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About Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1848)
rt -tflMfMfMtMlt t wnGMnaniM Vol. 8. Far liw Orsfea Bsstlsr. Concluded from out Last Nvmmi. Mr. 0. wee Ibo owner of htndtumt property in ilia stiles ; but ll wee In town when anion! spirits were told, tin) like Urge class of inon, otherwise with good mind end Industrious Habits, ho had aoqulred a taste for strong ilrinki which ho could not control. He mw the vortex Into which hli property and the hYpplne of himself end family were fast gliding; to eeeepe which, ha told hli properly at great tacrine, and mad the tedloua jour ttey to this country. Three year Hod him again on a good claim In tho rnldat of com forte, with the prospect of dowesllo happl. nea and respectability before him. But tho Irene In ardent aplrll comet, and Mr. C. is teen returning home lntoilcttedJj,rtf grcn to the name; the survivors whh a kee of llauor In hl carriage. Hli wile, th daughter of pious and highly r. protable parents, herself tho model of eve. ry amiable quality In a wife and a mother, becomes speechless aa she meets liar real, ing husband at th door. AVIih the swift, net of thought, tho bitterness and trameti. ilous labors of the journey over Iho moun. tains, which can be felt but not described; but which sho cheerfully undertook and ' endured to save her husband,' herself and children from ruin, awake with living re ality. That rich inheritance which she fondlv honed she had secured to herself and family, by enduring the toils endsuf. ' feringsof the journey, issnalched from her in a moment the drunkard's grave wblch ho fondly hoped her hutbsnd had forever ' rscsped, she beholds suddenly before her, and walling to receive hi loathsome re. mains. Tho property by which Iwrxlill- dren were to bo srbouleil s.hI clothed, sha wes taken away by Ihw hands which fur. " nlshed her husband Iho dreadful poison. Her children taken from school and in rags, to be carried to the poor house and looked after by strange is, and despised as .r .Jilu. rMIJren of a drunkrn fstltrr. Herself worse than a w Uow, far away from father and mother and friends all which she had cheerfully sacrificed loreeapa tho In. iipaortabl calandllea of a drunkard'a I wife, which she sees closo upon her, while ' her husband was In reach oftho rum sol. Irr: but which notwithstanding hrr sacri. fiues and her toil, have now ovorlaken hrr, in a day and in circumstances of in. supportable aggravation. Not a whisper of hope comes to her relief, and sho sinks ftcnsrlrcs upon tho floor. Hut slie is soon rousotl by the blows of her husbsnd whom the rum seller has converted Into a demon. She has only time to selxe her Infant and she leaves forever that house which up to that .evening, was the abod of unmixed happinera, tho bouso of the' destitute, a place when angels delighted to assomblo -, morning and evening as tho mother col. '''' lected her happy children around her, and &. kneeled with thcia in prayer: and whore that father with a heart almost too full for '' utterance, had spoke of the ruin which &' they bad escaped, oftho domeatio pleasures if wjnebllbey bad cojoyed, from tho hand of tba Haavenly Parent, and or the renew. ! in fanueaceoftbo Holy Spirit which ho dally felt In hla soul, which he ever resolv ed should result la hla freedom from sin, his union with Christ and hi church, and in hla getting down with bis beloved wife around the tabloofthslrcruelfied but risen Lord and Savior. Aa the children at. tempt to taoapa, one it laid bleeding aaJ lifeless at th madman' feet. Search i mad In the morning, the mother is found dead from tho cfiote of her wounds