Image provided by: East Oregonian; Pendleton, OR
About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1904)
WEEKLY EDITION. • • • • • • • • • • • Unswayed by fear, tinlnflu- enced by favor, tbe East Ore gonian will tell the truth. the county. whole truth, about It state and ustionai affairs fair. to is fair, absolutely .lose who «litter from ita views, as well as to ita friends. WEEKLY EDITION i----------------------------- • • • • • • a • • • • • Ti«« East Uregaalai. uf Fan • <li«um, Oregon, la published !n • th« heart of th« «underfill In • land Empire • rately and fully. • a e 0 e that it la readable, reliable • e and progressive and *111 give • • fou the new« reliably, «ecu- • e VOL. XXV11I. PENDLETON, OREGON. ERI DAY. AUGUST 26. 1904. Tou *111 And e • NO. 78 25.—Fishermen just arrived, report. THE MOB THREATENINGLY ATLANTIC WIN» CUP BLACK HAND" MURDER. that they saw three Russian cruisers SHOUTED ’STONE HIM.’* «staling from the German steamer Schooner First One to Reach New Salvator Bossoto Shot to Death by Valesia. off Cape Juby. The Valesla Autocrat of the Packing Industry port From Brenton« R«ef. Fellow Countryman This Morning. sailed from Barry. Wales, ou August Drove Into an Angry Crowd at the Newport. Aug 24.—The acbooner 11 for I .as Palmas. New York. Aug 24—Salvator Bo«- Atlantic won the race for the Bren | soto. lb year» of age. was shot to Entrance to the Yards and Had a I ton ’ s Reef cup. given by James Gor j Narrow Escape From Assault— Advance Against Kuropatkin. d«iatb today In his father's rreitaurant, i don Bennett, and came In al 3:30 U fQ Park street, by carlo Roaatu, London. Aug. 25.—A Central News I Presence of the Police Prevented o'clock this morning The Atlantic. aged 35. because be had dusefoaed dispatch from Liao Yang states the ‘ Bodily Harm—Packers Receive a Resolute and Indymlon started Mon to th» police the »rereta of tbe alleg- Japanese resumed the advance | . Jay morning trom Brenton's— Rre-f «xl "Black Hand.” Tbe Lather was Note From Mayor Harrison Asking against Kuro|>atkin from the east, ktMxked down and choked by th« Japanese Silence Fort No. 5. yesterday, marching along the Liao for Another Conference With the Said to Be in Lead in Race »Son of Nicholas Anointed i lightship. slayer, who was pursued by a mob of Open River Association Agrees Strikers. Yang road. The advance guard of Mrs. Maybrick to Ellsnvill«. s t! ouaatid Italians who later attack- One of the Main Fort eight companies en«vmntered the Rus for Next American Mining Amid Brilliant Assemblage Chicago, Aug. 25.—J Ogden Ar-I to Construct State Railway New York, Aug 24.— Mrs Maybrick <■ I Kbzatxrtb station and attempted slan Lian Dian Siang. but the attai k monr has intimate knowledge of the to get ax Rossattl It is understood leit tbe Holland House this morning was not pressed. The fighting is Congress. of Royalties. resses. Down Columbia. dangers of strike rioting aud took the West Shore train to Bossoto revealed a plan to secretly : continuous today. Kingston and from there she will go murder and rob a perty of their ' This morning while ou his way to | to Ellenville, where she will remain countrymen on the way to Italy. DIVORCE BREAKS RECORD the yards in a buggy, he drove into SENATOR MITCHELL FAVORS fifty guns centered CZAR S MANIFESTO ON THE until called upon to testify la the DR N. a. BLALOCK BAYS THE a crowd of disorderly strikers, whom , suit involving her property In West AFTER HIS ABDUCTOR» on one position . Rapiq Fire Action in Chicago Court the ¡Malice were trying to force l>a« k I BRANCH MINT AT PORTLAND BIRTH OF SON PUBLISHED PLAN» ARE ALL PERFECTED Virginia She was ac«ompanled by from the entrance to the yards. Today. l»r Emma Densmore, and looked per- New Yorker Who Was Kidnapped in The presence of Armour enrageti i Chicago. Aug. 25.—Mrs. Mary E I fre tly healthy. She will be the guest | the strikers. There were yells of | Omaha on Way Home. Russians Say Japanese lave Lost 10,. Feiier today secured a divorce from Major Portion of Oregon Delegation It Grants Many Privileges to the Peo of Hayden who is her < ounsel at El- Executive Committee of Open River John Fetzer, managing receiver of the "stone him. ’ as the crowd surged j Omaha. Neb Aug 24.—Judge Mc I I lenvlile. 000 in an Attack on Etzshan—Jap- Union Traction Company, and a prom threateningly atound the buggy. Favors Denver as Next Meeting ple of Russia and Attempts to Con. Association m Confsrence at Balam Keon. of New York, who is said to The police made a charge and club anese Make an Advance on Kuro inent financier, on the ground of de Place—Salt Lake City Offer« Site ciliate th« Fins—Numerous Orders Late tx-*-n kidnapped several weeks Yesterday With Governor Crambee Fatal Pistol Duel. bed the crowd and sent them flying | sertion. She received 235.m>" alimo ago and carried to California for ran patkin's Position—Kuropatkin Will ay. The divorce broke the Cool, in ail dire« lions. Armour lost no um> for Permanent Headquarters m Are Conferred on Officia's of the Sedalia. Mo.. Aug 23.