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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1910)
THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1910 EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES Entered at the poatofflco at Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls as second clnss mall matter. Address all communications to COOS RAY DAILY TIMES, Mni-sliflchl :: :: :: :: Oregon M. C. MALONEY Keillor nnd l'ub. DAN' 15. MALOXKY News Editor An Independent Republican nows paper published every cvonlng except Qundny, and Weekly by Tho Coos liny Times Publishing Co. Dedicated to tho sorvico of tho pcoplo, that no good cause- shnll lack a champion, and that ovll shall not thrive- unopposed. Tho Coos Day Tlmos represents u consolidation of the Dally Coast Mall nnd Tho Coos Bay Advortlser. Tho Coast Mall was tho first dally estab lished on Coos Day and Tho Coon Day Times is Its Immediate successor. subscription iiati:s. DAILY. Ono year $G.0f Por month GO When pnld strictly in advanco the subscription prico of tho Coos Day Times is $5.00 tfor year or $2.50 for bIx months. WEEKLY. Ono year $1.80 Official Paper of Coos County. orriciAii paper or Tin: city OF MAHSHFIELI). some reflections7 I can not tenrh you to plsv tho Into; but I can show you how to mnko of a small city u gjeat ono. Thomlstoele of Athens. O ,t W I T H T H e t X TOAST AND TEA t itmttttmtttmntttnt THAT wiib n rather unusual com munication which was printed In Tho Tlmos Saturday ontltlod "Reflections of a Stranger." It Is nomotlmos n great ndvnntnice for rn lndlvld,inl to be told n fnv honest nnd sincere truths concerning his Hhart comlmtn. It Is equally ad vnntagoouB for a cnmnuinlty now nnd thon'to get n gllmpso of Use) from tho vlsw point of tho ninn out nldo, Candor compels tho. ndnilHsIo" that thero worn tunny, too ninny, nlnsl stntomontH of fact In that "Strnngor's" letter. Tho truth Is that thero Is not onough cohesion In tho constructive Spirit on Coos Day. Thero aro too many men who nro Jealous of tho other follow. Too mnny who hato to poo tho other man get ahead ana muko money. They aro moro dis posed to obstruct than boost. Thero Is sufllclont brains, ability, capacity nnd capital on Coos Day to accomplish almost any purpose If It woro solidly united In Its orforts to nchlovo. Wo could secure our rall wny, Improvo our hnrbor, dovolop our resources and onjoy nil tho pro porlty and ploasuro that follow In tho train of success If wo would but onco loarn tho forco of enncortod ac tion. Nowhoro Is thero such an opportu nity as Is presented tho peoplo of this community. Wo nro frittering It nwiy In foolish factionalism when loyalty to tho common purpose of progress nnd hnrmonlzlng of In dividual dtfforonco for tho common good would mnko n city really frroat, Wo Bhould loam a lesson from tho Sonttlo Spirit, tho Spokapq a'ctjon mo t'ortinnu pun, San Francisco' cohesion and tho loynfty of Los An goles. No city In tho country hap been so torn wth npparon' dlylslyo Btr'lfo na'Snn Francisco lurhjg Vts'.re cont graft prdsecdtlpn. Yet wlien'a question: of publfo progress, llko tho Pnnnmn oxnos(U6n. de-yolops, ovory Individual difference Is buried 'nnd Pat Calhoun and Sprockets ,tmi'l shouldor to shoulder with outa'treton' ed hnnds to boost sin' Vranc'ir for ward, that's what Coqs nny 'needi