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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1860)
1 mmmmmm r THE jjjjflM SENTINEL. SATURDAY, May IDlli, 1800. Independent Legislative Tiokot. An Independent ticket for county ltcpre Mutative lias made lis appearance during the week. We have no knowledge of the Conven tion, or body, or whatever it may be called, from which this ticket sprunjf. All that we know about It If, that three Independent can dldatcs arc before the people, soliciting their support on the day of election for the positions named. More than this wo need not know, for tho Information wonld havo no probable effect upon the result, be It what It might. It Is tome satisfaction to know that tho gentle men nominated are not Ilcpubllcans, bnt still we regret Ilia' themselves or their friends have thought It necessary or expedient to come out In opposition to the Democratic ticket. Wo ore aware that neither of the Independents has cvtr acted with tho Democratic party, and that each of them claim ndlnlty only with tho Old Whig party. Htlll, wt aro at loss to di vine what particular object or objects they have In thus opposing n portion of the Demo cratic ticket. They are, each one of them, excellent gentlemen and worthy citizens. Hut we ask our fcllow-cltlzcns If then Is any good reason why this Independent ticket should be snpported In preference to that put forth by Ilia Democracy of the county ? From one or two quarters, complaints lavo reached ui that the Democratic candidates were selected from too limited a geographical section. Surely, If they are worthy and proper gentlemen, and will make faithful and capable publio servants, (which Is not questioned.) this Is tho least im portant of objections. The Representatives nro to labor for tho benefit of tho whole county nud of the whole State, and while wo would bo pleased to havo candidates chosen from each division of the county, we certainty would not Interpose to defeat their election simply because the section wo happen to live In was seemingly neglected or slighted In tho nomina tions. 1'hts Is about the only objection we hear against the Democratic ticket. If It Is to remedy or offal this, that tho Independent ticket is brought nut, wo k, how Is the mat ler helped In this Independent movement? Two of the candidates are residents of Jack sonville, and the third dwells close by. Tims, If there Is any merit In the geographical ob-j'-ctlon, nsittrcdly tho Democratic ticket should receive the benefit of It. Wo would further Inquire what It Is these Ihreo gentlemen can accomplish for our people that the Democratic nominee) cannot as well or better secure? Tho legislature Is pretty certain to be Porno vrtlc In both hrnnches, and It Is fair to pre Kume that friends will bo better served than opponents. Considered In tho light of expe diency, the county's Interests will be best sub served In the election of tho Democratic nomi nees. Viewed In tho wny of party duty, there Is but one course to pursue. Wo believe Jackson comity is strongly Democratic. We swpect thai her Democracy will prove true ntiil loyul to tho cause. In this c.unp.ilgii. II this belli f mid cspcctiillon Is ii t iliiMpp'iIiited, tlierv will bo no difficulty In electing our whole ticket, Independent movements nro rarely prudent or required. They servo lo create fresh Hllilcal unhappy agitation, to fun tho llaiiie of present discord, and lo augment strife within cuiniiiiiiillles. Unless when nceaston requires Ihwn ns correctives, they ore better withheld than applied. Tliero Is less 1Iku!imi, political nud oIIiopvIk", among the enph' of ilneksoti county, than nuy other In Oregon. Why not continue thus? If tho Democracy nro not truo In tho Interests of cur eop!o; If they ore false to duty, then npply the rorrccllve. Hut until they are recreant, jleld them the support which their principles and actions deserve. Wo shall not exceed our duty, nor mrrslrp propriety, by nialling the Indcptiidcnt candidates or their supporters. Hut no do mrnrstly entreat our fclloiv-cllizcus not to stultify or distract their Democratic usefulness and strength by voting for the imlc icndciit candidates. (Jlvo hearty and undi