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About The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1871)
ni',;',4;;i: imnwAT, rjriet. mmr-THr4 ooai Wa-4rtoa) . Ih .m.-,i i.. ta lt't MiMMeaJ'. linli'4 -liiWtif iu riilulr uJ lU hi'ii Mix. im M l.ivf ImKn, oiij Tin n mull!) R...U- .1 in lttu ami Kl.lil Wnli il ll.t Mj- . rritMM, far aovakti ISM . I . I HI AIV KMTlnlC MKKTSt Til Alt' In Mkr lU MMr to oaaaitle tb dlfftrent bearing uf thi. wonderful doe uuuHit, we roeed to DUk It agveraj , .rUcJu, -cUoii. " 4r,B ' ,Wi' n-gulirnnW, and aholl me l ,h" in full that t may place It properly Vie-fun- (he puhlk Article flint, acctlou one? We. the uulerlgnd, do hmby apil to your honorable laaly, aiuJ,.dpoire rtfuU to ntr.ur pruteat agabwd- on exten (Ion of mtTrage to wwiw;" Jimt tier we pwua to UmmIt who I Ahaira PhelV Hm Oalnlnhmg" boiIum of thi uawtrmanly prof cat? Why fent 4u- rudlut? WI'.T dWt alu) hkk Uhluti the Initial of lu lord ami tao tcr, da the wife f our worthy Senator, the beautiful and "ahrlnkliig" Mm. Henry W., wIkj, Ilk henaelt, im agine thai ahe w capable W dictating lo tlio tolling wonifii of Anierk-a coir cerniog what they IM "' 1iat tl?y ball not do? Wo repeal, th ituoaUou, who in AJiiiira Phclpa, wilh th. UU of Mra? And why la It obligatory un Arr t aeek to aliridge the Inher ent right of th womnof Amcrka? Wr have riffhl to know all about ber, and we auk for information In the ho that auiuebudy' iuay eidlghten u con cerning thi iu-If-coi..Ulutud dh-tator to the Congrea of tbeae I'lilted rWatca. hi ahe the wife of wtiue pr man, who ha uev.r been willing tu beetuw UpoW her the comfort"! Wo? I i u prllcl, aa are half tle mother of men, In addition to performing Uie bouaehokl laliura iinwwary fr a UrK 6unil-, to io fxtra work at half wmir in orWf to provide ftmd for hemetf ainl ehlklren? And dora ber huidand ever lue kit Lih preroKKtl a rul-r f hJ rIni U iot leet and upend her earning at the gntf Mhop or framing Ublef Io her earning"" ftotoenrh'tt the keepera of den of It fajuy, lil. U wlveaaial niotliera a nV nltxt the rlirht to UfrWlate out of elat eiHH? Ii ahe, an a working woman, fur wlumi el(lit hour lawa are nwrer uiaW, U1 lor half waitea at douhlu work over t lie wah-tul or In the klU heil, with no hope of promotion, while a man with half her Uralna, being a fofrr, mi with balf her aianduity au4 Uith- fulixwa, work hla way up to aime hlf h ortl. e where UUr la Ilirht and pay la .ju..t? Vv. vrllv. for tboucb tui to tbe time of the puMiealiun of Utla peti tion we had never heard of Almira ItuJja, yet we know that Jtht. kJUO haulutely notulns peraouaily , of Uw wntaxifwaut; that ah uaa never earned . mt ilnemi't know the real KIUT fk " the amount of dollar, and kwowa no more whout the hardablpa of the Women who toll ftr brral than we know about the intrigue ami wlre-pulUnir a nan engage in when be wanta ofttiw. , tectlon teriMMt: "Ami In the flrra le llef Unit our petition rereenti tle aoher eonvictloua of tbe majority of Uie women of the country." We remember tbe fainoua peti tion of certain mbrtaken but over aealuua colored men who, daring the (real rvU-lllon, bucouitn aUrnied ' at tbe proapavt of a a)Mwdy rele4Me from tMHhktfre, prwared and rireotated a pe tition containing a rlanne mo like thl one that we are Inelliied to U lleve that the name head wbleh eon- celved the one hath hrourht firth the other. That petition fell, like thin one ' will, liefore the dawning of a lrirhter day, and It lg;nern are renieinWred, a tbiwe who ljrn thi will be, aa Worthy companion of Dame Partington, wImi tried U aweep back ill wave of tbe AUantte with a aaep. - Artk'le accond, acctlon one: "Al though w ulirUik froui Uie uotorivty of tit pabuw eye, yet we are tn deeply ami palnrUtrylipreaaed ly the rrrat peril which threaten our peace," etc. That 'SthrinklnaT from the pwMlo e-" whlrh rauwa a nmnher of niahionable butterfllea, wlto nightly flaunt tbclr (Wry-paid for by the people tlwuuKli the gay throng at the capital, to come voluntarily heftre tlte public, In the moat (til.Jui pS.ttloii wtiTcb olncn u poMHlbly awiuaie, la a tyle of "aftrinklng" whk h we utterly mil to appreciate. Jmt null "great JSrila," too, a tlwaa.' wbleh "threaten our iwace and bap4ifcM," wee. (urmii h by their colored ' protoiypca. They nev.r real ised them, however, and we take grcai pleaaure in awwwliig tlieae, tlielr fright rnetl follower, tbalautih peril will m.t vertak tJteinnnleaa, ilHlead, ' diey do get arared to death, which brn't at all likely. Their peuft-anlou and practice . too loudly conlradlol. ob otlier fur na . ta AW4 mi4 Mm m fur their nraaanl outcry. HectlfHi two: "lieoaua Hdy Sori Mre inculcate a dtnVreni and Kir n higher aphere, apart frni public life." Then, gooil bidlea, advoeat. of tlilx 'Sti It.iwnt ami hlirher niwre." w. i-nn. Jure you to o uniMinWnt j3fSfftiK ami atay there! lajSfolu