Image provided by: East Oregonian; Pendleton, OR
About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1904)
i ✓ B ■B— weekly edition . Unswayeti by fear, unlnflu enced by favor, the East Ore gonian will tell the truth, the whole truth, about county, state and national affairs, It is fair, absolutely fair, to .aose who differ from Its its views, as well as to friends. • •••••••••••• • • WEEKLY edition <vs\~ The East Oregonian of Pen dleton, Oregon, Is published In the heart of the wonderful In land Empire. You will find that it is readable, reliable and progressive, and will give you the news reliably, accu rately and fully. e e VOL. XXVI11 f PROMINENT RA. l ROADER cha » oes l’ENDLETON. UMATILLA CO..OREGON. FRIDAY, APRIL 29,19)4. NO. 43 OREGON FLYING MACHINE. CftTII nniinnTHP o»». slNOeS 5ÜIH UUNbntbb ! uuQininiiR Says Rossi, Who Is a Noted Opera Performer, Eloped With His Wife and Then Stood Him Off With a Shotgun—Plaintiff Is an Auditor of the Southern Pacific. LANDS BILL Grant Keys, of La Grande, Perfecting Atrshap Near Elgin. 1-a Grande, April 26.—Union coun ty is to have a competitor in the «ty ing machine contcmt which will take place at thtr St. Ixiuls exposition, years Grant Key For several has been experimenting along tbe lines of aerial navigation and now firmly believes that be has devised * plan whereby a journey through the clouds will hereafter be a mat ter of ease and comforu He has ordered bls engine« and is now engaged tn erecting a large shed on Cricket flat near Elgin. wh«.-re be will assemble the various parts of UMATILLA RESERVATION the machine. Those who ar»- acquainted with QUARANTINED MAY 1. Mr. Key know him to be no Idle dreamer and feel confident that he that will be able to d«»monstrate Union county ba* a man that has Dr. J. ChriMi«, State Veterwwrias at last solved tbe problem of aerial Finds 1300 Head *f effected Cat navigation Mr. Key expects to have tie and Horses at Echo—Vets and bis mac hine so complete that he will not only be able to race for the Corrals for Dipping Will Be Imme- prize, but expe»-'M to be able to By bis machine from in Grand« to the fair grounds. Key wa« formerly an O. R « N fireman MUST BE DIPPED San Rafael. Cal., April 27—D. M. Edwards, head of the auditing de partment of the Southern Pacific, swore to a complaint this afternoon before Justice Magee, charging Sig nor Rossi, the noted Callan singer of San Francisco, with adultery. Edwards claimed Rossi eloped with his wife. May Edwards. Edwards found Rossi and his wife at Pastorí PORT land TO HAVE GOV MONK TtETlMONV IN THE WANTED FOR SIMPLE as this morning and Rossi drove PANAMA APPROPRIATION RUSSIANS FAIL TO KdBards away with a shotgun. Rossi SMOOT INVESTIGATION ERNMENT ASS8AY OFFICE DISTURRANCE OF PEACE MADE BEFORE ADJOURNING. DECOY JAP FORCES. and Mrs. Edwards have been living at Pastorías since Fri .ay. Rossi is now taking the leading Taylor Had Five Officer* Made the Fight From Behind House Cali* on Kno< to Know what Ex-President The Latter Are Now Entrenched in parts at the Tivoli opera house in The Bill Carrying the Appropriation San Franclsro. Wive*, the Two Last Being Sister* Ha* Been Done in the Merger In. a Shield, and the Negro Was the Also Give* the President Arbitrary One Position on Manchurian Side i vestigaton — Also His Former and Employes of Passes Only One Injured — When tie a Reso- Authority Equal to That of a Czar of the River—Japanese Lose a TON OF SPOILED Ml r. Wives — Former President Stat* Ag lution Asking the Tardy Attorney- Firing Ceased the Desperado IN a* on the llthmus — Wind River Res Heavily Laden and Important Seattle Inspector* Find Diseased Beef General What ricultural College I* a Polygamist to Show Found Dead With Seven wound* He Has ervation Will Not Be Opened This Transport. Captured and Sunk by j and Pork in Large Quantities. —Mort Battlt*h:ps Is the Settled Investiga — He Had Made His Fight With Done in the Coal Trust Year—Current Expenies 328.003.- Russian War Ship.—Japanese Were, Seattle. April 27.—City Meat In Military Policy of the Administration. Academy Two Revolvers and Supply of Car t«on — •HI spector Roll's report for April »ill 000 Above Prior Estimate*. Repulsed at Tueron Cheng. show that he has condemned me re Pa**e* With Amendments. tridge*. than a ton of meat which otherwise SHEARERS ON A STRIKE. would have been consumed by the Waabingtou. April 37-—Tbe bouse Washington, April 28. — Congress London. April 28.—Reuter's Chee ieop]e Of the city. Some of it was and senate met at 10 this morning Two Hundred and Fifty St-eepsnear. Deputy State Veterinarian John Washington. April 26.