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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1868)
m AN0 RESTAURANT, . OITOSITE TDK Odd Fellow's Hall, elers resist boarder, will fine MBUAMS . ., i. and la every ! KOOHS E SEWLY FURNISHED, HEB TABLE. . m.i will lPrcd to deserve the pat- otst community. p. B. COFFIN, HOUSE PAINTER, voir IS POSSESSION' OF THE ENTIRE WhM i rf n ColSn will continue roracr of 0 and Tlirid Streets pSS Jd" wk I. . k-HW. ..ner .alrronU7l J. oelWif JOtklOQTIIir, w I ELDORADO, l.E.Cr.lI.A0ipi.m.Jf''om-UI.O. I S. M. FARREN. CR feptr v.- ittel entitle VOL. XIII. c. 'V JACKSONVILLE, 'SATURDAY, AUGUST 1G, 1SG8. NO. 30 BUSINESS NOTICES. NEW BB00JIS SWEEP CLEAN! THEX CO TO PREATER'S BROOM MANUFACTORY AND nV THE BEST IX THE MiEKET, AT WHOLESALE OP. RETAIL. Ktctorr nn enrne r of Oregon and Main Sts., It tit Odd Fella 1U1I. tuil opposite the trueivAtnrrlesn Uetlatirant. Jsekioavllle. Nor. 29lb. ISG7. novDOfira LIME! LIME! BUILDERS. AND OTHERS WHO UESIllE l!mf. i!l nud run.tant uipljr. ot Ihr t'tt quality, luquatitlll" In suit, at my shop 11 Mam ttrrvt, Utaeen Ori-gnn mid Tltlnl, op posite Multo Hrmltnn'. tnre. lu my nb , .Vr. Alet. Martin will unit upon cutom- ; stone"cutting !. AD .Stone .Mason Work -4oaeontnni to suit iL-j lluiet. Ordi-rs from tbr country Mil teeelre prompt alti-nllni.. JOHN H. PEACOCK. Jsekwntllle, April J, UC7 np27 CHURNS. MENDENALL'S PATENT. 'pilE CIIW.VS AUG NOW IIE1NC MANU m fci?rnl ? "("rr1 SaMl I" Jsekson- be tbjm. The f.ei tbit they will churn Iml fcrlntbe short space of from two to llvi mln w. will convince tie niott skeptical tbtt tbey Wfriiperlorlo anything or tbe kind ever Ws oBVrrd to tbe public. They are bee Ides. M crubblr.p or washing by band try to keep tlera perfectly rlea.i. U9tfc um G.B.HLOOD. ,rpo SVaxuxcUrye AND BLACXSMITH8. CWU4 lad UliliU COAt and rtO 1ROK X.Ooo Tona, . . BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. lJW2F,I,M,l,B 'P0 r our Fac ltoStoinpV l!T"d Iveonr whole ft bind direrVnW Flndl0 bulne- 1 u .' '" I oan ranclsco. Last OalL Tl0M,km00oTi,,r8.CmMi" to the 'rd0TJeiue.?,ry4 W,de con H time S 'Sj ??f,ounU- I " been 'twnwnerf ili1i iiAc,,0.Mt ,w " Mi' ' tbe "d of thirty daw. P.M.O C K T' GLt?? Tru19' "u.Uicu. July 17tl.. '68. - JullBml S " P Siwl? br3r'l?f0re between E. II. GREENMAN. A(,- lb, Ub wO.CgEBSIAN. ugitf Peter Britt, Photographic Artist, JACKSONVILLE, OREQOX. mbrotypos, Photographs, Cartes deVUlte VOXE 7.V THE FIXSST STl'LK OF ART. Picture! Reduced OR EXLAROKD TO LIFE SIZE. DR A. B. OVEtlBECK, Physician & Surgeon, JACKSOXVJLLE, OREGOX. Ofllce at hit residence, In tbe Old Orerbeck iiorpitAi, on tlri'KOti Street, Da. E. E GREENIAN, PHYSICIAX AND SURGEON, OFFICE-Coracr of California and Fifth Street, Jacloonville, Ogn. Ha will nrectlce In Jackpon and adlacent counties, aud attend promptly to proferlonal caui. leuiu DR, A. B, OVERBECK'S BATHEOOMS, In tho Overbook Hospital, WARM, COLD & SHOWER BATHS, SUNDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS. r. cituni:, M. I)., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, OFFICE removed to California Street, South Bide. Jacksonville, Ui-c, 'JUt. leli. drdl-tf UK. LKWIS GANUNG, PHYSICIAN .t SURGEON AND Obatotrloinu, T17II.L atti-iid to any nho may require hit ? errlcM. OHk tidloltilni: N. Lanirer TDB ORBCON wxtmi. POBUSHED EwerF Saturday Moratut T B. F. DOWELL, OFFME, CORXER 0 TMRD STREETS. TERMS OP Bt'BSCRIPTIOXi For one year, In advance, four dollar : If not paid wltbln the Urit rfx month. oTthe year, avdollrijlf