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About The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1902)
MONEY SAVERS This Column Is Edited by our Mer chants and Business People. Brown Bread Fresh overv ilay at Sic vers Bakery. See the Title Guarantee & Loan Co. or J.lue prints and tiling paiiors. tf. That towel sale is still on at Jostihson'8 For further information see our window. Fruit drier work is a sieoiiilij' of Fykes & Cam.ll, the niv-to-viiite plumU'r and reiwirers. tf Get your a hsiraets of title from J. I Hamilton. He has the only complete Bet of abstract books in the errant r. ft Give us yenr onler for a new phot gun. you will lie satisfied with the gun and price too. S. K. Sykea Hardware. Summer dressrvxls and shirtwaists at rreatly rodueol pik-es at Josephson's. Investite anl you will invest. Arsayix W. G. Wright. Grants Pass, Onnn, jroM and silver f 1, copper $1, tin and elect roly tic assays. For harness, or anything in "the har ness line call on F. Long & Sons near the depot. Bepairiuga specialty." There are still a few small and med iuui sizes 1-ft in those "Dollar Shoes at Joseph son's." An ttnrivalltsl opportu nity for money saving. Just received a full line of .1kks suit able for timber cruiser and hunters at prices that, suit Call for Jhe Forest King at Flint's Shoe Store. Ladies Tan. Oxblood and dark Green Lace Shoes f 3.25, f.i.m and $2J?0- Val ties now coins for $.Jt. $2.00 and $1.75 I .v,.- .,;. . t ...i,o.." , I Another shoe sale at Josephson's Men's Tan and Oxblood Shoes f 3..V), (X) and 2.o0. Values now going for $2. 20, ,2.00, and $1.50. Investigate, this. Weekly Examiner, $1.50, Weeklv Cal $1.00, Weekly Oregonian $1.50, Weekly Chronicle $1.50,- a year; leave your subscriptions at Cannons' Book & Sta tionery Store. I). S. T. West, having accepted several old and reliable firs insurance companies is now prepared to do a general lire in surance business. Insure with hini. Office at the City Hall. tf For Abstracts of Title, guaranteed to be full and correct copies of all records effecting the title, call on Frank E. Alley upstairs in the Marks building. His work'is guaranteed correct, and prices are reasonable. On account of the irregular surveys of many of the townships in the Bose'bnrg land dist riot, it is almost impossible to locate Motion corners without a copy of the Government survey. Frank E. Alley, Abstractor of this city, has a complete vset of tracings of all surveyed townships, and will furnish blue prints of same, showing all vacant lands. Why fool away time and money re pairing your old harnef s when you can buy a tine new sei so cheaply of F. Long & Sons at the new harness shop near the depot- If, however, yon are in need of repairs Long & Sons will satisfy your wants in short order and at reasonable prices. Evervthing in the harness and saddlery line kept constantly on hand at prices in competition with the de partment stores. See their fine line of trunks and telescopes. State Normal School. Let tlrose erpecting to attend the Nor mal bear in mind the "Hate of opening Monday, Septemlier 8th and if possible be on hand the first day. The Normal essays to put students and teachers on a footing t.iat lea is to good certificates. Review, wot k is a feature of onr course. The coining year the Normal will le more a home than ever before. Material internal and ex ternal improvements of the school build ing are making for the enjoyment ami benefit of students. Physical education 8 a part of the course. Strong work in English and mathemat ics will be given from a practical 'mint of view ; also in science. Letters from students, old and new, say, '"I'll le with you next year.' The success of our graduates has cre ated a demand for Irain Normalites in good schools. The Normal lias helped many to good iositions and will help you if you w ill let it. For information, address al J. II. Orcutt, president $100 Reward $100. The readers of this paper w ill be .pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that sience has been able to cure in all its Etages, and that is Catarrh. Halls Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medial fraternity. Catarrh l-ing a constitu tional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. IlaH'fcCataiTh Cnre is taken internallv, acting directly uiion the blood and mucous surfaces of the system thereby dstroying the foundation of the disease, ami giving the patient strength by building us the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work The proprietors . have so much faith in its curative powers, that thev offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimoni als. Address F. J. Cheney aCo., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Halls Familv Bills are the lest. Milk, Milk, Milk. U e claim thai under our new process of . aerating, purifying . and bottling (which should be the case with all milk consumed) yoij get from twenty-five to fifty r cent more value for less money than any other milk delivery in the city affords.' The milk delivered is in qnali- ty A 1 an'l gnarauteed to give yon entire satisfaction. As published on our for mer rate cards I allow one week's trial free of charge unless entirely satisfac tory. If you think the alxve is over drawn, why not give it a trial that we may demonstrate. Why not sjiend your money where your dollars go the farthest, and patroiii.e a iiermanerit business? all. Look At this Money Maker. A ranch of 240 acres, with house, barn and outbuildings. Orchard, small trtiit etc., well matured. No middle man's profits, 3 miles from rail road. Town of Driiii. $1500 cash, inquire of owner. F. F. I'atterho.v Boscbiirg, Ore. Notice of Srttl-nent. W. A. Eveiill having disiiused of his Laundry business, all partiW, knowing theiiieelvcf to Ik- indebted to him, will please pay the saiuu to Atty. C. S. Jackstm at their earliest convenience. (a.10) W. A. Evi:hitt. f ortune Favor Texan. 'II ivin ' I'mlrt-MH" iiains ill head 10 4 Olhilt . lii p-oiis ill ltlli,l back and stomach, and liemg without ' , ,. ... . t apiK tite, I lM'iim to use Dr. king s New Life ! t 1 - .. Y U -In. i.l t,( Kcmicdali:. Tes., "and soon felt like a new iiiiiu." Iulallible in stomach and liver troubles. Only 25c at A C Jlars Jc rg drug t-tore. Notice. EidsfortheexclusivejritfKe to run a restauraut on the Fair grounds during Fair week will 1)3 received up to Fept. 23, 100:!. ' Also for all vther privileges, stands, etc. F. A. Mo Cam., Sec. Notice for Publication. I'nited sines Lund OlU(H, Rwtuiift, Oregon, aiir. :w, itiJi Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of t'ongress o( Juue 3. is.s. entitled "An act for the kale ut timber lauds in the States of California. Ureirun Kevada.aiid Washington Territory, 'extend ed to ail the public land stales bv art of August BAMCELN. BANKS, of svattle. (in care ol Frederick Nelwr). coiintv of King, male of Washington lias thin ilay tiled ill Ihisottit-e his sworn statement No :Ut.s, fur Hie imrrliase of the S1. NK'4. N1, SE' of sec No JO. tp No 30 south, range west aim n ill of ier proof to show that the land Mir t lit ia more valuable for iU timlier or Hone than for airri cultural purposes and to establish lim claim to said laad la-tore Walters. Brltt. U.8. I'oiunits fionr. Kiddle, Oregon, on 8aturday Hie I. th day of Noremticr, l-s. Ue mime as witness es: Peter Hiircli. Heti-r llurkharl. Kosebunr, "r.. Isaac Winningliain.Olalla, Oi., iiliara H Mercer, Snohomish, Waili. Any and all pcrsonat-laiming adversely the aboi e desi-ri w-d lands are requested to tile their rlaima iu this ofliee on or beiore said 15 day o! Novemler, Ivoi. J T DKIIk.ks, nip Hi-Sister. Notice for Publicttion. 