frtrfn tin' tapilai fnmoAeiKK-brty of gay women ltd worry nu n; ree trying to out hlngeach otlu-r at reccptlona ami rve; lay able fllrUtlou and flm-r) ; ta Op 41 diatatf aavd apln; grind uru at Uie mtllr erk and waeh ami mend fcar your cblldreu but do keep- out ofjand engag appreotb-ea at aooM vm publb: life! . AW ' 'apbent' ' i. a kigher 1 Ad oalling, witk a view to aeMlimf theWf one! Ami when you think you have an VOL. 1. opinion don't, we pray you, "aliruk" lnt print, but Ulk to your huatwiMia about H at borne ArtkU tldrd; "Bet-auae, a women, And a full m. enure of duties care and retwMlltle dr-volving upoti ua, atid we arf lerefore inwlUhig-io brt? other aJad.htmvief burilena, and Ume unauited taoitrphyaieaj organlaatloiia." We toiling and tai-paylug, but read Ukg and ntaaonlnV wwntn, who Uy at home blW tlieae,, paraaitiM upuu the public houuty are flirting at tlte Cap ital, do not care a ninjfle straw if tbey JoM4vote. Lt UnM UwUie "heavy btinleW' mt taWliioaabl. Ufa if tliey Hfce H. VTe even doubt their aMllty to ve. A aewdble pxen-lae of the Inlier- elit right of francbia h doubtleMi "un wuiutd to their phyaieal organiaalioiia." We di not wMi to abridge their jirivil- egv autl we Hiol eiuiHMiu-aio ueujr their right to interfere with our prerog ative. HV have U.nie, awl are to-tbty bearing, "other and heavier burden." tban the eaatlnguf a ballot or lbj voting oarrteivva of aalar-. Article 4th: "Bis-auae we hold that an exUaixlon of aufTrage would lie adverae to tbe intereeta of the working wouieu, with whohl we hearttly aympathlie." That 4tynipathy" amarka of the aame oaut a. "aliriuklug from tlte public eye." If working weauea eouldu't reatl tbe paja-r thce 'Sdirlnklng," "aynipathli Ing" wlve.i of Oencrala, m-liaton. anil Adnilra!. ai tb -utf (.'iiul, w lio Uieir preaeut paaltion to tlie toil of the people, might catch them with aucb liaiL (VrUiu vidoreil pctlllotu-ra ayiu aattbtaed uiol lieartily with tbe Uves I Mil It waa all the good It did them. They (tbe xlave; ruhel right on to freetlnlu and victory. Arth k fifth: "Beoauiw UtU change muat Introduce a fruitful element of dltfcordintbeexlating marriage relation, which would tend to the infinite detrl naent'of cbi kl n-a, and increaae the al rady aJarnilng prevalence of divorce throughout the bind." WluWb, being Interpreted, uieana tlial tlwae netlttuian rrawtn fa Ux madC riage relation becauae they are' wm pcllud to di ao." Tliey aeviu to reaTTae that it would not do lor tbeui to vote. Weil, we believe they'd better not. We do not advocate an Increaxe of divorce, aud any woman who fcar Uia; tbe frau- eaiaa would aAbct ber iu tbia way had better deal. Article atxth: "Bocauae no gcm-ral law aitectlug tbe couditiou-of all Jr- titav ahowkl -bo pawd ta weot exoep- tlonal diacouteiit." Thla artlcie upaet the theory of . the wlaul petition, and the (act that tlie petithaa eontaina It leaMla ua to hnja- tliat tlieae bwiiea J"av&t Icarnhe value of a moral obligation, and tbe BManiug of aa inberent, Inalienable right which riaea alnve aex, eante nr complexion, aiid eatabllahea Iteclf piii the eternal foundation of univeraal liberty. Arttck? aeventhi "For theae ami many more rcaaon do we teg of your wi dom," eU;. - Aa theae "inanv more reaaoiat" are inereirally .pared un, we of courae can- not give them that attention which we boe they merit. 1 " - " '" - I1 -'- i -FASJH0I8 F01 LADLE8. No matter how Kale the tilj.-t of ilre may I?, no mutter who may laugh or acofT at It, yet none can deny tliat there really should be aaenaible uianlwc of arraying the human form. How to tire. iM-autlHilly, appropriately, ii-oliom-tuailA- ami health fully i a matter in which no jK-raou auould he aaliaiaed to take reaannalde mtereat. We ohaerve much beauty In Uie varlou atylesof Iu exiwnaive jpaaJa. White material, auch aa lawms Miualina, piiiMw, organdie gml llneiaa, will he much worn; while buff linen, and a new Ilium tmlied ha tbite, fin lulled iu tiny tri, will be a Mafibmahle a the anme atyle. of good were laid yeatl For cheap, pretty ami duraldc wear, notiiiag cau CUaJ tbvli,,, ,iWVuim on the tre,-ta, alluring itiaimon 'Vaiii-odre." You may make i u,v- to tuiMuperam-e; great apbb m alt It up aa Myltaniy a yoy like, call It cnintx, or any otin-r more nigw - ouul - i"g -namer but It ltWi l.