—The senate Oakland. Cal.. April 27—After a Foo correspondent wires that the infected with tuberculosis of the adjourned this afternoon sine die era Want Higher Price for Work. In the former the galleries were well Christie .» on the war ;<th and tbe battle with a heavy squad of police passed the bill dividing Oregon into minor importance Matters of Kulieng most dangerous type. The larger filled In anticipation of the appear Japanese have occupied Rawlins. April 2».—Two hundred cause of the trouble is »cab and portion of it was thrown away lor emerging from conference were dis- irmcd »ith Winchester* and sawtxl- two judicial districts and establiah- ance of Littlefield. of Maine and fifty Wyoming sbeepshearer* are mange among tbe •at tie and borse» Cheng, on the right bank of the Yaiu, T shotguns. t>eginulng at 7:36 U>st Ing an assayer's office at Portland >eing too lean, sour or otherwise un Tbe bouse pa»*»--, the bill regular - on strike for an increase of wage« of tbe coonty. ilgh: and lasting until 8:30 this The military academy appropria- .ng the disposal of south of Antung. Such a move Is it for use A half dozen hogs. sh< w- posed of. public lands re- The shearers of Carbon county. Yesterday a* he was cruising I tion was then taken up norning. Joe Smith» a negro sharp- the most important acts Among highly important from a strategical I rg the effects of cholera were con ieaa«>u and excluded from public for- Wyoming, after having sheared a around town he found a bunch of »hooter and former member of tne this morning was the agreement on would mean they ! lemned. _ . . . .... reservation» standpoint, as it few have found the sheep much hard nine mangy Indian cayuae* tied back Poatpone Labor Leg..I.Lon The ^fwo<.e report the <ftn. th* me*' WM f°und the conference report on a Panama 25th Infantry, was shot to death in er than in former year» and have of the Kunk«d implement bouse on would have the Russian forces on 41* home. Washington. Apni 26 —On a votalnrB| deficiency bill waa accepted n ¿he counter* of retail meat shops made a demand for 1 c«»nt per bead 316.000.000 ap the Yalu hemmed In on three sides: >ut most of It was discovered on the ■anal bill carrying Not until seven bullets bad pierc- of four to three, two absent, the sen ] jn the senate the Burrows r«»*o idditional for shearing, which de Main street. Tbe horse* were rub propriation. as desired by the sen in front would be the main force of I jocks and at the railroad stations •<! bis body did tbe desperado n*gro ate committee on labor decided to lotion for the committee ou expul mand was refused by the Wooigrow- bine up against everything ín sight ind it seemed the microbe* were so the Japs, to the east and northeast It had been shipped in from the tte. and a provision leaving the con tuccumb and up to tbe time the laat postpone further consideration of tbe non of Smoot to sit recess. *rs’ Association. With tbe advance thug that they could aimoet be seen tatal missile struck him he kept be- eight-hour bill un.. I I>ecember forces of Japs are known to have) country trol and management of the zone to • ent to the committee "be price asked is 8 cents, the scale »uh the naaed eye. Dr. Christie crossed the Yarn Monday and Tues The general deficiency bill for the idopted by the union at Butte. the sieging the party at bay with a per the president, as decided by declared war on the spot and order ect hail of bullets, none of which, Military Academy Bill Pasaea. day. and on the west the force no» «undry civil service waa agreed to. DEADLOCK AT 'FRISCO. This action was taken for two rea ed the horse* killed, bet they were house i«.»ever, found the mark. reported as occupying Kulien Cheng. Washington. April 26.—The senate sons: The house refused to order the »ent back to the reaerTaUon ia- Tbe officers went to Smith's home More Baltisch ips. 3rospect> That Strike Will Involve previous question bill for tbe open passed the military academy appro Trying to Decoy Japanese. First—Because the ahee; on ac stand ast night to arrest him for disturb priation bill, after striking out the (flffaahlngton. April ount of scarcity of snow during th« 27.