largo occupation In tho woods supplying Uudlonco In Xlnrshftold and sho won logs for tho vroporty. i-niuch praUu. Mrs. llorsfall nnd the The XIar8hfltfld Chnmbur of Com- inembors of the chorus also grnoon For Portland Wilh Many. Trusteeship Plan Proves Not Satisfactory to Some of His Creditors. stail, P. II. Chnmplln, II. XL Cock inirn, J. "W. Mulr, J. N. Wisdom, So ron Sorcnson, W. I). Plorco and J. 0. Cnnndy. At tho nnnunl election R. -E. Shn- ,ron of Portland, was ro-choFon grand IFo.rllm for tho Hovonteonth tlmo and port, (!on, Itofjonfoldor, XL Allison, 0. XL Holllns, II. .1. XIntthowHou, Prod Knnpp, C. A. Saunders, Jack Saun ders, XIrs. K. A. Saundors, J. W. Rathhun, Thoo. Gllman, 8. V. Stroa tou, 8. W. Lntz, Edna XL Stanley, N. C. Kelly, 1). II. Plnnoy, P. C. Godt, Xlnson Xlonrs, XIrs. C. XloarB, Mrs. W. W. Francis of Albany, grand tronsurer for tho sixth time, Othor Wolnstoln, XIrs. XInrx, XIrs. Ruby olllcers wero choion ns follows: Koonnll, Xlothor XL Camullus, Slstor A hitch has occurrod In tho trim-.Grand patriarch, O. P. Minor, Port- .M. Jvaver, o. 11. Lamphonr, B. Cnn- tnnrtiii, nrnrrnillncB rocnrdlnc thollnnd; grand high prloflt, 0. P. Itlck- field, Grant Hunch, XIrs. A. XL Bun- Tho Tlreakwator sallnd Into this nftcrnotui for fortlnnd. Cnpt. Mac- morco Ib endeavoring to naslst XTr. slnrod equally In tho honors or tho gonn having mndo n new rccorti In jIajor jcinnoy nroportles nnd today loy. Harrlsburg; srontl Bonlor war- ton, XIrs. Evuns Vnrnor, Arthur Volde, Culver In IiIb negotiations and It Is munlng. Tho momberH of tho cborus unloading tho fivlght anil taking .t j00j.b nB tiiomjh tho mnttor will bo tlon, 0. A. Poguo, Ontario; grand P. C. Allflcld, Xlnrtln Voldo, Win, hoped thnt tho deal will bo condud- participating In InBt -evening's nro-Via outgoing enrpo. 'fought out In tho bankruptcy courts. ropresontntlTo Loo WImborly, P. 0. Schnrf, Alfred Jnraa, Ilornlco Hol ed shortly. gram woro Miss Evolyn .Anderson,! Among thoso Balling from hero on Cju:Uf Solby, nttornoy for tho poll- ?- Rosoburg. mos, XL C. Winters, P. C. Salgor, 0. C. II. Codding, -who has bten look- 'Mrs. Robert K Rooth, -XIIss Esther (ler woro tbo following: Honing creditors In tho bankruptcy I Tho nnnunl report of E. E. Sharon, M. Ilolllster, C. A. Potorson, Mrs. Ing after tho proporty for sotno tlmo, 'Johnson. Mrs. J. T. HaR, XIIbb Clara ?Irs. Alex Sandon, A. T. Roldeis, prococ(!ng()( refused to agreo to thu.Brnnd scrlbo of tho grand encamp- Alia Knno, XIrs. AUn Swift, T. W. Is also nIstlng Mm In the winttor. Myrwn, XIrs. UonJ. Ostltifd, Mrs. 15. J- W. nrnujlon, Jimn Thomas, Xlrt.. truBtecsl,,p 'wl,cj, Wnjor Kinney nndj'no". '-ow "0-2 nlors In Ore- Johnson, XIrs. T. W. Johnson, Prank L. Robinson, Mrs. J. V. Smonton, E. ."Boyd, n. InBtorton, XIrs, D. Xiao- . ,!, ,,.i ncrood to.'Bon, n gain of 301) during tho ynr. Stnhor, JnB Thomatoz, Philip Rorg, Mrs. Chas Stntnt, XIIbs May Stauff, terU)n, Paul A. Tubhiitt, R. C, Dlshoo, Th)j trUBU,CBnp nRnpK,n,0t rocogntz- T,1 incomo wns J18.232.1C: ninount M. Miller, XL Rnblch, II. M. Orlmej, XIrr. XL A. Swtrttmnn ntvU XIrs. C. L. A. Hopburii, E. It. Church, Mrs. II. Wnlto mortgago over whlcii Paltl for ro,,of' 13,023.35, nnd tho is- XIr. Xlorrow, XIrs. Xlorrow and G. N. IL WUUor. Following tho program -at tho Oupwi House, the mombors of tho ueo uincn, jU8. i;.. a. jimehry, ii. Mt. . .. . , .. .. .. . increnso of 121li last year. Tiio in- . ' .. .... lllll I1IJL UAilUWIJ 1111. .....fc ... .v ... RAPT IIPRFHH uni i tmmui f w Hi m t Master of Breakwater Pay $100 for Violation of the Regulations. - .u,, ix. .ut..,iu.., iur.. . .ur b ,, ,,,, nKr0()l, ,0.'gon, n gain or auu .Hiring 1110 year, manor, erum, Paul A. Tubbiitt. R. C. DIsl.oo, trUBtwsp nRnK,mont recognU-,Tho Incomo wns J18.232.10: amount M. Mil .... ... ..w,.