Image provided by: East Oregonian; Pendleton, OR
About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1904)
fi ■ WEEKLY EDITION. WEEKLY EDITION asV ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Unswaye d by fear, unin fluenced by favor, the East Oregonian will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, about county, state and national affairs, It to is fair, absolutely fair, those who differ from its views, as well as to its friends. M ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦I ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ Alston, Oregon, to j««W8ed la ♦ ♦ the heart of the ' uderful In- ♦ ♦ laud Empire You will End ♦ ♦ that it to readable, reliable ♦ ♦ and progressive, and will give ♦ ♦ you tbe news reliably, aecur- ♦ ♦ ately and fully. « ♦ « ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦<- »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ PENDLETON, UMATILLA CO.. OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1», 1904 I ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ This Means Land Warfare in the Rear of Port Arthur—First ♦ ♦ Russian Advance Will Be Along the Yalu River. ♦ Russar Fleet Still Hung Up in Port Arthur, and the Defenses of That « « ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ To Succeed Hanna. Columbus. O.. Feb. 16—The followers of George Cox. the Cincinnati boss, began a cam paign this morning for him to succeed Hanna as United States senator. Mr. Cox is an exemplar of the highest and stiffest tariff doctrine, and the most rigid application of the most up-to-date methods of machine politics. He is an anti-socialist and a general manager in the Employers' Association. NO. 22 •> ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Finns Threaten to Make Trouble for Russia if ♦ Dissatisfied ♦ They Are Conscripte^ir the War. ♦ I ♦ I ♦ Departure of Chinese Troopa for the Manchurian Frontier la Poatponed Philanthropin Hanna. Indianapolis, Feb. 16.—John Mitchell today paid a glow ing tribute to Hanna, review ing at length the change of feeling towards him by or- ganized labor. He declared that In his death labor suffer- ed the loss of a great media- tor, whose honest purpose, fearlessly carried out. was to reconcile the interests of em ployes and employer, without having hope uf or desire ul public notice or applause. . They Are Landing Great Numbers of Troops in Korea—Flank Movement Against Vladivostock. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦■» ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Nearly SOO M en by the Sinking of Two Cruisers— Place are Being Strengthened—Another Russian Cruiser Blown Up —Russians by Accident—Two Japanese Cruisers Arrive Safely From Argentine Outrages Perpetrated Upon Non -Combatant Japanese in —China to Fight 3oth to Mainta in Her National Integrity. —Russians Report Chee Foo. Feb. 16. — The Rus- to be incorrect. The vessel was the built at Copenhagen in 1900. and was sians have withdrawn from the first of the armored type. roads of Port Arthur and are now Russian Reinforcements. well within the inner harbor, pro- Tien Tsin. Feb. 16.—Advices today tected by forts. are that 2.000 Russian troops have Great activity is being displayed arrived at New Chwang. in the fortifications, the works being No Chinese Neutrality. strengthened and more guns being Berlin, Feb. 16.—Everything todxy placed in position. General Stark, indicates that the neutrality of China it is said, has resigned as a result of cannot be maintained. The dowager last Monday night's defeat. empress has dismissed Prince Su. The Chinese in Port Arthur are who was the strongest advocate of making desperate efforts to leave the neutrality, She believes China is the place. real stake of war and that it is nec- i essary to prepare to avoid absorp- Harfbin Loyal to Ruaeia. tion by either victor, The result Haibin, (Manchuria.) Feb. 18. — may be that China will act independ The announcement of the mobilixa- ently and take up arms against both. tion of Russian troops has been re- German Refugees. ceived by the population of this Hamburg. Feb. 16.—A dispatch to town with enthusiasm, and there ¡3 tranquility and confidence in tbe day says the German transport Ba power of Russia The Japanese lesi- tavia has removed 1.000 German refugees from Vladivostock. den's have left the town. In consequence of the calling out Russians Will Realign. of reserves and the departure of the St. Petersburg. Feb. 16.