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About Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1848)
7J 2 m. a I ' m rMrt wuwt, Vol, 3. .itllitrs, nml Nprrrlifa Referred Id, in Ihr Report of thi Siiprnti. Irmliml of Inilmn iiffiilri nnd I'ommii- ilonrrs, puhltihrd In our In 'I. These speeches wero muili' In reply In n letter sent to them linn, llm 1,'ovi mnr, nnil to speeches mint" by the ('ouiiiinKinii era nnil Htipcrlnlcmlaiit. t'amnh-irlluo,U tlm olil vvnr Cuyme Cl.l:f. Joirph in an olil iimn, mi I in tin: uli. senc nf Ellis (who iv uli inaiiy nfht. r. rinr ia in llin buffalo count) ) i the j.rin. Chief of llin Kit Pi rccs. The balance (if I lie ireohs ro fiom hlefs and, prlimll iiirii of tlio Ncs IVr. cm Irilw of linllini To Tiir. (Jurat ('iiii.ih nriiu. Ni I'kikhi, ami mi n Timin. ltuTl I fnl( In Jim iiniv mi n niilijrcl iifmt iiii'irliiiirc In you, nml ntipiif Ureal iinMirtaiicc to Vini'iiunn, nml 1 k yoilto li.t.n tnuli.t ia(. In wy. Mnny rnr. .., n f. Aineil. urn- In your country; ou r.c.m.l tin in jjlml ly, nmllol.l tl.rn., ...i iiislml tin in to .1.) itli you, ami inxruet jnu; they .lul your rpnuct; am....)' ll.e,., v m, l)r. Wlm. innn and in n i.wi) niHiiy AiniTii aim ' hate aim ii,.i i, ,,..., I it.r i,. " ' ...jyi.r, tiijiintineir on wire.. Ill Hie II ..,.,.,,., ., I,.., .y ,, ,..,,,,,. n in j.a,, " l-'ing iiti.lebtid, nfi. r a l, m .nit nf our iu Ii'lilmrii u ulifitit i nil r ' r :' '; - "" ....,.....,, ,...--.. .,.,, , ., j . gan In ileal m.e thin,,"., an I !,i it huimii. r much was atolen wry much; e iii.1 .. t wain in nen i m line tn hi, unl mn wnrnnr were tml M-nt uti If vnu will Kr eininire into hr tlitm-i, nti will (iml that they area I i II ii ; we h.ue borne a great deal, e Indtevid that ynu chief did not know how much wu xtnlen from the Anmricnn, but we think your Hiwcr ought to be I'Xnrlcil tn prcVi lit kt n'l'.g nil. logether all thin wn iiu'hiug rom jriHlwiilili.u In nil. te h-rii ilme. On tli"'.'7lh oflal Nnveu.lier, the Cuyu" Indian bathed their I1.11..I1 in th. bnl of ihelr IhiI friend, and in tlm Moot ufuia. uy nf our bnithcr. Dr. Whitman had nt your request rem lined aiming you; he l.aa eter aiucu lu't II trjlllg In dn )ou giul bvbnriiing mi many uaeful ll.ii.);, nml iil.e nl', wn know that he wa teaching you to iinihmlanil the llible, the great llmik that out Cn.itnrliiM giti u Id u, by which wn may unilertaiiil llm wuy in which ho wlhe nil hi i renturc tn live, ihul wn may bo happy in thi wirhl, i.tnl bo happy uftur d.alh, Dr. Whitinan 1 1. bored with you n Imi tune; wlul he told you wulrup, nml had .. Iitti n.d loliiui, nml all your neigl.lri-1 listened to him, Dr. Whitman and our hrothcra would not hao been killed, hccauu ono of the gnat I'oui.iiaiidiiieiitN nf our great Crtator in "Thou aliult -not kill ;" another one i. 'Thou ah lit not nteal." I hear that you ay Dr. Whitman wu piiming u; )'') know better, Hitkui it hciiI by our Crea tor, it I in tho world, nml ho Iim nai.l tlmt all men iti.iat die, wu cannot escape ; did ynu not aeo 'ho Ainerivmi din with the naino disease 1 hive not u great miiiy nf our people been buried thi rar I Hut if it was believed by your lielghlmr that Dr. Whitman polrmcd them, why kill nil tho Americans 1 Hut I tell you Dr. Whit, man did not poison any one, hn was git. ing modiolno and ndvico in try lo nuo