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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1860)
jtotBf.'rjati'jEMaiMMBlMBBMMMIa is y ' Jft - .Si NjSffl i"l""M"M"M"""""""""""""'"''"""""" TIE OREfiON SENTINEL. &B JACKSONVILLE. iSSM SATURDAY, April 5ilt, 1800. ITOTIOB. Prom and after this date, nil hills duo the 8ENTINKL OFFIGK for subscription since tbo commencement of tho rourtli Volume. and for Advertisements unpaid up to dato of tbo 33d No. of raid Volume, uuut bo paid to wo present proprietors. OMKAItA k frkankr. Jacksonville, Sept 10, 1883. DEM0CR1TJC MINT V THJKET FOB JACKSON COUNTY. StectiM Monday, Juno 4th. for ItrptrsmtMlvrs, J. 13. WHITIi T. N. T. IVflLLER, G. W. KE13LEH. Vr MirrltT, J. L. O. DUNCAN. For Count) llrrti, WM. HOFFMAN. For Ccmiily I'oinmlssloiirrs. FRED. IIEDEU, D. 13IHDSEYE. For Comity Trrnttirrr, DAVID LINN. For Coroner, DOWELL. B. F For Counts- Stirs ej or, SEWALL TIIUAX. For Coiiul)' Awiwr, WM. KA1 tLE. For lMblle sttlmliiMrator, O. D. HON IE. Mining in Josephino County. Tho mines of Josephine hold out well- Dur ing the last Fall and Winter, nnd this Spring, tho amount of dust taken from them, notwith standing tho extreme dryness of the season In that section of tho country, will compare very favorably with the produce of other regions for this year, and with the amount produced by Josephine la any one of tho thrco or four preceding years. At Sailor Diggings they hao an abundance of water nearly tho whole yrnr around nnd tho fold Is so evenly scattered through tho beds and sides of the gulches, that mining can cot there bo ranked among tho precarious branches of business. Indeed, mining In this locality lacks little of being ns sure and sufe o Investment of labor and capital ns Is farm log lo the Mississippi valley. The mines on Williams' Creek and Its gulches, by tho aid of tha ditches nnd the eatural character of th divings, hare In a blgh degree, tho desirable quality of certainty In tho amount of their pic-luct. ' to either of, Kqunl or superior In quality these, though Ins la extent, are the diggings on the Illinois Hirer, four or five -nlle below Kerbytl.'.V. Here they have nny desired nuau tlly of water all the ,rar ; ami but little labor La maiiFfa.1 1st lti.M ll ...... I..f. ..I. I.... I . ". " "" "'" ureir viaimi. riir. considerable distance along the bank of the ,ir n.i ht, -,... t. .1.-11 i... ..;..., - waw liuill is MiV HUM fcV.'i ''ll' IttsfiNil A Arils !.& .atl "..&... .... ... .1 7 77 ' "", "",r the surface to the bed-rock. hat I known i .. .., ...-,...,. ...aim in., ... uiviiiHinn, .. ii.. r.i..u 1. m t I . I. I MiiIFi.l I'l ivaill lll.lfc lliw ll'rfiuil IIIIOUI .klllU years, paid an average of eight do urs ivr , .'. , , ,, ,,., ,, , a ? , j . It i i i in . i i . "I'O ""J R-bbIl Hnlu springs fur surpasiCi y to the hand; and n douli cis cont nue' i , ., T , . ,. t ,.' . , , ... i n noH nol Uushoo In the richness of sm a- to pay r.i well for n long while to come. . Thcru nro kvi rnl other clulnit In this hality, ' ...t --. which, In character, uro nearly Identical with Tub I'iiwt Ponkv Kxrai:. T'Iio fent of tho Marshall claim ; but on account of the crossing this continent, lying between tho Mis superior situation of the latter It lias been sourl lilt cr and Carson Valley, has been ac more productlvo than the others lu proirlIon compllslird by tha Pony Overland Ivxprrss In to the labor expended. 'uluedujsl Itnrrltcdnt Canon City on the Althouso has now, nnd for a Ion; time, will I aftcrnoou of tha 12th Inst., nuking the schedule have many rich claims, notwithstanding the 'time. It brings general advices from St. Louis faet that It has probably been worked as much as any other creek of the samo slw and length on this coaU. Tho mines on Applo gate, Suckrr, Calico and Jovrphlno (.'reiki, and la titer localities In the county, uro vig orously norked with vru-Ied success. Old t'uf.on Crcvb, whero the first regular mining was done In Oregon, Is still rich. There Is scarcely a man on tho creek who Is not making good wages ; and many nra renew ing the successes of early times. The mlnrs at this placo during tho post season, havo )ecn more productlvo than In auy preceding year since 18.1C, both In the aggregate amount laKtn irom mem, ami in proportlou to tue number of men on the crek. In many respects tho mines of Josephine i have great advantages. Among the greatest of thews Is the fuellity with which un nbun dauctt of water can bo brought to almost auy placo whero It Is wanted. The t-o forks of Illinois River, ncd .lliou Sucker and Ap p'egate Creeks, all of them largo streams, hvo their sources la thu Slillyou Mountulosneur the southern boundary of tha county, nnd throughout tho year are kept well filled by tho rains la winter and the melting snow In summer. Iho water of theso streams can, by ditshes, be conducted to nearly ull points lu thu. county, tthero It Is needed, at an cxpcne through branches of the LcgMuture, aud Is which Is very light compared with tho cost of 'only tow awaiting tho signature of tho Cover works of equal utility la ether mining regions, nor to become a law. This thieving measure or to tho public benefit and private revenue j takes tho last and only remaining source of which would follow their construction. Tho irovinuo to which lh city of San Francisco was truth of this has been clearly demonstrated by onco entitled to from her waterfront. The the workings of the Williamsburg ditch, ana of a ditch which bos been running at Sailor Diggings (or several years. Italics thoso al ready completed, them are several largo water iiit;Us in process of coustruction ami many ctheu contemplated, some of which will doubt less sooii bo completed. Tbo people of the county not only know tho proBt which will I accrue to the individuals who construct them , but they also realize tho necessity to the pub. lio nros.