-autiful in Ha Itnglit, pureMmplklty. Much waahlng Win md fale1t, much Wearing will not )ai It, and no matter how limited tbe. wearer, mean, it rheapitea luakea It available. Motlicra, with mall Income ami large mmlllea, may well reJoi-e at thr lelgn of calico. . In millinery tlie gliy atyhw arc all the rage. Tliey are v-ry hecourfng toyoutli- ful fa.'e, ami their neat ami ?eTty tli nun I iu help to frwduiu up the fea-tun- of the Ltdinl aud careworn. Kverylly diould trj' to baik a retty aapoaalbU, not 6nrHtlng that a rcaaona uierrgaru mr one- ,. nd cimlirlon, a uenouMi uy j haand color. bvhleiM-e 11 I1MIIIIV pTTIIlTl'ljr , Tbe "aamlowu" Itata, otherwise ty led tnpay nat," - "aa ulrriulaml The aw silver tlpad aboca are nov-l ami tieeoinliig, Imt their .high prire ren der, them unavalUblc for the majority of our mMi-pruducin4,overilroingdi4Ia uf aoeirty. The heat thin for theae ahbaaabb belle 4do4 4oeeoae-4k4k I ing au much about lajraonai ad,rninenC eea at antoe ateady bwdneaa wbea ' 1 PORTLAND OREGON, FRIDAY, thev ball have beeoiue effluluut La It. I )uu'4 be afraid of apoiliug your hano for matrimouy. Pbnty of "tiargatn" will reabr ftr you when you are aide to "auppurt a faiully,1" ' l riBHiois roa OLJTLEMEI. Men care nothing at all for faiddonfc' Of oourae tbey duu'ti Hucb lnflulteai anal rtiiiiUritiMt aa go to furiu tbe UKidern hiak-op of a nudiloiuibie . i k woman are imK Iu le lolerateil iy Ijie v atroUg-tuiMikal lord, of tbe aidvftlk,rll knMt, ao tbey Bay, and wo airaht they lllingly make ua U-llrA c. Hut It'a no uxe talking, gi-utlenicn," vihi lu jMty great attention ly tlui frmlilonn. Vur boot heel are aa high, yiturkid glitve a faultUaa, yout bala w atylisb, uul your bow ami cravat, a "kJUlutf,'' u t'l veriest In-Ue'a alive. We learn from your gnxctte of faahluli, the aagm.'lou New York Twitm, that "rich, aoft, deep blue, Itoi-olal., b-b aud auediier-hkv .Mil other aad' tint, are uaefl aa relief om tbwk roUiMU," though cHM-enilng tlu aulwtaUMv that foruui the baaiaof the "icnainab" tor audi "rrllef," we are left in IgnoraiK-e. Tlie "wfyh-a are like th nuiterlala, plain, tmt icrfcct In fit ami liape. The front of your xatt aklrt are to lie cut away, dbtplaying th inaf clilc fit of the iuntalooiu." Tlie "Jn-M toilet i laveinbr pauU, cawiitncre veM and coat of basket of lUaguual clotii whatever that tJ, wtth. -xe-liiifHy fine trlj." Colorvd xltirtis with tripc aud cloud ed mixture are tlar wiaat faniiionable. "Iflecktle have cn-pt Into niall how, can-leiwly conflnel umb r tlu- chin, with abort eiuU. Drab gloM will take tlie lew! fur the promenade," aial, and, ami, there' a boat of rtrWr partluhir alaiot your toilet; but really, KcutYvnicii, we cannot do tbe ubject Juatice.! tlentleuien care nothing for the- faah lona! ' 00IIE8P0IDE1TCE. Tbia dcMirtinent of tbe New Nokth wkmt la to lie a general vehicle r ex change of Idea concerning utiy ami all matters, that may tie legltiuaasVly dia eiimed lti6urcolainn. Kliwling It ractt caMy ImpiMwIble to auawcr each coiua poiHk'iit by private letter, we adopt tbia niude of eouuuuiUcatiou . to aave our friend tbe diVapp.dntn.ent that would ofherwiae accrue from our I liability to an- weruieiruenea. tvvcoruiaiiy mviie i vervbodv tliKt ku . iioittnn tn lutr . -I - auggeaiion ro maRe, oramnuhllng to give to oontrllu( to tbe (''-orreajMindetit' Column. Miaatwrrte Jt., HixthVtreet, K F.: U. I Amann, of rbileai, Oregon, i the wtiole aalc coiiMtkiiu-rj- mtumuu-turcr Ui whom yw can Hly reliable iniuf mation. We regret that a pre of buat nca engagi-mcnta prevent oar acelng liliii peraoiutiry. tn your Ix-luilk Tliluk v..i n.lul.t l...l-.... l...l. 1.. w. w"vwt VHWwmaj yw , ,rr id- greatly lien. aiame uitenor I aregon town. Aloany, Conallia, Kugenc, Hcls ItrnwnMTlIle, Harriaburgi Lafayette, laybn ami Mc atinvill are growing town, ami "awoet tectli'aUiuiid In alt of them, while the couutry people licrc, a cUcwlicrc, arc noted for their low of coufeetionery. A viy acii ptable pre lit, at any time, from a main to hi i.iaaie i a pound of "ukwuVa" fcawly. Mafy W., Walla Walla: A neat aa ortnivit of cheap Jewelry would doubt lea, "talut" quite, wi ll in a country vil lage, and thepmflta areffiaal. Few r on g-t credit now for wearing expwi alve Jewelry, a the, Imitation la.aluuajt ptirfavt iuaiipvaraiice, ami i.ur-bdngly durable. -. Mr. 1'., Uak IS.iirU If "yoarvl(aml four Uttm boyV jyo reaaniuiMy livaithy you cannot do ISotter thgn to engage In uutrket ganh-jilug. Small fruit ami early vegetable, yield iuli k and pruAta ble return. We do no4 "advlae yna to eHne to tlie city." You hare little' hha of the expeuac of city life. Under uuiu uiade law tli. city ia a wn-tchoii. abaic for a widow' i Mlilri'ii I.icenaed ruin' M.,,i, ugly raia part, on tlie tn-et our 1 ner. a-1th their ccll-w jTiMllii rT el ahiraTpT va aavllia-to l.v a nlalnlv a. idcr can apeaW "W ill you, will you, will you, ' " -lll ,-,., will you walk ., Mr. Jb.y ?" IVrdoii the pkiglarbau; we couldn't help it. Tlieii tliere' are trap, wore than the.