you from dying ; how many lime Ima he healed your sick, that would hnvo died, had ho not given thorn medicine 1 Ilu wa your bout friend, your great friend; Im wai always apeuking of you nud try ing to do you good ; hut he I dead, his wife Is dead, our brethren am dead. How did I hoy dlol hour did ho die 1 Tho men that aaked him to stay among them, that had partaken of his hnapltality, that have been tho subject of his kliidnrtt, stole upon him and murdered him! Our lirnrts Mod whon wo hoard it. Wo cannot pan this by. Wo hope you ayinpalhiso with us, that your heart say wo will not pro. " " teot auclt men. y Drotheri, our warriors aro on tho war v path, what shall bo done, that wo may all gain bo friendu, and not enemies f 1 fa wlH loll you what wo want, listen to mo j Vf we want the mctithat inunlereil our Broth. A. it Dootor Whitman, and his ifo, nd tho tf of our brolhew, T11ik,uoIi, Tarn. Hklo, and all that wero cngtgad. ' ihcjM that forced our young women M liMomo their wives; wo want all these to be given up to us, that limy may bo pun Ishtd according to our law uud further, OREGON SJ Unit n Ktltuli'ui of llm itun rty Mnli n nml i ilnlroycil In- mailf, iltlnrliy riliinilnjllic irnMily nr kIIii( nn ciiilvn(iit. Iflliix, l" iI.piii., mir Imlclut w i Imrli'il, aii'l III" In li.iniini.l Aim riumiB will ! firiiil nml Innilirri. , Kvcr tril'ii tlmt iniiti'H nli llir nmr iliTriH nml (iriitri'ii lliuii, tti'inmt link mi nit our i in inn ; nn tin- irllmr liunH cv. pry triliclliit ilniiimt uiilli' ultluiml in. lu't tin in t sliitll lixik iifHin ni nnr frit win, nnil (iroii'i t ilirm If ncrfary. M) lirnllii'm, ciiiiniiliT IliN wrtl. Tim Aiiicricniit nrn n grrnt MOilu; a frw, i'ry few, limu enmn to tliU country. Our (jrcat Clilaf liim nlwnya Ihi-h ((,, tlmt Ilia Inillnni In llili count ry wrro all frlrnil. ly J lie Iim lint m nt mi of lili r clilffi In re. V limn nnw mm unnl to lilm, tlmlniir Hiiii lmi- Ih'iii klllnl, hii wnr clili'ff will iiiiiip, uii'l "Imiilil you prefer Hnrto juici', lit me nil you, nml lUt'-n to hIiiiI I imy, lliry w lit punMi ynu until I yon i,ii, l,r Inllj hall.fii ,1 will. r, nml ,n (., , lmi. M(lC(.. C,UM, r t(i, Hl, f u.una imn nk fir or. ,) mine., tn'M.ii uh n frieml l, tl.nt you ,eeru. ll.e inur.lereri, or let llm Ainer. ., nll, ,(,,. )lf nlp 11, .( lorfi u.,1. .1 !.. ,1.1- i,. ..-. i, . , , . . , .-,. ni. it (in ii -in iii Linr iii it'll "' ' ninriierers urn hit iiiii'Hii! Will, es your m..pli. l....ili g, M,.,l Hirollgl, " ,,,ake, fur which I would In. v( ry sorry ,,, w , , ,.,, (.lf,rl),ai ,;,) a . zz;'i::rzz:":Z'z, tj iscsa fr ,. iiy ill. tlm American, thin need not nlnini Mm ; Aim rami imcr liijuie ilu ir fneiida. v know our great thief wish e Iho Aiiieiuau uud Indian to Lc n brothur, wc m i.sli In ! mi, will you let us lm n brothers, or wi'l jou thrown nwny. I could tulk n gre-it di nl, but I will say no nunc nl tin tun". The Ihne chiefs thai I haw Kent up to miet jnu nml tulk In you, will tell you what i tvat.lisl, wlmtcMT limy say to you, jnu can ln-licw. In tolinmny that this is my writing, I nigh my name, this second day of pebrua. ry, lH. JKO. AilKllNKTIIV, (!oeriior of Orrgon 'I'erritory. Kokt N,.i IV.Rrr, 4th March, IPif . To Iht Coirmiiiionm, Messrs. Palmer ami l'eirell, (i.Tl)tf : ' bun tn aeknowleilgp your rati eiiiid f.inr of this date, which w aa hnmli