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About Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1854)
if 1 OREGON SPECTATOR. L UOOI.RIt II. KUintR oiu:;on(ti'Y.oi;i:,;o.n ri.mtnoin NN.NrfV-w, -"- Nrf'T-' ..,- v , Saturday Morning, Dec. 23, 1854. ,,.,. .. , I. . i u .i I (JTPiiIiiic merline. of nil kind, wishing tin n I proctfiliiie publislnd III lint paper, mini him , rfMluliontoilutcfleilj IJ.TI ereon pa)iit: money lo una establishment , mi aubarrinllnn are r.niir.tril In nlitin, h r.e,.,it from ilir publisher or authomed agent. (ITWheu any rubscnber wiahce In discontinue till. naO.. ll I MaMPirnllu .HM.l..l nil .In. .. U prom-Hy paid (17 A'lrtitistuietita for tin paper must l pre- M)nt4dbfriirc4tM.I'-ik,r. m ,uu fliuredat.tuiii.urr iDwrtlontbcnm.-w.'.k (ir.Vl! ooinmuiiicnii..ii" mil b. r. ie.t .1 nnl..s thr author1, ml .iimr- i.tiIu MihralHiirfu .1. c-ninpanirallit uianus'-rtpt rirliv.,11 i,. s.i .-- ..... tlacnimU unlcu tin r an- 'in.iim.1 'I'l.i. imul.,. . of colleitlngl. iimri "111.111 tl.i'.i ar. ss,,rtl, frr-IV.-,-,. I..,. ..,.,,, 1..11.., , ua lhroii(h the mui,, nh, 11 1 tlnr 111, iln.l 1, I -v-i-ir - ------. ill t 1 If 11'p .!- -t wie ( III I VIM 'IS. . J dtaiguattd HnbftcnlHr. plra.e uo'ne ? A3AINT THE iNnlliini SWIM. in-1'oai.n.N IstrLt'ENCE, (1 comji ne ou To ME FflLLOW lITIZEMs) THE jKAlut s np FBER rson.E otT.iiTToiiKcosisTANTl.t awK. It , or Tim host ane- ri't TOES or A ItEruiiLICA.N fioiER-.- ME.NT. irMiiMru. - .";."- ,",, . ..,, ,.. .,,... , WHO W AN IS MAN V ' On the firht day of March 18.".r),! Nobody ismorp willing to tell j.m than1 vn ahull sonil U fur lnu-fi.l ,..,l.'rour own Mini, 'ihei Bill ..nsnr eoon.t' lection, to nil thoae liepioiit wh . ......,. Hhnll huve pnitl notliiii'' on fuli Rcription to the Ori'tjon Sjtcotator for a year nml it hiilf previous to that date, and shall discontinue their subscription at the same time. In the meantime we will be happy to receipt for any who may wish, to pay np, ami thus savo costs. ESyOur next retrular i-wue, ("No. 4.5) will appear on Satur day, two weeks iron, to-day, Jan. 6, 1855. OREGOX LEUlSI.ATnin. Tb last week nan pretty much used up wilh debating tha fa a nice system of so ting. And they hate even passed a bill, llirottirh this Intva. limt.A ulii.t. ...... i.1.. 1... --..- .1 .11 11 . .1 11 1 that tren .hall ssalk up to tho polls and apeak the namo of th candidalo for stIioih he wiahca to sole, instrad of balloting. I Much precious time was wasted on the ubieet of jrcaniiinir the tmsnsl.iti mi, in. ' TI..II..II, 111 1.....V c. ..1. 1 ne nun ij; irviaion 1L.11111; oiiiuii argiicn infasoroftaothinguntil'heruii it intothe, '""lb '" J wis siginhnl oirthiirt nliotit I o'clock Bround,1 and the houso scry sensibly loted ' Wluther it cm bo "shown or not, ami, n ,hpartcfl,oon ..."thed iv ibotr m. nlionedj it down. Linn put Ida long words in at the ' w"'t"1''' "' nre "rt''",.l " "r "ot "lakc, lul At i oMoek- the .teamer'was Iniiril. d. tiie wrong placv. which caused 'then, lo haso a little .Itlli'rence loj-ur partj. m,.s oil IS.ndj Hook, bs the dipper news . ".' ,,,,; I Il,ltl.tju.l,,pbe,.'li. , hi liliu I.' iflVdrd me s.l.htot til" ocl.lleil l'rr... .lli'l the im- Ttijr anon meaning. t render iiiiium unt ! 111 .!' ir.Ulnp rur this prt,iiit Ulli IIiupiipm brought Irotil I'.urol"' The Statesman git cs rather n curtailed pur.. I n.ktbat im ii..iuinatn n I., male until I njw n,.i in.i.iiitlr tranf. rred to the wportofthe house proceedings on account ?n ,Z ' t. ,.V n. a hIc' liT K ,.,k trli,;,,,l, "Ih.e bv m.'.n of of many interesting feature not striking the taut, l,..ha. n. an .tlm heart nVli"ti ranlu. I- nrrur pig".ns. fmn win nee it was trans . H. .,.,... 1. .t.,.1 .t, , r. b.iiic.. tli.. In- And 11 d.m.trai milted otpr the wiris to till uty. win re ll reporter ear. He must be slightly lff ml r ,,., ,', ,,rrk . ,,.,.. , na, ,, .m hour ... adian.-p of tho else they mako a great deal of notso and an u ilnurtlut Iu.iIjiuis and ir.entsliuld ln-de.