vided support to the full Democratlo ticket, ami elect It by handsome mijoritlcs. Srniom Accinrxr. On tho night of Fri day, the II th, n couple of Kanakas living up nt Kanaka Flat, very seriously beat ami malm til mi old colored inun, who has been doing nild jobs for our town people during the past season. Tho Implement used was a broken blaik-d long.handlcil shovel. With this, the nsKiIliint broke his jnw and his right leg lie low tlie knee, Tho wounded man Is slowly recovering'. Ono of tho Kanakas Is In prison, nnnlllug rxamltiatlon tho other has not jet been apprehended. Jealousy, wo hear, was the occasion of tho attack. Joski'Iiink Noui.vATtov. A friend has for warded to us the proceedings of tho Demo rrntln Couty Committee, which met and noml nated lr. Geo. T, Vlulnjr for Representative, in place of It. Williams, declined. Wo regret that lack of space prevents us from publishing the proceedings, and from commenting as wo lei!r to upon the nomination. .Mr. Vinlng is on excellent gentleman, and should rcccivo tho full vote of tho party. i I sj ' - Tin: Wkatiim. A severe hnll, rain and wind storm passed over this Valley on Tues day. As far as we can learn, It did not Injure tho crops. Yesterday noon, thcro come up a thunder shower, which lasted a littlo while. For the remainder of tho week, tho weather has been mild and agreeable. Iixn's QciaTi. From Harrison 11, Oat man we have received a specimen of quartz found in the Antelope Springs' country. It is white and bard and bears upon one side a big blotch of iron. Liko land in North Carolina, tho more a body has of It, tho poorer they arc. i ' I.I8CIMROKD. Allen, who so badly cut Mr. Cheney, at Kvansville a short time ago, had his examination on last Friday night, before Judgt Tolnwn and Justico llnyden. After a fill bearing, bo was discharged. SriiKiKQ. From David Logan, Esq., we learn that Cols. K. D. Hoker and $, J. Dryer ' will address tho people hereon Monday, the 26th instant. , ' Tnr Aucadi. This commodious Saloon is now kept by Messrs. Wilkinson k Ilyan, who tnare no exertion! to nlcaso tbelr euests. A music! cutertaiomcut is glvcu every evening. t LATEST NEWS. lly the Yrcku Htngc of Yesterday. The news from the States Is not ns tato as that given under our Telegraphic head. From Carson Valley tho Intelligence contained In our Kxlra of Wednesday, Is continued. Iks Ides tho killed and wounded already men tioncd, nro tho following : Jos. U. Ilaldwin. Ir. son of Jndgo Ualdwin of Cal., badly wounded a. Jinvcn, Kiucii. Clias. Forman of Sacramento, Arch. Me Donald and Lnncc Nightingale, escaped. Tho Indians on Humboldt and Walker rivers aro In arms, nnd havo on their war paint. They havo sent their squaws away. It Is reported that 1,00(1 Indians have just arrived from Salt Iiike, nud aro stationed nt tho Sink of the lliimbolt to ns-tst tuol'ah Utrs In clearing out Carson Vulley. Tho citizen) of Sail Francisco, Sacramento nnd other California cities, arc tending urnis, men and money to tho sccno of wnr. Trl-Wrr.Kt.Y Mail. Klscwhcre In our col umns, It will bo seen that nt last tho Postmaster Ucncral has smiled upon ns, and that a tri weekly mall from California to Jacksonville has been awarded. The conlrnct Is given, we are pleased to know, to tho California Stage Company. Surely, tho Company havo well merited this official favor, for during tho past two or mrro months, they iiavo accommodated tho people of this Valley with trl-weckly mall facilities between this and Vrckn. from which point Is furnished the dally mails from Snn Francisco and other chief cities of California. Tho Company performed this valuable service regularly, although required to carry simply a weekly mail. Hut Jas. llaworlh, Ksq., the I'rcsiiicnt or tho company, is one who docs nothing by halves, especially where Ilia benefit or convenience ol the publio Is concerned. We are thankful for tho favor grunted by tho Department In this trl-neekly nccominodu lion, but cannot refrain from expressing our regret that the same Increase! service was not extended northvvnrd from here. A tri-nevkly mail to the Umpqu.i and Willamctlo Is greatly needed, and while Mr. Holt had Ids generous lit on, bo might havo awarded this