-rltsr of brlnL-In larM strfam, of , water to the mines by artiAcial channels. Snow ok tiik Mountains. Frout a gentle man who arrived in town Thursday evening. I we learn that tho snow is fast disappeariag on the mountains between Crescent City aud Sil Inr Diggings. Ho thiuki Hums will bo ena bi'oJ to cross oor in ten days. A gang of la borers Is now on the road repairing damages lone this winter. teiP Mr, O'Meara is Rbtrnt Antelope Spring. Whilst tho press and popular mind of Cali fornia are takeu up with news concerning tha Washoe tnlnw, nnd whilst tho popular talk In this region I' engrossed with speculations m to tho richness of the various gold quaitz talcs of Southern Oregon, some persons of this vicinity havo quietly undertaken enter prises, which they arc confident will result In tho discovery of greater mineral wraith than any which has yd been revealed on this coast. In order to make such discoveries In tho region of tho Humboldt River, or rather of testing certain reports that, such discoveries had been made, thrco distinct expeditious havo kin fitted out this Spring ; but so quietly have the parties interested made their preparations, that wo think no tmutlon has been inado of them "by nny newspaper. Soon ufter the discovery of the Ish lead last winter, a couple f persons In whom their ac quaintances confide os bring truthful men, raid they "knew whero thero was any amount of such stuff." Thce two men t rosso I the plains last summer, mil say that a few mites this sldo of Antelope Springs they saw that the emigrant road mado a considerable curto in passing around to Itabblt I lo'c Springs, nud that they could savo somewhat In distance and vary tho monotony of their tlresomo day's Journey by taking a straight course, which would lead them over nn Intervening hill or spur of tho immutulti. In doing this they stopped to rest on a rocky ledgo near the sum mlt of tho hill ; nnd while there they noticed that several of tho detached picas of the rock wcro thickly tet with littla yellowish speck;, and that the rock In tho lodge was of tho samo character. One of them thought It ti bo mica or something of that kind j but upon examination they found that the metal pervaded the rocl: as If In threads nnd that it was malleable in a high degree. When they reached tliclrcamp that night at Rabbit Hole Springs, they tried to pcrsuado their comrades to remain for a few days mid prospect. Hut their proristonj wcro so nearly cxhati.tcd that t was not deemed prudent to stop cun for uno day. Relying on then statements, a company of seventeen, Including ono or both of tho r sons who think they havo mado this discovery, started from tho head of this valley the former part of last week. Tho company goes under tho conduct of Mr. Myrr J mid Is provided with ull things necessary for six months' pros pecting and mining la tho mountains. Several days after tin departure of Mr. Mycr's company, unother company, (with whom wai Mr. Tlmnm, of this county,) left Cottonwood, In Siskiyou county j nnd on last Saturday n third company from Vamhill county, pasted through town having tho samo destination lu view. In this kit company Is Mr. C'nl. Wagoner. Whether tho two Immigrants are themselves deceived or not In regard to the discovery which thry think they have made, It is by no means Improbable that these pro-pccling par tin will bo siiiMTssfut. Tho contour nnd an- penranco of nil tho surrounding country, .,.,,,.,, .. , , "i .. . '. 't.lll. IIHHl.llV? 111. Ik IB HffVl HI minimi wealth ; nnd nearly ull crsoni who havo cut been In the California mine?, upon sv'ii'g , remark that It has all the chamclir- '1-tlcJ of n gold mining region, Autcloiio ..,..,. . ...i, 1....1 ... .1... "... ,' . "" . ... ,.,',,, mine 1 nnd although tha chain of bruku by a tinnow .IckM. yd we . . ..... , , , ., , . . think tlicv IIIU Ml HIV P.IIIIU lllll, Ulll .4lf'll l not Ik' ut all j 1,1 i. i. I... ,i i i ..... and St. Joseph to April M and telegraphic dispatches from Washington ami New York lo April 2d, which will bo found In our gen crul summary of the new. On tho receipt of the news at San Francisco a saluta of iiluo guns were fired in honor of tho achievement, corresponding itlth tha num ber of days which tha Kxpriss occupied in crowing the continent. Other towns in Call Tomtit maulfcstcd public demonstrations of Joy. As thu experimental trip had proved a suc cess, tlioso that follow, wo ure of tho opinion, nill fully the feasibility of the cuter prise, 'lids llxpress will work agrentchan'o Ma the manner or getting news from tho .Nasi, i ns well as nil prlvutu correspondence requiring quick answers. From nny point In telegraphic communication with Sacramento or San Fran cisco, enables nny rio:i