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About The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1871)
x rr-. .... - , . A f ,r - . - - f---vV ,-,-rrr- wt If J j;i ft A Jouiwal tt Um frupiK. ,J Jjfyisl la U'slatsessUof VetaaNQlll ft j-wwl sLiUu -irsA y4ltr la sll Ut 1-K Mfll TWna.slr Radical laOMMsiaf sad KifMtsltt lb WroaaA-. tar a Mil a:! tti ) f ike M V ' J i t.f W"1'. Speech;-frg; Prew; asss bmis (saBa kouw tbstf saiaas to f a KdUur,arsBq ailsauoa will' b (lvsa la ISsU emamuakialliisa 1 'v- f ' -V-:. t-r. "i -V. 5-1 Hr-av aw W I . V av v. -o a, .r A . f ' I I I I K W . II l "H r I 1, f t ff 1 I .IT lf - - - 1 tit i ail i . k i . k i i i r a . s a i a ji j.. v k , . i.- - fWSet Waehlaa let. v ' '- Vy . A r--, rV I , . . . . .. , " k I ; . . ... . .. . .... . - W . 1 - ' :..' . V nM f gMpMMBBBMMBBSSSSSSWSSSOSSSWSSSSSSSMSSWSSMSJSSSSSM SSSeSSSSSSSgaSBBSS Free People.; V i'r- ' ? 1-1- "r -t-1. .- - - .i - i 1 " 1 V . i. 1 . -7 li 1 rT':. " VJLsJl.' r." . il5 H r tt - - -- t , i i i j. j J . !'ln a SkW report wado to tho tfi kUatoraUaerrtaJn BUte for 1 It wa werUlcH t,ult on-' aveu;)ttlt '. Jwan Ihlrty-aino wer t fmrmen? .wlvea and, atite4bnaert dshtra Jf othr f,n of wirra or aaushUr waa half o muneroua. , fi& Meed la the' lwwd ad indeed tho eutuiweut J "f , ,t , , , , -' ,To be plalrt a)oJt It, under the ayVw U olfUixation of hla roontry the' kr mar wife I a houavnoM drwdgo, That there are koitorabl eseeptloua w will noC5h-nyod rw "ftad. t 'wh "Ubit; but la prt)ttly aaflt o ay ha on throe farm out of tery tour the wife work hrder.endirr more aadaieaf ttM than' anr ttrr4 men the pbvw V apeak, (rum extended pbaerratlon and tonj xpreteaeaVr'T An: -x-vJ-t ., Xlnie, mMiey"aid health ar often naorUhwd to the careWnewa of a bu tioad about providinc oaoh thins a are ur to be needed Iw a ArnW boe-o. We have Tbdted at the houae of a farmer 1 no own, In connoetlon. wlU) bU wlf oaoeraaof Und, boing the baiaoo of a donation elaim of MO acre. Forty mm ankl li tho hMband aeveral ytora m to enabU Urn to rndlfy bU UaUiFowtornlhlueudmtut harlug defluoj la the Mirehaa of a"bloo.lcr horae. "They nave a large two-etory ban of a houae, . complete oa to the carpentra work and peintlngy buttherr-tTiotTi yard of carpet or a window ahade In the .. ' " wotktlng.. The wilt, who. wa a ruddy : ' fodandlappy-herUdgrlafewyeaia ngu, u now faded and care-worn, tho JTtetlm of overwork.. W ventured to aoKgokt, In tho eMM of hor baMiand, -i that lw ought to buy carpet for the aou amlx Tfi-"rf'" lf IK1 ""H: fl.-tu- .1 - CongreM ludl hare crabbing of naaed Boor. , " W eT Uw 'poorToafrordvyIt,, wa the maacullne reply. HeU forty acre of your land, w auggeated to Uie wife- "Couldn't , ruler or tne realm. urroctlpn In tliat klugdom berore.we berora . we left It- "If w didnt,ll VraWiTour fault. Me wondet thatv1roaitJmaMitr long; yeam. In lMyaTljji-houe t hopele drudgery mmetlmU luie their reaaon. fV wot tluttnberano of youth and beauty depart, and' tlmt noil anfrequeutl-baggar4 face,: that ic went radiant, caa from behind the ban 'mA HbKf Imiw avhwu4he honV lem -victim being"drlven thither by ndarubk while man himself la -wholly uneonaclouaof the ' . droaaing that he baaeacrtnoed the wile rrhe proiulei'd: to.-protect to the mighty BKUxfh.ofli. own; selfish neea. A womaJi'atf for beautiful auxround lugi eall 4auiily lor gratification a a man's for fin Horse sou nroao acres. EiQETr: rjr-wTjjrir mrDii" the ooianTonoi;.r 80 much, ha been written and spoken I ' upon the Nibject or woman', pditicai " emancipation that it eeemejquit time that, the publle hould be prepared to .acceft the. progren of .(W Inevtteble, i)lea havealneast eoaaed JIHrrt.llcuiaus cant about dlryluafiCl5i'cy be- 7gln Vfl4 thj Jnrkof herndtvil - Iryf and w !&Ht ' rtwhAci, rtnfherlndtvkluaF bct s.l "omethbirnot air very horrilijo ffW2feaat will accnte to thl Repulrfle In all " We "want e public to "ihlwsequence of the misfortunes of war- aUnd, once for all, that, we are no 'suf frage ahrleker.t ; We believe i lawerk rather than In , fustian and nbfse. Therefore; the time being near ersand wl-aaanJUiMPfloaaHetinniato . be an Issue before tha ivaesiw wwit to. Inform everybody taA.t lutejuofto - vote. Don't bo Wghtdrisd, gantlemen t -WrWttrW yat-We hare always been an'onU Vly, Uw-abMIng cltlaen of the United Htatea.'i We.have promptly, I though rt W Wou proleet, psl Shyevry for tbe.oupport'Qf a ((overhment ln wlileh w have not had trpatsatita- oH.w We hev piled our busy needle, hile aonte 'drunken voter ha BUg - gered past -our door on election day o vote against our randldateajltr ofllcera, " before wboni. we- have dlscJutrged lua- portent business. . Our "husband does not claim' to represent us. He,1 repre sents h) marl taad wowldkajMeexartlythe same representation If we were led. We 11 tote with htm tho next lm in Important Issue tsWrore )ie ponde. Knd ,. vote' a we can luflocnce. ..' -., . rigid of mtifcits are clearly