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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1911)
mKL-iMiiimgammmimmmmmm THJBUNK ISEASSLY ASSIMILATED WHEN IT IS SERVED WITH GOOD MANNERS YOUR. ADS CARRYING Your More-noMN, Mimilil nppcnr as regularly does I'l neWKpnper. If n iii-wspaiHT omitted mi Nmiu now mill llion 'fii for m weighty a rvn pun n fitH'liiK Hint " might rain K would not ho n potx! neuepnper. ag mmm SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A Moiv's nthcrtUliig upnco lit a neuspnper, cniupaivil Midi tlto upace iihjmI hy other More, should define Its couipnrnthe Importance iu the community! Dikh jour store's ad-i-rrtMnit npnre do Hint? MEMI1ER OP ASSOCIATED PHES9 VOL. XXXIV Established In 1878 nn The Coin t Mull MARSHFIELD. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1911 EVENING EDITION A Consolidation of Times, Count Mall nml Coo liny Advertiser. No. 105 (&nm m IND01 HAS $10,090 FIRE LOSS EARLY THIS II Broomliandle Factory and Old Match Mill Totally Destroyed By Blaze. SUPPOSED TO HAVE STARTED FROM ENGINE Heavy Rain Saved Adjoining Residences and Buildings Horses Cremated I1ANM)0N Ore., May 17.-Flro of CmncIlmnn A,)recht who ,, unknown origin this morning com pletely destroyed tho Ilnndon IJroom lint n l'wlnl meotliiB bo nrrmiRcil Handle factory, tho old mutch mill for nn onrly dnto mid tho North Dend buildings nnd cremated two horses council Invited to attend. Ilo said nnd did somo other damage Tho that some action ought to bo talon on loss Is estimated at $1 0,000 and thcro tho matter now. Is little or no Insurance Councllmnn Powers said that ho O. A. Trowbrldgo and A. McN'alr understood all tho germs hnd loft tho ov.rcd tho broom hnndlo factory water now, hut Councilman Alhrccht property nnd tho factory waB operated wild that a largo number woro still by Harold Nelson Tho old match fac- boiling tho water, tory Is understood to also belong to After somo discussion , It waB decld Trowbrldgo and McNnlr. oil to consult tho North Dend council Hnd It not been for tho lionvy rain, ns to whnt doto would bo most sntls tho flro would nndoubtodly havo des- factory to them, troyed somo nonrby resldonces nnd Hell Road Holler, other buildings. Howovor, tho rnln City Attorney Goss suggested tliut , n rront nlil to tlin firemen. If tho city was short on funds It Tho flro wns discovered nbout G might bo n good lden to sell tho big o'clock and hnd gained groat head- rond roller to tho county controls wny. Just what caused It Is unknown Blonors. Ho Bald thnt tho commls lmt It Is prnsumod that It Htnrte.l slonors had bought one for tho Myr from tho onglno room. tlo Point district and planned to buy Ono of tho horses burned bolongod two more, ono for tho Dnndon see to tho Gnroutto nroB. livery nnd tho tlon nnd ono for tho Coos Hay sec other to tho nnn'don laundry, tho nnl- tlon. Ho said that tho commissioners mnls being kept In a bnm built hnd oxprossed a willingness to buy i against tho factory. Tho laundry Mnrshflold's roller nnd also to ar-, delivery wagon and Manassa grocory rnngo bo thnt tho city might uso It on ' wagons woro nlso burned. tho stroots whonovor necessary. Tho flro, It 13 oxpectod, will haston Councilman Albrecht favored tho the Improvement of tho flro protcc- ldon and so did othors and tho matter tlon system proiosed hero. Ilnndon will probably bo takon up with tho lias very poor, flro protection and dur- county commissioners. Ins tho Inst yenr hns sufforcd heavy Tho roller, which has been nn Issuo losses on account of It. In most of tho city campaigns for a number of years, has been usod com- THE WHEAT MARKET, pnrntlvoly Ilttlo and could doubtless sorvo both tho county nnd city pnr- (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day poses, thoroby saving sovornl thou-l TImos.) snnd dollars. CHICAGO, 111., May 17. May finvillne Ordinance. wheat, 05 ytc; July, 89 c; Soptom- Flro Chlof Travor brought up tho bcr, 88 3-Sc; Deccmbor, 90c. question of onforclng tho ordlnnnco PORTLAND, Ore, May 17 Wheat unchanged. TAPO.MA, Wnsh., Mny 17. Wheat unchanged. A. V. Hardl3 Of OhiO, Amateur At'iatnr Monte Coto Mnnr . . . . LOS Angeles Today. (By Assoclntod Press to Coos Day iCDnuaiiT ic IILIUiHj liJ I 1(11 1 FU TfliUY Tlmes j that auto owners could havo thotr LOS