—Orr. a som. arrived this morning to visit his is.n—Promise« to »«» Road Project Take tne Offensive When Guns and county divorce record. The bill was in gelling inside the shelter fence, i Mormon Town — Chancellor An- Government — Present Minister of farmer, and W T Morris. a real sister He is still in a nervous cvndl Carried Out Witnoirt Addition«; gx The packers held a meeting this •-»tal< dealer, fought a duel with re filed in Judge Brentano's «-ourt at 1< Supplies Arrive Over the Trans-Si o’clock this morning. The argument morning and discuss.«! the letters drews. of University of Nebraska. Public Works Is Appointed Sec re- volvers today as a result of a quar tkm as a result of his captivity pens« to the State—Muat Rasa« Judge McKeon says be will prtxeed rel over money. Morris is seriously against the kidnappers when berian—German Vessel Furnishes began at 10:40. the evidence conclud- sent thm by Mayor Harrison, asking tary of State. Delivers an Eloquent Address. be »40.000 m Addition to Appeopria wounded ami Orr is dying ed at 1O;5**. a decree was signed at them Io meet a council committee to reaches New ork. Coal to Russian Cruisers—Russian t»«n by Popular Subscription I" ’>". She received a check for $.■«'• morrow It is reported that it Is prob the packers will send a diplo able Vessels at Shanghai Will Disarm at 00V at 10:52. Senator Hoar's Condition Unchanged. Portland Aug 24—It is virtually St. Petersburg, Aug 24 - - With TWO SCORE INJURED matic note to the mayor agreeing to Worceater, Mas» Aug. 23.—Sena Once. meet the committee, but declaring the conceded that El Paso, ■I Texas, «ap I pomp and ceremonies, tbe beir to the CHINESE CREW IN RIOT. Tbe portage railway around the strike ended an«l business running at tun-s the next session. In 1905. of the i Kuiutiai. throne was !>ap'Ued iu the tor Hoar passed a comfortable night. Trolley Cars Crash Into Each Other Ik has taken a little nourishment falls of Celifo and the dalle« of the Near Rocrester, N. Y. Twenty-two Celestials Disabled in a almost its normal capacity. If she I American .Mining Congress palate church at Peterhof today r. The He is conscious but is lightly under Chee Foo. Aug. 25.—A decisive Jap Fight on the Nicomedia. at Port R»x hest«-r. N Y Aug 24.— Between Columbia. Dr N G Blalock, of Walla His «ondinoti is practically does not it will be becau»e ot some assemblage ot diplomati« royalties opia les Chicago Is Aroused. anese victory was won this morning 35 and 46 people were injured, some Walla, declare«, will be «x»uatntcted the »am«- as yesterday land. in front ot Port Arthur, when one of Chi. ago. Aug 25—Ofticial circle« combination, not now deemed possi *b<i witn»»sed the cen-iDuny was a perhaps fatally, in a bead cm collie- at unre "The rtghts of way will be Portland, Aug. 25.—Fifty members were thoroughly awakened to the crit Ide. between the city defeated for brilliant one the main inner forts which has been The child sax an ion between two trolley cars on the secured at once," he said, "and just George Lander Killed. of the Chinese crew of the liner Ni doing effective and destructive work, a* sjul a» the contracts are signed ical situation in the pa< king house the headquartt-rs and some city not nutated and immersed In buly water Paris. Aug 23 —George lJtndier, of Rochester a- Eastern railway at 10 comedia fought last night over a strike this morning, by the attempt was silenced. yet ■■onsidered for the hon««r, or ¡»er by tb<- metropolitan of St. Peters- Chicago, a well known cyclist, I» o'clock this morning One m-o’orman work will begin." The ex«cutiv« stolen ring. They used whatever The Japanese had directed 50 of the on the life of Armour. It is now re Ambulance committee of the open river asatx^a- burg After the ceremony the maul dead as a result of an accident at ran beyond the block. largest guns planted before Port Ar weapons were most convenient. alized that public safety and the re haps betwwn the d«*feated aspirant and phystrians were sent from het.». tion. of which Dr Blalock is a mem ih» Paris race« He was riding be The officers parted the combatants, sumption of business detnami imme for the h«-auquarteni anil the BUCCesS- feato of the <*zar on the birth uf his thur on this fart, known as No. 5 .and her. has just finished a conference hind a motor cycle »h»n be was At this son wa» pubitebed. after one of the hardest artillery but