-, Into w hich Uiyaaml girb. are often allured. Tliat there are many atlvatU age and great g.Md in the citie., a well aahnTTUircpwVT-Ii eeiks and when the woiik u get the bal lot, that We may have hmccc tolegi late the above named evil out of exlat enrrrwi hone to make the ctlhi aai 1 lb-a lor lua-rieii.t and rapidly ih-veroj.inar humaattj Mra. M. 1-- JL, rorvJbiir'lany tbauk ftjjftfflfnd Mter, whb-U e Tiave gnawcrcd privately had time pernilttexL' There I a a yet no iiml right tuwH-lalioti in IxilamL VVi- iiil to organ bur a aodety aooii. You w ill he n mil.rtv notKU,! ,JT m,r .i . kP.L , ,, pMHyrea. through the column. Glad to ha v your name a rcprewntatlve. from your charming banality. Verily tlie luav.u ii-working mrjK, Wf a'ere unabU to decipher the name of tbe k-ctMMr ywu moatioB. tsbouki be paaI to meet him ai our ortW.- -: Mr, K II. B.. Kngrue; rufllngkand ' Fr Speech, Free Priiv Ja. People. . - j rucninga wth wvwn iwore in ,u...c a . a. ii.. ...11 Aa.M.i.' fbalbl.iJie. l ble. Bl.. fH U much trdruv ' tripei daaMUM fnlda Jinl III glf iMtrlnaa. Kttiirtta Immm tnailrrwlre t he. k.f tifk. foe atr.t Wear, M 1 1 aW tn.JZm. l- --IJ., J-ll.. tMiiwt baa iKMOnaMiaiaaiy aaalav. failed, hewt-al ajerj- uie. mail iiave been imd id Ua pnUaria We aat guav v... ni i im .. -i-.i .7 . 7. " . ' ry ailk ar mipaua, uurteeo w tpTaa 4otai or twoiwe f laatriaw 'lor Mail. ; Ualluoti frUig-e ia frotn Hfly vtmta toonai ikdiaf par yank owing to 4b atniilv Quipure -otmpir-ioa, Ca-nAAetwuta j to four dollar lllCbtUeria oaat-vdiiaily - HU- iBi-iuM wlile. liM-a4 va tai all aluw avtail -at gw. dollars. Haaenti rdvwt aaai b veivevwm at tluwe. AU ar. murk uaed for triaMMing. Mra. M., tVirvalll: Tlte glr'ay lwi- m-t ia hdng worn -ack froin the re- 0j,,H1BU ln-twccu'iluit aud "Uie laidium Ai-pb-guii-head. lJrge flower continue Irt vioh j CuUb tl - at it! TliutiaHi l'cll"r. Ui- ' fJnk"' Wceonf.-. that w, an unri-i( and are very ekienalvc. M. !., an v ana: l nur iiaugmer : ciulit get a tilace In our millinery catao- I llahriieht, provided "he could get boanl ami mfhftng with aome goial family re filling near. We could not accommo date her In that matter. f. K. It., Oregon City: Your jx in i aivcpted, ami will ap-ar a wmiii a we run niak. nim, Ytu Will HuU tbe put h ia nteratur. a very luUviuuueral ive otn-. I'adea you puaumi tliat aatliuaiaam aud love for coiupnaitioa which will caua yj to writ, and puhhVh alu-tber you ' " " "" 7""' '"iNUiall, ami when It waa lini il.l.. for fort wlU iater amouat to a ' ponuaiary i iheui u U ihI one linger joint. 1 have eoiaddi-ratliau." Prrliapa one writer in I tkvm tkoUHaud iMieome funnaea. tVr- i Ulnly notoiH- in ten tuouaand niak j money. e haive written ami ulliliet. during tin- paat twelve yeara, enough of poeaia, akelche, uritieUma, b-tter, etu., Ui., to nil half a doaea volume, uni for all -thla bthor we have never received atlbtaMat rHm -rattan to y for axper and pnntago. T Uoat aay tki io iMm eoamge you. Ifyia realty pnaai the 'divbw efNatUa," yoa won't yiebi to d) l( Hope voO will rait nf am if at i hi r office. taLUwr Wtteea will be aiK-weinii next week. . 1. ...v - 1 i' a , Wouiaa fittfiraf ia Wywaing. 4 Ttl. Ail lArti . IIM ,n.l 1IWWHMI AIIV. ( otrttiutlon are aent from K.igvm jty Many thank for kind word-: , . . . , ..... . . 1 ...... f..)iTuj, xaw JtoaTiiaurr Dttir Minium: WeliaVe bean I of you and of fhe gihalVork ybu have liiuug uratHt, aud take jilinun- in eiidtlig you the fotlowhtg' i Xi-vtli-iit . tt-.-ftoii from a contemporary, which wc urc ure will lutcrcal your rcuiler. We WouIJ uuatt, ruHia-triiUv ibilii-Hte the followlug wholeaouie truth Io Mr, tl W. t ori tt, Mr. I. IMtlon, your-i lfaud Laii oincr n iiiiiu n inav i-oiii-,-ni. uiul .... " . . . il.ori'liv Succe to you and yuir great undcr Uking. J. R Following 1 the urtlvle to by mtr corrcirriondcnt. It 1 a complcb and Irliinipriniit vindication of the charge ma.le by tlioao ulio rppre e j ... u -f wffragv for Women that they would dlajnicc thcinctvc by t cXcrclc : llmiltti fjiramk. annuni-t .) AI la4 tbvx-auae of wonmii nuttraic lut iM-cnuie reKx'tald-, and we know a k -!. Our own Territory ha liii the (Irat political pfiwer on earth to trv i th- more prora-r for her conliUratlon TTiil mr t lie rhrM.iaf woman under tin the experimcot nirlv, both In tmt eti- thnii wanting time In galddlng nlMiT ' Fourteenth and KUte. ntli A iiiciiiIiim nt actmeiit or law and in carrying It into voting. Hhe nheyed the atiiatl voice a- to ibe t.nititutioii. I lu- Houc vole. I etli-t. atliange - It" may' a--'in, we I a true nwather .In 10 Id. ami -ilewei .1 it b4l' in favor to U'j aguiii'.t the n olul ion. have iMurer iieen CB.I1W1 it a woman , oulj' mother can. In fact v the wb- To ! urc there i a mle, ndnpt.-l l,y the right organ. We wry seldom alhate m-ciiio.1 to imprv new notiuimof vom- Hue yearn an, precluding tin- ne of to tlie auldect, and thW only Joat at lauly pmpricty Into lu r hcud; iiml h..'ll Hall Tor any nievting In a bleb Un aome critical time in the prrigreaa offaentwonl to the aaaeiuMed i.terliool , Himim- iloc- in it jmrtii ipulc. liutajcar event. We Iter, lut v. tried tlie xper- j that Sbaimatio ih-ti.