nnd must hayo to Wompllsy Jlu groat nohlovomonts thqt are' "' oVy nwaitliig thp action of rap.a big enough and broad onough to not per mit potty porsonnl prejudice in I smalt solflh Interest to harraps and, namper tno onward march, of pro gress and dovolopmont. Llttlo mon novor built a largo city and largo mon who pormlt nnirow views to circumscribe tholr actlvlt nro equally Inoffectlvo in tholr ef forts Let us lenm tho losson that our own Individual Interests nro best. sorved by loyalty to the communlt nnd city In which wo live. A spirit of harmony and holpfulnoss for evorj; progressive movomont will work wonders In tho next' year, gor" There was another Importnnt meeting In tho Poets Corner Satur day evening. In tho absence of the President Jack Flanagan, who had a bnnquot engagement, R. O. Graves called tho rhymesters to order. Tom Dennett nroso nnd said ho disliked to mention it but ho heard nit ugly ru mor to tho effect that Jack Flanagan did not wrlto tho pooms to which hi namo was attached. Frank Parsons promptly aroso and snld ho hoped It was not professional Jealousy that prompted tills fling at an absent brother. Mr. Parsons nlso BaM he wished to present a now namo for consldorntlon, Hnrry Winkler. The Quiet Obsorvor sold ho desired to absolve Mr. Dennett from any reflec tions of professional Jealousy ns his verso wos of a different school of poetry; besides ho nlso hoard tho rumors concerning Flanagan's auth orship and enmo prepared with a de- fonBO which ho would road If thore woro no objections. As John doss was also nbsont thero woro no re marks nnd tho Quiet Obsorvor pre sented tho following: Jack Klmiitgiin Poet. (Lines provoked by tho question: "Does Jack Flanagan rcnlly write tho poems that appear In Tho Times?) Does ho wrlto his own stuff? What n question? Why, Jack Ib a scholarly boy. Ho pours without any suggestion Tho Inngungo you'ro suro to onjoy. I He's ns fast as a ghost ns a typist; Ho can rnttlo It off In n trice. His pooms nro truest nnd rlpost And you don't hnvo to pruno 'cir or slice. His stylo Is conclso, elenr nnd toppy. He smoothes It nnd puts It nwny, And tho finicky gent rending copy Is hung up with nothing to say. Why, Jack Is a classical writer A poet both Insldo and out. Ills pooms nro heavy or light or Havo no rhymo or renson nbout Ho also can slug llko Caruso Whon ho wnrblos ho touches th heart: Whon ho chnnts a chanson you do bo Know you'ro In tho prosonco of nrt. i In sooth, lio's an all 'round por formor. Ho "storms nil tho holghts.' (Dear mo, buz! You've tjot to admit that's somo Btormor) And writing's tho host thing he doos. di:i:p enough. Donuty, thoy say, Is only skin deop, And doesn't ponotrnto far; Dut It's enough to got a girl n homo And n hubby and thoro you nro. WILL EKBLAD. nad m::3mcilo&.i $& ' in Tno Times or ma Saturday CHARLIE WANTS TO KXOW YOU KXOW. 'Tis tho Intcst yet; ' It has ie bepn uttored: "Hnvo you oyer mot A bnrbor who suttorod?" CHARLIE HUNTER. TIME AX SPACE, I ato up two pencils, And got vorv hot; And nil I could, think of Was this tommyrot. 030.' E. DIX. The sojp device ' Of this bright bit Is Just tow splice " ' My namo to It. HARRY .WINKLER. THE FEARSOME IMIILOSOPHER. 