ANGELES, Cal., May 17. A. supply tanks out at Llbby or some V. Hnrdle, an amateur aviator, wns place else and run out In a second or Mlled nt Domlnguoz today whllo try- two, Judging by tho speed they mnln ng out an aeroplane. Hardlo re- tain around town, cently came from Ohio and had mado Market Avenue. several successful flights. Last ulght, a remonstrance from "ardle plunged from a height of A. H. Stutsman ngalnst the proposed more than one hundred feet. Ho wns Improvement of Market avenue near over confident, It is said, and went up his property was received by tho coun today against tho advice of his In- ell but no action was taken on It. structor. I The council ordered notices of In 1ULOON IS WRECKED. Two Passengers Hurt In Accident In Germany Today. ' (By Associated Press to Coos Bay TlmeB ) BITTERFIELD, Ger., May 17. The new German military dirigible baloon while returning from a flight 'a blown against the hangar and Wrecked. Two passengers were hurt. WATER US TALKED HER 'Special Joint Session of North Bend and Marshfield Councils Planned. Tho water question was brought tin nffnlit III tlwi nlfv niniinll Inaf til.rlif 111 prohibiting tho kecptng of gnsollno In moro than flvo gallon quantities In the business section. Ho snld tho ordlnnnco should elthor bo onforced or ono drafted that could bo enforced ns gnsollno wns n flro monnce. Ho snld thnt Geo. Goodrum hnd brought tho mnttor to his nttontlon by requcst ilng thnt ho bo nllowed to keep It In largo quantities nt his gnrago, flvo gM'ons not being mifllclent to fill tho tnnk of ono nuto. Most of tho auto mobiles now requlro twonty-flvo gal lons. Finally tho flro nnd wnter commit tee, Chlof Travor nnd City Attorney j- InnlHiinim) irt 1 tn ft n T1AW UOS3 WUIO uisu uu vw .... v .... ordinance regulating tho storage of gnsollno which will keop tho flro i.-,i ,ir.-,i nmi nt tlio snmo tlmo permit nutomobllo owners to keap 'enough oil for their mnchlnes. Severn! of tho council suggested , tention to pavo Market rrom second to Fourth and tho Intersecting streets .i, utiimon tn nlank Market from Fourth to Fifth and to merely grade Market from Fifth to Seventh. This is in compliance with the petition of property owners for tho improvement of the street. The first notices post- ed provided merely for bulkheadlng and grading. -"" ,. THE WAY to hate GOOD BREAP Use HAINES' FLOUR. WILL GURTJUL LUMBER Pacific Coast Association Will Have Mills Shut Down One Day a Week to Boost Price. (Hy Assoclntcd Press to Coos Day Times TACOMA, Wnsh., Mny 17. Presi dent E. G. Griggs of tho Pnclflc Coast Lumber Manufacturer's Assoclntlon, Preliminary Preparations For Big Celebration, in Marshfield. The movement for n good old fnsn toncd celebration of tho Fourth of July hero on n blggor scope than has been nttempted In a long time was given n big Impetus yestordny when tho Mnrshfleld Chamber or Commerce took It up nnd will try to liwnch pre parations for It Immcdlntcly If tho business mon desire It. Gcorgo Ilotnor, Henry Sougstnckcn, A. H. Powers, I. S. Smith nnd Tom Donnett woro appointed ns n special committee to confer with tho busi ness men regnrdlng It nnd to report back at a special mooting next Tues day. It thoro Is Biilllclent doslro for tho celebration to Insure It being proporly supported, nctlvo prepara tions for It will bo started at onco. For somo tlmo past, thcro hns boon considerable tnlk of holding n big celebration hero this yenr and nearly ovory ono nppcnrs to bo In fnvor of It. Somo have oven suggested that It bo mado a three-day affair with sports of all kinds, Including horso rnce9, basoball, otc. Howovor, It will ne cossltato tho raising of consldornblo monoy to pull off a big colobrntlon, nnd whether this enn bo obtained or not Is what Is now bolng nscortalnod by tho Chambor of Commerce. AWFUL FIRE Forty Thousand Homeless and $20,000,000 Loss In Asiatic Russia. ' Dy Assoclntod Press to uoo3 ua Times.) HARDIN, Manchuria, May 17. Forty thousand nro homeless at Kler In In consoquenco of a recent confla gration In that city. Tho monoy Ions Is twenty million dollnrs. Four thou sand shops, 15 banks and 8,387 othor buildings woro destroyed. MOON TEAM LOST BERATE High School Debaters Defeated By Grants Pass There Last Night. (Special to The Times.) DANDON, Ore., May 17. "We