Image provided by: East Oregonian; Pendleton, OR
About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1904)
» » KKLY EDITION WEEKLY EDITION. i ••••••••••••••••• • • • The East Oregonian of Pen- • • dleton, Oregon. la published in • the bean of the wonderful In- • • land Empire. You will And • • that it is readable, reliable • • and progressive, and will give • • you the news reliably, accu- • • rateiy and fully. • • Unswayed by tear, uninflu- enced bv favor. the East Ore- gon tan will tell the truth. the county. whole truth, about It state and national affairs is fair, absolutely fair. to .aose who differ from its tu its views, as well as friends. • • • • • • • • • • °^«°n o. óüc/ef/'st<’r/c.; PENDLETON. OREGON, EIUDAY. AUGUST 19. 19(4. VOL. XXVili. « STRIKERS STILL RIOT. COMING STATE FAIR. NO. 76 i able hardship, nevertheless la produc WRECK KILLS EIGHT. tive of great benefit in the long run. Aggravating Interference Is Continu Program so Far Arranged Gives This is because it prevents the ship Engine Crashes Into Loaded Cars in ment Into this sta e as well as the ed by the Idle Butchers. Promise cf Good Events. Chicago. ! shipment out of it of infected animals. Chicago. Aug. 18.— Minor outbreaks Salem, Aug. 17.—The forty-fourth Chicago. Aug. 17.—A Chicago * Sheep came Into this county last year occurred at the stockyards early annual state fair will be given by the from Idaho—-(blooded animals which Great Western engine «Tithed into a this morning, and the police fear more board of agriculture at Salem, begin loaded elect tic car with two trailers had b«-en exposed to scab, but tbe dis serious trouble before night. ning September 12. and continuing ease had not yet broken out,) the bourd for Hawthorne race track, at George R. Bailey, an Englishman, throughout the week. This year's coming of which was responsible for 1:30 this afternoon. and eight were who arrived today to work in Swift's, fair will be a record breaker in more killed and 16 injured Th* cart were the introduction of all the scab In demoilsued was frightened by the crowd sur ways than one. this county which we have l»e<-n rounding the train, drew his revolver Several counties are preparing rep- troubled with during the past year Bones of Burned Murderers and fired five shots, When he wus ¡res< ntative exhibits of their pr oduct Well Known Pilot Rock Farm Motorman Lost Control. "Some yearn ago tbe introduction arrested. showing their resouri es Various Rejoices That the First„Candidate on a National Ticket Since Chicago, Aug 17.- The crash <x- upon our ranges of blooded sheep Boxed and Billed to the Herbert Dawson, of Nashville, a ¡counties are taking adiamage uf the er Committed Suicide by $ and Colorado from California »huh bad been ex curved at Forty colored strike breaker, became insane opportunity to advertise "“HiemseJrcs the Civil War is Named in the South. avenue. The train wax tbe Milwaukee posed, but upon which scabbies had this morning while at work, He was «nd considerable immigration ha* President. Shooting. not yet developed, cost one man $10.- express and strut k tbe middle trailer. taken to a detention hospital, The been secured in that wa> The live The dead and injured are principal dipplng and the judgment used in police details of the district has bee n stock show will be fully up to tbe ly on that train. Tbe flagman sig preparing tor the dipping. increased. Receipts yesterday aid standard of excellence that has been SITUATION IN THE nalled the motorman to stop, but he CAUSEO BY WORRYING "As a ma ter ot fact, the geueraJ this morning were normal. maintained in the past, aud special Says the Democratic Party Exhibits a Spirit This Year Whicn Means Suc could not control the brakes The effect of tbe ruling, while it may ap arrangemects have been made with SOUTH IS TERRIBLE. OVER ILL HEALTH cess— Is in Hearty Accord With the Platform and Parker—Calle Atten- pear to work a hardship, in fact does motortnau was killed, The two con- the railroads in transporting the Break in Rank Predicted. ductors are arrested. does work an immediate and unavoid- Omaha. Aug. 18.—The packers an- stock. tion to the Closed Mills and Idle M ne» and Great Strikes Which Re- 000 Neighboring police ilat.onx were That would not have occurred The most noticeable vacancy in the notified and ambulances were rushed Shot Himself in ths Temple With a Ignorant Blacks Have Been Mabe nounced that they had nearly all tle livestock lists this year will be that it the bureau of animal industry had publicans Said Would Only Come Under Democratic Administration— men needed. There are persistent re- . been *« sulicitou* about preventing to the scene Three of the d*-sd are More Insolent by Mr. Roosevelts ports that a break in the ranks of I caused by the sale of the C. B. Wade 38-Caiibre Pistol st 3 O'clock Last I tbe shipment of infected and