—Represen The London Central News corres I All Street Car Lines, ng up to settlement of the Wind been warned Tbe Indiana have ng the peace He drove the officer* military sites provision ast winter, are In a very dirty con chat they must take care c>f their ’stive Dayton. of W'est Virginia, an pondent at Tokio states the latest I San Franc jco. April 27—The liver Indian reservation in Wyotn -way with bullets, barricaded the nonneed after a conference with the I it ion and in consequence there is t ..»eased stock between this and the news from Wiju is to the effect that I leadlock continues today in the ng. louse and fled to the upper floor, House Snub* tsa Senate. I president this morning that despit« narked decrease in wages earned Russian and Japanese scouts are con-1 vreet car situation, jrst of May on penalty of having the neither side Excess of Expenditure*. xhere he stationed hlmcelf at a win . Washington. D. C April 26—The I isle * remarks to the contrary t~e Second—That we desire to obtai* xuima:« kill«! at fast as found off stantly exchanging shots, the Rus linking any move looking toward an met the confer When tbe senate low armed with two revolvers battle he union scale of wages adopted a river and harbor a. propriaUcn bill] idminiatration atil! favor* he reservation sians attempting without success tc tdjustment of differences. Now it »nee report on the river and harbor Reinforcements were sent on a »as railed op in tbe bouse aid tbeI <blpa The president will sign the lutte, by the shearer's union. Th* Muarantin* at Raaervauon. draw the Japanese from the positions :eems highly probable two lndepend >il! was agreed to. ruck on which was placed sheet < senate amendments were disagreed I dll today or tomorrow providing The strike is being conducted in * for On, or shortly alter the firs: of the latter have taken Inclement >nt lines will be drawn into the con Allison, chairman of the appropri iteel. which »as used as a shield. > to No attempt was made to send | note of these skip*, joiet. orderly manner, showing th« May. Dr. ChnsUe will put urn recr weather delays the Japanese opera •roversy. Tbe United Railroad's .xtions committee, presented a tabu from the time of their arrival until hearers are capable of conducting eation in quarantine and will allow lions. management has declared indep«?nd I atej statement of the appropriations -nidntght the fight was kept up. Tbe tbe bill to the conference committee Apostle Taylor's Wives. «perattons in such manner. jo stock of any kind to croee tbe ence. and will stand against the I cvngress for the year ending July midnight bells v.ere a signal for a | which »Ction 1* Intended to rebuke the senate for loading down tbe »me. Jaos Lose a Transport. Wsahlngton. April 27—L. E Ab inions if a walk-out Is ordered on all I 1905. showing an excess for th« essation of hoatiiit'es and at day- > bouse bill. If bis orders are transgreased tbe bott. a Mormon from Farmington I urrent year of 328.000.000 above es- >reak the battle was resumed. St. Petersburg, April 28.—Official *nes- property will be confiscated by the Utah, was questioned as to hi» dispatches report that on April 25 Smith hesitated a moment after I I timatee. Prodding Knox. »tate and killed it is the intention «nowladge of Apostle John W Tay two Russian torpedo boats blew up ■mptying both revolvers, and one of i United States Judges, Washington. April 26—In tb* I or. He said Taylor was reputed to >0 take radical measures in order to a Japanese transport at Gensan he officers shot him In the arm house. Jenkin*. (Rep) of The i president nominated the fol stamp on: the disease and prevent Wiscon | ;Bve five wive* two are now living carried 9 Korea. The transports struck econd later another bullet •in. chairman of the committee on it Farmington and one near there .is spread Th* Indian horse* travel owing to be judges of the United cargo of 400 tons of rice and military He Territory: >im under tbe right arm pU. Taylor also has judiciary, called up the Williams I with five children states - courts in Indian over tbe country spreading the stores. 1.500 tons of coal, four Hotch t Territory); • as seen to reel and fall to the resolution asking the atiorney-gener I nBrn«>d two sisters. Rhoda and Humphrey. rhomas i aange right and left and it u im- kiss guns. 17 officers. 20 men and 85 ioor. al to report as to whether erimlna Roxie ____ Wellington, ____ _ Louis Sulzbacher. (Missouri»; W R pcmsible to cause the owners to take two years ago. ac coolies. Sixty-five sailors were cap and The officers rushed the house proceeding* had been instituted I oniint to public talk? Lawrence, (in.noia); J T Dickerson care of lhetr property unless some Prior to tured. Other Japanese officers and Smith «gainst tbe principals in tbe North-l-h*t ntered the room in which .-tnngent ruies are adopted. i Kansas). they bad been living with Tay men who resisted were sunk with the and ern Securities merger case and I »op-, ad made a desperate stand I. H. TAFF WANTS »200.000 . 