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About Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1846)
the messauk; Ftllow.titittn$ft)8tnU and Hon f KtfrtMnMhnt It Ib a source of unaffected satisfaction to moot the representative of thq elates and the people in congress aasembld, as it will bo to ruceivo the aid of their conibinod wisdom in the administration of public affairs. In per forming, for the first time, the duty Impound on mo by tho constitution, of giving to you information of the state of thu union, and re commending to you huoIi measures an in my judgment are necessary and expedient, ! am happy that I can congratulate you on tho con tinued prosperity of our country. Under thu blessings of Divino Providence and the benign influence of our free institution, it stands be- fore the world u cctucl) of national nap pine. With our uuexuiupled advaucenieut in nil tho element of national greatness, the affoc tion of the txtoplu i'k confirmed for the union of the states, and for the doctrines of popular liberty, which lie at the foundation of our government. It becomes us, in humility, to make our de vout ackiiwledgmcnts to the Supremo Ruler of the Universe, for the inestimabl" civil and religious blessings with which w are favored. I- calling the attention of congress to our rclut.ons with foreign power, I am gratified to be able to state thai, thoughiwith Mine of mem mere nave exisiiu since your last Mission serious causes of irritation and mis understanding, yet no actual hostilities have ! taken place. Adopting the maxim in the con-; duct of our foreign affairs to " ask nothing that is not right, and to submit to nothing that is wrong," it has Ikecn my anxious de sire to preserve iieace with all nutions; but, at the suiul; time, to Ihj repurcd to resist og. i rt'Hsuni, m in iiiaiiiimii an our jusi rigms. In pursuance of the joint resolution of con itpss, " far annexing Texas to the United States,'1 my predecessor, on the 'M of March, IhA!, elected to submit the limt and second sections of that resolution to the republic of Texas, as an Overture, on the part of the I'. States, for her admission as a state into our union. This election I approved, and ac cordingly the charge d'ulfuircHof tin; United States in Texas, under instructions of the 10th of March, 1845, presented these sec. lions of thu resolution for this acceptance of j that republic. The executive government, I the congress, and the people of Texas in con ention, have successively complied with all (lie terms and conditions of the joint resolu tion. A constitution for the government of the stute of Texas, formed by u convention of deputies, is herewith laid lcfore congress. It is well known, also, that the icoplo of Texas ut the polls huve accepted the terms of annex ation, anil ratified the constitution. I communicate to congress the correspon dence between the secretary of state and our charge d'affaires in Texas and also the cor. respondenco of the latter with the author! ties of Texas, together with the official tlocu incuts transmitted by him to his own govern ment. Tho terms of annexation which were offer, ed by tho U. States having been accepted by Texas, the public fuith of both parties is sol emnly pledged to the compact of their union. Nothing remains to consummate the event but the passugeof an net by congress to ad. mil the state of Texas into the union upon an equal footing with the original statcs.JtJtrong reasons exist why this should be done at an early period of thu session. It will be obser ved that by the constitution of Texas, tho ex isting government is only continued tempo, rarily till congress can act; and that tho 3d Monday of tho present month is tho day ap pointed for holding tho first general eleotion. On that day a governor, a lieutenant-governor, and both branches of the legislature, will bo chosen by the people The president of Texas is required immediately after the re .ceipt of ofTioial information that the new state has been admitted into our union by congress, to convone the legislature, and upon its meet, tag, the existing government will be super, seded, and the state government organised. vQuestions deeply interesting to Texas, in common with the other states; the extension of our revenue laws and judicial system over her people and territory, as well as measure s of a local character, will claim the early at tentlon of congress, and therefore, upon ev ery principle of republican government, she ought to be represented in that body without unnecessary delay. I cannot too earnestly recommend prompt action on this important subject. Oregon Spectator "WMtward tho HUr of Empire takes' frHrsy." A Tol. I. Ortfom City, (Oregon Ter.) Thnnday, Jim 26, ISM. ' Me. 11. As soon as the act to admit Texas as a state shall bo passed, the union of tho two re publics will be consummated by their own voluntary consent. This accession to our territory has been a bloodless achievement. No arm of force has been raised to produce the result. The sword has had no part in tho victory. We havo not sought to extend our territorial possessions by conquest, or our republican institutions over a reluctant people. It was the deliberate homage of each people to the great princi pie of our federative union. If we consider the extent of territory in. volvcd in the annexation its prospective in fluence on America the means by which it has been accomplished, springing purely from the choice of the people themselves, to share the blessings of our union the history of the world may be challenged to furnish a paral lei. Tho jurisdiction of tho U. States, which at tiie formation of thu federal constitution was bounded by the St. Mary's on the Atlantic, has