-...-, ... ... .. ..... ... t(j mortBT,RO ovor Whicnii'" """" -. " Jllegdahl, Xlrt. C. C. .Going, Mrs. D. 8o much 1M bcon BRjd , UlQ pnBtisots, 168.420.10. There nro 204 lod- Olson. , XL Ilorry. Joe Homing. J. It. Lair. m& t Ja midor8tooa 1hnt Mr. SolbyBc with a membership of 18,989, an. PECULIAR CSSE IS 1 TRIAL P !' understood However Hint his prln-,como wns S47,C10.D2; amount paid PORTLAND, Ore,. May 18. Cnp tala T. J. Xlncgenn, mastor of tho ttcamshlp Drenkwntor, has beon fined $100 by the Department of Commerce and Labor for his falluro to carry club nnd their huSbnnds and frlonds D. TTedborg, Afln XlcConnoIl, woro entertained nt n dollghrful re-'Allplld, W. II. Schorr, 3. E. Prrott. c obcctlon wnB tnnt under tho for relief, f70.l-J0.18; contlan nt tho J. V. Smonton homo Mrs. It. L. Wells, Tony Susnnr, Joo Q , t,,0 truBtTO would not ponsps, $101,302.80, nn k m -1 trion. i a 1.1 i r hi i." . ininvnn rn it-- - jAnrrin complimentary to jws. warx -anu .u.mC, -. ...... . . "'' " ,)0 mibjoct to tho courts and that nny . Mrs. Welnstoln. lu'i " " "". " "' ".. MUSt An Impromptu Instrumontnl Jnd XIrs. E. Holmbcrs, O. N. Olson, Hugh vocnl nroRrnm wns ghon nt tho -re- XIcLaln. LouIb Suplt-e, Motnor There- eoptlon, both XIrs. XInrx nnd Mrs. sn, Sister Augustlu, Mrs, llondovaKI, Wolnsteln participating. Tho nnm- A. S. Hammond, Sam Schar. J. J. Vmi i,o wnm vnrv-olnvor anfl aonio claim . Honlt. oven moro enjoj-nblo thm thoso et. curront ox- nnd nssots, $!, tli0l tiio nnnuni report 01 .iirs. wrn nnm WUOJIUIf nrUIUUIt; Ul 1.11(1 UMrJUIHlll 4n such offort to -strnlghten out mnHriK ml i'M 1nr1 tn flirtllOP tnngk'mcnts. W. J. Rust wns to hnvo'"'. B,,0WH 17IJ ,0,,B(5S- n-r'08 mnl been tTiisteo. , members, 10,004 fomnlo mnmbors, nn . lnnn.n fnr, il.n i.nni. nf 1 .111 7t A s ITntnmniirt. who lins boon nt- m-i'.w " " " t- -. tho concert. Have Unrd Trln. XIrs. XIarx and "Mrs. Wolnstoln loft itosr.nuna tutAi) jury. I'robo XIcCTnllen Case nnd ".Spottor" if tho trusteeship wont through, . Wot. tho condition was thnt tho Involun- nt 5 o'clock this morning on tho, Tno noscbnrg News says: "The tnry bankruptcy proceedings should thrpn m.i.a nn i,ia voHi n nrnvidwl Drain stngo for homo. They )md such mfe,ni,er8 of tho grand Jury nro busy ho withdrawn but without tho con- In bis certltlcnto of Inspection. His n hnrd trip down on tho Breakwater toany investigating tho easo of the sent of XIr. Selby nnd tho parties he failure In this rospect wan regnrdod that they decided thnt they wouli stuto of Oregon vs. Roy McClallon, presents, tho proceedings cannot as a violation of section 4403, ro- go back thnt way. 