and th severity of tha night, and her babe cold In br arms. Tbo husband and fa. Iher ia committed for murder, but th jury or course brings in not guilty, aa th act was done In a state of Insanity. Th father live long enough to take tha rest of hla property from hla worse than orphan children, tad commit it to th a, hands of those who furnished him the poi. son, which changed him from n man, a ci. titan, father, a husband, Into a demon; and Anally die that moat horrible of all deaths of delirium tremors. Did I say he diedf Yea, and your hand ye makers and venders of ardent spirit, murdered Mm. Your, haada Matched him from the very gate of beeves, and plunged him into the undying la mis of hall I Your band mur. dered that' umlatta woman1, and her kelp (see babe t Your haada drove thee er. phaa sUMim from their borne, their, pro-pertytclsll-t4 ta,rtge, and abut tbtnVua. betetvedof feber and miner, wttbeejt gemHii' Mettatv In Ibex eeld weJtt tbapeetheueo! Oh, my Oodbe tttrei ftd to those children. And yet Oregon Is 'Santa- mm$tm'im wtmv !! l W.IM. lllHMMMWIiKWaiiWHI called a land of liberty. ' Bend out an armed farce with power to telte upon nur wives and children and bind them in chains and sell thorn Into perpetual bondage and still talk of liber, ty: but do not sprnk of liberty in n coun try whuro a set of men arn (wrniltted to go. abroad with chains, and bind liie minds of husbands and father and neighbors ; and at llie same time pour poisoned madness Into the animal, and turn Mm loose to shed (he blood of wives and children and friends, and lo bury bouses in ruins, and ship4airegard any law upon the subject, eagaged the deep, to consume end convert citiee lo she; or to be hU own murderer. When city hi given up to be lacked by a con que ring enemy, the women to he ravished, Ihe children to be dashed In pieoei, pro. As they collect In some secure mountain, can comfort themselves with tho thought, an enemy hath dooo this. It was not hus bands that murdered their own wivrs. It was not fathers that dashed their own children upon the stones. Rut no such temporary relief can coma lo these survl. vors, who sll solitary among the ruins which the trsfio in anient spirits is spread. ng no lees certain through the country. Of all who have been skilled In military tactics, or whose names have, been penned upon the catalogue of jyrtuts, you alone ye sellers of rum, have acquired Ihe pow. r of producing the greatest amount of un mixed misery with the destruction of a given amount of property and life. You have, by the aid of some agency, acquired Ihe power and the unearthly capability of causing tha inhabitant of a town, to be. Ooino Ihe destroyers or their own fortunes and their own familes. I believe every other heart in this world but yours would bo moved by this scene. But if the miseries of others csnnot aflcct you, contemplate thoso which will over- lako you my friends, asoon as the God ho watches over us, hear the widow' cry, and number the orphan's tears, un lees you change your business and seek bis pardoning grace. I' remember to have read of virtuous -woman ,wim waaJniul. ted by a stranger. She agreed to comply with his, unlawful request provided be would first comply with hers, which wa to hold hia hand one hour in a kettle of burniog coals. This he aeid he could not do. How then replied she, do you expect to endure thoso flames in hell forever, which the base act you propose, would klndlo for your soul. My dear sirs, when you again have occasion to fill a vessel for a neighbor, with tho poison from your casks, licforo you lay your hand upon Iho tap, call for a kelllo of hurtling coals and make the experiment for two