—The offlc- Chinese, there is a lack of workmen and servants in the mills and factor lais are 1 ecovering from their first ies. which has brought a re amazement and are rearranging the striction of the output. The price of plan of campaign. They will for a time act on the defensive. They be- provisions is rising daily. The railroad officials have request lieve Port Arthur to be Impregnable ed assistance in order to send home The first step in advance will be the families of the Chinese. The along the Yalu river. Diplomats now authorities have exhorted the natives believe the Hays note to be harm to have confidence in Russian pro less. tection. Enthusiasm and devotion to duty prevail among tbe railroad employee. Numerous women are offering their services as nurses, Express traffic over the railroad has stop- ped. as has also steamer traffic to Dalny. Shanghai and Japan. Ruasian Rowdies at New Chwang. London. Feb. 16.—Reuter's News agency today reports the continu ance of assaults and robberies by Russian soldiers at New Chwang The telegram adds that Commanders Barton and Sawyer, of the British gunboat Espiegle. and the United States gunboat Helena, respectively, Freight Cannot Go. who were threatened by Russian Vancouver. B. C.. Feb. 16. — Sev- rowdyism, have been assured by tbe eral thousand tons of flour and bar authorities that full reparation for ley consigned through Vancouver the indignity will be rendered. for Japan cannot be taken by the To Cut Railroad. Empress liners, owned by the Cana dian Pacific line. Today the owners Tbe Exchange and Telegram, pub of the vessel received an order frorfi lish a Paris dispatch stating that the British War office that no food word has reached there that a large stuffs. coal, lumber, or munitions of Japanese fleet has been sighted tn war of any kind may be shipped by the Gulf of Liao Tung, and fears are British naval reserve vessels on ac entertained that troops may be land count of the war neutrality declara ed to cut the railway to Port Arthur. tion of Great Britain. Russian Activity. Five hundred tons of barley had Chee Foo. Feb. 16.—It is reported already been put aboard the Em press of China, and tonight workmen that 60.000 Russian soldiers have ar are busy taking this ashore again rived at Irkutsk. The Manchurian trains are now There will be three shiploads of Japan consignments here by the end regularly bringing supplies from Si- of next week, all goods declared to be ria. The Russian fleet is reported to be be contraband, according to the or der from London, and which must be moving in the direction of Korea or sent by chartered vessels such as do Southern Japan, with the intention not come under the naval reserve of bombarding ports to create a di version from Port Arthur. classification. The Russian minister and 700 Rus Martial Law in Japan. sian refugees from Seoul sailed from Tokio, Feb. 16.—Martial law was Chemulpo for Chee Foo this mom- today promulgated throughout the infi, on the French cruiser Pascal. entire Japanese empire. Position of Germany. Seized Russian Supplica. Berlin, Feb. 16. — The position uf Nagasaki. Feb. 16.—A Japanese gunboat intercepted the British the German government respecting steamer Coptic, bound from San the Russo-Japanese war is well de Francisco to Port Arthur, and took fined. It is exact neutrality in the off food supplies purchased by R js - act. but in sentiment it is sympa sia. The cargo consisted principal thetic toward Russian predominance in China rather than Japanese pre ly of canned goods. dominance there. Alex.iff to Manchuria. The common talk in ministerial Chee Foo, Feb. 16— Advices today quarters is that this is not a simple are that Alexieff has gone to the in contest for territory in Korea or terior of Manchuria to inaugurate Manchuria, but rather a combat of the land campaign. . civilization. and of race ideals and if Japanese Cruisers Arrive one must choose between white and Yokohama. Feb. 16.—The cruiser yellow. Germany stands by white. Tbe government here Is conscious Nisshin arrived safely at 9 this morning, followed two hours later by that Russia has not acted wise *he cruiser Kassaga. The cruiser ly and that Japan has sufficient rea are the ones purchased from Argen sons for making war, and especially tine, and for which Russian fleets after the Chino-Japanese war In have been supposed to be keeping 1894, when Japan was advised to give up Port Arthur and that Rus- watch. possession of this sla then took Germans Fired On. place. St. Petersburg, Feb. 16.—A semi Germany recognizes also that the official message from Vice Czar Al- other powers have cause for com exieff's headquarters, states that the plaint In that Russia did not keep German cruiser Bansa, which went her promise to evacuate Manchuria to Port Arthur to remove German and that among these powers is Ger residents, has been fired on by Jap- many, which holds opinions identl- anese warships. | cal with those of the United States Russian Cruiser Blown Up- ■ concerning the "open door." The Russian second-class cruiser, Japanese victory is believed by Boyarin, was blown up by a mine this official to mean that Japanese February 13, In the same m nner as influence would be supreme in China the Russian transport Yenisei was and the cry would go up "Asia for destroyed. It had on board 197 men Asiatics." He believes also that and all were lost, according to the territorially and economically Great report. No details are given out, but Britain, Germany and the United in the early reports tbe Port Ar States would, in the event of the thur attack was named as the time Japanese winning, be expelled from it was damaged, but this is proved the East i Lost Everything Manchuria Quiet Along the Valu River. Rome. Feb. 18.—The Russian em- bassy here is authority for the state- ment that the Japanese fleet has es tablished a base for supplies at El ' liott Islands, off the coast of Liao CORTEGE WILL LEAVE FOR Tong peninsula. 75 miles from Port OHIO WEDNESDAY EVENING. that Arthur This tends to show Japan Is preparing for a great joint Body Will Lie in State in Capitol Till attack for the reduction of Port Ar- Tomorrow Noon, When Official thur. Services Will Be Held—Will Then Finns Fesl Rebellious. Be Taken to Cleveland, Where t Kelslngford. Finland. Feb. 18 — Will Lie in State in Armory Hall— Strong antl-Russian feeling prevails Second Funeral and Interment Fri throughout Finland. consul appeared outside tbe con sulate today and addressed a crowd, hotly condemning Japan for striking before declaring war. Awful Suffering of ths Russian Troops White Crossing Siberia—R Are Defiant and Resolute Regarding Manchuria and Declaring Pert Arthur, That Point is impregnable — Korean Government Decree That Wiju Sr.all Be an Open Port. London. Feb. 17.—A Kobe corres I rions blockade to the railway to Ila pondent of the St. James Gazette* as ble to put troops to awful suffering serts that in Sunday's attack on Port The temperature ranges from >0 to Arthur the Japanese succeeded in 60 below zero. Chinese Troops to the Front. TOWN OF KENNETT WAS torpedoeing a warship in the harbor Invading Manchuria. Pekin, Feb 18.—Tbe departure of NEARLY OBLITERATED. ind also one lying outside. Paris. Feb. 17.—. An official dls- Chinese troops for Toktnchua. where Japanese Attack Sunday. patch from Tokio states that one rf they will guard the frontier, is post Tokio. Feb. 17. — Admiral Togo the main branches of the army, con poned until February 21. No rex- Rainfall of Thirty-thres Inches— reports an attempt Sunday to sgaw sisting of three divisions, to today Lowland Soil Washed Away on attack the Russ.en »Lips at Pon going aboard transports. Nearly sons for the postponement are an- Many Farms—Many Cattle Drown Arthur with torpedo boats was frus 50.006 men are embarking. It Is be nounced. ed and Farm Houses Washed trated in a degree oy heavy weath lieved their destination is near tbe Passenger» Released. er. mouth of the Yaiu. or some spot on Away — Electric Power and Light Nagasaki. Feb. 18.—Fire Russian A blinding snow storm separate! the Liao Tong peninsula, flunking Plante Badly Damaged — Water passengers detained on the steamer the fleets so but two destroyers suc Port Arthur Annuo, and one on tbe steamer Now Rapidly Falling. ceeded in reaching the vicinity of Japanese Flank Movement. day. Under the present arrangements Ekaterinoskv. were released a- BM Port Artnur. These two attacked Berlin, feb. 17.—Dr. Tag reports with Russian. Finish conscripts con- bo today and allowed to proceed to Redding. Cal . Feb. 17.—The town independently, and while the results Washington. Feb. 16.—The senate the Japanese are sending troops of Kennett, 18 miles above Redding are not' given out Togo believes the was at noon officially notified of the not be sent outside Finland, but as their destination. from the island of Yezo across tbe death of Mr. Hanna by his colleague. the old Finnish army organisation Russian Ruffianism at Port Arthur. »as nearly washed sway last night. moral effect upon the enemy is ex- ice in tbe Gulf of Tartar to Constan The people were out «11 night try Senator Foraker, who wept while was abolished and the Russian sys- cellent. London. Feb. 18.—A telegram re tlnovisk for a flank movemeat on paying tribute to the deceased. An officer on one destroyer ceived by Minister Hayashi today, ing as best they could to prevent Vladivostock Tbe troops will pro 1 nt reduced, it is feared Finnish ten their bouses being wasted away, but A committee of 25 was appointed serts that one Russian ship from Chee Foo, report« serious out- ceed to tbe railway junction at Kha troops will be sent to the Far East, to arrange for the funeral services torpedoed. rages on the Japanese by tbe Rus ceveral houses were carried off. barovka and from thence attack The river is higher than ever, be in. the senate chamber, and extend despite Russian promises to the con sian soldiers at Port Arthur. Tbe fortresses kept up a sharp \1adlrostock in tbe rear German ing a 23 H foot rise last night, All Invitations to the president, cabinet, trary. fire after the attack was discovered, expert» declare tbe plan to be feas Refugees arriving at Chee Foo. Riots and mutinies will probably roads are blocked and wires down judiciary, diplomatic corps and the until the Japanese retired from ible. reported they were refused food and The rainfail of this season is 23 range disturb- Much house of representatives. The sen follow I such order. The location of the torpedo water, exceptions not even made >n Tocps From Jspar. ate then adjourned as a mark of re anee wi ould give Russia an excuse the case of sick women and child inches. * !ot.ila is at pr sent unknown London. Feb 17.—A dispatch from for abolishing the last vestiges M Abating. ' spect. Danger ren. The soldiers also robbed ail it Port Arthur Inaccee able. Nagasaki dated the ■-5th. reports It has been decided the funeral ill Finnish autonomy their luggage San Francisco, Feb 17— All dan- St. Petersburg. Feb. 17—1 Dls- the embarkation of 15 080 troopa. leave here at 6 this Wednesday eve The refugees say the soldiers are rer of further flood damage along ¡«atchea from officials at Port ir- Lost 456 Mtn. Tbe torses were in poor condition ning. Secretary Dover. Congress London. Feb. 18.—A Reuter's dis completely out of discipline and are the upper Sacramento is practically thur report the fortresses ready to The damaged warships are waiting men Dick. Andrew. Squire. Herrick over. doing wholesale pillaging. Officers. patch from Tokio says 17 Russian withstand a to go into drydock and Carter will accompany the fam The crest of tbe ware has passed tic ns say the officers and 439 men were either In some cases, supplied shopkeepers ily. At Cleveland tbe body will lie It's All Right, But- killed or drowned In the fight at with arms to keep the soldiers at Red Bluff. Tehama. Marysville and the Russians in state in Central Armory hall, bay. London. Feb 17—A dispatch from Ororille. All these points report Chemulpo, when the Variag and stronghold. where the senator made his last S l Petersburg says Russia's reply a rapid fall. Offer of German Hospitals. Korietx were sunk an Open Port. WijB speech. to the Hsy note is nearly ready. It In the vicinity of Redding much Berlin. Feb. 18.—The kaiser has All Quiet on the Yalu. The funeral will be conducted Washington. Feb. 17.—A state ca will he acquiesced in with a reser low land soil was washed away and Friday from St Paul's church. St Petersburg. Feb. 18.—Major- notified both the cur and the mlka- the farmers suffered considerable! blegram from Minister Allen at Se vatioa covering all Manchurian re The city is sorrowing over Sena General Pfum. chief of staff at Port do that the Gerrnan hospitals at other damage. oul says the Korean government has gions leased by Russia or covered and Yokohama are tor Hanna’s death. There is no Arthur, reports Port Arthur tran Kiearurhau One span of Spring Creek bridge. I declared Wiju. on the Yaiu. an open by the Chinese and Eastern railway. other topic of conversation. A con quil and tbe situation unchanged. available for the care of the wound near Keswick, was washed away I port. The reply will assert Russia's keen ference was held this forenoon at He also reports tbe Yalu district as ed. Russians Trust in God. est desire to prevent disorder and Many cattle have perished and sev Labor Trouble at Vladivostock. the Arlington by H. M Hanna Dan peaceful and that none of the enemy eral bouses and barns were carried St. Petersburg. Feb. 17.—General the preservation of China's tntej- Medlll, McCormick. Herrick and Do- can be found within 4u mile« of the Washington. Feb IS.—Official ad away It says, however, the Trane- Alexieff bss issued an appeal to the rity. ver. at which details were detenu Russian encampments. vices say Chinese seamen are being In a number of valley towns the army and nary in which be urges Siberian railway must be protected ined upon. employed at Vladivostock by the power lines are out. leaving places them to remain tranquil, trusting to The government desires this point American Troopa i EasL The body will be taken to the cap Russians, and the rear is now without light or power. tbe help of the Almighty. He closes clearly and explicitly understood. San Francisco. Feb. IS — Orders itol tomorrow morning. It will .le threatened with a seamen's strike. There will he no through trains ; saying. "Let every man perform his Not Agreeably Impressed. have been received at the Presidio, in state in the marble room of the have petitioned from north of Redding until tonight., •ask. remember, ng that prayer to according to rumor, to bold I the 10»h Russian seamen Berlin. Feb. 17.—The Vossiscbe senate until noon, when official ser Grand Duke Michselovitch to stop Weather Is clear throughout the God and services to the emperor are Zeitung today states when tbe news vices will be held in the senate and 28th infantry and fourth caval- hiring cheap yellow labor. state. never wasted.” that Japan had ruptured relations chamber. Chaplain Hale will con ry in readiness for transportation to Russians Lying Low. tbe Far East. Following the alleg Complains of th« Cxar. with Russia reached St. Petersburg. duct. The Gridiron Club quartet will Escape in Night Clothing. ed receipt of tbe order tbe privlleg-»* Tokio. Feb 18— It is officially de- Ber’.in. Feb 17.—Consul Morgan, Minister Lamsdorff. know sing a hymn. of visitors at tbe Presidio are re I ji Grande, Feb. 16. — A dwelling the nled that Russians have crossed at this post says there is bitter div ing Russia's uapreparedness, faint From the president down to the Yalu river tn an advance towards house belonging to Mrs. William content in Russia because the czar ed from shock. The czar exclaim minor officials, all will be present stricted. James, snd occupied by a family has so ostentatiously shown dis ed. "This is a veritable catastro As the regiments affected by the the Japanese forces. The representatives will march over named Ross, recently from West pleasure at the outbreak of the war phe" order to prepare for the movement Sailed Under Sealed Orders. from the house in a body. Virginia, was burned last night. The and the people accuse him of a lack Russian Battery Blown Up. Both senate and house will today east only recently returned from Paris. Feb 18—Sealed orders appoint committees to officially rep the Philippines, the presumption .s have been sent to the captains of family barely escaped in their night of patriotism. London. Feb. 17 —Tien Tsin dte- for eventualities clothing There were seven loaded Suffer in Siberii. resent them here and at the inter of preparations patches report that the Golden HUI four cruisers which are about to guns and about 200 rounds of ammu from the Russo-Japanese war ment at Cleveland. battery at Port Arthur baa been join the French squadron in the Far St Petersburg, (via frontier) Feb nition In the bouse and when the fire German Consul Scolds. The senate committee will number blown up. No details. The Golden East, with Instructions not to open to 17. — Russian troops being sent reached the room in which the guns 20. while the house will name the Moscow, Feb. 18.—The German them until at sea in- Hill battery was mentioned tn prev< were kept, the cartridges were ex the Far East are encountering entire Ohio delegation, and others surmountable difficulties, being sent ous dispatches as having been dam ploded and rescuers were frightened aged. will be appointed by Speaker Can away, and nothing in tbe house vas In ordinary freight cars. 25 men 4n non. Japs Seize Coal Supplies. each, with a small stove in the cen saved l oss about |8<X). It is expected three special trains ter for warmth. The fuel used is Seoul, Feb. 17.—Russia's big coal will constitute the funeral cortege wood, replenished at the train stops supplies at Chemulpo, have been Sumpter Roads Blockaded. from i Washington to Cleveland, leav- cn route. seized by the Japanese. Baker City, reb. 15. — For several afternoon. The first Ing Wednesday 1 Sledges are still being used across Russians Frozen In. days past storms have been raging will bear the remains and family, Lake Baikal. A continuous story of Tokio. Feb. 17.—The German in the mountains west of Baker City the i second the senators, the third great delays and deadly frost bites. steamer Batavia, which brought 1.- and nearly all of the upper camps the representatives. It is not yet Tbe barracks at Missoyaga are in- 5t0 Japanese refugees to Moji. re are snowbound. Tbe mountain roads decided whether the president and : adequate to contain the number sent ports 10 Russian torpedo boats fres are piled high with snow, which is part of the cabinet can accompany there, and beyond that point traffic en In and unable to move at Vlad>- constantly sifting and drifting so SEVEN MILLION DOLLARS FORMER STATE EMPLOYES it is demoralized. ; vostoek. and tbe latter place entire that it is almost imposible for teams Verge of Starvation. FEAR FOR THEIR RECORDS. FOR FORTIFICATIONS. i ly unprepared to resist an attack. to get through in any direction. WAS ONE HUNDRED AND Food is scarce as plague killed Slides are of frequent occurrence, FORTY-ONE YEARS OLD. Passenger Train Wreck. all the Mongolian cattle during tbe Batch of Nominations Sent to the Methods of Republican Appointees at and where there is a road today to Atlantic City. Feb. 17.—A Western past season morrow it may be wiped off the Senate — Minister to Psnama Re Will Be Rebuilt on Original Lines— the State Capital Well Known— map. I nManchuria the Russians control Atlantic passenger train to reported Oldest signs Three Weeks After He Was only the land within range of their wrecked on a high bridge over Chat Belonged to the Fourth Former Superintendent of the Asy rifles. The country has been com ahoochee river, eight miles from Appointed — Negro Collector of Educational Institution In the lum Went Into Office With Nothing After Mayor's Scalp. pletely ravaged by brigands, and but here. The report says there were Customs at Charleston, 8. C-— Spokane. Feb. 17. — Unless May United States: Dartmouth. and Came Out With a Carload of many casualties. A wrecking train, little food is left. Russia Evasive, Non-committal Furniture Purchased Ostensibly or Boyd takes steps as the bead of The war officials declare any se- with doctors, has gone to the scene. Hanover, Feb. 18.—Fire this morn the police department to suppress and Dilatory About the Hay Note. for the State, It Is Alleged. ing destroyed the old Dartmouth tbe Immoral dens up stairs tn the E. M. LYONS SELLS THE ST. JOE STORE Colonel E. M. Lyons, founder and Colonel Lyons, who founded the proprietor of the St. Joe Store, today , St. Joe Store, three and a half years closed a deal by which he disposes ago, has made a host of friends in of that business to J. S. Whitting- Pendleton and Umatilla county, and hill, of St. Joseph, Mo. has established his business on a The store will be Immediately firm and solid basis, and it enjoys closed for the purpose of invoicing an exceptionally wide patronage at after which Mr. Whittinghill will as this time. sume control of the business and He is not decided yet on any plans conduct it on the same progress 1 ve for the future, but first of ail will lines heretofore pursued by Colonel take a well-earned rest for some Lyons. months, after which he will engage N. S. Savage, also of St. Joseph, in business at some point, to be de will assist in taking the invoice, elded upon. after which he will return to his He has become wedded so insep home, Mr. Whittinghill is an exper- arably to Pendleton that his friends mercantile manager and have no fears of losing him and his ienced while this is bis first trip to the estimable family, and after he en- West be will eater the business cir- joys a brief vacation, it is possible cles of Pendiet an with many years that some of the countless opportu- of experience to his credit and will nities in this city will claim hie at- make thia his future home. i tention. X : The Cast Oregonian of Fea- ♦ College dormitory, which was the first one built for the famous insti tution. The building was built in 1763 and was tbe oldest college hall in America. The students were at chapel when the alarm was given and rushed out formed a bucket brigade aDd assist ed in saving tbe adjoining buildings The building will be rebuilt on tbe original lines. While the burned building was ac tually the oldest college hall stand ing, it belonged to the fourth old est educational Institution In the United States« Those bolding seni ority over Dartmouth, are William and Mary, In Virginia; Yale, in Con necticut, and Bowdoin, in Maine. Washington, Feb. 18.—In the sen ate tbe house resolution was agreed to directing Secretary Cortelyou to investigate what damage was sus tained by the Walso Island Packing Company, by the recent Alaskan boundary decision. In the house the fortification ap- propriation bill carrying 17,000,000, was considered in committee of the whole. Mr. Llttauer explained Its provis- ions, aaylng the seacoast detpands more fortifications and a larger navy and larger army as guarantees of national peace, and power abroad. The president sent to the senate the nominations of WTlllam Davis, of Ohio, to be consul at Martinique; John Jewell, of Illinois, to be con sul at Alexandretta. Turkey; Cam EXTRAORDINARY AND eron Forbes, to be a member of the ORIGINAL PROCEDURE Philippine commission. The senate committee on com- merce today authorized a favorable Vast Bonfires Will Be Built to Melt report on tbe nomination of W. D. and Break the Front Crest of the Crum, the negro collector of customs Gorge, Which Is Thirty Miles at Charleston, 8. C. Tbe house committee on labor af Long in the Susquehanna River. fairs today continued hearings on Wllkesbarre, Pa., Feb. 18.—Eight the eight-hour bill. Metal trades carloads of petroleum will be fired representatives addressed tbe com on the crest of the ice gorge at mittee. In State Department Kipps' Run this afternoon, in an ef fort to melt it and move the gorge, The state department has received which is thirty miles long and from a dispatch from Minister McCor twenty of fifty feet high in the Sus mick, at St. Petersburg, that the quehanna River. I-arge pools of 11 minister of foreign affairs Informed will be formed, in which will be him that Russia looked favorably placed railway ties, and scores of upon the Hay note, but made no In fires will be lighted. tlmatlon as to when a reply would The towns now threatened by In- be sent. undatlon if the gorge continues are The state department today re- sending hundreds of men to assist celved the resignation of W’. Buchan The river at this point is four- an, minister of Panama. fifths of a mile wide. Arguments in Machen Case. Washington, Feb. 18— The first Sscramento Is Fslllng. arguments to the jury by counsel for Sacramento, Feb. 18.—The river the defense in the Machen-Groff-Lo- is still falling, though 21 5-10 feet >f renz trial began this morning by water is still over the track between Douglass. He vigorously attacked Honcut and Marysville. All danger Inspector Yyones' conduct and de of landslides at Cape Horn are re-1 fended the Machen note transaction moved. i as a private affair. Portland. Feb. 16.—The reports sent out by the republican central committee from Marion county, in regard to the "charges'’ against Su perintendent C. W. James, of the penitentiary, la more political cap ital Intended to prejudice the people against the administration of Gover nor Chamberlain and his appointees After a strenuous effort, a lawyer of little standing and less popularity, in Salem, has been secured to ’•pros ecute” C. W. James for alleged mis appropriation of state funds, in furn ishing his residence at the capital. There ia no foundation for tbe re ports, other than that this lawyer and some unknown man In Salem named Jones, have begun suit against Mr. James for the recovery of money alleged to belong to the penitentiary benefit funds, which it is alleged was spent by Mr. James for his own personal use in fitting up a residence when he camo to Salem to assume charge of the peniten- Gary. Such proceedings have been car ried on by former atate officials to such an extent that this action has past been brought to overshadow crimes of this kind. It Is stated on good authority that former superintendent of the asylum D. A. Payne, had no furniture or household goods when he went into office, but that through energetic use of state funds, it Is alleged, went away from Salem with a car load of fine furniture purchased os tensibly for the asylum, but appro priated to his own use In a private dwelling. This was well known to Salem cit- lxens at the time, and nothing was done to recover from Mr. Payne, be cause it would have exposed the methods employed by al) the repub lican appointees. The citizens of Salem who know the facts In this case, look in disgust on thin effort of a few cheap politi cians to besmirch the administration of Governor Chamberlai.: Main building on Front avenue, to which the women have flocked from the alleys, it is certain that the ministers' alliance of the city will begin proceeding to have him re Archbishop Christie of Portland, moved from office on charges nt nonperformance of duty. through Bishop C. J O'Reilly of Baker City has issued tbe .following More Help for Land Office. rules for the Eastern Oregon diocese I.a Grande, Feb. 16. — Owing to a great rush of business at the land for the observance of the Lenten office, since the opening of the-office season, which begins tomorrow: These rules were read in all Cath for busitess, Register E. W. Davis has asked for another stenographer, olic churches in the diocese last to assist in clearing up tbe great Sunday morning. The rules are as follows: amount of accumulated work. Lent begins February 17th. All the faithful not legitimately dispen Funeral of Len-.p. sed, are obligated in conscience to 8t. Louis. Feb. 16.—The funeral of observe the laws of the church con Letup will take place this afternoon, cerning the lenteu fast. es follows: and the Interment at Belle Fontaine 1. The use of flesh meat is al- cemetery, with simple services. lowed at every meal on Sundays. as well as the principal meal on Mon First Hearing In Panama Case. days. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sat Paris. Feb. 17. — The first tribù urdays. Saturdays of the Ember nal of the Seine today began the hearing of the case of the republic Days and Holy Week excepted. 2. The use of flsh, milk, butter of Colombia against tbe Panama and eggs is permitted on all days of Canal company. Lent at the evening collation, and the principal meals on those days on Inspector May Lose Scalp. J. H. Barbour, the Chinese immi which the use of flesh meat Is for gration inspector, who was in Pen bidden. 3. In the morning a small piece dleton on Saturday to adjust Chinese claims here, is now under fire in of bread is allowed with a cup of Portland. Charges have been lodg coffee, tea. chocolate or some almi ed against him for causing the arrest lar drink. 4 When the principal meal can of Jeung Sheuy. a prominent Chinese of Portland, without warrant, the not be taken before noon, the order shock of the arrest causing the death may be inverted and the collation of Sheuy from heart disease. The taken in the morning and the dinner Chinese consul Is investigating the in the evening. 5. Ikrd or grease may be seed in case and charges have been prefer preparing the lawful vituals. red against Barbour. 6. Those of the faith who are ex empt from the obligation of fasting Wllliam Smith a Candidate. Reports from Baker City say that can. on the days when the use of ex-State Senator William Smith, of flesh meat I b permitted to all of the that city, is a candidate for district faithful, be allowed to use it several attorney for the Union-Baker dis times a day. as on the Sundays of I .ent. when the obligation is not trict on the democratic ticket. binding. The use of both flesh meat I.a Grande will v< 'e on a $25.00(1 and flsh together to the same meal ’1 strictly forbidden during the city hall building at the coming city I is election in March. I’ whole uf Lent REGULATIONS FOR THE LENTEN SEASON The following persons are exempt I 'rom fasting. All those who have not attained their ’st year or who have passed their t Th year; those whose weak health or condition otherwise may demand tbe full amount of nourishment, and all of those whose occupations are of a laborious and exhausting nature Those who are excused from fast ing, on account of age or hard labor, may use flesh meat more than once on the days on which It is allowed. By an indult of our Holy Father. Plus IX. the soldiers and seamen In the United States service have only six days of abstinence during the year, viz: Aah Wednesday; the last three days of tbe Holy Week; tbe Vigil of the Assumption of tbs Blessed Virgin Mary; the Vigil of Christmas. This dispensation does not exempt from the law of fasting. By another indult of the 15th of March, 1895. the Holy See has giv en f</r ten years, to the bishops of the United States the faculty of dla- pensing, in favor of wcrking people, from the law of abstinence on cer- tain days. By virtue of this indult and dis pensation of Lent, working people are permitted to use flesh meat once a day on al! fast and abstinence days of the year, except Fridays. Ash Wednesday, Wednesday and Saturday In Holy Week, and the Vigil of Christmas. The above dispensation is granted not only to working men and women but also to their entire families. It is eminently In accordance with the spirit of the church that all those who use the dispensations from the fast and abstinence, should supply, in part, the spirit of penance, by prayers and aimsdeeds; by avoid ing all public ahowa, parties and amusements, and by abstaining from all Intoxicating beverages.