pcclner. :. , "All peraoir Immh or naturalised In i rtwitetlon ifn-reof, are'-cttlaena of the iiWwirathluyh . t i, What could be more x"itl lt?,'Who arc -' Jr(.mt,'t What la the basis of tH-raon- wthftd'H 'aw'TKeai V. -7 .aiplent Uw-auaJirri punkhV women for , ririje aM.mhvmranor ; Kvldently Sia Woman is a "person" break T - a-4aw. Why" la she' not' si Hpmw" .UlieaUwaary befmhtte:? )Utti ! ' 1 "Nii State shij juske or iofiwre anj . Uw thklikB.U abridge th prtvlkgee .: t iu-.l,iS..uuj w w ju or aauwunMiea w-ettUenf of the. United fltatea.";- " . Evident lyrwomi., hg-rsoiis," and therelbro "rltlxens, hsv tlve right - of rratMUso. Let tliem hs -4 Nor shall. aay State deprive any 7 ; yarsoa of Mfc, liherty. swryMith. out due proems of Uw, nor deny to any person within Its Jurisdiction tha equal pntecttoa of ta laws." ,', Tim la tha U, ihUImiml And we bar mora eoiUhleno I yon thai 701 profes to hare in yourselves whea you Hnk to frighten wnuna by assuming that U rH e for won'i presence. ' IT kaow .that If gou know that ma or to bo present at lb polls, you will speedily tnaha th place of -vlrig respectable. - The fathers, husbands, brother, ami ione of women an bo trusted ia a Matter of Justin and gallant ry, wrhatover thoy may aay to tho contrary riotwlthaUnrtliur. .Thoy ar not half aojvlclou m they) would oak 4M asdkrre, mn4 their wont JaulU arise -from 'their bring separated ao much from tht companionship of re eporUUe women, r. 'nuvaparatlonr if wa Old bat know It, U their miatov tona, Wom eon not Uy the wboU blame upon man. Jhe persist In riv eting - tho , chain her brother ha forged J owl 4ho lay, hbjfa-oooUd woman who nrlaea la her dignity to do battle lot (ho right meeU much more opposition iron hor alater than her Hfnlher. : -f ?- ''' ' ' Tlio 14 flection. of Article I. of the eluaeoahip to our satisfaction, Section let, Article I., of the Fifteenth Amend ment eomea to our furtltcr aid la tlie follow lug explklfhtngnage ; "The rlgltt of eUlaeua of the United Ktate to vote ahall not be denied or abridged by the United flute on ac count of race, color, or prrrtotu comli 4iomirvitd.n . , , ' - There I What my our erudite disci ples of Bbjckstone? fiower to enibree thl ArtU'le by apro- prlate logbdatjoa." v . -.BufOregonlan' have etllt greater large of liberty under tle Couatltution of this Stale. mens oeciarea tnai "vwirress siis.ii nar ment decUrei that "Oongrcea ahall have power to enibree by appropriate kglMa Uon the provision of thl Artk-lo." , . Irkwrotore,'' aay the HUte of Oregon, "be It-resolved 'by the Legtshitire Aaaemblyof. ha Stata brOregon ILat the aakl Amendment to the Constitu tion of the United Btatee be and the seme I hereby latlned." V ;'v T We don't pretend to aay what John Whiteaker la going to do alwiMt "ihse wonderful to the trary." Unlike, him w destroy the law, but to I "come, not to - Harlag thu brleflyr. we "bolieve of the Fed- clearly; defined the Art era! and HUte Constltuti n conoernliig this partiealar matter, w aliall proceed toexrln from time to Urn the duty of woman Jo the Oommonweakh. ' v " i. Vv " i -, jiuw ams---tr!.- TT'TtiMMUSn Ml LiDIia. - -T There la little change la fashions to record thie week. yVe-annot see that ladle drea with any ieaa display of . - . At m ... . m a . .' guwi isms utaa in tue gooa oia unie when lley could order everything In the way of etykj" from the doomed city, of Paria. If the present humilia tion of unhappy arla sltall causehcr Anierhn voUnce U deperal upon thcanelvee for laahions, boom good at rJ-Wlen France. : A , We notk-e Id the shop windows a Han Kranoiaco-lika dispMy of drem and fur nishing good, v'-'' "A . At the store of J. W'ilson, rm Third street, may be eeea a beautiful lction of white figured pHroe. Their stock of sunfiner. linen, In whs and print U complete, superb and suqirUIigry elaK .,:-rv.';i-a.--i-" Alio, at the store of Mrs. Aeh, fleoond flt., autyeTaecn aa. unnaalb beautlral dlspUy, of .drees anl millinery goods. Ornspleaou atnoug; these we notkosd a choice variety of striped heragea, very rV and ttylb.h. Also, grenadine with triprfWbk-h Make up beautifully In the new styles, finished With fray I racldngs. ..iVpUn are "out WgJei jrlfjind will be much worn. ,' .. . ?Wlk cloaks, with orrrdres tomatch, are la vogue; .Mrs. Monell I engaged upon some very handsome ant far eotuc of .our city ellea. LaUlea evidently aipreclate her Work, as her dreesiuakere are alwayc crowded. . r '. (The gipsy atyk of hat ami bonnet are Ukely to run all summer. Nothing new In that line to. record thU week. eaplltn has been the. fr-hfrii-1 j bie material, but a the srason advsners crepea, lace and llhislnn will be a touch, worn a lost year. The - Londosj corrcapondent of the Ttewark AJrrrtnr wrltcai "Afvlsit to thaOalldhatl, a day or two ago to hear the -discussion of the Ixmriou Hrhool Board, haaconvlnced me that ao Hchool Hoard caa be comidete wit hoot a ladve They are like the oil on the