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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1883)
OREGON SENTINEL. JACICSONV l,LK i Saturday, Septembeh 20, 1883. Wasted. At Johnson's land office ten dwelling houses to rent, steady renters and good pay. Go to Bilger i Maegly's and see the improved Garden City Clipper plows. They Lave i-overal late im prove ments tliat make them tie best plow For sticky soil now in use. County Court. County Conimis "Bioner'a Court will meet next week. 'They will complete the examination of the assessment roll as a board of equalization, and a two week's session is anticipated. Swallowed Glass. George Beck, "bar-keeper at Healy's browpry, swallowed a pieco. of glass this week from a broken beer bottle but no se rious consequences are feared, being up and around. Selling Out. Those desiring any thing in the line of merchandise will do well by calling on B.irruch Fisher be fore going elsewhere as he is closing out his stock at cost. A trial will convince you all. ' To the Traveling Public. The completion of the IT. P. It. fl. has relieved the C. & O. stage line of the transportation of an enormous quantity of mail, and tho company are now prepared to carry all who apply to them for passage, north or south, and put them over the road in good chape. SS arrow JisCArn While crossing tho Williams crer bridge one day last week a team attached to a buggy, the occupants being Mr. Knox and Miss Carson of Josephine, backed off the bridge and fell to the creek below, demolishing the buggy and injuring the lady quite severely. Jlr. Ivnox and the lioocs escaped with a few slight bruises. Litigants Attention. Parties having legal printing to do should re member that it is just as legal when published in the Sentinel as in any other paper besides the fact that they can get it done for about one half the charges they are paying now. We can convince anyone that our rates are the lowest as ail examination will prove. Try it. Cruel Desertion. Mrs. Fawn, the wife of Wong Hack Fawn, a Chinese merchant of Waldo, deserted the bed and board of her loid and master last week, running away -villi another nun and taking along some 1,100" belong ing to hrr husband and 500 which had been entrusted to lu-r care ly arn.tlier Chinaman. The parties hae "been seen iljrtlnndbutno arrests have yet been leported. Lectures. llv. Father Buchard S. J., delivuicd four very interesting Iretures at the Culholiu Chuich sev ernl nights this week which- were listened to lv large congregations each evening and are highly spoken of by nil who heard them. lie will hold regular sei vices in the Catholic Church next Sunday, both moining and even ing, when he will continue his travels iin tire missionary cause. Was Returned. Information was received from Liukville this week .stating that II. C. Laws had returned to Klamath county for the purpose of remaining. It seems to us that he is taking a good many chances as the in dictments for murder and larceny still hang over him in that count'. After having as close a call for his neck as he had before it would seem to us as prudence on his part to keep away from that place. Matrimonial. The rumor men tioned in last week's Sentinel about a wedding taking placo in the Presby terian Church dmwed an immense con gregation last Sunday evening when Prof. A. L. Johnson and Mrs. S. A. Brogan were joined in the holy bonds of wedlock by Rev. M. A. Williams. We acknowledge a bountiful supply of wedding compliments and wish the .newly married couple a long anil pros perous journey through life. Serious Accident. William, a fourteen year old son of Thos. Gilsnn of Sterling, met with n serious accident lastTjieaday which came near cnuMnz liim to lose his. life, lie was up in a tree, about fifteen feet from the ground, when a'' limb broke and falling he struck on a snag which entered his groin to a depth of over throe inches, severing one of the main arteries of the leg. Some school children found him shortly afterwards when he was cared for by J. Parks and family until ' Ae arrival of Dr. Aiken. The boy "had a narrow escape from bleeding to death but chances of his recovery are favorable now. He was brought