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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1860)
the ori;i;i) si;tim:l. MAfUJttlJAV, April glut, 1H6Q SlikiyotiClty. Fdr lomo time past, wo have published oc 'counts of the newly 'dhcaicrod nine ou thi 'bead waters of Apptcgate. From n reliable gentletunn trltli whom w bavo conversed, we !leaf n '(bat a new town, bearing the abovo name, !liu been located tbert, and bids fair to become a place of permanence and Importance. It li Hn a aoutbeaitcrn direction of, and about forty ratlca from Jacksonville. A tut and exceed togry'r'lch'm'ncral country, tome thirty mites in 'extent, with plenty of water to work the whole ."year round, surrounds tbo place. Already some, two nr three hundred miners hnve found "their way there, and more are constantly com 'log In. They era principally from Jackson ville, Applegate, Williams' Crcrk and mining 'camps In Josiplilue 'county. Store, hotels, etc., have been built, nnfl others are In rapid process of erection. Our Informant slates that the mines pay ex traordinarlly well. The company who tint dis 'covered them, have been working there since early lest fall, and their cttlm has paid a'l long from ten to thirty dollars per day to the band. Others who have their claims open arc making big wages. The country Is literally covered wlth-quartr, 'bat uune of the leads have, as yet, been pros Jetcd. Why should they nut be as rich as those discovered la this county ? Would It not be vscHfor miners to thoroughly prospect and tut the quartz in that section. In a lew years 'qiarli'mlnlng will le the principal and most profitable mining done In Southern Oregon, -and, we think, It weald be advantageous for persotn now to scenre their leads. Altogether, wo would advlso those who are art out of employment and seeking locations to go and prospect tbo Applegato country. Ssstoi'S STAnntxu Arrxia. On Tbnrsdny, serious affray occurred at Kvansvillc, between John Cheney, a trader living there, and a man named Allen. It appears, from what wo could learn, that Xbe difficulty originated about Che ney loaning Allen a Cayuso horse to go pros 1ctlof Allen keeping tho horse beyond the 'time agreed upon, Cheney bod n warrant Is sued for bis arrest) upon Allen's return to Kvans' be offered to pay Cheney for the time bo had ovcrkepttlie bone, which Cheney would not agree too ; high worts then passed bctwitn them Allen warning Cheney not to advance towards blm, which Cheney disregarded and and made uio of a very Insulting epithet, at the vame time amtvanclng for him, when Allen drew a large sited bowle knife and inflicted two ser!os,if not fatal, wounds upon Cheney. The flrit taking effect In the left aide of the neck, and the second, on tbo shoulder, parsing Into the upper part of the lungs. A messeng er was Immediately dispatched to this place, for fir. Brooks, who promptly obeyed the sum mons and rendered the unfortunate man bis wtrglcal aid. Allen was atreitrd by Sheriff Duncan and lodged In jail. U Is generally be llcvcd that bo acted In self defence. No com plaint has yet bcvti made e-alost hlui. Stim. Moiik Qiuiitz. Mr. A, T. Johnson brought lo oar ofllco ou Wednesday last, spe cimsns of gold-bearing quart rock, procured from his lead near Toole's creek. The gold it scarcely perceivable to the naked eye, but on crushlnir. It vtclils mlnnhhlimlt- rlrli. 1ln viiartz Is of a blue greyuh upjiearuiKc, atnl (Tjliuvu appointed delegates In the Charleston srry heavy. 'I hat which has bus been luted yields frjui sixty to ninety cents lo tho pound. The lead has been pncctctl forty feet In length and flfleen In depth, and the quarts con tinues to get richer the deeier they get. A small strata in the leud is suposcJ lo contain sliver. Mr. J. Informs u that himself and three partners have taken oat about five ton of rock from the lead, aod he would not sell hi Interest In that alone, for one thousand dollars. We hope It may meet the most sangalne ex pectations of all concerned. We bear of very rkh lead having been dis covered by an emigrant, near Fort Jones, In Scott Valley, paying all the way from four bits to sixteen dollars to the pound. IIivrk Two companies, compris ing some twenty-live men, are uow actively engaged in turning Koguo Hlver from Its natural course, at Long liar and Dig liar, for the purpose of workiug Iho bed of the stream. A canal ia being cut along the Gold Hill aide, and those engaged In digging It have found very good prospects. An embankment will be built