1300 Head Affected st Echo. wives as hired girls transport. ound him dead in a poo) of blood on whether tbe attorney-general had I j GERMAN REVERSES. Echo and Foster are under the ban FOR k.GHT OF WAY. he floor, with scores of empty shell* ever made an investigation of the I .j,e M Tanner former president of and will have to hold a bathing bee GOVERNMENT LOSSES Utah Agricultural College and Japaneae Are Repulsed. kre Being Whipped by the Hereto* nd both revolvers by hl* side charge* pointing to the existence o! now connected with Mormon schools >n a short time to appease the wrath * THEREFROM ARE HEAVY. London. April 28— The Centra) the coal trust Says State Board Has Belittled His jt the state stock inspector*. Gov of Southweit Africa. plural wives too. but he could had News Lia Yang correspondent says Japanese Spies. The resolution was not debated not tell bow many Land by Claiming it to Be Worth eroor Chamberlain wrote a personal there has been do fighting on tbe Berlin. April 27.—The Lokal An St Petersburg. April 27—Sibert- but was adopted without discussion letter to the deputy here a short Preeiden- form«-r A letter from Yalu since Tuesday and supplement A Naval Officer Telle Tale* Out of | ¿eiger reports serious reverses have 'ess — Would Have Sold for Re« t'.me ago asking b:m to make an in- n papers state that 300 Japanese was then . Smith to Senator Burrows. for so Many | yeen sustained by the force of ing the dispatch«-« regarding an en Colo iave reached Manebuna in disguise School, Accounting sonable Figure Once, But W.l restigattoa of the stock in that vi Warship Wr«ckad. I GB llM, ,^^,-<1^ jn |t he regret* gagement that day says: operating Transport* Going Aground — Lack|ae* Glasenapps. •**ln*’ Or the purpose of ..eetroying rail Shanghai April 27 -Th« Chine*« lnablUlx to procure tbe attend Now F>g«t the State to a Finish- cinity a* complaint had been made "The Japanese. advancing on he rebel Hereros, of German South to him that there was a great deal nf John Henry Smith. George oad property. Chinamen when dls- warship Haetien. «shore on Elliot I of Discipline I* Also an Important west Africa, near Otjihaena. Board Hopes to Avoid a Suit. Tueren Cheng encountered Russian of mange and »cab among tbe cattle »vered tamp«»ring with the rails rock*, i* * total wreck Al! »boa^ Teasdale. M W Merrill. J. W Tay Factor. force*. The Japanese received a hot Eight German officers and 56 men ire hanged. and horse* of tbe vicinity w*ve saved I for y. jr. Cowley. The commit fire from a Russian battery. They were killed, and four officer* and 18 An examination of tbe stock »as The Dalles April is— H Taffe -------------------------- ------ ■ tee adjourned subject io call of the w gave but Blight resistance, then re- .men were wounded. I wealthy nah • b<vi owner now re therefore made last week and it was w chairman Washington. April *&■ J- " I Two-thirds of the officers and one t: -ated in disorder upon tbe next fuse« to sell the state a right oi found that in the vicinity of tbe the men of foiumn have village, where the men dispersed, Jones, second officer of the transport |,,hlr<j «ay for the portage road for lew two towns there were at least 1,(L e Jberman, in a letter to tbe division DROWNED IN A DITCH. taking refuge in the houses ” died of typhoid, rendering Glasen bead of bor»«<e and bead of cat than superintendent of the service, alleges ipp's force impotent and unable to Tbe Taffe is one of the five individuáis tie aff«-cted with the mange hat disasters to government trans continue the campaign until rein- Young Man of Walla Walla Found Japs Advance Up the Yalu. whose property the proposed rouie owner* of *tock in that part of tbe ports have been due to dninkenness | for) ”""'nfR "arrlve” Dead in Shallow Pgol. Tok io, April 28— Admiral Hosoya of the portage road touchee. and Le county will be asked to dtp tbeir among the men and officers and lack The important legislation accom nt ruction and to have statistic* ron- is reported that Governor I>eut of the third squadron. reporting op Walla Walla. April 27—Edward J. cause Mr Taffe thinks his property holding* in tbe near future and a de of discipline, and general incapacity «en will be suspended on account of plishments of the Fifty-eighth coo- piW by the United States eommls P»;mer ax«-d 22 years. was found has ueen belittled and unnecceearily termined stand will be taken to pre eration* of the torpedo fleet up tbe There have been seven transports he unsuccreaful campaign, and Gen nt labor regarding tbe commee- d«-Ad in an