'tilted States Land Office. Roseuunr. Oregon, Aug .HI, IssJj. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of Juue S, i$'.s. entitled "Au act for the sale of timber lauds in the Slates of Caliiorma. Oregon Nevada .and W ashiiigion Territory, "aseiteiid ed to all the public laud states by act of August WILLI AM H. MERCER of Snohomish, county of, state of ash. has ibis dav Died In udsonioe his sworn statement No X)67 for the pntrliase of the let a, K'j NW;, N K'4 sV, s.-c :t tn:i) souih, ranse 7 uest and will offer pruof to show that the land ought is more valuable for lis tiuiler or stone than for as-ricnl rural purpr-ee. and to establish his claim to said land twiorc vs alters Rrilt, U 6 Commissioner. Riddle, Ore., on Saturday the I. eh lay ol November, lJi lie names as wit nesses: Peter Dnrca, I'eter Burkhart, of Kose Ixirr. Or., Isaac Winntngham, Ulalla, Or., sua uel N Banks, Seattle. Wash. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above desrrilied lauos are requested to tile their elainis in this office on or beiore said lMh day of Noveinlier, m. JTfci.llM.liiS. s4p Kegister. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon. July 17, lywi. Notice "a hereby given that in rompliaiice with the provisions of the act of r'ongrea of JuneS, lsiTH. euliUed "An ant lor the sa e of timber Uuids iu the Stale of fiifornia. Oregon Nevada and Washington Territory," MS extend ed to all the I'u W e Laud Suun by act of Aug ust t, ALIiKRT 7.. ROBKINd of Roaeburg, eoonty'of Doaglm. state of Oie gon has thisdav filed in this ofliee his swnrn statement No. -'. for the parrbasr of the N K1 of Set-tion No li. li J south. R W.. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timner or stone than for arii ciiltiiral nnrrois.and toestaWLsh hisc:aim to said land belore rlie Register and Rt-reiver of thisollioeat Kosfl.urg. Oregon, on Thursday tnefilh day of Novemlier lsui. He uatnc as witnesses: Laiayette Ja'ksan, Jamts MrMul len.C A Chspman. of Roselmr g, re., S W liay lea of Myrtle Creek. Ore. Any aoitl all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested In hie their claims in this office on or beiore said nth day of November.lSOi J. T. Bittlx.Ks afcp Register. Notice for Publication. United Slates Land Ofliee. Rosei.urv, Oregon, Aug 14, 1;0I Notice is hereby given that iu eompliao with the provisions of I he act of 'ongrea of Junes. ISTM. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the Stales of raiifornia, Oregon Nevada and Washington Territory," as extend ed to all the Public Land Mates bv art of Aug ust , 1S.VJ. ROBERT W I'RII.LIP ot Ehrln k. eountv of Sk agit, sut of Washing ton, has this day li!d tn this office r is worn statement Soi'j, for Hie purcha- of ttie ol section No li. tp No : w nth of tangeS si and will of ;er proof tosbo ttat the laud sought is more valuable for it titutr vr si.nie than for agricultural pUTts-ses. and to establish ills claim before tte itegister a:i J twelver v.f this office ol Roseburg, Uregou. on Satimlar. the lith day of Nove-l-r, He names as wiUiewws: hlsine Freeman f Van ZsimIi, 'h, lino U SkiTitiglon, Will iam Wright of ilyiller'rerk. Ore., C Delink, of Roseburr. ''re. Any and all persons claiming advcrscl 'he above described lands are requested to their claims in this office on or Is-Jore said 1 th day of Nov., txL J. T. BRIlxiKS sip KcsLu-r. Notice for Publication. Tnitcd sutesLand Office Rosebtirg. Or.?eon. Au 14 19iJ. Notice is fcerety given ttat In c-jmpliauce with the pruvii"iis of the art of r mgres of June 3, S. enlititd "An act for tbe saie ot timber lauds in itr Statesof Caaionua Oregon Nevada and abir Territorr." asextend ed to ail the public land states bv act ol August 4, lfJ- ItLAISK PEPVAN of Van 7.audt, county of Whi'rvn. sls' of Washinitt w. has ilii. day liieil in th'sottce his saom stslement No Si:ii, f r the pu'rhase of the N E.'i No 12. tp NO 29 south, range :: west and will offer proof to stew t hat the land srnighl is more valuable for ii tin;t.r or stone than for agricultural pure. and to esial.lish tia Claim lferethe Kegisterand Keeeiver of th:s office uf Rusebu rg. ( irrun. on Saturday, the 15 day of November. Vfi Ite names as itnessi: K W Phillfra. of Ehriicli. Sub., James H Skilfngton. H iiiiam W right. "f Myrile Creek. Ote., ; I) t:iiuii ol li-biir. Oie. Any and ad persons claiming adversely t ie above described lands are re-j nested to fiie their clsiius iH ihisotli'ie on or tn-lore said llh day of November J T l.KiLHjKS. sip Register. Notice for Publication. t'nlted Stales Land Office. Ilrsu;bur. :egon. July li. I!ui. Notice is berety given that In compliance with the provisicns of the act of Congress of June X entitled "An act for the sale of timber lauds In the Slates of California. Oregon Nevada .and Washington Territory." asextend ed to ail the public land slates by" act of August 4, 1WJL MRS SARAH C. CONN of af lrose. county of lxmias. state of Oregon, baa this day Tiled in this ofliee b'-r sworn s'aies ment No -40, for tbe purchase of I lie k, section No V4, township No aii south, range W and will offer proof toshow that tbe land sought is more valuable for it limber vr stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis claim before the Register and Receiver of Una of f ice of Rose burg, Oregon, on Friday the Win day of November, 1MB She Came as witnesses: ifillarl Callahan. Wat'l ton. Ore.. James Beaalev. Rose burg. ore.. d fiider. Cleveland. Ore , Mortimer WoodrafT. of Melrose. Ore. Any and ail persons claiming adversely the above described lauds are re.nested to file their cltims in this office on or belore sld 14th day of November ltvi J T BRIIittKM. rip Register. Notice for Publicatioa. I'nilml Kt ales Land Office. Roseburg, Oregon. July 1-', lJi Notice is hereby given that' fn compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. ")Ts. entitled "An net for the sslr ot timber lands iu the States of California. Oregon Nevada .and Washington Territory," asextend ed to all tbe public land states by act of August 4, le, HENRY J. FI.SISnHHAtfER of 'amas Valley, county of liouglss. state of Oregon hss this 'lay lil--d in this rillice tils sworn sis 'emeu t Ko'W?) 'or Ine purchase of lot 2 and Ml 'i SK'i. w yt i-K'i sec No JJ. tpu H . K V w and till offer priMif toshow that the land sol: ght is more valuable for its timijer or stotie thsn for agricultural purposes, and to e.taLlish his claim before tbe Kegisier and Receiver uf this office of Roaeburg, Oregon. on Wedneadav the li'lli day of November, V.OI. He l.sni'. as wllnesw.'S : W if Bnrcil. Al Crouch . John Met all. of Csmss Val'cy, Oregon, Fred Stewart, Roseburg nreon. Any and all .tso;is claiming alverscly the alove descrilxr! lands are repp-sted to lile fhefr elitims in this otnne oil or belore ssul IL'th uy of November laui. J T BRiUiiES, sip Register. Notice for Publication for Lieu Selection Nos. 3242, 343 and 3244. I'nited States Lsnd Oflic-. Roseburg. Oregon. Sept. 4. VUt. Notice is lirreby given that A H llamuioud. whose postiflice addn-rn is Portland. Oregon, has made anplieation to selwt under the Aet of June 4. Is'1', ('u ststs., '') the folloKlug dexcrlb eil trscls. List No;12W. SKJi J,'j sec i, tp i7 8. K H west List No "11', all of sees 2, 1 ami 14, tp -7 S.. R west l.i-t No .'WW. all of sec , ip Ti ., K w west. Within the next thirty days Irom dale hereof nrolests or eontesls against the selection on Hie o round that the land described, or sny poilioo lliereoMs more valuable lorits i:imeruln than lor agricultural iunx,-j. will le reeeiveil and noted for leiKirt U the Conim4wioner- of u,e tieliwal Land Ollice. J T RIM 011 ICS, Mi Register. Notice for Publication for Selection No. 3241. Lieu fulled Subs laud Ofti.e. ItoseltiirK. tire , Sept. I, Mi. Notice is hereby given that Kredciiik A. whiwe poMomee a i.iress is i-ortuom. 