up against the stream, forcing the water into the canal, and tbo work is living pushed forward with much energy. They intend erecting two dams across the river, at a distance of about ono mile apart. It ia quite an extensive undertaking and will keep the companies hard at it all summer, and probably may not be able tbts season to ope rato largely in the river bed ; however, the work has been commenced at a mora favorable vaon than might bo aflorded for years to vomc, as the recent dry wluter has rendered the body of water much lighter than usual. Puczn Mikixo. This heretofore Import ant branch of mining appears to bo seldom spoken of lately, on account ol the popular attention being directed lu tho search of rich quarts. When quarts mills are in operation, and tbo work under headway, we may then expect to hear something from the placer claims, for there aro several of them In this county that aro not inferior to any of the quartz claims If they only have a fair chance. Their old friend, Water, has left them In the lurch this season, but persoverance and art will produco flatteriug yields, equal if not su perior to that of former seasons. WiLLMNsiiuna Minks. We learn that mi ners at Williamsburg, and in that vicinity, are daily taking out quite a considerable amount of gold. Water is plenty and there is every prospect of tho ditch affording an ample supply during Iho coming spring and summer. These mines are good, and if men who are will ling to labor, will go there and take up claims nd work' them faithfully, they will surely meet with n fair remuneration for the labor so ex pended. $Hr Persons visiting Crescent City will And the American Hole) a capital house to put up at. The proprietor, Mr. McNnmara, is clever and accommodating gentleman. mmtm LATEST NEWS. My (he Yrcka Singe of YetMy, The news from below Is unlinpettttnt. A few telegraphic dispatches of the 3d April arc the latest ndviccs we have from the East. They are unimportant. Mliumnu again bombarded Vera 'Cruz 'on the lGth Mnrch, and continued the sclgo until the 17th, when ho attacked the city and was repulsed, Orcen, from the 'Commlttco ou Territories, cportcd a bill for thojirgntilzatlon of Arizona and Colorado Tcrritorlcii. Tho Senate passed the Paclflc Telegraph bill. General Intelligence. 'I'll j basis of tho Kngllsh proposition in provides for an armistleo and ecncral amt.csty ; ulso, religions tolerance. If declined, r.ngiami ucmamu or both parties lull Indem nity, including full Indemnity duo to English subjects. Miramon had proposed the terms oi an armistice, lie stipulates that lingland, Franco, Spain, Prussia mid tho "United States shall bo equally divided between the two par lies, uunrcz rvpiUM Hint the proposition was absurd and inadmissible. Uovcrnor Rlsscll, of Illinois, Is dend. The funeral ceremonies wtro most Imposing at Springfield, 111. Tho military, Masons and citizens participated. Tho Chicago Light Artillery were present, and nrlnuto gnns were fired, Tho services were according to tho rites of tho C'atholio Church. At 8 o'clock, Llculsimtit Governor Wood, of tjulney, was formally Inaugurated Gsrcrnor. 'I'lio I'resliknt has sent In a solemn protest against thu proposed action to Inquire by a Committee into his personal and oillcial con duet, lie treats it as an Insnlt to tho sover eignty of tho iKople, whoso representative he is, mid insist that the IIouso can only proceed ngalnt him In the manner (minted out by the Constitution, h: by Congressional Impeach ment. On tho night of the 14th, Congressmen from Mississippi. Alabama and South Caro lina held meetings to take steps for asscm- wing a southern convention in June next. Tho South Carolina I'glsluturo having ad journed without making provision for electing delegates, tho object of the meeting was to get tho Uovcrnor to call an extra session to select delegates. The latest Texas advieas snv Orn. Houston Is actively engaged raising minute men, who were traveling night and day. Col. Lee was lo have left the lOtli March, for active work on the Itto Grande, Fitu buudrrd Texan ltaugvrs are In the field. Indians continued to murder and plunder citizens. Hamilton, member of Congress from Texas, lui addressed a letter to Foukc. of Illinois, ad vocating tho nomination of Douglas at Charles ton, ami expresses ucsiro that delegates should bo uiitrammeled. He contends that Douglas Is not only consistent, but Is the only nvanauiu candidate lor tne count, Tho Nor York 77itrm's Washington correspniiilence rays