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About The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190? | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1900)
a LOCAL NEWS NOTES. County court Id In assstan. Call on Caddis Bros, (or liny end oats, t the Boshoy I urn. L I). S'mrt i.f.Olalla mado thin olDre a pleasant cull Wednesday. To make your wife love yoii liny a Bsclne buggy of tf. K. Sysis. The Morrow Coast r brake on ltarnl,--ler hlcyclo Is not an experiment. t- For tlrnt-olBBn dentistry go to Dr. Little of Oaklaud. Advertising in a spring tonic for bitnl nees. Try au ad lu the Serai-Weekly Pl-AIM)KAI,KH. I)r. J. W, Strange, visited 4klr)l yesterday an 1 left oil the overland for Olrndale last night. Louis Vsndever ofOlslla Ml on Uiit night's local for Santa Barbara, Cal., where he will redde. "Leave ' your happy home" a nil njy a trip In a Bacine bonify pur chased of S. K. Kykes. The heaviost thuoder shower in vein visited this ulty Wednesday evening, be ing of (rest beo6t to growing vegetation. l'.d and Cleland Weaver of Myrtle Creek have given Churchill A Woollsy llioir order for a fine Piano Steel Harder. Mr. W. rt. .Shipley, matron of tbe Soldiers' Home at this place, returned tltla morning from a visit in San Fran cisco. The Kpworth League anniversary will m celebrated at the M. K. church, next Huoday evening. ICverybody cordially invited to attend. Subscritie for the 1' Six teen pages every week for only ti per aunnm. Many new name are being ed Jed to our lit daily. Cliurchil', A Woollwy are Lhuglas count) ' ageri'a for thn celebrated 1'. S, Cream Separator. If you milk cows you can't affoid to ho w ithout one. We note from the Uregonian that a di vorce wan ri'i'mitly granted S. M. ingle t'n from bit wifXsn: Singleton nee IValn, decre being granted by default. '(ieiiclll" ttaxp jtiveu wi.h cusb trade at Churchill & Woollxys and tbe Novelty Store. See tli'wo erii'jsed pan el pictures alreii ly framed givu fur stamps, 0. 11. Fl'ink, .1 ji i.irtl and nospercuj fanner of O'alla tpent a few days in Koseburg this week looking after husl nets mattori and di I not f jrgit to make iUo TuisiiKALtu a fow pleasant calls. Mr. Ella Strange, wife of Walter Htrangs of Tacoma, Wash., li veiling Iter mother, Mrs. B. J. (irubbe at Wil bur. She came to attend the fuueral of her sister, Mre. .las. Harrow, hut arrived too late to do so. She will return to ber home next week. Harry I'eBord; who has been em fnoyed in thii county for several mouths left on last night's overland for his home t Independence. During bit residence in tbia county Hurry mado runny friends among the young people. I ave Crosby and wife arrived on this morning's local from Ki idle, to buy fur uiture fur tlinlr resilience at that place. They also accompanied a gontleman who in employed about Hotel Hiddlo to this place for medical treatment. Wo uc knowledge a pleasant fill from Mr. anil Mrs. Crosby. '.. T. Keys, wife -u I family, a promin eut sheep man of Fossill, Or., son-in-law of Usv. Kobt. l!joth, p-ed through on Wednesday inornlii'" I jcI from (irauta I'asst whore he has i-.-ua for souietiuie piat rending hU children t sc'icol Air. Keys wa accouip4uit:d by Mr. Booth who intend to visit in t!i Wil lto)tie valley for a short time. 1 he many friends of Arthur C Strango a present principal of the South Mt. Taoor acbools, of I'orlhnd, will be pleasod to learn lie lint been elected principal of tbe public schools of Union, Oregon, at a ss'.ary of fJO per month. As he is aatislled where he is and lias a good, pleasant school be baa not as yet determined on a change to Union. Dale Willis, an 8. 1. fireman, who hits j'iBt entered the matrimonial sea with one of Junction City's la i rent, has rented Ed Patterson's cottage on Pine 'treet and neatly furnished it. Mrs. Willis arrived on last Saturday's overland and is com fortably located In her nsw homo. Dale is one of this city "a most promising young men and he and Ills wife have our 4i op t sincere congratulations. li. F. Wells of Olalla, a native sou t this county left on IumI night'e local fur ua Francisco .i take passage' on the U. s. transport leaving that city about May Kith for Manila, where he will be tmployed In the U. S, postal service. Pefore leaving, Iiurb loft orders fur the Pi.4iMitAi.tJt to be forwarded to him so be eould lead tbe full particulars of the republican landslide In this county eobeduled for June oaxt. BREVITIES. Aide a Ham bier. P. II. Buckley of Oakland is in town to day. Mrs. J. M. Dillard of Dillard, was in the city yesterday. We understand tbut. W. L. Cobb has sold his farm to Mrs. J. M. Dlllard. C P. Lewis, hotter known as Bud, lot t this city for Cape Nome Tuesday, A. Kratis, representing the Portland Art Co., will leave for Portland tonight. IIoi KK Fuk IIknt. Five-room cottage, furnished, for rent. Apply to L. 8. West. Mrs. J. A. McDjugal wife of the tailor, who has