- toa, r's arris,-il at ! r iNx I at J rc ("its. confusion in and about the 'temple.' It r''' Vllph T un.W " bj"'"'" """ "" At'd'otit the s'auie n.otn.i.i the passl-ngef, gite the Council debate, as jet. '"ha'ps no't "woiiaM." but demo i-"TP" "" '''"", "'"' tb-; ii.'iss (perhapetbeir reporter in that branch can. ' PJls .'. ,,.. ,,.. 0JV ,. llV am was being r.-nl 111 .N.w irle.,11.. Hal fix, . s. . int li- c . 1 . crata lure expeci lo use onit one 1111, aim (i,,.,, m, Johns and Ibn intermedi.ili not hear at all) but tho Linn Smith is posi , t!lercforc acl unrM.niblj sou.ei.m. s if (',.. i rk. Herald. tire that it will gite a full and reliable) re-, lhpj. fU Thn .ire..keiping terviool"! fort, llierefore he thiuka each one ought to nbout it, (ictural, and we hardlv intend to1 Till! r iTIint.lf lllslliirs Uke about six copies, and make 1'ncleSam-, ,)lc fat oul f ,1C bil,. but surmise that 1 It " undcrsiood that Archbishop Hugh- riZ.tthe;c:r!tc,Uii0cfullolI,' u -i,,e coU " "' ,,,wsmt,S:hii SriXi It& rpaperim the territory. ourdoing,,.. ; r,' has b-t. spr.iallv mt it. d l,j Neaira. Iratejoy, Dunn, Starkitpather. Hut here's an idea, Mr. Line : The ppo-l i1(, m,to Home for tlie purpose of weinurt, XHigan, Henry, Utliespie, tjazley, sCondon, St. Clair, Paturson and Mr. Car- ll0 of tllPII1) hi- f.Ul n 111 lot e lac foLed against tbn srandilniis 11 in n.rr , 1 .. 1 ' U rouuagalnit ho candalou, u icr,,,,, u1 ,. ,, 11I1 llrcun ,, , Wll,6utwere beaten ly an wirt ol two rotet. Tho people of Clackamas ounty ' tuevery much pleased that Mr. Us ejoj op- ponxi it io the manner he did. Mr. GatiVy defended tho Know-nothings. which ahowi at least that be has n mind of hi. own, which cannot be .aid of (ten-dim- , , . ocratintheUgislature. I.tnn bnnth spout- ed Ionf aod loud against them, ( just as if l.ljust as it ft them any 1 1 flunk tli.rr .think tl.. re ; rgon tocon - ine virs roce ayatem wouia nun uiem any Food 1) and be even seemed to Wei an awful aecret foe in Orc n tend agai nit ; one that ssould require tho aaaisuiaoe ot esery aemocroi in tne terriio- ry to oppose. Poor sictimiied ! hosv wo pitrhim. If he had .pen as many of tbrir weak attempt, at viul .,u.cke,, ng a, c MUtical breath in browbeating the .ccrct e.i.eof alihm.M. th, . B ..... " may b-i more honor in a mouse lliati mi cle cbanL there cannot be atrenrrlli enouch nn thaonaW.iilh;nknt'n,aklnr'en,.l.rr.n..'nr!on coui.lie.. forinin-; a nr-sr county 0 . J Uat. Tbare were) aercral bill introduccl, and among ifbieh wav one prosiiling for tho pre bibition of intoiicatiag liquors. Notice of bill was frit en to charge the time of holding election. Alto on for creating the office of county urreyor. Kotice wm glreu of a till to bri.ig the tubjaet of a Sute government brforn the, peopln. W hope) it si ill pats. We suteil lor convention at ilm election last June, ami hop to baro a chance toon to do o a.m Linn Smith b entitled to a litlU credit for lirinipo npihnt iti!i'. imt.iui rr.s 'Hip Issl "Sfitrsinin" -.-oiit.iins ,1 nch Id l,r from Jo. I.-inc-. nlm wry wuth frihUTii'd, (mid iinl villiout roiiMin) at tin- iih.i of h-'Hif! ixciiinimiiiicntril hi his part) in Ori'gon olno Cllli'lis o tl irsiiniuinn termors half ln-1 a inblii' inrrtlli' and ilanotllk'i-il , j(1, Mr ,no,.,,r) ,,, s..rv bittrr term, ,.,. I Ill't IS lilt I i.n b akini; all Oregon paper '.:,,, , , to publish it. Wc do not know bow others nnv laku it, but a for us wc srry rcspicl 'fully be.' leato lo ili-tlme. Wi n Kt thriii, hmt-'sc-r to our ndtcrtiini; torm. Those , , ,i o, ,,i ...i .i -,,,, , .Ii-mo-ralic p.iprn.lln- fet.inil.inl and Statr,. mm, it Im ssnulil n jjii- t,J ""' 1-'ip ami L..iic.iter Initli kn.-l.cil out "f otlii.-, will be I .... 1 'ai't to tin- prwi-eilmj.