additions! service. Will not Senator !ano nnd M r. Stout endeavor to win him into granting this favor, or rather right, to our people ? Tlicto should bo a tri-woekly mill from this (o Portland. ThrNkws rnnvi Ciivhi.kstox. L'ndcr onr Telegraphic heud, readers will find n brief syn opsis or the proceedings at Charleston. We forbear commenting upon the unfortunate turn which affairs look there for the prcscut, chlilly from Insufficiency of tho Intelligence which has reached hire. Until full uccounts or tho pro ceedings are hail, wo do not feel Juitlllcd In ollcrlng extended remarks. In common with friends of tho parly and tho Union, however, wo trust that when the two divisions of tho Na tional Convention meet under their resiectivo calls, tho efforts of conservative National men to harmonize present troubles will ho success ful, nnd further, that vvlso and excellent selec tions will bo made fur Ilia I'rvsUlcncy and Vice l'nsldency. 1'onv l.xi' lly mall of Monday, wo received n Washington letter of 17th April, brought by 1'ony Kxpruss to Sacramento, and thenca by mall rut Yrcku. The liens It con taincd had, been anticipated by telegraph. ny ii vvc icarn Hint lion. Musing hiotn was striving ciri-ctlvcly to net thu Jacksonville and 1'orlland Irl-wtvkly mull bill lhrough,and also the payment of tho War I Mil. Nouro under great obligations to thu kind friend who thus highly favored us. Ixtiri'Kxiu:.Tn. It. V. Mnury, liiq., Dr. I S. Thoiiiliiou, nud Mr. I I'liikluuu. an nut us Independent candidates for ltcpntxiitiillvcs of Jacktoii county. In Josephine. C. 1'. rfpr.igue, It Independent candidate for llcprc Mutative Ohui Oarrigaii and Jos. K. S lu cent, fur County Clerk ( J. II. It. Will, Tor Hhcriir, und lletij. Norton for Treasurer. Tin: Qimiitx .Mn.i.. From Mr. John Mo. lAtighllu, w lit it-jihed limn ml Thursday, alter his vlll to .S.iii Frauehco, vie learn Ihut tho teuini which uru briugliu the Ui'ld Mill Company's strain quarlx iiu-lilng mill are on their way, innl will lie hero r.n Mondiy. Thu Couipiuy havo taken up their urnsiias, nud entln-ly suspended iieratlou until the mill is put In workiug nrdir. JofKi:v Ci.cii. Wo are requested lo state that tin re will bo n meeting held at tho Court Monsoon Tuesday evening, with tho view to organize a Jockey Club lor Juckson county. Citizens from every orlioii of the county are earnestly requested to nllend, in order Ihut the project may surely nud satltfuclorlly bent on loot. I.aom Horn., Kcnuvuu.K. lly adver tisement In this number, it will bo seen that Mr. Oliver J. ..vans, formerly of the Slate Creek House, has laken the l.aglo Hotel ut Kerbyvllle. und rclilled nnd furnlshetl it in good tvle. He vvill uuko it one of tho most attractive hotels In Oregon. I'atronlzo him. Ki:w (Jooim. W'u ak attention to tho new advertisement of Herman lllnom. Ho is now ilolnir buslnesi entirely under his own name, anil lia. juit rcturiieii rrom ran rraueisio, with n line stock of cholco goods of every des cription. Visit hit store. Tim Pbixk FmiiT. Instead of publishing tho full account of tho great light between Heeii.iu and Havers in our paper, wo scud to subscribers not already furnished, n copy of tnci.xrnv Hnvrisn., ol naturu.iy uiiernuon, tho Pith, which contains It. States' Pafciis lly last night's stage. Heckman received packages of States' papers to tho 'Jlith April. We are under obligations to him for n supply. Di.rATcii. The States' malls of tho 20th April, nt-ra brought by yesterday' luge, Twenly-eightdays from New York Is good. Jacksonville Wliolosalo Price Current. IUKrtrl for the Hriitlm lCorrtclril w f fkly. Jacksowimj:, Saturday, May 19, 18B0. Tho market for country produce. Tor Hie week ending to-day has been unusually quiet. The shipments of I'lour and Dacon from the Umpqua Valley havo had a tendency to loner tho prices a shade In tlioso articles. In Vegetables the prices are unchanged, und tho supply fully equal to tho demand. Wo closo the week with the following quotations i Flour, In qr. sacks, per II Ca CJ Corn Meal, per lb. Git 7, Wheat, per bmlicl $2 00 a J 60 Corn, do 2 00 a Harley, do 1 SO a 2 00 OutH, do 1 73 a 2 00 llay,old, per ton 2i 00 n do new, do 12 00 alS 00 Hacon, hog round, per Hi 1 