-' wouhl prwrent aeo when 1 lie IjilMirCongnw nut In the Imciit fairly ami prin-tlcwlly. We have ; lwt from i4yl'Ag l limr iiit.iiib.1 'city, they akel fhc nc of the Hall, ami tcated 11 in what were Upcd to hve . for her. Tti oth,CwoiU, bc In-uded tin- 1 it wbm not a .llrtlcalt took to cvmle the been Ite moat vulnerable pnlnlw: VTrth- rornr1naf -hcr hkhy rather ttiuu tlie j ml a eareully aonU-tl n-Nolutioii. out giving htftinie tn flt hora-lf dar tbe I mtba of thoae who dlaregardlnir nttn-; giving it to iIiom; nun i-laimiitt; to rcp- ia iiaiiv aiiu renniiunil lea eiHilerreil uimiii lu r, we have place.1 woman lu all i auAinJiing Ibeir wuuiaiiliood l.y w.iUi tnc tiitml trying prwitlnnaliiciilciit ti the 1 lug le-au' they mnrnit -vofi-, ami iu-lltk-al fraoealw. We haveplarcd her ! dulge In other dclmalng and cour Ua tb. haliitlal bench ami In the jurv I ainuMewtewW gtweHliy moma;mlicd by box. iu official lajaitiona, and at the polf man. It wk Im iwilwr mr tiiem and d 11 ring tbe beat of tlie lunrt exciting jio- their hualud, Uicir ruliitivifs tiicir !x llltcal eauvit. wc have ever ' known, anil for aot-h-ly, If more m mm n would We-dM nra) aimply ennn r upon woman ' hle.l the vnii-c of the iml-, nod tnki tb. right to owmpyauch official jaxdt ion I their departure ftym .rrcanmtiublnn- aa liualli im- Hinie.1 10 uer iaie, nut wc 11 11 1 r 'eifloed ber to alo In-ar all theburdcu , other female wIhi are i-intaiity xcttiiu.' all II ne t . itli I f Wfr n,.w j,herc cvcnbi t lc naymcnt up a dlflb-ulty with I In- Juiilin le- n. uiul tolairco, of the poTI tax. liaTdii njTTaScTs at the auae tbev wTe nof'liorii wll h hn-i-ch- .!.. . . Mm .lit..' .... : hialory of the "afflilr, It eem m-an-ly r""!rtT."' T"' J'"'" )'vX H'' i arc iruui rne nnTTCitu. ua iiiii.1.11 ilectcd ,. '..m J. . 7 .. .V ' tothla trying ordeal, heciUaefta triumph la an much more antlnftn-ton-. Fen-nnew1irtlia ntwdloif it know the larpx- element Of enn-rvatlani lu buiuaii oat irre know how atrorig arc the prej udice of pre-emiccjvad opinion and tbe Influence, of early education. Wc here had a fair aharo of It, cad the Woman utftagv btw bal UU tnenttintcr among u. , The feault hn pmveil t aio ttilng great ly o the credit of the male pnnioU uf onr aection of conntrv. Flmt, dial we a-e had placod them, ahd a,Ton,b ly, U.t we were not ton rret foob. to learn. We aaaunic th bttt biHaue we d.. not know. iI ail 1 now. -who. wUi (lge that theex ainve. We " ""7 " wvnm nc rin- ie.uprivileKrUkeo.w.y 6-141., Uu-iadie. uf our Territory. All tbe iiK lit mare vW- HIBH W'tlA Will Territory AMilred pmi" Poivimi np hyirvrriab iniaglua- lion a hoot wofueii "nnaexliig tlem BvVH WegleeMak tbelr d.aa.nt Icdwtb, ami tall lug frotn hcir native uiaieoty ritv mfnrf. fo nrh mratthecTTCr Ik Bppkreni In the alljrlite(-4egTee. They were awdjmtrtupon the kvhotho.1. that man' legal enactment were can of bad enough love of Jtiatlce to f ry tjie ex-, crau-ib Ui. a t from arttdus-lictiou of porinuH.t fairly-to Irivjeonr nUT(duty In Olui wrv invumbt-nt uia.i mothers 'liir9tf'reV mnfhcra, lelMhMfvattcTir rtmf a pn f liiJJvJcaW tlie Irvlu nnultloii aIHm ,tu. i..e.. . . nuUvbiuai in onr city .the lae intetnled tnf bctf" Aft hoi.- ? T :1V. . T'l w' 1 ' I; It hl to ovrrtowl with Hot chwrfully mkoowl- , or u, thi uiU. untla,, -ii Jt.M. , '"". " . I.TK""L l"'h , . ' L u ... .11 ,a..rlment ha. prove.1 a . lly ay?we: ami any thank L. tb. , r,""': 'Vl . JrT "T - iXL wh JlklW l.o.HTre,uj. 10 not know of a alnrl ' ,.r itV Ii. uidn.n.UI .w.i.ii.ln.i. ui ,rT T '" 7 ,n . .:. 1 v ' m.J.- k u ... . .. 1 ..-- .- r - ...1 ami itu-rc ilu. ImiILIiii iii.... riauu- l uiimii ... MAY 5, 1871. iervcrung me orTcr ni nnnin-, aim mi- hMHitMaMr fiiMl aj awia n iiiAtvel m I IT; ... i lueiil l HMurwt Ten vi ur fn.iu n.. .hall look liack and amfle ai our Wlv In 1 (' Op-la aieaaa re Im .ha . upon ub 4f jurtlue, , nmUj hUU i much U-n.-lit to maiiKiuu. Wr irl nir ttie yr mn treat ortliepntrtliiit fawiltv eal.n. die uroud dlatiurtimi if having leif the van iu lhi luanll ,,1U11 hi.i- V.,IV.T.; I. Uttr tlw law. .''':' The Unwritten Heroiflfi of Faaliiuu -Bid- n WJanea- One thing inuat la.- encelcl (o hoiu en, narnclv, the grit to cudim f HUN' amount af tneonveiiienee. or even i-mf- I 'Uv liaiu, IW tb. mIw ol dre. Xoa' liUU aliuOan-Vir UUliuja . Ww. luai , have, ni! time woulit fall uio to ennui- ; rrare them alwwva, to ntv knowlfLT. 11 1...rt ..f ,.l,v.i..,.l 1. ...'... 11.. j lliff their caw la tter fliall tin ir i rxtiiHew or laiMla, aliahi llictr hca with i , wwt jiubleii urgam.- at inrlit Imhhm. Uklit liutx, ligiil glove; uul m koiuv rtuiiiii-I unib-r-irariiK iiin unit wiiin -Jiw' thonirh tlielr pmportiona niny Iw tln-n-- by luereaaeai. 'I lit" BiHch I will any for tlieiu. liut woiiu-ll! I have -eii tli.