'i know ,n llttlo ardon ' All sot with .joliimblno: Rut I shall never vajlflEbro v Lest It"1 shbliuVaeSm ''leas fl fine. A dainty, ballad dreamd I , Bul( wll noY s'lngJio $ou; For if yon 'woro to hern 'Twould bo up longer uew. And thore's a pretty maiden, I wll not woo todays For If I woro to avIu iior tier charm ti)l(;lvj, 'ftbs awny. QIJO. GOODRUM. "AN INQUIREir" IS ANSWERED CH S 11 SEL1IY, CIIAIRMAX OF false. Tho only debt dilo from my- Belf to Judge Coke, or from Judge THE REPUBLICAN' COUNTY Coke t0 m0i Jg ti,D debt that evor CEXTRAL COMMITTEE AND C.-true friend owes another. It is that 1 , friendship that hns caused m to F. McKXIGlir HAVE SOME- wrtc this communication. And it ,x-, ,,. ,v iirri.M!i'vrv ls thnt saino 'rleitiUhlp, coupled with THING TO S.U IN RLILRLNO. Rmty lntegr,ty as a Jurist TO JUDGE COKE'S CANDIDACY, j and a citizen- thnt has caused mo to uso mv host and most enrnost efforts To tho Editor of "Tho Times": Jt0 BOCUro u,8 ciocti0n nlong with In your valuable paper of tho 2 Uh jutjgQ Unmllton ns Judges for this Inst., appears nn article headed, Judicial district. "Judge's Coke's Candidacy," signed - C. F. MoKNIGHT. by an unknown (?) under tho sty'.o) . and form, "An Inquirer," and oar- STATEMENT IJY C1IAS. II. SEL11Y. mnrkod "(Paid by J. D. McNioD". Editor Coos Day Times: Tho author has been generous In yesterday's Issue or your paper onough to state that "C. S. McKnlght was an attack on Judge John S. Coke Is nlso n democrat and ho Is laboring of this city who Is a candldnto for overtime In tho Judgo's vineynrd,"j re-election ns Circuit Judge. The had ho nlso added tho name o' ( Corrupt Prnctlco net provides that JudKO J. W. Unmllton, ho would have ovory article of such a nature must bespoke tho whole truth. So, horo, bo signed by somo responsible per- let mo plead guilty to tho charge, son, nnd I would ask that herearter And, bore, lot mo announce to "An you forco peoplo who dcslro to mak Inquirer" that whenever I fcej that attacks of this kind, to obey the law, the Judiciary Is In Jcopnrdy, ho will and come out In the open, eo wo may And mo using niy best energies for nil Judgo as to the motives of the tho Man, regardless of his political article. belief. ' ' The article states that it Is palJ Fortunately, In this enso I am not ' for by J. D. McNeil. Knowing as ' called upon to donounco my political, do that Mr. McNeil mrkes his hoad falth. Judgo Hamilton Is tho tloino- qunrters at Mr. Upton's olllco. nnd emtio nominee Judgo Coke Is tho In fact has no other onico, nnd know republican nomlneo nnd ls endorsed ,ing also that this arllclo Is Inspired by tho democratic party notwlth- In tho Interest of n rlvnl candidate, standing Mr. Upton's stntomont tot tho irresistible conclusion follows tho contrary. Can It bo "said that I that Mr. Upton, also a candldato for tho dompcrntlc party Is bound by nny Circuit Judgo, Is rosponslblo for the People are Learning to Ignore tile Dark Store. THE HOSPITALITY OF LIGHT IS CELEDRATED IN THE STORIES AND SONGS OF ALL NATIONS. CHEERFUL AND INVITING, ARTI FICIAL LIGHT IS A POWERFUL FACTOR IN ATTRACTING TRADE. nlleglnnco to Mr. Upton? Trul.r not! Ho wan asked by somo of his demo cratic friends If ho wnntod the loml nrtlclo. Tho article es'tnbMshos beyond trr adventuretlintJii'Wnf,oVe was cnns nnlon on tho democratic ticket. liu, lored by tho cllos a-' 1 litigants or nnswor wns In the nogntlvo and he j this community n ! lender of tho RUimEREI III her hobble skirt ah tripped Just as