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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1865)
1&. jlnm w THE OBEG0. SETIEL N'I HUINIUMMMI'1 'M I III II JACKNoaiLLi: di;i:(.(N. SATl HD.W MV. 11. W."i. wtarliHii iiirwi' I. 1'. I'l.htr. l.l.KnllHii tonHd W, II.Tr.ilcrll.liicae:iil rar iii I'ranrl.rn. lal. i:. K. l'lili. nilxillilhR agent rr Sarmmciilu, Cult I.ltt of Ajrcnts for lb Oaaoox Stvnvtu K. F. Roll. general ?at for Oregon.. aad Idaho Territory. I. 1. Fi.bcr JanrranelseoCol. J-1. Knowlton Co. ... do do Thome IMw Appi-tate. Osn. rr.R. uui jyi'T. , l P. 0 nirdwste. .U'Kk Point do Theme. CtovUni Crtoo Ihttitt do Wm. Spleer Jump-lHWo Oot. GIhb Portland do I. Jl Thompson Albany do W. Jl. Kvan Althons do Thorn Carr do Thorn F. Floyd Ktrbyvlll do S. W. !-y do I). P. Aaderou PboeoU do D.M.C.Oault do do A. lr!ad MyrtleCr; do Geo. I-Venn WIoho do Theodne Ceci-ron I'oloo Town do Jatn L Wivs Itosebur do Jit. Haul- Huater RP- Hlrtr do 1,. W sull.a Fori Klasaath do Blnr Human, of Canysavllle, ytMml Arat fcr Icu,tU Count; uwiuiw j DEMOCRATIC CONSISTENCY It it a moit rtmarkab'i. tact that the ha tan miad u o cooitnatrd that an action itone at cm time, aad aedtr ttrtaio cir saw later, tai to artttt the ieat atten tions whbile at toother tint the Ir.ditidual prow, .J with Mcitemrot. aad language faU to exprew hi di.aprtob.tion of O. i iLl. ak.a a..1 ' - uaaaaauitarj l .l,..L. L . L.- .l -.... LJ imsg i. u w p - .-". Such leern to be the case with tbe Ibi- ocratle press tbrrtg Vat pc cematry. Act ' performed by the OTerrtrtot ard the loy- at people, for thfr own preierTatias. are dncuceed at eatragecut. wdi.s we ox tblB?i. and worn, dote by the rebel and tMltor a fhort tlm ikce were character- izt&M rtirc'cwi aellermrnt exefinf (Ac mrurfrr onrf rroifer from their glorious j CoWaderacy. From the tenor of Democratic J orator sod aw)apr.. It I th. d4tyof th- GorernuHnt oot ouly t parjia eh humil iating urm) all clawt of irjlwr. aed to receive thm again In!" lb arm of It power, but that they ihcald cw partleu hrhr under it BMieeiluc r.U. Tbase a- ble aad tlf-crltk!og Individual ar n I fotlllT. that they should be particularly i pmrded aod tbltldtd from U malleiou taraiuaf.'-Vrthern L'aion men aad southern i exIVs. The tiUm4 eU Sute of vlrjlota k wloyiMd for lb. part wkUh waehaiukn ... ' is the great rebellion. i ilr. Surratt ha fallen a martyr U the cauos, aad tb Oorernmcot U about to per rwtraia another outra.-v la th executloo Of the immaculate Wiu. While Union bmu were belag drltta from their home, or murdered y drmoa In hu taan shape i while ibo-ja.iJ or Colon pria. ooer were being ttarvtd to death, and shot without the shadow of cauc ; not au Isolated toss wa heard Irom tin lumocralk pr denouncing or in aay way dicv!ialnauciag the aforesaid act, itat wlwu violeal baud ar laid oo tbt.' perpuraioriof all these hor rors. cry of agony gov up frora the ym paibetl bosom of their Pvmocratle friend all over the Xortb a-.d West, sufficlsatly dtotreodog to bring tsars to th ys of crocodile. Ob what a pity TTlrz could not have bean tried by tbe civil court? What a pity he should be objected to tbe lnconvaicce of furnishing hi own wltne and money to dsfray their espenaei. Why doe not