to send a dispatch to tho Atlantic Slates, and get an answer lu eigh teen or twenty days. Tho people of the entire Puclflj coast nro under nn cteilastlng debt of gnmiuiiv hi nones, museii x ivO., i no projcc tors of this grent enterprise. Passsok or Tiir. Uci.kiiiuu Ilitu We learn from the Sacraim uto papers that tho in famous measure, known ns Parson's Dulkheadi Hill, has been engineered by bribery aud fraud bill is a swindling piece of legislation, and wo sincerely trust for tho honor of California, that Coy. Downey will not allx his signature to this wholesale fraud. ViTiiDBAWai.. We leurn from the Crescent City lltrahl, that Mr. Jas. K. Johnson has ...til.. I . .. ! !... ! .1 . "" , " ' ' " '"" "' " Crfsce"1 ? wI J W,1 ''' Vu? Co. Wc nro,,orrJr t0J,s ,M,r' - tM route, m..e messeugvr, aim withal the truo ttpo of tho perfect gentleman, He has our kindest wishes lor his tuturo suc cess. Mr. J. P. Mann will hereafter couuect with Wells, Forgo k Co. at that place. CorrRR Oik. We are under many obliga tions lo Mr. Dedrlck. of Crescent City,, for a beautiful specimen of ore, containing silver and copper, taken from tho " ICvoca-' lead. It Is nearly purr, and If the balance of tho lode proves as rich as this specimen, it will be woitb an i immense fortune to the owners. Oregon Items. The municipal election at 1'ortlaud, on the 2d lust., resulted In the election ol the follow ing gentlemen t 0. Collier Bobbins, (Hep.) Mayor 0. lltsley, (Ucm.) Recorder j H. Was scrman, (Rep.) Treasurer O. W. sjoodwln, (Dom.) Aseor. .1. C. Alnsworth, 3. David son, A. II. Ifnlloek, M. M. Lucas, A. D. Shel by, Democrats, VT. S. Hlgglngs, A.-O. It. Shaw, Independents, mid K. D. Shattuck and J. Stltiwl, Republicans, wcro elected Alder men. Tho new functionaries have qualified and entered upon the dischargo of then duties. Tho Charter election at Dalles City, camo off on the 3d Inst. James McAuliff was elected Treasurer II. N. Gates, Treasurer Henry Hcdrlck, Marshal. Trustees Fielding C. Ilrown, W. D. Dlgclow, L. W. Coe, Otis S. lavage nnd It. K. Miller. Our Congressman, lion. Lansing Stout, has taken steps, with a fair prospect of snecers, at Washington, to procure the cstablshment of n U. S. Marine Hospital, at l'ortland. It Is to bo Imped that he will succeed In this lauda ble undertaking. Tho Utilitarian Society students of Ham ilton College gave two public exhibitions lately at Kugene City. The Iltreld speaks highly of tho exercises and tho 'advancement made by the students la their studies for the session just closed. On the 7lh lust., the racp between Whit mnrc's " Humpy" nnd Trak'a " F.agle," over the Deer Creek course, In Douglas county, was won by " Humpy," beating " Kaglo" some eighty foct. Col. W. W, Chapman, of Lnne eoun'y, has Issowl a circular, In which ha oilers to repre sent the pcf'plo of Oregon In tho United Slates Senate. Ills sen ices will hardly bo apprecia ted for thnt distinguished position. A new Post OfTico has been established at rtaher's Landing, on the Willamette, somo six orrcven mill's below Portland. It Is called Springfield ? 0. . Comstock, P. M. .Mr. J. W. Wiley, formerly editor of the Pioneer ami Democrat, and for somo years n member of the ' Legislature, died suddenly nt Olympla, W. T., on the 30lh ott Tho Columbia and Willamette Tranportn tlnn Company art bulhling a new steamer of 273 tons burthen. It Is Intended for tho trado between the Cascades end the Dalles. City Marshall foppcus ol Portland was ar rested end find, on the 2d lust., for assault and battery. A company was forming at Albany, Llnu county, to cxploro the country cost of tho Cas cade mountains. Tho latest Intelligence from the SamllU mcen countrjjeport snow and lea In abund unco, with scarcely any gold. Hon. It. K. Stratton was to deliver a lecture before the Callpovan Society, at Corvallls, ou tha evening of tho I3th Inst. Tho mall service on the route between Li fayetto anil Portland has not bo reduced, as Hated, nor nilllt be. It Is feared that the entire fruit crop of comity h us completely destroyed by the late cold weather. Col. Ralcr addrrsrcil a Rcpnblleau mass meeting, at Snhm, on tha "th lust. in . California News. The Capital question Is nt last definitely act. lied by the pusngo of a bill by the legislature appropriating 8100.000 for thu erection of a ices may boiSiaio Lapnoi uonmieii ny i.aini .,nr.u lentil ,. ...... . ... ..... and Tivclflh streets, bacromento. Tho county of Sacramento Is to pay fur the site. A grand ' ..-ll - . .ir.iL i.. . .1.. in.i. l nan vaiuv un at auirmuvuiv, va tue iaiu, ill honor of thu event. Dr. Stone, who stabtied J. C. Dell, member of Assembly from LI Duradi) county, at Sac ramento, on tho l'.'lli Inst., had an examination nnd was held to ball In the sum of flvo thou sand dollars. At last accounts tho wounded man wus In a very critical condition. The Japanese vet-tel nhtch heralded tho com Ing of tho Japuucso Kmbassy, will remain at Sun Francisco, until the news reaches there from Washington that tho Japanese had ar rived lu that city. I' a III thcu proceed to Ja pan. 