dainty as could be, And as down tho street sho skipped Ever body lopked to see. Dut I'm certain something ripped, Just as certain as can be, In hor hobble skirt she tripped Evorybbdy looked to see. THAYER GRIMES. jnasob'alllca- krnjf' Pelade-, now nppoars nnd nsks tho sufrrnse or tho pcoplo ns an Independent can dldnto. Hns ho not donounccd his own party? Slay wo Inquire to whom ho really doos belong? Can It bo that ho has so far forgotten hlmsolf nnd tho laws of country n? to becomo n political pollgamlst ami assumed tho mnrrlnge rows npper tnlulng to nil political parties? I tho language of "Mlko" Malono "Lot's tnlk It over." This "unknown" nuthor han seer fit to point nut Judgo Coke's unques tinned success ns a lawyer; has ad mitted him to bo n lawyer of un questioned ability, nnd by Innuondos would draw In question his Integrity. So, tho only question to bo determin ed by tho voters Is his Integrity. Hns this question not nlrcndy been nu swored whon at tho prlmnry cloctlon Judgo Coko received tho largest votr cast for any district nominee on tt republican ticket In his own honir county? And wns It not more cor cluslvely- answered whon tho dome crntlc party Indorsed him? Why, oven this "unknown" author (who It would seem Is nshamod of his namo) says; "Against Judge Coko wo hnvo not tho slightest pre Judlco; had ho been contont to ro main n private citizen ho wpuld no' havo beon tho subject of any public criticism from us." Would It not be woll for each one of us to nsk oursolves where wo nro 10 looK tor aim soiect our representa tives and ofllclals? Aro wo to choose from tho unknown nnd untried? Or nro wo going to soiect n man, whose pnst record as a prlvnto cltlzon and ns a Judgo stands unlmpoached nnd unquestioned? Confessedly, his ability for the Judgeship stands admitted and I now chnllengo tho nuthor, "An in qulror" to nnmo tho facts upon which Judgo Coko's Intpgrlty -Is In Jeopnrdy. Lay aside thoso Innuon dos, nnd fear not tho truth, for the 'Corrupt Practlco Act" punishes no man who speaks tho truth. - I'nilghf also suggest' tha't tho "un known" (?) tell uswhoreln Judce Coko was responsible for C. R. Peck's nppolntmont as attorney for tjio Port of Coos Day, Also whorelu ho was rosponslblo, for Jno, D. Cms bofng nppolntod city attorney. The wrltorls' Ignorant of thesp pretended facts, and since Judge Colo h no1 hero to answer the questions In per son, would. Hkq to bo enlightened, Slnco tho beginning of the ram palgjj it hag been the, wish of Judijp Qoko and his many supporters am friends that personalities sjiou'd not bq indulged In. It, Is stllj his wish laijd It js still our wish, but If It lvust cqmo to personal abuse, wo will he called upon to bring forth the bal anco scales, and on the one sldo we will plnco tho Integrity and unques tioned ability of Judgo Coke, both as n Jurist and as a cltlzon, nnd o tho other wo will bo compelled to place Mr. Upton and his rocord ns Recorder of the City of Marshfleld Wo can only hope for the latter's sak,o that such an emergency will not exist. ; Fronv the "unknown?" It wouli apjgoar, that .judge CoVp was respop. bIJ)o , for mo ".lappjng up a fow straw crumjjsttaat .fall rpm(1tip Pprt .pf Coos Day's chuck wagon." local bar. Ills fltiiwind ability from n lognl standpoint, Is therefore conc.vl cd nnd admitted, and I would thnnk tho writer