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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1868)
!' iriar"- iVg- 8. 1808. .. , -21 MfffftH" r KIUcr.",;;,7.hhH.M ngrm m I. ' .i -.i i I'm i.t(.wirf fun -'' -"' - , uonWl-' ,j !C building iadwovcu .Wildine w iwuniw.. -, -"i, v - . . ..nntirv vi s " . ' n thu itrcscni uuihi.iuj CU lu r,r fee we think the county Eu1'-M,w,,,0,,,,d', $?ltaUto2Svi0,,& . , r-onliuc to the lurns of l,'u T; Te "m,e for the month of :5iay:n""C,sho,thefonow. &rCo......;:1000 ;:h;ico: go SauFraiicbco,Jn1ygMfi0S SjioKtU i7vwy"commoii for par- tic golns Into the mountain?, to t the whole country on lire. i wo tV.nlcteiywwnsJ.-Itnotonykilj the timber ImtnUofilW the VhlhM lull -r.ntf. thereby uuJflriu? it very un healthy. Wo have no doubt that ma nv of tlic summer diei.'os are giently a'3SravaUi by On-smoky atmosphere. Orrnuxo Month r.v.-We havo re ceived the Anjrit number ol this new palliMtion, ami titid It equal jti every rcipect to tho first number. It is a well conducted majtzui aii'l should retnc the H'-n-ral pitronwre of the Pacific Oat at jrait. PuMbdiwl at Sin Frinc'iaor., by -V. Initial) A Co., i at dollars per year. Potm tv .Vamsmv. Wi) have re el irrd tho cntalutfti.i of this .school for 18 37-S, from wlikli we learn that the att ndaiii't? during tho year liai been ST5 th! Caiae he 'lliU fcIicoI U one. of the best in Stile utul under the etlieient man- vK nfl'rof. Gatch, it U steadily n; in the contidenee of the Jiub- ) ii Fot 'T CtrMiEi). One day this week Mr. F. Hebor was j-iding through an tak-r Auheii nitl Itur.a jwistl to near U reo.thr.t Ifi lef fbgwrasfelvcru lr hraii -ed by cow'uif: in contact with -r-- the tMt not Uii pivtn it Stauc 24 tntf., , .f P.B IV IVUV Ull illjll till. 1 1 . i. .. i .. i .it. i bnet to e wUeihor lie h I r not. . i X i had lt-T fti&Kii. rjwt SundaVr t'hef as the stage enrrviii'' thu mull andexpn wnlttsr vas parking over the H'.uo Mn i.'oms, in Katerll Oregon, it was.stcpr ed by rohher, and Well, Fargo il ' ?o'a treasure box was upcncd and the sr ira p 7,000, dollars in gold dust and I m'llioii was taken. New &i dh!.k Stioc .Messrs. U'nlt A Johnson hao tarted a saddlo and brncss si op on Oregon st., above Mtin. Tin iy havo not yet got a very !nivc 'ock manufactured, but cie long tlieir i bop will prcMut an attract ireappeju nee. Ox i. Vj sir. Stolt, editor pf tho vngonmn as in towrj this week. Ho on atrip for iccreatioii, and ill unt tin i Coast counties beloro he goMbad-. 'Hie Oreon(an under his manamentis by far the best paper hc,Su. . . - , - Qt; r'h'l'"-'-'J il i t'Airrz C 3Miiixo.-ilcsr. Fttnck wd Cummin a arc having rock drawn front their leiid, on ibe left l.antJ fork olJacWn Creek, to tho Onclclvntal l which commenced crushislr yes terday. - J Real Estatb TitASSAcnox.-Dr. V. Grnlw has purchased irenry Judge's SSd;iiuS""derauo" futcea hun- .-AtfctitVon-h called tln? UP fei? fall Vtock! col; :l rAM,!u- ,-,-. .,uo eiuerca on its r- --.; ...luine. it j t. ,1M, , lorna'm'paperlr ' it con In ,i ,of3IarVfc.villo, nnd wt 11 "-pniinuM nrosner iv II.. ... r "!' " iiW prosperity. Aartr,QUTT,ia ""oineter In the littlegat;'Uh:i,C00,cd0,ra BOt luJbc good policy to sell litve would in. S w.n to, tW performance of tin, commiv niidwas agreeably surprised. The en- had expected. They perform again to. ' ....,..., .. ......uuj;,, lley ,m(1 jj lirmr nnnrn Miniii. n l lnrirft houwlost night, we hope they wilt, linvon larger. jL . ' lviucR-JUr. 1. pci,eiy yesterday i! Inishcd" burning n kiln of 230,000 ti brick.. llo burned nsmaU'kvln of 123 000 earlicr'this season. new to-dayT NT.W KSflt.AND Alutuut Lire Imurunce Comiany OF BOSTON. PURELYMUTUAL. INCORPORATED. IBM. Ca-ti Ai-elli, . ." . . Cufti lllntrllatlotn or 1S67, Toted Surptm dlvMid, . IiOmc palillnHS(i7, - Total I,ohi paid, ... Income fur 18C7, . . . sc.uoo.ooa 09 620.A73 41 2.726573 Si m,wo 00 S.79B.1U0 Ol) 2103,809 00 Courncd by the .on-Forfrilurc law of JIaita thustlls. All I'ul.clci NON-rOItn-lII'AHLE. Ii paid promptly. '1 lie CvinpttiT i pon Iv M U l'UAL All net i5tnln divlJrd on liuiily aiming the iniuted. NoSlockboIJeri todruw d.xidir.dl. Divideuds Dcclircd and Paid annually Plrtt Dividend Available at tho pay ment of the Second Annual Premiun&) Vo fi.rliltura, but all policlu remain In force ho Iifif us Ours may lw uny lurretider value, 'lliu u piirly liiMitlt,? at the ge of t bit t j Grc. u.i lift plau. IVtaiium all cb : Due Annual Premium irlll runllniK lol- li In Tuita !4 j ti aiiU 3 U) . Tito .. Mm Ihltv ' O !IT m Kle., Etc., Utt. Thl C-mpiif hrii'i; paidy ciatuil luiorci ut tint low! pMMibleialif. Tlirrr nre no rfoekhwMcn In thti Cempwy to nhirtrb the tutpltK or cutilrol the Company (or KiflJi purjKi". This C roimny liai hut tr.c data cf incnv lirVs (pnev liuklcrii). utid oil tl luntluiU ill v id t J uunujlly umuii: ilnni. Di,lrilunon of tuipltw ute m.du ch.c year fioni data ol ( .Mil j w. w: f.JUITU, IJI arwili. HUUU4I ViV nnuni.. r..ll..i.Tli,........ j.r... ...I .....!..... Cio-(4ii.iifSti;atlon and uubl.1 IuJl'. rnetit ui.l cxivlo.ivrlv I'mir tdrit ihtj Od Ciinpiny ntltrs udvaiiiasei (list eumiot bt-1 upaihil liy mir Corapicy (JuiDg bssi ! Uclt 00 ILIl lU4it. , i CALIFORNIA BRANCH OFFICE, I . , i 302 MONTGOMKUY STREET, .SA3ST I'UfljSrCISGO. KVERSOX A HAINES, Agents. S. M. HoLDKBDaj;, Special Agent. Aug. Sill, lbUS. atiL'8-tf. FOB SALE. 100,000 feci SEASONED LUMUEH.ODt- half of it Sugar 1'ino, on euy Uroii. ALSO Five or lx vole of Citt.e ood .on hjr.c. ca tlir B4iiie term. I uUo proi'i-otu fell at Public Auctios, t tine DKV GOODB.cou.iillts or crjOTmwGi UOOTS, SZZOES, OTJTTIjBnY, Wito, Sales to comtoce oa Saturday, the 15iu ol ' Auziit. uhd to couiiuue eury batoi tbirvallir, until tbo nujuniy U w.d. THU. MS or SALU. Under 820, cash dowu ; over that turn CO day tlins (with cole of approved security, without' per cvnt. intern"), will b given. Suitw our 8700, four month time. J, V. PABKEU. JaC,ksouvile, AugniK 7lb, 16C8. SUMMONS. TN tbe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, J. fo r tbo County f Jo- .. .. .. E-Uanl Hcndrlck pUIutlff. v. iit.nj .,!.". ilefenUiiit. AciioiiHs Lnw to recover money. Tn Henry Ua m : , , . , You ar required to ap'P'ar in "M. Coo". and ninmcr lh coropUIn1. cf "M plalnlljl, Bled Z4m ycu. willilo Ion day irmawv ""' " thu service of lllatuiuinou oi; y'Wi " .'!, wllbl ii said county, or if wv.d.ou ou lb any o twenty tvretuy oaj a iroio trie iirue oi in a - ; aerveaonjououtol tbefitateoi iire"". "J" It la ordered ly the Court lUat puoilcv'Y- - rnadofo, ate ..Its In the Oregon SnTiy ll.biriu.niiiU ol' Ihla nation to ha taxl. Given under toy band thla Sib day or Auguit, A. D. 1HC8. 0. JAC0JI5, aug8v0' MVj for plaintiff. SiSQltitioa of rartaership. ri-VIIK mrtner.Mn beretofort) ejtl.llng bet 1 K.-JI. nnd Win.' 0. Oreenni u I dissol (bi dav. Th ncr-.vtmta of I)r. Greenmao til beendlipGMd or to W. C. Creeumau, ood au Immedlato settiemcui J. BEKNMAN( W 0 GUEKNMAN. Aug. th, 1868. r r8rA.aTr.wnCT ...'...IJ-'.!.!,.... .1;- wmllrwl t . 0 I it tl. O" '" ' V ..'. . .," . .Si . alld nal... , I lai.,4,,, I. a fll WTiliST- .1.1' ilv7Mt'V ' , , f ,.t,.An In ftlllii 1JI- WUnH IXtlU V'llUIHnilll US aaniv v-m.-i --- a t-lnl A II Ol im U "" --- tilMiuiirtviJI apply to the Court for the nllt; 1 'SjffJfJtai'oiIi P'"".(t ,fln, 1,V'?5 tlcmaudtd therein, lo-wit: for a Judgment I 0',f,ofialdqot,eoiMleiBBtdMd ulvlu.tvo.lrrrlhuumors3i?00.lltbIuter.,be'Wrr'iel',' v '. est Ihiron ut Hi. rato or ten per cent, per so. on d WW. , ,A zeifc. n u in jrom inu (MID ineroi. anu iuv w i -:, - u, c. - . HASTINGS CO.I Vtt liiTUr Hastings &Oo. ARK THE OF ' ; . ' I SAN P R A N P. t ? p n .W U0.JDUU. ? SrECIUlTIES. 1'IUCR A.MJ tltMhAXTnK. 0Tn'',C ' LMMMn Tl V1 ,l0Ck 0f U,1 vn'D,r' lw?H Good. Trunl. men' Hri n.tUU I. i . ' --v . v,i nw' ii'i ww' I. Ruartnlwd. Ilavtnc eontnrii .it... V. . 'M..vw wiiu r.n" STYLES. llavlnp aBcnli In London tad I'arlt, wo In. roducc llie ncir nj-lcs Sw Vtnc,co ,Inui. taneouilj wlib ihelr appcarauee tn New York. GOODS MA1)KX0 ORDER. Tor the accomodation oruch m taar detlro. we have lecuri-d the eervlco of a celebrated Luropean cutter, and are prepared to make up piece goodi la a itjlj mptrlor to aur other Lowonthecoj't. ShlrK, Tin, Collarj, etc., made to ordir at ihort notice. CODXTUYJUDEnS. Oood forwarded ly Kiprcu to any part of me i nti.ic uau on receipt 01 orutrt ana tneai urci ;icnd for dlnttioai lor mcaiurcroent. HouBton, Hautiugs &Oo. LICK HOUSE 11L0CK, SAN FRANCISCO. Ao,suU L.LACOUH &, CO., MAXl'FACTURCKS, rSrvxx IPrnncliaoo. IVTAXLTACTUHE ALI.TII11 M- XX imiurr and Cnrdialtcl uioJrrn timn, and Would itxlally callthe altciitlou of lh Public t3 tholr , ,LAOOTJU'S Sarsaparipliere ULTTERS! ; tt i'i'Kkiau au'an&cu at iiik htnauTi: lau ) MttMiuetureil, at the name deootcs, from h'a uptr'.l'A niil other bealihy ruoti uul beibi, a cntTAis ui.ood I'umrini. The Elegant!" a f.itely Intrndueid.auJ themiMt ceU-'irated of luodtrii ptt t'rmndwu ee. an'iilb'.rd remeilv lor Ursreiint ajd oUhmt promcu Coy. nuiNTii. It Wna conipo.rO of Hie Frriieh Cos ime. uiilliillibCu!S, IVruvUn Dark and uiUr untl JyrH-.tic Ijrvdlinti1, learin the Wralb utacd baliay. LACOUE'S aut.xceur Jamaica Ginger. An itlcle.Ul toa-iy laportM, aJ Brevlly Uapitlor'to aur ctuer'untmfeturtd lu thii , Sujj. mfttiMt Jobber and UruS- ct.t on the l'aclflc Ooa't To cuard asalnit o"uuteifell, t certain that our trade umk ta Light Home) I nataped on erery ca.e and pickaxe. L.LAC OUR foCO. ro pcan ind American ManufAMurcV, of !-'. l"UT Iv.MM.S, WllUUi Aisn Ul'K RtwbTrfrM."B TOI'THIMHl.lkJ of III. Fino KNC eeiil. la whoU-aale dealer proBt. Vnd Ire ibTiI Llsl1 L.KVKUS In olul Gold lluntlr-e Cmj. aU!etooirlriuprIoraocJitKth,al.!coUd.l A beautilul lot ol LADIKS' WATCHES In r,c rre. u liohdOoldf llmitltijr Knamelwl Cats. Tlice WiTHE riMlF. UNDERSIGNED POIt 1 i ale at ouprecedcolly low prices OHIO and HUCKKYK Itwjxr and Mow er: Blf "r"1 HndraVrt McCOUMACK-S Iteaper and Mower; 2 and 4 horse Keif ami H"d rk; IIAINW lmp'ond Illinois llfsoeri; PITTS' Improved 3C-IIore Separator ; PI ITS' Improve.! 12-IIorse Porn HALL'S Improved Tornado Srparalor j ffisower! Collusion. Pto.4e.of ot importation, and m;;.t PP'i "; Farmer will 00 e iw..iii cbasine etsewhere. - KAAI I """'V 3lli WaiLiuiltoo Sirrtt, San Ffnciico. MsylClb.1668. I,,6-ro3 TafMarslial's Notice. m.i.i. i nt Oman. SS. n ''" . , ,a lM ir vtrtoo of a i ; ' :. ,, of tb oi.irici vjourv m f ?,"7.;7 c,..T. for tha Dltrlct or tiregon, 10 1 ""'V,: ","inj delivered ; X .Dram I will Mil at Ihe' iowii t i i.i,i.,1 to the iiosBKnrs'. "T k Co.. In tuts 1 p. .' "ij!!1; M"w- t. , riall. XISJV w- i. 1 late Brmo p fc hM Ken 'ivuwl, HP.(. sod Oer ween forward and seltle'c , HW, made, "f '"."", Re,ft?,ksge. TUY1TI olved a Ion,! 1 J" tied. Actions ! I "'' , "jf J l ,Le vvholt.ale and rtUll drut liayettbeymmtiwf'" . partle. .ahoae ac-( M' V , be cuniineocea be eDd ef thirty day. counts ate do. - ,. CLenn. irusic.. July ITlb. '-'8- IVD.M.O'0 jMHomi M UP WITH THE TIMES. J. NEUBER TTAS JUST DECEIVED AN INVOICE U. of coo.l from the Kust o( the fir.rst qunl. ny r la m ks a n i u knts' n k w pat. TKUs? GOLD CHAINS, tJKNTS'MliVKU ViaT CHAINS. A lino eholw lot if KN AMKt.KO UOSO.M I'INS. KAU 1CNOIIS and nitOl'S. SI.KP.Vi: nd COI.I.AU HUT. TONS, and UOSOM STUDS. A. clmlcc lot of DIAMOND, Ol'KI. nnd I'KAltli 1UNUS. ANo tolid tlrg f Ills own nuke on Inn J nil the lime. Solliil Silver nrc, Muh nTAIM.Ktr.dTKASrOONS, DKS SKltr. Sl'JU Alt nnd SAI.I'SI'OONS.TKA nn.l DININd 1'UKlvS. DUTI'KIt mid FUU1T KNIVKS, V II OI.ll AND OI'KN llutitlnir have been tdeclcil wlili great care for reliable time keeper. .Alsojmt received au Invoice of tho AMERICAN LEVER WATOH, In heavy Hunting Cain, price from 33 to 75 dollar. The) aiu THE BEST WATCHES For the money ever brought Into tbo market. They nre .Mnnulactoml by the National Watch Company, at Klglu, III. , An atsorluient o! On hand all the time. A new lot of eight day and tliltty hour clock, from I he brat lac lrie. IM.ATKI) UASTKUS.TAIlI.Kand TEASPOONS, 1CNIVKS .and FOUK8, tohacco noxr.s, specs of air ktiids- ilio Ivmilmi amokitl, fr weak er. P00K EriindTAllI.KCUri.EUV matUI 1XU ACCOIIDEONS. FI.UriNAS. MUSIC HOXIvS. Tuncy and ImTilliiff Illltl) CAGES; laree market, ladles' Irnvellnir. and clil'drm' IIASKEIV, liny' Tll'-OAUTS nnk WHEEL DAIIUOWS, DOLL-BABIES, CholccitTOVDIlUMS, ChllJrcn'. CHAI CES. THE CELCDRATED HOWi; AM) FLOUHMJK SEWHVG-IfTACIIIlVE3. He baa u larce lot of Toy on hand a Inrfiv lot uf Dull. All kinds of (Mi book and liticii. The but of Oolinr ami Fiddlo Strlnzs. A lull awrimrnl of PIPES, from the belt Mcr .liaum to the rbiapiiit Clay I'iH'S. Mniilh l'iti and Sinn, of all Tobacco Pouch (, MATCH IIOXES, etc. cie.. nml a lorc nutorlmi-nt of the beat CHI A US. AIo nl waj the inott choice brand of TOHACCO. nit and hard prciMd. Una cut lor tuiokioj; and chewlmr. Allklndtof WITCHES. (LOCKS. JEWELRY AXD SEWING-MACHINES CleamM and repaired at the lowest prtci. To thnic who lire at a dlitanro and tnd by Siajje driven nnd Exprcs. IbedrUer' or rx pr.a.uze will be paid liv inc. He mrc ami send tiiJ.NEUHEU. NiVrh Clock and Jewelry Slorc, fur cleaning and repnlrlni. JOHN NEUIIElt. GREAT EXCITEMENT! A Majority of lhoe bo read new.paperi never even gxe a Latty glaoea ut a builntia ad vertlaeiotnt, and If a MAN A dually haa a eholco variety of good which J. be I telling cheap, it baldly pay him to puUUh tho fact j therefore we have FOUND It belt .Imply to Inrlle everybody to call and etauilne our stock or good and llilof price before purcbavlng elwwhere. and ay but llllle lu regard to our ability and d.termluatloa to make It advautageoua to thoae who aie not DEAD ma Ihelr own Intereit to buy Ihelr DIIY 1 ; 000113. FANCY GOOD3, CLOTHING, UOOW AN ) HIIOEU. NOTIONS. OltOCE Kira,I.IQUOU8.IIADWAIIB.OIlOOKEnV, TMJACCU-la fact, F.YKIIYTWIMO IN TUrlr line, at MULLEIl k. DIinN- 1 TANO'S, corw.r cf Oregon and Main Street', JACKSONVILLE. May Mlb, Ut, Tlie licit Itemed' for I'lirlfjrl" iLelllood, Klreiiglhenlng the Nerve, IUitoring Ibf l.ot Appetite, la FlinSE'3 HAMUUUO TKA, It li Ihe beat preaerratlve ngalnntal most any sw.!' ?A 'iviffi;1 wsffl ttoin aivd Krwwile. ' KU1L FRE3L', Wboleaalo iTruggtsl, M Hole Ageot, 410 Clay street, joyllyl M0 """"' DOWN! DOWN II DOWN II WITH HIGH PRICES. NEW GOODS AND LOW PRICES AT THE SACHS BROS' AUK NOW IIHCEIVINO THK I.AltOKST. Cheaiicit. and lett icleclrdStockor Spring and Summer Goodt ever offered In th inatket, CONSISTING Or Ladle , MImci, and Chlldtcn'a HATS and CLOAKS, or tbe ltert atylea. Aho a Com pleli auorlrucnt of UltY QUODS, STTCI-I A.S SHEUTI sas, ' COTTONADK. TAULK LINKN5. TOWKLINOS, ntl.NTS. CHUCKS, . iili:acih:d and UNIILHACHKD MUi' LIN5, DUNiUS, POPLINS, DKLAlNia, ALl'ACUAi', linUUAZINU. GINOHAMS. LAWNS, CHAMIIKKY8, JU.VNS. PLAIN AND DOTTED SWISS, CAMUIHU. NAINSOOKS, And In fact everything usually kept la a l'lrst Clan Dry Goods Store, AT PRICE! WHICH DEFY COMPETITION'. OUrt A8SOftTMENT OF miKr.tM TimiMnos, pakinoi.i, ll.tllt NKTO, MITTSIMM, liuiiioM., i:.iiiit(iiii;iciiji, I.SIT.S, NII.KS, I'l.AIM AMI I'AMIV IIA.MIICKIK IIIKrN, iiiioinitv, Cloak OiiiuiiiciiU ami Xolloin, ARK OF TJIH CHOICEST SEI.E0T10S: OUR STOCK OF CLOTHINO, IIOOT.S'.SIIOW, ILITS AND CAPS, have been with iiinni than uaiial rate, and vru nre to .ay Unit no hnu.c thla tide or .S'ui I' can excel) ua lu tailety and atyle. 7VE3 X3L33ES:E Aa u.ual. ii nip ply or C.ltOCLUIKS. 1'IlOVI.f ION.V, LIQU'llt.s'.CKLIIt.y.TOil.lCCO, .Mill' UOIt.VnudO.l'KLNSvV.tUi:. viblcb wo prumlau lo K'll at very low ptlces lor ClSt. Cafl and examine, and learn our price, ua wearuditcriiilncd lo accommodate tho moat economical buycra. iimyoif SACHS BROS1. NEW HARDWARE. TIN AHD STOYE STORE. II0F1WK & KLIim, ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING, Cor, Oregon nnd Mnin Sti., AHK ItECKIVINO, AND WILL CON tanlly kuponhand, a variety or Cooking Storea, I'arlor and lloz Ktorct) Tinware of every description, Assorted IIrlvarej FImc Cutlery; Agricultural ImplemeRtst IUr Iron, Steel, Nulls, and Spikes Paints, Oil and Gluts t ai. Tubs, Clothes WrlHger, Palls, aHd Haskets,.c. Ilelna provldfd with Iba moil approved ma chinery, w are prepared lo maimfjclnro eveyy de.crlplluu or Tin and Bbeet-lron ware at short notice. Wu rt.ptclfiilly solicit a abaio of tho patronage of th) public. 1 ... HOFFMAN 4 KLIPPKL. Jacksonville, June 1'Jlh, 18C8. Je2U If hides: hides: THK IHQIIKST CASH PUIOES PAID FOR Hides or all kinds, delivered at the market or tho undersigned, In Jacksonville. yuiirt uiviii, riscemUrlth 18, tr Ta"-' j.i i filtin, DRUM & CO., GENERAL IVtERCHANDISE: CALIFOUNIA aTUECT, JACKSONVILLE, OkEQON. iot i'irm, msw mm NEW PEIOES! LOW PRICES WILL WIN I rpilM AliOVK NAMED FlKMf X tako lilcaiur In iiollfjliig thalr ft land ami tho public generally, that tbey at nor receiving and upeulug a very larga aud- temlve atock of STAPLE DRY O00DS. READY MADE CLOTHINO, HATS AND CAPS, CALIFORNIA AND SALEM CLOTHS, 11LANKETS, 1IOOP SKIRTS ETC., UTtJ. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladles', Misses' nnd Children's Shoes, tvSr We have, also, in connection with ay- the abnte, n vtiy Urge and "list Ja- exlcmlvcaloekor ihotco tftg UY (irorrrles, Hardware, -fat Dfejr Qiiemaware, X&a JBaV UUh- -fj&a JMr ware, Ciiilery, -fjra )- Point and Oils; nlaci, -rg firVlndoie UhiM, Nails, Iron-Xtsl Ctir and Hire), Cait and Steel -fe jy- Plow, Wooden and Willow ware. 'W Wo nre ready to .ell ntiyihliiu In our Una at the LOWEST CASH PltlCi:. Per.oua wl.hlug lo buy goods will llnd It croilly to Ihelr ad vantage lo examine our slock Iwfore puicbaa lug elMwhrre. aa wn are iletermluvd not to Ua undersold by any bou.e In Jackson county. Give us n call, and then Judge loryuursaU aa to our capacity to furul.b goods aa above. ULI'.NN, DllU.I, K Co. Jacksonville, March 2, ISfiT. tf NEW DIGGINGS STRUCK I WILLOW SPRINGS STORK, ii.i.uv Si'iiiMit. Jackson to., YV.M. UII.OKU, IMlOl'lllETOU. fPlm utideralgiit'd hcrebr an- J. noiinces In tho citlcetis or Willow Springs, nnd vicinity, lhat be ha opened a store hi thai idacr, and olUr lor aale fala largo and wU selected stock or CLOTHINO OF ALL KINDS. HOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, QKOCF.IHES, LIQUORS, TOUAOCO, ClOARS, and all kind or genia1 merchandise, Terras sale are easy cash, down, Call around allow yuursclre to be coovlaead that Goods can lio Hold Just an Ohmp aa in Jacksonville. WILLIAM QILQER. Willow Springs. Oct. tf, lb7. ocllJlf BOUND TO DO IT! D. C. MILLER IS BOUND TO WORK ACCOIIDINO TO TUB TIMES. ( IIOIfSM HIIOEIK( J Al reduced price for cash. Ten per cent, discount will inadu on all kinds or work cash la paid. March 20th, IBCS. mcbZltf Haater's tsBd 0portiaiat ) rrUKi: INTO CONSIDEHAIIO.', THAT 1 tbo undersigned haa Ihe Usl sleek or rifles, patent ami home inada shot-guns, single and duublei revolvtra, ihe latest and liesl pat ents; pocket plsluls, neat and .mall, still power ful ; derringer, thu latest and best, All these good warranted. AI'O, Ihe best kinds or powder and powder lla.k all satis or shot and shot bags am last, but not Ks.t, everything sold at ytty rev aouablo rate. Iteparallon executed prompt and cheap, and whoever doa not trust the. words, only nee4 to coiuo and convince himself lo JOHN MILLER, on Third Street, next door sonlh or D. F. Pow ell's Law Orrlce. Jacksonville, Fib, 37lli, 18(18. feb'-lf B ILL-HEAUS PRINTED AT TH HWiNax urncr at ij (Hr tnoossDH, (Tl """-'