not paid nntll the expiration . .jti,iuuimm. TERM! or ADVKRTlatXON ,. One are (10 lines or lew), fir Insertion, three dollars j each subsequent lniertlon, ooe dollar. A dlcount of flfty per cent, will be made to those who advertise by tbe year. Lesal Tenders received at current rates. shoe hup, on JnckKHiullo. north ldi Callfurula Street, tiovitf wtm 1 1 mm-nKita:uTTrr'..BLjf r MEDLEY. I've wandered through the village, Tom, Along with Anna, To listen to tbe mocking bird, In tbe cottage by tbe sea. Heed's black mart can't be beat, While coming through the rye, Let me kiss htm for his mother, Says the spider to tbe fly. Tbe colored girl and poor old Ned Now swell our national song ; I'd offer tbee this band of mine Dut take your time Miss Long. I'm lonely since my mother died Susiannab don't you cry, We are all nodding through this world, then root, bog, or die. Hark 1 1 hear an angel sing, Ah I daddy he's struck tie We're coming Fatter Abraham Along with Anna Llile. The song my mother uicd to sing, Tbe wearing of tbe green, Tbe girl I left behind me, To-day I'm sweet sixteen. Tbe nice young men and Fairy Uclle, Are awlnglog In tbe lane Tbe captain with his nhliktrs Has marrying on the brain. We will rally round the flag, buy, For Johnny stole the ham Yankee Doodle. Hall Columbia, And I don't care a-cent to-day. Tito message covora twenty, eight pages, ntul it said to be an able rchaoh of his southern policy. A treaty has been negotiated be tween tho United States and Mexico, providing for tho appointment of n commission for tho adjustment of nil claims between the two Governments. The principles of the Into treaty with Germany relative to citizenship is also mado n part ol the treaty Tho Committee on Foreign Affairs have re commended the rntiiicatlou ot the gtraty. r'4i Tiiw tirtiTi from Rogue river valley to the Klam ath river should bo hurveyed during the summer and fall by subscriptions in Douglas, Joscphino and Jackson counties. Tho citizens in theso coun ties generally oppose what they term "Peiigrn's road by Diamoud Peak." They bark at Pengra, but so far they have slinplv acted the "dog in the manger," without doing tiny thing to- THE FULSE. In n healthy grown person il beats seventy times n minuto; thcro may be good health down to sixty ; but if the pulse always exceeds seventy, thcro is disease ; tho machine is working too fast; is wearing itself out; there is fe ver or inflamation somewhere, nutl tho body is feeding on itsell,ns in consump tion, where the pulse is always quick, that is over seventy, gradually increas ing aud decreasing chances of cure, un til it reaches 110 or 120, when death comes beloro tunny days. When tho pulse is nil tho tiriio over sovcuty for months, and thcro is even n slight cough, tho lungs nro nflccted. Every intelligent person owes it to himself, says llalCa Journal, to learn from his family physician how to ascer tain the pulse in health ; then by com paring it with what it is when ailing, he tuny have some idea of the urgency of his own case, and it will be nit im portant guidu to the physician. Par- IKm.).! lIiaiimiw tin miMl!iinltill(i f I ., . .1 1 i 1 it 1. tents ought to know the healthy pulse the route throuch Dotmlas and Jack- , .".... . .. son counties. Pcngru is not alone in of each child ; an, now and then, a per ton is born with a peculiarly slow or fast pulse, and the very case in hand may be that peculiarity. An infanl'n pulse is 1U0; n child's of seven yearn about 80; and from 'JO to 00 yearn ills ........ l.nnl. n ...t.l,ll. .1 tin tl 1 1 tl 1 9 I . Ilfl price of the laml which was donated to I :. . -. ti .1 !.!-... i 'at forescore. ineiu iv oongrcsK. 11 inc ciutcua ui this road, but the wagon road stock is owned bv mauv ol tho most influential citizens of the Willamette valley. It I is natural for them to favor tho route along their roail, o as to advance tho Douglas ami Jackson do not exert 'themselves lu n practical way, it is I more than probablo the Willamette Wagon Road Company will have more ' influence in the next Legislature and lu the tuxt section of Congress than Douglas and Jackson counties. II their ttorv is believeil in the next Legisla There aio pulses nil over the body, but where thcro Is only skin ami bone, as nt the temples, il is more easily ly felt ; tliu wrist is the most conven ient point. Tho feblenets or htrength ot the bents Is not material, being mod ified by the finger's pressure. Compar ative rapidity is tho great point; near LETTER FB0M B. F. DOWELL. I . ' . i. i death, It Is 110 and over. A iiouiiuy I turc. they may memorialize Congress ' , , iu..i. I, .'. . , ; ' ,.. i t i . pube Imparts to tho linger n feeling 'If Congress only has one survey to ,g hi(W , ook at, the members may change the is always dangerous, It bent, pillions, to compel the toad to go , ( J f n flno , along the surveyed route. 1 he e. up Rogue rtver, ..,. ) Little "wMourccl,.,.;, ,,,,, t ... ugu m, ...... pne, ,... ..,. lIuii liiirriii, t0 lnake h , Lnngntnt creek, shot. hi nil be surveyed JlwM , ,, , wil,, UlB heart. Hut ho wu ver unnatural you may SPKIJIAI. NOTICES. UNION! 1 STAR OF THE CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTER8! i jlAtllfvnB atiiinn'h Ttltlra itw rtlrlrk i Vi tt Ublr, n.ud U C IrVta aliJUvl U4 ttrj Lurt C TRY ' i JUDGE $ THEM!. -wW- F0R ) TRY ' M YOUR THEM! I r ' SELF! fut InprrdlfiiL A vwart ti'lf. sad mtl arrc4blf dtlnV. Tj mirin t S'w)ed with J ntil uin nu rntnlw m nd. 1 Lul 1U 1L bltUn.IDaae i rmmth. tiiir.-.. r.trmiticf laju.btf Klutl. bf k I ? and hrrbs air admlnt'ly nUiitrU to U. rur o! J .ii rj...tnn nt tum kfnniMb. Kldnrt..! Iter and 1 UokcI.. auih P)i-pi, I'eur, IUntai,j Lou of Aiptlle, rt tie l"orMr;li. ttt. .tnuin k Jsckwn. tn I nuclwof before the meeting of tho Legislature. The Mirvoy should show the highest and lowest altitude of each and all of Washington. I). C. Monday, July 20th, 188K. Tlirpi. tliiiws have been eoi.cliicuour '- - r .!.. ... .. at the Capital ilurin- tho pan wwkr y .1 M..:nt;An Ktllu A1iwL-n. Mint, Jt , 111 t ..titit !hj ila nut t.tilivirili4 iiwirit fiiui tin s ihiiimv " ii' -' Hv -. '..- more towards tho construction of this Wagon I HUFELAND'S CkLKBVaTCP BITTERS! MUM II II DR. SWISS TKY IT! I, ..... ...In anralv IiUI rf, m n V itomwbaiKllI.erl rmi for . at all bolal aail rsUil luot. drug ana gtoctry NOBODY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT 1 J.a.FWKK, rroprl.lor. TAYLOIt A BIJ.NDKL. Bolt Aatnti, Jeli-Iy ,p.r.o. 413, Clay bt. B.U rraorUco. Tti Uft rnrlflerof thi Ctoxll A flaaunt Tonic I A rtry Acreeabl Prink) Oninrpuwd for sctlnf .Imt snlly on tli. wcr.tlont f ttia kmn.i, Il I)(ittgla, Jackson and Joscphino the Preaidtnt's mtusagu rvcuui mending l.H.... nitmnntd In tltfl r7llllt.lltlltlOII. .,-,....'!,... t .,iilnimnkl.:road than tho Willamette AUU riiiiiuau i; " i , , f n . . 1 .1 ! ,! .t(' IkUalll V-UnlllUUVa tyllUV lil(l IIWl UU (till- - unngth.sMonoI iii;u . h:iMQy n.a Th7appropmtion bill, for the fiscal "' ' "t through Umpqua year u-.. ,.,. . " ", nn I stall homo to-night at 8 o'clock, ucnu 1..V.U..W .. ..,...