6 a 20 Hams, do 20 a U Sides, clear, do 10 a 'ii Shoulders, do 16 a Heel", ncll, per lb A a 51 I'ork, do do ftla a Mutton, do 12 ja Chickens, per do 5 00 a 6 00 I.ard, leaf, In tins, per lb 25 a do In keg do 18 a 20 Duller, fresh dairy, do 60 a do in keg", do 3.1 it 40 Cheese, per lb :IJ a 40 Egg', fieth, per dog 60 a Potatoes, per lb , 3a 4 Onions, do 6 a 6 Turnips, do 4 a 6 Cabbage, do 4 ft BcanH.wh'tc do ,. ., lia 15 Greco Anples, per lb 20 a 25 NEW STORE. NEW GOODS!! NEW PRICES!!! L. S.lcits, ,1 I S. Sscus. Sin VanWsco. JacUimrittt, Sachs Brother WOUf.I) respect fullr announce to thecttl sens of Itogue llfver and Applcf-ntc Val leys, that wo have commenced mcribaudlzlng In DllY GOODS, L.ADIUS' FANCY C10ODS, CLOTHING, OKXTS' rUltNlSIUNO GOODS, on Otli forma Stmt, tint dmr atxAi Amkrion l OUnn't, with an entire NEW STOCK OF GOODS, of every description, selected especially and with great care, for this market, by Mr, L. Hacus who has had several years experience In the trade. We nro now opening the most complete and desirable assortment of NEW DRESS GOODS, ever drought lo lids section of country, compri sing every now material aud style, now fashion able In New York, among which aro a splendid variety of Black and Fancy .Plain Silks, 1'rtntcd Organdies, Organdy Hobo, llrll Hants, French and Ameniu.i 1'rfnls, Gingham, I'opllns, l.nnni, Silk aud l.acc .Mantillas, l'laln and Clirekeil Cambrics, llrll ilant. Illthop and Victoria l.awns, Plain nisil Dotted Swlaa Miiwlln, IrMi Uncus, I.aee Curtains. Ac., Ac. 1'nra- tols, Heavy rmlirnldcrcil SwIm and Jackntirll, I'liderstrevcs, Cidhirs, und Hands, Thread. Silk, liluiid anil Cliantllla l.iie- and IMglngs. Luilimlilcrcd llandkcrchters, Gciiulno Alexander' KhlGlove, Linen )inmk, llleach nnd llrnnii Sheetings, a great variety of Vaiifa'o Xbtioiw, lirftnncry, Cutlery, etc., etc. Lndloi MiHM and Children' SHOES, llunucls and I'lals. a splendid assortment of lloiinet. l'laln ninl HIMion Head Drersc, n new slvlc of I'reuch Vs.ll, all .Silk Velvet and Hell lllM-mt. Tio latest Style of SPllLVO and SUMMKU CLOmfXG, Oonts' Furnishing Goods, HOOTS. SII01.S. HATS jni CAPS. Togitlnr with many otlur (ioralstim nuiuprniis in nii'iii iuii, nu in nuicn ns nru in'imreii iu sen at grenlly Xloclxioocl Xjri.oost Our motto will always !. ".Smvi.1, riinriTs Jni'K HviiM smi IlKsnr I'vr." lly slilet utlenlhiu In Ini-lniys. and to tint wants or Ihe I'liininunlty, we lit In m.-rlt n , rliare of tlii pulillc itriuiap'. nud wouM evteiid .ucnnllal luvilatloii In till r-m In call nnd 1 rxumliii) our stork and prlei's.lKTiire juirehiirliig ilwwhcre. Jueknouvllle, May A, IhGiMGiC U.t tlxo BOOK AND VARIETY STORE, - -j Cniivi'ii or CAMnui.MV ami Oni.onv Sritmro, MAY DC FOUND A WELL S F. la K C T 13 D A08ORTMENT OF BOOKS, STATIONERY, YANKEE NOTIONS &C, A.C., fcc, ContUtlng In jiart as follows, vlt: POETICAL, HISTORICAL, SCIENTIFIC, I and other Mlrcellaneous Heading. 17. IBIaxxIc QooUm t II' vnu want lll.iuk llunLn, call at the Juekui v flic Hook and Variety store, corner Cullfur. ula nnj Oregon streets. SOlnx-loas for lOOOI I I' vnu wuut a Kood Dlnrv fur llCU,eallattle Jiicksouvillo Honk nud Vnrkty store, coruir Callloruia and Orejjo.i strecU 17 School 23oolK.ast TlIO.Si: who want School Honk', villi find them at the Jucloiilllo Hook nud Variety iloru, corner California and Oregon streets. FooUot Oxitloxyt TIH.Hi: can bo round a lino lot of rocket Cut lery at lha Jacksonville Hook and Variety store, corner California and Oregon streets. mrt lttx-Xxxwim I VIOLINS aud Violin String' can bo bad at tho Jaeksonvillo Hook and Variety store, corner California and Orison street. 17 OlooliM t AOOOD afoorliueut of Clocks at the Jack sonvlllo Hook and Variety store, corner California and Oregon ttrccts. 17 sTox-trolx-y t SHOULD you want Jewelry, call ami e-cnmlno thu lino awortmeut at tho Jacksonville Hook and Variety store, corner Cal. and Oregon stn. Oold Xozsss t AF1NH lot of Gold I'eiiii, with silver holders, and without, at thn Jacksonville Hook and Varlcly store, corner Cal, and Oregon streets. FlOtlXX'OSB t PICTURES with and without frames; Look ing Glawei of various sizes, to be found at the Jacksonville Hook and Varlcly store. BTlfiili ps,aj ft).yn CSiaIssss t ASKRTS and Tubs can lio found at the Jacksonvlllo Hook and Variety store, cor ner California aud Oregon streets. 