'Micro has been n-portcd as contributed for tho llrodcrlik monument, S.I.Cio 23. Over SI. .100 morols known to hatobcen contribu ted. An Iron railing has lately ben construc ted arouud the Senator's grata In Lons Moun tain Cemetery. Iv. J. C. ICcwen, formerly of Sacramento, had a difficulty recently with C. Sims, a law yer In tho IOs Angeles Court House. Kewen fired at Sims with a revolver, and hit a Mexi can In tho leg. Friends then interfered nnd parted tho combatants. The Hoard ol Managers of the State Agri cultural Society havo fixed upon Wednesday evening, September 19th for tha State Fair, when thu opening address will bo delivered. The Fair will closo September 2Cth. A man named John O'Donnell was hung In Sierra county, by a mob, for killing another by ,,,. .,,. nt RMl.M. vnnn..nll nil.! the reasou for killing him, that Improper lull macy existed between his wife and Shields. A liuo of regular packets Is to bo establish cd between Sau Francisco nnd Japan via. Hon olulu. Tho bark Hover was the pioneer tessel and sailed for Kanawaga about tho niiddlo of tho prcseut mouth. Another bloodless duel camo off near Stock ton, on the 12th Inst, between two Hebrew citizens named Oppenheimer aud Fraukentbal. After exchanging three shots tht parties de clared themselves satisfied. 'i'ho tiolden Gate, with advices to March 20th, from New York and New Orleans, ar rived at San Francisco on tho 12 Ik, Her news has been anticipated. Commodore Tatnall, Flag-Officer of tbt China Squadron, and General Johnson, of the Utah command, left on Iho steamer of the oils for Washington. D. Farriugton, of Yreka, was lately thrown down a shaft, forty feet deep, and was seriously injured. A large and enthusiastic meeting was held In San Francisco, by persons opposed to tho Uulkbeald measure. The Senate passed a bill appropriating thir ty thousand dollar lor the establishment of a State Reform School. Town lots lo Carson City command very high prices. A lot with 22 feet front on Main street was sold for 81,850. 0u. Castro, Governor of Lower California, was assassinated by Manuel Marque, on the 3th Inst-, near Santa Tow a;, i Politic follticsd. Kdttnrd Dales' "rriinonso to the seven ones- ttons pronouudi'd by the Commlttco ol tho Missouri Republican Convention appeared In the St. Louis Dcmntrat! First He answers' that he Is opposed to tho extension of -slavery Into the Territories. Slntcry is it social relntlon. i domesllo liisll tutlon, nnd exists by local law within the Stales. Tho (Mernmint has no control there. Tho Territories aro not sovereign like the States j the nationals supremo over them. The National (Jovcrmncnt has power to per mit or forbid slavery. In his opinion tho splilt nnd policy of Iho Government ought to bo ngalust extension Second Ho answers emphatically, that the Constitution does not carry slavery luto the Territories. Third Ho answers that helms always been in favor of tho colonization of Irce blacks, and thinks thu, tropical regions of America offer it fur better piospcct fur whites and blacks tlmu Africa. Fourth Ho answers that he recognizes no distinctions nmong American rilitcns, excrpt thoso laid down by the Constitution. J In holds that Iho (loternmeht is bound to pro tect nil In tho cnlnyincnt of their rights every where, ami ngalust ull who nall them. As lo thesu rights tin ro is no difference between citlrens born and citizens made such by law. Firth Ho Is strongly In favor of n railroad from tho Mississippi river to tho 1'uclfic. He regards it ns n necessary means for national defense nnd for preserving tho Union. Sixth Ho Is In favor of it Honiestcsd Dill. Seventh He thinks that Kansas ought to bo admitted without dclsr. leaving her tin) sole Judge of her Coutltrith)o, I no menus vr Bennier Uigicr rtecm it ne cessary wholly lo dipy the statement, thnt pre vious to his diction us' a delegate to Charles ton he pledged himself to tola for Douglas after the third ballot. Tho subji'jt as to tho change of tho place for holding the Contention from Charhstoti to ll.uumore is run nmier liiiiIiI ration. Tho Charleston miners ridlculo tho Idea ns absurd. 'I hey my mi imrllcs but tho Conven tion has the nov.rr, and trooil rare will bo lukcii or all Hie ili'liiMtc. Alrenilv ono nun- drcd have bci-n hit itwl to privulo houses. It was greatly pi-iTcrrul that outsiders should slay away licticc they were left to tako euro of thenielvc.. The Second District Maryland Democratic uonveniion, mi rucsiisii iippoinieii tv, , (iittiugs nnd T. Monit.isdelemites to ClmrleS' ton. Strong resolutions against Squatter Sorcrctfiitv wirti tiassri!. It is talil tliat beimtur Hunter Is certain of a majority of Iho Mrgmlit d.legnllon totlie Charleston Contention, us tho Democratic Presidential nominee. A majority of tho rllegates elected to the Charleston Convention from Xorth Carolina are for DooirUs, On the 2d of March, ex-(lov. Iiwe, nt tho Democratic Mnto Com cut ion held ut Haiti more, ns President of the Commlttco on Iteso lutlons, repurtid it series of resolutions, c. primitc cf strong Southern Kinllninils jileilglng the ienpto of the State to unlto with their Soutliirn brethren, nnd maintaining at all hnr.tnls the rights and lltlcul privileges of tho Nutioiial Coiiventloii of! as the true Democratic crccil, standing on the policy of lion-Intervention of Cougrv. with slavery lo tho Territories in npproved by the Con gress ol IB.'iC mul acts neither of Congress nor of tho people In the Territories cun Inter fere propuly tvitli what Is a Judicial question. The resolutions upprove of the ginirul Hiliey of tho Admlulstmllon, and phde Iho support of Maryland to ths nonilniv of the Charleston Convention. Tho resolutions were unaiil niiitisly adopleil. SK-eeliei were nmdi', urging the propriety of nominal tig thu strmuest man beloro tho pcopln fur iho Presldeiii')'. Wm.T. Iliiiiiillou, Wool fi ud mul John II. Ilnury wen' eleclcil1 Iruleiotis nt lunro. L. I mo mul J. U .Martin were chosen ICIeetora ut large. I lit IMcsatcl were unpliiljtJ, t.ui conslderiil untl-Doiiglus. Iliu.eteulii l.oiijrmsional lilstrietor vir- clulii delegnti's to Charleston lire unanimous in their prtfertneo for W lc. Strung n-iolu-lions wcru lassed nv'alnst Snuatter Sover- "IK"'-' i nu ireiiioerano uonteiiiioii oi i.vueiniuri; District, Va.. on March '.'