later the fight was resumed. The diate action from official sources to ful city. <>n a «ompromise with Governor Chamberlain and his killed Huge Devil Fish. Of end the strike Thia grania many privileges to tbe writing the winning out of E! Paso fights ot the war. the Russians ceas decks were covere«! with blood executive board, in which plans tor ficers finally quelled the fight by Seattle, Aug. 24—Al-Ki point was the construction of the portage road ed firing. This attack on Armour is a new srvms the most likely and assured j people of Raaaia and attempts to con cillat r tbe people of Finland In bon Government Lottery at Fort Totten. yesterday thrown Into a fever of ex »•-re outlined The Japanese loss in the cannonad kn'K-klng down the most murderous phase of the strike an«i shows some event of the srasion Harry Nortuan. editor of the El or •t the christening the <zar «onfer- ing was slight, as the Russians fired and drove the men below with revol thing of the desperation smouldering St Paul Aug 24 —The drawing for citement over the appearance of a Tbe meeting Governor Cham _ tx-riam and Secretary of State Dun wildly, giving the Japanese the im vers. Twenty-two Chinese are on the under an apparently peaceful surface. Ptiao News, is leading the fight to fo red a uumlx-r of orders Tbe White land in For: Totten reserve began devil fish which measured, according sick list today. to the statements of Archie Misner, pression that the experienced gun bar wa» held yeaterday at Salem. Dr. The strikers congregate daily in the cal» the convention in bis town, and K*g ■ »as conferred on M Dewltte; this morning at Devil's Lake in the The finit fireman of the steamer Macette. about Blalock was in Pendleton thia mom ners that manned the fort had all vicinity of the yards and a* the own apparently the boom is that infectious I the Insignia ot Alexander and the presence of a big crowd | insignia of Alexander Newsky wa» allotment, to the value of been killed and that amateurs wet TO TEST LOCAL OPTION LAW. ers of ¡he plants are frequent visit 'hat no other town will be even seri "The Open was 12 feet across Misner spied tbe fish ing on his way home in charge at the last. ors, it is feared their presence there ously considered for the h«*nor The | ■ vnferT» on Count Lamsdort, minis- drawn by Brj'» Warren. of Forest shortly after s o’clock yesterday River Asaociattoa «-ontmoed Dr. Bia Portland Enemies to the Measure Say will result in serious rioting and dis El Pa - m > people have a more than ter of fur eign affairs. ,M Yermoiott. River N D morning. The octopus «as lying in lock, will aseume all responsibility about eight feet of water and close to in the construction ot tbe road. We It Is Unconstitutional and Will Try order. plausible argumtnt tn that of ease of minister c uf agriculture aud M Mu Russians Will Take Offensive. one of the pilings of the wharf Se have a contractor and a cunsiructor m.nister of justice. The Morley Coming to America. to Knock it Out. Prominent citizens from all access of that place to delegates from rar left, minister Rome. Aug. 25.—A dispatch to the curing a large pike pole Misner at of railroads ready to build the rail prese nt minister ot public works and Mexico Heavy Mexban inter<r«ts are branches of industry are conferring Italian Militaire from Mukden states Ixmdon. Aug 24. — It is announced Portland. Aug. 25.—Suits will be tempted to capture tbe monster by way There is on hand S1€2.5«X j of that the Trans-Siberian railway is brought by Portland liquor dealers to with the mayor today looking to som<- manag'd and owned by Americans railways M Kihlott. was appointed today that the Right Hon John Mor prodding it with the pole, thinking tbe 51C5.iw»i appropriation made bj secretary of state. and th«- approachment be ’ ween th» decisive action to end the strike at ley. libera! member of parliament working badly, the incessant rains :est the constitutionality of the new Tb. imperial party in a glided will areompany Andrew Carnegie to bus to make the animal take hold of the state ot Oregon for the railroad mining men of the two nations is once. causing many washouts. Kuropatkin local option law of Oregon. 'he pike and in that manner bring it work It will coat an additional 34B.