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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1911)
AS LONGAS NO HARM HAS BEEN DONE YOU CAN AT LEAST LOOK PLEASANT YOUR. ADS CARRYING Voiir More-news, Mioiiltl nppcnr m tfpulnily n docs l'1'" newspaper. If n iicpilM'r ! mi ixHito now nnil then ,, for "" wt'lglity n nii. noil nt fwrliiR tlint It might rnln It would not bo n kkh! newspaper. (nm mm tm? MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED IMUCSU SOMEONE HAS SAM): "A Him''i ndwrtUIng tpaeo In n ntupnpt-, t-oiupnn-ri with tho imc iimiI li other Mtuvs, tdiould doflno 111 eoiopnrntlxo lniH)tiniico In tun tMiiiiiiiiiiiKyt i)IHi jour kturv's nd citMtiK (.p,ut do Hint? VOL XXXIV KnIuIiIIsIuhI In 1H7H ns Tito Coiutt Mail EBELS RENEW DEMANDS 01 PRESIDENT DIAZ FOR PEACE Insist Three Cabinet Places and Fourteen Governors Be Given. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1911 EVENING EDITION A Consolidation of Tliuc, Con! Mall niul Coos liny Advert ler. No. 105 DIAZ ONLY OFFERS ONE AND TEN OFFICERS WIFE 10 GET HUBBY'S WAGE Answer to Last Request Is Ex pected Tonight Rebels Still Looting. MI GO AFTER STANDARD OFFICERS STANDARD OIL DECISION FAIL Judge Hall ProvidesThat"Bud" King Must Support Wife and Baby. "Bud" "King, who was arrested hero Snturdny night by ShorifT Gage on a charge of non-support of his wlfij nnd Government Said to Be Con-C0118l,,cr criminal prosecutions of of- llclnls of tho Stntulnrd Oil Company. It Is sii Id thnt In event tho oil trust offlclals Bhouhl plend Immunity un der the stntuto of limitations, tho government could take tho position that tho combination In restraint trade wob a continuing conspiracy until the moment orders were mailo sidering Criminal Prosccu iion of Officials of Octopus In Wall Street. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, May 1C Attorney General WhkerBham may that It bo dissolved. mc ifluuuii FDR TRIAL i) TO CAUSE SLOiP li STOCKS P. A. Sandberg Wants Rehear ing of $10,000 Case Against M. E. Whitmore. CONTRACT FDR STREET m TO U Ml HO NOW Announces It Will Comply Law Much Speculation Over Plans. New York Market Closes Gen erally Higher Than Yes terday Despite It. OIL STOCKS SLUMP EARLY BUT REGAIN Railway Stocks and Big Cor porations Well Protected In Market. (Uy Associated Press to Ccoa Dn Times. ) t. u. Pernam and D. W. Small new yokk. n. y.. mbv 10 ,ny AB8,,t,n"' itom to coos Bay Successful Bidders at Th0 nrBt word cnmo fro, th0 stnJ-, NBW yoiumb? ic -ti.o . L . , nrd Oil Company today on tho dccl-1 OUK' U 10 Tho Bl" EastSldC 8lon. u mnl.08 two pont cIonr. P court decision In tho Standard Tho motion for n now trial In tho Tho Eastsldo Cltv council lnut First, thcro will bo no contumacy uy "" """" t,,UMl" "" nwiUH,ninB " l" $10,000 Blander suit of P. A. Sand- gnt Iiwnrded tho contracts for a!tho co,nnnn' ns !t Purposes to obey B,oclc market after a long period' of berg vs. M. E. Whltmoro wna tiled ,,.. , ,. . . , .. . the decree and second, that It will Inactivity. Prlcos went upward with 113 in fit grounds for n now trlnl arts unbecom- tn'8 summer. Tho contracts -wore (company hnd mndo no plana In ad- threo points, tho market being vory lng conduct on tho part of tho da- nwardcll ns follows: jvnnco of tho decision. nctlvo. Standard Oil opened on tho. (By Associated Press to Coos Boy Times.) JUAREZ, Mex., May 10.