-iu j pule alxiut I lie iimulli, tiy ing lravilv I to walk on tliiN-i- n I ii- ti r-1 jif- of In i U 1 run under the middle of t hetr fret . lille every intia h and joint wu crvinir '"t in vain fur unn-v. t liuvv weii tlwiu ' .liivvring with lcHaiit lltu- iio-m-h In tliv friaify air. while they trlit. In our Janu ary Howa, to kivp (hi-lr throat warm w it b a an k I ace. 1 have aeeu llttiir tin pro I. Hiking like Mulled iauuii'.i iu glove at leant two or thri-e sle Iimi aeeu tlicm walk lullc witli a bi a wu , r I'roor cioax aiiging ov. r u iriirnii.. woru al auy tHjmt wullU1 t liecanne that Hk Velvet iit MITTvl lie 11. Aud now, jut ar every womuii out of a lunatic a lulu ought to Ih- rcjoirmg In emancitttion from long Hkirti in tin atreet, Caabbin tiemaiala that IIm-v atiall be morn. Koruiau, laiugbul, wl utlicv : arc worn, to ee a imI ijunrdu- ol uunl of mud cnilmiidcriiur tlnx- rxiH-iwii .Ilk ami velvet train; aud la-ttcr yet. etuhrialdcrtng, aa I kjimv tliey iniuM. llieir t4M'kiog ami utuivrvkirtn. . to catching cold, tin- u orlil ran urc mii Ii f.MiU U-fon- tin y iriiu ntlu r- Into tin world; no I do not wmr niouruiiiv Im tlieui. Now do you aup)aMi hoiii.ii liiu- ibeM , care ulmut "fciuulc Huffragc'.1" Not they. TheV prefer female mifl'c tIiik. It ia well to break gnninvt for the mr Of ' neiwTva, hut yti ran t lioiat wotne like that into lagaiiial tin ir will. You luive got to la-gin on little (;irls. Tu top their candy frcdlng. flu ir hot pan try htnchmajM at arltnni recve, tlielr "chili Ireli iarti- tn i4ii ih i u toclex ml ' iU uigbt, ami tbvir uuiHUtoMe lin-HM at all time, if you Mulit uoinili ilio will : ever have acna enough to know their riirlil from their wmntra, or Ln-Hillli or pbibtntlmiiiiiy ewHiuli to care, when ; their ou u five arc eiiy, w in tin r tlnM of other hiv littnl t not. Th;it i tin whnif It! ive infn hvnlrlir - aawaw utui at 11 4iital I i iraat it aa ItMaal Lai a. aaH you'll have mi need tu be jouging their' cIImiw in llii iUrii tiiiinif tin ir "liulil-." ""ipr w ill walk up ami take then. Ju-t ..l.. i.iu r. .i. ""-- "- ..': .ner i HMrrlam inn an cereuionv; and tb-v mn t more than he, elth.-r, think at. ut it. wbaf lv i- A Jby bj tkt War. "A very auiigvalive itM i.k-nl, ami which bouli( md Jiave U n uinxiKi-tc.!. i r,'1 "' I'l y1.1' .I'""'--" 1 I(pB f twr ,m,aliT HutT rare Aa. u- Uon In eiau "raia-i- n-eiHiity Th. wlio bad lo ji(iauV , liail 111 ill ilMcebuL aieW lumiH nl' I -fore ahe hcanl h'arn.ill, thonvli n"t 1 any -mean .till vnb-e, Io tin-aiit.-moni, i wa'rninar her that there wcrn otb. r ilu-' iiy una, - o lymaHiii an.i iniimi, an- 1 vueiiuoiia m Miaiiuun out im.i- ami iVoonw'' ttvj'tirsr, '1 There! Men have 1h-m frtulil.-n.-l out of common rvaxiu by the uiiiiiumivd ai-1 1 itwiith Ann inlnu nt to the 1 1.11-tilu-prlwuioii that when Muiucuidtuuliln- ''"" l'aris-nlly declared thai culonnl plre to political honor. iln-v wunl. I 11 1 women are uniutlonfiti v eiifmtichli oiiiv and for ever dlewrl the holv ! "der the previoit condition of aervl l1e1iireof ne- IhI.-' el.-iu.- of the HIWhiIi Aineml home, liaeil baabtiml and .IU- ,"" nl. There ran he 10 ipiei.ion of Uii. canbl infnuti. have la.H ii fluuntiil iu our ' they arc ' it(r.ell, unrt. r the Fwir face Until come of ll hnw ln frlKht- 'hi-iilh Ainendincnt."- .Vr-w v,,,l. emil Into negleiltng onr cvMclit duty to tliw-vuiuiMuuatadUi, rather tiuiu rik 1 the an null f oaoyloo eaini to .mr, A lliM oiK.iiiaKu .-II.., Ulnnii.. aenl dome:? trnt. Jmr eoim tii foruanl the Ma-rniui lit.. i t ri ami in ao i-aai.imie arneie wnnii rimi , tioa i. Hah FranotKoo iuAj in. .imimV of lux lxby, gud, Nd word to I , -aa-nibbl iiiuft tuilJ that : ' a..mre-,l.l inf h,h. . ..1... t.. TkV-lVnfl uTSlilTiOTai 11 haalHdpoil aaanatlmt lioaorvU nib- er to aet 11m Mnwlmlve nmn U.. pie aid tnat Irclill ng lady eluiier m-t I fur truant kaJVhoml and father In ftd- : (Irm-; ami weAiOobt not tliat the wia of ' to , it ronL'-tnimici women Me- . . - . iwrmm mat wuin, n 1 t:...IIV n.l mrm nt In-llnl t J, l... V',f""-h' 1 - ....... ... mwrvv ii,, 1 I, .ImIUm mJ . ... L.k I u 4.1: ' J 1 i.'.i. i a . oilloluuieufn. AillOaI eXilU lit t ikiii' or r-n NO. 1. me nm r nf the Fti iMtrtrr uimlil I woiibi in- net-l noMt hiiv if r wM4ill if liualli' III liU tastw, abi iu iilf toiiiiui I :ii llir woiiuin lie .lu-, biinl" .V. i-7i Tke 8tadrirt' Sau1tory Tlii- -.i. y .-i n I t)i..rouK'lil r ij-rc lilt!- .nf.liciitii, xraaferw t;i.l -I vc iin.l rptoii, i-Jilnr., .iix it- iKiiih ;il - tcillioii. V, irlmllv m.c,i,i . invii., 4. to "exchange." The fnlluwln v- ci-llciit nrtlib on "Tin- True AV..ii,;,ii,-' ' from tin- Man li tmnilicr, ini- that' tin- tul. nl of lb,- r,.rtluM. A. ii.l. niN f urv Wide uaki and -. iimU. Su.-, ( -w .. (In in. I ,f- U M iliai , . in. l.-i-iur. i ui;iiii- .-immiiIi.. i.i. li.., wi,..