01- , .,,., .,.,,,11 ,li ,, ib.R.-l,i l iiii.ler the Aet of June 4 l'j;,ti siais.. ibe i.h.iviiig rteserilK - 1 trn-t List No ajll. Ket: IK. Tp a? s K WesL wiiuiu Hi" next ininy ns inmi oaie neieoi i protests or contest attaiust the selection on the ground that the luiH ile:rilied, or any r-.nlinu thereof is wore valuable b-r i's lulu- rsU (ban for agricultural purposes, wid be ni:eivcsl and Doted for report lo the Commissioner ol the General Land Gflice, J I U- lliutS, s4 Reiislcr. Bargains in Wheels. We have in stock several second hand bicycles w hich we will sell at very low prices or will trade for wood. tf A. C. Marmtkrs& Co. Notice for Publication. Tinted ShtL'H I-aiul Ollice, r.oseburK, t)re., May LM, P.K)2. Notice if herrdiy Riven tlutt iu coiupli nneewith the provisions of the Mtct of Congress of June 1S7S, entitled "An Act for the ftile of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washinjrtoii Territory," as extended to all the 1'ublic Ijuul " States bv act of August -4, lSirJ, CHANCKI.I.0K I.. ni:o N of Uoseburg, county of lhmglas, State of Oregon, has this day tiled in tnis ollice his sworn stat t'ineiit No. 2"10, for the i nrchaseof tlieK SW'j, V.. SK'.', section No. 4, township No. south, range, No. 7 west, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valu able for it timber or stone than for ae-rii-uitural purixisca, and to establish his claim to said land ln-fore the Keuister and llecciver at this olliiv at ISoseburg, Oregon, on Kriday, the h day of Aug ust, 1!KIJ. lie names as wit ih-sscs : tieo. lateman, Henry Singli'ttin, Kugene Kel lev and lleni-v i.avco-k all of lioseburg, Oregon. Any and all K-rsons claiming adversr ly the above describ areretUest ed to lile their claims in this ollice on or la-fore said lMhdnvof August, lm2. iuL-.'p J. T. llKllitiKS, Register. Notice for Publication I'nited Flates Land Olfice, Rosebiirg, Oivjiiu, Slay i7, 1'.IOJ. Notice is hereby given tliat in compliance uith the provUlnns of the act of Coucrcsa of J line 3, LsTH, entitle.! "An aet for the sale of limber landsin the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington territory," as extend edtoail tbe public laud stales by act of Aug ust 4, l.Mfi. LEONARD BROOKS of Burlington, county ol Skagit, state of Wash ington, has this day filed iu this office his sworn statement No. SS7 'or the purchase of tats 1, ?, and 3, and tbe s1, N K'. of Section No. t. town ship :tl s.vulh, of range 8 west, and will oiler priHif to show that the land souelit is more valu able for is timiH-r ami stone thai for agricultur al ptirDo-ss,aiii loes-ablish his claimt-isaid laud U iore Ilie Register aud Receiver al this oliice al Roseburg. Or-,-"ii, on Thursday the lsili day of Seplembe', l'.sjj. He names as witnesses: John Slater, William Smith, Sanfjrd Hater and Evemious Brooks, all of Burlington, Washing tot Any and all persons claiming adversely tiie a!ove desciilsrii lan'ls are tsUested U hie Ihelr claims in IhUoifiee on or l-inre said lslh day of September, lsoj. J. T. BRIln.KS. Jip Register. Notice for Publication. Cnitcd States Ijinil tifli.-e. RoM-burg. Oregon Jnue H. Notice is hereby given that in euuplianea with the provisions of tte act of Congress of June 3, Js.S, eu titled "An aet for the saie ot timber lands In tbe States of falitorEia.oregon Nevada jmd W ashlngton Terniory'aaexteud ed to ail th public land states by act oi August 4, latfi I REli M. PAVNE. ofNrili Rn'i. ct.nniv of King, state of Wah., has ihisdsy tiled fn tliisofiiee his sworn state ment N. "-"77 V for the pur. Iis-e of the W'. NW N1. sW' of .-e No. 4 in lp No. :xi. R. et and will ulfer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone thsn for agricultural purposes, and to establish hia claim before the Register aud Receiver of Una ollica of Roseburg. Oregon. on Moinlsy. the t.u h itsy of rictolM-r. e names a iitn-i : I'irtletl Irw in.of .s-atde. Wash.. W in. it. forler. Hale Ibi-n. Auen Wil s.n id I sihik Valley, Or. Any and ail H-rsou iaiuing advcrs.-!y the des.-noel lands are rv!Uetel to hie tluerelainis in this othce on or ta-fon- said lull day of rtciohcr. 1'JOJ J. T. Rt:ll.r. jy!4p Regisur. Notice for Publication. Trilled Slates Land urti.-.-. RoM-biirt;. orTnn. June i. 1-.'J- Notice is teret-y given that In compliance with the provisie::s of the act of r ugres of Junes, 's.s. entitled "An act for tbe sale of timber lauds in the States of California, Oregon Nevada .ai.dW ssntngton lemtory," asexteud ed to ail the public laud state by act ut August 4, lsrJL- MNtKI. Mr NKII., id RH-bnrp. cnintv of ISMiKla. sjsre of Or. g.n. has tn:s itsv tihsl in Ibis office ,i sw.m statement No. 'J7s for the purchase ot tbe SIV, ol mti ion No re-, tow n. hip No. -ut h R. a V . and will offer proof toshow that tbe land sought is more valuaoie for iu timber or stone thsn for agricultural purposes, aud lo establ:sb his claim before tee Register and Receiver of this oliice uf Roseburg.Oregou. on Tlmrs-iay. the ihtlay of ih-tola-r. He name's as wituesws: " William 1-orter. ILsle Kon u. M Klrkeielall. .Mia I'.r.-u n all d l sii.s V ll.-y. r nin. Any and all irsoii. laiiiiing adversely the alvc deM-rilsl lamls are r"Miiesit to tile f heir riaims in ibis office on or ln-h-m said l.lh lay of m tobcr 1-aC J. T. 111:1 la.KS. jvllp Register. Notice for Publication. t'oite-l States land OfScr, Roseburg. Oregon, July. 1, 1SJ& Notice !s lien-by given that in compliance with the provUious-of the act of Congress ol June l, 1S7, entitled "An act for the sa'o ol limiK-r lands in the states of California, Op-gon, Nevada and Washington Territory." as extend ed loall the Public Laud States by art ci August 4, ls9.. MATHEVV I.. WILSOS of Roburg. ecrtinty of Iionglaa. state of Ore gon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No 2s7 for toe purchase of the t' , N'j id sc-rion No. 4 lownship H6 , R No 1 sr. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable lor it timber or stone- than for agricultural purposes, aud to establish bis claim before the Register and Receiver of this oil ice of Rose bu rg, u regun . on Kriday. tbe Jltb day of Octol-er. )90i. He names as witucsscs: John V. Cox, liy tr N. Kolbof Kosebuig. Oie .(irant Tatlor, of Oak land. Or., and Fred Ilol.-oml. of Glide, rsregon. Any and all persoss claiming aiivcrsely the above deribed lsn.t are reiuested lo lile their cla ms in this ofhec on or before said H'.h day ot Oct, law. J2lp J. T. RRILKiFJ Register. Notic - for Publication t'nitiil SUtca Ijind OfEce. Rosebuig. 4n-gon, July Iu2. Notice is hereby given thai In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June :t, 'S7s. entitled "An a-t for tbe sale ol timber lands in the States of I altfornta.Oregna Nevada and Washington Territory." asextend (4 to all the public land states by act of August 4. lasi WILLIAM V. JOHNSON of Mvrtle Creek, count ot Imuglas, state of Or.-t-.iu. has Ihisdav Bled in this olhce Ills sworn ststeim nt No. HM. for tbe purchase of lols:i and 4. and fiWJ of K W ! i see. J, town. J3. S. R. 3 W ., and will ofler proof toshow that tbe land sought is more valuable for its Umber ur stone thsn for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim before the Register aud Receiver uf this office uf Ruae burg, Oregon, mi Saturday, the nth dav of Octolier, l'" He names as silti'sa s: John Hall, Sr., John Hell, Jr.. I 4V Hamilton and V O White, all of Myrl.e Creek, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely th above described lands are reutieicl 10 ,n''' 1 ciaims in this office on or belore said 11th da ol October, 19M. J.T. BRIIXiKS, 1P Reglste Notice for Publication T'nltml itute.m 1 . n.l ritl-.nA D..!!...,. i.. ...... v..