-Upon tho chlh1' ",,onBod B"l,t' w,lun "rrnlgnc! willingness of tho Mexican govorn- beforo Jm,B 3o" F' " " -ment to grant tho Inaurrectos pcrmls-, furo'1 " OXC,,HO for hte u to ' Hon to name three members of tho "ort thom nnd Hon,0,,co wn8 ""I10 cabinet nnd tho governors of fourteen c1 nicdlntely. of tho twenty-stnen Mexican HtntcH 3ulgo Hall Bpecltled that King ""7 ', , 'V c " niinibcr of tho 8lreet Improvements ' "" "' "' " "" "," V " "'" """""' "lun "' '"""' w 01 mu mmw "lyesterdny by Mr. Sandborg'a attor- ,, , bo somo tlmo boforo tho plans for re- n rush nt tho opening. Tho gal depends tho Issue of restoring peace could either give abend to pay to tho LoyB, MeM. SoIby nnd 0o88 Tho which It Is proposed to mnko thcro organization will bo given out. Tho ranged from largo fraction to near in M0.XICO. Him iru.omuii wmi of tho cort oq ,,,. mmUl for .light modincatlon of the original tho nwt Blx monthll to.uo turnm, owr ocmnmiB in mu .vUuU.D ... ..u t() Klng.B wlfo or sorV(J nx montll8 ln (fondant's nttornoya, It bolng chnrged To E. G. Porham, D street contract for four portfolios In Uio cabinet, la thjj c(jimty m Jf jo Booa tQ Jnnjtlint , tll0r nrgumonta to tho Jury for ?0,31G.r.O and Second Avonuo for tho reply mndo toflay to tho offer of ,.nf; cffln ,)o miur0, to W()rk 0J) thft tll0V mn,,0 nneBntlonfc which were not $r,,CS0.00. tho federal govorntnont of ono crtUl- rct oilier nnd ten governorships na Tho nnswor of county ronda and tho pny allowed him supported by tho ovldcnco henrd In To D. W. Smnll, contract for A turned over to tho wlfo by tho county tho cnao anil which woro lutondod to street for f90. Wnll Btroet opinion as to how curb nt C7C, a loss of 4 3-4 points. tho Stnndnrd Oil will meet tho but a few minutes Inter hnd moro wishes of tho court la divided. Two than recovered the loss, soiling at plans nro heard. Ono la n division of C80. tiro present organization Into bov- On tho stock exehnngo thoro wore to price oi pence, uio nnswor oi cmrt T,10 ,nw ,,roV,i08 tnnt no mny nnd In reality did bins tho 'Jury. The contracts for a couple of moro rnl soparato companies, each opor- wldo openings In Bovernl moro nctlvo tno government la expiciui nero u-1)0 ,,jowU nny 8tim t0 -K50 nor Judgo Coko la now in rtoKoburg bo Btroots will bo let in n couple of "t'nB In Its own territory. Another Issues. United States Stool oponed- nlght. Tho Rouels -wnnt tho throe most Important cabinet positions. day. King b now thinking tho thnt It Is not known when 'tho mo- weeks. matter tlon for tho now trlnl will bu arguod. Desldcs tho successful BiiggoBted tho disintegration of the with snlea of llfteou thousand shnres bidders, subsidiaries' parent compnny nnd nt 77 to 78 with n maximum gain, Tho Rebels fool that if granted tho 0V0Pj mH fnther lives ln tho Cocjulllo Howover, It is expected that It will Hugh Mcl.nln nnd Hngqulst & DJoor-'tho formntlon of n now corporation Rending gnlnlng 2, Union Pacific 2, poruoiioa n8icu lur muy iu ouu va,oy probnbly como up nt tho adjourned qulst woro blddors. (winch might ncuulro nil tho jihyslcnl Virginia Carolina Chemical 3 3-4, mtoro penco and tranquility. i Mpil , ,H . . ,, nn'ttrm of clrcuU court In Comilllo In I It Is oxnoetod that tho HiicecRRrnl property of these subsidiaries and Intornntlonnl Harvester 2 14: General j Hall's Cro'ic near