laL anu i ao noi neueve ine Xionatm Huarvl would be without their graces for the tee alnlple of tit Itoyal ichanre. Tltey usually ail at tlie upper end of the halt, at the rhainnau'a table, but on Wednes day, when I happened to be there. Miss Garrett cam la late and took her seat at-the lower end of the room. - Hhe tanked aa fresh and bright-aox! cheerful aa a'bride ought to look roe know she was married nxt day-4mt there I a puylDcllk-alt iIqm her, and yon can see at a alance that aha I all IW b dki I nut apeak, bat took great laterest n too uisroaaion on eompulsnry duca Oon, itMs-hearing the aeatlmcata ah approved in a ejaU-t masiesi, roioe . with 1 Um real. tbenuuxteyroae,wunin'oor three others, to ehalhtuge thechelrmau' eye, a ad several voloaa called out UIux kry.'.yon eould auxtuguiaa mm umvui veryi , diatincUyi -adwhiM. liaxjey walked acroartue room to consult hw trieada about ) hi amendment, aha nook hand with him. very wanuiy and entered into hi 11U1 auhent aamiy- a - Hy " uw jhuhji ofjrW around her. - And all thie when In tho, usual way. hor heart' ought have been in hcyn u." , Jj - , Tea, M wrteimen naro iiaa oppoi tunlty to teat thejnatter of 'wornan auf. frago in the United State Uey will be come eoavlnoad that no pwbUe sa assort hoaa be complete without the eounaei of women.- Men wUl not then be without their graces" for the fee simple of the PacUks lUUroad. It bi very" Strang that they Will atlU keep harping upon the old and kmg lexptedod fallacy that revoIutlonTscdrdandconfusro wID follow tlve Instituting of the long dla- eanled, but now returning,, order of thing. " '-. v 3.t i l!, A MIchliraA huty. In the course ofa long ami aeualble letter on the question of womaa'a rights, aay : ' When wive nasum the headship thai gave to hus band tuey breaJL a Divine ooniutautl mcnt. and tit puulshutent fulloa a. They ksatto a great extent thuir woman. ly graoos, and grow bold and niascullne; andlin. th aaiuo, pro ortlon husbands MHjum iemuune ana timni, ana oi au pitiable object on th face of the earth a hen-pecked husband ia th worst ; and in d short time the wives become dls satlsOml With their ahoepiah-looking huabaud, and many of them seek for more maaly companlous, and a lifu of aia and terribte reUlbutlou la the re ault," 'Mi tto TUperu r . " Whenever we hear of a woman who Ulka .like jtliatwe-et. hef down a a aVra. ;., . .,'Vv . . 'j v' If tha "long and sensible letter" above alluded to eonUine nothing more an bl than the extract under considera tion, w see nothing In It to entitle It to commendation. ' Wbett wlvea aasum i , - w kUy th drl veiling, hen-pecked leaser half of tha woman who would aeek to hide her own audacity ander such public cant aa that ? A nian who Is eompelled to lif "Willi aucK a -fHliug( 1b l.T:?i a pitiable object. Af ea aaay be deoaived by he glamour of euch hlghnUatln" noiise, from the penofjrjuaiuilijoe woman, but wwant, m'holutow. the aex hcttcTWrirranF MMlry bombootled. C0BI8P0IXIC.; This dao.rtnient of the"Hrw XoaTH-j west la to be a general vehicle for ex change of kleaa osatcemlng aay and all matter that mav be leffitlmatelv dis cussed In ouy colunwajlnding It practi-l1 caily Inipoesible to answer each eorraa- pondent by private Jvtter, we adopt thl mode of cotuwuiiteatlon to aave our friends tlie dlapMUitment that would I otherwise aoarue from our InaUli ty toan lawer their queries. W cordially Invite everybody that has a question to ask, a suggestion to iriakej or a scolding to give to eontributf to ' tlie orresnfindente Column,-; r; . , j ' ;: A Mm. M. E. H,r Your mo I re antique can bejhshlboably made over by cutting off! the aoiled and broken parts. lengthening the aklrt by lnaertln; a piece of tomslin about six inches from, the bottom. Oyer thla piece of muatlni you caa putMW'iwhe aonte cheap silk, cut bla and frayed out at tlie edgea. '."Yea; anythlngla faahtonabla If you have it on hand and want to utilise It, ; There never ha been ao mueh nde pewdenoe exercised In dress a now, A harbinger w hope of the goodjtlru ounung. When a woman can go vto fashionable eJoUtlorV got . a jndt pt clothe aa a man aow can, and liave done with thl eternal nonsense ahoet eomethlng suits Ula to wear, v , , ., ' Mrs. CU Why wouldn't you. open ail nteUIeeoUoef If, a yoq complain, your hoaltftttd- U, 4lke a wiany other men, "out of employment and tit ho harry to get a alt nation, wbUe you are almost daily thutuedby the landlord,'' talk to the landlord aa plainly a you have written to u. ' Tdl Iilm you. are going to open aa Intelligence oneeaad ask hlni to make yw bl ,aaemV A woman knows, better than a man," the details of liouse-keeplng and the want ef reaidonce hunters. 'Then, girl wheji senslWe woman about a situation; We'd clean street or ecru b door steja, rather UiMdepvml . upon a protectori?