-vi. kuii, jiuy .iO, l-..f.-. Notice is hereby given list In conipllsnc with the provisions of the act oi Congress of June li. , eutltied "An ar t for th sale of lpnber lands Iu the Slates of California. Oregon .evB(la.aud UashliiKton Territory," asexletid- A f,. u!l IK. 1....I 1 . . , . . i, isr r"" uu u' m u' au,"w - KVVI.INE JOHNSON. Ot IfvrllA r-nu.1. nn,...t.. f .... I . .... ... ,. , i.i,Kin siau-oi Ore gon, ha thladay filed in this offli-e her sworn KIIII.MI..I V 'EiMI Ij.m t I. r 1. . ..... ...... . .. iiiciui uuv oi lot one, of section 2. In towiiMilp a. a. range 8 west, and will offer proof to show that the laud sonrht Is more valuable for Its limber or atone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish hit claim before the Register aud Receiver uf this office of Ruseburg, Oregon. ' on Saturday, the lllh day of October, VW. Slierlnies as w ltncsM.- John Hall. Sr., John Hall Jr , I N Hamilton, and C W hile, all uf M yrl le Creek . Oregon. Any and all 1-eiMins claiming sdvcrs. lv the alwive descrilH-d laminate rcnueslod lo lile their claims in Oils ollice on or beiore said nth day of Octolx-r, Rt!, ' J T BRHKiKH. J:"P . Rcgislcr. Notice for Publication. Cnitcd Htiitcs Land Ollice. Roseburg, Oregon. July In, I'.sii. Nolb-e is heieliy given that in compliance with the provisions of li.e act of Congtess of June :!. is,h. entuiird "An ai-t fur the rale of tiuilssr in the States of California,! ireion Neve! i and W -isbiugtoii Terrltorv," asextend r'lh"'1" tte '"'L,I'C "UL by'act of August WILLIAM II RITTKI!. of Jacksonville, county of Jackson, shite ol Oregou, hus this dtty bled In this ollice hissworu stiiteneut No. :u, for the purchase of the lots.;, 4,y sii.l lOsec IN. (p :;l a, range X west and III offer proof toshow that the laud sought; is more valuable lor its timber or stone llinn for afrlcuiiuial purpnses, and to establish bis clsna belore tne Register and Receiver of this office of Ruseburt;, Oregon, on Ihursdny, Ihe2iid duy of Oclober, llr.. fe iisines s h il'uses: Wi'lliaiu MeKesii, Mvrlle Cn-ck, On;., Nlcholiw Ih-ln h. Jii.-ksoiivllle. i ire., N J Cumuiiligs aud Kred Rojiiclli-, of Roseburg, Oregon. Any and all persons cUlioIni; adverwly. the nlaiSX di-M-rlUd luuds are rcqucnU-d lo lile Ihelr claims fu this office on or befure ssld '.'nd day of October, llsJ. J. T. BKI HOI'S, J'lp iirgikfer. Notice for Publication Culled Stales Land Oftlce, Rosebuix, OrvKOii, July :'4, 1002. Notice is heieby. given that in compliance wlrh the provisions of the act of Congress of Junes. Unentitled "An act for tho sale of timber lands in the Slatesof California, Oregon. Nevada ,and Wsshlngton Territory." ascxleud edto all tbe public laud state by act of August HERMAN VKST7.KK, of Mvrtle Creek, county of Oougisa, slate of Oregon, Iihh Ihisdav liled his sworn statement No :m.r for Hie puiehase of tho fcl- 'i of scellou 24, In township twenty-eight, south range 4 W. and will offer proof toshow that tbe land sought is more valuable lor Its limber or stone thnn lor agricultural pursues, and to establish his claim beforo the Register and Receiver ol this oft ice of Rosebu rg, Oregon. on Wednesday, tne I. .in Hay of Octolier. Ir He names as witnesses: 1-ollN Stniiilselicr. l Hiiklaud. On-goii. Amel llarkbarlh, Ira Miles, IhiiI- id .MyrUcCreck, (irejjou, and Kiirl (llimi) of oaklnnd ingou. Any end all la-rHona clalniintr advcrwly the above described lands are reiiiiesl.-d lo lile lliclr claims in this ollice on or before (aid l-illi lay ol OelolK-r, 1'JtU. J.T. BRIIKIKS, alp Register. Notice for Publication. t'Nirr.n Htatih LiNoOrrii g, R'wcburg, Oregon, May 4, l'arj. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the pioi isions of the ai t ot Congresa of June : ls;s. entit'ed '-An act for tha sale of Tnnb r ljinds In Die stales of t alitor:. ia, Ore gon. Nc aia and W nshinglnn Terrltorv," as ex-teu.l.-l lo all the publln Land SfaU-s by Act of August 4, Is'.'.'. HARRY K. MILCKR. . of Oakland, County of Oonelss state of Oregon. ha this day tiled in this oitire Ins sworn sta'e uieut No. "iVsi lor the purchase of the Soutlrenst iiisrterise' )ol .-urn. mi No. iii In PovnshipNo. JiiScuth id Uanu-- No. 2 West ami will ofler proof to s'wiw Hint l lie land sought is more valuable lor lis timlH-r or sion tliau for agricultural pur isisesaml locslalili-h his claim ti sal I laid be fore the I'.egisier an. I Rit-elvi-r of this ollice at Riwbiin;, Oietfon on Monday the 16th day of Scplciulier, l'.sij. Ueliamesns witness.: (jeo. J. stearn. IJreed I. Chenoweth, t.rant Taylor aioi nor oi I'axisna. tireon Any and ad H-rsona claiming adversely the aliove dwrilieJi lauds are reiiiestvd to lile their riaims in this olhce on or belore l'lli day of seiemier, r.L-. J. T. It K I, mi'p Ri-eister, Notice for Publication. I'll ltd Slates I .and Office. Roseburg, Oregon, Juue 1-7, l:2. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June J. i7s. entitled "An act for the sale ot timber lands in the Sialesof California. Oregon Nevada .and W ashingtoii Territory," asexteud ed to all the public laud states by act of August 4, law. AKl.KRT H. I KCrtfKRSTONE of Vm!1h--c, coiiulv tit Sloislioue, state of idnho has tbi- dav tiled in llu oSiiv hi sworn state ment No. -.s-n. lln- pundiasc of N', XK1,, SV 'i NK'i. NR'i NW'. of section No- S in low uship No. J i south, range Wi-st and ill offer proof toshow that the land sought Is more valuable lor Ha limber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establtsh nia claim before tha Register aud Receiver ol thia office of Ruseburg. Oregon. on Moudav the i.uh dav of U-diU-r He tiKims sttnisNn: Allen W'ilM-r. Win. it IVru r. J Kirkeudall and W m. K. Ia is all of Camas Vallev. tlregt.n. Anv and a'l im-p-ous rlalniiug a-lvcrselv the sUoe iiescriU-d land are rc.itsted lo tih llleireinluts iu I b l olhce or or said l:llh lay ..i October l'.'i J.T. ltRll.K.-. j7 RegLsler. Notice for Publication." I nitcd states Land O.Tice., regon, Aug 6. Ll! Notiis- is lfSreby given that fu compliance with the pr.ivlsions ot the a'l ol r ougrcss ol June J. 1 vs. entitL-il ' An act lor the sale ol limber lands in th states of Ca lionl'a. Ore gon. Nevala an-t Washinetti ri-rniory. ' as cxu-m1cd to all the Public i-an I st or act of August 4, IsJ.'. IDAC. CILK ot R.xrboig, eonaty of Ooasias, StaU' of Oregon ha ihistlay Tivi in faia olhce her sworn atat-- tnenl No. 3IM, lor Hie purchas... ol the k' N w '.. W'. Nf.'.see. No. .-4, Tp. No 3". S. range No. -i west aud w lit otft-r pnHil to stsow bat the la-id soufihMS inor- valuable for its timber or stone than lor agricultural t-n-p-sss-s. an-l to establish her claim to said land bcun i L l'immirk V I jmm,se.uer. of tfekland, tiretfon, on Thms day, the .ir-J day ot ictoh,-r. put ebe name as itur--es: R i Jenkins, J.din Hons, John Uunon. K.-lwln ibH-bar. all of Rivebunr, Oregon Any aud ail trsons ciaiamg a-iterss-ly the alve de, ri0.l iatids are roUcs'ed lo lile their cla-ms In itiui oni--e on or belore ai1 Inl ilay ol Oct. . T . AI4p RegtsU-r. Notice for Publication. Cnitcd s-.atcs Ijind Office, Eeburg, Op-gon, Aug, v., Notice is hereby given that in coiaphaufss with tbe provisions of the art ol of Junes. s;s. entitled "An Act for lite sal. of limU-r lands in me S:ati- ot California, Iftregoa Neva-la and Washinelon Ttsrrirory." aa exleu-1-e-ltoall li.e Public Ijiu.I stall- Lf act of Augnsi 4, l?oi. . J-.HS llis.AS of Roseburg. county of li.Migla. slate of Oregon has this day filed m tbisofhee his sworn state ment. No -Usj b-rltic purchasj? ol tbe lo-s l, , sists'jM'inlwiliiq So 4. town hip sr. n. taiiffc ti west and will ofler proof Pi show that the laud sought is tn vsiosiile kr ita lifubr-r or stone than for srri--ult-irai purfssse. au-l to hiscia m mtsid lan-t llore I. Iim. o:ii, I' nasian-l, regnu. on 1 luirMlsy tse 2ad ilav of ivtot-r. Isii;. He names a w iines.: Ida C Oilea, Itdl Jenkins, John Burton. K.