- gratis. I miM n-nf. .. I nin !"i!i nrpri.p.l an I pune.l I" linir that tli.rr i. ai i-rdem,., ral...l,. .nli-lurtim, .ui.l ol . irinul 111. to .r h.'W tin. ran It I am al n I..., I iiiulrr- .land f r lid kin li.llllllnl .Ir.mci'.l rarllih il ire 1. t tnillitiilli iimi li"inlli di-cli irg. im .lull Inllie . p' I ri 'n-iit and in .urli tiuiiint r 1. 1. I,... . .1. u air 1 1, nmui. t. the.r mtrre.ts -J....H1 ' .-aii" I A irry hiiiiiili.iting dilln ulli . Hut jour party docmi't think sou know how to do it, IOW"c.rr rong v be M.tir earthlv ile-l . e . . 1 ,lr's ., 1 I ..r lli' pruiiinti hi of this eruit 1 bjprt. I liai lal..rr. lailhliills III iihal Ime I lr..l..l.eerr..l' J..lih Ijlll' I - , . , CiiU.i4 .Nmi.Mr, I d. sire tin ,l.inrai- t.. kn.. 1I1 u amaraiididatef.rrp-1 muii 11 and Hi it I "ill) lil.h .inn.., It lie I think in" hnliiM, lapahle. . laithful .ind iru. I.1111 Il'a no use of talking Mr. Lane, there is a man hen. called lion. O. C. Pratt, tint .is , txiunuiosimerjour umoers ...,.. ..-: dpircs "the demoeruoj lo know that he s a doubt. At all euntsitisi understood generallj, by cierjbodj, the or can included. I Add further. 1 demp tli-in nkn. w llial I mil n .inenrt nanj dish. n..ralile mean., in am .hap. r.irniiir maimer ; nnr will I d 1111 ilmn; t die- tlllll, dlsltllit or the drill nniliP pints I II. ' , will I bir'. bin, l inder nr di tract ffin tin nn r 1. .f ans inan.c.'r tin eaki ifplue I will with tempt I., pull d..i.n a lrll..,,-.l- ..rra. that I mas rai.i ms.. ll 'i hi.ih'Wiilull 1 is.lli ot base pflicr miaiis eiuli liiiiia Jieph Lane A prcttj good resolution, Mr. Line Don't wo wish the Oregon l. cisl.itun would .ihnle bj such 1 ritu il .n lint. A. nli.m .nn n .mi li.lvi f r re ll mi nun n I .nh mt mi ' th a' i' st.iihr 'mli.mut ,",,;, ,,, , ,,., ,.,, m ,',., , kiIIihu nl trn.l - .1 -rph linr . They base "iried" joti .dr. ads, as lung a tho 1 xppet a reason il.ln m 111 to .ik. If it ran be .Imw-.i tint I line 1. mis .i-ii BUS eiiic n.tai li'.'Vrl dm dull. Ar ll,. n uin i.ali (., sirlillh. lir'.l i.llier i-iiratit i 0f Valiinirtun Ternlorv, or at bast ., mi,cr.uv ,Ut ,,,!, our s.ruci ant Ion ,,, Ia,,, Kol trill of JOu and amuse ,1(.lnv.os ,j laughing at jour whining attempts, as mado in the blur from which W(J m, cx,riaed, as nboie. They ilon't 1 .1. . ... . 1 .1 .. i- .1 ,... IIOUUl tOUr HOllllV IO H inf.. in " .ksiiiiiuiwii m-c think Mr I ancaster could bust him- (tc UiiliK iiir. i.ancasur iouiu oust nun .ifabout anniclliing of moru importance.) ut n lion speaking of Ongoii, jou dont .;,, Suppose sou change idaces'with Mr. t .1.1 . .1 . . I.ftnw.r ; ., ,im repiesent the termors liatnne(ja,nincb0,UV,.flii'ientserices, and 11,,, i1(n .k,..!,., f or,.n. ,. ilont uiai in'CUS nuilliuo'i. - -im un. ai, -iv... , y0u turn your. iltenlion to tho Hudson Uat oountrv. ' x I (ttrlbo new. came lasUtunit.gthat they 'bad passed , hat abommabl.. tisa soce bill Hiey hatp.atll.p.a.noiime, killed I.anea i '"ZR'tiB '"-'"or, by refusing to postpono the . 1 ciccnons. Have also ditided Clackamas and Wash- 1 1 11 .,. 1. t. ..1 1 .. .1 e caueu aiimnomau. i oriiauu is iien-iuin ill Multnomah county, and Linn City in Clackamas. (KrWit iltlatiil jiublicattou to a late ttionaof honor awl ntllui lie-, rMrnls Un-in hour to-ilav, waning for tho mill .teamerj " rtint fact llial it sriw the pos.rssion of ,.,.'. .1 , a small cash (inntul, in t in outsi I, is lucli which u now two cut past due ., I , ' .1 . t ' I enable il thi'inluatait on that cirri r of sue KTThe fat onle .le.imcr "I'ortl-ind" will cess winch ctcr nl'tcr iitumlul llmr foot ...t, :..t... ,n Mn. fteps. '1 ho historic of lliousnnjs of turn, -"---"I- - " " lay evening nrxt. (Chnstmw) Uawnff hrr landing in tin city at prrciRrly fi o'clock, Will return 'lurMlny morning nt C o'clock 0O"A New Vi'.ir Ihi! in to tofPC off at tho Mam hi llouie in this ciu.on tbe ct-.uf 1 of Nn U prni.m oriliofullowiiin riciiiiuuiiilcil as ri"ijiii,' en r'ic . "I -.nt li brnu mniils, kitting on lite limul hols' brniiliriy broad brauU. I tanl to these Use lirnto maids, iittin on the broad lx (In, braiding broad br.iidi 'llraitl broad, bratt? liiitiil." I OT'l'licr1 an- ipiilu .1 nuinbi'r ot lwlitiil in Oregon who owi' u on subscription I... hniuiM .mil In llw.l. rrlPMll. Ill tlll KtntP. I ' ' . ,. . . 