CLiqulllo. To l)ednn AnnlMlre. Within twenty-four hours n gon rral nrmlstlco throughout Mexico will1 ,,,,, ,.uli:itVKItS, side lights, to declared by tho Kodornl govern- ,,. A,,vnrspnfl iinirvs nt MrJUXEU'S. ment nnd tho rovnlutlnnlBta. Penco proposnla had readied a point -nt 1:30 o'clock whoro tho acceptanco by tho revolutionists was only n mnttor of hours. This Information wjib vou ehafeu by ono of tho Insurrecto chiefs who today received word of the Government's proposals. It Is rumored tho cnhlnot portfolios of Minister of Justlco nnd Minister of Interior bo filed by Inaurrectos nnd that by 'the compromise, the "War portfolio -will bo filed by n man c- unn pojpc Rpcrilllfinn Prn ceptnblo to both sides. Fourteen H0USe r3SSeS HeSOIUUOn rro- .STEEL TROST NEXT ON fflGI 'Jnno. governors iirftbably will bo named by Inaurrectos. REIIKLS -OX ItAMPAfSE. 3Ielcan Insiinvetos On lllp; Drunk and FrlKhttMi Town. viding For Investigation oi Combine. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Dnv Times.) WASHINGTON, D. tl. May lti. LABOR CASES TO BEP0SHED DistricJ'of Columbia Court Will Not Drop Noted Contempt Proceedings. By Associated Presi to Coos Day Ttnios.) WASHINGTON, D. C, .Mny 10. TUo Supremo Court of th District of B,( Mny iC,AUer n cnreor of 8,x Columbia on Its own Inltlntlvo Instl- , ..., ... , . 4 , A . , ,. . , , weeks, Tho Doutchlnnfl, tho lntest of tuted lirocecdings today fur n oged conitimnt against President Snmuol t '0,,l8 of Connt PP0ll"'8 - Gompors, VIco-PreBldont 3thn Mlt- rn,0U "R umoons, wns siranti contractors will start tho work soon. iIS8U0 ow stock. An argument nd- Electric nnd Consolidated Gas l'A, vanced In support of this Idea was United Stntes Rubber nnd Lehigh thnt such a reorganisation would bo Vnlloy l'j, Southern Pnclflo l',i, At- Ja slnglo compnny nnd not n "combln- clilson 1 1-S, mid Northern Pacific, Dolnwnro & Hudson nnd Amalgamat ed Coppor 1. did Hiiwnir TOTAL WRECK TAFT MESSAGE I I reura nciiflLLiiui Count Zeppelin's Hopes for Dirigible Baloon are Thwarted Again. (Uy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) DUS3ELDORFF, Ttholnlsh Prus- NO FMJItltV I.V LONDON. n . h.... ......... 'An invostleatlon of tho Unltod Stntoa uompors, vlco-lJre8iaont Jtnn .Mlt-""" """ - - (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay j "Ulon was ! ordered by the choll. sand Sectary Frank" Morrison f today on the roof of Its shed nnd Times.) ' d , of the virforlcan Ttadorntlon ol Labor. Is n total wreck. Tho crew and pns MKXICO CITY. -Mex., Mny 10. - """" t0dlT ,!! "1! ,..! songors escaped Injnr7: Tho nccl- 1tWn and pllli.Ro t Pnchuca dur- ora '"l" l"Z 'Z DccInIiiii In Ktnnilanl Oil Ciiko Wj Aiitlclpnli'd. Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LONDON, EtiKlnnd, Mny 10. Tho Supremo Court decision In tho Stand ard Oil case caused surprisingly lit No Statament Made By Presi tlc ,I,torot or w ' nnancini cir cles hero aa tho result was gonorally dent On Standard Oil 'nntlclpntcd. Tho mnrkot ruled gen- .orally llrm. UeCISIOn lOUay. Tho market closed llrm nnd from (Hy Associated Press to Coos nay n ,mlf ,0 3 Pli't higher than tho Times.) ,,nmi or llI Previous day. WASHINGTON, I). C, May 10.- i..