d me tin c . ning. I mn happy to 1. nru tl.nt ymtr nieces id i ill t M'm e. hn y fur rewnnlc I jour ! . n '..nurs nml that th rsiz 'irc(s arc on your Mile. Pn uousV their l!ting j on, llm most iufiueiitial Chief came to mo to know your real InteiiVoin, uh! ' I fully explained, nml nddreraNl thrnt nt Itnglh. Tlmy left me well dinpSMil and I mn tn leuru they have nctcoNip to tin ir promise. I now forniir.l Iitti r to I'orl Hall ami I'ort II i!e, nml h.ic In rcqueM in belt. ill' of llmCompinv, ilia! ou bo kind ireim-h logi t them forwarded by Mr. M. ek ; tlmy lire of importance on their I ring dcli r- ed, th pi ml loss or gain to the ('otupmix , nml hy so doing you w III rrufer ii favor on (ii ntlemi n, V.-ur Moat (Ih'l Hum. Scnmil, WILLIAM McllKAN. P. S. Plea prea nt my beat rchprcta tu General (Sillhnu mid Mujnr Leo, $lecch of Camush jflloo. 'Sty people seem to huni two hearts. I hne but mil'. My heart is as tho Nez PerceH. I Irnio had nothing to do with iho murders. Turn SuoMo enmo lo me to gel my rAiienl to iho nutnler, beforo it waa lilted. I refused. I pointed in my aick child, and told him my heart was there, and not on murder. Ilu went back nud told hi friends ho had olitained my consent It was fslse. I did not pile my consent lo tlm murder, neither will I pro. leot or defend tho murderers." Speech of Joseph. Now I show my heart. When I loft my homo I showed my heart. I took Iho honk (a intiMtitt) In my hand and brought it with me it is my light, I heard the Americans woro coming to kill mo still I held my book beforo tno and canto on. I nm here. I have heard tho words of yuur thief. I speak fur all the Cay uses present, ami all my people. 1 do not wish my children cngngod in this war, although my brother is wounded, You speak of Iho murderers. I shall not mcddlo with them. I bow my head. This much I speak." Speech ef Jacob. 'It is tholuwof this country, that tho murderer shall tlio. This law I keep in - ,"""r" - ..,... tn " Westward Ihti fttur sl im-rj . wtn i .jiui mu'iiiiiiiLuiiiM,1a81-Jm..J,,. . ,. . Oregon City, (Oregon Terrify,) April 20, 1848, in) In Innrl, lieeiiuso I l llevc It U tin. law rut tlni lira Inu Ilnpti1 In rt nfti'iil tlic firt law. I ttartril to , urn llm Aumricnmi, uinl wli' n on the way I I h"ur.l the American worn couiinu to kill nil the linlinut ntlll 1 came. I iutu hi unl jour Miicth, ami am thankful. When l left houm I Ijelioved Iho A.ncrl. i nun werncimliijr, firlhn munlereri, onlv I lliiiuk llm (inventor for hi good tulk." .S'ifrci nf Jamts. ' I li.ivo heard your wnrdt and my lienil u ulail. Whin I first heard of thin u.urdi I, our whil villi" lirnllmr SpaulJitu i I In nnl II.. Cyme, l,... kill. ii'l iiiv heart wim very m. duMnliire. I i d dim liti u A fen ilnyH after, wlnm hn rnl.irned I mot hiiu in on" aroic fru.n tlio duud. Wn Mniku lui llmr. Ilu uld hu would co lo Wllluinctlc. I told him lolellthu cliivfo there, my heart. Wo have hieii liMeniiif; fur wmio word from thiui. All he chiefi nreof one l.enrl." . : "'. . SjrrchoflM Wolf. "Ynu Mieak ofUoi.lur Wliltinau'a body. When I lii unl of the Doctor' death, I ii.i.e and mllid for tin- murderera. I Wlhhed to knolv if it iviim tlin tvorl t,C tlm iluila. I went loTawliatoo'a and found it j not of nil, but of llm y.,unu men. .,', I to! . 1 1 ',,' uf l1 , .ii .... .i... v.. . ii .... - i i ..... ."""".'"