1 , and other parl. It will bo wronn to loaie in to ond lull" to thop "friondi" for col-' IriMi'iii, ulncb no line aln-ady U'pn coin-' pi'llod to do in iii'tatii.'pn. Afttr the lt of J.miiirj wc will lake no now Si iti"' lulnonptioii hiiIpsi pud for onp jpiir at tlip time of eiiterinir tin1 inme mi our lxk. OCrThe i'teniip .ti am aw 1111I11 Ik long- 1111' to tin' I'urlhiiiil Mllllli; Co, tier- i-n . ,ullll ',v ,-, osi'tiltl,' 1 ..- la.t. I o.s OJi.HOt). J-tTJ. It. Pelib n 1 em d two pistol shots on "olnliy Helling, tin re ii.iung open otnp dispute botiuTii him and .1 111111 with hoin he hud dialing The wounds are ,10t"erous. " -. ,," . . ,,. Q-l,,,k, to Mr. t-artee, Speiker of the House of Reprisuitalues, for I.Pgllaliie D I lOcllllli Ills. CO-lhedown mail from Salem wasadaj - lto again this week. The 1'ortl.itul , . 1 1 1 .1 . ... .. 1. .1 ... '"lhs si 1 m 10 uisiikc mis, nui ioiioic iiiiin-1 i'spIips with the nlen that they hfiie .1 mad ' rroI11 .n0,1,ni I.afaielte, whlih is as fast " tbis route (.lad to hrar it. -..,,, Z,mmun,n,,ou7 on hand. M0 .j,.,,.,;, ,,, rrV , ,,, bo c,mierw res,ectfullj declltipd. - I X" After. 1 long spell of delmhtful weilli-1 t. it . oiiimenc d Mining jesunlsj. '"' '" Unties pouring down almost 111 P.santlj. '1 lie uppe riser will Ik nailgiilile to Cur-I Ulls ,. t ,rr,,, ,th the walir which' ll.1 ,'llr' .I'll fllletl. ' e ni.tire thai John III nn has repaint-1 , , , ,., -. ,,, ,,,,,, I ! in inti in itlr 1. tne mininr. e noliee rnh fruits in In. window C'liarmin A arner luie a spl.'tilul sa ruts for Chri.tmi .ind Nns 1.1rs. Sec .idiertisrim nt Till! .'..'( Tit If TEI.IU'HAI'II ,. m irked illustration of the ad lanfe.'. ol the tibgr.ib t.. the n .uhng i.ul.iu- In. I illen under our than ,1,., i,,,,i. ,,...,,.,,.,1 ,, rriibii list It ill 1 ,, . .1 .1... ,i.A ..'.... .1.,.. siV., liking part in the draml l otincil whnli i ' d. t.r.nmp thenu.stioi, ofthe Immaculate ( otin ptioii of the t Itgin Mart J f M lkjn,lf,anlt I'lain Dralrr, mn shows Tho I'lltsbtirg (lazrlt gises admirable aduip upon tlei sul.jipt of tlue inixmaii 1 xbibitton It sass : ... , . .1 .. ,1 , .. ''"l ,,ar'"l" '',' " 1 ,7 " ,, , Il)flli,(. .honld, and think tin ir infants ,lc ln,t U.iuiilul and the most p.rf'itm the world, as thet Inien right lo: but lit ll" "' "t thru.t thnr prodig-s upon lb. un willing l!7e of those ttboilotiot look or , Kw, ,r0ts' ,.u,' ,ul r ,.,., ,,, i the .boil, of u'.ir l. f nor the world, as thet Inien n 'lit 10: bulla 11,.ii, I ablo pidgein. nt than thuroiin; and nut pen liainu l inoriitiui witn tnu ruun oo- sertation ol sculling nml mocking nn 11. K,q, the h.tle oi,.,t.l, tir.stde, where thet; Up . her. 2,,J!wlZ u iinJ ,,:, ,,.ld wllh nMoVe ,.. and Sli inghai ( In. ken.. t .. .1 . 2 : .c.i.i .1.,... I... ).. !.. .. l.ei in" r-primi'"i' si."" "" .1" ,11. it ' lb" nrt,of llnc moilnl altetnpls lo improtn the luiinau ran) alter me luaiin-r 1 ..t 1 n. "' "'"'" to vol so .w:.v Thn history of in.itit of tin' tsnrlil'a l-eil men. si Im has 11 rtsrii fitmi t.otcrlt to post i.nU..,, ir, f.o .. I... 1 a us r.lisn I hem. , f , . ,rU(lccrv of smilo ltls., tu (.iiu.itiuiiH of comjiaraim comfort, nittst tin aann' wnporiaiii trutli. vV fear llisvit .i .'. fwrf, tfultio of th- i ,.,ai,ipl,h im . nli aiiiuhLp tin oun- idmi ourdn. 