passed the capes of Florida, and been peacefully extended to the Del Norte. In contemplating the grandeur of this event, it is not to be forgotten that tho result was ache ved in despite of the diplomatic interference of Kuropcun monarchies, liven France tho country which had been our ancient ally the country which has a common in terest-with us in maintaining the freedom of the seas the country which, by the cession of Iiouisiana, first opened to us access to the Gulf of Mexico thu country with which we have Iwen every year drawing more and more closely the bonds of successful commerce most unexpectedly, and to our unfeigned re. gret, took part in an effort to prevent annex, ation, and to impose on Texas, as a condition of the recognition of her independence by Mexico, that she would never join herself to the United States. We may rejoi'jc that the tranquil and pervading influence of the A me. rienn principle of self-government was suffi cient to defeat thu purposes of British and French interference, and that the almost unanimous voice of the people of Texas has given to that interference a peaceful and ef fective rebuke. From this example Euro. iean governments may learn how vain diplo matic arts and intrigues must ever prove, upon this continent, against that system of sclt-govemment which seems natural to our soil, and which will ever resist foreign? inter ference. Townrds Texas, I do not doubt that a lib. erul and generous spirit will actuate congress in all that concerns her interests and pros, perity, and that she will never have cause to regret that she has united her "lono star" to our glorious constellation. I regret to inform you that our relations with Mexico, since your last session, have not been of the amicable character which it is our desire to cultivate with all foreign na tions. On tho 6th day of March last, the Mexican envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to the United States made a formal protest, in the name of his govern, ment, against the joint resolution pawed by congress, "for tho annexation of Texas' to the United States," which he chose to regard as a violation of tho rights of Mexico ; and, in consequence of it, he demanded his passports, Ho was informed that the government of the United State did not consider this joint reso lution as a violation of any of the rights of Mexico, or that it afforded any'just cause of ottence to his government ; that the republio of Texas was an independent power, owing no allegiance to Mexico, and constituting no part other territory of rightful sovereignty and jurisdiction. He was also assured that it was the sincere desire of this covsmroerft to maintain with that of, Mexico relations of ptaca and good unwrstancung. That func tionary, however, notwithstanding these re. presentations and assurances, abruptly ter mtnatecMils mission, and shortly afterwards left the country. Our envoy extraordinary andminister plenipotentiary to Moxioo was refusml all nnTeial intArpnnruuUl. iki nnu w " ' --..w.v rvtfrftl Kv- eminent, and, afterremaining several months, ny wie permission 01 nis own government, he returned to the United Stales. Thus, by the acts of Mexico, all diplomatic intercourse be tween the two countries was suspended. Since that time Mexico has, until recent ly, occupied an attitude of hostility towards he United States has been narahalUMBrul 4ganizing armies, issuing proclamations, and vowing ine intention to mane war on tbe,U. States, eitheri by an open declaration, or by invading ToXas. Both the congress and the convention of tho people of Texas invited this government to send an army into that tern tory, to protect and defend them against tho menaced attack. The moment the terms of annexation, offered by the U. States, were accepted by Texas, the latter became so far a part of our own country as to make it our duty to afford such protection and defence. I therefore deemed it proper, as a precaution, ary measure, to order a strong squadron to the coasts of Mexico, and to concentrate an efficient military force on the western fron tier of Texas. Our army was ordered to take position in the country between' the Nueces and the Del Norte, and to repel any invasion of the Tcxian territory, which might bo at tempted by the Mexican forces. Our squad, ron in the gulf was ordered to co-operate with the array. But though our array and navy were placed in a position to defend our own, and the rights of Texas, they were ordered to commit no acts of hostility against Mexico, unless she declared war, or was herself the aggressor by striking the first blow. The result has been, that Mexico has made no ag gressive movement, and our militarv and na val commanders have executed their orders with such discretion, that the peace of the two republics has not been disturbed. Without the previous authority of congress, the executive possessed-no power to adopt or cniorce adequate remeaieemr tne injuries we had jmftefed,or to do more than be prepared to repel tho threatened invasion on the part f Mexico. After our army and navy had re. mained on the frontier and coasts of Mexico many weeks, without any hostile movement on her part, though her menace were con tinucd, I deemed it important to put an end, if possible, to this state of things. With this view, I caused steps to be taken, in the month of September last, to ascertain distinctlyand in an authentic form, what the designs of the Mexican government were ; whether it was their intention to declare war, or invade Tex. as, or whether they were disposed to adjust and settle, in an amicable manner, the pend ing differences between the two countries. On the 9th of November an official answer was received, that the