the Government give bin th benefit f u tlnaoclal resource, so that he may Iw waa Ided to conduct hi samluatlon In a Incom ing maoaer? Thi eem to b th burclen cf Democratic lamentation. It emi to u that It would t a benevolent frbeme for eemo really lnterled party to elrcubtt a Dberlptioo among tbe emaciated lor an of priaooer rclvawd at Am'ersoaiill, for th purpose of raitiog fundi to defray the i pA4t of Win' trial. r-urely taoe men coiW aSbrd to be ry iHHimwt after their flight difficulty ultfa tbelr frk-ad Win ; surely thoM Southern aica nbe bnve been driven from lhir homes, aaj Tiboie familist bare been rcductd to the erge of HirvaUon, uhov proriy ba been deitroyeil aad ttoleo, tbM laen o.n sSord to be mguaaitsoui, and rt-ceire tbelr old rebel neighbor m loot eitraugrd lrotbtrr. Tbv negroes nbo arc in toitw places buntvd liko ild Udiis and tbot doHn "lltiuut uitrcj by tne.r furwer uuiU-r- can certiinly Lu m4gaditiiut, and ttilt ton bigb tbe ready cap in ait ' and -lilt up tbelr loiee In terrile sbouu" at tight of their former mailer. So long a mua -nimlty tbonldbaicouielrow the rebel, n lougwailt a rlitueof mull proportion1!; bat rbn tbey becawv tbe recipient of. or the ones n!.o uwJtl mercy, tbeu it wu that niagaaiiiinily began tu dupUiy iu guut proporlluuj. It li au old adage th it It U more gloriou to give tbin to receive. Tbii, it nkiui, bat been loit tight ol b) Ibv rebels goaerallv, aud Wiu in patticuUr , but If tbe tame wa applied to their cruelty it wimU nould j W soite nppllea' le I wJsj' .uj mum pmfL.'n l 'J uliLl'wj. AIAAHLE NOKK. Tiir Lirr. '! ri;u ir- r. or auka- 11AM LI.XCODS, Together with lilt Stnl Paper. Ineludlof hi Speech. A iWme. .Message, ISttr. and ProelatoutiesM; sNo a history of tbe tragical awl mournful scene eouoected with the clow of hi woble ami eventful life, by Ho. HKXKY J. RAYMONDS. M I'.. Chairman of the National Union (Vmmllte.aed editor of tbt New York Tmf. To U added afioecdotct and per Anal if tain of Abraham Lincoln. by Frank H. Carpenter, ibe artist who paint ed - The Fir.'t Heading o( the 'l'roeiaina of Emancipation " before the Cabiaet," and while painting it at the White Hsosc. enjoyed $te months' Ismlllier intercourse with our bite President. Governor UaymoooV it it well known, hae been the continent aad trotted sup porter, tbrrugb his popular journal. "The New York Timet." ol the Administration of the lute President. No writer, there fore, could be better adapted than the ao tbor to prepare ucb a nork. and the pub inter are cooaueat that it win an lane i.i .. M ...Li ifcft.i acd (Uindard Ukyiupfc.T and tilaturj. A I ...;..m liwUr will mlA la tu rain m a I . jr-. -. - -m .w,,-,.-.,, ..-... Itook of reference. The book will al be embellished witb ere ral llmlrotio; will bv printed in the bet jtyle. Io cloth and leather binding, will contain about 730 page, and can eoly be obtained l Doocla oouotr throurb the astnt, who r now caaraflaf there. Imbar Omma YiNcrt. The troth thU prorttb wm forcibly bronchi to mind a rre were I troll in j up .Tacktoo crtV la at Tbaredty morning. When in i;ht cf the fork of the cttek, a tertlbU tbumpia; aad poneding sUri!d the ear accustomed only to the wrroun.lir.g still r net. We looked up and taw Jet of