hour. II. II. S. Ma. iiDrros. In my last I nutde tome remarks upon iheprnpnaod arjiidinent to the sixth seetiotfof Ihe orgsnio lawsoKlhls territory, relating lo ihe striking t-tt tlie word " Regulate" and Intorting " Prolit bit In lis place; I remarked that lo mo this question proposed two great princi ple : Tho ono hiving t political bearing; and give briefly my views of its political bearing. I now propose to speak of this question in another view, and as having a more extended influcnuo upon the country I bopo sir, I shall not be led to extend this aubject beyond what will be interesting lo Ike reador of Ihe Spectator still I confess ttr, lhat in continuing il, my own Wind, and feelings becomes more docply ptferrsted in II, and should I extend this liton oi my anicie oeyona a proper limit for the column of your paper, pleaao divide It if you think jhe thought I may sprees worthy a pltoe In your paper. oute the length of my introduction, and aJHow me to proceed to Ihe second greet principle involved In this question to wit The mortl Influence a correct decision will have. Oregon till one year last De, ettnbor has ilwtyt had lawa amounting to a prohibition of ardent spirits ; I know air, that tome boast of their ability and erne of the faol.thaJ these prohibitory lawa were violated, end consequently they were ofnoute, and chad better be repealed; othere again thought that we had better llceooe the tale or liquor to limit In evil ad toqulrs a revenue to the government. Ptst what baa been the remit t Th evil baa been let Icon upon the oeetmunlty and ONE mm baa granted Ueentei to Injure the entire colony (If am than one county baa given lioenoee, lit patten, knowing the fact will confer t fcwVy sitting1 k.) "' " liu ine licensing tne taie or nquor dt. ,. . i . ? Oregon City, (Oegon . a-'L-iuuju. l ii LJiu.j shod the number of illeoal vender! la t hdnlsbod the number of illegal venders la ll 1 I boldly affirm it has not. Ha the revenue lo tho Territory amounted to one hundredth part oftho evil that ha result. ed from the aalo of liquor or from the 11 censing it t I contend sir, thai it ha not and I think I shall be ablo to show It to the satisfaction of any one, but those who will continue to sell and violalo tho lawe undor any ciroumstanco! Before the making and selling wa made legal but Ihe most deaporate and such aa did hot urH,.s Inftft ll fa tlf.a.tiUML lliflMM "rr " .- ...ww, - vklualsxhsvo oonllnued to make and will without licence, and a few who had a lit tie regard fore law. that made a dishono rable buslnesTnbnortMe and legal, hay taken a lioence end keep in oouoUnanoe II Ihe craft for I will assure you Mr, Editor, that not one of Ihe whole host, of liquor dealer will ever venture to have Ihe licence law enforced against one of the craft, No, air, it ia next lo impossible lo tel one of ihem to to before a trend jury and testify to Ihe violation of the It oence law and sir, I challenge you or tny other person, to indict t liquor teller, upon Ihe oalh of any person who Is. di. Westward Mm jHar of reeily or indirectly engaged In the maklagW to those who have connertiona there or selling of liquor without a license, Now if this be the case, and I will ap peal to the records of our courts and lo fact and if a single instance can be fcuad I will aund corrected. 