Mexican government consented to renew the diplomatic- relations which had been suspended in March last, and for that purpose were willing to accredit a minister from the United States. With a sis. cere desire to preserve peace, and restore re lations of good understanding between the two Republics, I waived all ceremony as to themanner of renewing diplomatic inter course between them; and assamingthe ini. tiative, on the 10th of November a distia. guished citizen of Louisiana was appointed envoy extraordinary and minister plenipo. tentiary to Mexico, clothed with full -powers to adjust, and definitely settle,- all pending differences between the two countries, inolw ding those e boundary between Mexico and the state bfflkxas. The minister, appointed has set owt'on his mission, end is prebably by this time near the Mexican oapka). He has been iastructed to hring the nigetiatien with whioh he is eaarged to a conclusion at the earliest practicable period ; which, it is e, peoted, will be in time to enable 'as to oonvt muaioate the result te congress during the present session. ,tfhtil that result U known, I forbear to reeoimnend tocosejiusisMch ul terior measures of redress for tlo tissjsj stud jnries.we hare so Idnjtf home, as kweukl ftftve-.eeen proper to make had no sped negou tkttionlWiiistHatedt , ' j . iufi '' '''- .' r f The'miteMionofcocessUiiBviledlbtlie importaeasof mating suHaUe iBsdileasio and redswissM 0f the, rates of diky.impesed by orprcm tariff laws. Theeejeeef tapafaff attfar on imeorts shefald .ha. to raise revemui te pay' the necessary expenses otVgovernment. Congress may, tSBJaeiteied ly, in the exercise of a sound sWetiea'dfe criminate in arranging the rates ef dnueeon different articles.; hat tha iliam iaawHii should be within the: revenue standard, and ft- - at aI I uo niBue wiui uh Tiewia raise mensT for the support of government;; t ai . It -becomes Important to'eaderstaad dis tinctly what is meant by a revenue standard the maximum of which should net he exceed, ed in the rates of duty' imposed. Itrjsoon- ceded, and experience proves taat darttes may be laid so hieh m to diminisb, or atssit af. together, the importation of any given arti. cle, and thereby lessen or destroy. theme- nue wmen, at lower rates, would be assises from its importation. Such duties eaceeed the revenue rates, and are not imposed to raise money for the support of government. If oongress levy a duty, for revenue, of one per cent, on a given article, it will prodsjoe a giv en amount of money to the treasury, and will incidentally and necessarily aflbrd pretetnioii or advantage to the amount of one per cent, to the home manufacturer of a similar or, like article over the importer. If the dnty he raised to ten cent, it will produce a greater amount of money, and aflbrd greater "pro tection. If it be still raised fo,twenty, twen-ty-five, or thirty per cent., sad, if, as H is raised, the revenue derived from it ie foand to be increased, the protection or.advantage will also be increased ; but if ft be raised te thirty-one per cent., and h is fimnd that ihe revenue produced at that rate ie lees than at thirtyjper cent., it ceases to be a revenne du ty. The precise point in the asceodiagepsie of duties at which it is ascertained from ex perience that the revenue is greatest, ie the maximum rate of duty whioh oaa he laid fie? the sea Jide purpose of oolleesisHf Btaaeyler the support of government. To raise the dv ties higher than that point, and thereby di minish the amount collected, is to levy them for protection merely, and not for revenue. As long, then, as congress may gradually increase the rate of duty on a given article, and the revenue is increased by such increase of duty, they are within the revenue tSandard. When they go beyond that point, and, as they increase the duties, the revenue is dunhush ed or destroyed, the act ceases to have for its object the raising of money to support gov eminent, but is. for protection merely. , ' It does not follow that congress should levy the highest duty on all artioles of import which they will bear within the revenue standard; for such rates would probably pro: duce a much larger amount than the eeenom ical administration of the government would require. Nor does it follow that the duties on all articles should be at the same, er a horizontal rate. Some artioles will bear a much higher revenue duty than. others. Be low the maximum of revenue standard, oon gress may, and ought to disorinuato in the silwpwi,tsidagcawaetoaiUBstfaeMsailsliiUL articles as to produce in the aggregate she amount which, when added to the proceeds of .sales of pubHo lands, may be needed e pay the economical expensMof the gavtfrn ment. i --.. -mr tw-- In levying, a tariffof duties; omgress ex eroise the taxing power, and for purposes of revenue' may select the object f -tf iasinri They may exempt certain artionWsdtogetfe: er, and permit their of duty; On others they may impose lew duties. In these olasses should be embraced sues artiolee of necessity as are in general use, and espe cially suchias are nnnsnpsd by the laborer and the poor as well ae by the wealthy eiti nen. Care should be taken that all the, great interests of the country, indsuiini mureme tures, agriculture, eoenWpe, nAvaad the mechanic arts, ahould, at frjtjajeyjw practicable, derive equal advantage ftesa tne incidental prsteeHbn whleh1 a " just sjlli w ef . .- w ... ... - vsmjsscvfs:.m wv w iHwja-uiNaiHsaa ,ano mi unjkmwi w.arMfesiea1 ee, on am etasses; m. taw pa eWlity to beer it Teineltt an artnel beaKidteejs.syhesejMlt " rWr'TTTTTr?fJr eoHTmrno to mux tik. uiriin any BXaTsflOVn fU ,iJ'1 J(' efauvr' fjlrtflSr mmrmiwmm mmmmmtmm fr inW 4MsttlHtf UegVl. y ' w J1