- closer than txt ween representatives cuath drawn by «-ight horses anu pro America in Ortober Morel y will has 185.W0 men who will take the of The suit will be in the nature of at to the surface, but it dropped into 000. but the Portland Chamber of of any other industry, and this fact ceed« d by an escort of Hussars and visit Roosevelt. fensive against the Japanese as soon injunction restraining the county deep water and got away. appeals at once to th» «otnmon sease Cossack>■ from Ai«-xandna pala* e to Commerce which is heartily in ac as 120 guns, now enroute, arrive. clerk from issuing a notice of the Peterhof Th*- proreaafon to and «-omradship of all the delegat«*«. cord with the project, haa p«e<iged local option election in any of the Caught »hort Sitia Market. However they may vote, they tic- chureh included the emperor, the itself to see that thia money Is rais Steamer’s Cargo Overhauled. precincts of Multnomah county. knowledge the »trengtb v( W». i «iowager empress. Pr^ce Henry of New York, Aug 24.—Tbe failure of ed. London. Aug. 25.—An Anchor line ment With thia view of tbe^’Case Prussia. j^uce 1-txna of l'attenburg The executive board of the Open Page A Co prominent members or steamer from Liverpool for Calcutta, FOUR MEN DROWNED. i prevailing it Is readily seen that El repreatiti Jte the godfather of the the New Orleans and New York cot River Association agrees to furnish was detained two hours off Cape Vin Em¡> rar William. King E-. Paso is regardM as being geographi baby ton exchange« was announced this the right ot way and construct th« cent by the Russian cruiser Ural. Boat Capsized and Sanitary Commis cally the most eligible town yet spok ward and members ot the imperial morning. It is said the firm eattgb: road, giving a good and sufficient After the papers and cargo were ex sion Crew Could Not Swim. en of for the next national conven household bond to the stale board, dodar for the short side of the market. amined the ship was allowed to pro After the baptism the emperor in tion. Chicago. Aug. 25.— Four men em dollar, so that the state need take no ceed. vested his »«•n with the insignia of ployed in the senitary district were WASHINGTON REPUBLICANS chance« We agree also to push th« Given Further Tin»«. Headquarters Fight, the Order of St. Andrew Th- ringing drowned today in the Illinois and Washington. Aug. 24—The »tat- work through and turn It over to the There is s hot fight on between of bells an«l British Shippers Aroused. ARE LEVYING TRIBUTE. salutes of 301 guns an Michigan canal, while sound LANDING IN AMERICA department this morning received a state board without any additional Denver and Salt I-ak«’ City for the n«»un«re! the completion of the cere- T he London. Aug. 25.—Premier Balfour ings from a row boat at Morris, III. cablegram from Consol Good do w at expense, and oar atuimey is now permanent headquarters with appar HER HAPPIEST HOUR this afternoon received a deputation The dead are Edward Costello. Jam-s monies A state luncheon followed We bailers Shanghai stating that tbe Chineae drawing up the ;*per» Chairman Palmer, of the State Com ently Salt Lake in the lead The from the Chamber of Commerce to Rainer. James Lenihan and Edward at Peterhof the state board will gladly accept oar foreign office bad extended the time latter place has tbe largest delega discuss the molestatiou of British Kelly. The boat capsiz«-d and none mittee Facing a Heavy Fine for Tbe city is beautifully deccrated Prepared a Statement for the Press for repairs to the Asxeld to August proposition, as it make« a way for »hipping by Russian vessels. Flagrant Violation« of th« Law— tion present, and her strength is most and is to be Illuminated tonight. The ot the men could swim. it to carry out tbe provianxia of th« in evidence, though it may not be any ■n Which She Thanked American 2». legislative enactmenn • Second-class Postmasters Must Pay mor» real when the show-down health of the czarina, and the ciaro- Russians Will Disarm. Fr-ende for Loyal Aid—Her Health wltch 1« excellent Dr Blakxk de-:lares that tbe rights Senator Hoar Is No Worse. Japanese Steamer Last. 5100 Each to Campaign Fund- comes Every train brings del«-gat<4 Washington. Aug. 25.—Goodnow ca of way are almost assured bat that «« Shattered. But She Hopes to Re Woraecter. Mass Aug. 25.—Sena from Denver, and when it comes to ljondon. Aug 54 — Tbe agent of United States Court Has the Infor bles the state department that the tor Hoar had a comfortable night. He JAPS SILENCE FORTS. cover Under Medical Treatment— IJoyds at Nagasaki telegraphs the tbe committee wants it understood a finish fight Denver is always to be mation. Russian consul General at Shanghai t«x>k nourishment and has prospects that tbe rights ot the «anal will not feared a» the record her people Will Remam at Home of Her Law Jat-auese steamer Akunoura Maro be interfered with In any way. "W« has notified the Taotai that the As for a comfortable day. However, he made in the National livestock con Cruiser Nissipm Kasuga Bombards yer. S. V. Hayden, at Ellensvilla. has been lost off Goto Islands Par. want an open river, but we desire th« kold and Grosove will dismantle at is still weak and a change for the of the <rew were saved and landed Seattle. Aug. 25 —A fin«- of |5<<uo vention shows. In that Instance he» Entrance to Port Arthur. pc-rtage ro«d too “ once. N. Y.