AFA VOL. IX LAFAYETTE COURIER. A Row in a TTE OREGON, SE CLIPPINGS. die»’ Car. • affair has necesîH ilishment of a “new n several Eastern the above heading, ¡men from a proin- Published every Friday by DORRISS & HEMBREE. About women—Men. I was A paper containing many points—a paper of needles. • Child’s play tarli ng a Dew daily paper in Baltimore.. Gild a big knave and Fttle hon- est men will worship him. FotUville rats twirl their fore­ legs against their noses sarcastic­ ally at rat-traps. - >r a camel*, to î of a needle er,}' to. walk A long-winded orator is said to have a peeping car attached io his train of thought. more sue It is a strange 'fact that wise men learn more from fools than fools do from wise men, BUSINESS CARDS thqpy is rummaging winds of Otsego coun- wiid flowers and all '■ i ;ts| nor- virtue are æ scandal and infirm* I in the Brooklyn ex- u- • I • •[ » ' ? ’Î .os-out that Fa ’ | ' 4 J . — " was inter* Anthony . ' ! ■> Note shavers succeed financially because they “take so much inter­ There was now about 190 est” in their business. Somebody has noticed that nine­ on the board. Ike bet onë, teen out of every twenty newspa­ to twenty because he per men have straight noses. . The dealer said his’n The fool sceketh to pick a fly le at twenty more. I from a mule’s bind leg. The wise man letteth out the job to the low­ est ladder. Memphis husbands punish their wives by making them ’ sii on chunks of ice while they knit the heel uf a flocking. “Can’t they train Chinamen to eat grasshoppers?” is the conun­ drum propounded by interested parties in the West. SULLIVAN A Chicago paper thinks that a recent published ballad, “0, speak no more, shoi^d have been dedi­ cated to Anna Dickenson. I L’ 4 who was present ut it tò .David Where is George Francis-Train? He ought to be in the Beecher- Tilton scandal. Get in, George, there*.» room for one more. “I wouldn’t have left, but the peop c kinder egged me on,” «aid a man who was asked why he quit bis Kansas home in a hurry. i • The Milwaukee man who tied his dog to a wagon-wheel to learn him to be a coach dog, is disgust­ ed with the whole business. A warn to kill her. ’ 1 a ipimjn to tal.k,| wife used to ncarlfi noi4 remember will deliberately planm ‘ i in a court oi justice Or anywhere else. In fact but for tlip efforts of these gentlemen a| blotrny' scene wauld have followed tls(£entrance of the negroes into the |ldies’ car. £11' 4 A stout old woman in Detroit got mad lately, because a photo­ grapher wouldn’t let her fan' hei- self while she had her picture taken. I b