-..'"'." u"-c.i itiyi i. r. .. ... i .. in ii I I loura. U ,. I,.n.. nil U...i. i.ixni,... in....i . ...... , bw"L"' I from the white thief." Sirthof Timolhu, (Thi ti.nn rcptatcd each ion Unco "I "loll liear llmim Uiiels limy H.'uk fur ull. I am n ono in tho nir. I iIj not meddle with ihiao thing! tlm chief jKnk we nn all of their mind." Siieech of Hichnrd. "I feel ihunkful for the kind words of your chief. My people will take' no part in this mailer. Our heart cling to that which W goal. We do not lovo blood Thi is the way our old chief (Cut Nose) talkid. llislasl word were: My chil. dren, I leao you love that which ia good lw always on the side of right, and you will prosper.' Ills children remem ber his words. We told us, 'take no bad advice.' Why should I take bad words from your enemies, and throw your good words awayT Your chief word -a r good. I thank him for them. My chief m Iho llurfslo Country will be glad lo hear I talked thus to you. They would bo sorry should I talk otherwise. This much I tell vouof the hearts of mv peo ple." Speech of Kenlucl, "The chiefs have all a?jkcn : I have list, ned, am! now I wiah to sjieak a little. uiar i een intieii v tils llie Americans and I'rrnch they know tny heart1. Cnn any one ten a.. thing tail oi me f In war with tho lllackfcct, I and my father fought with tin American, and my father wn killed then' he (pointing to'.Mr. Newell) knows it. Sinco then I have loved the whites. Last year I ws in California, at Captain Sutler r, and helped Captain Pre. inont not fur pay, but front agoodhtuHr i raine imme ami i.ennl llm lector wan ktlhd! Wo heard thai the whites were told, we were with tho Cnvuaes wo hnvo not micIi lien in. I and my peop'o nre ln,ni ""' ,a"llf' I1-" "' our iminlry i u o nail nr.ird tlicre, ynu were com. mg to kill oil' tho hist In 'inn wcM ul the ii oimt.iim. We lime ncier idicd tlm Id.Khl of llm iiticrican. Wc arc pln.rlo i In ar that you wnnt unim hut the murder. em." Fur III Orton Sprftator. Tln Intr cliuiigf In tlio Public Yiiirli'ry. Mr.. Eiuior: Culled upon this morn ing to bury a young man brought in from the country forlnleruienl, I t as surprised In find, that a change had been made In Iho location of the Cemelery. During iho pnsl winter, it became necessary ,tn linic n place for interim nt, and home per. son, citireiis of the place, and well qual. ificd lo judge, after obtaining permission of Iho owner, ina.lo n relection. It is on n cry eligible spot of ground, about '.'0 minutes walk from tho top of Iho Illutf; and when the child of Mr. Whitcomh was buried lnt winter, entirely dry, 1ft Inche below llm surface, It Im ery tie. slrablo to lint o burying grounds, a little out from tho densely populated parts of cities, and yet siilficlently tienr, to bo ea. ally acccKsible. It did seem, that this ptero of ground was judiciously selected, and eight pencils wero buried llioio. It now seems another placn has been chosen, morn than twico as far from tho city, and tho former spot nbaudoned. Tho question is, how has this chango boon brought about 7 and it has become a pub. Ho question in which the community at largo has an Interest. When a public cemetery Is chosen, and u number of persons buried in It, it be. ,iiu, nun i hiii go in iii.iiiiuie atin llacv,"" ""vl """"ir,"u'"i '' "" - l"" - lw. H H A 1 H 1 H 1 L : v H m A . sH