-iwiu Boj'a.r ail of Roseldirg, Oregon Any an 1 all pcr-.ns claiming a1vcrv-!y the above liescrilssl and an- r--i n-slol bi fiie their claim, in this ofbee on or before said sd dav of H-t r?. J. T. bKUM.SS. altp Rcgislcr. Notice for Publication. I'M I ED STATES. LAXU OKFUE. Rotcburf, Oregon, Axis . I-SJI. Notice is bcmy given that in compliance w th the pTivisions ol lbs act oi 4ngre of June , ls-:,eniili..s1 -An art for the sale of timber tan's In the Slates of California. Oregon, Nevada and Washingum Territory," a.s extend cl to all the Iubli; l-sni elates by act of Aug u II, klsWlN BOORAIl . ot Ros. -urg. cnimiy ot lamsiaa, slate of Oregon liss this day Med in this nAice his sworn state ment No ,ls4 lor t e purchase of the lots 1 and 4. S1 , N W'4c4--tlon No 4. tu'uslilp No 21 8., Range No. ! W. and will oiler proof la show that the -and aouglit is more valuable for ita limla-r or stone than lor Mricnllural purposes, and lo cstahlist) his cia'm lo aald land U-forc . L luuimick, U a Commissioner, at Oskl.n-1, Oregon, on Friday, the '.Hlh day of Oetobi-r I'J 2. He names as witucs.-: ieha lfngan, 'anies Burton. John Rmckway, Eluicr titles, all of Rust-burg, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming atiersrly tho above b-scrile'l laid- arc re-iiesiod to hie iheir claims in this office on or tajfore said 24IU day of Oct, VXA J. T. BRIlK3 allp Ret: is ler. Notice for Publication. UNITED STALKS LAND OFFICE," RosKM'iUi.Orr-gon, Aug ii. 11 Notice Is hereby given that in r-oiupiiance with the provisions of tho act of Congn-aaol June :t. lKa, entitled 'Anacljor Ibe sale of timber 4and in the Slal.-s of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory." aaeslend e1 pi all the public land states by act of August 4, l ir-V, JAJIK-S It. BCRI0S of Rosel.nnr, county i f Dongla. slatiof Orcg.-in has thisdav II ml in thisnaice hissjorn stale -ment No Jlsi for the pim-haseol the SR', rf sec lion No. 4, in township No. 'Jh S ol Raugo Son W and sill offer proof to show that the land sought is tr.ore valuable for ita limber or stone tbsn for agricultural purpoaca. and t-i es tablish his claim lo said laud bctote 7. I. Kiiil m!ck C H Commisalonrr. at Oakland, On-gou, on Friday the J4th day of tsi pita-r, ltsif. lie namea ns wltnexsi-s : John llogsn, John Rmckway, Id win Roobar, timer Uih-s all of Roseburg, Oregon. Any snd nil persons claiming adversely ilia al(ve-lescrilMsl lan-ls art- re-ilesUl In tile their claims Iu this ollice on or belore said Jlth day ol ( t. 11. . J.T. BRIIXiF.S, si4i Register. Notice for Publication. , I'NITKI) STATES I.AXU OFFICK Hoskhi ai., Ore., Aug C, 1'jOJ. Notice is hereby given that In compliance won me provision oi me act ol I onsress ol Jit iihS, lnT.i, enlltlel '-An Aci for the sal f I iiiii-i-r Lands in the males of California. Ore. gsn. Neada,and Wa.liincbin Tcrr.lory," ascx- o niien ui su ine riiniic l.sml states by act of in- isi s, J., l.oRK.RAlNK at. 8TKVF.NH of Rosi-butv. enuiilv ll Douglas. Slalo nf Ore gnu, has ihisilay liicil in this ollir-c her sworn slalcmcnt for the purchnat-ol IhoSK' oi scciioii .-so. z, loansiiip -jt siiiiih, range v nest, ami will nn.-r prool lo show Uist Ihc land sought is more valuable for its tlmlier or sloiu than lor a-irlciiliural Purrs-wos, and to establish her c niui to saidliiinl l.-lore . I. Iiiuiimrk, U H 4'oiiimlsstoiier ut iiHslnnil iini-iiii. mi Thursilay. the L'lrd day of m-tols r. l:-uj. She names as vviincsses: Ursula I'. Stevens, Kdwin " iMis snii-, joiiii llogHU an ol RoM'uurK, Oregon. , Any and all persons clalmlne ailvercel the alxivo desril-ed lands art) ieiiiesud to lile thulrclsims in llifs oflico on or iK-fore sni.l 'ilof N: l-Sli J. T. UkllHiK-i "S IV lt 11. ..i.l. .r Notice for Publicatiou. I'liiti- I Slates Ijiinl Ollice. . . . R'hw.-l'iirsT, Oregon, Aug 6, lA'i Notice Is hereby given thai In eninnll u nee Willi Ihe provisions of tho act of i ,.i June .1, s;s, eiilltled "Ail act (or the sale ol tlmlier luii'U In tha Hlah a nf California,, imminiini nieiiinKiiin Jerriiory, as c.Mcu-t. ed loali the 1'ublic Laud olales by s-t .of Aiu' list 4, IS-tJ, URSULA , HTEVKNH of Roseliiinr, coiiuly of Douttlas, Slate ol Oregon has tins day liled III this ollice her sworn stale mem No.;i;:i lor the .nr luee ( (he b1; NK'i HCIs NW!,, NK'.i of Ration Ko. II t iwiisliip No. 'i soiitlt, raiu-o N i U west and will ofler pr.,of b. show Hint the I n ll d aeii;ht Is liioio valiinlile lor Us timber or slime I ban lor gricii!tural I urpoM-a. and to establish her claim to said hind belore . L Uim intck, ll h Commissioner, at Ouklituil, Orevon, on I liiiis.lay, the -j-lrd d y ol Oc ob -r, li. She iiiiines wilmsses: fdwin Itmibar, Jolni Rrr-ck-wHy, John llogau, LoivrAlue M Stcieus, all of Roscbutg, Oregon. Any aud all -erous claiiniiig ndvemely llie alsive diM-ribcd lands aro rrUcs.crl lo lile Iheir clHlinsM llib) ulllCeoIMir beiore saiit J.'.rd iliy of Out. lli. J, X, RKIIM.gH, aHp Keijlstcr, Notice for Publication. I' 111 ted KlHles Ijiml Oillee, Roscbiirg, Oregon, nine is, I'.sii. Notice is hereby glvru that tn uj.mpliaii" with the provisions of thb act of ( ougrcss t June S, )S.'H, entitled "An a- t for the ssle of timber lands In the States of Califurula.Oreg) n Neada,and Washington Territory," an extend ed to all the public land states by act of August 4, lltW. JOHN R. SHANNON, of lltirl nglon, eoiinly of hknKit, siutu id Wuth Inglon. hss this rttiy I i I I iu this ollice li s swi.rn slnteiuelit No. .s:il for I In- pmchiiHe ol the HI 1 section mi. is, io nsinp o. ::i h , i: No. is wot and will offer proof toshow that the land ng it Is more vslmilile for its Ijinlier ur slime tin u for agricultural puri.tse'. and to es;nl.lirh I la claim la-lore the Register and Receiver of tt ia ofliee of RosebiirK.Oreirijii, on 1'uevlay, the '.'1st 1hv of October, l'.sii, -i,. nsmts as wiinssi: Mrs. Clmrloiie p. H.inh v. I'houms K lliinlcy. Mrs Flora M. Klinnnon of lurllnglou, Wash., Frank K he art. Oiulnl.d o K"ti. ny and all persons claiming advcrsi Iv the ii box c desi ril)i-l binds are iein sb-d to lil j th -Ir els in sin this ollice or or Ulon- said -'1st iliiy oi OclnlH.-r.IWJ. J T. It&llKiKN, liy'J-lp Ri-KlsW. Notice for Publication 1 nlle.l States I. jti, J oliice ll'isfbiirg, Dri-gnii, Jul v '.'4 ?!s-.'. Notb-e is hcrel y given Out 111 cinpi-snce w ith the provisions ol the act i f ('ongtcst of June s.s. entitled "An ai t fur the si of tiuiU-r lands In the :::nirso( 4'sltffriaa,Oret'-n Neva-Is .au-l W aslit:.gto:i 'lerrifi.ry." ascxttud e l to all the publ.c land states by act uf Au,;ust 4. lt'.'. I.llf'IH KT.irilAf of iiskland, eouutvol l-oug'as, s-no-of o.rgi.n fiSS this nay In Hun o!li. tils s-vorti slali.- menl No :i "ior the inrl ol the s' -1 .- - taenty four, towie-lup tweniy eiylil . k. IW . and will olfcr pro-f toshow t.