17 nv BiY ATXCVM ( rpOOTII, Nail, Shaving. 1'alnt, Shoe, Sable j. nun niuer firusuea, nt iuv jueKBuiiviuoxiuuH and Variety store, corner Cal. and Oregon sts. 3Xixslo,l Xxxtx"ixxta.oxitai ! IJSLUTKS, FifesJIarmonlcann, Jewa Harps and . other Musical Instruments, can bo found at tho Jacksonvlllo Hook and Variety store. 17 bnoy sT Aolscotas I PORT MONIES, Buckskin l'urscs, Money Jacket and Dells, can bo found at tho Jack sonville Hook and Variety store. 17 .Bolts t ELASTIC and other Dells can lie found at the Jacksonville Dook and Variety (tore, cor ner California tai Oregon street. 17 FIRST ARRIVAL OF NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS! ,.- A. BRimNER i0 mto., HAVE received via. YIIKKA and UED M.Ul'T.S, torno NEW SPRING GOODS!! Among which nu LmtioH' nnd Misscn Now Spring Uonncts and Flrtta, t rimed mid uittrimcd, InfnntVdo., Blogant Bilk Drew ?atterms, OrgnndicH and Printed Jncko net.s, I'rinted Unrrejrcs, Ging ham Robot, Inf 't's cmb'd Robos & Waistn, cmb'd lia nd 8, ItiHcrtings nnd KdgingM, KIOS SOQUST FAHII Plimsolls, nn elegant variety, Bonnet and Cap Ribbono, Hair Net, embroidered, SILK AND LACE MANTILLAS! (XKVV HI VI.K.) Ami lists Gkvti.i:mi:.v, SPRIM2 & SUMMER CLOTIILXC ! FnrniHliing Goods, RiiHinens Suitn, Roys Suit.", etc., etc. Together with a large stock of ItM-plo Dry sat-ooclas, Gsrooorloa, ZXnrclTvnro, Qtioonsi XTtivo, Sir In Mins "Wtiro, Oarpotsi, eStoo. Tho atpnve Onnds have been selecleil by Mr. J. A. HltUNNCH with care, and expressly to suit we wants or mo jacKiouvinc m.irKut. The late dry winter has rnaldisl lilm lo iurchao nt low iirlces, and wo are determined to sell cheaper limn ever. J. A. iiiiu..M.ii a: i in;. Jacksonville, April 'if, IH.O.-tr.l.l. A LARGE STOCK GOODS FOlt'SALE AT REDUCED BATES. 'PIH.iindirsIgneil ore now olu ring thclrttrge JL und i'Mt-uIv i stock oi tiivy csoobs, &c:., At Iteiliirrsl ItatcH FOR CASH, or In prompt men, duo l!i llr-l d ly of July next, nliii;-piNucisnip exitiu iriwern ine nu ili-rslKUiil eviilns lir lliiilliittnn nt Ihut tlmi-.and Ihry nri'ilrolriiusiif elortiigoul their stuck In onli r In cIm up tin ir i.n-lm . All nnd every ihtmiii knmilnc thernHves In d.'ttnl lo lli" linn iif.Miuii' .V ( i'IUht iiv .von: on hook .txirxr, mut ki- lively piy iiphy thu riit Day of .IttlVs nnxf, ns they nru dctermlueil to n-ltlu tii llielr nut-' sianiiiiu iiuaiut-M. ANDKUSON (il.l'.NN. Jaekimvllle, April 1'.', IfiO-KHf. E8TRAYS! " CAMKTOI.KWIsTv. SKI.MWS living 21. miles mirth of Jacksonville, on lln main road leading lo llio WlllatiK'tte, ukout Nov em Ut last. Otto Dark Ilrinille Spitnlsli Cow, supimml to Ui ID years old. liurketlwllh acrop and spill In each ear, and drinded on tho hit hip (X) and nn tho right hlii. It 0, as near as can l nude out, appraised ly llio undersigned lo $10. tint Yellow Ilrliitllo Cotv, four years old, inarkcl with rrnp off llio left ear, and under sIoim In the right, no brands ier celvable, aipraUil lo $20. ONE NTKEIt, Ibat came to Ms house when a yearling, somo tun years or upwards ago, narked crop and un der hit In the right ear and crop In tho left car, color whlto lack and trlndle sides, about four years old, appraised to i'M. Otto Ilcd Steer, with some white about him, branded on the right hip with the letter 1) and below on the sauio hip with HI, supposed lo bo four yearn old, appraised to i'M. Otic licit ami White Steer, three years old, marked with crop olf the left ear aud uudcrblt In tho rlelit. branded on the right hip with tho letters () 0 as near us can be made out, appraised to $21, nud Otto Iteil nn! White Steer, with n whlto face, ears not in irked, branded with tho letters O 0 on the right hip as near as can bo ascertained, supposed to bo Uvo years old, uppraU'd t" :wv. I hcieby certify that I have this day, April 28l!i, ISBti, appraised the foregoing for Lewis W. Sullen', ilono nt his residence, in Jackson County, State of Oregon. K. MAURUIiER, J. P., for Jackson County. May 3, 18C0.vv.l. TO THE PUBLIC ! IylM now- doing business la my new fire-proof store, and havo a good stock of every variety of good HARDWARE, fiROCKRIKS, DRY GOODS. CLOTH INO, HATS, HOOTS AND 8IIOKS, IRON AND STKKL. UUN AND BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Repairing material for Itre-arms, revolvers, etc., all of wlilcU I am anxious to sell For Cash or Tratte ! and will sell as Low aa tho very Lowest 3CH V. J. RYAN. P.S. Reader, If you owe me agy thing come and pay. 1. J. R. nFOUR IN (JUANTITK3 ami Trice to 1 sou purcnoscrs, by 21 MAURY & DAVI8. Gk-irt SBoolKsat PORTFOLIOS and Gift Books can be found at the Jacksonvlllo Hook and Variety store, curacr isuiiiurnia auu uregou iirceit. 