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About Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1846)
T"STO!? II i 9 T-r- BY AVTIIORITY. AN ACT to iwUbWi Court, and prescribe tlieir pow er and rfutlm Cmcluded. ! 100. It Htmtl bo tho duty oftho justice, ore whom any conviction may ho hud un lor this article, if there bo no appeal, to make out and certify and, within fifteen days after tho date oftho judgment, deliver to the trca mircr of tho county a statement of tho cane, tho amount of tho flno, end tho namo of tho sheriff or conHtahlo charged with tho collcc tinn thorcof ; and thu county treasurer shall chnrgn tho shorifTorcoiiKtablo with tho amount of hucIi fine, and unions tho samo lo paid into tho county treasury within sixty days after the date of tho judgment, tho said justice shall render judgment against nucli officer for tho amount flue and twenty per cent, thereon making, howevor, propor deductions for in sol vouuioH, on which judgment execution hIioII Ihj fruited a other executions arc, and tlio pro. ceedH paid into tho county treasury. 1!)7. Any justice of tho peace, sheriff", constable, or other officer, who shall wilful ly neglect or refuse to perform any duty en joined on him by this article, shall Ihj deem ed guilty of a misdemeanor in office, and shall, moreover, pay tho sum of fifty dollars ; and any person who shall, when summoned to aid in arresting or securing an offender, refuse to give such assistance, shall pay five dollars. 108. Fines and penalties incurred under the provisions of this article, in cases not oth erwise provided, may bo recovered licfbro any justice by action of debt. (j 100. When a trial, under the provisions or this article, shall be continued by the jus lice, it shall not Ik.1 necessary for the justice to summon any witness who may lie present ut tho continuance, but such justice shull ver bally notify such witnesses, its either party nmy require, to attend k-foro him to testify in the cause on tho day set for trial, which erlml notice shull be as valid as a summons. 200. Previous to the commencement of niiN trial before a justice of the eace, the defendant, or his agent, may make oath that it is the belief of such dcpoiiaut, that the dc fenduut cannot have an impartial trial before Mich justice ; whereupon, it shall Ihj tho du tv of the justice immediately to transmit all tiie papers and documents belonging to tho Miit, to the nearest justice of the eacc, who .shall proceed as if .the said suit hud been in Mitiitcd before him: Proritied, There shall be but one change of venue. , ARTICI.B XIII. Proceeding lo prevent the eommiition nf offtueti. 201. Whenever, by affidavit, it shall be rendered probable to any justice of tho peace, of tho proor county, that any person has threatened to commit any considerable of fence uguiust the person or property of an other, Mich justice shall issue his warrant as directed in the 14th article, to bring such ac cused person forthwith before him. iiO'J. Witnesses may bo subpaincd and oxumincd au in other cases. Tho oxamiua tion of the accused may also be taken, but not undor oath. 203. If tho justico becomes satisfied, by such investigation, that there is sufficient roa son to apprehend tho commission of tho of. feiico stated in tho complaint, ho shall re. quire him to cuter into a recognizance, with sufficient 'surety, conditioned according to tho form appended to tho 14th article. 6 204. When any person is committed to jail for not entering into recognizance, as required by any law of this territory, tho amount of bail required shall bo specified in tho mittimus. Any justice of tho peace may discharge tho prisoner upon his giving the bail required. $ 205.. The sheriff, in all such cases, up on tho application of tho prisoner for that our- pose, shall tako him hoforo somo justico of ino peaco ol the county, that ho may ontor .into tho reouirnil rnenirnivanen. ' , r ...... j y 200. A transcript of the proceedings of junwui;, un jniviucu lor in tins ana suc ceeding article, together with tho recogniz anco (if ono bo taken) shall, by such justice, ho filed in tho offico oftho olork of the ooun ty court of tho propor county, on or before ;tho first day oftho ensuing term of said court. For a failurUo do so, ho shall be liable to indictmont, and may bo fined in any sum not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars. 207. The county court, at the term to which tho proceedings oftho justice shall be returned as above required, shall proceed to investigate the matter by hearing testimony, and may release the prisoner, discharge the rooognizanco, or require a new one for a time not exoeoding ono year. Oregon Spectator. TWA1VJ.MH (,- " Westward the Htar of Empire takt ito way." Vol. I. Orefoi City, (Ortfom Ter.) Tkwiaay, April 30, 1146 Ho. 7. AKTICLK XIV. Prelimirutry proceeding when offence hate been committed. (j 208. Whoncvpr, by affidavit, it shall bo rendered probablo to a justico of the peace that an indictable offence his been commit ted within the county, ho shall, by his war rant, directed to tho sheriff or constable of the proper county, or to any privato person therein named, forthwith cause the accused person to bo brought before him. 200. Tho officer having tho warrant, or any other person engaged in the pursuit, shall be thereby authorised to arrest the accused anywhere within this territory, and bring him forthwith before tho magistrate who issued tho warrant, or (if he cannot attend the ex amination,) before some other justice of the samo county. 