'who -was arrested several weeks ago bo stonpod. vised statutes specifying thnt a That they should havo such a "hard nccl,8t.u of shooting and killing D. A. Bteamer of her class Bhnll carry threo trip In nnd out owing to tho extra- Mnhntu A iarge numbor of wit- HKIUIAXX TO HUN. mates. Several weeks ago tho caso ordinary weather conditions is deep- nes3C8 iin( been examined up to n was taken into tho Federal court at ly regrcttod by tho many friends they jnt0 ,,onr tnlB afternoon and it Is Former Oregon Coiigresnan AVnnts Portlnnrt hnf i.n,i..H on ho made here. I likely thnt tho Jury will arrlvo at to "Come Hack." torn'ey'for somo of tho crodltorH. loft $1,758.05 paid for relief nnd assets Claim That Man Will L0S6 EVCO today for Portland to tako tho mnt-.01 .'". I tor up thero. I IX)OAL OVERFLOW. P. L. PHELAN of Xlyrtlo Point 1b tn Xlarshflold today on business. XIRS. NELLIE OWEN loft today for Hugo, Orogon, In rosponso to n mossngo announcing tho sorlous Illness of hor mothpr. sround that It was a matter for set tlemont by the donartment. United States Inspectors Edwards od In Xlarshflold and Fuller woro advised of tho find- Jugs of the department. Xlany consider both' of them the eomo ,jeclrion tomorrow. It la also WASHINGTON, D. C, Xlay 18. best vocalists that have ever appear- intimated, nliout tho court houso thut Dinger Hermann of Oregon, who ro- la numbor of persons participating In cently returned from nn extended trip h "near riot" Saturday night have through tho Xlediterraneon Sea, Though He Wins In Al leged Usury Case. A peculiar caso Is on trial bofore : JiiBtlcu Ponuock this aftornoon, pe culiar In thnt apparently tho de fendant la bound to loco nnd tho only question la said to bo whether tho plaintiff or tho Oregon school fund will gut tho amount In controversy. Tho caso Is that of XIrs, Sophrona Lapp vs. Win. Richards. It Is u!-. XIRS. W. E. DUNCAN Is horo from Dandon to look after tho Ladles' Emporium during tho nlmonco of ,eK0(. Umt UIclinnlB ,B B0CUrlty on a hor motnor, .Mrs. uwon. I. promissory nolo for $100 which Chaa Hall gave XIrs. Lapp, Hall ran a Arrives Today. Tho Nann Smith' . , . , b 8uuaoauunUy nrrlvqd In this nfternoon from Rny wont Uirough bankruptcy nnd now NORTH 1JEXO NEWS. Mrs. C. C. Eckhoff, tho well-known North Dend pioneer woman, Is qulto HI nt her homo, suffering from the nervous shock attendant upon tho death of her husband a fow days ago. Mother Theresa nnd Sister Augus ts of Xlercy hospital expect to leave today for Portland for a few weeks Eay. xiother Agnes, who has been spending tho past year in Portland l? expected horo shortly to spend sometime on the Bay. I 5SI9S WILL (beon Jury. nndl Point after n rather rough trip up MrB Ln summoned boforo tho grand Northern Arrlca, Jerusalem nnm -" " I-". j.i.j.u is trying io cuuuci irow . . . . .. . tiin const.,. ....... .u.. Thn matter was lad before Southorn Europe, is spenuing ft low. ''" ocuhiuj. Walks From Hoheburg. llott of Wllllamsport, Pa. -J. S. HI-! Tho only dofenso sot up is said SUNDAY arrived ts bo .the allegation that of usury, tho A.; claim being niado that Instead of tho grand Jury this morning by Do- dny8 with his daughtor in this city nutv Gamo Warden Sandry, who was and will soon return to Oregon. i attacked bv tho mob. Accused of act- In conversation with several of his horo today to visit his cousin, J ling as a liquor "imoUor," Deputy Congressional frlonds, XIr. Hermann Stadden. Ho walked ajl tho way ln $100, Hall only got $90. Tho noto Gamo Warden Sandry of Wooavillo. has said ho baa fully regained his from Rosoburg ovor tho old Coos carries Intorest at tho regular rato .... . t . . .--. . .... !.. nrA n i.r........ n.l A.m. ....illsln.r firim nml thn rnntnntlnn la thnt thn 10 Oregon, was attacked py a moo 01 bo neann anu ieeia in ukiuihb iiu. u way ivub" iuu, oi i.....h .. . ... -... -....-.. .