'What I ask is the moral principle involvedf Does not this business train up a act' of men in our com munity to violate ihe laws, to evade the truth, and think light of it I to scatter pol verty and disgrace ell around them ; be tide, suppose for a moment that this whole class of liquor dealers were compelled to go to some useful employment end to cease to destroy any wholesome and ue- ful article, or at least they aeil the article they manufacture into liqnor, Instead of the liquor, to tome honct farmer what honor would result frorr, it ? And euppooo wa rot to "Prohibit.'' Ue introduction. manufacture or tab of irdeot tpirlti laJportance to the public, you may nvbliak Oregon. Who I atk will be Injure, by ktrlng netlqwart WW tha teanstywatj farmer, I can aaewer far one, I have beet) fanner in Orjacon for nambtnLretrt and have had 3B liquor; I do npRlicve that one of the profession would be injured in Ihe least in pereon, property, or charac ter, if any rum teller in Oregon, and any rum veeeel that may start to come here, were til tunk In the ocean together. Who then are to be benefitted T The mechanic ho doee not require il any more than that farmer does, he uses no Ctmwoodto stain bit work If he did, other etainaor paint would do just as well ; doe the physician uae it It Is convenient far him to dissolve eome of the gum in, tnd to compound a ftw of hit medicine, and when a rum pa tient comes, to preeeribe a little liquor to gratify his appetito and get rid of him or, if he Is not inclined to use tho article him eelf, lie will discourage tho patient in the uee of il, and give him a better substitute Who then needs liquor in Oregon, that we should not vote to Prohibit" il 'our county!' Doee the minister, tho lawyer, the student, the editor, the judges, or the governor, common tenet telle ui lhat none of llieso require ardent spirits to help him to power or to office. Do the maker and vender of ardent spirits require lit If they do, let.u.,as farmers, mechanics, physicians, lawyers, atudente, judge, and governor, vole lo let them go to tome other country betide Oregon, to mako and aell and drink liquor. One other view of tble o4tstlon. Oregon haa never yet bad a poor houat, alma bouee, bouee of refuge, and but on jail In tome countlee no grand jury baa been needed, except to indict preoa far violating the liquor Itwt in telling with out a llocnee. I atk again, If I rote to allow liquor to bo distributed among the white population will you allow the tarn pereon to till and give it to the Indian f If wa take away th liberty of tbeee men in th on cast, why not in the other f If they art allowtd lo cell to the one, they do, and will to tit other, and I defy all the lawe and all th grand juriee end prison, you oan make la prevent it. Again I atk, what ia th oral lanutaot and bearing or that quat Uonf If we rote "Prohibit," will we In reaee the difficulty t will wa deprive any man of bit liberty if bo oaaaot tell lienor to ut, to go to eome other oouatry and eell and drink ttmuehatbe pleateaf What kim will tbara ba Mr. WJUar. If all ts veto ''ProelWkr WiH Uncle itoomel over and tell ut we have done wrong f tad I ft' . amVnVnVnVntatnw'r , l pbhm nriBBBB1'- j T.1 ' ". iTffH aV flftm " "? SeaviM taUa lit wy," ' M ritoiy,) April 6. 1848: J . , "' '-A' . WK - uAijiiL - atj - i!JLLiJ - .iM.'j L'ttu.j-i LuuiiLJL'mmmmaBjf)mmmmmmmlHm that waouaht not to treat tbrae llnuor anl. I W. n Nnliail . " t'T, ' - "hvMm that wa ought not to treat these liquor tel lers to, white and Indiana so badly t and cspecWlly then liquor maker. The euk juu I ii iiiifruTiaiii vj urn irowiva 1-g-nii Ia... t. ... la. a.ku. Aa l-a. IBU..J it inrolres tho present and future happl- new of too many, to bo passed off with single artlcto or a patting notice in our pa." per. I know not your eentiinents, and I fear that my evening thoughts upon this question will not be as Interesting to other aa it Is to me, still I give them to you for what llicy are worth ; ono thing I ameer tain of, and that is, if every other