expos women Warns Voters Against Centralisation of Power Heretofore Escapade With Washington—They the strikers is to come next Monday ' herd of blooded cattle. Evening and Died at 7:40 This ed sheep from California as it now ia . te Many of the unionists are tired oi | this herd has been the principal prize TERRORIZING ITALIANS stout shippit g Infected or exposed Believe it Part of the President's has winner and attraction, and as it Morning— Was Injured by • Fall the strike and want to return to work. ; sheep from Oregon into other been sold to different parties in Gre Plan to "Get Even" on Southerners White Sulphur Springs. W Va Aug. A man who. as a result of a life of states. It all goes into the general Secret Societies Attempt Wholesale From a Horse Three Years Ago- gon. California and Washington, if is 17.—Ex-Senator Henry G. bavin was continence, temperance and honest i KNIGHTS’ ELECTION Blackmail. and They Fully Expect Federal Pro- Had Repeatedly Threatened to Sui not thought a single animal of this notified this atternoon that he is the industry, presents a picture of virile i work ot stamping out disease." Salt Lake City. l'tah. Buffalo, N Y, Aug 1«.—Wealthy tectio n—Promiscuous Shcoting and Charles E. Shively, of Richmond. InJ. once famous herd will be present, un democratic candidate tor the vice- though advanced in age, ot that ! cide on Account of Great August I. 1804. less it may be Elgitha the $120u Dur residency. Congressman John Sharp mens sana in corpora sano.' which To inspectors and Employes. Bureau itaaans are being terrorized by the Whipping Continues. Is Supreme Chancellor. ham cow now owned by the Ladd es Black Hand'* society. Anthony Pope Illiums and Champ Clark, with the was taught by the ancients io be tbe of Animal Industry. Louisville. Ky.. Aug. 18—The su tate in Yamhill county. Grocer and iami.y are under police members of the notification commit summon bonum of individual earthly In order to more effectually pre Fran* smith, a »eii known aheep- preme lodge. Knights oi Pythiia. ^roiec tion. Gorcer received a letter tee arrived here this morning. There existence." vent the spread ot scabbles and other ¡.reaienmg hia life unless I- ) wax man and ail round fanner of FUot Charles E. Savannah. Ga., Aug. 18.—The situ- unanimously elected CHICAGO WRECK VICTIMS were present also a considerable num Mr. Davis' Speech. infectious diseases, you are directed •eii in a aesignated spot. ation in Statesboro is sull serious. Shively, of Richmond, Ind., supreme nock, suicided yesterday afternoon ber oi prominent democrats of West to observe the folio»ing instructions. not meat ion Following the i., a wealthy liquor mer Reports are trom ail parts ot chancellor. Motcrman Ryan. Who Stayed at His Virginia, Maryland and adjoining All sheep which are tor immediate -her. r. received a notice, de- wet seen 3 and 4 o'clock at me boms Davis made the following brief the country ot the promiscuous whip Horse Incident I Settled. Post, Died This Morning. •tales, The ac.ual notification was dress: slaughter or destined to market points $lwu. (J-hers have receiv- ui tus pares.a, Lucien Smith and siXe ping auu snooting of negroes. The Drills ot the uniformed rank for Chicago. Aug 18 - Michael Ryan, simple, After ex-Si nator Davis bad may be passed if clean without pla i h tiers. .ii Fum Rock, by shooting himself "Ofiicial notification from you of blacks are thoroughly terr.tied and it $10,000 in prizes, took place today, the muturuian who s: yed at bis post oee-n introduced Congressman Wil- The oath administered by the aocie- mruwgn me bead ».th a buiaet from a is impossible o predict the outcome. »ue local committee was refund-d in yesterday's grade crossing catas hams notified the candidate in a short my nomination for tbe vice preslden carding the cars "Exposed ' or "Scab by Sheep, if aoid for other purposes .y made public Tbe candidate we-ca.iure pistol, death taxing ¡i>r* Many negroes are leaving the coun ¡or the horses oecause the steeds fur irophe. died early tine morning Tbe •l<eech. and the latter repned briefly cy by the national democratic con vention gives me a feeling of slncer- than immediate slaughter they wiii *c • srs tue image of bls favorite a. . 4 thia tr-'rf-ning try. nished were so poor the knights coroner began an investigation this i.t with bis own blood and hums eat appreciation for the honor confer- be dipped at said market point. Sh-ep Bones and charred remains of the would not ride them. Ceremonies Were Simple. morning air oui.ui, *uu *as 45 years of age Auer taking the oath ot taitmui red A spirit of determination to auc that ar« being shipped into other lynched negroes were put in a box White Sulphur Springs, Va. Aug. In addition to Motorman Ryan, who Barnes Is Vice Chancellor. states tor feeding or stock purposes, isos to Ho, be shoots at a anu a w«<weiur, uaa ueen in kmur ceed m the campaign before addressed to President Roosevelt, as ap- 17—The ceremonies attending the no- -r* -I iur »«.