—Curious Crowd Gathered worse may <ome at any time and imprisonment not exceeding three counsels and votes prevailed in al The Open River Association was Cher Foo. Aug 24. — It is reported Stolt Ijike years is the penalty now confronting most every issue raised Termed last May. and its membership Reported Japanese Losses. her« t bat tbe Japanese armored City is putting her be«t foot forward Chairman E B. Palmer, < f the state include« prominent men from 30 couc New York. Aug. 23.—The steamer cruiser Nissipin Kaluga !ombard«-d Chee Foo, Aug. 25.—From Russian republican central committee of now. but there is much nervous ap and silenced the Russian torts east Vaderland with Mrs Maybrick aboard ties m Oregon, Washington and sources it is reported here that the prehension shown by her delegates Washington. Idaho The members of the executive of Gold Hill at the entrance to P«irt docked soon after 5 o'clock this morn Japan«-»« attempted to capture Fort A J Davis, a member of the Silt The United States f«*deral court, committee of the association who ing A crowd of curious people Arthur. No. 1 at Port Afthur, on August 21. latke City council, has authority to it is said, has just been notified of conferred with the governor, ar«: s»arm«-d the dock Without a dem anil 22, cost them 10,000 in killed and a flagrant violation of the law. being offer to the congr«as a first-class site John A Smith, ot G;lltam county; onstration the woman walked down Sebastopol Injured. wounded. The attack on Fort Etz- Judge W. J. Manner, of Gilliam c « mh >- practiced by Palmer in the conduct for a headquarters building—an en th« gang plank on the arm of her law shan resulted in great loss. Three Ixmdoti Aug. 24 — The Japanese le of the present poliut-al campaign, in tire gratuity to the mining congress gation t«xiay issued a report from yer. 8. V. Hayden, and was ushered ty; Joseph Peters, of The Dalle«. thousand at Port Dalny are said to sending out letters demanding money from the city. Mr Itaviti avers that he comiMnifiT of the Japanese tor Into a cab and driven uptown. Henry Hahn ot Portland, and Dr N b«?en killed and wounded. this site is one of the most centrally from federal appointees, especially G. Blalock, ot Walla Walla. It is lesmed that the party will AGENT M'NICHOLS POSTS The Japanese are hiring laborers pedo boat destroyer Asashio, which l«x ated in the city. This offer by Salt postmasters, for campaign expenses. While in Pendleton thia morning. for s« ivice on the Liao Tung peninsu UTAH REPUBLICANS IN stated that while the Russian battle stop over a day at the Fifth Avenue NOTICES ON RESERVATION. Dr Blalock called upon State 8eoan>: The following letter has been re I.ake comes perilously near being a ship Sebastopol was bombarding a hotel, and possibly tomorrow will lar road It is reported that the be full hand, and the few Denver peo CONVENTION TODAY. ceived frum Palmer, by several sec- J. C. Smith, a staunch advocate of sieging army Is obtaining provisions Japanese land position on the outer leave for Haydens borne, at Ellen- ond-claas postmasters in the past ple here have not yet made any prop harbor of Port Arthur yesterday, she ville. near Kingston. N Y tbe portage road through Port Wei Hai Wei. Acting Superintendent Declares the three days, many of these letters ositions to offset it. Statement to the Public. She immediately list- struck a mine The major portion of the Oregon Gap Between the Polygamists and having been forwarde«! to th«- office Robbers Get 96000. Regulation« Regarding Treaty Russia Expected to Disarm Boats. During the voyage she wrote a delegation, and It is also understood ed at the bo«» and be« ame submerg- Anti-Polygamists Is Widening Con of the United States marshal. Patterson. N J.. Aug 24.—Paymas Pleasure Camping. Hunting and ed. Tbe Ashlants went to ber and statement to be given the press on that ¡»Tactically all of the Montana St. Petersburg. Aug. 25.