to town on Wednesday to be near medi--cal aid. Religious. Rev. B. J. Sharp will preach at Eagle Paint at 11 o'clock A. M , also at Antioch on the evening of Monday, October 8th Bishop .Hargrove of Tennessee, who so efficient ly presided over the conference of the M. E. Church, South, recently held at Independence, Polk county, will hold services at the Presbyterian church in this placo Sunday morning at 11 o clock at Ashland in the evening of the true day.... Elder M. Peterson will preach at the Big Butte school house 3d ay morning at the usual hour .... Rev. Father Buchard, S. J., will officiate at the Catholic church in this place Sunday morning and evening. Rev. M. A. Williams will hold services at the Presbyterian church Sunday .evening.... Rev. J". A. Slover will preach at Antioch school-house Sun- d?y .morning at the. usual hour. LOCAL ITEMS. "Wm. Carll is in town. Bring in that wood before the roads get bad. More smoke now than ever before this season. Mrs. II. A. Loughary did not lec ture here as promised. Tho fireman will hold their regular meeting next Monday night. Ileiiry Pape, Jr., is one of the typos on the Portlaud "Staudard." Chas. Nickell and family returned from the State Fair this week. John Edwards returned from Port laud this w eek on a short visit. Wm. Worlow will open his saloon at Eagle Point next Wednesday. Wheat is quoted at 75 cents h'ere and flour sells at $25 per thousand. The round house at Roseburg is completed, but is not yet being used. Mrs. N. DeLamatter of Kerbyille is here on a visit to parents and friend. Reames Bros, have a new style of plow which oi'tf farmers bhould in spect. Fred Olten of Fcots creek was in town yesterday after winter supplies for his mines. Several items crowded cut this week among which is the one promised sev eralweeks ago. F. Hubbard, local agent for the Osborne farming machinery, is back fiom California. A teacher's institute for Jackson county will be held at Ashland com mencing Oct. 23. The. George W. Fordyce place near Ashland has been sold to John M. Mark for 1,200. The harness shop of H. "V. Bataheller has been opened at Ashland and is ready for business. Ashland is having a boom and con siderable real estate keeps changing hands at good prices. A saloon and restaurant has been opened near the Buck Rock tunnels by J. G. Neil of this place. Mrs. Laura McManus of Yreka has been paying old time Jacksonville friends a visit this week. A lively fight took place at the E.igle brewery last Sunday afternoon but no arrests were made. The receipts of the State Fair last week were about 15,000; the expen bes will be less than 12.000. Thos. ClemmeiiH i? driving the Cres cent City stage for a short time while Ed. Kenney is otTou a vacation. Cash paid for good stock hogs at Phoenix mills weighing f0 lbs and .upwaids. - . I W. Olvkll. A. D. Rockfellow t Co., Attorneys and Counsellor at Law and Heal Es tate Agents, Ashland, Oregon. Crit. Tolmati passed through town on Wednesday on his way from Port laud to the home farm near Ashland. Hon. B. F. Dowell will go to Salem next work to attend to some appeal cases that he has before the Supieme Court. Mose F. "Waller, traveliug agent for Blown Bros., of San Francisco, is with us once more taking orders f'or his house. Dr. Will Jarkson is ornamenting his dental rooms with new carpets, furniture etc., and making it neater than ever. Call on Jerry Nunan for bargain?. Ho received lots of new goods this week and. must make room for more on the road. Tho first story of Mr. Whetstone's new brick residence has been put up bv George Holt and will be finished in a short time. Wm Bybee's band of 3,000 head of sheep were brought in from the Siski yous to their winter lai'go in the valley this week. Loui Hubert had a stroke of par alysis last Thursday afternoon since which time hn has been lying in a critical condition. We have received Vol. 1, No. 1 of the Curry County "Recorder" pub lished at Denmark, Curry County Oregon, by J. H. Upton. .. Some one played a very smart trick one night this week by cutting the rope on the bucket at Savage's well and dropping it to the bottom. The Victor Mower was awarded the first premium at the late State Fair