-»era* years. A tenmenejr Judge Charles A. Barnes, of Jack died this morning, tbe lol low ing pas- pears to je-rvade the rank and file or for breeding, must be dipped unce ruitftx u> signtty bis readiness to • waatu w.auuer <Uu nr,..,. tZUU- with the following note: "You'll Mrs. Kate tlflca.ion of Davis were simp.e and as exposed and twice if infected in ill: even his nearest relative is su sonville. Ill., was elected supreme sengen los their of the party In all sections of the never eat with these niggers ” They took place McCleary, Mrs. 8. Rautauin. two uni full of «-nt bus las in —es ^a.. uesru great./ agg.'aia.ea Of some of tbe tone* dtps approved by mden t>y the society. country. The more conservative citizens re vice chancellor tais atternoon. —* LOvy*. dentified women. The county morgue shortly alter 1 o'clock in a natural this bureau, and under the superv.a- "I atn impelled to tbe acceptance moved the box trom the express of — rri; ;cWg I a AC mmu A reports now eight dead and 25 in theater within a stone s throw ut tbe WESTERN OREGON FIRES by an obligation, hoping that 1 may lon of a federal emptoye. In all such fice. strike breakers mobbed . »—!• *• AA4MM,, Aui w Laat jjs»... ...a-, I ls^ jured. The dead are N. C. Myers. Mrs famous old Green Brier hotel cases clean and .»¡nteeted cars must Federal officials in the South admit A thousand men and » omen » bo be able to assist in restoring to pow be proviued as per ltistrucuons cf N. W. Greasun. William Teanes. Ar -uikaaC ufUhACka u.O MaJi j UA* that the action of the president in Settlers Fleeing for Their Lives in thur Guasauiis. J. H. Lyman. J Co .-> uod about the green, applauded tbe er the party whose principles history House Viner» Six Scab Workmen — a a Clausa •<U»&XA*aJ . guarantees ro be a sate, wise atd eco uuoe .5. i*)4. elevating the negro. Booker Washing the Rosetiurg Country. Lived is Demol shed. ben. J. J Sullivan. S. J. Benane. T sen.iments of tbe speaker. West Vir .*»1 . i_MS. Vu, M _/ tr.CUug As • aa-^J afi Where sneep for breeding purpose^ nomical constitu lonal administration ton. and in his general political plays Camais Valley, Or.. Aug. 18.—The J. Morgan. Eaward Riley. Mrs Mar- ginias leaning democrats were pres Chicago, Aug 17.— a mou of sulk of the government. 1 find it a pleas have been kept entirety by themselves to win the negro vote, has made the .ire in this vicinity is beyond cont: garet A. Goldman, Jeremiah Shues ent in forte, it is a perfect day. Tbe LCaaa^TUa *«a.CMS «14**4 UMB A a XA* and have no opportunity of becoming jr*^uea a n^use occupied Uy uu- common negro more insolent and dar ¿nd many settlers are deserting their row. T J McHale. ex senator mmgied with tbe crowd ure in standing here upon tbe border ■n.ected or exposed, either by contact siuCk/ar-a eoip.oyes mix - ws A a . -vw $4« 4C4-a»4 Uj»-i.t4.C4 iA A land of the two Virginias, to receive ing lq the belief that Mr. Roosevelt's oomes. -hat bad come to pay him humage, Tbe troiiey car was heavily loaded -.^ a mpeuiag u.e occupants, -"•«w vC.aaw*v.M*>a/ UAAL anu accept tbe commission you bear with infected sheep, or by cross.n„ recognition gives a license to "get Tbe engineer and fireman ot the pas and shook bands «no many The u»u- an i i*u * ornea. to Lee tor N-CuOCi we CA^rtXaCasV .raus wnure lnfecteu sheep have been "la it lot aignitican. ot a closer, even ’ on the negro-hating whites. senger tra.n have a>so been ai custom »as lgnoted by presenting - •* »C«. g 3 U a u—fc-a-ae-. a.ltl driven and can be loaded inro clean ~K.t L es. Escaping by Railway. truer brotuerhoou us. that for Among the ignorant classes it is a formal wriuen notuicauon tn ad- a a< ie uouse was wrecked, and d.s;n.ected cars without becvn. the win- ■•»4» -C«Uu hC'tr«3 u»«a*aa Bsaa«.c 1 Roseburg. Aug. 18.—A terrific fire the first time since the war. a nomi said the opinion prevails largely that -ante. Cha. rm an Wiulams appointed - j - l • «AprcaA s — ucuumu laa * KILLED IN WRECK. nee on a national ticket i» taken trom :ng so 1-iected or exposed, it »14 be «o«rs i sbattere-] and cuora torà troni federal troops will be called out tu .n Cow Creek Canyon has already a commi-iee lo escort tbe nom.uee to .-.e iaxS MWU AAAC. dUuM A ll A^A QtCT- le.t to the discretion ot the inspector Uicpea Tbe occupants »ere pur- swept over many square miles The that section lying the south of the Mason protect negro criminals, where «a, A**d re- or employs as to wnsmer saia sneep Worktrains Meet on Big Fcur With tbe par .or in which me committee and Dixon line bj a mo j and rook re.uge in tbe «ve ad« mt > er a * crime is committed against a bated settlers are escaping by railway. met. He appeared at 11; 35 un the vyards police xtation. - c«eu m $ a 6axrtA<A vX tUaiiue. ne AA*d Fatal Results. "It is a happy recognition that all sbou.d t« given a clean bill of health. Southerner. .rau ot Ferry Be.moot and James H. a - re ace-1, sectional dliferetces which led to This ruts should aiso app.y u> anse* The situation is becoming terrible Cincir.natl. Aug 18.