—The an The letter, signed by Palmer, is as stantly—Minority Faction of Anti- Fishing Must Be Observed—Com ter O Rourke, of a construction com delegation favor Denver for the bead- towed the vessel insid«- tbe harbor. her arrival She expressed a desire nouncement that the Askold and pany. was held up and robbed ot Polygamists Is Active. But Power follows: m>t to be interviewed. In the state quarters, If the issue could be made Grosove will be disarmed at Shang plaints of Indian« Cause Action of »5000 by four masked mea. in the "Dear Sir:—On account of the in ROOSEVELT TALKS POLITICS. ment she expressed joy and thanks of ’ natural selection," with on a basis hai created no surprise here. The less—Composed Mostly of Young terest you naturally have in the re Agent. road near here today giving to be back, a free woman, in authorities decided the matter a week Men—Fight -etween Factions Will election of President Roosevelt, and geography as a leading consideration. Holds Conference Today With Lieut. her native land. There are frequent Denver would probably win out. a«o and are only waiting for a defi the success of the republican ticket, Not Reach the Public. Satolll in Rome. The selection of headquarters wili vivid expressions of gratitude to her Gov. Woodruff of New York. nite agreement between China and Whites must keep off the Umatilla at the coming election. I desire to Rome. Aug .4—Cardinal Satolli American friend», who for years have be made this afternoon in all proba Japan, which will insure tne protec Bay. Aug. 24 — President Oyster reservation when business or neces arrived today from an extended tour call your attention to the depleted bility. tion of the vessels against a repiti- Roosevelt and Lieutenant Governor fought for her hoerty. sitjr does not call them there, is the Salt Lake, Aug. 25.—One of the condition of our campaign fund. A of America. He is preparing a re She said it is her intention to re tion of the Ryeshitelni incident at warmest republican state conventions contribution of $100 from postmasters For Mint at Portland. Woodruff of New York, in talking fiat that has gone forth from the main at the home of Hayden. Her agency. Under orders of Acting Su port of the condition of the Catholic Chee Foo. Senator Mitchell's address was the over the Empire State politics today, in the history of Utah, is being held of the second-class offices would, in health is shattered but she hoped to perintendent McNichols. Indian police church in America for the pope today. The interest centers in the the judgment of the committee, be feature of the session. In it he gave incidentally mentioned the candidacy recover under Ueaunent. Japanese Entrenched Strongly. arc today posting tbe following noti nomination of governor. Wells seeks equitable and greatly appreciated by a history of his efforts to have a of a prominent New Yorker for the "God. In His own time, will right ces: HOUSER MAKES PAYMENT. St- Petersburg, Aug. 25.—A report a third term and John C. Cutler of yours, branch mint established, with an as place of Assistant Secretary of Agri the wrong that has been done me." No fishing, hunting or pleasure from Alexieff, dated at Liao Yang, the Smoot faction, and James T. ”E. B. PALMER. say office, at Portland, and announc culture, being discussed. Chairman Final Payment on Consol'dated Group she said. She was dressed in black says the Japanese in an assault on Hammond, are compromise candi •'Chairman.” ed his determination to persevere in Cortelyou. national committeeman, and white with a heavy veil. Like J. ■ amping allowed on this reservation at Quartxburg. under penalty. I Charles 8. McNichols. Port Arthur on August 19, stormed dates. It looks like cutler would be Palmer is now in Alaska and will the work until the thing is a««x»m- «Ili tome in on the a(t«rn<x»n train fragile statue «she appeared on the speeiad agent in i charge." to remain over night. Anleovaya and the fortifications on nominated. The GentlleB are work be called upon to answer for the plisbed. A tew days ago President Zoeth deck this morning, and stood, appar the north and east side of Wolfs ing hard for Wells. Mr Nichols in explanation said: "I Houser, of the Standard Consolidated violation of the law on bis return. T. A. Rickard, editor of the Engi- ently in a reverie, watching the statue hate no desire to be severe with Hill. The report adds that the Japan n«q>ring and Mining Journal, introduc- All three of the candidates are Mor GLUE PLANT BURNS. of liberty and the tall buildings of the persons coming on the reservation. Gold Mining Company, made the final ese are now entrenched before Sin mons. ••d a resolution commending the pos payment to W H. Johnson and John WHEAT STILL DECLINING. city. Shin and in the entire valley of the but by the terms of the treaty with tal authorities for their efforts to Armour's Big Establishment Destroy The gap between the polygamy and The news pa ¡ ht men watchiM her the I'matillas. no white person has son Bros, ot this city, for the Cleve Lunhe river. anti-polygamy factions of the republi Drops to »1.04% in the Chicago Mar break up concerns doing fraudulent land lode at Quartzburg, says tbe ed on Account of Spontaneous Com from behind the ventilators, but in reality any right on the reservation Grant County News. cans is widening in Utah and is no ket With Little Doing in Any of the mining business through the mails, bustion. none of them »¡xike to her. As the withoui a pass The regulation re Russia Would Not Mediate. Chancellor Andrews, of the Nebras- ticeable in the convention. This claim was located by W. H Centers. (Chicago, Aug !. 