L- B rm.mrwr m ' l m . ' l Bfafafafafafaa. jsW .jw swi . - V V Haai i m xsm f VJ SHaaa.s 4 k . X f aw k ra sM i ri w ram. . tth stra h sM 'ftv k B aH 4 B sH eB B H v aH B ' N-B. JLLA S JL jC m. .M. V B Wt Cayi; j come um ry tcriuui, nml, Minrolml Him. I la . . . . - cult uia'ltr to tlmiiL'e tlic I'-cntlon. It innjrlm ilnuLttil w,i,er any tlitnj; iliort of ii puMlu nifting. nr puMlu nctJco In Bourn wny nml llm coiiwnt obtulncil of iIiom- ho Imte Imrlrd t f jef - frIeiiJtliri, woiil.l jiniify any nuili tlioin;p. Ilaie uny proper imnmireit l(n ukcu to Mcurc t!m ri;'1it oril.c k-n nti.) In tliU Inilant-c? Winn c!tlri of plate, taut winter, Hi.liirH liy llm ixlKei,tp of tlic rate. cnllcl on llm proprii lor, of I lie first Miltcl. ,j ,,,, f ,, .nilM,)lt ' i ,',.,, " . .! . , , . . . . . ..i... . o i iivunn win rn nicy ni.gni ju.le lieM, ami in yvnl fullh a spot wan cIios.ii, tvt npail, nnl actually employ. -'li for,iutlio purpotgii. Prom that time, I conceive it heenrne puMk property, ami the public will ilc. fclrc to know If t!,e-t s a nfuial to ratify the bargain. What ii to lm ilonc with llm ciuht or more il ail Mica already hurieJ in 111 I mi'i imn, prouai.ty, w.ll tlio Iccntiou be I..,..,. ... ... . . . cli;lg"' "' ' An we !.-. I a I : wore walking to with Mr. Holme, ' the grae, I converted I "" "'" ,uli"Lt' ,w "aid ,, ,,aJ no ,'Vd t'yrett iii it nt nil. except lo imc the In. - ' ,. ... . . ". . i nrn a r.i nini u inn alii. NiMiin a. a . nne Doubtlesa all th(M; questions, (nnil I hope mno of ilmm are out of place,) cnn U answered to llm entire wuiifaclion of tho. public, by toire one, acquainted 11 llll t lift llllB IllflSO My cl I to call attention to the sc J lection and permanent otcupmiey ol tome appropriate ipot le. be uicd ns a rulllc , Cemelery; where we may bury our dead, ' "!( with n fuir prosjicct that private interest will ueer dig ttieni up, nor sectarian anathema disturb their repose. Yours, Kcspcctfullv, WILLIAM 'llOUF.UTS. Oregon City, March SSth, 1812. Far th Ore jou Sjxclator. M EntToa: In what a str4ngc and unnatural position ialhis community p!a. ced ? Several thousand miles from the Capital and without tho parental care of Iho jjuTcrnmcnt to. which we owe alle giance, surrounded by numerous bands of savages, whose jealousies increase with our numbers, and whoso treacheries aro proverbial in history, requiring the sagac ity of tho ablest statesmen to counteract their influence. With a provisional Gov. eminent of our own construction, tho Im. I'ccility of which is known to thesurround. ing tribes of Indians! Without pecunia- ry aid Iroin any oilier source than that of private contribution, fiom citizens whoso I vanty means hato been exhausted from losses mid expenses incident to the long Ac tedious journey hither, and the opening of new farm, in this region! With noth ing but hope (that useful Cricnd) to cheer us, wc hate been co lied in our own defence, and at our individual expense to ' wage wir on severnl of tho surrounding I tillies of Indiana ! What wonder then i it, that our little; patriotic army should be driven liack and compelled to return from the field of tattle, nml the prosecution of an olUniixo war upon the enemy, on ac count of the absence of ammunition, and a tulliclent number of men to carry cut fuccesafullv tlm expedition and tint af. ler living on beef