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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1907)
iWWUWft- m f&l THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES . MARSHFLED, OREGON, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1907. -33fcSMte. fr GIRL DISCOVERS GREAT SECRET Can Win Men's Love as She Chooses Women ImpL rier tor Information ore Mile. Mario Baundot, a beautiful Paraslan, has discovered a secret which will bring millions of women to her feet, bogging her to tell It to them. Greater than tho lovo philt ers of tho ancients, moro powerful than tho receipts of witches and for tuno tellers, Is her secret. And, through tho perversity of her kind, Mile. Daundet, having discov ered the greatest secret In the world, refuses to tell it, even to her best .friends, though they beg and plead with her to reveal it to them. She has discovered tho secret of winning men, Sho has found a scientific, easy, and perfect receipt for making any man sho chooses fall desperately In lovo with her, and pro pose marriage to her, oven at their first meeting. What her mysterious power is sho absolutely refuses to toll. Sho says any girl in the world, no matter how plain, or even ugly, can by using her simple receipt cause any man to pro pose to her. She uses no "black art,", so sho says; sho uses nothing but her own system, and sho has demonstrated In a wonderful test what sho says is true. Steals Her Friends' Lovers as a Test. Mile. Baundot is young. Sho is handsome, graceful and rich. Noth ing was more natural than that doz ens of men should fall in love with her, almost at first sight, and seek her hand in marriage. But when ' she stated that sho had discovered a scientific way to win tho heart of any man, her friends refused to believe it. Several of her girl friends, asouug and as handsome as hciself, laugh ingly defied her to win away the love of, their sweethearts and then were heartbroken when, without the slightest reason, seemingly, they found themselves deserted and their lovers at the feet of Mile. Baundet. But Mile. Baundet was generous. Having demonstrated her power bhe returned the lovers to their rightful places; gave them back to the doubt el s, and the doubters were doubters no longer, but firm believers. But the greatest test was made re cently. Mile. Baundet told many persons of her receipt for making men love her; and many of tho men themselves, on hearing it, scoffed. When they scoffed openly, and sho heard their challenge, she promptly convinced them, and when they were on their knees before her, pleading for even a smile, she reminded them they had scoffed at her power and that sho had punished them. Even then her friends and ac quantances refused to be convinced. They admitted that hundreds of men had proposed to her, and fallen in lovo with her, and followed her, but they said it was due to her beauty, her vivacity, her grace, and her cleverness. Sho admitted that her beauty helped to attract victims, but said her receipt was responsible, and that, ever were she hideous, yet she could make men desire wildly to marry her. Disguises Herself as a Ragged Street Beggar. The statement was challenged, and in reply, Mile. Baundet proposed the strangest and most startling test of all. Sho stated that she would disguise herself, attire herself as a street beggar, and that, sitting on a boulevard corner, wrapped in rags, and squalor, and hideous in her makeup, she would force men to stop and propose marlage to her, Her friends and her family laughed, and told her she would see. The challenge was made and ac cepted at dinner at the home of Mile Baundet in the Rue Vanvenargues, a which six persons outside tho family circle were present. It was agreed that sho should, for five days dls gu.'se herself as a beggar, and station herself at a corner, apparently solic iting alms, although a small staid with fruits and nuts was to srvc rs an oxcuso to the gens d'armes. The property was owned by one of the membres of the party who readl'y agreed to secure tho necessary per mit. Members of the party were to keep tho arrangement nrlctly secret, and were to watch tho rroceedlngs from a cent by house, during the five houro a day that Mile. Baundet agreed to masquerade as a hag. Her makeup was ono of the most realistic ever donned. Sho smeared her face with grease pant overlaid ' with grime, bowed her back, and donned tho garments borrowed from a beggar woman who called at tho back door. Only to make them worse, she soiled and tore them more, and bound her feet in unsight ly and worn men's shoes. Gets Four Proposals tho First Day. Tho watchers tho first day were astounded to see a middle aged man, well dressed, apparently a gentleman, stop to do a little act of benevolence, and remain for ten minutes at the corner. His entire manner changed after a moment, in which ho offered the hag at his feet a franc. He was differential, courteoui, and he raised his hat when he passed on. Shortly uiereaiter a careless, well dressed youth, evidently a clerk, glanced at tho crone, stopped, remained talking with her for fully twenty minutes, and finally made an effort to take her hand. He evidently was beseeching ner to mary him when the elderly man returned, and ho and the young muu uuuusi came 10 mows over something. Tho elderly man drove off the younger, and presented the hag with a bunch of violets, after which he hurried away. During tho five hours two other men, both of high class and apparently men pos sessed of money, stopped and became interested. Tho party