-r.. i Mm, -l...ul.i i.u. ,.r n,.t ih.. u -' fri. n.l-..i " . ,.uulMen. . b, ltf w ""'-"i .rol... Hi, ""r '"" " "email aa well in- "" .'ir. .i iucican uuuil uuimu 1' i.U. I- In Ui't iuiu of III. iiu -luiul.l lake I In -11 Iint of tlil- vri-at inii-tii.ii. I.ut e are riiflrelv unaMi- to Hii-(iiif for "oim -of the alalciiieiil ui ul, in in. lur. , ut lucb llH-nuoveexl luct i-.u -am-4e. He take tin- ol.l. nlitio-t wholly -ploilt'l tlieorv. flmt "tbo- mIui nrcc thai wiiuuui aiiouki v.u- ae- not Hie l-at ti n iiilx ol hiiiiii ii imr miv tbey euimlil-i-1 h- -iii h Hy the true woman?" f t us - i' tMa iBt-rt'aratil. Uen r-pr i . n -Iui.iii. nt will In, 1. 1 toetlu-r. Who I to Ik the jiKtire, anionir tin wnmnli, h to ,n i tlieir true fru-liti ? W e u-k in IImi iiuiuc in! coiiiiuou ciine, la it Io Im tin- wouiHii wlio lia- I..-, ii nariil In luxury, iti--niciit cntln-lv iimn a father nr liuahaml for herihtilv litva.l. or i it to be til. woman Uliauk (iil ihere re litany of ber cla.i lm liu Uilill ami iit.i-1-..-ifulh kuiu- forth to luittU iie:un-t n world i ti. by tin-jin-ju-illci-a ami i ii-toni- of aire, ami earn an lliine! ll vrlilioo.1. Mini iu uialiv iiwhui luiln rlnlialilc uaiu j Triii- it i, that it i- iifU ii tin-1 a. tliul linc one of thc- ituiMcrviittvc, nut I- 1 nol i :il, i'i-.ow crealurei. of tlie nmle ex, alter linteiuu- Ui a hIhI.-iiu iiI ol tin iiu.-oii why women claim the Imllot, iiofaxa j.riiK'ni' Inn a :i riil.t, liak litg tlielr lii-ad" iu a i-culiar. .li iiiti ami w hhi liner, with a lilaii.l huhU-, t xrbiim in a mlroiii.onx tone of voire, ' I !' I In- i all vi-ry wi ll; I. in t tin- trm w.i un ti ilont uiint to vol.-'" Xmltlicn, iroliul.l, b luni Io Monte tioll-tucoil duiifcliier of luxury, wiai nev er iuv'i' the ulye'l a tlmuuiii in lu-r III.-, ami uk lu r it I lint i not mii' uiul we ari' orry to iir-tehe irciu-ritllv i-oiillnn hi -tat. -iiii-iil, Hut are we to take m-h a uoiiian a- u n.inie of our "true wom en'.'" Arc we not rat lu r to look for the opinion- of tin,., who have c. ii wlmt life-, field of lotion renllv i? I'lMMe a I in, Im linxe-wf 44ng ntiuiamm Jilitc) trutge, Ciluciite.1 llM-utael vea iu-U-ilei lully iijiial to any nuiti in the Hill ry '.' Ian Tifh wonieii n l,urn-tla Mott, Al.l iy linteliiiiMon, I,uer Slolic. Alitolll- elle llrown, Suwn 11. Antlioiiy, Olyin - pi;i nroaii, Ajiiia IMiaUaii )ii kMoujitT Fiiiinv Kern. an. I Ml laKhrtrnTiail Hamlltm. ny Unit "I that woiimii bouai yt who agree an not tin lH t frit-mix ol . u ujfil-U-lux- an- thev oii-iHi IX.-I n- -n.-lrli the true woiilan Wuiau Suffice. Mr, iura I 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 ir JoHmo. in a -IiihkIoii I. u, r to ili Imbaiiii iVi(' ii, t . .limn lililm mi the refiMil of tlie lion-.- of Id pr. -.iitat I vi- to Mm. WihmI hiaiMl Mr. Hooker, ami lin- rk'lit of Wl t04.' ll, villi- IMMinr llw hulirie. lllll and Klfn-entii . mi ll. Inn nl, wrile- it toljo" - ' A -i. iiinl mii mi I lie ' oiuaii iin l Ion' ua- Im.l la.l M.HiHv, ntnl I Kin -orrv Io ri-.rt that It lw iks-id-ailv liiulu-uiu.-r.oi lie- arl of thelioune. M. Uiibull ami .Mr. IwiU lla IU-.I Ii . r ITiik.-r Hked the in' of the jloii-of iti-iinwtilntive for the imrrwiMC of dl- n . ni mun i n iniiiinii ni vnioi. VI Inn the uromen of tlie country, ri-prcentlng one-tiall ol law iiiie, oot dlatVaiu biel. In a noobMiwn .indlarlv wiinlerl to iHriitg it with In the teeee.M-Mt. aak the iivl- livge of dii udng lilt. i,wMhi, m, V'MartTr.nx-'WnhJ aT mir' iiMia.-uline liiali l- to I hem, titer are rtmtott the ol tl rnttl. (enthiiicM. w aboil a.lo Wc-n-ili II I'lilllljin' inlviee to tin- colon! Iiei -pie. We will never fortHve at tin- oll.' Jmluv Woialwnnl.of Pi unavlva- ilia, one if tlie 1 the country, am "tiintlv viite at .. iiiokI eminent jurinl of " "-o.jii'1! mi, " no .-on- gnlu-t giving woman a 1 a 1 a-nii riil.w ho eim- ' elianee to exercW right, he admit ahe 1 W ontitlenl to un.ler tlie Foun.-eiit ii ami .ii.. ,,..,. 1, ,v .. l .. I -'" -"- , if.'.y'.'.'."', , Iron i oiivey a hint thai. arri.-al out, wouH i prove of niiK-ii HMiuiary U-neftt to ag ri.'ullgeit: If a furuHir kept a nice luel i'Xjn-1 ar- 't with ll catlb.. tU field the ..r- ; V 'uliZ L k ' I! ' haaAtunnd- drH J.. - hi n.or.- eareiui orrrtner men iuni .a., ne w.-yl.l ,h" ' " " tbe. T, ! U U,u"' km.w . , , . . . . . , "oliuliow lie r... . . - ".u illlal.lcUiMelataiiyi.n,tll ing the dlfu-reiie.. V the Ittvwtiofrr II I- ru mi ire. I that (Urilnldl 1 iMtn- ing to ihiK'emintey iWrt piMitl. uU VrUlia o" MI4 tivtr ltirv IlitiM luhiu kltoMU tttrll Itulilr- I.t llu . Ili.ll h lll..r...i U" .lt. ul lll 'k (Im h l riiimuiiUHlt"ii-. HYMS TOR THE CtLEBSATIOW OT TTAlTTAM lllllTY. ITALIAN USITY. J u 1 1 n Wunl llowi-, wIiimm- Imtunrtal li.l t I - 1 I lllll of tiic U.Ymt.ll. f..un.l r-ucb t;bul r-"i'iiiH' iii tin lunrt o(c-r ialii(, liiv- ifivi-n nnothi-r c Idelicc I I In-r bigb gciiiux In tlu- follow inn b mil on i bo -, l.'lirntioii of Italian unltj : tli.-ui -..iin.l . l.' .i' fWi hi lu.Hiiit.itn.' f" tli.