irrigation ditch near De Yalu Monday and Tuesday, says the <r«-*s were confined to two subjects »ion industrial. social con<iemn«*d by tbe state board, he vent tbe further spread of tbe dis «shore in the past 12 months In East eral Troths sent out with a formida educational \ eia) enemy's field guns opened without ment's mill veeterday by a party of will tt--w fight tbe state to a finish. ease and to »tamp out that which — Cuba and Panama The reciproc ■rn waters sanitary conditions beginning and ble army to save the situation. effect. A force of tbe enemy on an boys fishing in Mill creek. Tbe body At one time be offered to sell a exists at thi* time ity treaty between the new island re next sear and every four years there was lying face downward in '.be mud island midstream, fled. Tuesday 100 It is probable that a large corral right of way at a very reasonable CAPTURED ILLIG. Welcomes the Gamblers. I after public and the l'nite«i States initiat Jap- Russian cavalrymen attacked a and a basket partly filled with fish jgure but since he thinks tbe state an-1 dipping tank will be built near Pension Legislation. . Next to Lewiston. Coeur d'Alene ed by President McKinley »as made anese launch. A torpedo boat re was still fasten«Ki to tbe body. Pal is pursuing unfair methods in se Echo in K'ne spot convenient to tbe liveliest town in the operatic«- by a legislative enactment • The only general pension l«^i»ia mer had gone out fishing «>arly in plied and the enemy fled to the Town in Italian East Africa ^aP|City ¡g -uring right of way. he will make th« majority of the stock owners who tured From Dervishes. I Northwest, said a visitor in tbe city mountains. The ratification of a treaty by th«* tlon »bleb became a law mak«>* tbe| the day and had not been seen after board pay the full value of the lane will be required to bring tbeir cattle London. April 28—The British na-1 yesterday When asked what was senate and the subsequent initiation pt nslon of those who totally lost their I ward. .hat will .be ruined for future us. and horses there for treatment by ■al commander at Aden reports the I making Coeur d’Alene a city, the re- of legislation for the government of sight In the military or naval service' MAKE PROOF3 BRIEF. Tbe young man was subject to »> the road. the stock inspectors. It is eatlmat apt ure of Illig, Italian East Africa, ply was the removal of the sporting the canal zone committed tbe United ! per month. Agitation for * falling fits and it is supposed that He claims to hare spent 20 year* ed that it will coat on an average Land Department Orders Superfluous rom the Dervishes. Tne British I element that was excluded from Slates to tbe construction of the service pension bill rvaulted in the one attacked him yesterday. Fee«- >f bis life in improving bis farm an« about 30 cents a head to dip, to bluejackets who co-operated with the I Spokane by tbe stringent state law Panama canal connecting the waterr Introduction of many such bills it' ing his weakness, he attempted to lahlng property, and that Le ha« which will be added a proportionate Questions Omitted. »nd that found a welcome in the six I | «nd tbe of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans waa d«>cld«»d. however, that no such leave tbe water's edge, and fainting aught |2ov.v0<j worth of fish then part of tbe coat of tbe corral and La Grande. April 28 —Commission Italian« lost three killed and defended | Idaho town by reason of a recent in his «luce he began in the business Tbe Panama development was on«- action should be taken at tbe pres fell into the ditch nearby, tank. er Richards, of the Called States sounded. The Dervishes This puts a serious check on th« general land office, has sent out no he towers in a determined manner, election that was a practical invita which arose suddenly and received ent session, after which the general h«-lpl«*ss condition be smothered to the bluejackets drove them out. tion and protection to that class of decisive and immediate action at the order making age an evidence of death, there not being enough water right of way proceedings, and th« SHEEFMEN HAPPY. tice that in tbe past transcripts in jeople. handB of President Roosevelt and physical disability to perform manu Ito drown him. Dervishes lost heavily. -«oar.l will make every effort to buy Tte contest cases have been burdened the the senate. The senate ratified the al labor was Issued by tbe secretary The electric railway make* >f Mr Tiffe without a suit. Baker County Flockmaster Delighted with Irrelevant questions which add KEADY'S VICTIM DEAD. trip between the two places both treaty negotiated with Cuba to car of the interior and recognized by materially both to the cost of re SANTA FE STRIKE. at Present Prospects. train short and pleasant and every ry out the Platt amendment. It also congress in a deficiency appropria DALZELL AND COCKRAN viewing the testimony and he asks Dies From Miles A. Lee. the sheepman and :(«!