and horse meat alone, for weeks at a time! No wonder, Mr. I'Milnr, that a sullen dhcoutent i seen and expressed by this community, on ac count of llm negligeneo of our Govern ment, in giving us that protection which our critical position requires, and which must give or detract from tho character of those who conduct our Republican insti tutions. am a Iloman Cltlten .'" giret no patport, and has no meaning in Oregon. Wn nro attached lo our Republican form of Government and all of its liberal In. dilutions, but must always deprecate that narrow minded policy which would leave Its citizens for years a prey lo Iho attacks of savages, without it protecting care. Wo are not Intra lers here. Wo cams hero under Iho patronizing caro of our Government, and tho strong solicitations of our ablest Matcniieu, lo nflcct a Na tional object; and as an earnest of that desire, troops wero sent a short distance on the road to protect us, and Congress has been apparently for wv era) year enga ged in tho paasagn of a law to mako grants of laud to those who would Imml. grato hithor. And tho Prcsidont lo leave po doubts upon tho subjcot and to express his anxiety more fully, has not only reo- ommonded tho itnmcdialo protecting caro of our Government, but has said, that to r ik iti mt.H I qucnlon tlntt UUrnl itunti of lane i ultlinalcly Lc made to the hardy plunccn of Oregon, would tie to qucntlon tlio Inlrg. rily of our N'ntknil Ilrprentatlvcf. Under thenccircumUMiicc, and with Iho Ulltf that perdy protection would aoon follow, tho m ttlemcnts in thin valloy com menced. Ncimenf ua driamrd of being unprotected tthla period. Nor did any one ai inayimic, qutttion Iho willingncH or al-ility or our ( render audi protection ; nor could any ono rea aonably auppoe, that dioperacd aa wo rtro over the country, Uion land tho ponnetao. ry .-ightof wLich belong to the aaagca amongst whom wo live, (tliorcby making uatcnanu W will to them,) that wc could long remain, w llhout the collision which has unfortunately taken place. Under llicw; ilrcuuutancci who can cinsure ua for entering our complaint! loud enough, at lea!, to bo heard hy those w ho hold the aovcreignaw of our republican inrtrtutiona i n i , While tho joint occupaliou treaty txUtid. u aa uquiclu to oil complaint on our part; but what shall wo say now In our lw)n,y condition, .inc. that obvutlo ha. fur n.Utnnr. I. :nr...,.n,- ....... i. .""' "-n i -.. inanu u,an ociore i 1 t . I I shall say, and 1 know ths I anenk dm scullmcnts of cvc. ry rational ihinkimr man in ll.I communi. J iy, and believe i' to be that of tho Prcsi. dint and his Cabinet, that tee hare henl"' I . I 1 . ft . f. -.. S I Miiamriuiiu nrttirtipu ui'inntp ti unio n rn. ial duly it u as to pro iJe for, and render us their protcttion. Events may occur in less than tweho niontln, if they have not already occurred, which will carry a thrilling conviction of these facts, to the bosom of all tl.oso opposed to ilic immedi ate extension of the w ing of tho Eagle oer us. ( More on this subject.) M. Gc?e. A L. Lovuor Si : Tho following was written for the express, but in the hurry and bustis of business was omitted to bo forwarded. To call the men (l.ri6) who fought in the Tucannon and Tuchie riven ifave were but common praise. Oficers and pri vates fought with uneqMiTbrvry, end skill. Captains Hall, Owens, and