been quite seriously ill is im proving. Bee our window display for f 2 values in ladies' Oxford ties at only f 1 .50. Novelty S'ore. Marriage Is not a fulluro when you ride in Kacine buggies and road wagons bj'.igbt of S. K. Kkes. Mens' cork ventilated hats at tbe Nov elty (Store are just the thing for coming warm weather. ' $1.25 buys a good pair of heavy shoes at the Novelty Store or better ones for l.50,fl.75, 2, etc. lien K. Lyster, of Oarduer, book-keeper for tbe A. W. Heed estate, made this office a pleasant business call Tuesday. Bargains in (Juaker IiatU cabinets Factory pricA 5 e'h. Price this week while they IJ each, at's Drug Store. K. DuUas. M. I member Board of Pension Kxacuioere. Office, Marsters building residing corner DongUs and Jackson street. Decorations are in progress for the Koae festival at the opera house tonight. Indications aru that ttiwe who attend will see the finest rows ever ever exhib ited in this cty. For joD printing neatly and promptly executed at reasonable prices, patronize the itosburK I'.xik and JobOllice. Work usually turned out ths same day order is receiveJ. Haickv K. IjVki.:., Manager. Next SiuiJiiy evening nt the M. K church will be held the aunlveraary of tbo l'.';Aorth Losgue. A Secial and int?retting program is living prepared for tbo occasion. Kverybody cordially in vited to attend. Soon tbe U iseburg bund will bosst of a saxaphoiie player. Orln Kicharddon, son of T. K. UichardRon, the music deal erofttiis city, has just riceived a line Buffet, Mveth A bchaefTer system silver saxapbone made by Crompton & Co., of Pari. Tbo instrument cost fl.11. I., A. Walker has also ordered a saxaphoue Mrs. M. Josephsoii has on display in her show window an enlarged portrait of Mrs. J. M. Wright' family, btingaj group of nine persons. The picture is 154 by 40 inches and is very lifelike. It was made by tbe Portland Art Co., of Port land. The order was taken by A. Krans, their agent, who has been in the county for some months looking alter tbe com pany's businesf. Mrs. Josephson gives a 10 by 20 life size portrait made by tbe Sims company w ith every f 10 purchase at their store. Almost Cloudburst. But evening, at 8:2(5 p. in. a heavy rainstorm accompanied by unusually heavy thunder and lightoiug, began at this place. This rain coutinuoJ as a steady downpour almost a cloudburst until8:4n. m. after which hour oc casional raiu full during th night. The amount of rainfall resulting from this downpour amounting to ,K2, which ia equitl to 2.50 per hour, being tbe heaviest rainfall per hour of record at this station. Following are some of the previous heavy ..:.r..ll. u ,1.1. linn . Tan 1 U7 Inches and (13 hundredths, (2.9:1) in 21 hours. Jan. 11 and 12. 18S1, 3.05 in IG hour. Dic. 24 and 25, 188.1, 2 50 in 13 hours. Nov. 7 and 8, 13S5, 3.27 ia 22 hours.-Jan. 2 and 3, 1888, 2.50 in 24 hour. Jan. 23 and 24, 18'K), 3.05 in 21 hours. Nov. 15, 1811(5, 2.S2 in 15 hours and 40 unns. May 10, l'JOO. Uoaaburg, Oregon. Tuoh. Giiisom, Observer. Born. WALDO To tbo wife of Peter Waldo, in North Koseburg. May 10, B)00. a daughter, Died. li.VTKV At her residence on Short treat in this city, Tuesday niaht, May 8, HKW, Mr. John Batey, aged 37 years. Deceased leaves a husband, three children and two brothers. The funeral servicea were held at the family resi dence at 11 o'clock today, Interment being In the Deer Creek cemetery. ULtNDALR NOTES. liLih, yet Justly, Deserving; CompIN mant paid the Republican Candidates. Our republican candidates spoke to a cro wded hon et this place yesterday evening, and their niieeches were re ceived with great enthttflia'm y the audience. Telling speeches were made by Mattoon, Msrsters, 8hue, and Ham lin, with a few chosen words from Shambroot and Parrott. Mr. Nichols waa called but not being present was ex cused. The gentlemen declared tboir allegiance to tbe grand principles set forth in our republican platform. Mr. Marsters, our candidate for Plate senator, on this second visit, has con firmed tbe excellent impression made upon our people at tbe lime of his first visit. His personality is a guarantee of of his fitness for tbe position for which he is nominated. We see in his face tbe attributes of benevoleice, intelligence, honesty and digoity, that will make him feel the great responsibility of the great confidence our people are reposing in him by naming him for this position. He will be true to bis tiast. A. K. Mattoon, the candidate for representative, is a true hearted republi can, well qualified for tbe place for which our leaders have selected him, a thorough business man, capable and honest, a fluent talker and a man of fine business qualifications, who having at tended well to his own private business, will look well to the best interests of bis constituency, and he will be elect ed. Shambrook and Hamlin, our boys who wore tbe blue, tbe fact of their faithful service to our