of tho nrtlclo In question for his kindly nsBlstanco In that re gard. Tho lmlanco of tho nrtlclo Is out' nn nttempt to stir up strlfo nnd Jealousies by Insinuation nnd Innuen does. Dut tho votors or this county do not nsk Judgo Coko, whom the hnvo always known, to dofond him self against Insinuations, reflections, nnd Innucndoos. His llfo hero has bcon nn opon book, ho hns nothln to conceal, nnd I expect thnt ever voter of this county could glvo the wrltor of tho nttncklng nrtlclo somr plcco of Information rolatlvo to Judg' Coko which would rccommond hlir to tho fnvorablo consideration pf the votors. Tho recont primary election by Its overwhelming vordlct In tnvor of Judgo Coko, Is sufllclont nnswor to covort nttneks by rival candidates I am extremoly sorry that Mr. Up ton should at this particular tlmo en ter tho Circuit Judgeship rnco. He and his friends know thnt ho has no chnnco of election. Tho onl; pos sible result of his cnndldncy will b tho tnklng from Judgo Coko of n fow of tho votes that ho would othorwlse rocelve. I nm sorry to seo any man, whothfer friend or foo, pormlt him seir, olthor knowingly or othorwlse, to bo mod as a tool for tho solo pur poso of defeating one of our home candidates. As Chairman of tho Republlcnr County CPntral Commltteo, it ha beon my nlm to conduct a campnlgr without any personalities, or with out digging up those things which, Ir tho heat of a campaign, breed only enmity nnd discord. ,1 also know that this Is tho Idea of Judgo Col: and his supporters. This lino o' campaign, I shall follow Just so far Las good politics may dictate, but )f any candidate, in opposition to n'Ro publican candldato wants to measurV records and rolato history, then wc Will start thp ball to. rolling, and ' warn Mr. Urtton-and tits (supporter that the ropbr't of Mr. Squires, expor accountant of tho conduct of tho Clt l(ecordor's ofllco, whllo Mr. Upton ws Recorder, will uot be tho only mattor which will bo thoroughly aired and published. CHAS. n. SELDY,' Chairman of Coos County Republican , Cohtral, Commltteo. (Paid advertisement) Tho Dnzar will FURNISH you with n,ny fancy apples of any size of variety either for homo uso or for shipment to friends. Special as sorted APPLES for Christmas gifts, XOXE RETTER can be had. For the Ambitious & nfoer$j (Sbucationi by mall (or IhoM who cannot ttn.l In pcrtoD. All In.iruitlon, laclujlng final eiamlnajloua, I FKEE, For Uachera, tndnta nrsparing (of college or tinlTf rsl. ty, votuen'a club, granrr, eflg'cer u3 bu tnalMt. Ko prellmlnanr imualna- lHio, li rimrra. i nl null cuuim mwiaa opportunHj tor you. Sonil (or a dctcripUra bulletin to U rn CorrpoDlenc Study Department vw j.:r,-jD?rTa.. 4"" '' ' ' ' ' L WHEN YOU PIlOl-cnLY i,. ' YOUR SHOW WINDOWS tfl 1 "UrtOU "OSPUCTIVE PATRo THE PTTtirirAont. THE MERCHANT W,I0 COMES HIM HYLlaHTIXor, Think It over and nsk our Now Dpslncss Department for ngor. JHE COOS S3AY GAS AND ELECTRIC CO. TELEPHONE 178. j- THE FAST AXI) COMMODIOUS milllul 1 x- (earner Redondo (EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS) Wir.Ii MAKE REGULAR TRIPS CARRYING IMSSKXW-IH AND FRE10HT ItETWHI.'X COOS HAY AND SAX niA.NCIS. CO. ALL RES1CRVATIONS FOR PASSENGERS JIAIIIJ T ALLIANCE DOCK, MARSHFIELD AND IXTllH-OCrAN TRANSP. CO. FIFE HLIXI.. SAN FRANCISCO. FOIl I.NTOjt. MATION PHONE M-J o 285. KUJ.S FOR SAK FIUNCISCO FROM COOS HAY OCT. 20. ' .IVTEIt.OCK V 'I'RAXSPOUTATmV rn. aBm2FOBis?yxB8xaz7S3ttttattaJMr STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF THU first: Trust and Savings Bank OF COOS DAY, MARSHFELD, ORE., SEPT. 1, 1910. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. Loans nnd discounts . . ..U20.51C.0S Capital stock paid !n...fJM.rfHi Ovordrafts 251.80 Surplus and undivided Bonds nnd securities.... 20.000.10 IrotUs Banking house, furalturo DoposlU 181,515.11 nnd flxiuiea DC,Si0.50 Cash on hand and duo from bankt 82,968.51 Draws Drafts on ToUl ...V. $298,651.01 Total !3,5Jl.l Wo Invito your attention to tho strong condition of this bank at shown by tho sworn Battomout, to-wlt: Cash reserve 43 per cont of dcpoilti Rosorvo roqulrod by law 1 ... .15 por cent of depoilii Rcocrvo In oxcess of legal requirements 28 per cent of dJfWltt. OFFICERS AN D DIRECTORS JOHN S. COKE, President. JOHN F. HALL, HENRY SENaSTACKEN, STEPHEN C. ROGERS, HORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. W. 8. CHANDLER, WILLIAM ORIME3. DR. 0. W. TOWER, M C. HORTON, Vlco Presldont nnd Manner DOES A GENERAL UANKIXO AND TRUST 1IUSI.VE88. YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED. T THE FIRST NATIONALB1ANK OF COOS BAY ,Si;RICTLV A COMMERCIAL IliVXIC Well Kargo Nevada Nutlonai lUnk. San FrancUco, CtL The United Slates Natloaal Usnk, Portland, Or. The National Park Dank, Ndw York, N. Y. Tlie Corn Kxchange National Bank; Chicago. HL The Dank 'of Scotland, tondon, England. The Credit LYonnnU.' Paris. France. In n rfan J..H. i .11 n.lniln.l lianlrlnV CBDtlri U I -.." " :"r." "- '"-y vi-i. i "-?---: -. mi t curppo, Asia, Airica, Auirai a, uninn, japan, norw, v.u"- Couth America. Personal and commercial sccodnts kept subject to ebeflk. Certificates of Deposits IssUed. Safe Denoslt Boxw for rt FLANAGANS BENNETT BANK MAR3HFIELD. OREGON. Oldest Bank In .Cooa County, EstabUsliotJ to 1889. Paid up Capital and, Surphis. 80,000.00. AshcIs Ovef Huff1 Million Dollars. . .v Does a general banking business and draws drafts on the i p of California, Sah Franolsco'Cal.; Hanover Natlonil Banlc, w. -First National Bana. Portlind, Ore.;' First 'National Bank, hwj burg. Ore,; The London Jolnt'Stdek Bank, Ltd., London, Eaw Also sells exchange ou.all of tho principal eltleo'of Euroo. Individual and corporation accounts kept subject to chee. s deposit lock boxes for rent, . . OFFICERS: M, ,. 3. W.MIEXNKTT, PrtirfdeBt. R. F. WIlXlASIB.'CiuWew J. II.. FLANAGAN, .V.iPrw' GEO. E. WINCHESTER, 'Am1? ..'-it 1.. ' .'all. .? mum wmiEkiirwAZ j I I ----rr--i'T-i..M iw.i .ai(iaav uH'VfrT."jo.- .-nfi -,--,,- - -m .nmannmoo ca55SH52ZSZSHSEKS2KKeac3cac-- ji c, STEAMER. BREAKWATER Sails from AjHBrth nock, PorIaivJ, -lit a' P.,r.,ucve,r Tuw1 Snlln from C6os liny over Saturtfiy at servlco'of tlme."RerrMi9 will Hot be held lntec tlian Friday noon, mless tickets p portlJ8?" 3 W: F. MUler, Agt,. Phone Main 35 ?tnnntr?rT?rnK??nS --a-a-tt.K-a-a-xr-n---a-n-n-a-tt----"-:,"y"Btf ' a a t a V a o ,i a dSSL" i -rrrkmj Pacific Monumental and Building Works H. H, WILSON, Proprietor ;t MARSHFIELD, ORB?, All kUV ol m'onumenWl woVk promptly and artistically , j . A cutod. Call a ou works on South Broadway. v, nnd then resolvo to reform. resolvo , " u'.SUBH0?. absoigtejy . (CqHtla.fedjfroDj.tji.) tftA M ' i V '!-'(. U 'MII4 It- wnLr-'W"'