Thompson, behaved with all that deliberate judg- ment and determined bravery, that was requisite to so hard fought, and long con. tertrd a battle. The incomparablo services of Sergeant Major flirch, Quartermaster Goodhue, Judge Advocate Rhincanson,Quartcrmas- '' Sergeant Cook, and Paymaster Ma gone, cannot bo passed unnoticed, and de serve their country's praise. Captains English and McKay wero not in tho engagement. The latter being sick, the former returning from the Tuch- ! io with the wngo.u and stock. II. J. G. MAXON, Commander at Port Wascopam. A. L. LovFjor, Adj'i Gcn'l: Fvt the Orrfou SprcUlor. Lix.n Co. Obeco.- April l, In 19. Mr. Editor o... . it.......... . . i..... ., I iu i i uiniiuni iu n tt-rr nusiy nonce, on receiving the Governor's Proclama. lion, nmrcilng of the In Iho . ciuity of tho Methodist Church, on tho Samiani, was enlivened fur the purpose of considering ouraituatltn In relation tu the Indians, mid ascertaining what could bo dono tu raise men and tomans for tho Mippcrt of tho troops now In the tiUI. Tho meeting was organized by oiling Capt. II. J. Peterson lo tho chair, and electing Mr. II. Jole, Secretary. On motion a committee of three were appointed to draft a prcamblo nud resolu. lions; Mr. Ctnypoole, G. Cornelius, and W. C. Gallaher composed tho commit tee, and hnvlng retired for a short ttmo re- ported tho following prcamblo and resolu tions. Whereas our situation in relation to tho Indians Is a critical one, and requires that all our energies should be put In rcquisi. tlon in order to secure our own safely. Therefore, Retched, nt That we con. sldcr it necessary that every thing should bo done to furnish men and means, for the support of our troop in thoCayuso nation of Indians, that can be done consistent with our home safety. Retired, Sd, That those men who havo risked their lives and property for tho good of tho country, desorvo tlio last ing gratitudo of this community. Resolved, 3d, That all prudent or ne cessary measure shall bo taken lo pro led tho claim of thoso who are, or may V "7tftSr rifiSSfe iAU.--,Jft.f tt5H?.TR t ' r (IWffl.IV I 0WII VW.i, ik rvewt is MMB' I SOI M 1 -- A, .. J'U' ft,i-i-viij:tji aaaafafafafafaw "SWA1 Mm n 'im tatMift be In th Mnrlocof their estMlrji On motion. Kesoleed, That a comsoktee. of tkrac bo appointed to Inform the Mewl. Tljf; lor of tho proceeding of tMa" irmllif,, and request them to leare tkw olel f Wm. Hawk, ami Wm. M. Smith. ; This committee was then aiB0i1l,o tnd ordered lo report their pioceeainfe'Ur Capt. Peterson's Company of fUngeim,ei. Saturday the lBth inat. On motion, l JleioTred, That the proceedings of this' meeting bo signed by the President atd Secittary, and sent to the Orrgon Specta tor for publication. The metting then adjourned. II. J.PATTBRSON.Ch'alrnih. II. Jost, Secretary. A call was mode for voluntser s property, (or money) for the aid of the t roc. pa In tho field. 