country in tbe dark hour of her need, and their fine qualifications for the offices for wbich'tbov are aspiring, ought to be a strong appeal to every voter, lo give them this small recogni tion of such faithful service. In their faces we notes look of eadnesa an i of patient endurance, and our mind reverts to tbe swamps aud plains of tbe Philip pines and the khaki uniform, ntnl our bravo 2nd Oregon boys that represented so inauy homes in our state. Ala, upon tbnve homes and hearts reals the inigoia of grief. As we think of there who ex- changed that uuiforui .for releettal cerements, and bo many of that number who sr left to ua, are weakened and en fbled by the intense heat of tropical climate. Shall we forget? Ah no. On June 4th we will give ihem another victory. Eugene L. Tarrott, dutiful bjp, tender loving brother, noble friend. For the first time Ii6 claims the suffrage of our people for the office of sheriff. And we will whisper confidently that we are sure he has captured the affections of a fair, sweet girl, who with many a sign, has tsked us Homo dozen or so times, today, if Mr. Parrott was single, ami so forth. He will be our next sheriff. Chub Nichols, son of the late I. II. Nichols, aska tbe endowment of our vot ers for the office of county commissioner. He is handsome, ho ia competent, 1m is Intelligent and honest, requisites of good citiunahip, and excellent qualification for the office he has filled so capably. He will get a fine recommeodation for South Douglas voters, and he must be elected. J. II. Shupe, as "coacher" for tbe can didates, made a i excellent speech re plete with arguments and facta and actual statistics that our apposition finds cannot gainsay. His remarks wero well received by the large audience prefect, who find him tbe same genial gentleman be was when be was our county clerk. MiLt.ll. Public School Entertainment It everyono attend the entertain ment to be given by tbe public school, on Friday evening, May 18, at the Opera Howie. The proceeds will be used to purchase bocks for the school library. The program will le tbe best ever giyen by the school. The beautiful sash drill or tbe splendid club drill are each a whole entertainment. Residence Burned. Tbe residence of "Auntie" tlrnbbo at Wilbur was discovered to be on lire yesterday moruiuit at three o'clock, and was soou destroyed. All her furiiitnre.bed ding and clothing was iu the house and nothing was saved. There had been no fire to the house as no one had lived thsre for some time, aud indications point to incendiarism.' If you want a squirrel poison that will kill both coming and going, call on A C. Marsters & Co., tor it. THEY MECHANICALLY SCIENTIFICALLY ARTISTICALLY Asa Perfect, Durable, Easy-run ning Roadster the n B E is the leader that always leads. The High (jrade Clipper Chainless the wheel that made the chainless a success. Price $60. A full line of Bicycle Sundries. New wheels on installment plan. A. C. MARSTERS & CO. onononoconoaononononoaoaon DON'T! Miss the Opportunity to see the Finest Line of Samples for Spring and Summer Suits Ever brought to Roseburg. They will be dis played'in the full length piece MAY 23 AND 24 at the RACKET STORE. E- WIMBERLY. ononononoDOGonononoaononon m C. I. K STORE. New Goods Constantly Arriving. Step i a- GlaJ to show them to yon. Just received oar spring line of Men's and Boys' Suits. A splemli'l Hue, it'll do yon cool to soa theui, whether you want to purchase or not. Thoy were rnailo by I'Vie-iil Bros. ' Co., of Milwaukee, Wis., and are billed the "Perfection Clothing'' they fit as if your Uilor had made theuu for you. Our stock of Spring Shapes in .Men's llota now co;up!ete. W'o are agents for the celebrated "(SORDOX HAT." They come m all Shapes and Colors and are worth 3.K. Onr fctock of Men's furnishing Goods Waa never bfctter or cheaper. Iu fart every department of our business ia now 'n perfect shape. We carry everything iu 'LeJDry (loods, Fancy Goods, Notions and Gents' Furnishing aGood Lmes, also Hoots, Shoos, Hat, anil Caps. Our business is growing. ' Every month it is larger, and why? Because we give good Goods and Honest Values. Xo misrepresen tation Everything as represented or money back. PhoUe .,. ,s5 f ISHER & BELLOWS. Belgian Hares! Belgian Hares! lieing in close touch with one of the most reliable Belgian Hare Company 8 in Southern California and being intimate ly acquainted with a member of the firm, I am prepared to give reliable inform ation to all who are interested iu tbe rearing of this the finest oi little animals. M. Mt Coy. BICYCLES ARE PERFECT. B To the Public. Believing we can do lieiter by our pa trons and ourselves by selling strictly for cash, we have decided to keep no books from May 1, 11)00. Hoping this tuty suit tbe convenience of those who wish to deal with us, also at all times soliciting a fair share of patronage we are KesiiecLfully yours, 4m7.) tlanDis 15ko.