17 "7"s,xlsaty. AN endless variety of articles too numerous to msntlnn. run tiA fnnnil &ft IIia .I1runwllla Dook and Variety store, cor. Cal. and Ogn. its. JUSTICES BLANKS for sale at IBIS OFFICE. SA.DDI.HinY AMD iirjunr Jrnnr, t. IIK.VUytM KMHT. Judge & Emry, IN C1UOOAOE ft DRUM'S BUILDINO, JACKSONVILLE, OQN. WE have now on hand tho .nrgest and best assortment of Saddlery aad Xarsteiat Ware, ever brought to Southern Oregon. LADIES' AND GENTLE-A MAN'S SADDLES, Q uniULKs, STinnups, sruns, mah- TIXOALKS, SU1101XOAI.S, of every variety, elegant and plain. ZfsCtirxxeMfli, Single and Double, Plated and Plain, rfl COLLARS, PADS, HAMES, WHIPS, BITS, HALTKRS, PISTOL 1101- STKRS. PHYSICIANS ANDORDI- XAltV 8ADDLK HAGS, 1IORSK ULANKKTS, fitted stmntxxl, ihncy and plain, ROIIKH and SKINS. LKATHKH. HUCK SKIN, A-e &c, ic, Ac. X-tT-nACE: SADDLES mado to order. with everything complete, and Dunning Sheets. Take Kotloe that this la tho only Show which has tho Uonuino CONCORD COACH HARNESS. We make the real, shnnn pure PENNSYVANIA HARNESS. full rlagcd. with UI.1.1.3 nnd COLI.AU tVti3. ur plain, We iiiako our own CUSTOM WORK, nnd llnisli It In tho host inaniicr. Old or latest styles of every species of work, followed nirrecalify lo the tastes of our palrous. Call and examine our stock licfon purchasing elsowhore. We S K L L C II E A I and do Custom Work at lowest llvlnir prices. JlL.I-'Al 111 NCs- none at snort notice. (Infers from a distnnco nminptly attended to. All aro Invited lo call and examine our slock. fil HARMSS&SADDLCRYSTORE NEW STOCK. Joseph Michelbaeh, 8ADDLE AND HAP.NEQS MANUFACTURER tor. CnltriiriiU nml lrr-nn itrrrls, JACKSONVH.I.I1 jSx Will nlwnyit keep mi handjgt-A Kla large iivnrliin ut of NT Sl'iila and Oregon .Saddles, Whips, r Hrldles, and Harness, will bo sold at Heurioiinlilc Price. saiwu'.s, numixs,, hal- TKHS. MAMIS'(AU:s, U'OODKX, mox ash in: ass stimwi's, sunasau:s, sa d d i. r. iuns,iviiii's,iiswi. HOLS TV KS, Sirups, Duckies, Clasps, nnd a complete assort ment In Ihe Saddlery, Hone und vNuguti Kuril Islilng Line, 'A'(l. U-hv1hI nltentiou paid Iu the manufuc lure of lienvy I'cniiHjJv.tiiiii K Coitcovtl Ctsucli All CUSTOM WOIIK done 011 Ihe shortest notice, In tin best sljli-. All my old en.loim'is nro Inrlleil to call nnd examine thu new- sliiofe, which Is guarantied I11 sell as low ns nuy oilier liuui in Jackson coun ty.. tft-JJepnlring done nt shortest nolle. FURNITURE STOlROD! BURPEE & LINN, Uregoii Mlrrrl,iiiNi.lleKriniry . Ilunillii's, JACKSOSVILLi:. All klinla sir Furniture MANUFACTURED, AT MIOUT MITICU, Tit (IIIUKIi. Aro nan' recelvliignnd Intend to keep constantly nu hand u full n-orlinent of EASTERN MANUFACTURED FURNI TURE, SITU AS SPRING BOTTOM CHAIRS Of all Descriptions, rroach Bodstoads, site. All nnlers In the Furniture and Cabinet line, nihil nt short notice, cheap for cash, l.y actr uri'i:i: & linn. NEW STOCK. Tbe Largest nnd Completes, over llrouglit to Jnckaoiivillr. J. NEUBER, HAS recently received a large and diversified assortment of HIMII.X. Oi WKIC1IIT CUICKN, UOI.U A MII.VKH WATCIIKSJ, UIAMO.VU JHWIilillV. Pearl, Kiutrahl A Caiurit Hrl Together with a splendid lot of other TEWE3L.RY, JUlEAST-rSS, 1IHOOCHKS, KAK lilSGS, FJXGEIl-ltlSaS, LOCKETS,, oiAsrs, uhaoe- Lm'S, 8I.EKVE HUTTOSS, NECKLACES, WATCH CHAISS, CHATE- LAISS, A SD SEALS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ALSO, IjOI.ii Tkns, with Gold ash Bii.vkr and I':arl JloI.IIKIH, GOI.U JkNP hll.VKU TlllMni.VCK, 6ii.v:r Waiib, 8roos. Taiiij! Beth, ami Lawks', Work .Sits. All of which will lw void at low prices and warranted. J. NEUBEU still continues to BXrar msxc