81s young men turn, cd out and declared themselves ready If they could obtain the necessary equipage. A call was then made for money and properly, and a considerable amount waa promised. , The volunteers agreed to rendezvous at tho Church, on Saturday the 16th Inst, la start for Portland, and notice wm given ! " the money and property promised, I wou'd b expected on the ground on that Yours in haste, W. C. GALLAHEIt. For th Otvgw BescUtsr. Mr. Etirro: Your late extra contain ing tho Governor's Proclamation, and let. Icrs from the seat of war, ha placed be fore the people of Oregon, some very exc elling Information. That his Excellency has taken the proper course meaning upon the patriotism of the country in thU great emergency, I think there can be no avsee tlon. Tho American blood and spirit artv not yet extinct. There are still eetrietio and brave hearts la Oregon. Oar MafV. ous and bravo Colonel ha Mien. Peace to his aahes, and honored be Me naevnenr. The gravs that contain bis remalna will loner be remembered. The question recurs, what iwserhe JonetMuet wejrleM tjfi all we w hecomVktTwtlsWKltfWsWfMtf'' Th emit must it met. Danger imaat be and can be overcome. There are yet means enough, and spirit enotwhin Ore- con to prosecute the war lo a-loriotst consummation. There are but two plans to be takes. The first lo retain only men enoagh im she field, to garrison Iho posts: and the i to prosccuto'ihe war offensively, ttatJ! we conquer an honorable peace.' Had the tint plan been pursued by tne govern ment, it would have unqueeUcaably re suited In a total abandonment of' all our conquests; thus encouraging our eM and bringing tnem in scattered, hvt ing iionts into our aetustnaate' to jnaraer our families, burn our hahtUtiew,' Mtv late our fields, and lay waata esV eeentry. i conicsa nir. tauter, tnattaere tete wry icetinga, something abhorrent tn tne Me of retreating before any. fee, mora espe cially a band of Indians. It la Ineeasnall bio with tlio grcatnees or the ABMriesai name, ruinous is to the patriotism of the country, and exceedingly unwise and. tat. politic. Wo arc in an Indian war and wo must sustain ourselves: and waaisnr .. . - ami courago an 1110 surest asm Mies means with width to conquer aud ccuro a '"""S and permatseat ncaoe. Tho causes of this war He deeper, and have a more permanent and enduring foundation than many person imagine. Theso causes are more or lea common to all tho tribes; but nor immtiitkh exciting to some than lo others. It requires nothing but a little fickleness and cowar&V ieo on our part to unite most of tho tribe ' against us. Their rtlailn relation to each other, and their aggregals relation la u, naturally tend lo this result. They havo been at peace among themselves) ibr years. They are strongly ecMceUt by iho lies of blood and marriage and ''qi. funnily of color, habits, manner, and customs; and ihcro thing go a great' way with savage, the worldover. They an all well informed of the past Utter and unmitigated contests between th !aMa and whiio races they know that w hare Increased and they have deernisjt a) they watch with jealous am) taartvaJag suspicion the rapid and UBMraJMifst:? ereaso of our number, and th ' wthMttai) of our settlement. The) iMaMr now to theso Indians, id Ihr.M Mr! observation is cooorncd.'Th3r' haf never been accustomed te mm), They have beheld, to them, th rttftTtsisI unprecedented spectacle, of as white population in the (hert four year, almost equal (eilM utatlon. or Ibe whots) i,jp. have eeen u take WlllBMvete ValU; tie ta.tb .JftiJ,4HMi TT-Tf HO. !r amm .ffw. 1. l taJ '? o"j r? SSMtf- m 'res' n ft . ;fM -&i rz V . m n m -SI J H H Vi s d rt f"S. $ 4 '. AS JM ' .3 ,t' V' ' 9 Stat k w-aBHttto JMfrftr-sarV'-tt'a t.G3NNfimmJjum&ri X&? 7r.,n zzzz- l