.'Id, electol Hunter dc'lTMtl'. The Jtcri'ihlirons of the Ninth District. I ICy.. W. hate iipiMihitnl I Hand mid II. Howes dcli-gates to t hlengo. At tlio municipal ekitloii In Ciiicliinall the DeuiDcritts weiu triuinphuiit. At the iii'inlclnul eleclloil lu St. Louis n majority of tho Couucihm-ii nre Democmts, four Ilciiulillcaii'. four AnieriTuus, nnd one In- dteiident. School Dinx-tnrs : seven Repub licans, uno Democrat, umi one American. At tha inuulcipal elections lu Michigan the R.Miubllcaus sueeiTilol nt Ann Arbor br nn Increased majoriiy; nt Ailnilu by y milorlly ! nt (irand It. i pld'. by Ifi ; at Jackson, by ISO; cud ut Flint, l.'oldivnter mid llillsdalo by tlm usual m i critics. 1 ho Democrats sueatsled ut Oinlsxo by 200 majorliyi lit Yplluuti, by 100; at .Mies, uy :hi ; uiiii in runiiae, ny in. I'ho CoiinrrtHit election was vlnvlr coil' testeil. It wus the most excitlu? cter held In tin Slate. Tho iK-onlc luradul with banners unci inusio in i no iiuureni towns, i niching- ham, thu ltepubllenti caiidldato for (Jovcrnor, ts reporl to bo elected without u doubt, nod both branches of tho I-e.'Wutnro urn ltenub!!. can t tho llou.o by two thirds, and the Senate, according to returnnl otimates, thirteen lie- puiilleans mill utglil IK'inwruls, n mo towi.s tu bo heard from comu in tin.' Mine its last year, llucklugham's majoriiy will bo 1,000 in tho ntate. Tho Vera Crus Affair. Tho AVashliigton correspondent of the New York Tnlune of tho 22d March sits, that Gen. Maroul wr.s formerly n commander in tho .ili-Aicuii .iniy. iir Miniiiiiiviiv nu. i- seised of all Information that had pissed be- iwoou .tiaroui aim .Mr. .iicidne. inc u. . Itenrrseiitatlvo nt Vent Ciuz. Mr, McLunu had rcccivtd Instructions nccnrdinulr. Mo roni had a credit on the bank for S80.000, which was subsequently Incrcnseil, In order to puchasu war steamers for Mirumon. The motcmeiits of Maroul had been closely watched from the time Im left Havana. " The Minister ut Washington was intorined of the intention of our Government to discourage tho blockade, and of Minister McLano's In.tructlons to that effect. It wits understood tho Hritlili Minister acquiesced In that policy, upon Iho ground that Mexican privnteers might bo fitted out to tho serious injury of commerce on tho Gulf of Mexico, Muils from Mexico arrived at New Orleans on tho 2lt March. It appears that Commo dore Jnrvis first pronoocd that if Juarez would plaeo tho fadiancla und tho Half at his dis posal, ho would Intercept Mlramou's expedi tiou. He subsequently determined, however, upon a strict neutrality, utiles lorceu to act otherwise. Intercepted letters from Mlnimon say that tho Capital was seriously threatened by the Liberals, nnd he asks ulstanco. Two Spanish men-of-war were seen several nights, scudiug war materials ashoru to Mir anion, ' Two flags of truco from Miramon to the French nnd Ilrltlsli Consuls wcru refused ad mittance to Vera Cruz. Thu prisoners on board the steamer Marque: wero taken In-fore tha U. H. Court, at New Orleans, on tho 20lh of March. A Washington dispatch, dated 22d March, states tho Vent Cruz prizes and Mexican pris oners aro likely to create cinburruument. The statute provides lor tho distribution of arms, officers and men t but tho question arises, who arc '.ho Captors I This must first bo deter mined by n Court of Admlrality, os well as tbo piratical character of tho expedition. 'I he whole ease rests upon-the assumption that when the Indianola approached Moroni's steamer, alter a shot had neen fired lo bring her to, nnd failing, alio was answered by a volley, if tho liuliaiwta and Wnve bolongcd to Juarez, and wcro known to bo his, by Ma roul, ho could hardly supposo that American officers and sea men wcro participating In the wnr, and d'JiibtlcM lie intended to treat them us purt of it hostile armament of Juarez. Tho l'tcl'U will bring tho main body of tho prisoners to New Orleans. She was daily ex pected there. A special dlrnatch fiom Washington states that Spain will bo called ou for au explana tion regarding tho fitting out of the expedi tion nt Havana. If tho explanation shall not bo satisfactory, tho neutrality laws, so far as regards Spain, n'.'l bo suspended. Vera Cruz dates to 14th Mai eh, have been received nt tho hour of my telegraphing. Miramon bombarded the city on tho 13tli. i.uiio iiumago was uono. A detachment of Mlrumotrs troops Irom Aivarniiowcre nuacucu aim completely routeu uj mo i.iueruis. A Hag of truce wns scut to Juarez on 14th March, which resulted in a