oiooikss. as heretofore. In tho beat manner, and with quick dispatch. All articles In his line manufactured promptly, nod with neatness. Call and see bis stock at tho old stand, corner of Third ond uawornia streets, Jacksonville. i lit Boots and Shoes ! TMIE subscriber has oneneil a ahon on Call A. fornla street, two doors west of Haines ft Bros, store, wnero bo will mako tbe BE8T AND FINEST BOOTS AND SHOES, WITH NEATNESSand DISPATCH. HIS WORK a'i WARRANTED. He will also EPAm TIOOTS nj SHOE ujihe Tbeil manoer at short nonce. I J" A shsrs of public rstronacels rcirrct Ifullyiollclted. M. STACIX :x: mTjust SA-LOOISr! BV BURKE & WILLIAMS. Car. Call AirnU tSiOlriroii ate., Jekonllle. THIS efilahllsheil and popular House has been purchased, nnd Is now kept by Bills lltirkc and Dick Williams, both old residents of Jacksonville, and widely Kiitwn in tins ncciion 01 ine mote. Under their management the 1JL IJGRADO shall lie kept In first-class style, and every arti cle procured nt their Har will bo of prilnc i-uat-lly. They hav o on hand 23o-v7-oxAB;easf Oordlalsi, XjIcixxoxxx. jaucl. Olgafai, of superior quallllcs and choice brands. Thoso who have partiality for FANCY MIXTURES, will be served with the most delicious " tltmlar Hies" that can bo devised. A lip-top article of CleBuiae Havana Cigars, from Icaillng Importing Houses of San Francis co, always on bnud. The House is furnished with two superior BILLIARD TABLES for the recreation and exerel-o of guests who may desire to encaeo in this dcllirhlful. bencll clal game. Mies of latest locM, Cullroml. and Stater papers kept for the entertainment r visitors. In every wny wlllilu llielr line the I'niprlelorn will spare neither exertions nor vspcii? to eatir to the tastes, requirements, and (ancles of their patron". Jacksonville, March 31, Ieno.-11-tf. NEW ARIUiUE.MEiT! "STEW STATU" Sy Martin sV Hathbum. THIS favorite, spacious and attractive House, has lr-e n ntircbascd from the former propri etors. Mer. McI.AUiuu .V Km in u by tl above nniniil parties, who are now ptepand to receive the calls of their friends and Ihe public centrally. Their J? A R ' stockeil with the licst of every variety or WINES, LIQUORS, ALES. COR DIALS AND OIQARS, Jul recelviil from Ihe first linjiortlni Louses In san traucisco. All sons oi Kplcnreiin Drinka nml Mixtures In warm the heart and cheer the mind, will In) dcciiclcd, out of the cholcut eshlUratlug nud stiumiaiiiii' inpiiiis. NEW BILLIARD TABLES, or I'inu.A .v'.v i..Ti:sr, .most nt I'liovr.n sri'u:, with mauiii.k BKItS AXI) I'ATKXT CVMlIf' AM T10X 0 US II lOSS. Those "ond of lids deliahlful and lienltliful ever cl-i will cnnsultlielrenjovmeutliy plavlnLiiiHin these J 13 r TABLES. 1 ho " NEW STATE" SALOON Is on the idil sput .Vrie llmhUn-j, 1 t'ifi fvrnM nml IVunl Slmlr. Jackwiuvlllv, .Martli :i, IKi.u.-jl-T. HAINES &BRO. . ., Rr"'" " .' r","'''7 V l... J l',l I. Ui,' Corner Callfurniii & Oregon Sts., JACKSONVILLE, OQN., TTAvi: lOll .I,i:. nt Ihu v cry LOUTT ix l'iti l lies Km cash, CLOTHTNG, JIOO'J'S AND SIIOKS, IIA'L'S AND CAPS, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, AVJ XES AXD LIQUO.KS, Atsl-J AND POltTEll, TOBACCO Ss CICs AltS, PIE PllUITS, And OOUZfTRT ntODUOS generally, lienvy Clatlilnic will hv Hold nt Cost. TABLE HOCX BAXBRT ....ANIL... CONFECTIONERY. Orocou IVtroot. TUT. undersigned hat nn hand, and Is altv-nya ready lo mauufacturo to order, all kinds ut l'aatrjr, t'onfectionnrv, Cuinlit-a, Cruckera, Cukes IMe,&.c, OAK.B8 for Weildlnus. Halls, or 1'nrlles. uot tin In sood style, und at the shortest notice. THE 33A.K Is always supplied w Ills n choice lot of I.tqunra and Wine, and Thomas A Jacobs' wholesome L.AOKH AKKII. vVI.NT.MI.V UKILMS. JacVsonvllle, O. T., Oct. 2, IMS 3;3Slf FROM CANADA! TWO FRENCH DRAUGHT WILL stand tho ensuing season la Jackson county ono a "NORMAN," tho other a "LION I1I.AHT." Tho A'orwwn will stand at Mr.'k, near Jacksonville. The Lion Heart at S. Coi.teh'h, Gaslmrir. Terms for both Horses tbe same : $25 for the season j $30 to Insure. All dues lo be settled by nolea or cash, at the clofco of the season. For further particulars ap ply ui ine iiaumng places. DE8ORIPTION1 Both Horses aro dark browns. The AWmii weighs about four teen pounds. The Lion Heart twelvo hundred and fifty. Tbe ISO A'vrman received the premium as Heavy Draught by tbo Society at Montreal, Lower Canada. Tbe Eton Hmrt received the premium as Light Draught. These premiums were awarded by Henry Gautbler, President of tbe Society. As Roadsters and Farm Horses, we challenge com petition, and are willing at any time to give breeders an opportunity to judge of our stock by tbelr performances, either trotting or pulling. 