Mean urnlng from the team-pipe of the old .. w.... vi if. i.v .....; acetierateo ay ibi net. un arriTing in the Interior of the mill, wc !our.d C'oiont! Drew, ibarel In band, fetding the hongry- lAlItl MMHlll a Ik hff '11 Mi. mm 0 wofk ,, ' Tb M u . Wfl frcB , )sJon ,,-,.. rf-fc. ..n., colcmal to maniac a ,,, 0 ed oo Jackon crttk. known M tM) Harenpcil toad. Tbe tunocliag i ; totiJf M B very lubs'aatiai auaoer. nBj f foimer triaN arc uken asa eriteriea. w houM judgo that it will by so mean , ubor last. Tbey ar ruaning tbe tun- al so a to strike this lead below tbe wa- ,tr Ho,, Nine men are at work at it at pr,0:. The tailings from Ibv mdl art Mog prtmTed aatll tbe campaay can pro. amalwrnator Irom Sao Fraactoco. which tbey bar already ordered. 1'nu fiocrj 1'mrLaas. The Orrron Cavalry Ilge is a fl .uribiog lodge of. at promt, only eighteen member, and wvik. log aoder a charier granted by the Grand f 1 L. C?a. -. .ls..l. fa - organised at Kagroe Cy. under the dire. tioos of .Mr. Taylor, District Deputy, io 7 b- !'' 'I- ' asLyMtat&iAawaallu AOJJiMa ti it a. hainai aviai --.---. - - pweu oi memoers uciuof iof io a oeiaca mentof C. A, lit Oregon Cavalry, doing duty during the Summer at escort for sur reying party, under tbe direction of 1'eo gra, "mr-eyor of Military road frutn Eu iteae City to tk Owyhee Country, biuce i,. i.,ii. , iku ii it v.. u..t.. i Tit Vi . i "- ,,un, w.. ... iw invviHiiiwpiiiiv nosII aotortoty. Th follow log to a list of Officers e!ect of Oregon Cavalry Iodge, No. 6, of tbe I. 0. of ti'jwl Templar. il,inual Uerniao. W. C. T.; S. B. Latb oart. W. V. T i Henry Conn, W. 8.; Jas U. Pullerioo. W. P. S.; Phiatas Uaaiey. W. T i Henry Nick. W. il.i J tirnob. W. I. C; Marion Parker W 0. G.: W. Iler. V. II. II. S.: 1 reck (.'alley, W. II. S. J. K. Fowlbb, W. S. 'io frai, Or. fur. Lodge. No. 6 I. 0. U. T. Fort KLtraatb, Nov. 2d. A Sckniib. (iuite a ttir oai ocosiloo nl in tairn, tbe fint of tbe neck, by ibe Hading of a keg in a iked, formerly owned by an old man named llotaun. The keg li opposed to have been uaearlbed by lorae camper;, who. rem day floe, ilon d over night Ibere. It is thought by roiue there nai n la rye inm of mooey In it. The old man's former life, tbe fwjcv ob- mved io .be diggmg up od open-ng of tbe keg. togstber with all the surrousd- ing,.gofartocoorm,bU,,pIv,loo. Ciacvrr Covirr nill be in reiien next week. There are tnenly-foar ciiilosfss on lb dookt, tow of them very import ant. Tbe nest two necks will be my busy OEtJ for the lawyer. The WuTiiKit U all I kit couM be with ed for, now. 1 ho road icem to be in ex cellent condition, l'jrmvrs are plowing in place' Dim mot' Dk. WoKctsTKU. Tlio death or tbe emiueiit Uiicojfrupber, Jojiph i:. U'or oe.ter, occurrtd at hU rvritivuw in Cam bildge (Ma.), Octotwr iltit. lit- hm born in lirdford (N. II ). AiiKUt 211b. 17tl . and u.i tome ovir eiKbtr.uuc eiraf an at Uiifdecvare. He gradualwl ut Yalu Collide nn 1S11. Iletldcs bl famous dictionary LV mil tbe author of ft fjioxr.iMilcalcllctiou.try or L'mverral (iaalteer. (.aaetteer ot Ibv L'nikil Maw KleiuvuUof (ieoxrupby, An cieut aud Mvderu ; Dptloiuc of (iroitniphy, gketcbv ol tbe llttlb uud it IiiUaUtaut., HleuiMil ot llinorj. Ancient awl .Moilun ; SJUvlllllK-liooK