- Heaven aave th marklwho would leave us to be pcacutd by persistent lamllorda. Jf your children are too small to place In school, get some friend to at tend to tneut while yaw ass out. - You'll aoon make money enongh to him. ibem taken care of If yon are vigilant and faithfuV,y Of course w 'don't excuse your laty hasbnnd. Don't get ofJendod; ha is kury and n't dessnrw a family; bat you tottst make the best of clmtmo stance and help youmlf,! ; '"p rfri A.,"' Albany: ; Sv think yoa uilgUUkt well to start a shirt , factory. We eoukl asahd you to buy linen, mus lin, buttons and thread a't wholeaaW Iloevnd can give yen exact petterne of the most celebrated elyles!' Tbere Is a good margin for profit In thla buai nee. and It would I be much easier mr yea to bwdncs than It now la for Jrou to "work from boua to houae as arsuistresav -'i j 'j. Mhw f. i.f atten: Ouf uUllncry'e- Ubllshment I nowTuTi, Wfsh w had work for everybody a liil want It;1 but millinery berdon to a great citeu! nd other avenueoof aefulnea must be opened up for ybmen. .To help In f hie matter 1 on great alut of our picr ' Vancouveri We brought up a mmtly of boys to do row posltonr . work bfire We atientptad to publUli a newatiaiwr) we ara la no need of aai pm l tdnav tl ' Triaitam (rataa ' .kia-alABf lai l r rvs aa aj ' p a najMiaxw.-Mui . u ealled perosle.-, We cawld anatoir, it tor you. - Tie ilea gtpsy awnaet under Um ' ''"-" tit. U. A, ti - It ia Met arorth whikvfot yon' to unmiraett' your mina to -wa. Couldn't, yoirtndto soma aoul-stlrrlnf rhymes or other weonshlny ueuseua that will warm the heart of your dtuV clna ? ' Ouoas Vou'r 4green.M and the fair oite la doubtless of the same opinion, rkewl , you wou'tdlol , Tleaahanmd of ywaraelft lve that to aareqnitod will burn Itself out IT It Ixn't fanned." fltop this day-dreamliig and go to work." Be aaiaal , Vfkr itet"- p 'hyr folly by making yonrself famous and thiLThen aha 1 ready to sue "for jour attentions, why anarry aomobody els. Husan: rtra wberry c altar exceed higly jronttl4e. r J. MDJard, of Albany," will furnish you tha "beet varieties and ' give yon. nsximarynformatlon in re gard to their ckMvaUoa. tiled to aee so many young ladles making Inqulriea in regard to uifJercnt kiud of Industrie that they have hitherto considered out of their Sipltere. We are ho)itng that some praetk-al Oregon gardt'ner Wilt fk vor us wiUt artlclss of Ijistructiutt in market gardening. 1 T v yT -r ; MU Common 'atuse, atoUTT degree of woaaanly tact will be your beat guide. You meed the companionship of well bred people," Yur bashfuluese ' Will equtiuer jltswU jn time. Read aJ4j your friends for exercln la munelatioa, and study a parthmlarty- clear aftli'tiui tkxt of the vowel aouihl. " '"" yilub:" " You're rlghtt A boy Ut the Itapideat ereattire Id existeare fly t long shot. You are mwh wiser txieja your awn eetimatlon than you' Will be JafUj you hgrwn to yesrsof mate; rlty, and the worst T 3" II, J9'om't beUeve li. You ctnt better tliat eHil- cbral voice" for a year or two. jUse y oar vniee as rittle aa passrfUe during t lie Jiiirtilug friod.M Pluck up" rourggc aCMafkajisaausamWItBBt. smitae insj garainfsl ivn Ww""wVwwjjaiBwwTww riiWtawrJmlia a uainr thU.hmtervai. fcr atorlJig your rttlnd with knowkxlan. ' , , ' Tnriulrerr'"We are ntit fliCtrmoil aa-to the eubJcH or title of Mrs. Victor forth coming book." Jo. Meek, the hero of her fflrmcrwork,irrbe River of the 'Went , wi'Unf with hU family loriTualJll, ttan inajas. . W believe lias adUreea la HllUboro. Oreaon. --vi vr - Othc): lcttcrt jryjll Wtywereiwxt srnca,i..o ..i i, . x-.r.u VEAT TIE PtZSI IATS OF US. ' Of course oar. brethren of the Pre are saying many thing aboat ua, and we are collecting n amy of these for th graUflcatlouof our own vanity, aa well a to show our reader how tlie fraternity recetvaand to what 'extent "iJi'.irmey sTprcctatc, tur work. '"' ' ' - ' -j y From Xk &(4oid: , " The time was -ben a woman having somewhat tossy 16 the public was at wore dloailvantera than.. now llllberalitv of opinion met her at th beglaning of or ner enurte in tula dtrcetlon, and un friendly criticism was sure to my she was. stepping out of her 'Vpbere." HoriuHhing of this UlHwrality yet re ma Ins, and occasionally manifests it self.. But the world in awaeml ha ac- quired aunns and JuJpuent estoagti to leeuive wtui resaect wane a woraaa -lias to say, even uiouga ana sa- u in a pan- He 1 leetutw ar UiiwatrK th column or a .i It ltas, at all events, learned tea. jm Weil as a man. mar have aomethlMai toeonisMinksat to tb publie, and that. It .Is her right to be beard while she express ns her opinions oh tonka that engross th publki mlnd. lu thio .resfwii t wsaneat ad nn now stand very noariy en tlie mine ground. Both can oltain an aonieias if they bare snythlng- to my.Nrtrherw III In) Ik teiied to If they lack marten ' - -arrtl4 ay JHnHTlev7Mr4lvf'M4Va hdvetlt Of klra, ' t)oilwava nanae. tha Nkw rAiarit wwsrt, the first wutnlwr of whldr m isnned thla mornhig. If any person haa beeiieuvpoainglhst this tsi per would he of a Mml character, nlled