suspension of hos tilities. A military Congress, composed of roreign tiuvcrnmciits, met on tho same even ing. Thu result is, as vet, unknown. Ills reported that Aliramon has abandoned tho sidgc, deserted his army, nnd token refuge on board thu French fleet. Mlramou's com munication with tho city of Mexico wns cut off and It was eutd that tho Capital had pro nounced ngalust hint, and that tho army was diverting him. Tho U. S. Marines were at Tamplco on lltli March, whcio nil wns quiet. Latest nccounts from New Orlcnni stales that Mlramou's steamers returned the Sara toga's fire, end when the Indiiinoht pursued the Miramon the latter fired ou her. Tho ludianola returned thefircnud tho crew boarded tho Miramon nt thu point of tho buy- onvt. A portion of tho Indlunol.vs deck wns car rlnl itwnv by nshot. The Mirumon wns run ssround. The Saratoga brought the Marqncz to the two si earner?. It Is stated that tho expedition cost 8300, 000, nnd wus mostly furnished In Havana by thu Gotcrnment under a tecret urtlcloofn treaty. Captain Turner nskeil General Marin why he llnil on tho American vessels without pro vocation. Marin replied that the men could not bo controlled. Ho knew tho nationality of tho .S'ltrnfogn nnd understood her signals, but tlio men llriM contrary lo tils orders. Turner nplliil I ' You nre entirely rcspon sibloforthooutruKC." Juarez hud Iwuid a proclamation declaring Marin's expedition piratical, und authorizing uny one to capture ll. Our Government had not up to the 2d April determined what to do In tho premises. Tho matter Involves much difficulty. Congressional. Wilson Introduce! a bill for tbo establish ment of flvo steamships ndaptcd to tho African coast suppressing (lavo trado i also, for order ing iii.iruciions 10 ino Judiciary committee to retort a bill for tho substitution of Impris onment for life iustcrul of death, nnd applying pin ii pumsiimriii, to persons lining out siave ships nnd havliiir Interest In them i nlso. n Joint resolution authorizing tho President to negotiate Willi other nations Tor the right to search within two hundred miles of th west const of Africa. A it ushlnoton dispatch adds that a re- marknblo change has taken plaeo in tho last lotty-cluht hours among the inrmliers opposed io i no ,ii:ar;iKii.i uini .ii i-j nan ireuiup. The Doinoeratlo and Republican Senators each had a caucus Tuesday tnoriiliiir ou the siilijict. Tha Democrats tllcuscd Iho pro. prist or closing all cllorts to maKo nny irtaty with Spanish Aim-riot, since thu Republicans brought matters lo a dead loib. 'the discus sion wns warm, lu tho Reiiiibllenii Caucus. Dixon and sov- ernl others joiiwd with Wilson lu the policy imiiraicd y u.eir voio on l no Mcaingua trenty. An efiort will Lo mvlo to resuscitate and pass tho treaty with soma mollification, and It pioniises lo bo successful. A licit cxecutiva sosslon wns held on Tues day, and preliminary steps taken. I'ho Coinmlllfo on Public lands. In the Senate, propose to substitute a bill drafted by .1011111011,01 leniiessce, lor mo uouso inn. Johnson's bill excludes from benefits single men over twenly-ouo years of age, nldowei without, und foreigners who declare their Intentions nfter tho passage of thu net. und allows only alternate sections, ll Is said the Renubllcniis will accept this If they cun get nothing bettir. Halo ollered a resolution, which wns adopt. cd, for tho Preshlitit to Inform tho Senate if tiny Instructions wero given lo thu officers of mo .nvy, uy wnieii, in any vteni, me navui furivs of tho United rilutis wero to tuko pait lu tho civil war lu Mexico, or by what author, ity certain Mexican sleamers were captuied an I their officers and crow made prisoners. On the rendition providing lor Iho taking of testimony in tlm Sickles contested case, all tno iMiiocrats ami noiitii Americans, tvitli two exceptions Adams und Anderson, vf Kcnluiky voted ngiilust it. On tho ll!tli,ln Mteeutive Session, tho Nica ragua Treaty was rehcteil by tho Senate yeas, 31 1 nu)s, 20. Thu iujuucllon ofKvncy hits been rcinutcd. In tho Senate, March l'Jth, Mr. fine, of Urcgon, otlereil it rtsolutlou Inquiring into tho propriety of making the -ICth parallel of lull Into tho boundary between Oicgou and Wash ington Territory. Adopted. Tho Judiciary Committee havo determined to invcslliritto the elinrgcs ngalust Judge Wu trous, of Texas. Papers huto been liued ac cordiuglr. Mr. Otero, of New Slexleit, lntrolueed n bill authorizing tlio Pre.idenl to cull into kci tlco it rt'cimenl of volunteers for the suppres sion of hostilities in N.ow Mexico. Hurleys proposition ror a government print ing office will bo strenuously urged. It is thought that over 8100,000 a year can be saved. Tho Special Commlttco or the Pacific Rail road met Tuesday night. Thoso who voted for ono road weiu Ficucli, Feiiton, Aldrich, Stout, Phelps and Hindeinan for two roads, Curtis, Ulack, Scott, Suiilh, Taylor, Kellogg. Tho Commlttco meet n train next Friday, und perhaps u may recommit r lis action, ns tviuter .. ..-.. .. ml.. navis wus absent. -o single rouie, no mat ter how or where located, can pass the Senate under Iho cxlstinir statu of parties i henco If such n bill bo insisted on, the road may bo considered as dead tills session. Pkrsonai.. Col. R.JtlksandJ. W. Steer, two prominent citizen of Kerby vllle, paid our town a flying visit In tbo early part of the week. Col, J. have Kcrbyvllle in a few weeks for Mississippi, to bring hi family to Oregou. Wo wish him a sufe and speedy journey to his old home, and a quick return back again, as Kcrbyvllle can ill-afford to lose many of her citizens like Col. Jelks. Auctionkkb Persons wishing to dispose of their properly at publlo auction, would do well to secure tho services of Angus Ilrown, as auctioneer. Wo cun recommend, as quite an adept In this particular business. . Arcaor Saloon, This new establishment will bo opened this evening, fitted up in neat style, and prepared with musical enter lalnmcut. 96F The Emir of AJir is coutlns;. t& J. A. Hrunner & Uro. received yester day a few new Spring and Summer Goods by way of Red Hluffs and Yreku. They will also receive In a few duj s, via. Red Wufoi, a full and complete stock of Ladles and 'Gents' Furnish ing Goods. ndv-lt SPECIAL NOTICES. San Francisco Agency. JTHOS. 110 YCK, General Newspaper Agent, Sun Francisco, Is the authorized Agent of th Onr.dox SKNTisfi. for that city. Office corner of Montgomery and Wabliigtn streets, up stairs. WARREN LODGE No. 10, A. F. & A. M AIIOI.1l their regular communications thu Wtdnefday Evenings on or preceding alio full moon, in l JACKSON vii.i.k, onv. G. W. ORKKR, W. Rcmm, Set'y. M. II. GRAND CAMP OF OREGON. X. tO. of IE. .M.MKM II. WAU1S, Omul iSnra tar J. off i of at at.vnwm.r.E. ohkoox, To whom nil communications to Grand Camp should bo KiMrcsscd. Information concerning the onler may nlso lio had by addressing any ol the following Grand Senators I Thomson Waiip, Salem j Ii M. llowtrtv, Jack- lontllti'i K. C. Limn, Oakland ( Wm. V. ltixi: iltur, Napoleon N. C. IIowmin, Oakland Jas. It. WAiu:, Can)ouvlllo 1). A. Kick, G. L. Notemlter 12, l&W.-istr '"' WirtarTBalsamirWiid Cherry Tho only pure und guiuluo llal.-ain Is, and for tlu last twenty years, has been prepared by Skw v. 1-iiwi.i: k Co., of llostuii and their printed name, m well ns thu w rllleii signature of I. IIitts, appear ou the outtr wrappers. As you would avoid thu spurious nnd have the gen uine, . sioiie Wirr This Invnluablo remedy WisrAit's of Wit.n CiiKimr Is the best one extant for tho safe, speedy ami Krniaiicnt euro of coughs, colds, loro throat, bronchitis, asthma, plciulsy, pneumonia, croup, whooping couuli, bleeding at Iho lung', pain In the breast or side, and lu fact cvrry form of throat, chest and lung complaints, as well as co.l'umoN It self. This household remedy should be In the hands of every family and IndltMual, as a timely ap plication of It to a slight cold will cause Imme diate relief j white cases of long standing, obsti nate, and of apparently Incurable, character, will surely yiild lolls wonderful curative powers ami lis great adaptation to thu wants of man when afflicted. For sale In California by Tttddlngtoii .t Co., Henry Johnson k Co., Charles Morrill, San Francisco It. If. McDonald ,V Co., Sacramento j Wee, Coffin A Co., MuryMlllct and by Smith A Davis, Portland, Oregon. March 2 1-lOly. DIED. On Motility. Iho lnt.a Ki'iizx, second m of ur. A. aim a. i uvcroecK. aceu kvco sears sun seven months. ni:w a i) vi-:utisi:.sI i:nt.s. OAYUSE HORSES AT, PUBLIC SALE! Till! nndirslsncd will sell at l'ublle Auction, un his much near Gold Hill, on .Saturday the SHth Day or April, .IJouf TU'HSTY-SIX iWcgoo.1 J OAYUSE HORSES. 39H TKItMSi-Hlx moiillis credit with aiiprurnl m-eurlly. alo In I'niiiiiitnrent 1 1 o'clock. A. M. TIHW. KAVANAUGH. A miii; llitutvst, .Iiirf. April 21, IHr,ii..2w-ii. A.ncb":iF" " S .im 1 jxilS FINCH & RYAN. rTM I ft undersigned having fltteil up thoabovo .L rttalilhhmi-nl on Callfonilu, Ix-iween Ore Third ami streets. In n siqierlor style, will glvo Mnnioal Entertainment), Aad Zffogro M iattrolsy, ofivrnlnu's.and riiruMi tho KINKST I.I- QUOItS AM) CltiAKS, that can bo procured In Iho city uf Sau FntiiclM.-n. t. FINCH, II. F. RYAN. Jacksonville, April 21, I8C0.-H. AMERICAN Ox'oassoent Olty rili;aceomnm.lulou'. lolli In tho K ATI SO J. nnd Sl.fM'lXO tfl'AltTMKXTS.utua. equnllrd by Hiom. of any linii In this part or tin- Sla'p. The JlOOJlSur oclnui ami newly fiiruMicd. and ctcry attention paid to Iho com fort of lodgers, 'i-O, lle.t accommodation can bo extended to t'AMItJKS, nnd nt most modcralo directions. M. J. MoNAMARA, Proprietor. April 21, !B.lMM(tl.'B.-'Jl.:Mt.. TIIK copartnership heretofore existing under thonamoof Km.I'iU'I X HfaiienT, Is ill.- solved from lliis dato by Iho retirement of Hum bert. J. O. KKI.LnGG, A. IIUMIIKKT. San Francltco, April 2, 16C0. Tm: undersigned will contlnuo tho business of Melting and Assaying Gold aud Silver, at the old stand of Kellogg A Humbert, No. 108 Mont gomery street, uuder Iho stylo aud firm of Kellogg, Ilewtton K Co. They trust that Iho manner In which the large buslucu entrusted tu this establishment during Iho past sctcn years has been conducted, will be a guaranteo to the publlo for the future, and will Insure to them a liberal share of patronage. l'urtlcular attention will bo paid lo tho anal ysis of Ores, Minerals. Metals, Waters, Fro duct of the Arts, Ac. Opinions on 'theso sub jects will bo glveu at all times cheerfully, with out cuurgu. J. G. KELLOGG. JOHN HEWSTON, J., J. II. 8TKAUN8. San Francisco, April 2, 1 600. Pit. IIcw8Tov, who is an Analytical Chemist and Metallurgist, and who was tbo Urst Meltcr und ltelluer In tho United States Ursuch Mint In this City, has been In cbargo of tho Melting and Auay Department In tho otuco of Kellog Humbert for thu past uvo years. Mr. Stkakns bas been actlug as Cashier for tho samo length of time. I cheer fully commend them to the Dubllo for I heir capability und Integrity. A. HUAlllttHT. April 21, IBGO.