—One man was • aney, of Massachusetts. Plunged Over the Falla. Knig tx Tsn-ptar Coming Hers. ' driven from one state to anoth ifeArea te wouiu carry and to.lowed that unhappy struggle and the iar-reaching result of the killed and four injured in a head-on "This is more man l deserve, g>-a Buffalo, Aug. 17.—At 10 o'clock this er in ail cases where there are bureau London, Aug. 16.—Tbe Eari ot Eos- -»e swrc« I iaa O cJuxuaoa, Ana a S pl &a Washington incident is just now be- morning an unknown woman commit- oliislou between two work on Jeoien," he said muaesUy. uf—^man are ended. ' Inspectors enough to enforce the or- on. grand master. and a deputatiaa .riiv»- a wa . n upw& isiuij aa me/ wua 4. "1 heartily Indorse the platform up ginning to be felt. ted suicide by going over American .he Big Four at Elizabethtown .oday. Wii..ams thee presented the formal f E. Knights Templar, who wiil AAsAtr son waa An ixiwUAwrMHia u * aa , on which 1 was nominated and with u<r. rails. Hundreds witnessed the acL ¿ngiueer Patrick Mi.cheli, of Indian auiUicatiou. GEO S HICKOX attend the con- .ave to be teld tn San -lie mt.a ot u-e ume vaa oai o* taerr be convention and the nominee for Sheriff Aided the Mob. She leaped into the rapids, 100 L et spoils, was killed outright Chairman Williams' Address. Agent in Charge president. Francisco next month, sailed today -«£wt. «na taey couid m<«nuain oa*y a Atlanta, Ga.. Aug. 18.—In an offic ,’rom the precipice. • cry amiiea surieiUa&ce over Ala FoUowUg is the synopsis ot the for New York. "I regard the present mocetary SENATOR HGAR DYING. ial report Captain Hitch, who com *****»e m en la . speech ot John Sharp Williams, noil standard of value as irrevocably es- FOUR BURNED TO DEATH. matded the militia at Statesboro A lew momenta before the shoou&g End Is Now Almost Certain to Come I -ying Henry G. Davis of bis nomma- tahlisbed In the campaign preceding quotes two sergeants as saying that r ran* came .nto toe nouse of nis pa- Jon lor tbe vice-presidency. Mr Wil- the Last election, the republicans laid Oklahoma Farm House Struck by the sheriff unlocked the jail door and in Next 48 Hours. retts, with whom he mane b.s home, ..ama was in his beat mood and bis stress on the prosperous condition of Lightning With Fatal Results. admitted the mob and pointed out Worcester, Mass.. Aug. 18.—The speech was »areas.ic in the extreme and jai ie u through from -he trust to the country and tbe 111 results .hat Reid and Cato. Guthrie Okla , Aug. 17. — The farm 'ond.tion cf Senator Hoar showed no He said in part: r.<. rear. He »ent through a room oc would follow a change. house of B A Dowlirg. near Perib. marked ehan ye this morning and he cupied by his momer, aad it appears "We have been appointed by a most "True, the country was prosperous, «as struck by lightning and burned JAPANESE REPORTED TO is gradually growing weaker. The notable convention as a cummitlee to ua; he stopped on me way. opened a but It is also true that the evils they today. Four members of the family HAVE MADE AN ASSAULT. 2nd is looked for inside of 48 hour*. notify you of your nomination by the i rank bexinging to his mother and prophesied came under a republican »ere burned to death: B A Dowling. - oom therefrom a revolver ot an anti uemoc-ratic party, ss its choice for i administration Then the factories, Mrs. Dowling. Ben Dowling. aged 1« Terrific Bombardment Begun by Jap Fatal injuries in Collision. quated pa.tern. b»t which »as load vice-president. We desire to express mills and mines were in active oper- anese on Exact Hour at Which Rus Peabody. Mass.. Aug. 18—Five men the pleasure we feel In having been ' a ion. Now work is scarce, many and Fannie Doming. aged $ ed, and passed unaoticed with it out XNTI-MORMONS CARRY were irjured. one probably fatally, in selected to perform this duty and also w age-earners are unemployer and of the rear door. OREGON S GOVERNOR ON sia Was to Reply to the Japanese Asa LeGrow's Will. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. » collision of trolley cars between our confidence in your faithiulneM : wages are reduced. Apprehension A few momenta after be passed Order to Surrender—Reports That THE FOREST RESERVE. Lynfield and Peabody, early this aonesty and wisdom." cir- ! Walla Walla, Aug 17.—Th.