-.r.t the .and so iut Is more valuable for its 1iinN-r or stone nsn for asricultural p', and to htg Claim U-loreth.e and Receiver of this Ofliee of Roseburg, Orcgun. on Wednesday tic- 1 tn day of r -tole-r, pt'J, Ho iiRiuesas witm-ss-' Iferinaii Vrutke. Amel ilsrklavrih, Ira Miles, a 1 ol Mir'.lcCneii rc fron. and Karl ohine. ol "sL!n l. Ori-oti. Any atid all feisons claiming Ihc ab.iv e.lescrilK-d lands are n (jtiesii-d lo fiiy liieir claims in ibis ottiee on or Is-ioie ILu IdJi.syof Oelofa-r. I'J J. T. URIU'.Es. 4p lt isler. Motice for Publication. s CsiTsn SrsTgs l.ASt oi r.r g. Rivsenu'g On go-j. Slaj "Jl. vol. Notice is hereby g len that in lou.oi-urc srith the prov istons id the act of lug"irSftof June ts's, entitled '-An Ait for the nk-ol timber land In the slate of Ca'.ilornia, Oregon, Nevaila. and Washington lerritorv. ' as exli'Ud- ed load 1 lie-i'u ll ic lnd Stat'-s by, set oi Au-1 list 4, llrr, iiKiiirt::; j rirpv-: ' of Oaklsud, CJUU'.y of Uougi.s. -late of Dnvotl, j has this day Med in tins olli-c Irs sa-rn : s'atemwnt No i..T lor tbe purchase of the North j West quarter (n-!,) of rsreiiou Nv J- in Ti - it ol K. No 1 Meal and will offer prm.f In slmia I that ihe land s -ut:lil Is n ore vsluaoi.- or its! Iifnl-r or st.n thai tor agiicuHural t dts. ' and lo establish his claim 10 i. la-jU I "(ore; the Kegisb-rand Ris-iverof this oiliiv; a. Ko-- j burr, ort'n on Monday llie I th itay of.-stp I icniiier, l-sj. He names as lltesx-s-" Creed L. ) t:henoire'.ri, Harry K. Miller. Oram Tay or an-1 i Ri.y Miller, all ol Oakland. rcnon j Any and all iwront claiu-ttig a-t-.crsijy the above-diia-nlied land, tt n-'ieu-t b li.e ilieir claims in this office on or bvloie the a I IMa day of Septem!-r T-Oi. J.T. Hen. a, m."J j. Ret ii.. r. Notice for Publicatioa. I'Dited St!" Ijiii.1 O f.ce I Ko.-i.nnr. Oreg .n. J-.un 14, lA'i. j Notice is hereby viveti tha in roatpiiaace ' with Ibe rrovisemt of the st; ol Confess ol 1 Juno a, ls;.s.eimtlesl an. Ait for Ow sa.c of , timber inwls iu ttu-Msti. o! c.s.i!.m.a On-j.ui. i Nevada and s-li iiirt.ui T. im-rv. aa cxtcnC- e-l lo ail Ibe I'ublic Li:id Sia-.i-s bi x t of Au ust 4, litii, WILLIAM tl P IRTKi;. ot Camas Val. ey, e.sunty of lKiu'.a, il-st. of Ort-gon, bastii.say iic4 in t'lisoicts.h s sworn statement No. J7I4. for ihe purrs-e of I le fcr.' of wsrtion No 'j in tosrn.bip No. ::i S, lacc Nu. a oest. and will oif.-r proul lo show I hit lii land soiigrit is n.ire vaiuahie :'ir iu C'tis-r or stone than tor agneuiiuial por;K an 1 to r-s tat-iislt nisclaim osaid laa-i i..'fore (u - llet:is ler and Receiver id this oo".oc at Roseburg, ite pm, a Tharlay. Iheyin day of isruu-r. rsi.-. Me names as w.ttiesses: il. Iton-u Vi ;K:a j I'av.s. Kichard ll- at. l Jes.s Klrkea Uii, ail oi Camsa Vaiiev. iireoi. A-y ad a.1 r-rn claiming alvnriy itsiic ile-rtu.-st iaois are f-.,ie.l.s. t- their claims ia Ihis oil on or -s-. Uy of Oi Ui st, I o J. I 3 ;l U 8 s a i r' h Sie Sr.h Vr. Notice for Publication. ' I'siTgn sTirrs Lln iitm'v R.Hrl-'in:. Oces.'vu. May "I. i'A ?. N-H co Is hereby rlua itit in ivi-j-opc-v ith the pmv is.nns of I:. a-l i f .MLen-ss ol Jine :. Is;s,entn.e-I "Ao Act i tin sie of timUr ijinis in i;ie -t.'-. t.t ; tfomia. . N. vals an-i Ws.iiing.'.in Te n tor), ' as elUti'lts) Pi a.i lb- IVi'.iie lejd s;a!- by si t ol Aueust 4 lv?. i.i:f i n i. ll s i.i s ; I of Oakland. nii:fslli,,ii!,llI cf.-ept., 1'2. nss ints.isy piisi m scis oa ce bis -rn a.s e meut No lor Ihe purchase ol fie No.-ih-eai onarp-r me!.i ol e-;fin s.i. .-is. tn Piwnsii.p No. .1; .".Mil!: .l ttsnceN. t .-sl a'id a iiofl- r pront to show tt-sl lh lao.1 s i-i:-.t : i...r v.i uable lor its timber or ston 1; sa t r c-iei.ii-urat purs --., a-. I t tstsb'tsh bis c-a;m In said land lite Rm.tvr anl l-crsivt-r l Oils ollice at R iiii:., ri;.s. ou Hoi ds . I !.-l".-!i dsy of S.-1-t.-ijlier, I'sj He nsreva a ait 1 eases; George J r-uarn. iisr-y I.- w;:ier. Grant TayUr aud Roy lai:..:, 2.! tf Oaklsw.l, On-gon. AnTandeil p-sons claiming s-l-.frsr'v Ihe ata-ve ries-ria-. laud are r'ri.-.s u e tr,nr riaiu.s in this ; tee on or b -iors- 1 ih riay ol t sasyiemla-r, J.T Bit.s. taitp il.ajis'.cr. Notice for Publication. Ctiilc! Statei 1 Mi v R ssvb-i-jf, orcci-h. M.ij 01. 1 e." Notice is bervl y given lbs! in citr.ipiiance 1 with Ihe provisions of the act of Cpgreas ol June 3, ls. enlitbsl -Au Ai I for ll e sa e of ' Titahcr Lan-ls in the Slates of ' aiilo n'a. Ore-i g-in, Ncvads anj Via.hinion Ti rrtteiy,'" as es- ' tcndetl to all tn l",il.!ic lo-l s:a:e by -t ol August 4, w.-, slANrOUn SLAT Kit Counlv of Sss;t. S I of nurl.ncbwi. coun.v of Sa.p,. ate of IngUin. has this tay liie.1 iu tuts Lis isi-m s-atemcnt No. .'iTV for the purchase, 4 ineen of s,;iion No. s. iwp. 31 south ol ra ite s it an-t a ill off. r rnsul pistiow that tbeitnd i ia r.iort vniuabie lorits or itoite tliau i lor ag.lculiurai purrses ao-1 to t-stabli.h his: eiaiin lasiore th-.i kintister an-1 Receiver of thi j olhce at Rnseliunc.Oregi n.on 1 burM'ay tb is'h j dav of scplcmrsir. I'AC lie nj.ii.vs a aimcs-ses: . John slater ttm.Muita, Unnsnl :roo and! R Tenuous Brooks, ad ol Uur.ington Ma.bin;. ! bm ;' Any an I ad pe-snns clalinirs alivr-e:y the alavve tiescntiej lands are ns(tiis:i.. to ti tbei; ; riaiiua In this ofbec oa or l .' ai I 1Mb ly 1 oln.-pt.Wti - J. T. HKIIHjKS, j J.'D Register. I Notice for Publica'.iou. I'NITED IsTtTES I.AXU t FKH'K H issm r-.. tre . May 2f. l A'J Notb-e is hereby given that in eociplisuce with the provisions o' tho Act oi -'on?ress of June S, Is.h. cni t.el - An Aet lor Ihe sale of timber lands in llie S'a'.es ol I a.llornia. Ore gon, Kevsi'a, ami U'asbl-igion T rri'ory,' as ex- iraiiri fi a-i i.iv y o i' 'au ss.- u ail oi August 4, is.'., " UtiNi Is I. GKOR'iK. of rerrfue. Cnniiiy s.f ia-iiclas. suiteof litv-gnn has this day tile-l in this blss vorn state ment No. T-T, lor the purchase of ll e S'jVtti,, N'i hW '.'.ill Ss lion N-i 1, Totv nsli p JO i. of I. i Misl a:i. will oiler proof uisbow tlial the ls:ul sought is more valuat-le for I's t.uilcr or si-. tie than for agricultural pu -pesos, and lorstaoiish his claim Pi snM I.ntl lM-fue Cie Hisslsti'r ami Rv-eeiver of Hits uflii-e al Row-burg, Otc-ou, on Wedne. lay, the Id da of oepu-uilar. l'si. lie nsu-.i-s s witnsv.; Wallert ronit. win. M norl and Msurke Miaip-. of Ros-biirg, Ore , and Ccl estin llel-lppc, of r-er-lue, (Iregoti. Ar rand J I i-rson ciaiimug alvvrsely the aboveli-scriled lau-ls an? rrsii,ui M tile i Iteir j i laiina in in e.-1'uiee o.i or i-eioic "a ui is nay oi Septeinlar, I'.Wi. Jip . i. T BRIIXifCst, Kigister Notice fvir Publication. I'mti-d tale l.i-d (llll. e, Rns.'lililV, Oregon., til V I. Itsr. Notice is lit-rel-y given that In coiupliani- with the prov i-ions oi t..e acl oi l'oiires of June S, s.s. entitle. I " V ;i a t for the sale of timber lands In tbe Stnl.r.f Califonua.t i:r.nti Nevada .and ash i to; ton li-rrltory "as extend ed to all the public land states by set of August 4, lOTi -s I ISC . Ml K. K'ul. It of llo.cbnrg. iiuinlv of lioiigias. n- of lln--goil. has lib-it in this nllieo ids - worn strtle- iiiciil No. "; i,.r lln- i.un liii-e of the V. of sh-. No. I In tou 11 s ii 1 1. No. -i. sou t Ii, K 'j tvcsi aud will oiler proof toshow that I hi laud sought Is more valualile for lis timber or stone tlum for agricultural purposes, and to rslablish Ins claim before the llctistcr aud Red iter oi thi olfice of Kosaburg.Oieifon. f on Friday the ill h duy of OetoU-r, l'.'J. lie naiiies as' w llne-ses : John V. i ov. Miitlu-w 1 i Wilson, of r.itselnirg. ire , 1 in lit T ivlor ol i ink. I land. Ore. and l'n-d llolcoinb oi i.lulc, Oregon- J Any and all s-rsotis cImiuiIii uilicrsclv I he j almve ilesi-rila-'l Ihii.Ii are n-ijiti ste.1 to tilej tlieireliiiuis Iu Ibis ollice on o"- beiore said ilth : dav of OctoU-r, Itsri J T. I RIIh.KS, 1 Jyllp Register. Notice for Publication. I'liiti-d stnt. s 1 ii i.l I illii c. Ilivsi-I.iu, ttrt-itmi, Jinn- ''i, hS'J Notice Is harel-y flvcn that In cutniillanca srllh the trtivt-i"iis of the si t f t'oiiBrcsa of June::. ISIS., entitled "An a-t fur the ssln of timber lands In t l.c .isti-. - .f r 'ali'-. rtiia. tiiei;oti Nevada. and it Asliinvtuii 'territory," asexiuiid d to all the pill. lie land states ty'itct uf August A1.V1N" I,. Win Hi, of ll.isi-liiir-. I'littnl y of li'iirl-i. sfiilt- of (lri frui) , litis tin.