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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1911)
llllfi NEWS OUT IT Wllll.K IT IS NEW BY reading the coos hay times. AM. Hi:: NEWS ALL TIIK TIME ' sri.V TOMi :: :: :t r. UIIIN- BUSINESS IS SLOW, Al. vv HTISi:. THAT IT PAYS IS KV1 .,'vtri) V SUCCESSFUL 1IUSI. lp,q IIOISKS KVIJUVWIIKIIKM MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS r . u - KhIiiMMiccI hi 1878 as Tlio CoiiM Mull ii 1 iMiiiitiiniraiiiniiffwii VOL. XXXIV piilh suspeg BELIEVED IB Did Not Sail From Bandon for San Francisco On Elizabeth As Reported. G. A. BENNETT GAVE HIM MONEY FOR FOOD1 Think He May Be In One of Camps Near Bandon Or In- Curry County. tho llond who killed llttlol Unrbnra lloltzninn. tho Hvo-ydar-old ; Portland girl Inst week, Ih still In the neighborhood pf Rnndtm or pos sibly In Curry county Ih tho firm be lief expressed licro todny. Tho sus poct did not got nwny from llnndon on the Btcnmer Elizabeth nt 1 o'cloclf Friday morning im was reported by tho Ilandon nlghtwntch Saturday to Marshal Carter. Tho San Frnnclsco ofTlccrs who wero notified to bo on the lookout for tho Ellznbth yester day wired hero todny that tho hiib liect wns not on board. Marshal Carter took tho mnttor up with tho Ha n (I on officers ngnltt today and found that their only ren foil for believing ho had gone on the Elizabeth was t lint ho wiih uecu loitering nround tho wharf it short time before alio Hailed. Carter regrets very much that the Portland police didn't notify him hv wire of n description of tho ntpect as ho would then hnvo been able to hnvo pinked him on tho ar rival of tho llronkwntor. If the suspeet did not got out of Ilandon on n boat, It Is bollovcd that he Is either working In ouo of tho ramps around thcro or Is making his way down tho const. Cnroful search v. in m prosecuted. Tliero Is now. over $2,000 reward offorod for his captnic, Gov. Wont having added $1,000 to tho amount previously of fered. Mirny Sow Him. Tlmt the Individual was hero Is the firm belief of u dozon qr sp peo ple. ' Editor (5. A. Bcnnott stntos that 'j.'nco Mlnlstor l.lnmntour orrlv the suspect cnin'o,' up to lilm In tho0(, ,,oro thtB mor,1R a grent crowd News ollleo and heggod n qunrtor to ftWn,tc1l Mm t the railway station buy Fome ment with. Ho told lilm wU, enthusiastic wolcome. Ho ho had Just arrived and wns going wont from Ul0 trnj ,flrect to his .to work In Camp llvo. Ho had n laif mHir,)an horao. of bread In his hand and asked for enough to buy somo meat. Ho acted VIOLATE WAR RULES. strangely and Mr. Dennett, Fred. I ' , Hennett and Corn Howron who work .Soft-Nooecl llullels Doing Um-c1 In In tt-e odlfe noted him closely. Thql Old Mexico. i'eFf I.ttlfin rf tho Portland criminal ! ( (y ,8Porlnlod Proim to Coos Dn f" d him ovrietly. Uo spent tho j Times, i """ ' ' - mont nn.l then went lo EL PASO, Tex.,' Mar. 20. Soft ie er Soro. ! nosed bullets forbidden. by the rules Edgtr Mnuzoy Is also conlldont!0f war nro being used by both sides tVt lo s-rv him hero. Mr. Mnuzo.v tho Mexican campaign: "s fat If tho mai) ho saw Is tho "Inilrml. ho spent somo tlmo on tho1 AMERICAN IS SHOT. Bav n year or more nco Clms. Powers Is still confident Manager of Miwlrun llnilrli Victim at the stranger Is tho man wantoil , of Revolutionists, 'n Poit'nnl ns tho description fur- 1Dy Associated Press to Coos Da n,sM fiom Portland fits him oxact-' tI'"ph ' l.". j EI. PASO, Tex., Mar. 20. News to Hornld from Torreon Is to, tho of- OIIDEPS ISSUED TO SPRAY J feet that P. E. O'Drlscoll, nn Amert- Ahh TREES AND SHRURS can In chargo of tho