'Ihy are Ui-iaj.i loHHir at h i'a t.' ' .mill bg'nniny M and loin iliiljlo tlii'irfnncieii in "higher aiiratiuns," 'I liny lx) it ns if it wpro n 1 irtue, thai they inti.t coiumonco business on a largo sc.ile, or not nt nil. With such .purioii" notlom, coniititutiuf; llip main 'prin of all their action', they 0011 fall into .peudllirift habits. : they ticfl" leet to vconomiKO their .mall means ; they waste their time; they hao no fixed pur pose ; they liio from hand to mouth ; tluir reputatiun for reliability is not good, and when a fniorablo opportunity occur-., where, by the judicious employment of a mall capital ay one hundred dollars they i-oiild commence a prolilrblo buini., audi imliiiiiunU are caught without n cent in tluir pockets orau acipjaintnncc who dares to trust them. Agmi, there js 11 largn class of joung men who cherih the belief that the times are lo.s fiiiorableliow for the MUtcvful di'ielopcmcnt of snuill than b- gone tears. 1 'lhiisn tery great mistake. The op-1 portiinitics for money making, epei'i.ilit from Mtialt bi'gitiiugs, are .1 hundred-fold more numerous now than Ihey ttero tttcntj lite tears ago Scirntijir .mrricati, I .1,, Till! WAY TO K ASS AS. Here liny go there they go singly, itigrotii. in throng, nil tbcttnj to Kansas. Sturdt touiig 11. Pit with great hope m heart and iaul nurse ill tuxket, tiro on the wav thither, perhaps to become prominent pil lars of .1 nets State. We. see tlip first rude cabin with chinks for window e, nml roar ing lins inside, in Knnas. A babuor two perhaps .mold grandmother knitting .1 rot iheeked wife getting the substantial meal. Wc behold little clearings here and there, fields of waiting grain and corn. I'rescnlt thojoung fruit tree, in bearing, little school'hiiuspt. full of hum like bites. I.iko magic, beautiful cottagea dot the road suits ; court-housea spring up, oreat hab itations with imposing fronts rear their am bilious heights 111 cilj thoroughfare. Next come palaces where .learning sits with regal front, none to dispute In might and pre ( mincnce. Hcautitul ituipages roll along tbiiMghtly M.tas of grand sired Men with nobiltij of port and brow (those ucP infant of now) pus and; km It wottidi look from their window, and loiiti!: mg idlers hang on the inarblu steps of holi I.. tllur Hi aneh fAi.nvitsi.iMisns llipwantof water is tiry cterily felt throimhoul the mining region. Thus fir tin iinitir has bt.'ii uiiusualli dry. ami of the iiiiiurs are doing nothing but pitn'ntlj wailing for rain. New diggings hate been di-eotered in fiil.nira couiilj on the VoIchio road, which hate paid'as high as 81 per p.m. Some spc-i'iiens were found near Miller ton. .1 few dijs since, tb" largest of which w.i- pure gold, worth JII". 'I he miners oil Kern litter .in- miking from . to I0 icr day. A lump of quart?, wughiug 100 j lb,, was found .1 foil 1l.1t since lit a partt of dtp mm, liftiPn feet below the Mirf.iee in Cdit eras count t. It is supposed to con tain ( per cent, of gold, and is salued at 8JI!,i02. BOTHA 11 Hip Piscataqua Olicrtcr 1 responsible for the following. A gi nib mm called at a hut in the roo slook Valley . and reiuestcd oiw dintn r. Thu lidt, her spouse being absi nt, refused to supply his want, for money or lot e of humanity. "Virj' will," said tho hungry traieller. .i he turned his foststep from the itihospi table abode, "jou will want nothing total to morrow." "Whj not I" inquired the woman. "Hecatise, ' answered the w(nry man, "the Indnnsare diggin? attniliil lit Moose In .id Lake, and thej are going to lurn all the water of the I ike into the Arno.fok i.illej, jou and all thu reft of the peo ple are to I." droit nid." rpotilhi intillignicp, the old Uly bur rudoll' loihe priel to inform him a llood wis to oterflosv tlip tallev.and lo ask what is .is lo I' done in the sad emi rgeliey. 'Ihe priist nideaiored to quiet hir fear bj telling her that (Jod had promised that he should 11' 11 r s nd another llood uoii tin i.irth. 