with Impractioahle fwkaa and lie voted to platitude about what areealled wtthont mneh aceuraey-of dMInitlnn. woninn'stight,'' nwlr fwrso will And himself or herself mistaken " The ahe befnre ua hi full of 1 vtgorou writtng. with a strong flavor of practical good sense. - "We ajrtrehend thafMrai liunl way wilt, la a few- Issue wf her paper, euceeed In stating tho woman qweatieu I. . a. II .l mi . .1 . that If all ant not convinced, many "will be disposed to listen. " - If any etippoaethat this la a 'woman 'V Riper1 in the restrletetl aensw In 'WWicb ist term might tw ararfled to It aa a a eoVfwrrmen-rjr of woman "auffraire, they will be disappointed again, Mrs. Ounrway'doe not write aa ifshsoooslil ered the elective- franchise tb earn to tal of Woman's demand, v A part from this wpeclsl suhject-tl Wornsn qmw tlon there ar vlooroaa art Me on snt lecto of a general natanwhieli wsmld be In place la any good Journal. I'he tt- per la a fine euecimeu of typogmphawj bcaAlfTT - -T X i' rom tiXJt C. 4dm6nty". We have reoeived tl first number of thia paper, Mr, A. J-tHuiiway, propri etor. It is really a very Itaudawme sheet. Well edited, and wU filled with inter eating, enbstoatlal and instructive art! cle. . Wa auvlly laWk It on ourex- 1 eh ana Hat "and wabwrne the new tnnrr enatioea, unga ana. reward ofi useful lonmaiians..' ,. .-5 - ; . x From the ataaYsrtav I nv Vr ' ' A copy of the Ont number bf ild weekly caiullilat fnr pubila beenrecelvod. It la uriutad lathUcllv. owned, edited and iMibllalied by Mrs. A. J;' Duwlway. and th isMeist nnmbrr bears atato Frkkty. May ,tt la the same aia 01 tlie . UrryimutH and the. imdf. with eolumn of similar width, and tlie typographhle! appeararwels very gooo, very orMUWut. Tne aoimy or tha editor-w will nut use tha tona ed Itresa a a ready, clever writer. Is well known, ( while we shall iwrltaps differ very widely from the view and scutbi mcuts of nhsuh the papet will be the utterec and advecato) in regard to what is usually denemi sated tsW 4 Woman's lUghte" cause, w e heartily wish for the fair nrotniator an abundant meed ofaum cess in the paper aa- a business enter prise, for oy it, we oeuve, sne noiea to be enabled to rear and edueato her cfcil dreaa aad to kutneh them at aroner riud on the full voyage of life with he best of ttiat precious frelghtaire for the long cruise which a fund mother's love and oevouoii and bounty can naetow. l From th iiessacrair Ifrutrw t . t . W a aavo received tit first lunidaf of a woman' journal published in laud, with the shove tltUs. Typograph ically It presents a very neat ajaieamiMe with clear, open print, easily read. It Is to be a weeklv itawsnata-r. editad and tubllalied by Mrs. Abigail JJ. lHiulway. There Is considerable practical ability dlslayed In it editor isle, selections and criUcUms; yet are ace ouaof them hard Iieaded fellow that can't b made to be lieve In "Woman HuflYage." Aside front -thedodrtnc .4t will attempt to teach, we wish the paper success, -i asjssaasss-x jiiiu Ai Ut Oohablerabler Interest '1 through the Mteta aa to the adveut of the Nkw NonTHwraT, woman's light' newspaprfTtobe edltetl by Mr. Dunl- way.T A Wag snggesta that meu'a righte wiU be Amiwat with In tha .first Issue, but wa havefaltU thai our aide lady contemporary wili defmid and de fine woman s sphere without clrcum acriblng man's hemisphere.- But we ad vise her to level an cdltoraa at that Joker at her first convenience, that will put an enectuat ntsvi on nun. A we are no piiglllHtl we uV'Icgate our frieud, Mr. Clarke, of the Haleni Waterman, to put aa effectual "head" on tliat kker. ' , . . . - , .- aSSiMMHMMSMia "F ""' tL- U S . t. m tm J -turml-l 8ouloqny. L.J.M- ' I am I miu of iron will; of tnwacle too. Iv'a I toasted; my fancy stocks I palmed,! until wltli tutlsdst I, was toasted.. My wife Is a rood, tcndersoul. a duties all acquitting. My rtanjrhtcrs deem' aX-maiTrfa'ptnil Urlf l)M anuenentung. 1 ciouie tiiem mirt am AimI each might wed a miUtonalre, yet fMlishiy refuse. Thcr prate of busluoaa. with toe lip that hsptor French should stutter, tad drum their little finger tip, and traitorous, siwevbe mutter. My Cldest-tolkJTbf talk of ttvlcpeTvlcnce now being the fash Ion, and of tha "good time eastt- Ina-." waeMt la-aww natlie they may uaali on: when men. may think bik! women' act. -and leare the times ' tni- shaken;or If you please, reverse theract, uswmrwakmv I M v second her hair.