■! liou the Chinese commercial tlon OI of fi.JUU.uuv 11.500,000 IU to make n it cawvuvw- effective, jams* Dunn, of Corvallia, BATTLE IN THE HOUSE that hereafter more care and judg la Extending Eastward Rapidly. Is crowded with people. The plans ratified heavy wool shipper of Baker «coun Pistol Shot for a hotel to cost between 360,000 treaty which provide* for two open I The Ixiuisiana Exposition Expo««.ton company ment be exercised in this regard. In Among Shop Men. and 370,000 are now in preparation ports in Manchuria 27.—James Each Taunts the Other With the ty. says that the late spring, suich Corvallis. Or., April received a loan of 34.600.000 from the his letter the commissioner says: Denver, April 28—The bollermak ttd tbe building will be in operation is 30 days behind time, »ill have * Chairman Hemenway of the house government. 3450.000 was appropriat Dunn, one of the victims of Sunday “Your attention is called to that Dirty Record of His Party and a« •r* and their apprentice«, the metal this summer. S’lendid effect upon all the flocks of committee on appropriations, in a «d for a government exhibit at tbe morning's shooting affray, in which provision of rule 41 of the rules of an Individual — Dalzell invite« ¿astern Oregon, and the bountiful workers and pipe men in the Santa It is expected from 10,000 to 12,000 by ShenL voung Ready was killed dtrec- statement compll«.*d under hia Lewis and Clark exposition at Port practice which directs officers taking Fe railroad shops at Albuquerque. N people will be the transient popula- tion, gives the total of all supply land and 325.000 for an Alaskan ex Burnett, died at 4:40 a. m His Opponent Outside — Cockrai «upply of water now pouring down today testimony in contest cases to ‘sum M., this morning poined the machin ’ion of the town during the warm bills, subject to slight changes in hlbit at the latter fair. .he hills on every side will insure He suffered intense agony during the Silences the Entire House. marily put a stop to obviously irreie ists who went out yesterday after months. Beside the wide open sport- pending bills, as 3579.862.324. to ;ood pasturage well into the summer night and the inevitable end came vaut questioning.’ Washington. April 27 — D C. Ds: Postal Scandal*. noon. Blacksmiths and helpers may ing houses the place Is a pleasant re which must be added 484.971.826 for will bo Tear lings thia season as a relief to him and tbe sorrowing not “A failure to enforce this rule The only direct denting* bad with friends and relatives who have been -.ell. republican from Pennsylvania stronger and falter and bring batter join the strike tonight. and a num- sort on a beautiful lake Interest on the public debt only frequently burdens parties to ind Rourke Cockran went at it again tbe postal scandals waa the investi The machinists at Trinidad. Col., her of handsome cottages and pri The «»stimated revenues are 3"O4.- gation by the house of the ronnectlon in constant attendance since be was tn tbe house today, hammer anc irices than ever before. The increase a contest with unnecessary cost and ire still at work, as are .those at ,n the flocks promises to be very shot down. The funeral will occur tougs. vate boating craft are under con 172,060. By these figures the ex expenses, but it causes much time I rtaton, N. M. All non-union men are struction. Lumbering is the only in penses are 322.OOO.OOO leas than the of its members with clerk hire in ■ tomorrow at tbe Catholic church, and arg*. to be consumed in the trial and cen Referring to Saturday's speech, th« creases In third I and ‘ourth-class i tbe remains will be laid beside th« leavily armed. Wool this year wid ba of much dustry there and it is tne transient ai revenues. No river and harbor bill sideration of such cases, and ■ormer said Cockran made a con repr«>aentaiions re postoffices and I Iner quality and cleaner than laat influences that are making the town. was undertaken and | «rave of his wifel no omnibus garding leases. This though other provisions of that rule temptibie attack on him (Dalzell) investigation I Thia eason, because *he sheep will not “I’M TOO OLD.' —Lewiston Tribune. measure carrying provision for new cleared every member from any Im-1 limit your power to exclude tes..