Hacienda Gul- chnna, owned by Americans of St. MEnroitD, Or., Mnr. 20. Formal Louis, was shot four times by revo notlco has been given by Professor lutlonlsts who attacked tho ranch P- J. O'Gara, State Pathologist of and demanded money. Horticulture, to nil orchardlsts In tho O'Drlscoll had no money and was Rogue River valley and to nil pec- shot. He is now in a hospital. sons owning city property on which 'rult trees or shrubs grow, that they must have their fruit trees, vines and shrubs sprayed with a lime-sulphur solution. Tho orders are that spray- lag must be dono before April 7,! otherwise the Inspectors of orchards M spray the trees at the owners ex- Penso or cut them down. Over 30 carloads of spray solution have been shipped Into Medford within tho last to weeks. D. OF II. NOTICE. Members of Mascot Lodce No. 3. D of H are requested to meet in the Odd Fellows hall at 1:15 p. m., tomorrow (Tuesdav) to attend Mrs. "Ws fLera, By order of MRS. ELIZABETH WHITE, C. of II MhaMmmn f 18 STILL 8 nr mran nrnrl Dt nun ntnti HERMOSILLO IS II DANGER Sonora Town Reported to Be Menaced By Large Band of Revolutionists. Illy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) iir.H.Muniiji.u, ouorn, .Mexico, m,dl,,shtt SumIlly, Mnr. 10, vltt ,:i Paso. Runners have brought news that coven hundred revolutionists nro within twelvo miles of this town. Tho municipal palace Is 111 lot! with people who hnvo been provided with rifles. The town Is almost unpro tected by soldiers as 300 men, In cluding 100 Ynqul Indians, marched out Saturday afternoon nftor Torres when thu rovoltcrs wero reported to hnvo taken tho Prlestas Mines. Tho rebels are said to :tavo got In be tween tho soldiers and this town. m:m:i.s recruits many. New Film1 Is Mm-clilu;; Along Ilortler lo .llllllf. Ily Associated Press to Coon Dn Times t AGUA PRIETA, Statu of Sonorn. via Douglas, Arizona, Mnr. 20. United States soldiers hnvo roportod liy wlro to Douglas that Gonornl lllnneo, tho rebel loader, Is mnrchlng close to tluxJiordor toward J wires with a recruited army of ubout COO men. Ho wnH reported yesterday noon four miles south of Columbus. Many rebels nro snld to hnvo Joined him In his march along thu border. MMAXTOrit is iiomi:. G:ut Cioml Wi'lconien Prominent Mexican On Return. (ny Associated Press to Coos U Times.) MEXICO CITY, Mexico, Mar. 20. LUCKY THIRTEEN. .Mother "d Sol,K Trel Upon Single Ticket Over Rullronrt. MUSKOGEE, Okla., Mar. 20. Riding on a single railroad ticket Mrs. Frank Scott of Highland, Kan., and her thirteen sons are expected to arrive In Oklahoma soon. Mrs. Scott's children are all under 6 years of age. Tho six oldest are triplet sets the oldest being 5, the others a year younger. The next two are three, the next pair 2, while the three babies are 2 months old. All of their names begin with "A" ' ' Remember a TURKISH BATH will help you. Fbone 2H-J. MARSHFIELD.OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1911 EVENING ODKER T. SHI Noted Colored Educator Badly Beaten Up By New Yorker Who Alleges Strange Ac tions. HOOKER T WASHINGTON ID itiioociiiteil I'iMHr u. Coos Dny TlMien 1 I NEW YORK. N. Y., Mnr. 20. Albert Ulrlch, a whlto enrpenter, who wns orrcsted last night for a felonious assault on Hooker T. . Wnshlngton, tho negro cducnto., I was brought Into court today nud held on $1,500 ball. Washington 'was unable to appear. Ho Is In a hospital suffering from numerous Injuries It Is alleged he received at the hands of Ulrlch. Ouo ..of tho wounds In scalp required sixteen stitches. I'lrlch attacked Washington fol lowing charges of Mrs. Ulrlch