voter In Oregon endorsee upon Ihe back of hit vote " Regulate," mine tball hive aa plain aa I oan write PROHIBIT,' If it takeeaway (he last drop of liberty or liquor 1 ever ex. peciio navoo-ae ever,, ai ruita. Oar. Cut, Mtrch 24, 1918. Dttt Sit A hort time before I left Waiilalpu, I called upon the eeveral Cap tains of the Regiment and obtained list of their companies, with the number sick, wounded, dec. On my arrival at tli'-M lace, I am In formed, that no report ha been made to heed quarter, of this most important mat- er to the people of this vtlley, particular. I therefore eend you the lists of three Com peniee; the other I bave mislaid, and will eend them to you should I find them. A few mlnutee before leaving our camp far this place, I went into the hospital, (a room fitted up for that purpoee In the bouse of Dr. Whitman, deceased,) de aaw the sick; some were confined with the measles, but doingvery well, tboee wound ed were mending fast, and expressed themselves o to me. The Surgeon of the Army, Dr. Carpenter, eppetrt much devoted to hi busineee tnd I wa well pleated to see they bad attention paid them. The room is cleen and kept in tood order by him. He informed ma that bo wa quite abort of medicinee. There were eeven persons in the bospittl til told. In oat youtbink the above or any int. it hoptsg ,however, you will receive in a WdyaaU tha, tatjicuttrt.fcasmtb atat of war. Jtetpectfully, your, dec. ROBERT NEWELL. i-je) I etnlnTWVI VatwPtnvVl Of At Ncmu cCeTateW' CmpmiJSlW?C. tnomaa moivay, ixvsBni. Charles McKay, let Utvknant. Alexander hfeKay.M de. Edward Dupula, Orderiy Serguml, ipuia, Ui frtour,") orion, I rford, o, i Ueoreo Montour, VtXr Dulf Strgeaais. Bepliste Uorion, uavia unwioru. Gideon Pioo John Spence, Richard Linkletcr, John Cunningham, Charles Beauchemaln, John Groe Louis, Louis Laplante, " Auguetln Ruesie, Joseph Lenegratty, Auguttin Dslsrd, Utptittc S. Ltderi.te, Isaac Gervals, Antoino Poirier, Louie Montour, Antolne Plank, Antolne Lafarte, John Ampreville, Oliver Lafarte, Alexis Vilraise, Pierre Lacourte, Joeeph Pain, Nathan English, Aahby Pearce, Charles Edwards, Gideon Grtvelle, CharleaCoweniah, Antolae Booaufant, Nioholaa Bird, Francis Dupre, WflllamTowy, Thornae Purvia, Mongo, A.J. Thomas, J. H. Rlvlar. knee. Narclae Montlxnte, (wounded in the Antolne Ansure, Edward Crete. RotL OV SD CoNiAKT. Lawrence Hall, Ctyntm. 11. D. O'Brytnt. W LUtUtnmt. John Enytrt, 9 do. Wm. Sheldon, OreMy Strgtmtl, William Stokee, 1 jatsa h- Sherry Ross, J Gilbert Moodoa, CeeVtetrtr. PatTATU. A Bayart, Thee. Flemlaer, u, v. R. Yi H. N. P. 0. NtrtbM, (mettlee-getUag well) w. Wi waMr . Rebert Walker, J, Butler, i ewtnWWf tVfBfOllHi i Kl'.!i i"MWl Uatjmw'.fUO' i i-f,' 4ft,fm' - mmrmmmmmmmmmmmmm W. R. Noittd. J. Q. Zaehrty, I. W. Smith, Jos. W. Soot!, Sam'l Y. Cook; J. W. Llngenfelter, (1. W. Smith. I J. If. Llenberger, ' J. J.GirIh, "'" A. Llenberger, (had the meeslee I weH) A; Khttcy, (had Iho measlee, I well.) TliomtaKInsey, John N. Donnle, J. 8. Scoggln, ' Samuel Oethard, A.C. Brown; Noah Jobe, Jno. Lousingnot,9 . ' P. II.. Ramsey, ' D. Shumeke. ' A. WUIUms, 19 A e ffofoofiibt - Mi J-inftv, JIN. Green, " D. Harper, " A. Stewart, J. Elliot, S. C. Cummlngt, Wm. Milbern. Offsoert, Privttev, ST 49 Total it Whitman! Station, Left at m DtUuimnl mtFl. Wtuttftm. W. Williame,, S. Purgeeon, A. Kennedy, John Hotgate, MartbaUllartin, Oliver Lowdra, (9f Total. S3 Roll or An CotirAnr. If. J. G. Mtxoo, Cetkai. G. N. GiiUrt.Isilanriemm. Wm. P. Hughes, 3d V .Wm. R. JbbettmOrwrriw Stmmti? 0. 3. Tbotaaa, " - Buckner. . . Daniel Stewart. f "V augmu. Joseph R. RoJbnea. J ' ' Pnrrtnt. - Andrew J. Adamt, '.' The. jUlpbla, ' A. M. Baxater, Jackeen Beatle; ' ' WnK.BaaliBfl -- - - D. D. Banwaght, .. CharbmBleir, - -. -, niarrBltifcir. a ". . . . -J2T -' t&tmfft . -' f wtt. CMiawaa. John V. Cantrei, Arl Cantrei, Samuel Comeliu. Albert G. Davie, Manly DaaJortb, Jtmee Dicktea, v ' 8. D. Durbio, Harvey Evan, S. D. Earl, Joeeph Earl, oualy. Samuel Field, (wounded not danger- Albert H. Fieh, Retha D. Foster, Isaao M. Footer, John Feat, Daniel O. Garland, Andrew GribMe, Richmond Hayt, Horace Hart, Wm. Hawkins, Gotlmon HubbarJ, Wm. Hock, Rufut Jofanton, Isaiah M. Johns, Wm. A. Jack, John W. Jackson, " . 8. B. Knox, Eliaa Kearney, Jamee Killlngworth, .lame h. jowis, J. H. Loughliu, Davis Lator, a Horaco Martin, Is io Morgan, John Miller, . John McCoy, fouIy. N..U, MoDomell, (wounded, dinger. traoaon movuiiey, JtmeejOffioer, JohnPttterton, Richard Pollard, Henry PoUet, Frederick Paul, Wm. Roblson, Wm. Rumtll, Wm. M. Smith, H. M. Smith. John Striethoff, Rheuben Bfriethorr, 9 A a Stone, Wm. Saerlty, John Vaughn, Wm. Vtutbas. Jaaon Wheeler, (wounded not dan- garoutiy.). t , . Tts Bobt Ga w or Lawa Paurnr t ttrlet warn tha prtttwHtaa laketi py atttnaifttaWtbaKtogaflaaFiejaniflt lkai U anlatMantanalBBV Unnnnntl Wtnnnl annMtnte nnAffw gsjntd vniftUmXhk UM nyiU MpMlMnM QiM WtWTlJ1t"arj annnnntanlnnni nlnnnUM Itfal MalltM M tha albtr pam artba Aittviatli ruvafej &-'& IT ''. & ' - "wry. t-K",' "My : 'WJiiv"! 4tmkH in lowfaMt i lit. To 0 m, lo BfSBXSSB 9d. WtfOttS, rrr .t.jjtfint OV. SVHtJSBB at all time whe night). .Tbreaar a time wHI be toad.. ; 4th. Neyrkitjpf) t ebon aSsttaee. nee .team, at j;si wharawr ItMr tttt.. SB tttM rwl v. ... . r -zr ZrVi brueb akma jnehet nbowi I thovldtekepti nwv tmwmmm&ww - 1 -- ' 3 - M f'Ji .sjtnv rraaa i River ettbtC djstnt aJeaaTilw tsNltrss.brrttnLtnwi aadiUereaatnWnt.", tare la 4 wMt wjattj.' 9a0enaWM law HlHnf.JPtT a kept at a way ay any i (tonally Ibreejgkr now yaw ara.. better but wish to trade" M0w64wl I PlKMttwnfln MH M HMI i dnonTawill KmM&M trade them thew eftUet I otrat Item, ttrliM bave aa offatfawkf .'! the Utapana'a attf at be the aervtoe beet lo n 7ta.Pi aantretiM tbaCtbktt alBV Haw aTTJannl aevn bet i Mr. ptiiwira yati wan I 1 would adrita. V tenetJeabbi I snUM eki eif M day uiiWlZm lf the' road ttnt aaMlMtkBJ J FromFeetHenl'nJJainai':. FalU otftnvake itfTr"-' Hto .-. l.-.ti-lit.. ,,- ImUetaboratbo ffanvSitZ MV ' tgo(Cajafcaw , zm 'a:!---. tv.i j-i- . giaaa, in imm wi eroattaj or rna mUeeabov Ctati.' UpCaiewz Attbanrmiltti tha roade ttrfc 1 rout oontlwuet river, tb tat tZ! gee up tb treaty - kfl. faXflM..-'' 4u)i' ' AJr. Cttrti .W, plenty. triw ;! JWJ;.' ""H -" m""i wmmwmmmm" .. jti y io uoose vrooa, - "'" Tb road whan kletrraatka V:L waten of tob'mimkuM:' ?";- tLm. . . KJ Uak '- iQ' 1 -- r-rrr.TT.'as,' .&.$-:" racsv taaiaaaaMKfli"-rt - k) U a r n - T--rn,u,.r. .. .. - :-.--..TS . - .,T3T urU, waier, .wosprwwwaia)nwa, "'Vj, :?r &. at-. AK i b iltrntf aanin ill Lmttli a Smile frc'eh5atnlCi',-',r'4''' tod csiilUabtliy-'nnnlof... Upaccaa&atk,v, 8&h ., uooa woeei aaa ftta I ine latt eeiap ontaai m uooeeoreen.tjn' anriag, on thf.i y. billow, and baMejiatr'e. tM'.-.S-:; akoa the road aawatkMKm ,' iFirtt tpri- ht' Htt'ttwaW:v:-: rUey. 'VS.rW' IK 0 '!--A . M ,,.T'.,J, 7 iwrooesen iwatn rwatV' - ;'.-. i'' gi Along not sari TiFromtUtwii teUcefetnetjertwetaT, nwreiotMM M mUea to ftatn wWob tntfft' li n raUey. PBH WMWHIv flattaattari BH annwnratfl the head et the n mat w nbrer. isOjlMn rTha pa nn mdiha mi aaartfgv' WF "?' ttem'elaxst ..atntlLW'lw'.U&Hi or arwt atari. --. r?s:r.W'5fl atjK''i'7';? aftManvaakV? '"- :mm-: iaaanC kmm.V.1X- Sa-TijalJS RArt2 m r tiVfe.,-, ivja; fyy-k'va.', atitezaamaaamm M - :"'' .i iaiiHaal Jiyj?? aMMfj