- uid he would be a poltroon if b« iave to run in dust long before Corpse Eaten by Rat*. mony, it is urged, nevertheless, that public buildings was ailow«»d to pass proper conduct In the matter. lid not meet him outside. He di« | hearing time, which thia year will Dogs in the Manger. Several amendments have been you enforce very strictly the provia King Christian Turns a Leap-Year The house, by independent action I Seattle, April 27.—Decayed and tot «sy Cockran received money for ie about May 25 in Baker county. Proposal. Complaint is made, and perhaps made to facilitate the administration directed an Investigation of the al half eaten by rats was a corpse, sup >olitlcal work, but was so informed ions of the rule referred to, and ex- Early this month one Baker coun- elude as far as possible from the Allotment leged "beef trust" by the department pooed to be that of Peter W Wilson He then lashed Tammany in bitter Berlin, April 27.—The Osslsche justly, by some of the progressive pf the public land laws y man sold his wool left from 'ast records all obviously Irrelevant tea- peopje of Bak«;r City, that non-resi In severalty of lands owned collect a dope fiend, found In the basement language and referred to Cockran« of commerce and labor. Zeltung reports that King Christian ear's crop for 17 cents tn Phlladel- dents who own town lots and city ively by the Indian tribes in various tlmony.” Impeachment proce«»dings were be of a Japanese lodging house, at 411 heckered career as that of a tenta »him This is sn indication that yf Denmark at the w«-ekly open re- ception was approached by a young, property are standing in the way of sections of the country has been pro gun In the bous«> against Judge Yesler way yesterday afternoon. The ive adventurer. .rices this year will go higher. There are for vided for In a number of acts. Cockran came back with the sar LOCKOUT attired improving the city. well-bred and fashionably Swayne of the northern district of grewsom«» discovery was made by a instance some parties in Portland, under the Japanese who crawled -astlc inquiry if vituperation is to b« For World Peace. woman who proposed marriage to the Florida, but after a majority repart LAMB CROP GOOD. house to find the cause of a stench he key-note of the republican cam Vehicle People Are Trying to En- nonarch. "I fear I’m too old,” re- who own several blockB of ground A step in the direction of world from the committee favoring im unb. -arable in the center of the city which en which had trecome paign. and referring to Pennsylvania force Open Shop Rule. an peachment. the matter was sent back plied Christian, as he requested Deace has b«>en taken through the terprising people would like to cover Frightened half to death, he rush«»d with a scorn and loathing that kept some Sheepmen Ar* Saving 100 Per San Francisco, April 27.—The lock officer to escort the apparently de- with nice residences. The owners formation of an American group af to commit i « h > and mad«> a special or Cent, Others Not so Many. to police headquarters, a block die the house silent in awe. der for the next session. out of stablemen by the Carriage I ranged person to the door. of this land secured it some years filiated with the interparliamentary tant, and reported his find The sheepmen ar« now 1* the Owners' Association who are trying Statehood Bills. Iago at very cheap prices and now unions for international arbitration BIG STEAMER ASHORE. midst of the lambing season, and to enforce the open shop rule, began SANTA FE STRIKE. and the official recognition of thin The creation of two additional refuse to sell except at exorbitant Walla Walla Laborer* Organize. iome of them are nearly through this morning. The horseshoers in pri«-es away beyond the market. A ■'group” by the passag«* of a joint states in tbe Union was provided for Walla Walla. April 27—A meet It the Craig Neuk From St. Thoma« The season thus far has been very shops where horses from non-union I Company Is Working Men Behind reaolution extending an invitation to in a bill which passi'd the house, but ing of laborers was held at Labor few days ago a Baker City builder to Philadelphia. luccesaful. moot of the men saving shops are being shod went out in Wire Stockades. offered one of these Portland men the union to hold its next annual not the senate. Oklahoma and In hall on Alder street last night to Atlantic City, April 27—A large In the neighborh«xx! of 100 per cent sympathy. Every horseshoer in the San Bernardino, April 27.