ol lue liulltfi Laiuu-tKe laiulub I.4U; ,. , f. .....!.. I . ...I..17- . .1.. .li.. -,.,i- ii,. ,u,.i,.,ni.,i.....,r itt, ) frum Uartuiuiitb College aud lironu . Unlvenliy - &". Vivn li l " HJ' Nurse and Spy- SEWBoi-kirt a"m Ai-iiii-i: Nurre and Spy in the lVn Army js the title af tw book, comprniajt the a Tentarwaad pe?lnpo of a tloinal camp and rUlll'-Vdi. w " Wt and Py. .b ihiK'w dfipn of battle.. atafM. exploit. '' PI whoK whpMe partolu or wclal ae charm, march, o8erl(r and artww-1 ' . , tow ,d brilliancy .." tw.t ...t k.- i l.rr. It i laterpetaed with toaeh (f nw ia camp, bwpital. nd BeH. rrwni-r a nai rlcll Inner nittare oi i ' Aavrican War atia'ij:" '"" n,-'n' mor thrlltieur tp MnMe. , 8. KMt !!. KDMOVTH, . embel- ti It a bmntlfd' MtaTO T.Vamt' liehed with a fin: Stc.l Portrait aad twelee enjrroTlrjr. A a "Spy," on cf the mmx hrtardoo aed d'Mcoll undertaking of any wldler. he pewtrated Ibe eatmy line i within d,sroie. nioB the lieneraw, their foriiflcatloa and at their own camp re. ao le than ele een time, with wm- nfetr iummi and without detection. He- - 1 fMff ff MhMMfn(r uhor io onmerou . .. . ,j .m,,, -!-, ""P"""-"" "-""- -"" ---"- .... -. . . bandate. na- leal. etc.. ailnMttrtOk w u viumniwi, famiiblnff and' dying co the battle fcM, The work 1 richly embellihed. very at- traetiec. ia lllaatrated with a great raritty , of i,,,,,,, ,& tB ea:guihtnr of the bet j w w niigiwu 0ilw (bieB to w lr!y i BttrjJ)erR w,j, ttt mareelcu) render it worthy of a place in erery family. It J already rectind the warmert commenda Of lloet of the pre, to cirruy. toe army, and men of inflame in ail itctioof of tie country. The agent for Douglas county is now canrawlag for the aborework. 1. 0. Q. T. The fbllowlog named pr ot were totalled a Oflker of Alpha Iodge No 1. I. 0. U. T-. on Tueeday i ereaing wit. for Ibe rowing ttrm. J. M. j p0M W. C.T.; Hi Hatlle Thcmpstw. W. K. H. S.; Mia Mollie Kilcorc. W. I. II. B.; 511s Reuell Short. W. V. T.s Frank H. Stuart. W ? : MiaiKmm Hoff. matt, W. A. 8.i C F. Wiln. W. F. S.: Wm. Boyer. W. T.; P. I). Paroo. W. M ; Mr. II. Koudebash. W. A. M.; Mi Florence lloflaue, W. I. 0 ; J. Makwr. W. O. . Nnr Hritr. M-r. Plymale k Hats bare t treat ly added literal more bug j gtos and boms to their Hibto.aod now j lovlt their frtond. requiring anything In their line, to call round and give tic new - turn outt" a trial. PtvntTHT. Irr. lltarn baa opened hi. , cbV- on itresi. on door west of Mr , CroMhr. All baiioK bad ttb. shvuid now , have them rpalrtd at Dr. llearn'. a h- U prrtarul tr do a good a job aci. bv ' I x(cntl synhm, , Thk Good Ttmplar. propose to eomnic ifce pui4:cai!oa ol au Urgj at Corralli. tm. j... 1 il.u .I ...At I . . to w.rr... the uulcuUag. th. aril number will appear in January txi. I'ibo ramBsoir ha bsio lodleted at ' "- and preseatiog tbniUw lor ad Idaho City for th murder of Sumoer , ioo into that circle, must brief voucl . Pinkham, aod the trial appointed for the i " for ,uir worthiaess. or tbtir dviaaod 30th of October. We have aot kwratd lb. result of tbt trial. RlTt'MlD. ilr. a. lecorootc, on oi i tb early pioseers of this t alley, returacd ...i. . L .. i. .. i , . "p weeawieraoaoeenceoi iwoaoo iwintn. wuriog tnai time u Oil oete in the Korehem Mine. 1Ujj Ri.sthkjiit, (Vmmsndsnt at Ft Kiamaik. paid Jackaoaville a flying visit ibe grit of tbe week. He report vry tbir. gettiee !opg Inely at the pott. Wajrflrri. IU. fK. A little boy. son ' have formerly lieid. walk right into the or of John Ileal: rolovr In the Pavage rn'oe J diasry circle of society, unrestrained by at Virgins. Nevada, fell into a shaft ISO , the aeoouatahility atltiebrd rerywbere toel deep, October 27lh. aed was discover- e'se to aa introiluetioo. In fact tbe fadl ed, almost unhurt, two day after, by hi j ty with which iatroductioos may be ob distractcd father. Tbe tUltini my j j talned into respectable families, u a uwt- "Witb a faint lultfi; ite hope that hi j ter of lurpriss to every cl!-bred ilmagor. boy might yt be found, he shouted mn , In other portion of the United Sutes. a th shaft as be bad done many others in his ' etrlain rotpootiMlity atticbes to un Intro weary search, and to his indescribable Joy jdaction. The oo who ioirudacat to rs a little voice awwercd from th depths t j ipontible to the or to bom he ialrudooa "Oh. Pa !" 1 be lost wa foood ! Wildly ' a friend for that friend' coodeei. ad In the food parent rushed out for assbmo, ! relaro holds tout friend retpoosible toAiw aod in a very few moments a doaen willing The obiervance of that tu!e pruvtots in bands were with blm In the tunnel. A diserimlnat iatroductUus, nod bars the rope was procured, aad ilartln Xeeio vol-' my of dirputable churae.,. t ,i. , uo,wed 0 aU wouW . rpeu tTac. of Z 2,., u , ,. . .i-diM.-. tu.u. , , , , J7 """ "'J to',n &Zn2'? nooemng nones down the shaft. Tbeiaueueo to wsetoei h,,i h...k. i bmre Nevin mtdc a loop at tbeetdef tbe , rope, and placing hi foot io it, was lower ed don a hand over hand by Collin. Coreo ran aod others whose name we did not leuro. When be reached the bottom, there Uy tbe little boy. and beside him bis faith ful dog, wooderful to relate both alive. He look the HUM) fellow under bis arm and wai holiied to the Hrfaec. The child w a carried at once to tbe aims of hi mother, "boss joy at th recovery of her darling can bo but faintly imagined. Hut the dog Tbe faithful Newfouullaod pon, who had thered tbe falling fortune of his little lat ter; Wov fared be? He, too was soon brought to the surface, and to tbe surpriae of every one was apparent ly a'oout as sound ai ever ;a little bruised, pernapi, but aW to Irot around, m wsll as Tr. U to ccrutnly a ery reamrkabl croam stoBcc turly uuparalkded in thu oointiy lbs falling of n litti boy and a dog Into i sualt an baud red and ik n r. .i.. ul,J ca"ng with tbeir hvw, ulJ ,' fact aliaost otburt Ol K f'OC lll'V. T, . . p- ' .i.r" o'her -.-i n i f eo-pirrln where Ihf I . ca bi- !. ktn-lury arUtaeracy jrbo here ioaerlted a reeog'.' i9' Plli0,,f vj.w k.a we a ante BOinwr " - i Z ,,. tate. wraith and li- t "!"" .. .l. .I! in which tbe wow The , M(r u , wbo e,,mbBe coliarr , fc teUqfc fca, ,, thf i,;w .ociot owdc. It h the. who ' . ,,,, i lba rtforcmcnt ofcoo- .v u. -- J-.IU- ntwnal rue. " - "- ami nfioement. mere wealth b noqaalMeH. linn tn (octal wMtderBtiou. ntm arm moral congeniality b be owe haJpwlaWe rrqiiremeat or eleirani wcie.y. tr wealth af an Aw cannot fit a beat for a entleman'i