8, COLA Ell. P. S. (train will bo received at cash prices for duea, delivered at Gasburg. May 3, "WeixxtGCLl $20 AAA WHICH Those owinj UUv) us are requested to raise aa soon 211 po:siDie. --bverv liiuo noire. MAURY & PA VIS. mffggummmm L-.gggBgBgW JOIISf A-UKIIIU.V, - JAMRH T. ULKKX, AiDERSOlV & GLK?r', OAlXrOMHUL St., BETWEENOREOON AND THIRD STREETS. W,I01iAiiANr?lLEIlgINl STAPL & FANd DRV GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, HARDWARE, CROOKERY, WINES, LIQUORS, Clothing, Boots, Sho, Hats and Caps, FURNISHING GOODS, Prenorved Frnita, Tim Fraitf Preserved Moats, Oysters, Fresh Spices, Saaces, Jollies and Tickles, MINING TOOLS, Mechanics' Implements, Far tiling Implements; Paliits, Oils, Iron nml Steel, NAILS, LOCKS, (of all kinds) VWUtt, OH AlS, SAChTH, CANDI.K3, OAMI'HHNi:, LAMP OIL. VIS WAI5K, WOODEN AVAlli:, I1HOO.MH, PAILS, ZNXXA HUSBBR 300B, to which we rcpcctfulty Invito inrsous wishing purclinsQ as vre nro determined li HTlT.Ti CHEAP FOR CASrf. AM)i:itSON fc OI.ENN. Jackvouvllle, Octohcr 1.1, 1MMI 3V. NEW STORE. aSOilW GOODS. On Applesnlo Creek, 12 Mile from .liickoiiville,on tlse Crescent City Itoad. Tin: u.VDEnsiaNnn would respixt fully Inform Ihoeltlensor Applegalv Val ley nnd vicinity, that wu nrr receiving and now opening a LAKGi. and WLLL-SELKUTEU STOCK OE GOODS direct from San Francisco, and shall keep con staully on hand a largo nsHirlmcnt of imv tsoons, ClUOITEHI r.S, CLOTHING, II ATS fc CAPS, HOOTS SHOES, iiaui)vaiu:,cuoki:iiy, TINsVAUi:, .c. ..AI.SO.. FAIlSlSn UTI'.SSll.S', M1S1SO IM- ii.i:mi:sts, niivns, liquors, CIGAIIS, ASI) YAShKK N O T I O iV S . Our Roods nro setcctfd and tiurcha-eil from thu lot istuMWhe! hntiM-s nnd stocks In i-su J lminlco, and wo gnarnnlm lo still as low ru nuy ulliir liousv lit tho county. ll. ii. 1 l in l.'.l. n- viz. Applegate, Pepl. nth, 1 ;. 3! -&. KgXA'EY & HAMLIN'S 7nx'xxo'at, IMooliAUloa, nx&cl IMCXxxox'w' OHoan Cash Store ! MAY QE POUND DRY C.GOIIS l.D GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, UAXDWAms, cxttuult. CIGARS AND TOBACCO, FOREIGN AND DOME8TIO WOOD AXI) WILLOW WARL. STOVES & TIN WARE, POWDEK, S II ( T AM) L.IMD, dims, K.nrtlirrn anil liurrna Warr. All of which will l sold so loie an to DEPV COMPETITION. Call blJ examine U fore purcb-Klnf- ilvvth(re, aud we will verify llio foregoing declaration', MiSfSlore, torntr of California ami Ongon Sttcttt, opjxuitc the El Doiudo Saloon, Jack' wnvillt. m.l.lVK.UV W.MiOV rlrtnlallnfi raiulf ruim.l)- msiiinil Ihi-uiigh irv. LOVE & BILGER, Tin, Store, & Hardware Dealer, Fire-Proof Brick, OS Csuronviv SrnicT, Jackkonvtixb, Tin-Plate, Sheet-Iron & Copper Worker. EVERY article in utu Manufactured In the above Hue mado to order with proinptnen una itir4icii. Tbo proprietors keep on hand nn extensive as. sortment of Fore pumps, Chain, Ho every description of HAEDWARE, a largo quantity of liar nml Assorted IRON, In quantities lo suit purchasers. Oookiag aad Keatiag ft tew, of the most approved patterns, alw ays In store, and for sale rery Ion' for Casb. Jacksonville, Oct. 16, 18. 2tf FANNING MILLS? THE sulserlbcr will MAKE ! kH FANNING MILLS, during tbe coming summer, throughout tbe Roguo River, Applegate and Illinois Valleys. lie will also do all kinds of Maekiaary Xaairiac, especially TME8HI.RS and FAN-MILLS. NEW RIDDLES &, SCREENS. for Fans and Threshers, supplied on short notice and on tbe most reasonable terms. ' Shop, at WELLS' MILLS, 00 Appltgata., Alls orders left with ARTHUR LAXGUSAfe. pjcKsouviiis, mu ce prcmpiiy mrwaraea so tb op. . J JlvcbZI, Ie60.-Sm cop. t. 5. ftrMAOUJ.. a -t TM msssssssmsms WiLwjBi9&:&9BmKE!tlKKBBIiBt . 4bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbPskPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP