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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1911)
(Ham Hag ADS. mt& NEWS ttI,rV MSI SIMS IS 8I-OW, All. T Tlhi:. Til T IT IMV8 IS KVL , Nt l V SirCKSSKUl, IIU8I- "Cs iii) SIS KVKIIVWIIKKK t GUT IT Wllll.K IT IS NKW IIY READING THE (X)OS HAV TIMKS. .M.I. 1IIK NEWS Al.l. TIIU TIME TKItSCI.V TOLD n :t t: it MEMBER OF AKSOl'IXTKI) PltlCSS IMnhlMieil In IH7H as Tin I'onM Mnll VOL. XXXIV MARSHFIELD,OREGQN, TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 1911 EVENING EDITION. A I'miMitlilnilim of Tliiu, Vml .Mull iiutl CtHn liny Atlwrtlvr. No. 57 lMMnw '- "' " ' ' "" -" ! 1 -rrrsnwirn m imnnn BIS REBELS ILL WAGE JOVE Will IF PEAGE FAILS' Developments For Settlement of Internal Trouble Are Slow. JHADERO AND 0R0ZC0 PLAN TO GET BUSY Scnor Limantour Denies That He Carried Plans for Set tlement. (Ojr Associated Press to Coos Bny TIiiioh.) El. PASO. Tex.. Mnr. 21. I Int Francisco I. Mndcro with ono thou- fand Insurgents operating south of Cm Ornndes and General Orozco with S00 men nro nrrnnglng tclr forces with the Intention of n decisive I attack In the pence negotiations fall nns announced In lnsurrccto circles today. ti In said the campaign will ho ..-.. .!, ..nln.l .11 111 rnaiH more uhui"'"' v.i.'vi . the terms oi seuiemciu nro nut agreed upon. So far however, It is not known that any move has boon made to Inaugurate tho negotiations for peace and Llmnntour'B stntomcut1 . at Mexico City mm no um noi near t.. m nniiiMllMi ft Mi nulnti. I llihment of peace has caused some eicitemcnt nnd perplexity among tho1 Insurrccto leaders hero. It nas declared thnt Scnor Llnian- tour's expressions were likely to have a disquieting effect on tho in-1 wrcctos nnd hope wns oxprossod that later n hires would put Llinan tour In n much more friendly atti tude toward tho Insurrection. Oltl'CO.V XATIOXAIi (JUAltDH War lie iwrlinciit Onh-i-s Them llcmly , For Active Service. rOuTI.ANI), Ore., Mar. 21. Or ders that the organization of tho Oregon Nntlonnl Ounrd bo brouglit up to a footing for Held aervlco woro received from tho War Dopartmont by Adjutnnt-Honernl Fliuor. A weetlnR of the Gcnoral Staff was Immediately called to plan tho chan ges made, necessary by tho orders. Recruiting of tho various units up to what Is commonly known as a ar footlns Is tho most Important change directed In tho orders, which tear the signature of Major-Genorul Leonard Wocd. Chief of Staff of tte Army. While tho 20 Infantry companies lithe Guard now hnvo an enrollment of from 50 to ISO enlisted men, It lll to neces'nry for ench company toha.efrom 5s to 150 enlisted men kereafter. The orde-8 also provide for a rljorous tri-iimlng down of staff olll rho w have to roslgnorbomus tered out. The governor's stnff 'a Mrtua-I e'inilnatcd, and, at lenst. a no longer be recognized as a real Pt of the mllltla. Mrs. Wilcoxson of Walla Walla Kills Herself and Her Son. tB; A8clated Press to Coob Bay Times.) J ALU WALLA, Wash., Mar, 21 lad w" ( Mr8' J w Wilcoxson m. N. Wilcoxson, her 22-year-OIdton. er f.,...i . ...'. ii- . ."iu ucuu in me mm- ,ly hme todnv fired ) had succurabel to bullets ho'i U beUeved- "y the mother Jenr VUPP0Sed t0 have sono sud keardtlnSane ye8terday Neighbors a the shots but thought that the the play,n8. Neighbors made oahT80m d,BCOVery tody. Tho m een Ut of work for BOmo rt vn llNhea,th which worried The fath aU8ed her ln8an,ty- ther, who is a traveling saloa- " IS UDtin .-.... HE WOMAN SHOOTS TWO . ,vm tu UB m t.ooiee uiiy. COURT SESSION F r Judge Coke to Hand Down Number of Decisions at Coquille Then. Judge John S. Coke has announced thnt he 'will hold a Hticclnl adJourn- 0(, B0BllIoil of l)lu vroilt court t t'o- ,inll0 nuxt pr(!ny, March 2-1, wh'in ,Ill(.,BonB wm ,)e 1mmju,j ,lmvn fl ium)1)or )f cnHM nd nrKUmun(B ,, inot()UH , otnor nctI()n8 w ftlfl0 ho g tmt Ul(J ma(m Iloy8 ,,, n the cases to he decided wJ b(j , ntteldniIct,. Tho regular term of court will open at Coquille April 21, but tho adjourned term Nvlll convene there Atirll 17 In illminRn nf innttnrn iiond- f tl i , ri,cl.inr -, Among the nctloiiB in which duel- hIoiih will be hnnded down next Frl - day are the following: nniik nf Iinndon vs. J. II. Prlco et ,, ,,,,,.. Iia T,nni, allt,nrvlHnr I 1 IIWIIIIIU W ''! MW . . ..rv... c M SkcoU V8 SoJi m,inmuor ct j "L A Uober(, VB E, s, Lrao ct . ' 8toR y8 C()0g CountVt w UtQ m CooH County . . Vll ,. , ..,. et al. I). Miulonnn vs. L. O. Strommen ot nl. Western Orogon Trust Co. vs. Dnn- don uht nnd I,owor Co" , , ort IlB" v'- J- V' Weathorly. Fnrrln and Upton vs. noil i.ino uy. Co. L TO EAST COAST Atlantic Seaboard Manufac- hirers Want Equal Terms With Chicago. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Mar. 21. , i in an mini cat on to tlio intorsinio Commorco Commission to reduce 0 I .1 In othor words ho asked that tho nt tho EnBt bo given n dll,'.W.M W ...- wni,t rntn which would bo tho Bnn, n tho rnto from middle west- orn points to Spokane, thus Insuring easterners n proportion or tho inter- mountain market which they long have enjoyed. Ho said the putting into effect of tho rates suggested which aro lower from Chicago points than some onstern points would bo :zl . c.. j,Sa, manufacturing interests . . HIb idea was thnt "to allow uni cago and mlddlowest points such terms as would accrue from tho low- lurmo aa .! nrnrtlnnllv WOUld DUt man) I. ... t imcinoBo nml eastern shippers out of business ana deprive tho points in Inter-mountaln territory of the benefits of competi- tion between two wholesale territo ries, imnvrc T. R. ICAUI'MAN & CO YOUR COAL ORDERS $4.50 PEUTON. Don't forget the Turkish Baths. phone ai-i-j. freight rates to points In Inter-j COLOGNE, Germany, Mar. 21. A Rocky Mountain territory llko Spo- dispatch from Pokln reports tho niur knne, tho commission heard an nr- ,0r 0f .m, KoroBtovotz. tho Russlon gunicnt today In behalf of Atlantlu Minister to China, thus repeating tho Sonbonrd shippers by Louis D. Bran- n,niors current yesterday but.whlch dels. Brandols argued that "What- navo not been officially confirmed. over rnto may bo made by tho com- mission from Chicago points to Spo-J HOOSKVEI.T IN LOS ANGELES knno and other intor-mountnln points would bo satisfactory to its (tho Will Deliver SowthI Speeches and Atlantic soaboard shippers) If tho, Lecture There. Rnmo rate woro extonded to us." (By Associated Press to Coos Ba ILLINOIS ill TROUBLE IS SERIOUSIflOOKEB 1. 1 Ten Companies of National Guard Called Out to Quell Foreigners at Gillespie. (Uy Associated l'ross to Coos liny Times GILLESPIE. III.. Mnr. 21. Tliroo compnnles of IIIIiioIh National Guard nrrlvcd here today and seven others nro duo Inter to quell tho foreign miners who tire preventing American miners working. No move will be SSEND TROOP TO United States Strengthens Garrison at Hawaii Islands. (Ry Associated Press to Coos Bny Times.) SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Mar. 21. Having on board tho First and Second battalion of the second lufnn- try to tho number of GOO olllcorsnnd mon nntl 1CS men or tho Fifth ca- valry mid the First Artillery and fow recruits, tho army transport Crook sailed for Honolulu today. Tho troons will be added to tho (Jnrrlson nt Fort Sdmflcld, Hawaii. Government Will Pay Expenses ' of Only Part of Those Accepting. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Oa Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Mar. 21. Of tho 3,050 acceptances from tho Stnto Mllltla olllcers of tho War De partment's Invitation to participate In tho army maneuvers In Toxns and California, nbout 1,500, It was do cldcd, today would bo sont undor tho federal appropriation. Theso w apportioned to tho strength ot mo various siaio miuiias. uiuurs, if they go, must do so at tho oxpenso of tho stntes. UU.MOIt IS Itr.VIVEI) AiioIIht Iteport of Agination In uiiiim. .(By Assotlated Press to Coos Bay Tlm.B.i Times.) LOS ANGELES, Cal Mnr. 21. Colonel Roosevelt nnd party arrived hero today. He will remain hero two days. Tho colonel will mnko a num- ui " O-,,co u .., .- while here. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. Miss Blrdsey, nn up-to-date, trim- - mu - ''-"j - :.r i Donaldson's Millinery Store during Mm rinnnlrlann'R nllHpnon. which ne- - -------- cessltntes a trip to California on nc- "'- .--. , . ... natronaco nnd hop-1 " "v " " " I ing you will continue tho same as . - " ZTnr Mrs. E. DONALDSON. "c"ou "" Did you see that large double page adv. of the Overland automobile In I the last Munsey? It tells an Inter-1 ., otn, aaa nnh nnonitllMl about an overland. Remember a TURKISn BATH win be,P yu- rhone 211"J S LO SEND MILITIA TO MANEUVERS made by the Mllltln on the foreign ers until the arrival of nil the troops. Many of the forelKuers are armed with shot kiiiis and rlllos. The trouble started a week ago when the foreign ers beeame dlisntlsflod with working condition and Induced the Americans to quit. Local union olllclnls ruled ugalust the strikers and ordered I them to return to work. The Ameri cans did so, but the foreigners hnve , hold out and been trying to Induce the Americans to quit. The trouble became acute last night. Dominion Officials Threaten tc Keep Out Black Settlers From Oklahoma. (Dy Associated Press to Coon liny Times.) WINNIPEG, Man., Mar. 21. Olll cers of tho Immigration depnrtment loft today for Emerson on tho border to stop tho entry Into Canada of 1C5 noyrccc from Oklahomn who Intend ed to settle In tho Canadian north west. Tho railway company appealed to Washington and Consul-general Jones hns been Instructed to seo that they get through. Santa Fe Passenger Strikes Car Partly On Siding at Kingman, Ariz. Uy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) LOS ANGELES, Cnl., Mar. 21. Information reached tho Santa Fo general ofllco today of n wreck on tho Santa Fo at Klngmnn, Ariz., last evening In which 35 persons were more or less Injured. Nono woro Buriiiusi) nun. I Tho accident was caused by ono trnln not thoroughly clenrlng tho mnln lino nnd when tho overland enmo nlong It struck tho rear car of tho trnln which was on n sldo track. Tho Injured wjll bo brought here. ' CHANGE IN HU.SSI.l. Trouble (her Pollhli (loternincnt Caused Pieuiier Stolypln to Resign (By Abtfoclatecl Pros to Coos Buy Times 1 ST. PETERSBURG, Russln, Mar. 21. Premier Stolypln presonted his reslgnntlon during nn audience with tho Emperor yesterdny. It was the outcomo of tho notion of tho council of ministers In rejecting tho clnuso referring to tho Polish olectornl col logo, which wns an lntogral pnrt of tho hill Introducing Zomstvo self government In the northwestern pro vinces. The emperor hns nccopted tho re slgnntlon of Premlor Stolypln nnd Is reported to hjnve signed tho np polntmont of Mjnlstor of Finance Kokovsoff to be. the new premier. SPRING AUTO 1IUYERS MUST PAY : LICENSES THIS YEAR SALEM, Ore., Mnr. 20. Under Oregon's now model motor vehicle license law, persons who buy nhto moblles this spring will bo required to pay threo state licenses within a year. The now law does not go Into effect until August 1, so thnt pur chnsers of automobiles aro required now to take out a license under the present law, and before August 1, to take out a license, only valid until December 31, 19U, under tho now law. Then, as annual licenses aro required under tho new law, another CANADA W STOP NEGROES 35 HURT IN TRAIN WRECK state license must bo obtained after January 1, 1912, good, to December 3J of (that year. i V DROP PROSECUTION OF CASE COOS BAY RAS A NEW SLOGAN F. B. Tichcnor Adopts "The Land of Plenty and Plenty of Land." "Coos Day, the Land of Plenty nnd Plenty of I,nnd" Is tho latest adver tising slogan for this section. F. 11. Tichcnor of Portland is tho author of It and ho has hnd several thou sand cards printed for distribution of It among the thousands ot ltonie ticckcrs from tho middle west nnd east who are Hocking Into Portland. Mr. Tichcnor, who has been one of the best boosters that Coos Bay has hnd on the outside In tho Inst few years 1b enthusiastic over this sec tion and the efforte ho has put forth nro more than appreciated by tho people here. In n letter to tho Chnmber ot Commerce from Portland ho snya: "Two thousand home-seekers ar rived In Portland yesterday. Itnll road olllclnls say twenty-flvo hundred will arrive today. For fear that I might run short of tho lenflets you sent me, I had several thousand cards printed like tho ono enclosed. "Tho man thnt I have In charge of tho work In Portland Is tho right man In the right plnce nnd I bcllevo ho mot personally, overy Immigrant thnt arrived In tho city yesterday and wo do not expect to miss any of tho twenty-live thouBnnd thnt aro to follow. "Will keep you posted from time to tlmo In regnrJ to tho work. "As ever, Coob Bay booster, F. B. TICHENOH." JEFE 1ST California Pioneer Passes Away at W. J. Rust Home at Flagstaff. Jesse Rust died nt tho resldenso of his son, W. J. Rust, In Flngstaf yostctdny afternoon of heart dlscnso and othor ailments Incident to old age. Ho had been slclc for soiiio tlmo. Tho body will be shlppod on tho Redando to Sncramonto whoro burial will bo made In tho family burlnl plot. He had practically nindo his homo with his son, W. J. Rust for tho paat three years, altho ho hns cnllod his trips to Coos Pay only vIbIIb. Ho arrived hero on his Inst visit last Novombor. There will bo no services ex cept nt tho f.nnl obsequies In Sncra monto. Ho wns a consistent member of tho Clulstlan church. Mr. Rust was born In Morcer county, Ohio, November 29, 183-1. In 18C3, ho crossed tho plains with nn ox team to California and tho balance of his life was spent In Con tral California. Ho waa married February 20, 1850, to Mnry Bnssott In Adams county, 111. Thero chil dren wero born to them and all Biir vlve. They are W. J. Rust of Marsh field, C. B. Rust of Sacramento, Cal., and J. B. Rust of Elmlra, Cal. Mrs. Rust died December 13, 1899, at Sacramento. THE WHEAT MARKET. PORTLAND, Ore., Mar. 21-rTrack wheat prices: Club, 800 81c; Blue stem, 83 84c; Red Russian, 80c; Valley, 81c; Fortyfold, 81Q82c. TACOMA, Wash., Mar. 21. Blue stem wheat. 83 84c; Fortyfold, 81 82c; Club, 82c; Red Russian, 80c. CHICAGO, 111., Mart 21. Wheit closed as follows: May, 90c; July, 89c; 8eptembor, 88 3-4c. I I0IMT i Noted Negro Educator Said to Be Considering Such a Turn In It. ' DENIES STATEMENTS ATTRIBUTED TO HIM Appears In Court But Alleged Assailant Waives Preliminary. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay I Times. j NEW YPUK, N. Y., Mar. 21. Bo- ifore leaving the hotel Manhattan to g-j to Police Court, Dr. Booker T. j Washington denied tho reported In terviews with him In which ho wna , quoted as having snlll a letter or telegram hnd caused his prcsenco In IWest 03rd street Sunday night whin ho wns severely" bentnn. Humors nt tho hotel Washington nro that ho might decldo at tho last moment not to prosecute Albert Ulrlcl), tho car penter, charged with tho n'ssnult. I As n matter of fact Washington snld Inter in amplifying his enrllor stntemont, thnt he hnd received such , n letter but It did not flguro in his search. Unfortunately ho had torn 'up the letter. Art ho could recall, his secretnry wro him thnt Dnnlol . Siilth, auditor of tho Tuskogeo Insti tute could bo ound with n family named McCrary, he thought It was at No. 11 West 03rd Street. So, last Sunday night he went to tho houso nnd looked over tho nam oh on lottor boxes. Washington did. not tnko tho istnud. .IimU'nd Ulrlch waived tho ox- nmtnntlou on advice of his couusol nnd wns held for trial In a court nt special bchrIoiis nt n dnto not nindo public. Washington enmo to court with his hend henvlly bandaged and was accompanied by nn elderly whlto man who snld ho was Former Gov ernor Plnchbnck of Louisiana. As Ulrlch walked out of tho court room after furnishing hall, ho said "t j guesH nothing will ovor como ot this." ItIG OIL COMPANY SOLD. Southern Paeille Snld to Iliuo Sold Attsix-lnteri Holding". (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) ' SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Mnr. 21. Tho Examiner says tho Associated Oil Company, owned by tho South ern Pacific, ono of tho bg oil com panies of 'tho state, Is to bo sold to n syndicate of London nnd Now York bankers. It Is snld tho price' Is not less than ton million dolluru and possibly much more, Nathaniel Thayer, Pioneer Railroad Promoter and Millionaire. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times. I BOSTON, Mass., Mnr. 21. Natha niel Thayer, ono of tho plonoor rail road promoters of tho Uultod Stnto3, died at his home In this city today. Mr. Thayor was a director of tho United States Steel Corporation, tho New York, Now Haven & Hartford Railroad, tho Ameilcau Tolephono and Telegraph Company, and many other companies. OUT OF COMMISSION, A certain automobllous bsllo Of Gosollno do scent Can't uso her auto for a spoil Because, dear readers, It Is Lent. But you can uso nn Oyerlnnd All tho tlmo. Seo Goodrum. ' For BUICK nuto servlco P !IOXJ3 34-J bofore 6. P. M. and t -J .it u ght HIGH IN OE BOSTON DEAO i ' t JA '