- H,y, pMW:.V Hl III I if-I.MfNf li tfctf t (4l- U IU11 ilvl. V- llu II.. .M. Ill J i'iulllllvl'J "I"' " ,, ,,. . ,..tlVM I. t It. ill In- om , liulrlMt ' V rt tli. r a t. m.v, wli.i i.r cuv. uo WMBIMI, ill inoitHll.g kr 1. I . luliloli in, ill lii I Ih...iiu .,1.1 rfltll ImIiii,I . rti. Iiim. i:.itli.-i.'.l ii"W :ir..iiii,1 ti. r ttifhMr I-Ull' v hi- 1 it. iimwl -IfHl . I, . .in-' N .ii.i urn ' hi-'i-nmi wnitlwf-.. iiiii l wrulli mmiI IiI.mmI, ill I III' . .Ill l I K.I It II 1 1 . I ft V - II, 1 1. .1 lit. k,jl II, II. I I 11. -.-1 , lull,, c .i. ffhrl-i'- . I--HHI ill. I II t ' : t, l.ll.t. I h .1 Iii . .- lliiu itmlir im. tii, . n I Hi 1 1 ttini- t.r ri- 1 1 rf . -1 iftii 1.1 tl,y mil III! - .Iiwl i,ri ' kii limit ii il .l M l-tli l I.M l.l .-I ,.n t. Ih. ii tli.' In I'll- roiil fhi-riiitli .irnillaf , ty i- M.ittllT, tif1tMllllv !!. til v ilcMr tf , ( I it Itn'aMMir- mi-itiMMi xlntu I .lit 11- ru i w ii ii. i, -'t.i n III I' (NI I II . "l 11 Hit' In.! Im r IhmnI Im IlK-H tl Krl laj' rlil 111 r-li In 1l rtll. AimI all iMAiikiMtl . ! THE MOUHTAiFhEAET'S EASE Ml III: I II IM I hv --illli-ri il n. l mill liirlnd III Inn.. . .1 nlu.l.- in. I . I , , i. v r -l i tin ,'iihn. 111' II. I 1 1. ui'lirtmn Tlmti -t.i . il th.-tn l.i I.- ,.;.! i .1. tl., annul Uiul i-1 - K r rinl.-r -e. ti loo Init . Iik ihy m'i In-iutili'i. i An. I ill. r- .ui tin' nit un r p.lllH.'. I llli I ilio;.! I il-' ..II 111- -.,ul.'. I.. Ill- .-..liiraj. ii Irli lflM.Ml. , n,l. l.-.ililli. I.ll.ill 1 i ill K ill .. ..... I Ii rl I. r i - ii liil-t l.l I n.-. 1-l.n r IimiIi.Ii I llMl!i! Mil .1 fi.r ii in lit Siiiir i .rl. -. .-I tllll?-I.U' I. A ii. 1 iii- i ii i ll Ml Hiirar Ik.vUIi Vlnl.111 i 111 llll-1. .1-1 Mil. i 1 1( Ulii- ' 111 Ml Wli. n -'.U' ii I'."" A tnH ' H iM'ill' I lllll. i t. illnweil qnli-t fillitir i ful ott .tn- iiiinii nt r.n . mr tin- ii-i, iifiitrrfnr. Tlinnii'li rotil unit flhrr rlei, ml mi thr nui mrrent. M.iwty rmutu, Arrivi-il tin- i.rtn. leutf-. h'l vi1!, 1 1 wet. In ihv hmn t r rain lliv w.Nii llii.i ,..-l liian, JjjUrf bin ii.i-li.n Nil UllliK tl 1 1 Av FNKlKtm- WotlAki. Alary Mi ( "onnell, t lie llrt oniail SLaU- llcputy of tin- Hoard of llopi-, under the Juris diction of tbe t Templar, nppoiiit.xl in thK "ttit-,hn fliml.hed n aei-ouul of her 1111- dun ua; the vt three and a luilf inoutli.-. "I have," during tbl ril, heaaya, ''traveled upuunl of Aitir tlHiuaand mile-. Im vitti.', In my o 11 Mtmple way, iiddrcwd eleven ilgi M, UU habbulu . lio iU Mil l i.ty da.v-' IhkiIh, and not le-tllim llirec 1 1 1. tlr-i. 1 1. 1 live hundred children luxe heard me emlorae the liiViiutlftil prlifelplc of total alitiilriK from Iiii.ixn atiiiM driaka, totjux-i ami profanit.x , and 1 liue k'u the 1 1 1 . I ir within I In- time a'.oVe nn-iitloncd to Imlvi- 1 1 1 1 1 1 I r - I clillilrvu, i-nnilliiie them 11 inciuliera and auiplyiug tlieiu in nearly every intitce with tlie I-! oilLcer tliat the toa 11 aJlbnlcil. I have orgiiui.cil within fhc time thirteen liHiid. In ecn diircrerd count.-., In the followltnr pla.ea: Hold Hill and Yir giuiafil, in tin-Stale of Nevada, t'ol lax. Mui. - ille, luatlaml, Um oln. t' ktoii. . tkluiid, Ahimcda, Han Le 11 ndm, M.tywartl ami Itmaaaton. Some few of my kaanda, liow.Ter, 1 am urry to any, arv not iloruff well. In m-verul i tin- town I iiirolf.1 all ni 1 lilldji 11 In the idacc, without an fxit-ft-flon. The.' Imml, added to eleven previiMjaiV orgaiiixui. Make, in all t went 1 -four that 1 Jiave organized luiviug Jedi;i-il iu all lixtcvii Itutidr.! cllildlell." T rPVHM-. Jrv fwtiifnr a ynwng woiuaii will Ih liki-l to turn Uir.-e ami n hall luuiitb to 11 tcr ac(unit? Here "Mi. uf the iin.-riiMl and cnalaved el, hardly out of her teena, aantnar tlie bun gllng.lirutal and criminal nUlm-i.-e tlo Jug from iiucH'ulliM' inNriile, li i iil. red Hrt, IH-4-I IM v. earned, ni Milan ami ' f p,Hvlhb- detme the viebui ayatem Hte nVW tn ul earnest, m rvatv ami wi,i..i moaeoUne .i.tll, iMUorau.'' ami .-lltaliucM have 1 laliliil d. W ' liOa-r then-ure many women who .III be em ourngi! t effort and I10W in onie poi i'iiii li.V the rxamV whuli Mia M! "ranaell ' baa pUiil Ulore llleillu - Ai '. J'iuuc 1, . . . . . . J tau.aViVV'uJI-.;It', r 'I ioli at tbe Cooper Uuion, fttf the ail vancefrtent Of dcn.-e ami art, a free tor anuieu in telegraphy. The Weateru I iiiou Telegraph Oimain iiiplicv lb.- iicccMMwry ap)wratHM anil I n-t nn-tl-.11. The wnrixan mli4 lar at e.t aeventei n year olii, ami uol over tweuty-fuur. AU the pupil uui ! pn-jaire.1 to accept aitugiioii out of tht city a ioii a ttiev are riiallflel. W cannot aja-ak too hVhly of thi ai4u.d, tncc It open, to wol oil 1 a new auu ro of employment, and thu put bread In tli-ir mouth, and euaiile tn.-in 1.1 gain ' IT I. Worthy of nMcthat th.,-il.hen "III nH-i In Ilu; flmt woek . tbo hhmiI ha of the year. In July titer. yU ,-, ihe '" ' .".".T.? VK . n"h the moon iwui iuu in wie iai n telegraph liui-a, lu I almowt cntircM Rul are hi telltair 1 work. -1.. . ....... 1 1 .. 1 .. . ' o peraLar.