lost" was the message received horo today from tho Dandon High school debating team which debated the Grants Pass high school team at Grants Pass last night. No other par ticulars were given. The Grants Pass debate was for the district cham pionship, the victor contesting for the state honors. Read the Tlmes'Want Ada. Hi Fu mm OF JULY PUI SWEEPS TON PROBUCTIO snys If tho close-down ono day a week 'by tho mills Is ns effective ob the com mittee roports Indicate, it will mean n reduction of approximately fifty mil- lion feet per month In tho output. The (price, It Is claimed, will tnko enro of Itself, the association Is doing nothing nbout this feature. The clnlm Is mndo thnt they can legally rcduco tho output for the mills are making moro lumber thnn they enn sell. Prices Forced Upward Today By Series of "Bull" Rushes Against Shorts. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) ! NEW YORK, N. Y., May 17. Tho , upward movement of stocks which sot In as a result of tho standnrd oil de cision wns rosumed today although In n less spectacular mnnncr thnn yostcrdny. Trndlng up to noon wns lionvy nnd tho domnnd broadened. In soma quarters thcro wns a dispo sition to nttrlbuto today's activity to n serlcB of "bull" drives ngnlnst tho "short," lntorosts. AXTI-TUUST LEGISLATION. ,KM'cti'l Renewal Comes With Hush j In Congress. (Dy Assoclntcd Press to Coos Day TImos.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Mny 17. Tho expected ronownl of anti-trust legislation following tho Standard Oil decision of tho Supromo Court caino today when Sonators Jonos of Washington, Drown of Nobrnskn, Cul bortson of Toxns nnd Reed of Missou ri, Introduced bills to nmend tho Shermnn law. Tho bills aro designed to offset tho Interpretation of law as laid down by Chlof Justlco Whlto nnd to tnko nway from tho courts tho dis cretion to differential botweon "good" and "had" trusts. HOT WEATHER ;n One Dead and Two Prostrated Yesterday Hottest May Day In 38 Years. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Ray Tlmes. CHICAGO, 111., Mny 17. Ono donth nnd two prostrntlons from tho hont woro roported yostordny. Tho maximum tompernturo wns 89, tho hottest Mny ICth In thlrty-olgut yenrs. EER DEAD Mrs. Joseph Ferry Passes Away at Home on the Lower Coquille. Word jhas been received hero of tho death of Mrs. Jane Forry, wifo of Josoph Ferry, at their homo nt Rlverton, on the lower Coquille. Sho was about sixty-two years old and death was duo to a complication ot diseases. Mrs. Jane Ferry was a native of Virginia and had been a resident of Coos county for moro than forty years. Her husband, Joseph Ferry, has been a resident of Coos county for about 'fifty-six years. Ho Is a brother of James fcerry, Br., of Marshfie)d. STOCKS RIGH If! H YORK 51! uu AT MVEHTOH PRESIDENT BUZ RE BRINKS UP OLD 1 ISSUES AGAIN Waterfront and Building Ordi nancesOther Council Proceedings. Two old Issues were brought up ngaln nt tho meeting of tho city council Inst ulght, questions thnt tho council nfter long discussion n year or two ngo thought they hnd settled permanently. They woro tho water front Improvement nnd tho building ordinance. Aftor moro or less din cusslon, it wnB prnctlcnlly decide:! to HiiBtiiln tho Htnml then tnltmi. P Tho wntorfront question wnu brought up by Albert Sollg win ntk ed a permit to niter tho McPhorsoii Glnsor vnrelioiiso nt the foot of Com mercial nvouue. Councllmnn Alhreoht snld that ho opposed granting It he rnuso It hnd been agreed onco not to permit tho erection of any now build ings on tho wntorfront or the iop.ur ,af tho old ones with n view of clear ing n rondwny forty feet wldo 'along tho dock. FergOhOit snld that i.e thought tho plan wns wrong, tha' lliej Improvements should bo permitted. Ilo snld that If tho wntorfront Is to .be cleared, ho thought tho bulldlug4 should bo condomned nnd ordered re moved ns tho plnu of lotting them de cay was loo slow. Howovor, tho bal ance of tho councllmou IojIc tho same vlow ns Mr. Alhrccht nnd ilie permit wna rofusod Mr. Sollg. ' Iliiildlug OiiIIiiiiiic-;. ' Councllmnn Copplo brought up tho building ordlnnnco mnttor. He snld .thnt hn thought thoro should bo :t minimum amount of repairs or lm- provomonts fixed In it which would not requlro n pormlt, sny .r0 wuith. Ho snld thnt It