-, ilny lit'-'l in tins oilii c hi. sorti stsii ini-nt No .-.;!. for t In- iiiin-tia c oi t lie W'3 tt "4- -SI- i - "4. ' i 1 4 "I st-l'lnll .Ml. hi In in'ii-tiii :i soiiili ol rune I wist and will oiler proof toshow I hat th ilati-l s itiRht Is more valualile for Its tlmls-r ot' stone than for aiiriciillural pnrisiscs. an-l to -stald'sh Ills r Is r.n la-tore the kexlater slid tlec.-iver ol this oline ol Koseuiirg.ureuoii, on rrldiiv. tin- litli dm of rii lnlar, I'si'. ilTi niimi-s as w ltn'-ssc : Krtd Y. I'lti k, .linnts i r'i-ri:iisoi. Thomas ,1. rVrifiison. .Iulm liiilu ll alt o'llosi'liurif. ( inuoii. Any au-l hII a rsons i-lniiiiiiiK rilM-t -i lv tin nliovc di-MTil'i'd Inn-Is are rvqm-.trd to nii theiri liitnis In this ofliee on or la fori- mihI I.1I1 day ol Octnlicr, J. T. ttlil l . KS, Jyliji , ilt-nisu-r. Notice for Publication. I'nited Slatesi Land Olico Uosebutg, Ore May 17, V.W. Notice i.-t hereby given that In compli ance with tin-provisions of the net "f Congress of June 3, 1K7H, entitled "An Act for the aulo (,f Timber Jimls in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory" as extended to all the J'ulilic Land States by act rif August 4, 1H'.l, i (iRANT TAYLOR, of Oakland, County of Ilotiglas, State rd Oregon h?e thin day filud in. this odce his pwiirn stutciiien't No, L'lso, for the purchase of the SL'.of si'i-tioii Tl, Tp. L'U Eolith, range '1 west and will offer proof to show that the land nought is more valuable for its tiniU-r or ftono than lT itgri-iil!iir:il pttr)rfi-s, sn-l t establish his claim to said land lie.'ore t. e Ki-gister and Keceiver r.f thiii ollii-e at iloM-linrg, Oregon, on Wednesday the .ii'i nay oi ."-epteinlier I'.Hii'. ii. names aH witnesses: Kor Ste.irit.-4, Oscar Kd wards, Phil Jlccklcv anil liny Miller all of Oakland, Oregon. Any any all ikthohh cla ming adverse ly the above desr-rilx-vl lands are) request t-l to tile their claims in this ofliee on or Injfore said "rd dav of Septeuila-r, in-'ir J. T. JinilMJKS, L.-Mster. Notice for Publication. I'nited s-atia Un-l OBJcc, Roseimrr, rr-gon, Ai.g 6, Ije. Xotlee i her. by uiveti that tn tomplianee wmi toe pr-iTisioits c.l the- a l of Congresa of Ititio :i. is,.-, entitli d -An a-jt for the sale of tlfuwr Isu ls Iu the St&u-s id California, Oregon, Nevalaand W nliiii(.-iin Territory." as exu-nd-i--l t ail th'.- 1'ubno lJlld riialea by act of AiiJ-if-1 I l-'JJ. F.CI.L JE.VKINB of t:-hi!r, county of Douglas, Bute of Ore-oo lias lliis day flbsl In this office her sworn state ment No. iiiisij. f.,r tte purchs&e ,, the pK'i Mi '...I'.KPi 'S'!,'rt'; ol sertlon No. 21 loanship No 8. range No. 9 west and will olTer priof toshow tual the land sought is ciore vaiiiabls for its Umber or S'.nne tlusn for agricultural purposes, aud to establish hc-r claim loss 1-1 lsn-1 beiore Z I. f'iuuilcs C a Com niitmier, at nakiati-1 or too, oa Thurslay. tne - ird Jay ol iscober. i4j.'. She names as wi:n--se : Ida C Oiles, John H-nran, John lluruiii, K-fain Boolmr. al ol Roaetmig. unTton. Any and stl pe sons claiming a1rerly the alsive itesi rlht l lands a-w re-io'sel lo Oie the r t!iiiiiii. :os nftsli.rr-s.i l jird ilay j of i '. Ic J. T. .11 . R.-g.stir. Notice foi PubIic2':ion. Cn'ted S'tales In 1 Oulce, RvMeb-jrg, Oregon Jcne i, 1WJ. N'''.lce is hesebr riven mat in coBiuliariee ; with the provisions of the act ol Cougresa of Jone 3. is. entitled An act lor the saie of I ii:ab?r ln i in the States of California Orccon. ) Ntva.1 and VVailnnglon reniiors' uexteDded i lo a.i Uic public iaud states by act ff. Annual 4, i li'-f-i. ( jiUIN '. BK.VXETT. of Seattle, roomy of King, stabs of Washington, ( Lis li uv ti,-l in liitscfli-e bis is-nn stt 1 ment No. Tsj. fr ibe p-ireias. id tee 8' Nw 'i aud I'-l." 3 and 4 of src-.c'm N 1 Tp. JJ, Is west j and ill offer proof tostosi ;y at it.elai.d songtt is nvire i aiuai.le b.r its timber or s4.te than for a-ir-ii-.ural pi;itsses, and to establish ha e.aita ts!ore the hestistcr a.-i-J Receiver of Ih.s oic cf Roseburg. Oregon. Moo-tay. tuc iub itey at Orutur. 10 Ite uam.- as sitnisss: Laurirnc- huu rsrrwr. ii. - S!u.ditie,ts-nle. ta?h.. W ui. II. I-octeT. ' " v aiws. vires. nf am a:i claiming a-lvrrw iy the above-leicritA-d lands are reuesle.1 to Blc their :a;m in inn on or ueiore sat-l u:a day ol '!.. :'.j. JJIp J. T. BRirViK-t, suspster. Notice lor Publication. Cnitcd S:a'i- Lan I OfBos, ! fteetinr. Oregon. May r.. I Notice is hereby gives Uiat ia compliance ; with the provisions of tne act ot ('.ingress of , Junv S, lTs, ruirlssl " act for ibe saie oi ; limber lands iu tbe Stst.s of Calio-nia. Ore 1 ton, Neva-la au-l trashingtoa Territory." a esieu. lei bi aU Ibe lubiu: Lan-1 exiles by as-l ! of Au;n: 4, IsVi ) .KI-ilKRINR BRitCKn of Bur'.lrigl.Kl. rsaiuir of rsaci-.sta-.ersf Wash i in cum, 4: as this day tied in this ofiio- his sworn .''.event So.:-:s lor i:ie puiebass-of ihe Nortii i .-si j arterof s-u.,n No. a. township it ol rsi.r-s ei so l mill ,.. r proof Ui snow that . Ui-. ;at.1 orlJt is mere va.uable f.w its timber I or stone than agm-uiturai p-ifrsjw-s. arid ts esib'i.u mseiaim n-saJ.l jm I t:i.rr le Rrg ' is:, r and Kesrivitiil Hits tflirs. at R'sseburg .-zrf..n, on Ihu-viif, the iKth day ol -s.-pieia-. l-r. IaiJ. Hf BtstisiisitrKSMs: lohn ;ater. .wtoism Smith. ol-Jr. r'er and LAuard ; 1; ''.'is. all id Eur sng:-. Washmiton. Any and ail ss.:, urii ii( Ivrrs.Ir ihe . aUive ties. bxasls ace ivsiir.:el to '. t i.eir eUia-.s in this orhee on or t-elore said 1XU li'j i. T. BRifs-sEi. R-sr.ster. Notice for Publication. l oitisl Sutes Land Otf.-e. Re?mrg. Or.-eoo. !ay -f7. l'XL Notice is fccteby gnen Cal in oup:auice w.lh the pririis.Mi. of tne art o CVmjrvs ol Jnse a, l-s, cnti'.lfi -An act f r VUe saie cf .i3s.r lands tat tie Slates of Cal.lornta, dregon Nevada asd vtahiugPn Temrorv" a e-jeo.l- 1 1 f-J ic 1-su 1 ,s;l;s l.j act of Aug. US' 4. I'J. KVEVTIOl'sJ BROOKS .4 Burlinj'.on. ewntv of sait. site f . ash tng'xin. has this day liied la hisssn-ra s?ieneol No. 'i'-u. for the piirrha f Ibe I,t. I VI, 7. a, an I II ol Se, tion No 4. town-s-ii: Jl sini-.h, large s!,s-i si loCcr prrv.f l. sIm.w tiiat the land soogul is more valua'jie fonts tiu'r and stone than Si agrv nltural .:ir.-osea. and toeslaLi: a bisclaim lo sa.1 laa-t b lore the Rnrisierainl Rs-ef vest of this office at hoseburg. nr-g ib. isn Tiiursiay, the .:a day uf S.cttvii1s-r, I-iL lie nsfvesas wiinessa-s. Joha siivr, Ssuf.r1 fslstr. taiiiiaas Smtta and Leon ard in.s ... all of Muriingion, stiliiti.'vn. j Any a-i-l a.i persons etaitnir-g avtversely list , .roftce'ou t.rl d oi : I " ' , J. T. Bril L"itS. fp RegisWT. Notice for Publication t Bit. d SIMM lnd Office. R.velKirg, Ore fnn, Jnly. il. I sil Nrtlra is bere;-v given test io. cniiiauca) I with tte -rvvis!..t. ...f the act of eu,rrss el ;" Jnne .t. entitle-? " n aci fr.r the raie of ! tiinU-r la-.ols in ihe S atos. f Caliiorti'.a.l'regoa ; Nevada and IV ashingt.