watching from the window of tho breakfast room overlooking the corner was mysti fied. Apparently the hag did nothing to attract atentlon, yet four men had grown vastly interested in her. At 4 o'clock the crono left the stand, hobbled painfully to the gate in tho wall, stepped Inside, and joined tho watchers. Then came the greatest surprise of the day. Two of the four men had proposed to her In writing, at her re quest, and one was a man of wealth and standing. Four proposals she had received in five hours, and from the only men, so she said, that sho had tried to make propose. Nine Men Jjiiy Fortunes nt Her Feet. The second day was even more as tonishing. No less than nine men of all classes stopped and proposed to her. Some of them wrenchod them selves away with looks of disgust, but returned later as if compelled by some great power, and proceeded to lay their hearts and their fortunes at tho feet of a grimy, hideous street beggar. One of those that proposed was a man of their own set. There no longer was any doubt, and Mile. Baundet begged her friends not to require her to remain at the corner again. They insisted, however, on another day, all being wildly curious to dis cover her secret. Although she begged them to let her off she con sented to one moro day. That day, however, she Ignored most of the passersby and did not try her receipt except on three occa sions, each time bring tho victim to her. She forced all three to make written proposals of marriage, and brought them triumphantly to her friends. The girl was shivering from loath ing when she tore off the beggar's rags and donned her own gowns, and she vowed that the test was cruel to herself and her victims. Also she vowed she never would reveal her secret.. Will Not Use Power on Man She Loves. Half of Paris now knows that Mile. Baundet has discovered the secret of compelling and man to fall in love with her. What the secret is she will not tell. She says it is based onl exact scientific principles, and has nothing whatever to do with hypno tism or mesmerism, and that, if any girl knew the secret, sho could bring any man to her feet in a moment. Tho oddest thing about it all is the reason Mile. Baundet assigns for not revealing the secret. She says she is afraid to trust It to the hands of her fellow women, because she Is cer tain that It would result In cruel mis use, and the breaking of hearts by wanton women who would use it to bring scores of men to their feet, and then tramplo upon them. And tho most pitiful thing about It all, so Mile. Baundet's friends say, Is that Bhe loves a man who does not know it, and although she loves him wildly and to distraction, sho re fuses to use her strange system upon him. She hopes ho will come to her of his own accord, and cannot bear to think of herself as being so un maidenly as to force the, declaration from tho man sho loves. GLASS GETS SENTENCE OF FIVE LONG YEARS San Francisco, Sept. 7. "FIvo years for Louis Glass" was the news message that sped with Incredible rapidity to all parts of the city this morning from the Temple Shoirth Israel, California and Webster streets where was Imposed the sentence that brought to a dramatic close tho "sec ond trial of the vice-president and former general manager of the Pa cific Telephone & Telegraph Com pany, convicted last week ot the" crlmo of bribery; a crime for ,whlch tho extreme punishment under tho law of this state is 14 years. Only a small crowd, made up for tho most part of lawyers, witnessed the im posing of sentence. When the usua preliminary motions had been cleared away the court said: "Has the de fendant any other Iegan cause to show why judgment should not be, pronounced upon him?" and then gave him five years at San Quentin. Buy a Beautif Tw35v 'It nor,, ?'H Flexo Ready Roofing. Best made. Send for samplo and prices. Bayside Paint Co., North Bend, solo agent, Coos county. Dr. J. G. Goblo, tho well known optician, of Medford, Ore., win visit all Coos Bay towns duringgept. For dates see this paper later. Notice. Shoo repairing shop Just on A street near Baptist Prices reasonable. opened church. Columbia Monthly Records Re ceived the 27th of each month. W. R. Haines Music Co. 4444 GANS IS FAVORITE. San Francisco, Sept. 7. The betting on the Gans-Britt fight for Monday, is tonight 10 to G JMn favor of Gans. Both are practically at tho required weight, 133 pounds. Put In your order today for your Sunday dinner. We havo fine roast beef, pork, and veal. Sanitary Meat Market. Corner A and 2d St. Phono 1001. Hydo Carbln Paint makes your old s roof new, tight and fire proof. Baysldo Paint Co. Grand nt Mrs. Millinery Display Aiken's Monday. Mrs. A. G. Aiken wishes to call the attention of the ladles of Marsh field and vicinity to the choice selec tion of Fall and Winter Millinery, that will bo on display Monday, Sept. 9, and following days. These goods were personally se lected by Mrs. Aiken while in San Francisco from tho very latest Paris and New York models. All aro invited to call and inspect them. SAUSAGES Try some of tho Sanitary Meat Market Sausage Jf you want the best made. Phone 1001. FOR YOUNG WRITERS.V Bo Concisa if You Want Your Articles Accepted. Josh Billings said that ho did not caro how much a man said if he 6aid it in a few words. If you are wondering why your articles como back from publishers just try, tho experiment of rewrit ing them in the shortest, sharpest, clearest, simplest, most eixective waj possible and send them again. The chances are that you will get n check instead of "Keturned with