- . . ..... T. men Into Saturday evening, nnd only Boveral ho Intimated his desire to Sumnor to Xlarshflold. Special Services to Be Con ducted at Marshfield Cath olic Church. escaped sorlous injury through tho i efforts of friends who interceded In ihla behalf," POIIL IS SEVEXTV-SIX. Yesterday was XL G. Pohl's 76th A mission will be conducted at the birthday, and he is still enjoying tho return to Congress. Ho says ho. sight-BcoIng tour of tho I'aclllc coast, wants to "get back Jnto tho game." He Is on u additional clinrgod makes It usury. It la declared thnt should Richards succeed In proving his claim of usury CONTRACT IS LET. Tho contract for building the flood gates for tho Fat Elk drainage sys tem lias been let to E. C. Perham of .Now York who was n friend nnd ....-. ... 111l1lln Mf iln.nanlAW 10:30 a man twenty years younger, it is coos tiny, una worn 01 u. ........... ... ..., - . , . Fn .i.t n,nth ainna tim Bnmfi will linL'fn at once. When. husband of XIrs, 'XIarIa Carpentor of North Bend Instead of tho regular mass. i .. rnn.'thev are completed the big dralnago'cooa River. Mr. Hon-y B. Chopin, OLD FRIEND IS LOCATED. ithat ho would have to pay tho noto Classmate of Lato Win. W. Car-, anyway as tho stato law provides neuter Write From .Ve" York. that In cases of usury, tho entlro XIr. Harry Winkler received a card amount from XIr. Henry Barton Chopin of school fund. Is forfeited to tho stato NOTICE TO ELKS. Xlombors of Mnrahfleld Lodge of Elks are requested to immediately 'xiarshfleld Catholic church beginning' good health and has tho vivacity of The Xlothers' and Teachers' club of next Sunday morning nt -nnual banquet are going to give tho Rev. J. D. o unen 01 iue (. . certalnly entitled to Bystem, which drains 2,200 acres of cjass secretary Yale, 1847, states that furnish tho secretary with- tho 'name People of North Bend nn "Evening can Order will BPeaKaunnBl"B ' .,m',nn . ,,, nnn nf tho 'tho finest land that can bo found any- his health is fairly good for nn octo- nnd address of tho guest whom thoy with nn .. .... . ..-.. tt.1i don nv. Father sioran exienus h.iuu uwuw.uu4i ...D . ( . .i..i i,,., iu,i ,, ,, ,ait tn xr." "'7u u uay """ " .:,., ,"u.i to Protestants as pioneers of this county, and there where, 'will no conip.eiea. -ine mnu -.aiinem, Friday evening, way iia. u., """"."-. .. lm ian ,, .i.. .n.... Mnn k.if l la n liter nrnlnrt thnt will came. He nas consequently yyuhcdq- wui v fo r-v - ed the many improvements ln Coos benefit the entire valley. XIayor J. county during this long period of W. Mast of this city Is secretary of time. Bandon Recorder. the cprnpany. Bandon Recorder. invitation to rro-esumi.. r - - ''-"":'",, ' . " P ConMla than ,t i. to Ban- Mle will fnrnuhn hv the High well as Catholics to attend tne mis- were uu . i' - - -, . Miool, Admission Is. free, but all aro slon. wPected to wear 'tho tags purohased Tag Day", The Tag day was for If you have anything to sell, trade tte benefit of the public library. , rent or aut help, try a want ad. geqarlan. Ho Is also a personal ueslro. to nave inviteu toi tno nan to friend of Mrs. Carpenter. Ho In- bo given noxt Wednesday evening; forms him thnt there aro now nlno Theso names should bo sont In at members of tho class of 1817, Yalo, onco as tho Invitations should be surviving put of aa original mem-. ( posted bofore Saturday. Jbershlp of 124. GEO. QOODRUM, Hoc, i ,jLi4Atf j (. tfcmsfcfaifca-J'"-J -"' ' J