that a negro had nddrcsscd her in tho hall at their residence. Washing ton claims he Is thu Innocent victim of an atrocious assault. I His statement follows, "I receiv ed a letter from my secretary say ing D. C. Smith, auditor of tho Tua kegeo college, was In Now York City and desired to sco me. This (letter said Mr. Smith was stopping with a cousin, giving tho luttcr'a name and address. On Sunday I nt- HE i mm Steamship Arrives In From San Francisco Early 1 Today. Tho Redondo nrrlved In this morning from Snn FrnnclBco with , largo passenger list nud n big freight cargo. She will sail from hero Wed nesday afternoon at -1:30 for San Francisco. Among those arriving on tho Ro dondo wero tho following:, 'F. A. Lancelot, Jacob M. Illako, J. I'reuss, C. G. Honry, C. M. Dylor, Mrs. C M. Dylor, T. W. Drady, MUs Florence Aiken, G, S. London, E. A. McGeorge, Mrs. E. A. McOeorgo, Miss Mabel Lang. I). T. Grlllln, Stolla Cul bertson, Kato V. Hoard, Harry Law, Mrs. Hurry Law, ,E1hIq Lowollon, G. C. Woods, Mrs. G. C. Woods, O. Al len, Oron Allen, A. M. Ross, A. Smith. Mnry Smith, D. It. Keller, Mlfcs Annlo Denn, Geo. Horn, J. Lono, C. II. Schulzu, Fred Eden, R. Tooy, Geo. I.. Hamilton, J.' Maildox, II. G. Saunders, L. Gruerlnger, J. Mlckto, II. Shotwoll, W. Chase, J. Erlckson, F. Milton, J Colter. Jns; Herd. Not Much Credence Given Re port of Assassination of Russian In China. (By Associated Press to Coos Do' Times ST. PETERSnURG, Russia, 'Mar. 20. It. Is rumored that M. Korosto- vetz, the Russian minister to China, was murdered at Peking. Neither the Foreign Office nor War Offico Is able to confirm the report. t Advices received by tho Associat ed Press direct from Peking late this afternoon mentioned the Russian leg ation In connection with the Russo Chlnese negotiations, but made no reference to any untoward event which might have furnished a basis for the rumors at St. Petersburg that the Russian minister to China was assassinated. , "Trr"" "" ' PHONE I, S. KAUFMAN & CO A'qUK COAL OIUERS-$4.30 TEH TON. m m IB v -- - i I OF MINISTER IGTH ASWEDldll DECIPRGGITY tended church services twice. Aft er speaking in ono church In the evening, I recalled tho lcttor con cerning Smith and decided to look him up. I discovered that 1 had left the letter at the hotel, but I thought! I recalled the name ns something llko Muora and the address being nn Wnst fiSril ntrit. I "I went there nud commenced to look at namo plates on the letter boxes In the halls hi different houses expecting to see the namo of Mr. Smith's cousin. "It was while I was thus engaged I was attacked." Ulrlch In an Interview with law yers nud others In court todny said, "about 0 o'clock lost night my wlfo went for a walk. Wo llvo on tho lower lloor of a houso nt No. 1111. West 03rd Street. When she re turned she said she had seen a negro In the hall and that ho spoko to her. Mr. and Mrs. Ravetto and Mrs. Knowlcs friends of tours, wore In thu houso nt tho time. I went out nud saw a man hi tho hall of tho vestibule door ahead of mo." j Ulrlch snld ho bhw tho negro re enter tho hallway litter nud saw him I bending down peering In tho key hole. Ulrlch snld tho negro swung n blow at lilm to tho Jaw when he asked what ho wanted, and that whon ho went nftor tho negro, tho inttcr tell twlco In his effort to escape." ROOSEVELT IS Former President Says Terri tory Should Have Been Given Statehood. (By Associated Press to Coos no) Times.) PHOENIX, Ariz., Mar. 20. Em phatic declarations In tho bollof that Arizona should hnvo rccolvcd state hood at tho hands of tho lnstt con gross dospltu tho Inclusion In its pro posed constitution of tho Initiative referendum nud rocnll provisions, marked Roosovolt'fl address today to nn lmmonso crowd which had gathorod to hoar tho formor presi dent. Roosovelt, howovor, declared his disapproval of tho oxtontlon of tho recall to tho Judlclnry. Thoro nro plncos ho said whoro tho onds served would justify even this mensuro, but In n gonoral way ho frowned upon tho recall of Judiciary as tending to prod u co "timid courts and Judges who kojit their ears to ground." 