'Hut,'" puliimcd tho nlTrightnl woiiiui, "it i-n'l (Sod that's going toiloil it's tin eiissul liidinii !" CV"l'riiili rs' aci'itiiiils nri- s;ui to ,r l.k. f,iitli,"tli''siilistunct' of things lio il fur, .mil the i s nli in i' of tLinj's nut scrn." CrC"lti tin intorcouri'' uf n ir lifo sir-nri' limn tn i..' tills pleased h) our f.uilta limn hj our (.''Mill n ut. XrW,li''U jou go to ilroitii toit's'lf, atrip, mui lit' sour clollisilutttictirifullt on tho bunk. I'lii') That lit tour tsifc'a arcmul buabiml.. Now Advertisement b. Dissolution of Copartueilii) 1 1 1 f M1IIK roparliirrfltip exuiliit ImIwmii Jn. II. M. IVr-lou, Jiinfn O'.Nnll, and Dan O .Nfill, undrr lit tirmuf IVitoii. O'Nflll &. Co, la tln-i d diffsulvd li) nititutlrmirtf nt I JainfH O'Nftill having pm ltard Ilia ntrck of pteoUdf 1I10 Ann, in Orrgoii ( it) and Chaniruft n ill 1 on Initio to all at their ui'ial luw irit,-n I .Ml pffwii httWi.t,' dmiudt uijuiijkl I'rrisltin, O'.Nr'ill V Co an-if-urattrtl In r refill lhni for adjimtmriil All ( r.iHiinlrl)tft tfi llit d-iiiki urc mrt rnUrl) rt"'iilt-d to arlltn thi-ir ut-iuunU or lf Mr llii I.'ilh ni" Jnmurv l.l't Aflrr Ihftt ilatn all ilemoii'Uinifltlfd will be 4artd m Iho lund-iof an atldrnc) rurcoilrclion,ainur .Mr Trr--tun w II ftoon le iVfi f'it the Malf., and ho drma lu iae our tuiiueuft-FUlrd immadialelv J Nil. It. I'ltF.sros Jamh O'Nuli.. Dan. O'Nku.u Orrgon fit), Dc. )C, 1651 o NI laindrfd ottd t-ljlil lilli hoiv i'eiiii can din. a Iiiip article hi lancy loi , by I'KESTON, O'NKILL 4 CO. For Cliridttiiiisiinil Now Years ! ! G1 tlKAT plurr nelako by lofurmln llni I pf op!e of t)rrroii that uv have juitrecmril from ban r'r.ncnco a pltmlul nuorliin lit fur the Toyi of all kinil.. Candifa of eiery iliiwriplion and quality, alw kiiho (ootl raiiint, ligi prune , honey, tpples anil niitn. AI.SU, a arrival nffooil ciRar. Vu mil have on haml the butnf enki., pin, ami ciackeri And will nuke loonier an) tlmigin our line, on short nolir. and in the best -)lc njm,I hie, PlenM' call and eiapime our nnnrtmenl bt dire nircliantlstnlirie, for wc ill lull cheap All orders puncluall) utti ndeil 10, and good pur chttHid Ini'ur establiihtiienliaiibe deluered loan) part oftlie tit). Dec. 2:1. CIIARMAN it WAHNKK. A Curiosity ! WT lias been eNienred thai 'when in the ruurc SL of hiiiiian etcllta it beiome n. penary" to sell breid very rheap, then 11 is )i.u nun. r people of nil claaars appro irlnnj; the l.rirli' lluker , l oii.tanl. ' ly. ineeaicliuf imiiT-bread, is line il i brini; dis pu.ed orallherale of 1 Tuilw '! aViit' loan- for 81 ! fll.MtilAS .J- WAItMUt I Orl 14. I IV J uu want linils o dilTi-rent knnli' Mui JLf of flllHVAS it WAHSI'.K I 1 Ill's, iard in ., ilrri, i'lain uud emidli a. ' bv CIIAUM N .V WAUMIII 4J-1 t HOMI-sioip lnl reci lied lit lletane cS JL I'HUSTOS, O Sl'.lt.l. CO ' Fall Tnulo. TtVOW tec. lime Kt Hark C Itetalia. a large 1 a Id I to our .lock, which t ollelrd nt I lie luaett maikrt rale AD bbU N t) Sucar .MlkK Sliiari'S)rup .l.'t " Sa'ariitua .Ml botes Soap oil " I'epper IU " I'linnito III bl.l! lit. d Apples 41.00(1 sdi I'llllH 14 1.1)0" IttoHllMirr- ling ll.OHO td liliacbid Mn.liii I.I.OIIII )d- I et l.'illii " Flannel .1 iga ( tram 1 attar 1 1. IIOII" .'.nttiiiells 91 ill Sand' Siiraiiotil t) " Jeina III bosea Slatch 4.'(IU ll.ekoty 10 " Pipe 3,3110 " 'I'u king 5 kgs Mpsom Salta 50o ids Table lltmaik J " f-iilphur 300 Tal.l. Collie 1 30 Ihet.umCampher .111 do VS om. n'a live I j doi Unilinie IIMI " Mi n'a ! a IS il. Aglir I'l.U 'iliprMU llkfa J4 " J)i.e. Kiir. Irrml l.Ouii,!. Illorl. s.iik IV!" " Allrriilitr .Mill ilaliiif) Flnii'l 91 " " (sill I'llle 0 While 1,'uilt. .'1 ki! Snl Nl 1 3 dl del s.pol I litem! 3" s-llprf faibouile Hill lb. I. nru " s.oda l"'l ' Cotton " .l.otlll 111. CoUr. il I'llul'lx. T"gelher with a I ,rg- 11 1 ' r of . .tint iirtii'l. to all ol which lb" mini 01 men li ml In o led t.l.O .VI ll (lleg.ill Cil) It. I '.'. s.'l JaL rt Im1 iuj it fur '!'' tt JM I' HIUmiKn 4tfk lorp nn t tnilUt., F l AW.W MKINI. A I'll 4li 1 im lohai cm crih thick n. h) AI.I.W M KIM. A 1 40 Imii iri'ii li) I.I.N M KINI.WA t i nf 1 1 nl tn' hot pun; mid l"i 1 ii-, -HF In M.I.XN. M MM N . CI fllMi-.IUSI-.-s ami iiioiin.iiij. Kb) I.I.N. M KIM.W M ll A aj rn.s Uiiidnu c-la... Hi J. I.t AI.I.N,.MKIM.1 A ft) fSrttm, l.,i. firm rmi-ratil tni.iu 9Q by Al.l.N,.M'KIM.Yi(() M 'i, S'K hiiiidrid hor.r ,..lir. H I, Al.l. WMKIM.W I'll YVII.I. .in., 7 fret f . ut sun-, T, nnd 7 '..Tl. feel, lis ' I,I.N. M'M.M.W . I I) Kl. fls-MI IIC-lH-'loit. iiiiilt..''.. an I rar-l-eiileia' tvu's lili-t hi M.I.W. M KIM.W A IAItlSI. lot -f nirn'a llllil boi." rlnlhlll.'. J b Al.l.W. MKIM.W A ( O. T AIMSF. .orlin. lit orblankrls, llamtl., tin'. JL-A i. )aniid print, b ALIAS. MKI.M.W .VCD RK'K.'.'O b'.N, Sli ei el enl urt rle, b AI.I.XN M KIM.W A IVIUiK aotl"rut stoineii's line .lior., A b) l. I.X.N, XfMM.W A tn. "r'N'.-s lims snl eliiH-a. ifal I.) ALLAN. M KIM.A . .X O fl XltOll pSIf OS tlQlt-. b AI.I.XN, XI KISI.AV AfO INT trreived. 130 pn rs tsnul nv ah, in s I '.'and n y H. b) XI.I.XX. XlhlM.W At () Bit IJI.I.S w.ill piper, I0II0, by Xl.l. X.N. XI KIM XV A fi i l f( I f ,la tipples, 'Jn hall bl.l, a niperinr -irli le, i.v i.i. xrs, si niti. t i .x i w L i)'V of migle nn I double lull m i.l'-.f., b XI.I.XN, XI KIM.W A ( I) I'l hl.'l.-s. '.'11 do, by XI.I.XN XI KIM.A V A ID Xltlll.l.lop ssnsbslKinl., I.' AI.I.X.N..M KIM.W AfO. n AltlU.I. top .idr lubl... by Al.l. X.N, M M.M..XY A I l IIIOlN.XM) lb No I I'eruvnii sngnr in Img. for mi'e low b I'ltKSHiN. li'M'.ll.l. A ru I It'll,.-. X Ml to Nns III Iran. g 99 barrel., in-t ireutrd lit I'KMMoN. D'M'.ll.l. A i'- 1ll,NI.l.,i-ir J". I.I.U I.v I'HUSTOS. OS Ull.l. A '" VISKIiAII -rider tiiir it. Ill lit I. I'ir-lrsi', ii) rnr.sTos, o sr.u.i. -v ''"!.ed kil.le l"'H atliilr, 10 J i .i.e., nnd al loss r 1 1 , In ..I'lilMUN, uSCII.I. .t '. w ttMCNM lie it) r ill .km .hoes for winter eea-.ui. III il'I n t.ny I'llK.Slu.N. o'Ni:il,L it CD. :liasl CalllT A lil, llir indrliled ! Ihe aulierrilirr, an I wlm i.i iii.t. mil do mil to i all lllld.etlla nn, un orli. folr llie lil.l dill ol Herein tier in JtiNl.PII N I'HIlM Dl'l llte-ron Cils, Oil ? I-M 3 ll.'l AI.SII n tl w I irre of .nllllrtla, lin-e), jenn, li.rki.i-, , mt (.In- st 'In i and wli Ir lliniiels, ptlllls, ,li. In, .11 of is liuli is ill l' rluMiloul at cost pin e I'KKSMiN. u'N'I'.ll.l. .t CO o ,N roni-i al -Hi t""i I'-' l-ollleieaih, of tmin llirt rod Willi-, liV iniiiN, uNkiu. .v co. kkik .N LfaTa of Tube fur h'o by C9 Ml REMErtT. WKIJ.S, FAUCU .t CO.V JK .Y P 11 E S S. Ilrttceen Orrgon, California, the Atlantic Suttri unit Jhtrt'pe. llAVI.Nil inndr uihatiiapfou nnauceiiitntri with (lie I'll If d Mntri ami Tunlic Mud Hlmrn- ulnDl'iimi-aiur forliondimi'tution, ne are now Drt. pnrrd l forwurd (loUl Ihiit, Uultion, Sptcw, Parkafitt, I'nutU, and Freight, to ftitd from IN Vork, N. Orlroni, Sail IVnncimti, I'orilind, iai principul lowm or Cut Utrum ?nl Urtfuti. Our rrjjulur tm muntliU KtprrM betwVfn PnrtUnd nml Sun Fiui iru, m Hietptrltft, by 9 ncilir MhiI .siraimliii(.'oN hiriinihliip rolumUit somifTliiig nt Snn Kranctwd uilhour rr.i.iir,iiih l Kxpiim lo iVfir York nnd AVtr Orttavt, which 11 dirpjlrhrd rrrrnlurl) on the Ut and IG, ofetch imoiiIIi, li) tin" inuit rttriitufra nnd in cli.irge of our own iiicHfni;rrrt, llnniieti lo druMnation Our l.iprrn Irmu .Ncu York lraei reutirtjr nit Hi 5 Mi mid MiiU of rorh iiiuntli, a!no in charf 01 iiifNrt, ngfru Tirature tn$urtH in llif lft Nen York cem piiinc, or ol Llo)d' in InJou, at tl option of clnpppn- OonnectingLinos jn the Atlantic Side, i roin it nt NrA nrkuiih Ihe following ufll known lurn, The American Kiprei Caiiti'iiitu, nmiiinjT vi i IIiiiI'mIo and hnnkirk to ( If irliiltd Nuiulikj, Cuu uiliatl. .M Itlii, To ledo, Dftroit, ( Inrugo, (laUi.k. elc 'At Hut Jen Hrprrs tu Un., n, PhiKidetphia II lIlltll'Mr. ualilMCKlll, rlC I'ullfti. Xittftt .( t'o's ifiiinl and (,nnada Ilprt-M, Datrtiftnt, Vlnn J- t'n't Srw li ritd laxprrnt, I.tuntfitnn, Welti Ce Ktiro vrnn laApfcp W'rll, frtfj-o ( Va't Orin m Ne ink No If.. all nt ; .New Mrt.ii-, .No 1 1, l'i h,iii pluif , San l'ranruco, .Nil lit. MoillpHltt T hill ft W II IIMtN'IIMCT CO Agfril. PnitUnd.O T, Xiiu.m ','ii, 1--.3 v.'7lf " CKA.M, KOI 2 KKS A- COS" CALII'OltNI.1 AM) OUKUO.V Coorifdinr -if .Nintl-i wxth ADAMS f Ce'i veil knotrii nnd unriratttil I'attjit AlUnttfnJ Kuroytttn .'i'leef M 1 It A I t) would m. .1 reeeeifullr la'eta the pub ,. , Ibitt the bale mitnV artangf lo f. m it I a X r.kls I l( r. m, to and rtem Ihrf.ll'm ng pin.. ,li rliarge of our regutir luist. .1 ll.rrs nilsi iru mm r Xnki. Jhi k-1'iii.i i M'lioi.e. XX fHTerville. I'ltt.biiigti, I'.t. I. it. .1 ..i tniit Un.r .--i oil llt, 1 aiiiiith K ver, lln-jn.. Idiri. I). ulii,.l r.rk, t.ireiih'iiu I f.ek, I otloiiu,i.,l t r.rk ll'Sllu'., .-.jili ll'KEIIIC. I null., --irin -II liner. r,tl Xiillei, -.i'lil"i lln.f. 1 I bin t t-ek, llionl-u freek, lluii.fl I let k. t li Its l l-.k. Iliiiburnlii I rr. . rill I ill, XX in i lirstrr, I'.xl I..I..I, ami tllfgtill fl 1 it i tb. r of i ur prim iptl o.Tire. n.ur mt t a 'i in Xniui' l I ii it lb- All.iut.r slat., and Ku- t..- CHECKS AT FAR .11 Xiln . A I ... IHll. ... Ill, illjliout the Ml IH!I'IIII It,., mil m-iiIii ..tliriwiif I In I i.. I ' . '. it I I. III. II III ' If-i'iif.-. i ,li',. I'. 1.1,'... l,.ll.-,Ar, . ill il. .,1 hi I. guUr lor... ngri. null Hie nj. lu.'.l d.stMl. li I'utt nlir iltrol.i n pud to I i.I'1uu-l f.r !. d-. pIM . . or p, k I.' . plf.lliilll allriol. 1 lu, ind boltalilrd n I . riluiu' I" ln.lfurl rii. XII Itu. ii.- ruliiisUil Im ur i arr, is ,11 be faith fal't ll d p olll, III rir ol., i i: t xi i:hi.i:i:-s a ru Jark.oui Ur. I M I.I. I'.'l 'I 11 iaj)iT I laiiins. 1 hr iUi nli r I t t li fnfiiiturf -irr Coomn, ih I hi;, -i iihI U- la-wtiin nil i j .ijt. r liitiiirn lull." I rind-. ). Ir -.! ft i lit i(t 1 Hi Jt'U.Nso.N t.r-L..u I r pid .M I il I". SIHI i V 1 - .ir I .I'lt l.'i-hr-Ujii.t re . r.xr-,1 j(l I' IIItuOK.S II. I.UI'imiI, M.T li. lire "rU t t a -air...) n v iWMr.yr " tih t AiUiiiiiulMit- .'audit '.'tl net 99W9 --'imi r..a II .!() lJl- rkar and niM rk -. pi ni-. h i i.iMp-sud r, uud imperial Ml l.'tl- ii, ..i ,f M.U ,tri-.l apV- IllPiifi ftrrl ir Uit mi ulrK 1(1 low- I.itrrjio-ul linenalt lit .'Ol.lli liiift Ilir .itrtif iirlts Is t jnt rrrivel ptrMOamtr V loin mi 1 II ilk, inrti, n niidClta- Irrvan. whirh tu udd tiiHt tomir lonnr diraM-p look will Le teld rttirtiiett fitv 1 r 1 11--I1 HOSToN, ...NKII.I. A Co fllKN. iitk i ipM r, li'itrik b-i,t sr int ! at Cmi-iiiuh I.) JiUIS ' ll HOOKS O.N I, tliniti)d I nlluit A I iilmmi'i rp u.k. v ,h) rrr..aH To ISIiirksmillis. fl's rrrrised, .null, toiind and aiuate Irnn -al.o I, IJ I J and 1 1 mrhea Mjuaro liar iron Innii 1 1 y. J t" ' X ail-o ral al. el iter 11111 .trel plow ateel hor.e.lio. lion- lull lods b. t.a fliiH . liotse n ids. Ar li AIIKIIM'-TIIY A CO. rMKlll.KI' nod flliry oi.., 1 t lb. HUT'S TOnK. H ;iNI.-s.iiid lipl l- iboire, for loedrioat ,.,i, ni Hi. tuti'i. -nun. A -.1 I . , . .11, I I I. HM I HI IL ill Hi.' llltl I. -.1 llltl.. Orrgon fit) 4UMI .ni audi for -sii.Iiiii-.', mil,. IHIIUi STORK Kcinoval. LMlKltMt.NI.D l jlr.rr In inform lha jiu tic- Unit lliry liate just taken the old rctnar, foiiiirtl) ociii.ed liy XX C, wli.te ili.J' ure irepn d lo tell r lol limy, try roods, l-ool.-'liwe liiaet) , Ar 'I liejr will Im lin'ir I" meet all their old ruitninaie an I aa many ne ultra aa pleaw, al Hie new aland K MAUKHACO lrr(m Ciijf, Oil SI .Ifiil' lOnl! Bakery i VSKlaka d. a.uie m annountinK that wa WW hare i oninii neeil liuaine.a on an unpin.. enle, al Ihe old stand formally leropiid by Jehj II Xlillet, li're in air teidy lo furmih Orefon I'll) mid tirimiy mill li;lii, llol mil", all kimlsof roininon andfanry rakaa, ronfeelionanH, I'AMII.Y UKDCHUIKS, Ac Hotel., I.iniilins-h'iiiies, andptifate familira aiipiha.l on alinrl liol 1 1 Der-l'iillii L'nt attention psnl In futniahinr wed dines, et pstliraof plea.ilte of any deerliptloo. 1 XXe are nlopirptel lo fuiiiiih Krrah ajetera, ilnnie, Mtiline., and most any thing el.e whirh an eHrure mat de.ire All outers pi'nrliinll)' altrnded lo I 1 1, til H S.S V 11 .1 ll.s ..- I Oregon I ily.Orl, U, 34y II OI'.-, st ih PRPr, STORK ? w