held at Sacramento Cal. Hurrah for the Pacific coast production. Two festive Germans were arrested and fined 10 and costs by Recorder Webster last week for being drunk and disorderly. The fines were paid. Dr. Aiken amputated a poition of a finger for Joseph Sheridan last week which had been mashed by getting caught in a chain while hauling logs. Morat ik Chale's saloon opened out last Sunday and is ready for business. They also propose keeping an oyster saloon in connection with their busi- Read Max Muller's advertisement and patronize him at the Post-office store. Everything in tho general merchandise line is always kept on hand. E. Jacobs has gone to San Francisco to buy goods and may remain there about six weeks for the benefit of his health, which has been quite poor of late. Tallie Kohn, one of the partners in the wholesale liquor house of Chas. Kohn & Co., of Portland is in these parts now soliciting orders for his house. Prof. J. B. Farley teaches a pros perous school in the Heber grove dis trict with an average attendance of sixty scholars too many for one teacher. Rev. R. C. Oglesby has been sta tioned here for another year by the Southern Methodist Conftrence. Rev. E. G. Michael is presidiug"clder forthis district. J. F. Cranston, of Klamath county, was bound over to appear before . the U. S. grand jury next November to answer the charge of having bought soldier's clothing. James Croneniiller returned from a trip to San'Francisco this week. He will probably take charge of his fath er's interest in tha blacksmith shop of Cronemiller & Birdsey. Sebastian Schumpf was quite se verely injured bv a stick of flying timber thrown from the machinery ia Marsh's mill at Ashland this week. He was improving at last accounts. Baruch Fisher wants everybody to know that there is no foolishness about bis selling out at cost us he wants tc quit bu-iness. Enquire prices and you will be convinced. The assessment of Like county for 1883 shows that the amount oftaxable property is within 8000 of what it was before the division. A good show ing for one year. "Examiner." The railroad track is now laid twenty-seven miles south of Glendale but no change in freighting terminus i likely to be made before tho road reaches Grants Pass. C. C. Beeknmn and wife returned from San Francisco this week via Port land. Their daughter, Miss- Carrie, remained in San Francisco to attend school. L. Silberstein of tho well-known boot and shoe house of Rosenthal, Feder it Co., is in town selling nu merous bills of goods. Read the ad vertisement and patronize him. On account of the chance in the racing programme at the Yreka "fair Jny Bach will not bu present with his horses. He is inw taking in the Washington county fair. Look out for robbers. Two at tempt at housc-tireaking were made this week, one at Blocks' store and the other nt M. Armstrong', resi dence. A. I). Helman nnd W. IT. Kent nor of Ashland uill also join the pio neer excursion to the Eastern States, leaving hero on last Tuesday's stage. The excursion leaves Port -and October 2d. The Kilgore Bro. have sold their contract on the mail route "jetweeli Liukville and Lakeviuw to pa i ties in Goose L'ike valley, who lmv already taken charge oftho- business.- "T?J ings." - . ' - The Odd Fellows contemplate mak ins numeious inprovemciits to their brick, the building of a new brick ad ilitinn and the repairing of the steps leading to their hall being among the number. W. II. Cone, representing the large stationery and printing housciif II. H. Crocker &. Co. of Jun Fiancinco unci Sacramento, ia in town this week; also Geo. W. Thompson, of Esberg Bachmun & Co. A photograph of one pier of the now Rogue River railroad bridge was taken by Frank Abeil last week. The bridge will be a must substantia one, and among the finest on the route of the O. it C. Tsaac Skeeters came over from Josp phine county this week and reports health inipriving in that locality. He is now engaged in digging a ditch for carrying water to his mines when the rainy reason fets in. Robt. M. Garrett went to Ashland yesterday to remain and open his new saloon. W. G. Ivenney will arsis' Mr. Caton in the saloon hereafter the first of the month when Al. Giddiugs will commence driving agair. Dr. "Will Jackson will leave here for Happy Camp about October 15th returning io Kerbyville during the session of tho Circuit Court ut that place. All thoce desiring first class den'al work should remember the dates. W. J. Wimer of Waldo was in town several days this week on legal business returning home on yesterday's stage. He reports considerable travel over the Crescent City wagon road and everything else is brightening up in consequence. J. S. Howard returned from Klam ath rounty this week, where he has been surveying water ditches involved in the Shook Calahan case. He says that a number of settlers there are badly scared at the presence of II. C. Laws in their midst once more. The Rogue River Distillery will start up again about November 1st when they will be prepared to run on a much larger scale. The demand for their whisky manufactured at the last run has been larger than expected and very little remains in the warehouse now. The Portland Mechanics Fair com mences October 11th and will continue several weeks. Extensive prepara tions are being made and it is expected that this will exceed any previous effort in showing the industries of our State. We acknowledge complimen tary ticket. We have heard o? the following who will attend the Yreka Fair from this places. "Wm. . Mensor, Edwin Booth, J. R.. Little, George Howard, i Chas. Prim, Ed. Hanley, Georgo t Chase and wife, Miss Emma Pape, ' Jesse Simpson, James A. Cardwel', t Mr. Ashmead, Fred Cronenii ler. KAILKOAD'.NOTIS. Our Woodvillo correspondent sends us the following: " "" .. China gang 101 from camp C and gang 127 from near the 23 mile house passed south this forenoon. Both were going beyoud Gold Hill. Mr. Humphrey, one of tho oldest foremen on the tine, was in charge of tho latter gang. Gang 110 from ,Jas. Tufts field passed through this afternoon. To the question, "where are you going!" The answer was, Godcnows; wo are expecting orders acj Rock Point. Gang 105 passed later. Our old knights of tho whip, Joe Clough and Too Martip, - are here to night with more bolts tor Rogue River bridge. Joe's contract'calls for about 75'tons of bridge irons- One of the finest and most perfect Indian mortars I "over saw was plowed up by the scraper gang" near Evans cree-i a few days ago. It is now in possession of the wrjtfr.- have also an Indian pes tie, bfa form and eleven inches inSpHL owed up three years ago noirlttr irirwnere the mortar was found. The hammer and tho saw resound t!th ifi our midst, and Woodvilleisnow having its little boom. Another China gang is passing this (Friday) morning. The railroad station "opposite Jack sonville is unsettled as yet but unjess it is put at some suitable point for this town, with a good road leading thereto, our merchants will ship either via Chavner's bridge or Phoenix, the distance amounting -to very little when good roads are found. Mr. Hurlburt's men have finished the locating survey of the two lines be tween Ashland nnd Wagner creek, and txpect to have the maps and esti mates of the cost of construction of eacfi lino ready to send to Portland tho first of next week. There are three lines now thoroughly surveyed for the company to chooso from. TI13 upper, or Applegate line, with depot grounds on the Applegate farm, crosses Oak stieet and cuts through Baptiste's lot kuocks off the corner of Daley it Go's. lunilvr house; runs protty close to the Main street "down liy Wood.son's, through W. C. Myers front yard, across the road ami close to G. F. Billing'M buildings; thence it keeps up along the siiks hill, crossing the stage road at the little ridgo just below the '49 mines and, recrossing the road again th's side of Wagner creek, it finally connects with the Dol-sen survey n short distance beyond Wag ner creek. The middle, or Myer line, we have followed before. It passes between llelnmn's and B F. Myers houses, below "W. C. Myers bouse and erodes the s'age.road on tho hill above the Eale Mills: The lower or Bear creek" line, hich vitSjake tntrepot farthest from town,:co"'nti'nueR wit,h a tolerably heavy gratlof r6m tha stage road south of' "rlic cVmnierv to the creek bot'om. which it strikes near the ford on the llar:;ai!ine roid; thence it follows along thi side of tlm cretk un til about opposite the Eigle Mills, where it crosses Bear creek, crowing again to tins the little hill which the stage rad goes o'er just below tho sulphur springs; thence it keeps along the side hill h-dnw tliH .stage roil 1 until the Lulen line is joiu-d. I cannot be long now until the choice of one of the lines is made. The. upper Hurt would -suit the pei pie of the town best, but it will probably cost some A'hat more to build than the lower oner and th' right of say will alvo cost more. Slill we hope to see it chosen, and trust that no unreasonable de manil for right of way will stand in the path of tho interests of the town. "Tidings." Lands Withdrawn. W. F. Benja miu, Receiver of the Roseburg U. S. Lund Odice, informs us that the Commissioner of the. General Land Office has made another withdrawal of land for the b-nefit of the O. t C. 11. Co. All c'aimauts within tho limits of said withdrawal who had made set tlement upon odd stctions must place their claims on record in the Roseburg office within ninety days from actual settlement, which must, "to hold the land, having been mado prior'"to Sep tember 17, 1883. All parties settling subs-quentrto that date will be re stricted to tho even numbered sections, which have been raised in prire to 2.50 per acre within the 20 mile lin( its. The "Tidings" says the withdraw al embraces all, lands opposite thc-jiine of their track for 30 imlas each SM terminating at the S W4 of Sec. Township 37, South, Rango 1 WJ IIiSTomcAL Matemals. It is v desirable that the compilers of V ing's history of Southern Oregon si nave access to all available resour of information respecting this pari the btate. ivirly records or pion life, accounts of Indian wars, sketc of noted events, biographies of e neut individuals, important statist etc., are especially valuable. Per who possess written or printed ma of this sort are earnestly reque. ted the publishers to place the same a disposal of Jlr. II. O. .Lang no Roseburjj, in order that such ma may be utilized in preparing the his tory. Favors thus shown will be deeply appieciated and ncknowledced; while documents loaned will be pre served nnd duly returned. Jf." J. It. Neil ha? gone to Portland and; Salem to represent the defense inthe Justus appenl case before the Supreme Court. Judge P. P. Prim and L. It. Vebster will atao go down in a fow days- to prosecute the case. The latter- will also make application tor admiss ion to the bar while there and hopes to return here as n full fledged lawyer. ST rn drQAper day at homd. tj0 JL vy tSpUSamples. wortlf ?5 1 free Address Swxfio.fc Co., Portlande, i Tho Board of Equalization adjourned last Saturday night after one weeks session the time allowed by law The work of examining thn assessment roll is not yet complete but will be finished by the Commissioner at their next sitting. The new mortgago tax law is the cause, of so much trouble and will result in considerable increase in valuation of taxable property. We owe an apology to our sub scribers for the small amount of read ing matter furnished on account of the rush of advertisements. Contemplated "mprovements will remedy this, how ever, when justice will be done to both the reading and advertising public. In the meantime keep sending it), your ads. MARRIED. WHITE LANCASTER At the county clerk's office, Sept. 24, 1S83, by Hon. S. J. Daycounty judge John White acd Julia F. Lancaster. KIRKi ATRICK PEARSON On Big Butts-, Sept. 24. 18S3, by Rev. A. C. Howlett, Jefferson Kirkpat rick and Miss Bitta Pearson. ROCK WOODWARD At Ash land, Sept. 2, 1S83, by Rev. A. M. Rusell, Samuel O. Rock of Cali fornia and Mus Eluiira A. Wood ward. JOHNSON BROGAN In Jack sonville, Sept. 23, 1883, by Rev. M. A. Williams, A. L. Johnson and Mrs. E. Brogan. BORN. NEIL Near Ashland, Sept. 22, 1SS3, to Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Neil a son. CHAPMAN In Ashland, Sept. 22d, 1S83, to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Chapman; a son. NEW ADVERTISEMEN'13. MAX MULLEB, P. O. Building Jacksonville untill' Jacksonville Or. Sept. 20 183. s&nraraoras. J 3 THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 1 stat' of Oregon for the county of Jack son. Olive Anu Ilimbottom plaintiff, vs. Samuel Cass IliginGottom dct't. tuit in equity foruhorce. To Samuel Casslliginbottom the above named defendant In the name of the State ofjOrcgon you are hereby required to appearand answer the 'complaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit, in which O ive Ann Higinbotlom is plaintiff and S.imuel Cass lliginboltom defemhtet, on or before the fiist day of the nexi term, of saidC ircuit Court, to-wit; the 12th d.iy of November, lbb3. Aud it you fail to appear and answer, default will bo taken against you, nnd for want of enswer the plaintitT will apply to said court for the rilicf demanded in said complaint, which is fora decree of saidct Tt dissoliing the marriage contract exis n-j lctwccn said plaintiff and defendant, aud the costs and disbursements of this suit. Notice. Laxd Office at IJosEiirr.r. On. Septembcr27, 1S83. ) Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his in tention to make final prooftn support olhis claim, and that said proof will be made before the Judge or. Clerk of Jackson county at Jacksonville Oregon, on Satur day November 10 lbS'J, viz: John Y. .Richards, Homestead No 4347 for theE i of N "W 14 and W' J. of N E 1-4 Sec 32 T 39 S of Ita. ge 2 West Willamette Me ridian, lie names the f llowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivativation of, said land, vizi ,. Philip Glcave, Andrew Cantrall, Charles Thunnan, Abraham ISowina: Onlontown, Jackson countv Or V"sr. E. Bexjamj!,-, ltegi isowman, all ot Oregon egisicr. cH J-IH iH I . VWI. i uir I'l TU-nrrtnr nf TT -m H K lT:intiii Pirenit H KELLKY, cWBHHBIHb liUA'TtiilS !RIM! Jacksonville, Oregon. J0H5 MILLER, - Proprietor. DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF AGRI cullural implements, tools of all kimls and a general assortment of shell hardware; jqis He also keeps the largest stock of, and all the latest improvements in GUNS AND PISTOLS, .VXD A FULL ASSOniMEXT OF Fishing Sackle Powder, Shot, etc. ALSO LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, AND ALL KINDS OF OIL. Give him a call and examine his stock before making your purchases. Proposals for Flour. Subsistence Otlice, Department of the Columbia, Vancouver Barracks. W. T. Sept. 10, 18S3. SEALED proposals, in duplicate, suk jeet to the usual conditions, will he received at this oflice and at the ollices ot the Acting Conimissaries ot Subsistence .it the follow hg named posts, (tor the quantities needed at these mists nniv.) un. in ia o'clock, noon, on ulnesd.ry, Octo- uer iu, lasii, at wlucli time and places they will be opened in the preence of mutters lor the de'iveiv on or before ()c- obfrSlst, 1SS3, of the following amounts r Flour: 5oise Barracks, I. T., 23.710 pounds; Fort 'anbv W. T.. JJ-OiO nounds: Fort Coeur I'Alene, I. T.. S1.280 pounds; Fort Khun Uh,Oi:u., ST.C'Ki 'pounds; Fort Lapwai, . T.. 0,800 pounds; Fort Spokane, W. T., 'J.9U0 pounds; Fort i-tcvens, Oregon, w pounds; ton lownsind, XV. T., 7 8-10 lounds; Vancouver B.irmcks. W. T. 7,040 founds; Fort Wall.i Walla, W. T., 7,240 jwunds. Samples ot' the flour (not less than two 'ounds) proposed to be furnished, must ie submitted with the proposals. The Hour to be tested by bnkin betore ac- eptancc. 1'roposais lor ciuiiih'Ks less uin the whole required wjll be received, he Government reserves the right to re ct any or all proposals. Blank proposals and nrinted eiicnltr? fating the kind of flour required, and ivim:, full instru -lions' as to the manner I bnldir r, -ondiiions to lie nlteorverij by luuers i nu icnn- ot contract mid pay- ni, win uc luniteiiui on application to s ofiic or to the Art inj' Commissaries Subsistence at the various posts ned. envelopes contiinin proposals should marKcd: "iroposi's tor Hour at ,"and addressed to the undersigned. to the respective '"ctinx Commissaries SubMstenec XV. A. ELDEIJKIN. Capt nn and P. S. U.S.A. LAST G-riIS. LL THOSE KXO.VIXG THEM selves indebted to the P. of II. Jlill mpany. or to Wagner, Anderson and rmcrs' Mill Company, are hi rcby rc etl to come forw-rd anl settle "their accounts. 1 hfs is positively the last call. If satisfactory arrang 'incuts are not made to settle those accounts on or before the 1st day of November next, I will then enforce their collection by hiw. Good, clean wheat will be taken at one, dollar per bushel in payment of claims, if deliv ered in the steam flouring mill ut Jack sonville previous to said November 1st. This means business aud no more foolish ness, fc. J. DAY, Agent. ASK FOE PiOSBXTHAL, FEDHR & CO.'S CELEHR.VTED GLIFOKXIA MADE jrg, uuiiilji I'.U siaij UUjs publication reof and failing to do so their rights II be barred bv sutute. .u P. Hlxjamix, Register. SSSOLUTSON NOTICE TmE CO-PARTNERSHIP HERETO- V L fore existing between Prank Km use and Wm. M Turner in the pub icatiou of tbe Onnoox Sestinei. isthis day dis solved by mulaul consent, Wm. 31. Tur ner retiring. All outstanding accounts duo the firm are p yahlc to Frank Krause who will alsop y any debts owing by the firm. FR.WKKRAUE, Wu. 31. TURNER, Sept. 3. 1SS3. t ciaal ocl. 150 cords mixed dry pine and fir wo and several thousand bushels of gralr re wanted at the Rtvue River Distilleiv Jor which cash will be paid Apply to the undersigned in Jacksonville N. h.. Lytle. August IB. tfrS-l in Tin r mn M EOOTS 8HORS. iH I&.KUBJLiA9 Odd Fellow's Buildin; Jacksenrillcj-Oregon DttALKK AND YVORKEU IN TIN, SI1EET IRON, GtPFER, LEAD' Pumps,. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. NAILS, A FIRST-OLASS STOCK OF STOVES HARDWARE, TINWARE. POWDER1 OF E7ERV DESCRIPTION Fuse and Caps, WQQDEH &, WILLOW WARC- ROPE, NAILd, Taints Oils, Varnish, Glass CUTLERV. WIRE Shot, Brushs, Chains, Hose ETC.. ETC: I have secured tbt services of a Cnt-clasv Mechanic, ami am prepared to do all repair lug prumptly aud in superior style. fN CONNECTION' VT1TH THE ADOVE 1 I nm receiving and have constantly ou hand a full aud flrst-alass stock of G-RCCEHIES, DHY-aoODS, GUM BOOT?, TOBACCO REAOV MADE CLOTIIIMJ, GLASS1VAHK. CUOCKKHY, &c. pB-Zitr) thins o'd at reasonable rate. K. KUBLI Jacksonville, March, 9, 1878. PORTLAND -BUSINESS COLLEGE X. K. Cor. Second and Yamhill Sis., FOHTLAED. - - OREGOH. A. P. Akmstrong, Principil. J. A. Wtvco, l.nm-m and Secretary DjsiJiI te la Bisiiss Eiheation cf Both Sexes.- e jcl s s tJicCizcC- AJintttcil on any wtx-K day of tho jir. -WPEHWOEKW- Or nil klntt&ixi-cutul toonkr at reasonable ratc3 Satisfaction giiarinticd. ThuCo!L'i! Jmirn it," containing Information of tho course of stuiH, nu ot t lilinn, time to int.T, clc.aiul cvitot plain an J otiiauii.ntal cn tmiishi;), trie. -IN HOTEL PfilCES AT THE SLOVER HOTEL BOARD AS. LGB8INS Best house for the money this side of Portland. TR, J. BROWST, DEUTSCHE It AEZT, -.icIoii11Ic, Orrsou. Will practice in all Chronic Diseases, also- piioid i'ncumonia, Lung Fever, Diph. ria. Consumption. Catarrh, etc. Time d doctor fliills will he saved by coming nir ut once. ur. urown win guarantee forfeit So00 forcverv case of Seminal 'caknesa or private disease of any kind viiurai-icr which no unueruiKcs anu h to cure. His ciulicinc is nurclvvei' libit and has all the power and cfllcacy cuHimci or quinine, wituoui any ot mo. unous ancr eiucis. Eliinglos Tov Sale. The undersigned is now prepared to nisli the best quality of shingles, cut Ih diamond knife, in any quantity de ed. Price delivered in Jacksonville S3" r thousand or transportation off at the II. situated two mile south or Williams ek po-,t ollici". Orders can he left with Karewski. J. Cuai-hax. Notice. Land Office at Rosekuro, On., ) September (!, 18!. f Notice is hereby given pursuant to an act of Congress of June !5 1878 for the sale of timber lands in the abitcs mf Cali. foniia. Oregon, Nevada, and in Washing ton Territory, that F. E. Habersham has applied to purchase the W J ofjJW'if Sec. 8 Town-hip So South "of Itange t West Wil 3Icndian. Any and all persons claiming adversely any of the above de scribed land must file their chums with the Register of the Land Oflice nt Roseburg. during the sixty days publication hereof and fading to do thN their rights will be; barred by statute. Wm. F. Benjamin, Register. NOTICE. ALL PERSONS INIirM 1 1) TO THE iind-rMj.n d bj U'.t ir ok account, ure requested ti cab a I s b withjut dcla". C KAIEWSKI. T y WfC S. .