-! a white brew thus revealing, and waves her Illy hand In .It 1.... II... - Ill, ....n.. slid saya ahehaaa leiral mliMl, la boutuil to be a lauryerl I almuld attarcw le more sliocked to see her turn ut a ' wtaid sawyer! ifj-hlnJLiUJ' bouule, Umnlc bonuie.' girl, witnatear-dron solily shining, says (while ah twlate about a earlKiilto do or die," site's pining. - Ami site shall "At" a worsted dog, or W( th grace ful "Oerman," or do"; tlie kiver, 'Who toeoa., at "SewiMtrt "iilln the niunsiati! Or her nmd lather she may 'Mo", out of hi hrown.stMie Jtouses, so sit imt drops IhUrbug-a-bon, and. h-avea reform to tnmserst Around my neck she throw her anus and burst out in aew ai that physic 1st h only thing her uiind recelvs with aludiu-ssi, .rroHictieally. I aeein to view my tender daughters three, Hlrl a lecturer, a .lawyer too, and lastly, an M. U., Hlrl. With-wam- au's righte' I'm almost dtisrd; would urve au embxratioii, but that f learn to my amaxe) It's flovHng every tuition. No rocky fastness- shuts it out, no land, aaa snaa. nor lakon tlta eria snaltur turns about, to find It ncxt-doar m-iahiTPt doors. ; Let us it-fleet for a moment bor! Alas! my bmthcrs, old and Fling wide tha gadest w must auorumbl I fer Just as much from tb alstcnce of un Uta 4NtiUag, bmiui'i started !fWff l,, grctn,giowlng nlanto would do JtOtm ' - " iimi'whwiwhiii mm uin( um-(iiiin KJJ ,ui . f : I! - ' ! rTnii;.fii.uii.i In m.inH - t. . . l . " Mrs. Htowe, In her novel of the above title, umlertekee toportmy the class of weak, clinging, dependent women, who make their modioum f wharacterleas beaoiy and their totereatiuaj dielplwsj nea tliir most rwwerful weajion, . The beauty. of tlie I'ink and Wliltc mliool achieves hmsf signal triumphs, lint he eflbrts of brilliancy, not by her vivacity 4. her Wit, her eleveratesa, or her aacoin- piiHiimanu, out by aunpiy dnsiping and laiiKUlshlng, She la too d-llcaU-aiil sen sitive a creature for eflort of any kind. HI mi throw heraclf uasui otliero and ex acts sympathy. Her very helpussnicas la hergrvateatjitrtaurthfcJJv it ahe tyr aniilsee over men who would resist the tnfloenc of an etiergetici hel,al," self- reliant woman. r wr it 1 a tact tnai the average man Is attracted wy tunc4 Vllng Ing," Inefficient, selfish, style of Woman.' Wpy Tlie average man n -vain, ami haa a tolerable share of rmieett. More over, the average man. In these degen erated dava, 1 not estrone man. Hence he like to liar something to cttng to him, to look to htm fr pruteetbta, ad vice and support. 1 He is battered by the mney that he Mtheslunfy oak, ind ahe the Clinging vine. And so hwr weak nesses and her fears benm her; - ahe la never shcharmlpr as wlicn sltashrteka t the atrliVof a Htateful'" srt.W ar a ''dreailful' ' monae' Thus It hapnena that by aa lnavTUtaMadispenaatioii of Itovldencarthe most worthiest class of women, women who load art utterly ai profitable exbdeweev' to satf-tmmigeii! to dreent of any sacrifice t othersv 1k Impoverished fn heart and mind A any raneron thought or deed, go thmneli life admired, petted, and helped (whea they need help), white their noble slaters often aaem to be deprived of the symtav thy they deserve l.y the wry courage and energy , which they, manifest 1 id ring to assist thomscivc, t A young isly went Into a mindc: st and asked the clerk If he had "Loving Fyva" Jlc replied, "I'm told ao by las gwtsv'1 i rr ir -, ; j. rre -tavor liaal . i Aaiamar?- .-. Tlie town alt'immer le looaled about five miles above fsrrol'a-lentil n, sad nearly tWr miles alsv tlie ntouth of Kaiamaereex.- l ne com nan v naT acre l.smi acre of land lu on UmIt, havihw puniiaed the wtiole or a part or aeveml donation or nrt--ButWMi claim, ine tract has river front of two and a half miles. The principal town site, or that part of It upon which law com pa ay will And eominen operations, la near the upier end of be tract, t Along the river the land I oWrflowvd at hlRlieat water. In Iwti, the blalieat water ever known, the high ritkra along the bank w ae about two feet binder water. i Further back th Vili of overflows' wa various, ranirrrui rronv wn- to nrrown leex. T 1 11 einp of rand Mtas aunieet to overnuw M from Tuuto 1,UU fvet wide at the upper end of tnacHy puts, and wkier at Um lower end. Whew U14 coinany liave already com nieiMvd to erect tiieir warejioitas- and hcAibiuartera, the overflnw extcntl but little way from the bank, and the land rises aradually to tlie level of the nlatoau lyluu back of the Immediate river but- torn, at tne iieiKin of list rwt rmm inc rter. Thl plateau.' Which I situate to tit heart of the tow a site, rises rather abruiitly from the river bottom to th hcUrlitof luft, foct and thcu the surface is regular -and nearly level towards the mourrtaln range for a mile or more. The whole tract may be easily and cheaply aupplUal with spring water oljtaluod on the tract. - The towu plat begins luimo dlstely on the river. Theatreet throafrli which tho railroad ha been located is biO fset wklei all other at reets are mi feet. Tho street parallel with the rivwr are named Klver, rront, first, Hecoinl, Third, etc. - 'ITe traverse -streets are named alter Oregon woods, bevinninr at the upper end of tho idat, the names being arranged in atpliauetlual order. MrDonALtVa Vixw or Fkmaui Hrr- raAoa. Calvia B, McDooald. who waa etui .loved several yearn ago to write for theHaioni ("statusf, expresses tlie follow In view of female aiiffraM In the HfF. r iro, lor