-,...---. . , ,.,,- .f rn. I.kiI.I n f!tl.tiim IlOllSe! and Court IIotte at Portland, Oregon, and 810,000 to survey tho public lauds in Oregon, and $25,000 to (dean out the Willamette river. The bill to pay for Alaska has pars ed both Houses' by large majorities; but they differ as to the right of the President and tho Senate to mako such a treat v, without consulting the House of Representatives. The House in serted this declaration in the bill iiiak in" tho nppropiiatiou, which was 6trick- c.rout i tl" &". aml ,l is now probable this declaration of principle mav defeat the appropriation during the' present session of Congress. It ,iti I.,, mken uu asain today, and poi- . " ..... n. mav bccoiuo a w. TktBest Itewedy lor PuTaiylHB tbe Wood, Strcugtbeulng tbe Nerves, Re.torlng tbe Lost Appetite, Is FUESE'S JIAMnUUG TEA. It Is tbe best preservative tjRalnstal most any Icknem. If used timely. Compowd of lierU ouly, It cau be plveu steely to Infants. Full di rections In Enjtllsb. Fiench, Sp.u.snand Ger man, with every package. Till IT! For sala at ull tie wbolle and rtUll drug stores and groceries. , , EMIL FRESE, Wholesale Druggist, Sole Agent, 41U way siree., San Francisco. jnyHyl I. O. G. T. Mimcv at I.AhT. Governor Morrill, Monday, pardoned Mrs. Catheiino Mc Anile, the old lady who has been in the State Penitentiary for four years. This case is too well known to need much mention. This old woman, f'lll of maternal devotion, heroically sacri ficed herself to save her son from tho gallows. Tho son had killed his fath er, and tho mother, to nvert the doom of her offspring, claimed and confessed that it was she who committed tho murder, and on her own confession was condemned to ho hung. Governor Stone commuted her sentenco to im prisonment for life. The poor woman, jitter one or two attempts to commit ...... . .....!! ...... sibly it mav bccoiuo a ia. "- BUjcia0 lu tno jacKton coiu.iy jii, chances are it will go over until next finay Bonl t0 t10 Penitentiary, and iu wlllteri the gloomy clasp ol prison sue Tiikek Amk.vbmf.sts to the Co- ,jag bcen 0r four ycais, waiting and stitution' were recommended by ! ,irayllg for death. When wo vitited President on lat Saturday: lit, J; tic I'cnitcntiary last fall sho was shtlv disnenso with Electors iu the election cUei, in body( und tarly so in mind. .1 '...- iwi.iont and Vice Prcsideat! ,,... vt.ars B10 had received no . . t, ..... c...,..i nndtoaddapro- ,,,,! ... tidin''8 from her friends. :;;,,,i,at.i.oy''''i.,dif''y:f. ,,',, MA. "-- eligible for more than one i.. - orsxycnrs;a"dmthceventofthe or six yi T,tt1il.I1. d v nff or President auu .w " 'I" C ,.,Usol U--V" word or Sixty-fivo years old, with her right arm palsied and helpless, abandoned by all of her blood, a victim to heroic moth erlv devotion, and with tho light ol earth, and seemingly that of heaven shut from her aho was truly as sad an ALPHA LODGE. NO. 1, 1. O. G. T., HOLDS Ita regular meetings on Tuesday evening of eacb w-ck, at the District School House, n Jacksonville. LODGE opens at 7J o'clock. DEGUEE MEETINGS tbe last Tuesday of each month, alter adjournment of SUBORDINATE LODGE. , . . ,. All members of tbe Order In good standing are cordially Invited to be present. D. M. O. OAULT.-W. O. T. J. R. Wapk. Seo'y. ,.,., Jacksouvllle, Feb. 8tb, 1868. feW-tf Warren T.odara MO. 10. A. F. A. M A HOLD their regular communications on the Wednesday Evenings or preced ,.. .1.