- win through the Louse hu mother heard which now in business 20,000 Japanese Have Already Beer. morning. Haroid Smith is probably the report of a pistol tn the back The remainder of the speech was cles. present unsatisfactory Industrial the late Asa 1 eGrow was filed tor pro Sacrificed in the Siege of Port Ar Dubois Ticket Nominated and Dubois faially injured. what the speaker called a "brief bis conditions demand a political change i bate in the superior court yesterday Upon Receiving His Sharp Protest yard, »be instinctively anew what Plank Inserted in Platform—Great thur—Russia Bcwi to the Anglo- »as the matter and ran outside aad torical discussion upon some blunders i "I congratulate tbe committee and afternoon. The property of the de British Destroyer Rammed. of ot.r ancestors, as viewed from the ! the constituency it represents lu Its ceased is equally divided among his , Agamst the Slipshod Methods of lound Frank sitting on a box which Fight of the Panhandle State W.ll American Contraband View. Fay 8 LeGrow of I Handling the Reserves, the Interior was against the side of a shed- By POrtmouth. Aug. 18—The British t land point of the wisdom of republi- i selection as a nominee for president, three children Be Over Mormonism—Democrats Washington, Aug. 18.—Minister , AtL. ua. U maoe executor without I Department Acted Quickly in Mak- bis side on thr ground lay the pistol, destroyer Leepher, while moored a: can statesmen who have embraced , a man of courage, yet prudent; of|^t~M> ls Close Historic Convention at Lewis Griscom of Tokio cables the state de high ideals, Ankeny. D McGillivray , Ideals, yet without pretense-; pretense, of I bocdr fertsmouth today. was rammed by the strenuous life." irg Amends— Forest Lands Unfit and he was bleeding profusely from partment the ofiicial informa.iun ton—Heitfield for Governor. a wound in the head He was imme Lxirt nzen are named as ap-1 The speech was in an entirely sa the most wholesome respect for the *n^ » torpedo boat below the water line for Reserve« Restored to Entry. that the Russian commanuer yester diately taken into the house, whars and was docked. The torpedo boat tiricai vein. "The firs: of these blun-1 constitution and a majority of the | Pr*l"'“r* of the estate day rejected the Japanese summons he lingered, entirely unconscious, ders," he said, "was discriminating I laws under It. He is tot an ora'or or I a so was injured to surrender Port Arthur, also the Tbe Idaho democratic convention about 16 hours, and died at 7:40 this against the red man. the image of God a man of letters, but a man of reserve A special to the Oregon Daily Jour Japanese otter for the removal of non morning. in cherry, on account of his race, col-1 force, and sound judgment whom the ust closed at Lewiston, after a three nal says: comoaiants. He was attended closely from the or and previous condition. The next I people have called to tbe office ot' lays’ session, including one night ses The interior department has sud time of the shooting until death en blunder consisted in taking up arms president. sion until 2 a. m.. is the most historic denly decided to restore to entry sued. by Dr. E. O Parker, who di Report of Disastrous Attack. against King George. "Dire predictions wete nisde by our »bout 345 " acres of land in Eastern Berlin, Aug. 18.—Die Post reports -■ver held in the state. rected tbe exaniinatiou of the body "We have, however, made amends opponents as to wbat would happen at Oregon, now included within forest be.'ore the inquest. No autopsy was an attack on Pon Arthur yesterday, The party is divided over the Mor- fur this silly business by government- St. Louis. This judged the temper of reserve withdrawals. About 325.000 the Japanese loss being 5000 killed. non question and the result was so necessary, and the jury, which was il sirenuosity at Indianola. Miss., .he party and the people, Al) differ- acres lie arounl the exterior bounda ■m; an eled by Justice of the Peace A. which, by the White House decrees, ences were harmonised and a plat- incertain on account of the bitter ries of the Blue mountain withdrawal, Last Bombardment Begun. Miller, unanimously and immediately have been excommunka.ed from the form adopted which was sane, saie -.he remaining 30,000 along the bor ight and almost equal division of the xgreed that death came as the result intelligence of tbe world. and sound. Chee Foo, Aug. 18.