Curtis, of Iowa, Chair man of tho Select Committee on tho Pacific Railroad, favors tho Northern and Southern route, as combining the most strength and a voiding sectional objections. In four counties In Nebraska, the Repub licans rlrcud thirty-six and tho Democrats twelio delegates to the Convention. Four yi t lo hear from. On the Slate Government question, the vote stands l,b"7 for and 1,987 against. The Charlwtnn paper confirm the state ment that fiio dollars a day will be the estab lished price for board at the hotels of that illy, during tlio holding of Deinooratle Na tional Convctitloa. Tlio Governor of Missouri still withholds his approval froi i the bill to aid tho railroad. It Is considered equivalent to u veto. Ureal Indignation Is manifested against the (loveroor ill some quarter). The Diiuoeralie Convention In Georgia Convention, vetoed iho DccciiiIkt resolutions. and rcioiiiincml n Presldvutlul candidate. It udjouriivd .March lllli. Coinplclo returns from New Haupdilre giviUxdwln(IUp.)3S,4lO votes. The Ho publicans hnve leu out of the twelve Senators, and 63 majority in the House. The New York Couiitr and t'liquirtr, un dcrstands that Spain has ugrved to sell Caba thu only difficulty is tbo price; this is Insur mountable. Col. fane, an Knglhthman, commands the new sand fort, erected near the cily of Vtra Cruz, and mounting six four pouudcrs. Kvery State except California and Oregon are cecte-.l to send delegates lo tho Uuloo Couvcutlon at llaltlmorc. Commander Maury lias written a long Icltir to Mr. Gwin, ot California, showing the advantages of un iiiler-oceanlo telegraph, Tho Mtv ngc was entirely unexpected, and It Is fuld has been wholly disown act. It has created u profound sensation in tlio couutry. The steamer of March 20th look from New York three hundred und twenty-three lirklus of butler for California. Tho Governor of New York has vetoed the bill to prohibit Suudty amacnenU in the city. t&" 11. Parker, r tho YrcU book paid our town a visit this week. store- KeNiNEy & Hamlin's XAX,sxserai( ZkZoX&sxxlossi, svxxcl XkiXlxkoras 01xoib Cash Store ! MAY BE FOUND DAY GWJ m GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, ixakdwaks, oimamx (SILOTMGK & FAKSV ESS, GIG AltS AND TOBACCO, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIO WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, STOVES & TIN WARE, IHiWDKH, SHOT AND LEAD, (Jliua, Karllttrn and tutcna Ware, All of which will be sold so low as to DEFY CO.MPKTITION. Cull ami examine l lore purcbutliiK Isewbere, ami wo will verify tho foregoing declarations. SOf Store, comir nf California and Ortgon Strttlt, opjjoutc the hi Dot ado Saloon, Jack' tonvilU. DELIVERY WAOO.V rlrtnUUng yrasl cuotuly arouiin through suacc, ' ititf. 1)KKSUNS indented lo II o late arm of Anpkr . son- it (1 vyijiiik and John Axdlrkov. mul po Mccty tall and tilth up Uicirnoitt, or I shall Ihj vuuiH.mii in pineu iueni m me nauus or me proper ontcev lor collection. JOHN ANDKRSON. Ji:k ontllle, April 13, IMu.-tl-is. mUii UNION HOTEL, JACKSONVILLE, OGN. BY XZ WIS S. XZOLSR. 'plllS widely known and established Mouse Is JL HOW Kept liy liKIVIM II. f. I W I, K It, Under his suucrlutcndrnco It will bo entirely re fitted, re-furnished with Now llcds nnil Deciding, New ltoom Furniture, and In every way placed In flrrt order. The ac commodations for guests Imvo Already been largely attended to, and the proprietor can safe ly promise, all who patronize Mm, comforts and luxuries superior to any provided cUcwbcru In this section, ana not surpassed wiiinii tuo state. will be plentifully supplied with the bent of eve rything the market ntl'onls. Kxcellcnt and ex perienced cooks bavo been encased, who will cater for the tastes and cnjoiiiients of tho epi cure, ns well an for the lover of plain, sulndan- nai iarc. In every department tho UNION I-I O rI E J j will lie made itnd inalnlnlned a FJUMT CLASS HOUMK In which travellers, trnntlcnt visitors and permniienl boanlcrscau alike secure and enjoy every crea ture cnmiori nua ooiain ciieeriiu repose irom the fatigues, tMCt 'atl-l lallots'Of the day. Thu nronrletur rcifpcctrullr solicits n contin uance of tin patron-we which ha 'oriiicrlv lieeit lH-atowc4, ana assure Iho pulillu no ell'orts upon his part will bo spared to detcrt u thu mpport of the travelling ts Hell as of tho permanent com munity. Thu Stages to and from Yrcka, Crescent City, Kcrlivvlllc, and Northern Oregon till arrive at and depart from the Union Hotel. A supply of latest paters from nil parts nf lh Atlantic Slates and this coast ahii)skepl In the Heading ltoom. Jackoinllle,Novcm1icr, lW9.-42tr PATCHIN'S t;ol.s Orescent City, Oal. TIIK proprietor of this welt known House, (TIIK MIKIKir ANUUKST IVIIMMlni IVCMM- CK.NTCirv) resiKVlfully lul'orins Ills Tricndsand tho nuldlc generally that ha Is now nrrimretl lo entertain thoso who may fat or him with their patronaire, In u style nnsurnaxed by any other uoici in .-soriuern (-auiornia. 'I'li.k TTftiidr. Tl.t,l.l.t. ttti.l Furniture aro cntiix'lynow.ll I TT1J.si3 will, at all times, ba furnished with the best llie market affords, and no espouse or exertion spar ed to make his guests feel at IIomk. OHARQE8 MODERATE. A DAT1IIN0 su 1IAIU DUISSINU SALOON attached lo Iho House. U. PATCIIIN, March 3, Hr,0.-7. I'rt.prlclor. FOR SALE! TIIETWENTY MILK IIOU.SE. Rogue River, Jaokson Oo. TIHSestaMMicd stand, known nlo ns JKU' irrT'S KKUUV IIUUSi:,loilherwllhlhe Ferry Prlvllcgr, Farm Stock, and Farisiliis IsnplrHsi'sits, Is now offend for mIc. The prtmlses re sltua till uiHjn the t'tln mid Military roads to the North and Huiith, and comprise, Ik-sUcs u good, OniHainillaiia Bnu i with ottt-btiiltlingH. Aliout 210 Acri's of FINE L AND. The Kerry I'rivltegc Is one of Iho most vultialilo In llie Slate, l'or terms and other particulars, apply, oil the premises, In It. 8. JKWKTT. March 31, 18C0.-3m-H. NEW STOCK. The Largest and Comislrteat ever Jtreught to JackaoHvlllv. J. N BUB BR, HAS recently received a large auddltertlilcd assortment of NPiuxa sk WKioilr iMscKN, POL . (Mi.u J Nii.vRii watciii:n, ffy& 1'rarl, Kmcralil iV Saixti, Ntts.jijJ5 Toxelhrr with n splendid lol nf other lutfcisr-ri.wt, nuoociiEs, kau mxas. nxam-MXun, iiocKtnv, J1V0KMV, OL.ISIV, MIAOU i.Kfi, slkkvv mtrroxs, XIVKI.AGIX, ir.lTVfr uiiAixa, ciiati:- 1.AIX8, A XI) SKA 1.8, Of CVERY DESCRIPTION, ALSO, (i'oi.ii l'.s, with Ijoi.ii ami Sii.vku am I'laiu. llollIU, (iOI.ll AMI bll.VKIl llllMHIXil, riii.vMi Waiik, ?riKi-i. Tam.K Skw, AMlLtlMlV.SllAl.t.WollKSliTll, All of which will l) sold at low prices and warranted. J. NLUHKIt still continues lo Xlopnlr "WtxtoXkom, Sto-w-oXvy ntrnd Oloollss, as heretofore, In ino liest manner, and with ipilek dispatch. All articles In hli lluu maiiufacturcd promptly, nnd with neatness. Call und see bis siock ni ino out sianu, corner oi intru ami talltornla street', JacksouvHIe. 4 Itf BLACKSMITIIINa. IN ALL ITS RANCHES I ALi:XANDKIl (Jerry) MAIITJX, RII'KCTrifl.LV annoiince. to Ids friends and Iho public, generally that he continue The Slacksmitbiag Basiaeas iu tho building formerly occupied ly Win. Uurke, on OiOonwi Strut, JirKtly Hut Cluf Qdye l( Vrum't b'tMti, V, ery skcc of u ork douo lu (he best manner and with ijulck illspateh. Particular attenlion given to repairing X'lo-u.fsJtL lironjsv, and to HORSESHOEING, and to making and repairing ftQH und A l7J a Nliilug Tools Picks, Ilttra, kc, made to order, of thu very but materials, In tho most approved styles. All woik WAIHUNTED. ALKXANDER MARTIN. Jacksomlllo. January U, 18G0.-5itf. JACKSONVILLE CEMETERY! NOTICK IS I1EREHY GIVEN'. That tho CEMETERY GROUNDS have been completely surveyed, fenced In, and divided Into appropriate lots. From and after this dale, In termentswlll not be permitted until application la bad lo Meswa. HUlU'EE LINN, Jackson, vllle. 1'arlles desiring to purclmso suitable plots for FAMILY BURYINQ GROUSM, Vaults, Monuments, 4c, can M-curo ihem upon application to the alwto named genllcmeu, lly ordir or iho IIOAltn OK TRUSTKKS. Jaek-enrllle, PceernVr I (J,, UMiMiSMiUttsM SADDLERY AMD" J1 iiknrt jiikik, t. HKxam.v KJinr. Judge & Emry, IN CLUOOAOE & DXUX'S BUILDIHO, JACKSONVILCE, OQN. WK have nriw on hand the largest fttlcl best tssortment of addlory and Etataess Ware, ever brought lo Southern Oregon. LAlilKS' AND OKNTLK-j MAK'H SADDLES, S UlUDLKd, B'l'lRUUPS, HVVIXH, MAR- TINUALKS, HURCINOAI, of every variety, elegant and plain, Harnem, Slnglu and Double, Plated ami l'latn, T1 COI.LAR.S, PADi, 1IAMF.3, Willi's), HITS, II A LTE R8 , PISTOL HOU MTKRH, PHYSiaiANS AND ORDI NARY 8ADDLK IIAUS, IIORSK 1ILANKKT8, OtU-d und slrniipeil, fuiiev and plain, RORKS and SKINH, LI2AT1IKH, HUCK SKIN, Ac., Ac, c c. CO-RACE SADDLES mule to order, with everytulug eotndelv,siiid Kuiinlng Sheets. Tako Notico that tkto is the only Shop which has tho GcnalnoHONCORD COACH HARNESS, We make Iho leal, slinon puru PENNSYLVANIA HARNESS, full rigged, wllli IIKI.l and COLLAR VUHS. or plain. Wo make our own CUSTOM WORK, and finish it In the best manner. Old or latest sly lee of every species ol work, folloneil n-ucvahiy lo tho lates of our patrons. Call and cxamtuu our stock before purchasing elsewhrre. Wo 8 P. L Is O II E A P and do Custom Work at lottcst Ittlmr prices. 1 L2PAI11ING Uu,,e " horl notice. Order Irom n distaneu proiiiplly ntteiidid to. All aro Invited to call and examine our stotk. SI iiarm;8s&siddli:rvstore NEW STOCK. Joseph Micholbaoh, SADDLE AND MAFtNCSB MANUFACTURER lur. Cnlirarula niiiS OrrKou slrttta, Will alieays keep on handlA 1& a Inrpn iisortmi-nl or Callror-napM ida and Oregon Saddles. Whips, r III Idles, and Harness, which will bu sold ul Ui'UMin ultlc Prices, sadi)u:s,,, iial- TKIIS. M.timXOALKS, HVODKS', mos Asn miAss sriniiui's, sitnaxriLKti, sa ddia: 1IAUS,IVHIPS,IISWI. IIOI.STKIIS, Straps, lliiekles, Clap, and n eoinpleli assort ment In llie Saddlery, HoraO and agon Kuril Ishlng Line, Vi. C-in-clal ntleiillon paid to the liiunufac line of hinvy I'viiisaylviusla h, Cenceril Coach All Cl'STOM WOltK done ou the shortest notice. In thi l-st stylr. All my old rusloiiK rs are lutlted lo call aud examine tlio new stock, which Is iruarantlcd lo sill ns low its any other huttso lu Jackson couu- 'y- tflli-pilrliigdimont shorle-st tiiillei'. F'uitNITURE BURPEE & LINN, Ortuu Htitl,o,ioiHKiiiir)' A llmiillii's, JACKSOXI'IU.K. Ml klmls or Furniture MANUFACTURED, AT MIIOIIT .MITIC i:, 'III UIIIIKII, Arc r.ow recelt Inland Intend In ke p con.tantly ou hand u full u'sorlinenl of EASTERN MANUFACTURED FURNI TURE, Sl'CII IS SPRING BOTTOM CHAIRS or all Descriptions, Freach Bedsteads, sko. All orders In tlio Furnlturo and CaMnet line, mini nt snort notice, cnon p mr nun, iiv 20tf ItUItl'KH .v. LINN. LOVE & llll.lilill, Tlu, Stow, fc IlnrJsvure Dcnlera. Fire-Proof Brick, ON (Uf.trniiMA KniM.r, JsrKsowiixr, Tin-Plate, Sheet-Iron & Copper Worker. EVI'.ltY arllelu In tiso Manufuctuntl In the abovo lino mudo to order with promplness mid dlrpttch. The proprietor keep on baud an c&tcnsltu as- sortmeut oi Forco pumps, Chains, Hose XjZ3.A.X xxxaiM, every description of ECA-RiDAVA-KE, alargoquautlly of Jlar and Assorted IRON, in quantities to null purchasers. Oookiag and Hoatiag Stoves, of tho most upproved imtterns, always In store, ami tor sine very mw lor uuu. Jaeksonvllln, Oct. 10, 1838. 2tf FANNING MILLS! rrilE subscriber will MAKE "d sell 1 FANNING MILLS, during Iho coming cummer, throughout the Uoriiu Hlver, Applegato and Illinois Valleys. Ho will also do all kinds nf Machinery Kepairiag, crpcclally TUESHKUS and FAN-MILLS, NEW RIDDLES ti 80HEEN8, for 1'ans and Threshers, supplied on short police ami on ino most rcasonawu terms. Shou. at WKLLS' MILLS, on Apnlecate. Alls orders left with AUTHUlt LANOLI.L. Jacksomlllo. will be promptly forwarded to the shop. V. B. Sl'llAUUE. March 24, ISCO.-m. IjU'OUR IN QUANTITKS and I'ricc to I: suit tmrchascrs, hv Jl MAURY DAVIS. Hiinu i t: Sff Ml, SA-LOOST! BY BURKE ficWILLIAMS. Cor, Cnlirbrnla iSitlriKon sis., JdcksoliVlllr. THIS cstnblMidl and popular House litis been purchased, and Is How kept by Billy Dtirltc mid Dick Williams, both old residents of Jacksonville, and widely knonu lu this section of Iho (State. Under their management the 'EL nORADO shall be kctit In first-class stvlo. and eVcrv arti cle procured nt their liar will be of prime qual ity, incy natc ouiianu trtriuosB, XjlcjxiOi'ssis AdCAlt 33otroxnieowf Oordlnlss, ivud Olgavai, of superior qualities and cholco brands. Those who have parllallly for FANCY MIXTURES, will be served with thu most delicious " tlnutar- itics" that can be det lied. A tlt-top nrtlcla of Cteauino Havana Oigara. from leading Importing Houses of Sail Frauds co, alnnyson hand. Tho House is furiilihcd with tun suierlor BILLIARD TABLES for llie recreation and e.ercle of guests who may destru to engage lit this dellghtlul, benefi cial Katue. Files of latest local, California ntid Hlntcs' papers kcpt for llie cnlctlMnmcnt of visitors. In every wav within Ihelrllue Iho I'roiirlctors will spnro neither eti'rtlons nor evH-n" to cater In the, requirements, and lu'iclci of their patrons, Jacksonville. March HI. IXGu.-ll-lf. iKW llHiKBBllHf! "JSTCW STATU" My XfXartia k Xathbnra. piIlS favfitlte, spacious and nttrsctlvv House 1 has ticen nurchaseil from tho former tironrl stors, Messrs. .McLnoiiMN V Kl.tcnu t.y the abovo immcil parties, ttlirtnre now prepared to receive tne calls oi iticir ineuus nun inu putjllc tTi'nsnillv. Their n A 11 Is stocked with the best of every variety oi WINES, LIQUORS, ALES, OOR- UIALS AND OIQAR8, Just recMteil from Hie first Importing houses In an i ranci-eo. aii sorts oi r.lilctircaii Drink ami Mixtures to warm lite heart and chetr the mind, will be ilccoctcil, out ol the choicest exhilarating aim stimulating iiqtuus. NEW BILLIARD TABLES, Or I'ltKI.A X'S UTKir, MOST .!- fiiovKi) .vrr.:, wjrn maiiih.k iu:i8 axi) VATKxr comui- XAriOX0U8l0X8. Thou- fond of lids delightful and healthful exer else will eon -ul their i-njoi lil'-nt t.y idavtiiu tiiwii .. &. -.-.'&-. ."A.. tiicso !: ' 'I' A. li J-i 1'i S . ii' " NEW STATE" SALOON Is on tin' old spot Arie ItmlJiM, eotntr rf Uili fvrnM iiiul FliirJ SlrttU, Jacksonville, 3, lco.-yl-7. PUBLIC SALE SCIIOOLLANDS. NOTICT. Is hereby given lliatlheiindi-rslgnnl will olUr for sale, ul thu Court Houk-. lu Jackfotit llie, on Satiirtlavs the 21st Day of Airll, nest, the follow lug di-erlUd properly, lo wll : .S?i'o.i 1C in TvimJiip :7 8. II. 1 II'. .V. K, Qimilr cf X. .'. ijnuifrr .Vrrliwi 17, in 7'oiriiA( 17, .V. II. I II'. iif nf Siiutli Fraction rf .Seriou l, .V. . 1 If. 'Hit If ft Fiiulioiinl lliilfof Sation 1, 7hir;t- ,, 117, .V. . W. If. The X. .'. l-'nntioml Quarter of the X. K. Qmrter Sctin 'J, 7utr,itn;i:i7, 8, II. DAf. Ti'.hms ok S.vr.n: One fourth of thu pnrclia-c money, cadi In hand, und Iho rem ilnder In I'- pionths from tho day of sale, ln-arliig Interest ut Ii-ii kt cent. mt annum. The largu Itrcts Mill be otlereil lit CO uud tu acre lots. H. HUM I'll It IIV, Svivi luUlnh lit tbIM-.'l $JvJ4 Jnclfit I b. March IT, TABLE HOOK SA3U3XIY ....AND.... COXFECTIOXERYs Orogou Stroott Till! undersli;neil has un hand, and Is rlwajs ready lo inanufacluru tu order, all kinds ol Pastry, Coiift'cMniiary, Canities, Crackers, Cakes, IMfasfcc, for Weddings, Dalls, or 1'arlles, got up lu good style, ami at tne stioriesi nonce. TI-3C.T3 BAE Is always supplied w It li a cholco lot of Llquura and hii'M, and Thomas A Jacobs' wholesome L,Alii;il UKKII. WINT.1KN & HKLLM8. Jacksont llie, O. T., Oct. V, IMS 3:aPtf EAGLE BREWERY TO If HUM IT MAY CONCERN t AND l'AUTICULARLY TO THOSR WHO w Uh to gain strength, wo recommend to Co to tlio Eagle IlrrWerv, formerly owned by J. J, Holnun, which has oeen purcnaseu ny mo unuersiKiieu, woo win carry ou the business, und keep constantly on band a largo stock of the Best lager beer, which they offer for tale ut Hbolci-alc. Iu their bar room on tho premises they will not sell In less quantity than one bottle or quart, which In Iho smallest doso they can prescribe for tho af flicted. The patrouai;o of ull lovers of the bev erage, Is kindly solicited. JOSKPI1 AYKTTKRER. Jacksont tile, Sept. 3, 1859. 33 HUNTINGTON & WALL'S WALDO EXCHANGE, BILLIARD SALOON! -TOVA.XaX0. Josrjililnr Couiiiy, Urrgon, rrtHE "WALDO EXCHANGE" Is furnished X with two Mtiicrlor l'helau's lata Improved Cushion llllllatd Tables. Keep on baud ut the liar tho choicest Liquors and Clgara, dieted iiv thn iientiili'tnrs lu San Kihoi-Im n. ' .; . . . 4 . from weir gcuvini ucquatntunca una Known Ilcslro to accommodate, a liberal thans Of nubile patronajc Is r-l'"Ctfnlly eollclUd. 15U' MillBQ JOIIV AMrKllHO.X, - '- JAMKM T. Uf.f.... ' AiXDKftSOxV & GLfcltJV, OAIJrORZVTA St., BETWEENOHCOOM AND THIRD STREETS. w iioi,i:k;i,k And . , Jim'AlL. DUALKR8 J7i t mnX ft FAXDY DRV fNNlHL GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, WINES, LIQUORS, Clothing, Bootn, Shoes, Hats and Oaps, PITRNISHINQ- GOODS, Proservod Fruits, Pio Frnit, rroso:-ved Meats, Oysters, Fresh plcoa, Bavces, Jollios and Fichlos, MINING TOOLS, McGliaiilcs1 Irtiplcint'iits, I 'ar ming Imtilcmctitit; 1'ulnts, Oils, Iron itinl StfH, iVAILS, LOCteN, HAED"WAEE, (ofullhluds)rLOUn,CnAIN..SACKS, CANDLIIS, CA.Ml'llliNK, LAM1' OIL, TIN WAlli:, WOOIlEN WAIM3, IIUOO.M.S, PAILS, ZZtDZA KVBBSR QOOSS, VS2AG-. ASB5 OISAKBp lo whlci we respectfully Invite persons wishing purehaw us wo nn- determined lo SELIj CHEAP l-'Olt CASli. AXi)i:iiX(). s. (ii.i:xN. Jacksonville, October I.', 1650.-11 39. NEW STORE, 3STEAV GOODS. On AsiliKiitf C'ri-s'U, 12 Mllva frosts litcksotivlllt', oia the Crescent City Itoatl. Tnn uxiu:ii?tcNKi) woum iiisi'kt. fully Inform Iho clUrcnsof Applegatu Val ley mid lclnlty, that we ore treehlnc and now opening u LAItUKuiid WLLL-SLLIXTTLU STOCK OF GOODS direct from San I'miicl-cn, and shall keep con stantly on hand a targe assortment of J)IlV GOOD", 2Uori:uu:s, clothing, iZATS K CAPS, HOOTS sV Kiior.s, HAKI)VAHK,CnOKi:UV, TINWAIli:, iVi'. . .AtJtO.. FAIIXIXd tm:X8U,8, MIXIXC IM- iu:mi:st8, nniir.8, i.iquous, cicaiis, a'i yaxm:u x o r i o x 8 . Oiirf5i"I"Hrn seli-clcil and iurclmiil from tlio Im-sI i-lnlill-lieil Iioum's and stocks In son I'raticlseii. and He uiiamtilee to stll as low as any other house In IIh'coiiiiIv. ii. it. run i.i.ii .j. Appl.-Jfllli'.Hrpt. Hill, H.'i'J. Ill it. r. Mit'iir. n. r. tiAtis. .MAURY & 1)11 IS h Firo-Proof Brick, Corner of Main and Oregon Strccti, JACKf-ONVILLi:, ori-:oon, WliulcsnU ami 11(111 IStalrr In C.LOTI-II3STG , SsLM CC MlauvM, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, Tobaooo nzxel Olsni'M, HARDWARE, Q'ulo eno -weiYG, OILS AND PAINT8, Mliilnu nnil .tKilriilturnt liniliHirnls. TK re imw Receiving a Largi and well m. TT surleil t-toeknf tlem-ral Merchandise, which wuHiiir Cheap for Cash, IhanMng ire public for IhelriMtmimxe here tofore, uo Iiiiihi by clotu nttentlou tu biulm- to merit Us continuance, 2 ltf HAINES &BRO. (F0PE'PKS'5P MSL"Qt3;) Corni't' California K Orrguii Sta., JACKSONVILLE, OQN., HAVK FOR SAI.i:. ot Iho very LOWEST FHiUHIS FOR CASH, CLOTHING, JJOOTS AND SHOES, I TATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, WINES AND LIQUORS, ATE AND PORTER, TOBACCO & CIGARS, PIE FRUITS, Aad oouxwmy moDvon generally. Heavy Clothing will lie SolU at Costi Boots and Shoes ! rpilK iulrfcrlltfr hasopcncil a shop on Call X Inrnia street, tHu doors est of Haines A Dros. store, where bu will imiko tho BE8T AND FINES T BOOTS A3SD0 SHOES, iriTII NEATNESS and DISPATCH. IUS IfOIIK all IfAltltANTED. He will also 1 and SHOEfc PATH RflflTS u Iho best maiiiKT ut short notice. Xr A share of publlo patronago la respect' fully solicited. M. STACEY. Jacksonville, Dec. 21, 18o9.-l9tf Notice ! !! ALL persons knowing themselves Indebted tu Ibe ttnderslRned, aro earnestly requested to call and settle their accounts on or before the 1st of February, 1850, As J, A. Dntnncr Intends leaving for Ban Fran cisco by tbat time. All accounts not paid by tho 1st of February, tne utual rate or In crest (21 nor eeM. u-r month,) will bo charged from tho 1st or Janua ry, 1M9. Thereafter, all accounts mutt h sMtlrri ., ntnelv das. ' ltf. J. A- RUtJNNUU -SXJBRBTP'S SALE. YoYlOn Is hercly given that !l1:w levied 1 upon and Mill tilfer for nai", forcaih, to tbs highest Wider, the following described REAL ESTATE, tolt! The southwest quarter Of tho south, west quKrter of section fourteen II) the nouth hair ol the stth half of section liflecn (15) tbi north fnictlotiat hair of the north half of section lctity-to t'i'l) j rractlonnl rlve'r lot No. i It section t.tcnty-tuo (22) ; titer lot No. thrco(3) In section twenty-two 2'i) t fractional sOuthrest quarter of sdetlou twetity-two (22) ; thu north west quarter or the northwest quarter of section Iwenty-lbreo (23) ( Ml In township No. thltty six (3d) : fdnth erratiL-e No. 3 west, ronlnltdiig lit nil FIVK llt'Nltltl:i) AND NINETV-ONB AND 31-luO AlT.m : nni alo tho fractional norlliMcst quarlir and the northwest quattir of the northeast quarter of stl6n twenty-lhrOT (23), In township thlrly-sf.v (301, touth 01 taiian So. 3 west, containing ONK WNDHLD AND twi:ntv-tiiiii:i: and io-io6 aculs; to- gcther with all the hereditaments una at.purto- unt.ccs thercuulo liclongliig, or lu any IM rp pertutulng. ir.e nimtu ui'scriis'u proiriy tor ro inucu thereof ns shall Ikj neeeary tu natbry lo rue cations duly I-mim) from tho oll'ico or the Clerk or lha Circuit Court of Jackson Couuly, Oregon, and to me directed, one In favor of MAIlKrf & AllKAHAM vs. DAVIS K AN.-I nnd J NO. W SKAUS, for tlieHimljf sl. htiudied nnd thirty three ami 73-10U tlollr rs : the other, in rsvot or S. MARKS A CO. vs. DAVIS IIVANS nud J NO. W. SKAUS lor the sum ol live hiiiidtcl and nluett.ouc and 01-100 dollats, with Interest mi each from Siptcnitcr, 1813, at the rsto ol Ino h r cent, ti-r mouth, co-ts and accruing costs) will Iai sold on the premises ou TiichiIiiVs tl'i' Bill Dayijf Ma), IfiCO. between llie bourstof 11 lAlock, A. Af. aud thK-i o'clock, 1. M. Dated April 4, li0. j. i.. .. jie..Nu.i., ISfortf JmXI (Xui.ty, Orra. April 7, lhMI-12-Iw. ADM'lNISTRATOU'iS SALeT Qnartz Lead IwtereBt. Oil SATl'HOAV, Mav otli, ut it II CIDCSi, I . .'!., 'Vlll'l I"3 boM, by nn onler Irom tho County V v Court or Jackson County, l-sit-d on Fri day, the Gtli day of April, ull the utidhld-d In terest or iil'uii jicUASW.y, iu tne yuarta Mining claltuiflluated ou the Blackwoll Qoarf lead, ind record d by 1'. Morati, Y. H. Kails, D. John- sou, J. llaiirahan x I o. .Sale to lie made titioti the lircmWs nt the titan alsivt) mention, d, by the l'ubllc Adiululttrator of Jacl.son county. Ttusis i Oitu-lourtli cash In hnnd, and Hire.', otittlis lu six n.outlu from day of sab with up- pi otenl security. u. o. iii;.ii., i'miic Mnrr. Jprll 7. 180H.-IW-12. Action to Hecovor Moaey. tlto. i:. Ix)as I Circuit Court or the nnd first Judicial District Isas'j TiioMrso.s, for the County of Jo t's. I lephiiie, Stato of Ore- Jamvs IfcTttovrsov. j gon, June Term, 18C0. Its .1A.MKS JL. THOMPSON: YOU will pleaso take notice that (eo. II Lo gan nnd I'.iac Thompson, plalntlflV, havn flhsl it complaint egtlust you lu the Circuit Court fcr Josephine County, Statu of Oregon, demanding judgment against you lor iiipstimor l'ltu Hundred and Forty Dollars and I'lltv-tn.s Cents, together nllh Intrrest and cost of suit 1 and that tuner y ou appear in sntu wourt, in Kvrbytllle, lu said county, on .Ifwufiy, (Ac H ,1 ij V' June, A. I). 1H0O, und answer said com plaint, the same will Is.- taken for coiifcixd nnd the tiraycr llicreor win tsi linmiui oy tne i.ourt. j. r. sritA aoui;. Feb. VS. lC0.-3irt. (.Itly for ii'fl. Action nt Law to HocovcrMonoyv Ihasii Manx and SxiiriiKv Cnt'itcii vs. tiro. W. ICkst. Action nt I .aw to recover Money. To oi:o W KKNT: YrOI ero hereby notilled that ttnbss ou ap pear lu the Couuly Court, In aud fur tlm dainty cT Josephine, stale of Orenn, on thi llrst day nflhe term, in lio held nt N-inoleon, on Iho A'tnf .t'udrfiy vi Juiit. A. D. IK0, und an. sm-rlhe complaint In lids suit lllrd, the ramo lll v taken lur cnnfesscil, nnd Jmlicinctit will 1st rendenil iiulust yott for Iho sum of two hun dred and llfty-ono dollars and tliirty-reven cents with Interest ami coils and et'iises of suit. HLMlNiriT x WILLIAMS. March I, lSCU.-ni3 Altrnrytor IWfi. SIII.DIi:nS. TL'AMSTKRS. SAILORS.. (or llulr in.kiri or pr'AdH ehililrtil,) who served In mil' wars or Uttilu. either In California or ituv-lirre, print to Mjrtli 3d, 185.1, or Ihur ehildrnt itAii Ktrt uittiir .1 ijrart w ram hj'c, or snuors nnu se-rvnl ou the coast of California In thf Mexican wur, will do well In address n. Chilidi that hate njectol In tho builds of oilier agents, hato Is en nicces'fully obtnllieil by its. AKents nclliii: for its, lllicrallv paid. Land Warrants bought nnd sold lo order, nnd nil business re pilrliiit nn A went nt WnthlitKlon, utteud'-d to. It. II. l.l.OVD .V Co., Attorneys for Claims, l'endons, llounly Lam), Ae. Itelerencu to any of the heads of l)eartmeuts. February 11, lent). lflt.-l 3ri-.-; la the wulfrr of the Eilatt of JAMES IIUSWX. Deceated. I N Ibe Frobato Court of Jacksoir Couuly, Oro J Kn. Notice Is hereby t-lt en that a fwil xt lluiifiitiitlhc said estate will In- bad In said Court, by Iho Administrator, V. II. 1IARKDULL, ou the iiirth iI-kj of X'Hj, lSt:u, lug n day of tit lerm of this Court, lU: ol'tlie May Tens, 1SC0, ut 9 o'clock, A. M. WM, HOFFMAN, Clerk. April 7, lSC0.-tM-l.'. '7sV'.JLsiso lu the matter of the E$tale of WILLIAM M. ELLIOTT, Dec'd. ALL persons liitt-rt-sUd III the H'mI nttlmnU of the Dtato of Wu. M. Kl.I.IOTT, deceased, with the Adudnbtralor Ihrivol, aro notified id Ik- and before tho County Court cf Jock son County, on tho 3-1 day of lltu XJ J'trm, I Mo, thereof, at which time said tlnal settlement ullt in) made, Jly opler of the Court, WM. HOl'l-'.MAN, Clerk. April. 1SC0..IW-12. IIWsn-t ie. ' STATU OF ORKGON, 1 Covntv or Jackson, t a In Co. Court, April v.,i, ... v. IVWVi In the matter of the Estate of CHARLES CASEY, Dec'd. ALL persons Interested In the final $tttlenwit of said IUtato with tho t'xcctUor thereof. tiro hereby notified too and appear beforo tho County Court of said County, on Wtdiufliy, tht ninia rn r .wily, Mm, atwntca time saw final K'litcmeui win oo mauo. , Wm. HOFFMAN, Clerk. April II, lSCO-lw-13. Admiaistrator's Iffotieo, ALL persons interested In the Estate bf Wal do jKwtrrr. dec'd., will take notice that Letters or Administration have been cranted tu 0. I). 1IOX1D, I'uMio Administrator, on the 6th day of April. AH those holding claims against said Estate will preseut tbcm to the un dersigned at hlJ residence on Ucar Creek with the proper voucnem within one year, or be for ever barred ; and all those knowing thetnnlrea Indebted to scid Estate will make ImratdlaU payment 10 O. D. 1IOXIK, April II, 1660.-15.lw. tl'ttbllo Adm'r. Notice. . I HAVE authorized and emtiowered JrCWOJ LAS A. YOUNO, ofllutle Creek, to act sS my Airoitsrv, ami lo transact all tmsinsia foi mo during my absence from tile State. FRKI). WnSlOATBi JacLenillle.AKll II. I la' I mA Mm m?m&mmmmmGm