didn't soom fnir to chnrgo n man n dollar for n normR to do a few dollnrs' worth of Improv ing, especially outnldo tho flro llmltJ. D. A. Curry mndo a lengthy expla nation of tho enso ngnlnst him, ho , having boon recontly nrrosted for building n chicken houso In South iMnrshfleld without scouring n por mlt. Ho snld ho didn't think tho ordlnnnco wns fnlr nnd thnt tho city 'didn't havo tho norvo to chnrgo n mnn 'n dollar for a pormlt to do a fow dollars worth of Improvomont. I Councllmnn Forguson nlso declar ed tho ordlnnnco wns too Btrlngonti Councllmnn Albrecht snld ho thought tho ordlnnnco ought to 'jo enforced alike on nil nnd said that ho understood boiiio woro being al lowed to oscnpo. Ho cited an lnstnnce 'or two but City Rocordor Dutlor snld j that thoy woro Incorrect, thnt tho pnrtlos specified hnd beon required to tnko out tho permits, nnd doolnrod thnt mnny of tho othor roports nbout slmllnr matters woro only horosay. Councllmnn Coko snld thnt ho was In favor of lotting tho ordlnnnco stnnd as tho council hnd Bpont much tlmo In trying to devise ono thnt .could bo onforcod. Ilo said Uh-it Mr. Albrecht should not question it as ho bolloved Mr. Albrecht had ex pondod ?400 worth of effort trylns to get it pascod In tho first placo. Councllmnn Powors favored lotting It stand nnd finally tho question of changing tho ordlnnnco wns dropped without any action bolng taken. To Collect License. Councllmnn Albrecht last night urred that tho marshal bo Instructed to collect a license from the promo tors of tho boxing matches hold here. He clalmod that undor tho city ordi nance requiring amusement places to pay licenses, tho promoters of boxing matches should bo roqulred to pay. The llcenso will probably bo collectod next time. This discussion led to tho old reso Juvlon of Councilman Nelson, provlJ- (Contlnued on page -t.) OFFERS TO li II FED WEEKS Head of Mexican Government Expresses Willingness to Quit Soon. OFFER IS MADE AT MEETING OF CABINET Insurrccto Leaders Say That End of Revolution Will Come Soon. DIAZ'S NEW OFFER. (Dy Assoclntcd Press.) MEXICO CITY, Mny 17. 4 President Diaz hns offered to resign before tho end of tho mouth. Tho'offor wns mndo nt a meet- lug of tho cabinet. 4 JUAREZ, Mox Mny 17. In re sponso to n request from tho Mexican government, Provisional President Francisco I. Madoro, Jr., and his cab inet gntherod today to formulnto a llnnl pence ngruomeut which will bo Hihmltted by tolcgrnph to President Dlnz nnd his cabinet. Tho signing ot tho ngrcomout within u few day a will end tho revolution nnd normnl con ditions of pence will bo reestablished. Tho Insurrocto chiefs hero will tolo grnph or sond couriers to tholr consti tuents In various parts of tho repub lic nnd It Is believed thnt within a week nil nrms will bo lnld down tn tho republic. PEACE PROSPECT UUKiHT. (Dy Assoclntod Press to Coos Day Times.) MEXICO CITY, Mny 17. Foreign Minister Do Ln Dnrro declares thnt tho ponco negotiations botweon tho government nnd tho Robots will doubtlessly roach a definite nnd favor nblo result nttndny's conforonco and cabinet meeting. Finance Minister Llmnntour Is not quite bo sanguine iih his collenguos. Ilo snld tho government hnd tho greatest doslro to conclude n ponco ngrcomout but nmong tho donmnds ot tho Rebels nro somo contrary to tho dignity of tho government and tho president, but nevertheless Llmnntour bolloved penco will be arranged. RARD STORM ALOIG COAST Breakwater Delayed Several Hours By Severe South west Wind. A Bovoro storm hns beon raging off tho Oregon coast slnco yestorday. Wlrolosa reports from vessols oft shore roport that tho wind this morn ing and nil night blow a regular galo, Tho Ilrenkwntor which was duo In horo early this morning did not cross ln until nbout 3:30 this afternoon. Sho crossod out from Astoria at 0 o'clock Inst night nnd fought tho storm all night. Sho will not roncji Mnrshfleld until nbout C:30, stopping nt North Rend first. It Is expected thnt sho will bo nblo to got out tomorrow on sohodula time. If thoro Is over a law compelling tho mon to go to church, it will hare to bo martial law If It obtnlns tha results a good womau church worker thinks It should, If you havo anything to sell trada, reuv or want help, try a want ad. 1 4 i.-.A. iirtrf-mlVi'-- -"-- . tii- j-...