- ..ii i ..f-vRAWii.fje. OK TZZ geTc : duties of P.csident,object evcr trod the wine press of ., tlm duties no u.t;ii"j -t woe. that t to am &Mel fc ntereslC(i tliem. "TW" JIM her behalf, and at last, cf?.'i elected by the people and , h ,, the kndne.s and cons derate- i sh iTdslatues of tho several , our oble Governor, the dis- not by the Legitd" , n troken ,rom ,,or Sta,T'That the Judges of the Supreme d ymh, and she is once more free ctroi fear, not happy,-o fl States be limited to a years, Th, term of twelve jitgllttr. TF. London telegraph offices em- .- hn KieCVUK" . . i.....i.J ...... The Veto Mf9 "r 6cnatc.poy more than ti.ree nunureu ..... think the pulse Is, do not worry about It, tuko nothing, do nothing except by the advice ol nn intelligent physician. Wanisio Cooi. Off. Tho Sacra mento Jltc wants a placo to spend thu summer mouths, mid goes for buying Greenland nud Iceland. It says: Greenland Is sometimes called neon- itiueut, and it is u continent. It lies belweun SU degrees 40 minutes north, nud runs up to thu north pole, or be yond it, for oil Is known to the contrary. At 70 degrees it attains a width of COO miles, which it maintains as fur ns it has been explored. Its population is about 12,000, less than one thousand of whom nro Kuropeaus tho balance being natives or Esqui maux. Iceland is but 130 miles from tho coast of Greenland and somo HQ0 miles, from Norway. It lies between north lat itude 03 degrees 2 i minutes and 00 de grees 33 minutes, being nlfout 300 miles long nud 200 wide, and having an urea of 40,000 square miles or nearly ono fourth larger than Ireland, Tho pop ulation is about 70,000 among whom education is universal. There are thir ty known volcanoes on thu Island, and Hccln, tho noted one, is among them. Grains are not cultivated there, but all tho domestic: aulmnls do well. Tho interior, like that of Greenland, is cov ered with snow and glaciers, but thu val leys along tho sea coast are fertile. In this " puichasb" thcro is no telling how much land wu get, for Greenland is lar ger than Australia, perhaps three times over, nud thcro is no end to thu snow and ice, whiles earthquakes and volca noes nro almost innumerable. These regions aro not tho most desirablo in tho woild for either Winter and Sum mer residence, but they aro cheap enough at tho prico to any people who can afford tho outlay. Wo do most sincerely hoped that thoy will bo pur chased. m Tub Now York Polico mado 1,031 arrests during tho days on which tho Democratic Convention was held in that city, which is about 1,000 more than were mado in Chicago during the session of tho Republican Convention. A Pennsylvania girl has died from tho tting of a looust. ORAXT AND FRIIDOM From a speech recently delivered by Judge Lawrence, of Ohio, we reprint tho significant extracts below. Eulo gising tbe Republican candidate for tho military and administrative genius which ho has established by Irrcfragl bio proofs never to be obliterated from the nutials of nations, tho speaker pro ceeds to illustrate the early conviction of General Grant, touching tho high questions ot human rights. Road: "During tho progress of tho war and in advance, even, of thu stato manshlp of Lincoln and his Cab inet, Qcn. Grant foresaw tho neces sity of emancipation, not only as means of suppressing tho rebellion, but to the future peace of tho country, and on tho 30th day of August, 1S02, he addressed n letter to Mr. Washburne, of Illinois, lu theso words; " VlCKSMMto, (Miss.) Aug. 30, 1808. JJtar Sir: Tho peoplo need not quar rel over tho institution of slavery. What Vice President Stephens ac knowledges at the enrncr-ttono of the Confederacy, Is already knocked out. Slavery is already dead, and cannot be resurrected. Il would tako a standing army to maintain slavery lu tho South If wo wero to make peace to-day, guar anteeing to them nil their former priv ileges. I never was an Abolitionist not oven what could be called Antl Slavery but I try to judgo fairly aud honestly, nud it became patent to my mind early lu thu rebellion thnt tho North aud South could nuvur livo in peaco with each other except as ono nation, and that without slavery. As anxious ns I am to see peace established, I would not, therefore, bu willing to see any settlement until this question is settled. Your tlticmo friend, U. S. GRANT." "This was the precursor of the Proc lamation of Emancipation, which made Lincoln Immortal ; und ns he invoked upon them so may wo upon this, tho considerate judgment of mankind and the blessing ol God.' Here is evidence ol statemauship which should bu print ed lu golden letters nt tho head of ov ery copy of tho Proclamation of Eman cipation. Tkouiim: ritoM Witiii.v. Tho paa slounte, ill-natured man lives always in stormy weather, oven though itjbe thu quiet ol duw.fall around him; al ways wronged, nltvnya hurt, ulwnya complaining of somo enemy. Uu hat no conception thnt his enemy is iu his own bosom, in tho sourness, the tin governed irritability, thu habitual III i.aturu ol his nwti bad spirit nud char acter, I speak not hero of somo single burst of passion, into hleh a man ot amiable temper may for once bo bo t rayed; but I speak more especially ot tho angry characters, always browing In somo tempest of violated feeling. They have u great many enemies, aro iinaeeotiutnbly ill-treated, aud cannot understand why it is. They havo no suspicion that they seo and stiller bad things because they are bad ; thnt bo lug ill-natured is about tho same thing as receiving Ill-treatment, at.d that all thu enemies from which they suffer are snugly clustered iu their own evil tem per. Tho same Is true of fretful persons men nud women that wear away fast and die, becauso they have worriod life completely out. Nothing goct right husband or wile, or child, or customer, or sermon. They aru prick ed or stung at every motion that thoy make, nud wonder why It is thnt others uru permitted to float along so peace fully, und they nuvcr suffered to hav n moment's peaco iu their lives. And tho very simple reason is, thnt life is a fluid ot nettles to litem, because their fretful, woirylng tempers nro always pricking nut through thu tender skin of their uneasiness. Vhy, II thoy wero In Paradise, carrying their bad mind with thorn, thoy would fret at tho good angels, and tho climate, and tho colors oven of tho roses. Pr, Jhtthntll. Goon ah a Rlack Mam I Every black man who votes with tho Demo crats In tho South Is considered bolter than any whito man who votes tho Union ticket. Tho Atlanta Jntelllgtn cer, a Democratic Journal, says as much lu the following declaration: Thcro scorns to bo ns much political virttto nud Integrity among thu colored peoplo of Southwestern Georgia, aa there exists among a largo portion ot whites in Middle and Upper Georgia, and wo proudly assert that they are safer custodians of the franchise. We see no reason longor to oppose negro suffrage Put a good facoupon everything, ufo less you nr so ugly that yo,u can'k Ui iwi: ,ug " T martin; w. m. C. W. SivAot.Sec'y. College BUI will be sent .V "-