24—The Armour-Pair passengers began to appear the wo- garding camping, bunting and fishing The polygamists are in the ascend St. Petersburg, Aug. 25.—The news Johnson, Clarence and C. P. Johnson Chicago, Aug. 25.—Old September ka State University, lectured to the glue plant at tbe man returned to her state room I north stockyards, hai Ix-en generally disregarded and paper, Russ, w.ll tomorrow publish ancy however, and nothing of the wheat dropped down to $1.04% to congress last evening on "The Pro lawyer Hayden said after she re there have been a great many com- in 1892 Lying near the Standard peo officially an inspired article to the ef fight will reach the platform or the day, closing at $1.04%; new Septem motor and His Place in Develop was destroyed(by fire <>arly this morn ple's property and showing indications turned, she said: "This is the happi- ing. The loss is $100,o00. The police plaints from the Indians. They de of being a valuable acquisition to fect that Russia will refuse to accept publip, but the minority faction, ber, $1.03%. Corn. 53% and oats, ment.” est hour of my life." The custom of say the fire was caused by spontane- clare that white men com«- on their This morning’s session of tbe Min mediation in the war with the Japan which believes in a strict observance 33%. ficers did not detain the woman an allotmems and shoot among the their holdings it was purchased in oils combust ion. of the federal laws, is growing rapid ese, under any circumstances. The activity has passed over an«l ing Congress was largely devoted to Instant, She clutched lightly the stock. When asked to leave by the 19(’l by Mr nouser, the purchase ly and includes mostly al! young the market is now a listless, unevent a spirited debate on two resolutions, arm of her escon as he pushed Indians, many times the intruder price being HO.Otfo. payable in four HOAR IMPROVED. Kuropatkin Stops Running. men. yearly payments, the last of which ful routine, everybody seeming to ex each of which had been adversely re through the crowd. grows insolent. There is no doubt. has lately been made. ported by the committee on resolu St. Petersburg, Aug. 25.—A tele pect further decline. Aged Patient Passed a Very Comfor however, that the Indian himself has last Saturday Mr. Houser and J. S. gram today from Kuropatkin, dated FIGHTERS READY FOR FRAY. Further shortages or damage re tions and brought to a » ght on the Killed by Fireworks Explosion. an exaggerated idea of his own Hughes, also heavily interested in the table Night. Liao Yang, states he will now begin ports are not expected, and It is floor. The first was a resolution fa New York. Aug. 23.—Edward rights. Worcester, Aug 24.— Hoar had a «-ompany. were in town, when tbe an offensive movement against the Munroe Now Believes He Has the thought by conservative wheat deal voring an appeal to the national con "Then, too. there is «'omplaint of dix’ds and papers in escrow were tor Whitman, a powder mixer killed and gress to give Alaska one representa comfortable night. The trouble with Japanese. ers that the high point has been Advantage Over Jeffries. liquor being brought on the reserva tive in congress. The resolution was his throat and lung has entirely dis- Robert Armstrong badly burned and mally turned over to the Standard San Francisco, Aug. 25.—Jeffries reached. adopted. This company has apix’ared. but h<- Is very weak, with several others injured Is the result of tion by campers. I am aiming at tbe repreaeotativre Japanese Watch Dismantling. and Munroe rested all morning. Jef pleasure campers If a person is an explosion in one of the powder The se«x»n«l debate was on the ad no increase tn his strength. acquired several other valuable claims Shanghai, Aug. 25.—The order to fries returning to bed immediately Ships Sail Without Cargoes. houses at Paine's Fireworks Exhibí liassing through the reservation and adjoining their property and now have verse re|x»rt covering a resolution disarm the Askold and Grosove gave after breakfast. This afternoon Jef Marseilles, Aug. 25.