—Refugees who ierà cf the Wallowa withdrawal. CR^AM OF THE RANGES IN ot a pistol wound inflicted by tbs d»- "The next great blunder was Im- "I beg my countrymen, as they left Port Arthur last night state that itrong leaders of the state, that once This decided change in the policy eased wi.h suicidal intent The foF molalion by our ancestors of the na value liberty, to guard with great care SOUTHERN UMATILLA. the Japanese began a terrific bom .he Mormon forces won and tbe news THIEF GETS BOLD IN of the department is largely ascribed kwing comprised the jury; Jed Man bardment at the time set for the reply vas sent out to that effect. BROAD DAYLIGHT. lion's industrialism upon the altar of the sacred right of local self govern o a very painted letter from Governor free trade within a common domain, ment. to watch with a jealous eye ning. foreman; Clark Sturtevant J- of the Russians to the Japanese de A rally of forces was held and an Chamberlain, which was received on \V. Smith, C. L. Newcomb. H. L. notwithstanding already One Hundred Head Delivery Made existing the tendency of the times to central mand to surrender. They confirm other session witnessed the complete y yes.erday. Morse, L. E. hoy. the previous reports that seven Rus overthrow of tbe Mormon element, Stranger Looking for an Architect s ate lines furnished a convenient ize power in the hands of the few. I by Henry Lazinka. Fred Geinger In this letter Oregon's executive Dr. Parker found the case to be a place, opjiortunity and temptation to More sacred than the right ot prop sian ships are in the harbor and also he nomination of an anti-Mormon Sam Clark and Culp Brothers to the akes issue with the department for simple one, speaking from the stand Took Advantage of the Absence of establish custom houses. He was re erly is the right to possess and own additional torpedo boat destroyers ticket and the adoption of Fred Du ita indecision, or its aversion to act Frye-Bruhn Company. Through J. C. and Extracted $6.25 From Clerk point of anatomy. The bullet enter minded of another serious blunder ones self and the labor of one's own They say the Japanese have lost 20,- bois' strong anti-Mormon resolution. Lonergan—About 800 Head of Fat on forestry matters, and insists that ed the right temple and came out at Cash Drawer—Theft Not Discover- Our ancestors seemed to have enter hards. BOB men before Port Arthur in the Following is the ticket and the anti- >ne of two things be done, either that "For years I worked In the ranks last 10 days. Cattle Left 'n Camas Prairie Os- forests reserves be immediately erect the top ot the head, on tbe left side ed at the Time and the Man Escap- tained the notion that combinations Mormon resolution: end pretty well back. Governor—Henry Heitfeld ot Nez trie«—Price Paid Was $2.75 Per ed and the surplus lands restored to ed—Cash Happened to Be Low and in res raint of trade, by seeking mon A wage-earner is measured by the opoly. by throttling competition, were character of the work he does and Russia Bows to Uncle Sam. Perce ¡member of congress. F. H entry, or that the lands so far found Loss Was Light Hundred. in some way, adverse to the develop the cost of living to-men. entitle them MR. NEWELL'S MISSION. St. Petersburg, Aug. 18.—It is stat Holtzbeinu-r of Bannock, lieutenant .infit for forestry purposes be thrown ment of individuality.." to full compensation for their servi ed on good authority that the valid governor, Frank Harns of Washing open to entry, leaving the actual ere Williams said: "What a childish ces. Is Now In the West to Urge Better Ir ity of the British-American view of ton; supreme judge, Nathan H. Clark Almost under the very eyes of a What is certainly the cream of the uion of forest reserves to a later day "It will be my pleasure and duty rigation Laws. what cons itutes conditional and ab yf Custer: secretary of state. J. J. clerk, the till in the paint store of Iil^a of our ancestors that the presi- His protest made it plain that, in ranges in Southern Umatilla county solute contraband of war will in all Walling of Canyon; auditor, W. H. K. J. Murphy, in Court street, was dent is simply the chief executive; at a time not far hence, to accept arrived In this cl y last night, for lis opinioc, the department's policy F H. Newell, chief of the reclama that his duty consists in executing the more formally In writing the nomina probability be recognized by Russia. Stufflebeam of Bingham; attorney rifled of its contents yesterday after f de ay is injuring the stats inter ion service, in speaking of his mis shipment to Frye-Bruhn over the W tion tendered me and give my view» The Russian reply will assert their .eneral, Carl Paine of Ada; treasurer, noon. The thief entered the place, aws as written. ring with settlement, and is, ail in sion to the West on this visit, to the & C. R . In the shsoe of 100 head of "It is a sincere pleasure to be able on some important questions com in.erpretation of special claims to be Timothy J. Regan of Ada; superin,en- secured tbe money and was Just de el. Indefensible. Sunday Oregonian says: 3-yesr-old steers, delivered by Henry lent of schools, Miss Permeaie French parting when seen by J. P. Murphy. to help to this high position a man of manding the a tention of the coun- Lazlrka. Fred Geinger. Sam Clark and disposed of later. It is no exaggeration to say that "I am out in the Wes; on three mis your character, sense and modesty. I try." of Blaine; mine inspector, M. J. Lin Murphy called to the man and ask ions." continued Mr Newell, count- Culp Rrothera, all of the Camas Pra i. vernor Chamberlain's letter creai eke of Shoshone. G. A. R. ELECTIONS. J more excitement than has been ng on his fir gers to impress the num ed what he wan ed. The fellow turn irie district. The plank which Dubois men forced ed and remarked that he was looking This was the prettiest, roundest, witressed iu the department tn many ber. "First. I am here to. if possible, General Blackmar Commander—Den into the platform and upon which the lor an architect, and walked out. plumpest, fittest shipment of csttle months, and brought about such ac- jet the works started and the con lemocracy will wage war on the Mor The robbery was not discovered un ver Next Meeting Place. «ent out of Pendleton this year, and ivity among clerks as is without pre- ■truetton begun; second. I wish to get Boston, Aug. 18.—General W. W mon church, is as follows: til some time later, when Mr. Murphy Henry Iuizlnka termed it the "creim edent. Since that letter was received he two state commissions. one from “We demand the extermination of had occasion to open tbe till, Blackmar. of Massachusetts, was to Six of the range " it Is part of the large he department has been unable to Oregon and the other from Washing day unanimously elected commander polygamy and unlawful cohabitation dollars and twei-ty-live cents, all the ton. together for the purpose of devis- number of fat cattle bought In the »ct with enough expedition. within the state of Idaho, and the change lu the money drawer, was immediately upon receipt of Gover- .□g some plans for the revision of the There is consternation among the the sheep we have purchased will be southern part of the county by J. C. in-chief of the Grand Army. omplete separation of church and aken, but several checks were un- buyers of sheep, and equally among gaunted that much, and will conse- I onergan. and already mentioned In or Chamberlain's note the forestry water laws of the two states, to urge date in political affairs. We pledge disturbed. ureau. which de.inltely recommended them to begin the considers.ion of tbe sheep raisers. By mall today the quently require more careful treat- the East Oregonian. Denver Next Meeting Place. he democratic party to enact such The supposed thief is described as government stock inspector and the ment and extra feed to get them la he needs of such a law and to hurry The owners gathered them from he creation of the Blue mouctain for Boston, Aug. 18.—Denver was se egislation as will effectually suppress i young man, fairly well dressed, sheepmen receive the notice below condition. These sheep will lose at the best range In Oregon and the cat •st reserve last May. was called upon them in Its preparation; third. I am lected as the place of the next Grand >uch evils.” wearing a blue serge suit and rather rom Gorge 8. Hickok, the agent in least six pounds on an average be- tle show it. The price paid for 'he o state wba. lands in the Blue moun lere as a member of the commission Army encampment. stockily built. "I-did not get a very charge ct the anin’il inspection bu tween now and delivery in Nebraska. bunch was $2.75 per 100. averaging aln and Wallowa withdrawals had •n public lands, which was appointed Other Elections. UNDERGROUND OPENED. >een unfit for reserve purposes. giod look at him." said J. P. Murphy, rr iu at Salt Lake City. every ounce oi which we must make about $30 per head. by the president to report on the pres- John R. King, of Maryland, was The bureau promptly replied that •nt condi.ions of the land laws of the The immediate cu..structlon given up alter delivery at the feeding lots "and 1 paid put little attention to him They were shipped out last night vice commander-in-chief New System in New York Tested at the .ime, for 1 did hot suspect any to the «locument by the buyers and in that state. elected over the W A C. R. and the stockmen ibout 325,000 acres in the Blue moun country. Rev. J. H. Bradford, of Washington Last Night and Found to Be Per- thing wrorg. However, I believe I shippers here, and by County Live ■'Furthermore, it knocks In the are returning homo today There re tain withdrawal were deemed unsùlt "There are several irrigation pro Warren chaplain-in-chief ; D. C-, would know the man were I to see stock Inspector Bean is that here-1 head several largo deals we had on mains In the Camas Prairie district tide for permanent reservation, and iccts now under consideration of the feet. King, of Indiana, surgeon general after all sheej being shipped into since the purchases were made which about 800 head of fat cattle yet. which .10.000 acres in the Wallowa with- Ltireau. but the one in Oregon that is New York, Aug. 18.—A secret test llm again. The convention adjourned after the u this time being pushed the hardest "I was in the paint shop at the rear other states for feeding or stock pur- were announced in yesterday after rnuat be gathered for the pastures as Irawal. new underground railroad was >f the election. Some of this land is good only for s rhe Malheur project, which, if car- nade last night when a train was of the store when 1 ht-ard the man. poses or for breeding must be dipped | noon's paper, because all figures mui. the ranges will soon begin to dry up. «razing; other tracts are barren and ri >d through according to the plans ent through for the first time this I walked out to see what was wanted, once, and if they nave been found to ; nei easarily be revised." WHEAT MARKE* WRECKED. ho government, will reclaim In the The standpoint of the sheep raiser The Northern Pacific Railway Com eould not produce trees, while still norring and tracks were opened f r and observed him walking away from be actually infected, must be dipped he counter ;owar<ls the door. When twice. These gentlemen give thia is perhaps best expressed by Stock pany's assessment on Its real proper- other tracts lying in the valleys along neighborhood of 100,000 acres of rich rains and express service. Four Reports From Northwest Caused Bot *v in this city was raised nearly $200.- the streams which penetrate the pro lard. ars made the distance from the city I spoke to him be turned quickly and construction to the clause, "Sheep Inspector Bean, who says: tom to Drop Out This Morning. "The government is ready to start "The cost to the sheep raisers is 000 by the board of equalization this posed reserves are distinctly agricul ail to Harlem in 15 minutes. The appeared to be startled by my sud tha are being shipped into oilier Chicago, Aug. 18.—On a bearish ests were successful in every way. len appearance." sta <•» for feeding or stock purposes considerable, the average expense of morning. This is not so much as the tural lands, and not desirable in a re work in this polect as soon as the report from the Northwest this morn E. J. Murphy, proprietor of the or for breeding, must be dipped once dipping being two cents per head property of the Great Northern was serve. people of the district are organized In other words the forestry bureau Uid can give the assurance that they ing, the bottom dropped out of the as exposed, and twice if Infected, in after the plant Is in running order. raised yesterday, but the equaliser* store, said: "1 am glad that the theft I MRS. MELVILLE W. FULLER DEAD wheat market. Millions of bushels of occurred when It did, for It was some of the (one) dips approved by The loss by killing sheep during dip say that when the fact is taken into recommended that all public lands in will co-operate with the bureau in lta wheat went over board in a few sec aught me a lesson. Some days we tills bureau, and under the supervls- ping need not be considerable, as consideration that the Nor:hern Pa eluded In these two withdrawals work and help to make the scheme a Justice Suddenly Dies Wife of Chief onds and nd small fortunes were lost. have had several hundred dollars in Ion of a federal employee." such loss is generally due to the care cific has always paid higher taxes which are In any way desirable for success. From Heart Failure. Later, -, Manitoba to the ef coin in the money drawer, and it just Interviewed upon the subject, lessness of the operators. I have than the Great Northern, the Increase settlement or entry—except under the "From the indications at the present feet that rust caused a two-thirds of Bar Harbor, Me., Aug. 18.—Mary happened yesterday that the change Messrs. Hunter & Stephens, buyers. known some men to lose 60 sheep out Is proportionately ns large.—Seattle timber land laws—be restored to the line, it seems probable that it will be public domain, retaining under with nossible for the construction work on a crop, sent wheat soaring beyond the Ellen Fuller, wife of Justice Fuller, was a small amount.” said: of 2000 during dipping, whereas others Star opening. drawal only those lands that are val 'he reservoir to be commenced this This rule coming at Ibis time sim will scarcely lose an animal. The if the supreme court, died suddenly Prices of old September, $1.08, ast night while tit:ing on the piazza Mrs. Rachael Miller Northup, of ply means a dead loss to the buyers percentage of loss from that particu The property valuation of Clacka uable for their timber and essential fall That depends entirely, however, closed same; new, $1.06%©%■ Corn, if their summer cottage at Borronto, Forest Grove, died Wednesday, aged who have contracted for sheep, of not lar source may or may not be large, mas county has Increased 1300.000 In the preservation of the waler sup on the attitude ot ths people of the 54%, closing same Oata, 34%0%. from heart disease ply section " 74 years less than 25 per cent per head, as all according to the care taken in the over that of 1808 RELENTLESS IH FB1NK SMITH OF FAT CAULE %