—On ac to take his block of ground but the meeting at St. louis and approprlat- dlan territory were united as Okla perfect an organization of laboring steamer went ashore on Brigantine M their lambs. city may b«?come involved. count of the strike of Santa Fe ma price put on it was at such a figure , ing 350.000 for tne expenses of the homa; Arizona and New Mexico as men in an effort to secure affiliation shoals last night. A heav y sea is In one or two localities where big Arizona. chinists, hundreds of miles of track that if assessed at that value the . same. with the organized labor unions of running and immense waves break «beep bands have been held, the loss INDIANA REPUBLICANS. By the terms of a joint resolution The right of Senator Reed Smoot the city, and representation in tb«> Ing. Apparently she la * passenger has been heavy, and the per cent has is being patrolled by armed guards. owner could no longer act the dog men in the manger. No disturbances. Sixty-four It is understood the president is authorised to ar- of Utah to hia seat in the senate trades council. About 30 working ship from the West Indie«« or South not gone higher than 70 and 75; but J. Frank Hanley, of Warsaw, Nomi are working behind a barbed wire that County Assessor Jett has had I range a convention with »reat Brit- resulted in an investigation, still in men were present and the sentiment America. most of the growers have come near nated for Governor. his eyes on this class of property - aln. to which the assent of Japan ami progress, Involving the Mormon re waa overwhelmingly in favor of the stockade lAter—The st «Mini er has l»e«n iden er 100 per cent than tbe other figure Russia are to be obtained If possible, iiglon and practice owners and will put such valuations movement A temporary organization tilled as the Craig Neuk. from St re . it is estimated that there are at Indiapapolis, April 27.—The In the house much business has waa effected, and an adjournment Thomas to Philadelphia. publican convention thia morning American Paators in Europe Confer, on their property as will force them to protect the fur seals of the North least 100,000 iambs In the county Pacific ocean and Bering sea. been transacted. At no time has was taken until the latter part of tbe from this year's Increase, and all adopted a platform indorsing Roose- Nice, France. April 28—A confer- to improve or let others do so at a there been factious delay caused by «reek, when another meeting will b«» For the Islands. Will Touch th* Dutton. those who have passed the first week velt. and nominated J. Frank Hanley ence of the pastors of the American reasonable figure.—Baker City Dem St Louis. April 26—The nations' are safe for the present, and will as governor on the first ballot. The churches in Rome. Paris, Geneva, ocrat. Provisions were made for the ex a desire to filibuster on the part of held, and an organizer will be pres worlds fair commission met this mature provided no accident befalls present incumbents of secretary of Florence, Dresden, Lucerne and Mu-' -------------------------- tension of the coastwise shipping the minority, in the house there ent to perfect the organization morning to make final arrangements them. state, treasurer, auditor, attorney- nich was begun here today, Bishop Owen Wister the novelist, can laws of the United States to the were 15,698 bills. 349 resolutions. 152 has for the opening day The general vagrant, Tom Davidson, a “' 7 l>eonard ‘ presiding '■' Numerous ques- hardly survive the operation for ap- Philippine islands alter July 1. 1906 joint resolutions and ol concurrent The ewes are healthy and la good general and superintendent of public ___ "_______ court|tions affecting the prospects am Hawaii was granted the right to 1 resolutions introduced. Of these 2.- started a smalliMtx epidemie in the program as arranges for Saturday condition and instruction, and supreme (.__ ‘ _ ___ _Z —___ _ tbe 1Z American church- pei.dicitis which was performed up- remains practically unchanged Seattle city jail. judges were nominated unanimously. I«« in Europe are to be discussed. have a superintendent of public in- 256 were passed. on him lately in Philadelphia. bright. They Have Hemmed in Large Russian Forces on Lower Yalu River. Narration of Events Which Ex-Regular Army Sharpshoot Senate Passes Bill Authorizing Law to Regulate the Disposal Division Into Two Judicial of Released and Excluded Filled the Hours of the er Barricades Against the Departments. Lands. Police. Closing Session. State Veterinarian Determines to Stamp Out the Mange Epedemic. i F« DELAYS