—As a result of lion Company, at Manhattan Beach, night overtakes him he has a perfect one of the best mines in the Quarii- Floods Delay Knights Templar. general satisfaction to the represen fries will row and drive, ami Munroe the strike of settlers and dock labor asking for tbe alteration of the gov this morning. They were mixing right to make camp, and he will not burg district ernment methods of hearing to de tatives o fthe various nations here. wijl take a walk. lxis Angeles. Aug 23. — Washouts ers, all foreign ships have sailed cide whether lands are entilltul to be powder which ignited from friction. be molested." The situation which threatened trou Both are in good spirits, Munroe es without cargoes. Ship owners have filed on as mineral and asking that conti nut- to hold up the Santa Fe The acting superintendent declares Heyburn's Failing Health. ble is ended. The vessels are to go pecially so. Arizona The Knights notified the prefect of Marseilles they they l»e investigated by the same pro- trains In that the Indians themselves take For Killing a Militiaman. Those who attended the Moscow out of commission before Sunday He is jubilant over the stipulation will not yield to the demands of the cwdure ns now governs that In the Templar train will be delayed 24 whisky on the reservation in spite of night. It is understotxl the Japanese agreed to last night, that the fighters strikers, no matter what the conse Athens, O-. Aug. 23.—In addition to th«- officers, but that he will prevent .’vnvention could not fall to note the hours or more. appeals for pattuita on land. So SlIC- fleet will remain at Jhe mouth of the must protect themselves in clinches quences. Sargent J. P. Duffy, W. H Raymond whites from doing so. if possible. -hanged condition in the personal ap- «■essful were the adversaries of the river until the work of dismantling and breakaways. It Is believed it and John Guidas, Fred C. Thaler and "Complaints have been coming to me ¡»earance of Senator Heyburn. Hl« Chicago Wheat Declines. measure that the resolution was re- features look harrowed and careworn the vessels is completed. Corsica Ravaged by Fire. gives him the advantage. The odds Chicago, Aug. 24.—Old September W. H Guttegan, al) of tbe 14th United ever since I took charge o. the agen ferred back to th«’ committee for fur His uaual pleasant smile when greet remain 100 to 35 with little betting. opened $1.10, closed $105’4; new Stales Artillery, are held for killing cy." Lontlon, Aug. 25.—A dispatch has ther consideration. Ing friends is gum« and in the place England Calls a Halt. Corporal L. Charles Clark In a recent Septemlw-r opened $108*4, closed been received that th«- town ot Ajac As a result of catK Usses last night, is only a vacant stare. During the London. Aug. 25.—Two British Neglects Duties to Make Speeches. cio in West Corsica, was ravaged by it is now almost certain that El Paso $1 03% Corn. 55%. declined Io 53% encounter with tbe state militia. Many Teachers Fall. past few months be has fost something Warrants have been Issued cruisers at the request of Russia, Panama. Aug. 25—United States fire and several surrounding villages will get the next convention and Salt Oats, 30%. Only 18 of the 41 applicants for cer like 60 pounds of flesh His cloth«* have txx-ri sent to search for the Rus Consul General li<-sekiah Gudger and threatened. Over a thousand acres of Lak«’ will be chosen th«’ permanent tificates who wrote in the county hang loosely about him and hia step sian volunteer cruiser Smolensk and Chief Sanitary Officer Gorgias and vineyards and forests have been de headquarters for the Mining Con Fifty Families Homeless. Chadwick at Cape Town. teachers’ examination here recently has lost what little »lasiicity it for Petersburg, to instruct the command Admiral Kenny have sailed for New stroyed. gress. lxmdon, Aug. 24.—A telegram to New York, August 24.—Fifty famil were successful Most of these who merly had. His appearance was often er not to Interfere with shipping. York. It is said Gudger goes to stump the Central News announces the ar- les were made homeless in a tene- failed fell down on the arithmetic pa cotnurented on but seldom In the pres San Diego Knights of Pythias won Indiana for Roosevelt. Gorgias is A g«xi«l quality of oil has been <lis- rival at Cape Town of the American ment house fire at Williamsburg this per, although some found orthography ence of the senator, as he is saiJ to Germans Help Russians. seeking materials with which to make the first prize in the competitive drill •overed n«-ar the state deaf mute squadron under Admiral Chadwick, morning. Many of the occupants and one or two other papers difficult. be very sensitive ou the subject.— Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Aug. the isthmus more healthful. at St. Louis, Wednesday. from Tangiers. K-hool, at Salem. . were rescued by firemen. — Walla Walla Union Boise Capital News. RUSSIANS LOSE ANOTHER FDRT FAT-FRYING FROM THE POSTMASTERS GOVERNOR WELLS FOR THIRD TERM WHITES MUST NOTTRESPASS