210. Such officer shall have the same powers, in making tho arrest in any other county, as in his own, and may retain the prisoner in custody, and lodge him for the night in jail, in any county through which he may have to pass, on his return to his own countv, $ 211. When tho affidavit shall state that property bus been stolen or embezzled, and that affiant suspects such property is con cealed in any particular house or place, the justice, if he think there is sufficient ground for such suspicion, shall issue his warrant to search for xuch property.. But such warrant shall not authorize the officer to make the search in tho night time, unless positive proof has been given to tho justico that the proper ty is concealed in such house or place. 212. If tho property bo founu, tho officer shall bring the person having it in possession, forthwith before tho justico who issued the warrant. 213. Upon satisfactory proof of owner ship, the justico shall direct any stolen pro perty to be given up to tho claimant thereof. 6 214. When, in any case, it shall be suf ficiently shown that the prisoner has been in possession of counterfeit money or bank notes, or has stolen property capable of being con cealed about his person, the justice, before whom ho is brought, may direct tho officer having him in custody to search the person of tho accused. 215. Tho prisoner shall be allowed to mako his own statement, but not under oath; after which tho witnesses, on both sides, shall bo sworn and examined. 210. The magistrate may direct any por tion of this statement or testimony to be re duced to writing, and signed by tho person muking tho same, which shall bo returned with tho other proceedings as directed in the 106th section. I 217. Tho magistrate may direct any of tho witnesses to be removed from court, du. rinir the examination of the prisoner, or of any otlier witness. 218. If them appears sufficient grounds of suspicion of the prisoner's guilt, the magis trate shall (in bailable cases) require him to enter into recognizance, with sufficient sure ty, conditioned as prescribed in the form ap pended to this article. 210. Any of (he witnesses may be bound by-recognizance toappear and testify in the propefcourt, and in ctoeof homicide they Siay bo required to finduraties in such ro ognizanco. Y 220. If the witness bo ad infant, or a mar ried woman, somoTJlher parson shall enter in to the recognizance for their appearance as aforesaid. 221. If tho offence bo not bailable by a justice of the peace, and thero are probable grounds to suspect guilt, the prisoner shall at once be committed. But ha may be after wards bailed by a judge of the supreme court. FOB OP BBCOGNIZAH0B. . 'Be it remembered, That on the. day of , A. D., 18 , before me personally came M. N. and J. P. and acknowledged themselves to owe to Oregon territory dollars eaoh. The condition of this reoogniianoe is such, that if the said M. N. shall personally appear at the county court of said county, on the first day of the next term thereof, and abide the judgment of said court, and depart with out the leave of the oame, and in the mean time shall keep the peace towards A. B. of said county, and in particular shall not com mit, (here state the crime threatened as sworn to in tho affidavit,) then this recognizance to be void, otherwise of force. M.N. 6s J. p, Taken and acknowledged before me ibis day of , A. D. 18. .. F, P., Justice. COUNTY COURTS. ABTICLE I. v 1. The several county courts shall be composed of three judges in each county, one of whom shall be appointed at each regular session of the house or representatives, to hold their offices for three years, and until their successors are duly elected and qualified. And tho house of representatives shall, upon the first election held to fill the offices of judges of the county courts, class the per sons elected, so as to make Vie tenure of the office of the first class to expire at the end of three years; of the second class at the end of two years, and of the third class at the end of one year; those elected for three years to be presidents of their respective courts; and the judges so elected shall be commissioned ac cordingly. And if the said judges, or either of them, after accepting their appointment, shall neglect or refuse to do his or their du ty in office, he or they so offending, shall, on conviction, by indictment before tho county court of the proper county, be.Aned in any sum not exceeding two hundred dollars. i 2. Tho county courts shall hold two re ar sessions annually, and may hold a call ed term at any time to try a criminal, and extra sessions in case the business of the county requires the same ; notice from any two of the judges to the third, shall be con sidered a-sufficient call for such t tfra ses sion, due notice thereof being given ; no ex. tra session, shall exceed three days. 3. The county courts-Bhall be heM at the county seat of each county, so soon ax 'ho same shall be established, and suitable build ing prepared; and until said county seats are established as aforesaid, the courts shall, from time to time, fix the plat e of holding their ses sions, of which one month's notice shall be given ; tho regular sessions to be held at the times following, to wit : In the county of Tualaty on the last Mon days of April and