drawlne-room. Neither wn ) teotleawn hate drawiwtrnoma le they katr wealth. Foclety. in II eaoTOHKHtui mm. therefore. mat be comprMed mainly ol indieidoah who have moaey, and wh ' bare enjoyed the adeantae of fduwlion, It ant. therefore, a mailer or surprwe thai we hate little foclety. xrietly peak. ribk' - mm Home of thaw cltclw which coaititute otcnlbly our beat oek ty, are ytliow from the dropplatt of ibe mint. Tbey reel on a solid bau of jroM. ! The tp by which the member aceml to ,heir ocial throne are of gold. Their thought, language, ambition, are of goW. , They vorrblp. if tbey wnrhtp at an. at) mage of gn!d. The key which apeae the jooroi taeir Mnciaary ip oi goiy. aaw whoeeer can forge one to at liberty to en ter. Hryond that measure of rejpeeilMli ty which I required by all deeent ienple. on qualiflcatlon to needtil. mtc that deriv ed from the book of the Awnwor. The consequence are. that Mch circlet hare no charm lor people aecntiomed to the re fleement of a society nvrr iralooily guar Jed. The almphere I bard, the tone uo congenial. The serrile eonaitltTatloo ae ccrdrd to wealth It repultire to those tsko place a higher ralue oo mental culture awJ moral worth. The homage paid to grent intellect and coopicuno virtue to alike honorablr to him who glees and to him who receife; but that pecuniary ycnpban cy which eolrore a vulgar mlllioimlrs to leesprewlbly eff ntire to those whose soul rise in the lrat drgree above the almihty dollar. The lociety of all young, speca uliva communities i tinctured more or less by tbe same sordid matetiallam. .Motv ' ey to tbe repreKoMtlve f success; sneoss. j an evidence of ability. TU iron ruling biods th bust minds to th service f wealth, as raccess io that portou win tbe blgbtst boner accorded by or social law. The very word, Kliy, (apposes a pte cinct which eaonot be invaditl. Jl is guar ded by oo law sav that mutual observ ance to which oath cocforms. aod whkh each reiilie of ntrf other. The Individ ulecmpoine it are endorsed bylbeso- . " " "m4 by the saiuv Irlbqual io case of soy grave lafrur. lioo of Its tales. Persons cuMinr frum will be uahevded. Tbe iccgaiiioo praoi ed, It to courteous, siacere amd conlial. Tbe itraMfV it at once welennni .-. ia u,,. ...i m-sjvmI . .. i ,i..i. I ' " " . .wi I M..ii. i.t-...i .. ,w i, ..,. . "i v "" '"wi ia sue uiaof tbe hoBot of tht tU Thouch the Pacific coast ba families carefully ob i servsnt of these social rules, forming little I coterie in themselve. there is no wide m- ial orgaubmtioM by which the olaima of visitor or aspirants in our mbjsl are totted. A a result, brawn, putbing fellows, of ao socal recognition ia the plans where thay ---"" swTurv eil-an oecMional -. which mniT soi-m a great deal or than wliat wc an. GoU$n Era. Uiuuio An editor in Iowa but been flood twohundrtd dollars for hugging n girl io church. Excumgt. Cboap eoougli ! We one hnggod a girl m church some ten years ago, and it hm con a tbouauud a year ever ilow. Young Amtrua. That's nothing! W huggad a girl In Wbool iojne tweoly.flve urs uuo. aad I biive bad to mpport Ut and tbe fhmily er tinco iiogu Ufmtxmt. Com to Salem, Oregon, boys! Come to Salem, Oregon, e liars huueed n doa en and it hain't wit a cent. DmmaUc lltvmt. 'l'hftt is too cboap ! Our editor Mld five dollars to bag an nctross a Lort time ofc-Swiwcf Offiu l)tv,l. Yl IKTSK Afl'U.,1. 1,1-J U'a iu, ll.ol ' DWe3 aLtl otoctrnw preparing for WtoUr. XP.AV TO-31AV. (Jo (0 (lii I1 ily Drugstore. G10T0 T1IK CITY DllUfi STOUK nwl liuv u bottle nf ICenrdyV Suit Ithrum OlnliiwBlf nml cute tlmt .cflM lfil ofyonri, and cure those ugly rlHg-womn ob totir nl ''' '""Cb. rxCii'O'ruK fMTY nnuo stork 1 JT nml Imy KemilyVMuliral HUcnvrr. 1 U Nil vrxir IhiII. ninilc. nml all other bttwtui "to whUb J'oii uir lUliject, take Ibtlr lltUt. nO'l'O TIIMGITV DP.UO STOUK VJT imd Muife lot keiirdy'ii lleillns Ointment, nnd apply t your btulseil fitifer. 1 ruiTOTHK CITY inruo stouk i J for ur cwil nil. cnilor II, boiled oil ! ufcti cplrlti ot turpentine. MO IV THK CITY DP.UO STOUK J aad et a liotlfe of ICeiir'l'Scrwirn UiuUniot, ntal out your iXti lever iixe. OO TO TUB CITY Dlttlfi ST0III5 nsd VJ1 but M lll III KMllr' llbSMMMtlc aad .Neurulicle UnJineHt, umI your arulefcei hill MhM UOSIH UMlUf. G'OTOTIIK OITY PUIIO STORE nsd buy your mir.ici. iiiitmej.". ebtumon. pore cream ot tartar, pure ttiu, tr. GO TO TUB G1TY DRUG STOP.Bnhen vr you naut mudiclue of auf dirlp tlwu. GO TO T11K 01TY URUO STORK and buy your bluu toue. G1Q TO TIIK QITY nOOK STORE aud ' o tbilr new books. G1 0 TO THE OITY ROOK STORE and sec bow eery ebeap tbey ll book. QO TO TUE CITY DRUG STORE. trtrV .. . WOULb lliaPBCTFUl IV Awn, ' ce to t.. dtifVn. r t i AS'SOCS. rrm all op. ration, at I , V'1 lo M-riral-oh-l Wolfe "" Ul nusfst Offlco nnt it lor wo.t of Mr fvv . N.iveniiH.r 11. los ClLtm'- - "mi I u Umpqua Academy! '"Pill: TriiM-e of I'mnn,,, Af. . , J thorougblv rcpHir-V u i.,i?'h,, It la now read, ft rchno 'ft Term nf M w...l. ,:i, ."' lftJ? "Inter th .wi..n.i s:, -rrr,. n. InMaj.lMi,. "-miiosaiy BATES OF TUITION Per Ouarter Primary Heparltnent l-L Secomlary do jW lliM-r liinll.l, W ll Isiaguaj.llmwlagandValnb lug, each. cAtru , . . llnlc ,J ilwltd in private faniillVi ."t""" "' F. F.HOYAL, Principal. Mn Cuk .Vuitii. Am'i Tejbr. mi mi DRY AM) FAXCY "1 . CL0TKI1TG-, BOOTS AND SHOE EMPOKITJM. WS HAVE JUST Received and arc now OZ?2RrniJr qtm: i.AP.i;r.T m:r assoiitep JL nml niiMt I'aifiiiioable Kleelt In tbe L-Jr iilxive line, to b fcl -4 oV" thi skle nf Sn Fns- -rjyi t$T AtosthfuVJ Latest Stjlc Of Ladies Hats, Cloth BASQUES &. CLOiJJI WOOL IlOOIiS AND NL'IIIAS. A Whh ASSORTMENT OV Ladies, IVIisaos and CHILDEEN'S HOSE. .VPAtT.KVKnVTIIISHAPrEBr Uioin? 10 a First Ola.. Dry Osoli rf Cxir Olotbhsg IIouk". Aiif;wJ "jE-gr which will l w'd l Z&" unprtcedentrd TJia LOW PRICES. I All Immense Slock Of Groceries, Liquors, TOHACCO, VAC, OflbcbeSt.DJa;reft,; muting u to wy that they are Ite ctr cat in this county. Sewing' Hacliine. .NErnnit MrM JOHN' tl eople .,r...iir ,1 or jjoau """: ...rkJHIl- litlH. and ",'," VhU msebla fij2 tuipiy on embroid and nuhsi - IKlii', ei kiud. of illicues. if JacKKKU , Hie. Jaumry.-"1- iifllixR. D,llll)Ail! mib nvvu) ASBUS, OGS. DAMl mere i" 1 ,. prompt and courleou' iqiiirmcnuol guw. d ondrefsr Vlu boorf Lai been 1 en eu nlibcd. " J VrofUj. oplltf . " , w-.ino . AlMOFORDi LAoSKYSATaW, wan. vyiS;" Ouoduoriteit of K? jae3if i'torc FIEST cIis HOfflB rv .-,v re,tct. where Le I "",,