which he la employed to I write: Huffrage then Is not a question of color, but of Sex. Ami what is aex T An or-1 dinatlon of nature for the perpetuation ef the human race, relating only to the perisltahle Uidy, aixl not the immortal out. Tlie jmiMTisttabio soul has noi sex; tlie everlasting mtndf has no sex; th angvls' and archahgela have no sex; and tluUeUatinctlan ia anknnwn amona tho viewless throng that march the I cauaewavs Of the air: for It la unneces sary where there I neither birth nor I daath. italthev marrrbis? nor etvlna? in I jtntrrag,. and Whero ua soul waa ever I yet divorced from Ins wosom of js love. , l mm . . asMV line. II r""rt firr'"" paper that bears the In-1 acriutlnn: iul UT bisknuio duidh wllf, tlte.great, tle Ood-U!"'. imafanraHTaTtest t.''far.L' Ible. series soul! that which is to live on and on after the lust atar ahall have exidred and departed from - the desert heavtna. Why , tlstn. bolus: a cltlsen. X n 1 ay mt wunwn vote as well aa men? Hiie may own property; ahe may be sued at the law; she insr nay taxes: ahe shares alike la the victories or defeat of Iter country; alt ia equally concerned In tli welfare of society and the future of her children why then la she denied tits right of sufTrsjre tOid rper. ' . Simar Room. . Every woman Is wbsyenouah and careful enouab to se cure for Iter houMhphiiite every bit of available sunshine during the 4ld win ter months. (Ires I care Is taken to get a aouthern exposure fir llieni,. Iisleetl, If one can secure no other than -a north window for her plants, ahe has too much love for these unconscious, Inanimate t hlnrs to keen them at all. Hhe would loave tliem In tlie cold, to die outrlKht, rattier mail linger out a martyr exlnt rmv In the shade. K Folk TletNl'sUnshTne quite as iniM'h as idantsito. Men and women who have a ailr deajree of strength and .tlm-Hao of their leKs can get out Into the world a ml get a glimpse of sunshine iHiwaixl thcn, ami, If they choose to do so, let them live in Imm with only a northern ex posure; but. If It 1 Muasibky 1ft US sc cure rooms In which every rav of sun kIiI ne that fall In winter may enter for me name wun aretanut up in tne nousc, Invalids who cannot leave their rooms, Bud Bind noonle Wlloer toolnflrm to act that these chwse or emmis. If kri fn lug Is better tlian a geranium or fuschia. it us make anmcaacriftcea. If need ls. In order to give the feeble fwies their simmim tit ainmlilliA ' WXP MHAKTH. AofioN, lit very Tr r-ll-W xn l atH ( 1 rants. nlafi- wmte fortenf mteres. Tin total area of the United Htatea la In round aumlsrra, eNo,aMJt Brres, of which oaiy alMMit mst-kfth or uu,(KM,iMai acre haa been reduced to private ownership. Four-fifth ar at 111 at tho-disposal of th United Htatea. The entire area of lands f lvcn away by the United Htatea up to he close of 1 809 ww l,n0,(iil ncrea. TItc Jand f which the Unltol states lssuel patents' last year amounted to about 7.U70.IMI acres, fonr-ftfth of which were cash salca and homestead entrtra; while, tua wind amount certified to corporations waa less than 310,0110 acres. It appear tnt the total sale maile by all the railroad eotnpaalfS and other IncorptsraUotat, Including town sites and Ma, -amounted hi a year to less t han one- ehrhtb of the area of htnd sol.i by-the tJovenrmcnt. At this rate It is sliowa tliat it would nwiulra STrf) Vears Asr the tMIULompaua to dbipuaa of their tnds. . . . - v , . .... ; Wuiclt i Woaart A. nua com- ptarned hefore'iudire Kawyer, of the Kan Francisco Police Court, lately, of hi daughter, only U year old, for disobe dience, ami Die court ordered her to b committed tKthe Imhistrial HchooL The poor girl wept bitterly, etdalming aa tb officer km ner away, "IwpBfl. wii go home to my little Ulcr. Don't aend me away. . i'a herer' The bru me away. , 1'aist, come, to me, come thth parent only laarhed and warred hi i bead, ami the ludjre was foroed to my to hlin.'tio to your diibL air; go to tlutt girt" .; S e do md. know which was the womti tha father tn disregarding his child's entreaties k Jlli..iudgeioiitmi the girt to a bouse of refonnxjloTi ft crtmot.. umler a eitarg or mere disobe dience. $da iMtt OftUpo iWftanc, , : r' -'IS Sli ISIS I uJ. ; I . ;Frau Bismarok. temkt tab vary rdalnrJ 1 tilted--., 't-.4,i' i -,i(4 ' I V AUCE. OAST'S BttEfEST ' TQZXl Df sll IBS toaatind plcturs ,"" ' ' Thai asn oa Bteuturys sutU, hejrMrof'4lnolIBifMt.'f " ' " TBsl sesawU tostafsll;. v.'r. ii nstajrmrwattadmiucdasa, V. Ww " aaUst.T. ; -v r ?H Bsr laa vkdsts soldea t ' -, - THat,prhikUlh vale betov . Mat thr th mllk-wbua lilies ' ' That Isaa ftom the fMsrsat Bed," a. , veusttlng all oajr WUa Utasnnseaan, AuJ snMUtng their rk( ; Hut ktr llir vines oa tits eylsml ' " waet the Isrittil nd VntHV Ws I ha alaas. Bar the Bale, ensnltp. is, aae the sle, sw i tesss la4ssa. 11 istwino as7rrn"ii.iihrr 1 Wltras'tkai siu aaVa i' .' f Is IBs laBorstoll II 1Mb Is I IJil s UMtklB s SrhlhbSlr, rrasasUisuHls