- .... .' . .... . aueh an Investigation. The resolu- me enriy Hours today roiiowea , , " . . .,!,. surrender of tho city to tho ro- "dopted w thout opposltou Tolutlonlsts. Tho Rebels became 'o"'W a " ahttt0' V? v tt drunk and defied their commanders. Jf of ,n ,8 ?, be, T o .d net The Townspeople in terror barricaded "0'7 to.o 'inthorlred to tmduct their homes nnd wmalnotl concealed. tho nveetgntlon. BaJLshrr,dynnn;ued nn,? lor,d-, i 1 millions. 1 aemten Is n mining city of forty --""' .-i. IW.C.UU. ProfiMMls of Unltwl Wire-1 embliuco of order was restored. . Jcnr, ',.. J,, -.... . i Thn tn,.. . ,. .. I " . (iresents a pujauio npfear- flnce. SHOW TROUPE TO COME HERE Whllo PrcBldont Tnft has mndo no Btntemont todny regarding tho Stnnd nrd Oil enscs In which tho court sot up tho doctrlno thnt thoro might bo dent occurred ns It wns uolng rolens- reasonablo and somo lin ed for n pnssonger trip. Eight pas- reaBonnblo restraints of trndo, official Bongors, four men nnd four women, , Washington recnlls an extract from nnd a crow were on board. Just as a special message sent to Congress It cleared tho shed a violent gust of by Tnft Janunry 7, 1910, in which, wind droro her back. Tho airship whllo advocating tho Fodornl Incor- dropped on tho roof, her back bro-.p0rntlon Inw, ho dlscussod tho sug- AllianCC Sails Late Ken. a nru ungnuo rescucu iuo juib- gestion tnnt tno woru "roasonnnio LEAVE FOR PORTLAND songers nnd crew. ELnVRN ARK INDICTED. less Stick Gobbled XlSW YORK, N. Y May 16. In tho trial of ofllters of tho United Wlreltsss Telegraph Company, charg ed with misuse of the malls, the gov ernment through expert accountant The "McKenzie Merrymakers") NKW SEHIKS OPENS. Monday From Coos Bay for Rose City. Tho Alllnuco anllcd last evonlng for Onen at MaSOniC Opera rortlmul Oihhi to Sacrmuento for courts power Imposslblo to oxorolso Portland with n good cargo of frolght " ll'iiLlrlu ni..ii.u lAH .. MnlA.., ..lnl..l,. nM.f ...n..1.l 'n.i.1 nnni.lii n full lie ,9 ..nnnn.inM. tti-l-nr iiiii lull ttliy LUimiDltllll illllll'lJIIU llllli VUII1U ilu HVHI i; t 111,1 nob u, J'tlsauiiftVI U, HOUSe Monday. FORTLAN9, Ore., May 16. A give to them tho power approaching many bolng bound through from Eu- , , ., , ,, i,..t now series of games starts In tho the 'arbitrary, tho abuso of which roka to Portland besides thoso who The "McKenzle Merrymakers ' .. T , .,,'.,.. .,.' ., ,.,. ,...,........,,,. bo mndo part of tho Shormnn anti trust law nnd strongly opposod such n proposition. Ho declared that It was thrusting Into tho hands of tho fVin.t T.nnmin tnrlnv with Pnrtlnnil mlrvlif lnvr.1tn tlw. tvlinln liwllnlntv tnne annantrn TinrA traced tlu, history of 716,634 shares lrtll rr,ye Hero next Monday to open paylng at 8acraintsnt0i San Pran y8tom ,n (8n8tor, AjllonK th()80 Blllllng from Co08 nay Ift Legislators yiaylw Ainotig Those lrCUS(Hlt I . . . .. au a. .n1nno nv't !.' a rt irn(.nHtn HnAM TTnnoA tn Associated Press to Coos Bav ot 8t0CK nicu l l"r,u"l,"'" "'" " ' " "i' " clsco takos Oakland on for n series nt' Ho callod attention In tho mos- on tho Alllanco wero: Times) I1 t0 hVe ,B8Uetl 't0,thr'f? F night. Btanfl. The company Md Angoe8 opens wUh tg Q u v Vm COLniBUS OMo Mnv 16-Tho1 Tho PaC,flC Ca8t. t0k .k,"d? W,U ttU P ny ?" ""T T! Vernon nt Vernon. Court hnd repeatedly refused to read Reason. G. Robe, R. O. Graves, F. 11. nnt ni liionriiuiiiiiK mil iiiil liiu nriK rniniiT uiirini: liicii liiii iiuiui . . .. .. . .. ... .... - . . Indict- """" v.., - - ,;..,,, w i .. It is expected that rortianu win at into tho statute tho word "unroa- H. UlarKo. J. . Taylor, J. U. Taylor, w, iiiu.i iva.4 urn n n nrn n uii. i -1 n ii-iiinviii .urn Tiniiivnia 1 !4Vr -- .--.-.... Hand J,iry reported eight menu Z , United Wlrelcta was abwjt to aents today against eleven persons. Fon an ncco , tnWn hW many f thCS: tilled, investors there, ha laaictnients urn nirn n.t mamhnrn of w"vu . . . l ""1-IU3 uro ncainst momuerB oi . .-. . . tie s,mM nurchasea -',o- Sim" ' " " stock for fl.782,514. Of this. Colonel Christopher Co tes- wero ln hero a couple ot years ago d and put on a good show. It Is claim ed that the company Is better than over this season, having many new least be nblo to break even with Sac- sonablo" on tho ground thnt tho stat- Mrs. A. R. Clayton, H. L. Patterson, ramento. WOMRX AVIN WISCONSIN. TIIK W1IKAT MARKKT. Hoil f . rSSe jnmes Hnunigo Bald lts comml8Slons he paid George IBt a. . II. Parker, a Western sales agent ' Associated Press to Coos Bay, . .., Knnthfir ,.COUnta lumbus Wilson, the company's ptcsl-jhas been playing the Willamette val dent, received 1,713.156, Fonsler i0y towns. Robert McKenrle, tho manager, vaudeville features. Tho company By AB80catort Presa t0 Coos Dny ' Times.' Times.) S'ADIS0N, Wis., May PORTLAND. Ore., May 16 uooeri MctieiKiH, mo wneat priceB club. 85c, 80c; Blue- Tho President says In substnnco that closed arrangements with A. J. Sav- 92 lj3(,,. Red Rugsani 80c; 'cU R d,8tlnctIon jB moroly iinprnc. tlcal .uto applies to all restraints and Is II. Black, C. Krlckson, E. C. Murray, not Intended to lenvo tho court any S. Rosenburg, B. Rosenborg, B. F. discretion, rresiuont rnrt went on .Mtiiuor, w. n, .Mcuurieg, uocu to sny that many peoplo conducting Thompson, Mrs. G. K. Thompson, Lot great businesses havo hoped that In tlo Thompson, C. R. Pickings, Mrs. Jsonio way or othor tho lino could In C. K. Pickings, Miss Lottlo Pickings, Track drawn between good and bad trusts. Alfred Molgren, W. Thompson 16. The A. T. Johnson, another accountant ago over tho long distance phono to- Vaeyi s7c; Fortyfold, 86c, 87c testified thnt of $793,270 receiveu any lor mo Masonic uperu iiouto. Hou.e tnH, "--' " from tho sale of 83.U0U snares ol aan:8 ., ,,a88e(, the JameS W" treasury stock. ?690,910 had gone for --...Mht u.ii wiiiuii cuuiaiuo Meet Wednestlay. Owing to a ro- a . i . ' 4 4l,. ,, T n.nnl AM oh. I laa8e for . , I ""7 selling commissions. ino no. oa ""'i""" iui..- - - -.- ; CHICAGO, 111.. May 16 soe. into !L the company's operations of Us varl-clety of the Methodist church vjll wheat ,.4c. Ju,yi g8 5.gc. !,; Vl -1"" ""ouD OUB atotlons, ho said, was ut.ou mo Koyernor, in threo years. W.ntad-A want ad irUl U It' Rw4 Tl-M'-Waat Ada. J Rw4 ' t X4. (Ey Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) May Son- meet tomorrow at tne Meinour par- emberi 8?Hc. Decemberi 89C( sonago at p. m ralnt BtuBhes at MJLNIUVS. MRS. TAFI1 IS ItlCTTKK. NEW IIO.MK Sewing MACHINES $20.00 to 35,00 at MILNKR'.S. DON'T fall To see HAINES for PHICES. Use Tlio Times' Want Ada. President's Wife to Return to Ww. lugtoii In Few Duy. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Tim os.) NEW YORK, N. Y., May 16. Tho Improvement of Mrs, Taft con tinued today. Sho probably will re turn to Washington Thursday. K 1 . .iJJtiWJA.ttUtW Mfattb ,f.