1QWER RATES i iE DE1N0ED 'Western Cities Attack Freight , Charges of Many ' Railways. i Hy Asspolated Press to Coos Hn Tlmps.l WASHINGTON, D. C, Mar. 20. Reargument of the Pacific coast cases Involving a readjustment of tho 111.. --,. nn.l fnnttt t It A j commodity ruiun iu uuu nu,,, m. .Pacific coast and affecting to a largo extent the transcontinental traffic, j was begun before the Interstate Com- imerce Commission today. v Material redaction In rates were suggested by the commission In Its of last Jumo, but conditions (have not been entirely satisfactory and complaints wero made and a re argument was granted. The cases Involve complaints by commerclul I organizations of Washington, Ore gon. California, and Novada ngalnst practically all the transcontinental railways. For BUICK auto service FJipXK 3I-J befpre C, Pt M. qd W-J,a night 0 EDITION. A CoiiMilliInt Idii of Times Const Mall mill Cons liny Aihortlser. m MM I II W Mi Marshfield High School Stu dents Spend Night on Mud-Flats. The nuuual picnic nud excurilo'i of tho Mnrshlleld High school stu dents Saturday to Charleston ended with nil experience that was not on tho schedule tho spending of Sat urday night on tho mud-lints nt Pony Inlet. Part of thu picnickers had re turned on the first trip of thu Allco H, but tho balance wanted to enjoy nn evening outing also nud remain ed until about 11 o'clock. When thu Allco II started back on tho second trip, a heavy fog had set In and It was dllllcult to follow the chnnuel. In tho fog, tho Allco M turned up Pony Inlet ns tho Hay channel townrds Marshfluld and thu error was not discovered until they had run far up. Tho tldo was. Hood ing nt tho time and they went high up on tho mid lints. They wero un able to get her off hut dually somo of them waded nshoro through tho mud nud sent word of their predict ment. Owing to tho darkness, It was not dee in ed safo for all to try to get away on foot una thoy waited for daylight Sunday. Tho provisions hnd given out poon after noon Saturday nud llnnlly Erie Holt skirmished somu eggs and sup plies. About 10 o'clock Sunday morning, nil walked off mid caught boats from North Hum! for Mnrs'.i Hold. The Allco II Is high up on tho mud Hat nud it may bo several days be fore tho tldo gots high enough to tako liar off, , Among thofio who rotiiruod on tlioj first trip were Misses Lucynndllnzul Powers, Inez Johnson, Ruth Ilorton. Milton Carlson, Hnrtlett Flanufcu.i, Stanley Meyers, Duncan Forguson. Prof, and .Mrs. Hewitt, Prof, and Mrs. Applowhlto, Mrs. Tlodgon, Mlsi Chose and Miss Woods. Supt. Tledgen wns onoof tlu who hnd to spend tho night out on tho mudflats. Mr. and Mrs. Harzeo. who llvo nonr Pony Inlot, furnished food for tho half-fnnilBhed plculcit ers Sunday niornlng. CZAR'S CABINET QUITS. Pi-fiulcr Stolypln mill Other Oilier Tender Resignations. (Dy Associated Press to Corm fin I Times.) 1 ST. PETERSBURG, Russia, Mar. 20. Tho cablnot of Promlor StoTv- pln resigned today. I WITH TEN GRANDSONS IN TOWN, (ITS HER OWN WOOD ' FOREST GROVE, Or., Mar. 20. Mrs. Snrah Crowthor of this city cele brated her 79th birthday on Mnroh 17. She was born nt West Moroliin.l England, on St. Patrick's day, 1S32. Sho spent her girlhood thore, and then camo to America, locating t New Orleans, where she lived threo years. Sho then moved to St. Louis mid cuiuo to Forest Grovo with her husband and children twonty-ono years ago. Israel Crowthor, hor hus band, dlod In this city ton years a?n. Although Mrs. Crowthor has nearly reached hor four-scoro mllonoat Pi life's Journey, she Is strong and rob UBt and lives alone. Sho splits her own wood and Is practically self-supporting. She has eight living chil dren, two daughters nnd six sons, and haB ten grandsons living In this city. BAN ON COFFIN NAILS. Utuh to Prohibit Sale of Cigarettes , Or the WnUlim." (By Associated Press to Coos Bnv Times.) .SALT LAKE, Utah, Mar. 2Q A bill making It a misdemeanor to col! cigarettes or cigarette papers passe' the legislature Friday, No. 56 16 TAR'S IMS President Returns From Vaca tion and Discusses Con gress' Work. WANTS TARIFF TO GO OVER UNTIL FALL Confers With Cabinet Officers Relative to Army and Mexican Situation. CALL OUT OUARLV (Hy Associated Press,) SPOKANE. Wash., Mnr. "Order army ovorcontB 20. for Held service Immediately. Llow ellyn, ndjuntant general." This telegram was received by locnl officers of the National Guards todny, nnd It Is bollovod It may bo nn advance hint on mi ordor sending thu Guard to the Moxlcan border. . By Associated Press to Cooa Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Mar. 20. Returning from n ten days vacation In tho Bouthwost, President Tnft reached Washington this morning. Tho President will tako up at onco tho preparation of his message to congress resubmitting tho Canadian reciprocity ngreoment. llo expects to confer Immediately with JoaderH of both pnrtlos regard ing tho work of this special session, basing his desire that reciprocity agreement bo ratified and thu tariff board bill passed. This, It la declared Is nil tho Pres ident wants dono nt tho special ses sion. Ho preforH congress to dofor any revision of tho tariff scheduled until tho regular session In Decem ber. Tnllc About Mexico. Tho President had a number of rnblnot conforonces. Tho first was with Secretary of War Dickinson who reported that the army divisions sont to Toxns and California had demon strated tliolr ability to bo ready for nny omorgoncy. At presont thoro Is no thought or breaking up tho big camp at San Antonio. Tho socrptary was In communication with General Cnrtor on tlmt subject todny. Vari ous organizations will ho sont on prnctlco inarches from tlmo to tlmo nnd for mnnouvors In tho Hold, but no gonornl forward inovemont will bo ordered or Is contemplated nt this time. Tnft this nfternoou will hnvo n conference with Senor Do Ln Barra, thu Moxlcan nmbnssador, at tho lat tor's roquost, ,ps mm POPE M Bee Wilson Falls On Mud Un derneath Car On Smith Powers Road. noo Wilson, rear brakoman on a logging train on tho Smlth-Powors compaio's load on Isthmus Inlot, had a narrow escape from death to day. Whllo coming ovor tho trestle, tho car on which Wilson was riding Jumped tho track. Ho Jumped off but struck In tho mud and tho car camo down on top of him. Ho was burled In the soft mud which pre vented him being crushed to death by tho car. When tho train crow reached lilm, they found him uncon scious under tho car, Ho was taken to Msrcy hospital where It was found ho had sustalnod three broken ribs and some bad bruises but nothing of a critical na ture, It Is believed. rs . .. .r. tj(0 Turkish Baths. PHQNE Ull-J. i. . lit