lBat bss . - rovtd llrs Um beaatitol Wastawny ThHuiiw4pnafBnsc; Bat his lifk oa the hllli rn-w weary. ' - Aad asisaf the Aatama eaves " 1 tuatla ifst isjf MB Bastlwv i T. A sd of its fsllaw leaves. ... . . . Mj asek la a stask enihtaM . tAs thr llshl of ImauNrtsI besuly ' niiytitlr torswd hl nwe; - Aad whra Uts anovsOf saasn i'u ldlsUwlrwtutWtBt.. : ... Jls ft-IMn his sulnHlkc VsuuV. - y' " Adeep by IUe(alsor llajUU . Thetefore, of all tits plrtorwi"- .. , t TWat aaao Mentis j s asrt, - The ons at tha dim old tunftTZ? HwMu4h brl uf all. UU8TJI 000. ; I will small nr war, 111 to Thee, -Nur dnuM lUy Love, UxMh arfc thf way star i - '-' ' f War SMirrsur, slaes tha snnww Is mat 0.l; Thsi I SMuswt evea Is tits (ad. ' I will a4 sh l hansr the fnliirr yan, K.s-rlmHl tiMlsjr with ktn; I will hja ssk a llclu ftoat Hsarea nhtir- How, -u p by step, sty ptlaiiliiawr snnoM e. : Aad If the sunt srl. is In staks Ths salh Istpoasllds that I sist Uc, Vt,sa lltcrtverwIadstasisMhntaaaBiiBs base, Ttowsy wlllbrlKhleaBpBJklsnat. , .. Jf Hs still, my IwHteil Ihr tafthnd to tajr Uwd, , AadjMirr aad true and tried Ills liuly Wwdf Tbmu(h Mocm; B,xJ, Ihsl rsrsUi s the ara, His eaasisKS My stspwln sOatss hTTfcs. . y1mmmaBassssassa : '. ). ' I Norm.-CVa Foa twrTrrrio?. Alexandre Dumas published some time ago. in a dally Faria paper, a, novel, in which the heroine, prosperous and happy ,1a assailed by ennsunitlon, " All the elow and rradual aymntons were heroine. - de thilomleu hsvHmvw Tou aunt-' posed the end of your story now being fuiiiBiii lit tne - "Of course." -ir.i'--"Hoes thesWeaiwe die at the' "Of our dice . of r eonatiaitloii. After such aymnbins as I hate dcseritie, bow could ah liver' .. ,,t , "You must makeherlive.l You must change the cataHtropbe,"' y 1. . . "I eaanot M -4.-- --- "Yea, yoo roust; for anyone tierotnc's life depend my dauKhtera.V 'v" i . 'Your daughter's?'? "Yes: ahe baa all the various symp toms of consumption, whfih you have descrlbeil, and watohes mourn rally tr every number of your novel, reading hef own fate iu your heroine's, NW if you " make your heroin live, my daughter, whose IniBiflnatlon has been deeply lm prtMMl, will live too.", m , flut "t'ome. a life lo jMtva ia a. tempU lh,n " - t i "Xidtobcjoacd."- IHimaa changed hi last 'chapter. Ill heroin recovered, and .waa haiwv. LAbout Itoa yeara aftorwards,- LKiutas met in Marquis at a arty. v "AW Dumas 1" he excUlme.1, iet tne Introduce you to mv daughter. Hhe owes her life to you. There she is VTj "That Cue, hauiUgnt woiuau, w'ho- looks like tlie Joejma dArcr "Yea. Hhe Is married, ami ha had four children." : - "Ant wy nqvet four UUons,w told Dumas ; f so we are quite." ; , , j, , s t There is a voung lady of vast wealth residing In tit vkiuity of Union Hquare, who emidoy her leisure and pocket money In btiylng cloth, muslin, and calico by tha wboiumle, aad cutting it into garment. , 8be takes her carrlareP and xoes Into Lsuua and by-ways, alvins; wvtrk to needy eople; and when finish ed ami llsrally stld for ah generally lawtoww tire nminirtaMw" garments on those poor" men, end their wive ami children, who "fought ami bled", in the late war. Kmie ar turued from her door without the help that maketh the aean gutav one lamiu to rje.nigniy ooninilshed. . ajrreeable. ntodeat. I aaeks happiness in doing gotsl. Hhe; U devoted to her good -work and a dear relative! and haa refused, the hsnds. of some of the bjadlag men. ef th aa- tioa. -V, .J'. JlcvoitU),, ,T.t -U)., f . - -1 . . . . .A Wonian'a ChrUtian AshocUIIoiIv is about to be incorporated at Hcrantnn. Penn.- A lot of land and five handled dollars have also beea donated In the same place .for tlie purpose of swta Mish it); a Home for Frlcmllcas Women. . Tlie Home of the Womau's Christ bin AasiMuttion In Cincinnati I especially intended at k toArdn(nOTn for young women wtiaaa wajre ar under aig dol lar a week, ami-who ilaslre flmssnl, aalutary BssoolBlLoris. i Over eat hpu- dred have been - admitted daring tlm present year. T- Tha pride -ef heard I .& a week, and thoae not aoia-to pay. thla amount receive. asBlstonoai tlie report- shows that ba three years past more thalrahrea hundred airiai aavrw rn Joyed, the -ad vantage of the. home founded by the Young tomca'sCbrie- uan Association, s . . 4,. The Pioneer Silk Manutkcturlng Com pany have tasded a Pms peril us for or ranlilng a silk rulturiat aad aanufsiv toWs eu-oiwrati v union, with a cs pita I U SI CL. lUin. Mm 1.1,1 tHA 11 IH1A share at llnO cash. The movers In this' enterprise, I)r--ia Ck- Yatos aad eight porehase Of Moss ra. Beard dVfcil ealled en nlm. . - -v - - I ..''Xuma.'.' .aald int. their Han Jose Mission property cor s f -? talnlng 4, TDO acre, for the sum of t-.2 .: . ' - BfC aBna..skicsi taaesel lsnM..r.i..t. 1 . . V v ,. i . . f c1 "1- ' r- -it. 7-- wet tlk. 1 Mv' ! 1 '' t t il .! til ' otsttf fim j a ; 2 -r -1 - - . I - - -t i j - - - :- . ' ' - mm mxmav "'- "ii - im - mw asm in