thanks." You may find that the sentences were loose jointed, sloven ly or slipshod. You probably have not learned the supreme art of con densation. After you have written a page study it carefully. See if you can express the same tnought in half 6i a quarter of the space. Compress il into the fewest possible words by writing the manuscript over and over again. Nothing pleases an editor sc much aa a manuscript which is clear-1 eu oi an ruDDisn oi language, oi verbiage, of every useless word. Nothing exasperates him so much as attenuated ideaB, long drawn out and roundabout expressions and in volved, ambiguous language. Only ono in a thousand evei learns the art of concentration. But this is the whole Eecret coming tc the point and sticking to it. In all great compositions there is strength through conciseness and compact ness. Some magazines get $75 an inch for advertising space. An editor re cently said in an address that this space was worth twice as much foi editorial purposes as for advertis ing. If young writers keep this in mind and write articles as thej would cablegrams at a quarter of dollar a word their manuscript? would not be returned 60 frequent ly. Success Magazine. NesU Which Weigh FlveToni. The largest, heaviest and most peculiar nests are to bo fpund,in Australia. The jungle fowl of that land build their nests in the form oi great mounds, some having been found 15 feet in height and 150 feet in circumference. They are erected in sheltered spots and areJ skillfully interwoven wjth leavsj grass and twigs. The dusii turuey adopts a similar system in construct ing its nest, but it is more extensive, and the shape is pyraraidical. They build in colonies, and tho nests are bo largo that it would require the services of six or seven carts to re move one. The material of a single nest has been found to weigh up ward of fivotpna. r. Ernest Gabler (Sb Bros. Pia . Established 1854, and obtain a Life Membership in the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ENTHUSIASTIC GABLER OWNERS. 50,000 MEMBERS TO DATE 40 IN COOS COUNTY ALONE Daily Benfits In musical Delight the Gabler is recognized for its sweet singing quality of tone and its responsive action. Insurance Against dissatisfaction. The durability of a GABLER is phenomenal,. We know of GABLERS 35 years old that .. are giving perfect satisfaction TODAY. THEY ARE BUILT RIGHT. That's the reason. Dividends The moderate investment necessary to secure a GABLER will yield you and your family big DIVIDENDS in pleasure and happiness as long as you live. WHAT BET TER INVESTMENT COULD YOU MAKE? M oral Buy an Ernest Gabler and Brothers, established for over 53 years. We sell the GABLER on easy monthly payments. Come, See and Hear it. Testimonial booklet . mailed on request. $Lq Hakes Musk Phone 1441. EXCLUSIVE REPRESENTATIVES. C Street between Front and .Broaitg IGAL EXPERT. Last night at Masonic Op-n-a House, which was again packed to tho doors, tho Phenomenal Medical Expert restored the hearing to sev eral deaf people hy tho application of some medical preparation. M. Fahee, who had been deaf for twenty years was made to hear in a low whisper In a moment. Joseph Archembau, deaf for twen ty years a resident of Marshfleld, was made to hear In three minutes In a low tone of voice. i Mrs. Ida Hathway, of North Bend, who was very deaf for 20 years was made to hear a low tone of voice. I Myron McGulre, of Marshfleld, af flicted for twenty years, was made to hear In a low tone of voice. Carl Sneedon, deaf 20 years, also resident of Marshfleld, was made to hear In a law tone of voice. Tho doctor gave a short lecture during the course of the evening which brought forth hearty applauso. Another tumor will he removed with out knlfo, pain or blood on Monday night. Many other cures will also bo made In full view of the audience. The opera house cannot hold half the people desirous of attending these wonderful demonstrations so the doctor announces that a charge of 10 cents will bo made on Monday night and a coupon ticket will be given, good for Tuesday and Wednes day nights. Those 'attending Mon day night will thereforo get free ad mission on Tuesday and Wednesday. Tho entertainment last night was "worth at least a dollar, and tho en tertainments next week will bo better than any yet given. Those suffering form chronic and nervous diseases can consult the doc tor at Hotel Blanco, Hours 10 to 1JT and 2 to 4 week days. ; i it t fle F 4 itift - Tow rA.a tjiuv vr tormm t? r rv mi SENGSTACKEN ADBITldiill BECAUSE It is choice inside residence property, lots 50xfl with alleys, is well sheltered with a good bay view prices of lots are reasonable. For particulars see TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT C Henry Sengstacken, Manager. mmmmtimmms m:mi:mmtm 8 A nice line of Souvenir Postals of Marshfleld NORTON & HANSEN mmmtmmmmtmmmmumttmmti M. 1 SAILS The Steamer F. PLANT FROM MAHSHFIEL1) THURSDAY, SEPT. 12th F.S DOW Agent MARSHFIELD, oreWn&. Gasene sudB aro not poisonous; vapors harmless to inhale. nil m " -'---.-- . - -, .- w- w .- - - ... ... .. , i TRY CORTHELL'S DELICATESSEN 2nd and C Streets For Kood things to eat. Special va riety in WIS CREAM, noston linked Jeans ami llrown Breud, Rolled Hum, Veal Pot Pio. A variety in Cukes and Pies. Phone 561 mf0tttimiVi um TRY A TIMES WANT ADV. AND GET THE BEST RESULTS. 4i 7. '41 J! m li- i ft j ti acl i let hi t is 1( BE' n ;e li in tb it o Mi rin m r. ft- fl &. bjv3- MMM " 'v " - , , ' r- fggV , r" '""""Ti . t& ., , j . . rai n -.m ar m r - i ip ' - " ..h . fe !.