July. . In the county of Champoeg on tho second Mondays of May and August. In the county of Clatsop on the second Mondays of April and July. In the county of Yam Hill on the first Mon days of May and August. J In the county of Clackamas on the third Mondays of May and August. In the county of Vancouver on the third Mondays of April and July. In the county of Lewis on the last Mon days of May and August. In the county of Pdk on the second Wed nesdays of May and August. & 4. The county courts shall bo consider, ml hnriinn coroorate and oolitic, bv and under the name and style of the county court of county," (naming the county,) ana as such, by and under such name and style, may sue and be sued; plead and be implead. A. AettrmA and be defended, answer and be answered unto, in any court either in law or equity, and do and transact au ousineeson behalf of their respective 'counties that may be assigned them from time to time by law. Arid in all oases where their respective ooun ties may have been injured, or may hereaf. ter be injured, in their gooda, chattels, leads, tenements, rights, oredits, effects, or con tracts, such courts shall and may. bywjd nnifer hlr numerate name and style, with out setting out their individual awmes, bring any suit or suitfaHion or actions, eitaer is law or equity, which may U best calculated . . - -.- - .j.-; .. . !! (-,41... lo ODfam jmuwmm mfwwjimtmmjiuj. whw same way and mssnsrjisat private mdividu- ais nugnt or and manner, name and at nersom having anv manner of claims against such county. ' ' ' - ft'IT 5. The county courts shall hav felo- vn original iurfadiotSoa of all matters in chancery, properly arising within tbflr re- quate, and complete remedy cannot be bad at law. j k A. Tha countv ranrta ahadl have Arinaal jurisdiction and power over all criaaiaaT'aav sea, except the trial of iadjetsaents for ertaiea or misbVrueanors, the paaishmenl af.waiaa W corporeal, or uy nne exceeding one nunorea tllM. . 7. The county court shall have original jurisdiction in all caaaa of .law aad aqtUty, not cognizaoie oeior jimuuovi,umi up, nt tn all naaM of ferolbla aatnr aad oWaia. er, and unlawful detainer, shall hava ataeur. rem junsajcuon wun juauu,vi wv p""' $8. Tbejuo of Uieootimycourto shall mmn. nMwtv a full i miiiMJnsatinai far hia services, the sum of two dollars for every .!...- .m.iiiI.iim rm .tin wuivt tn k taaut nut of the county treasury. ' ' 4 9. The county court shall, at tke irst term thereof in each year, levy a cbwHy tax for county purposes according to law, net to exceed, in any oae year, the territorial levy, and cause the clerk to make oat a dapUoate for collection accordingly ; and said eosrt shall be held free of costs, as a court ef-ap. peals from the assessor's Books. 10. The said court shall, at the term in each year aforesaid, make a fair aad aceu rate ntatement of the receipts and expendi tures of the preceding yr, aad have. the same set up at the court house deetvaad at two other public places in the proper, eeamv ty, and publish the same kt seme newspaper. in the county, if there be aay.t . , 11. It shall be the duty of tkelelerVof the county courts to keep air book .wMpr shall be kept the accounts of tli,otmaty :' to attest all orders issued by the em for the? payment of money, aad eater the aara in nu nMricaT.order in a book to.bekspt '; purpose, and shall copy Into thefr.aaJd hooka the reports of the county treasurer, bV'psV receipts' and disbursements of their relpecv tive counties. ' I( -1'-1 $ 12. Tiie county courts shall aaaually allow their clerks such compensation, not ex ceeding three dollars per day, as they may' deemreasonable, while in session. Thfe eottjnV may also allow the clerk and aheruTauch amount as is actually then due for extra ear. vires, by their filing a bill of items, whlebJ sbilltae regulated by the act concerning1 costs and fees. ' r-H'7- ' 18. It shall be thedtityof the eoamty court of each county, to ptevieV ell beak and stationery neeaWry far the clerk of the urt,Uw probate jWg-, aad the traeaur-r. 4 14. The oounty court of eaeh county shall audit and settle aU demands ageinet the oounty without fee. or tax; and far all de.; mands established against the county, shall drawpon the oounty treasurer, in the name, of the person to whom said demand is paya ble, whioh. draft or order shall be signed by the presiding officer of the court, and attest-, ed by the,clerk, and when so sigaed and, at tested, shall , be sufficient voucher to said, treasurer to pay the same. , ,. ABTKia n. " ' - Of fractice in cml cam mtmmkf U. 1 15. All writs issued by any court k this, territory, shall run ia the aama ofOregea territory, and bear teat in the aamaef me, name of (he presiding judge, ,ai shall he sealed with the seal of the said court, aign ed by the elerk .thereof, and made retuma. bio to the first day" of the aexttorm, after the' date of such writs. " -, & 16. It shall be the duty of the aberisT to, serve all process of wmiweae.aroapiawhen u .t,.n k MM)MkW. tsUfavaaseera the' return day thereof, Ne: f'&t$!& such process to the clsJssuedihe.aame, by or on the return day, wp laainiraiat of his service, theae tf ai'4a hMsdme amount of hkr fees U Bley Thai when such procese shall lbeieetoi'iea' ibreignoounty,taeenWrifiiitliljlsny! may make return thereef ilqWHi! clerk may charge Ue,peatafa.atta.nVBJ amount in his fas bill. ; -. u : ni 17. IfitsruUlnrtbsmthepfwsrofeueev tu town tjuH iU