Lafayette courier. (Lafayette, Or.) 1866-1???, September 11, 1874, Image 1

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A Row in a
die»’ Car.
• affair has necesîH
ilishment of a “new
n several Eastern
the above heading,
¡men from a proin-
Published every Friday by
About women—Men.
I was
A paper containing many
points—a paper of needles.
• Child’s play
tarli ng a Dew
daily paper in Baltimore..
Gild a big knave and Fttle hon-
est men will worship him.
FotUville rats twirl their fore­
legs against their noses sarcastic­
ally at rat-traps. -
>r a camel*, to
î of a needle
er,}' to. walk
A long-winded orator is said to
have a peeping car attached io his
train of thought.
more sue
It is a strange 'fact that wise
men learn more from fools than
fools do from wise men,
thqpy is rummaging
winds of Otsego coun-
wiid flowers and all
;ts| nor- virtue are
æ scandal and infirm*
I in the Brooklyn ex-
u- • I •
•[ » ' ?
.os-out that Fa
was inter*
Note shavers succeed financially
because they “take so much inter­
There was now about 190 est” in their business.
Somebody has noticed that nine­
on the board. Ike bet onë,
teen out of every twenty newspa­
to twenty because he per men have straight noses. .
The dealer said his’n
The fool sceketh to pick a fly
le at twenty more. I from a mule’s bind leg. The wise
man letteth out the job to the low­
est ladder.
Memphis husbands punish their
wives by making them ’ sii on
chunks of ice while they knit the
heel uf a flocking.
“Can’t they train Chinamen to
eat grasshoppers?” is the conun­
drum propounded by interested
parties in the West.
A Chicago paper thinks that a
recent published ballad, “0, speak
no more, shoi^d have been dedi­
cated to Anna Dickenson.
I L’ 4
who was present
ut it tò .David
Where is George Francis-Train?
He ought to be in the Beecher-
Tilton scandal. Get in, George,
there*.» room for one more.
“I wouldn’t have left, but the
peop c kinder egged me on,” «aid
a man who was asked why he quit
bis Kansas home in a hurry.
The Milwaukee man who tied
his dog to a wagon-wheel to learn
him to be a coach dog, is disgust­
ed with the whole business. A
warn to kill her. ’ 1
a ipimjn to tal.k,|
wife used to ncarlfi
noi4 remember will
deliberately planm
i in a court oi justice Or anywhere
else. In fact but for tlip efforts of
these gentlemen a| blotrny' scene
wauld have followed tls(£entrance
of the negroes into the |ldies’ car.
A stout old woman in Detroit
got mad lately, because a photo­
grapher wouldn’t let her fan' hei-
self while she had her picture taken.
I b<t$10 that she 'd
on talking for thrq
she |ornmenccd. I I
froiiS home, but she?
nothing,” exc aims a
.journal, “ to redeem
A Buffalo paper announces that
by the recent burning of an ice
house there, twenty thousand tons
of ice were “reduced to ashes.”
thatiwomdh’t lie, at
al" ;
her Bpnop -I retui
the i ihd of three j
was hb one around
on a chair where I
• *
- it .
An old phrase has l»een altered
to suit the age. An account of
Petrarch in a morning journal
says "he was born of a rich but
honest father.”
- -
Remonstrance was in vain. Bus-
teed was determine! tq see that
I the negro occupied |he Oat in the
, ladies’ coach, ain^ thoge is no
doubt, left Se’ma aimed | for the
A chap who spent $1,500 to
graduate from Harvard, is Post­
draiik it. Woodford re- master in Iowa at $24 per year.
that the fellow wouldn’t Whpre would he hare been but for
his Latin and Greek?
■ purpose of backing Sam in resist-
i ing the attempt of the conductor
Rector’s daughter to Sunday-
school—“Oh^you have an elder
brother;- well, how old is he?”
Schoolboy—"dunno, miss, but be
has just started to swearing.”
-*---- -
L Baum is a? man whose
' il;‘ ‘ • '1
; TH ■ •
s frequently mentioned in
ithem newspapers with such
11 remarks as t|
s an’ undersized .German
■ of languages, extinguished
in pa fall eled cfyjek And Hiis
able qn familiarity with the
s an: abstract principle; in-
The log cabin which Mr. Lfn-
j.coin made when sixteen years old,
stands in seven different counties
in Illinois, and they haven’t got
through conn ting yet. •.
--- ----- ------------------- -.
The Buffalo Express cannot un­
¡maybe said tW with him derstand how so large a paper as
i stranger than Action. -
the Providence Press can be print­
ant you to retract what you ed in Rhode Island, and asks ¡where
¡this morning’s ‘Herald, or tlie boys stand to fold it? The
folding is probably done
mail trains where- there is
of room.
Support your county paper.
The first musquito of the season
I was capture? near Newark, N. J.,
recently, after killing - two dogB
and biting off nine inches of his
captor’« car.
j “Mam, why don’t you talk to
your master and tell him to lay up
1 treasures in Heaven?” "What is
de use of him laying up treanres
up dar? He never scr mo again.”