-u Territory," asextend ' ed to all the public laud states by act of August j , bs-'i I AMEL HAKKRARTll. i of Vyr'.le Creek', rouniv of Housias. stale cf tln-i'iin, has this day tiled in this olhce bis snori staiemeat No .s the purchase of llie N ',. s-s iion j4. township ?s south ranee 4 an-l will offer proof toshow that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for acrlruitural purposes, and to establish hia claim before toe Register and Receiver of Uua ciliie of Ruseburg , Oregon. j on WednrsJay the lith Isy of October, lt: 11 names as wilnesaes: Rail Ohcic. ol is. isnd, timron, Ira Miles. II. nil an Vrn'jtte, lioth ol Mi-tte Cn-ck. Oreou,and Louis tutnlachcr, of K.laitd.Otoon. Any and ail persons claiming adversely the alsivc de-s-n lel lands an re-iucsled lo r.l their claims in this office on or Uiore said 1Mb day oi October, lji. J.T. BRICC.E., atp Resistcr. SasOl CutflrTh rjtiickiy yielus to treat, mailt by Elj'a Cream Jialm, which ia ar;re al-ly aronitie. It is rtrceis-eJ tlirougb Uit Doairils, eJeansca ami heala tb wbola tni facoover which it diffiia a itself, rmpgiat aell tiie tOo. aixa; Trial aiza lj mail id cents. Tact it and jon. are iuto to ooutiitoa Vit treatment. Announcement, To acconiniodabj ( o6 vfao aro partial to tiro use of atotuLsera in ariiying lupi-Ji into tha nasal poasagea for tuf.irrfial u rv Ihtt, tbo propnetora rrerara Cream lialtu io iiqtud form, which will I ksora aa EyJ Ijviuid Cream Balm. Trica taciudinj; tbe gprtiyinij tuba ia "3 cauls. DntRtrisU ot bj uiaii Tha liiinij fornt rmborlitu tha mad "tittl lirT'lierUest rat th r. r-arathsv OCOOOOCKCXXKXXX300C CrsXXXXXXXXXXXOCbCOOO oco-ocooc OCCOCC 0 0OC C Os-GCCCCCCCCCCGOCCO Oil s in W9T sj-sa INVESTORS WILL REAP A HARVEST I o The old davs of Titusvillc aud Oil Citv. where fortunes vro iii i.'.s i,, $ 5 a night will be completely outdoue by the maguitxent oil f.vh'.s ta le 8 uncovered and developed in Southern Oregou. TIIK I'MPOTJA 8 VALLKY OIL COMPANY controls the cream of '.Southern Oxe-on 8 oil lauds. If you want sonic of the first hundred tho-jjand sl iucs send 3 . your orders to the Secretary of the Company, or through Wells, liarsjo o aud C, express. Umpqua 7alle,; th St t Society Meetings. a: mont .3 F. & A. M. Lnurel IyxJ l i. 11 Aia roifUlur mBelinif" tO r;otui ami nrlb WednMilaTi id Cb month. K.' J. c jrolii, W. M. N.T.Jios R.'crrtniy. AO. u. Meet I days W. Itoeebiirz ItiK-J No. 10. ita the recood and ourfli Mon days of enVri month at 7:30 p. tn , In th I. O. O. F. 1111. Members in rood atandinif rs invited to attend. 11. r. MtCbAL'.Jcx, M. W. E. II. Ltxox Iiecorder. " D. .8 Wrist, rioaocitr. B. P. O. ELK: R fcbt!rgLod8No. Hold r;i!;ir c.'t:iuiuci:: tions at . tj. O. F. Hall on aecood and fourth Thar Jays cf each moDti.-. All meuiVf-ra re'jues'.ed to attend rtzu lurlr and all yiaiimj: brothers are cordi ally invited to attend. W. If. Jahikhost, K. K. V. C. Lo.Kkos, fe-:retary. CO. E, F0UUTH I.KfjIMENT. 0. N. G., mcetn at Armory ilailcviry . ThrirfHiay eV'-mri, at 8 o'clock. I'. ll. llAMua, Capt. D EGUEK OF I'ONOU. My- :icl- :. Iu. Mta L'nu and 4iti ll.n.--rhor eyeuiks of eat-h ic.omh in ICa- tive Kor.i' Ha'l. Vi-ltinz ti:i-re Ciir 'bally ia-tt'eij to a'teorl. MKi. Vti.IT V.'iU T. C. of H. K. II. Lttxxor. lisv. OF A. C-inrl 1) iu',x No. 22. I"tT- reters of Aceric. Meets every TiieerJay evecire in Nati -joc-i' Hall. Viaiting brorherr-aiwaye gi-lcici Vu tin n?r, C. It. Acq. J. Kka.vtz. K. '. E. V. Ilovta, Phrkiiti. i: O. t. F. 1'hiVtari-in Lo.l,'e No. 3. Meet in Odd Folio' Trnip., cor ner Jack eon and I'aas s':ei ip, cs Sattirdav evening of earb iti. Hem bers ol tho order in srol an.!:&g ar-; invite J to atltreJ. ILIl.tMLXurre, X. i. N.T. Jarrr, S-rcret,try. !(. of I. Altha L-xVe So. 47. Me" txttj WestnessiiJ, id I. O. O. F. Hal! 7:3.) i. m. IJeti'.ers in good an-liog ar iovite-1 to at:esc!. (i. V. K 1MB MX, C. C. C. K. I.OREKTU, K- K. . KO.T. M lY'dei ti-jn Tent No. i". its regular lU-iiewr! t'sie; first an i third FrMar. ,f each ! mouth ia the I. .. O. hall. Visi'.in lsi?i:il-r in gins! stan!ir.i ar invito I t'j attr-inJ. F. F. I'.iTTiai-oN, Or.u. K. E. I'.l lUirrr, iU-ord Kri';r. L ILAC CII'.CLE. No. -tr. V.-.en r,! Wo alcrif'.. M4t 0 i'rt sr. -!,:- i TLorsdiiv ol each m-jbiii ar t..e N4- t!y8oo, H:i. VwiLr c;-: -r :r. go-yi eisn lmj are invirxS 10 a't: -. J. E. SAwraavs, tiaardian "e:iwior. MlXSIB OTEi', Sr-r. iDIsIS ol the G. A.E., Abrthatn Lin coln Uirt iA o. 2. ueeti at NtiT sni4lali at 'J o'clock on f e-- oa l a-l f'jorJh Krulsgs of cacfi m&s'S. l: O. T. ii. rsaseburK HiT X n. tr. HoiJs IU TPZ.At isr's' r.ji- skooiI an I;r!:i Inir rr. of ea;-h m-Kith in th Ns.ier fy.i.' Li::. Sifter nf otlicr Hires v:.jiir j in if.c citr are oniiallj invij u aiu-u I oar ru Tlewe. Jt-Wis K vrp. L. C-t. Mai ire F.. McClsUjln, II K. W. OK A. Mjrt Ca-oji X .. i3i. iJeetd first t.J tier i W.-:t -J ,v a .irl. mS.! H -1 V.lir. S. . !.'l K. M. i:tti;t, V. c. ' ilta. Evans, C!?rs E. Ii.jeliur- Chapter Xo. a. llsslda tlie.r rek-i-ar nu.-;;r. im lir?t a;i J ll;T-.! TLnri t?T in rs'. non'.h VL?i:ic4 tr.trt ia tsx 1 lUndirf; tr" wier::'ul, invi;l to at .end. Mua. Calub l-t.vtn. V. JI., Uaa. LiBaia CsjsiUow, Seert'.ary. ft' lVa Xo. il. l.O. O. F.. m-ets v. 0 1 1 Fellows. Trrc i et . rv Ta-J s v eteiine. YwUinc aiiters ncJ b'etliret; in teal to atieu-i. 1 'ELLA TSliVTS, X. O. U' XITKD AliTIS.VXi. Uait-tA As- m-ml'Iv X. IXi me-i-is every Satur evening, at S o-!k ia Xative Son Hall. Visiting Arti-sacs corxiiaUr itmu-i to atu-ii.l. Mw. M. Jones. M. A. Mk. F. ll. IIamli.v, svrx-tary. ItvK;;u:iuX OF THE WORLD. tak i i.ii.tX.j. ir-5. Mee:a at ti.e O.M Fallows' Hail, in Iobor, firv-rj tlret and U.ini Miay eveLinj. Visit lot: Bi:hborB alisvs welccxe. Joitx r. L; s. C. C. J. A. BrcuAXAN, Cetk. u MOX ENCAMPMENT, I. O. O. F. tM I FtMi.w's Tenii-lv.-. Mevts tlrst aii'l tlsir-l Thurs.Iiv t-w-nin-.s .ii-li mouth. Viyit'.irs wini'u!!v- imite-l. J. I!. ifAMlLTv.N-, C. I. J. C. Twrn iisix, ritie. ASX. Druggist for f-wfuMtwhrs TRIAL SHE. b.i. - ..- v r:; - .3 Ov7-"-y . - as ' IJ-Si L - klj s OliUlll Uuilst iJf 11 S'lli-M . in - .1 aeaus the uist ase.1 Mem- i " y -.rfr-t-,. tlfs.l. It . :l r i - i f ' ami drives awav a 4.;d r- A i? . ... s J." . 1 HAY FEVER'S ia the Head on cl.: v, i ia stssorij. II. s a -d I -race's the SJ--lrs. Itrstores llie of I ,te i. ! !- t' iuj , w asv.: Tml s.,, t,v ; 1 1 .f. r-'v . iy r-s.'. RLT RKoTllI i. s. iiuir ....s, ;, -.,wT--r.. If yon v"Jiut f you want tr buy a furnished farm rooms house house If you want to If you want to If you want to If you want to It vt lu'ttnr all on nr . buy a rent a built! a house a house move r Douglas a, ss. a S a) r ' ' jluc xiwiuii xcias uncovered u.i Rival Those of California V 0w-:CsV4tVraV Go to (luui'ii'v BARBHR SHOP, For a l'rvtiif I and F;rt-Iass ( have fir liair-tnt. Crrnp teat Workmen, Clean Tow tie, T'yj'.i alway? in shape. i " ' f;atl)3 In Connection. Momcs from $250 to $5000 Write or Thoue lrJm. IX, Porter, Real Estate Ajent and Notary Iimbir and liomsstcad Ltxator Packer and Guide Oregon t of KHuri rt sc-ita v ; J tHIddlePIiarmacy-l I. B. PIDDLE, Prop. ALL kcsm or Fresh Drug?, rteJici n5, Tcilst Articles, Paints, Oi's, Qlars Su ndriesS- y Prwn ;-n r-"rn j :j filled br a coiiipt;t?Lt V KIDDLE, Ii. Little, ! t- i ! EINTIST. Oregon. i MR 3. H. E ASTON V i . - - I n V-1 s . i. . . :i ui i ar. i t .; rr!st.m-;r-!2c I fneaiis w..'i a iuli ari ! xzr.pix:l4T - - GHOCEniCC - A'.l frc-.h CT-.d cf t'e v.-rr laJSi t; Tris aj t- "ecs ire (;-i::v::rj V.r pitru-ae t.:.:c.u-I. v i io$ Jaksan St., Paintres, Paper Hangers and Decorators a.i iL;o 5 i-.4-.-?s2. rio- ir.-:.t; I Il.-it l:e.fur a C-n.L-I ar.-l Fmare V,".rk t. r i".::L- Mr. , iC- -.--iUiil" i.Ci, I.E. COCOsOJCOOCOOOC)C c 0 o 0 o 0 s. mm, I.EIILXT o 0 o 0 .cl jreziccs. All Work Guaraute. lts at M-C.j.:.ea Uoase oooooococxccoc( BEST sMEAL IN THE CITY FOR" 25 CENTS. THE r4EW a::.l Ma:a f rrv-ela 3lrs. B!Je CcIIias Y '1 Xjesad. Is 'Absolutely PURE, and w ill OLTWC VR ail ether It y-tir 1 --s! , writ-.-1. t-s-tud e.v; carry it i Sis? Uiat jva &i I it W. P. fuller &Co. Portland, Oreson i '.rn-ur t ij il l.' iiir Utvseburg; Orvision. Comity. si or Term wnnnnncc i in i r r J 1 1 9 3 15 - - OSEOO.N. 9 6 v o "? L v! a ve c-r IIII 1 u I r - :, . I POUT M 1 Uii wO. t'Tl Irw I- it CXK)Q000C0OCOOCvX5O0c0s