-Jru-U I. N. SMITH, Attortti'S' anil CaansclUr at ltv, and SOLIOITOR IN QHANCERY, Ivrvallli, Urrgn . J A LARGE 8TOOK GOODS FOR SALE AT REDUCED RATES, rapjtK tnrfterrlirncil nre now 'OflVl Ing their Utgt JL and vxteusite stock of BUY GOODS, &a, At Reduced Itatcs FOlt ttASlit. or lo prompt men, due the first day of July next, as IlieCo-pitrtiien-hlp existing b-ilwecn tbo urn derslgncd expires by limitation at that thw ami they te i1elioiis of closing out their stock in order totlose tq) therr Iifisliicss. All nnd every Ktron ktrowing themselves Int deblrd In the Hi in of Amiciihov .V (il.r.NX, ellliet bv XOTi: Ott UOOK AOMt.Vi; must posi tively pay up by tho First tint of .Inly, next, as they are determined to settlo up their out' standing lmslnc.. ANDF.RSON A GLENN. Jacksonville, April 12, IM.lJ"iiJL-.C-JLji.- rpilK Co-pnrtnorshlp heretofore existing be 1 ttvecn IIAKKIl k lll.OOM Is this iav dis solved by mutual consent. All thosu nhu hatu claims' ngalnst us will plen-o present their m: omits, mul nil who aro indebted to us aro earn estly rcnucsltil to come forward und settle, as II. iJal'cr Intends going to tlio Atlantic States, JIKNIIY IIAKKIl, 1IKRMAN UI.OU.M. Jncksoiulllo, April 11, 18H0. zx. Bloom, Is llisnlilul to the neontu of Itoirun ltlvnr Valley for their post favors, and still solicit their patronage, fur tho future. Ho Intends lo leavo for San Francisco In a few days for tho puipou oi uriuging up ins SPRING- STOCK, ami will continue his business, nt his old stand, In Dr. MiCnlly's two-story fire-proof brick build, big. II. lll.OOM. TO CAPITALISTS! PAUTII'-S owning a fsOM) QUAItTZ X MAiOK between the Futks of Jackson Creek, which has pi o peeled cxceeillngly favor nbti, nnd promises to 1m txtensltc, nre ileslrlou of obtaining Iho nld of persons who havu thu menus to erect a Crushing Mill upon Iho ground. Liberal nrnitigi'tncnt will bo perfected wlln persons w bo may engngo In the enterprise. Fur particulars apply to I)n. L. GANUNG, or, S. II. TODD, April II, 18C0..1a' Jacksontlllv. TO THE PUBLIC ! I.IM now doing business In my new lire-proof store, nnd have u good stock ofevery variety BHARDWARi:, nilOCKRIKrf, DRYGOOD.S. CLOTHING, 1 1 ATS, IIOOTri AND .SHOKrf, IRONAND.STKKL, GUN AND RLACK.S.M1TH T001.H, Krpatrlnit in-tlirlal for fire-arms, revolt er, etc., all of which I am anxious lo sell Tor 0h or Traflo t and will sell as Low ns the tery Lowest Ilfiil I'. J. II VAN. I'.X. -Ileit'ler, If you owe me niiy thing come nnd pay. I'. J. It. HARDY ELLIFF " HAS rrrclrd a NVw ami Commodious Taw rru Hlaiel at tbo .Soulli Kud or Iho lllg Canyon, DOL'GLAH COUNTY, O.T., Where bo Is prepared lo accommodate Ihe jmb. lie In cihhI .III''. M1' The Innir resilience of llt prnprh'lor at this point piecludis Iho neceMlly of nylng that Hits Table wilt lie ns well furuLhrd us the country nd'ords, TCtLO StCVlDlO lsuppllii with Hay and Grain In alMindsnce. Anlio.ils w rvcvltit particular nttenllnn. lit cry ntlfiilloii vt(d to remlir those who call comforlitblu and sullsfietl. 4Mf Zasformatioai Waated. OF AI.I'.XANDKIt l'ATTKItSON, late of Iho Knmoiil Hotel, (ia.liurg. He left Yre ka on thu 23.1 of Mar h tor his home, aud was la.t rn-en at l ho Itglo Itaiicb, ten miles north of Vnku. lit) lode a bay pacing mare. Mr. Fat teixui Is a small man, dark coiuplexloui-tl, and itliout 26 yiiirn of age. Ills former rcldtncu wus In Scott's Valley, county, Cat. Ho was known to hat ew lib blin over 02000 In gold. It Is ft-un-d lliul ho has bi-eu inunleretl. Any Information eoncernlui! him will ho gratefully r. eel vi. I by Mr. J. 1. IIUUNI-S, Fremout Hotel, Gitsburg, O.'ii., or ut the orllco cf Ihe ORKOON SKNTINKU April 7, IAi.O.-12-ir DR. JOHN HERRBOLD, SURGICAL AND MECHANICAL t-wamirmrmmM-Mrm DH. IIKHIIOLI) annnuuers lo bit. form i r patrons ami l lio publle gem-rally, that ho has returned In Jaekiouvlllo and locateil per manently, lo cugHgo In the practlco of his pro fesslon. Tllirril extractiil, and nil ills-. cans or lilts J. llVf ASP TKKTil, 1 treated and cuml. Trolh filliil In tho most approved manner, and warranted for two years. Teeth Inserted, uud entire plate mado to order. All my work will bo executed at ercatlvre- diicitl prlccm nri-oiuiiry proiiueo or every description, woo.1, coal, eggs, butter, poultry, stock, Ac., taken In payment nt tfolnir market prices, a ruiA, Hut my terms aro luvurlaUy CASH. CAMK to Iho risldenco of tho subscriber at Furl Hays, Joseiihluo county, aud taken tip on or about Ibu 1st day of March, IDliO, One Ilrown Horse, lrlo nn forehead, both forefeet while, branded on the right shoulder with 1111, (II 11 connect, cd) scar on left hip. Al.o, Oho Mho Kiiuuish Horse, right hind foot while, SpanUli ,rand onlcn hip. Thu ow uer cun havo tnciu by proving proper ty. im Ing charucs und expenses. March 21, IbbO. J. DltOWN. If otice toTarmere I The l'roprlctor or the FARMERS' MILL WILL Exchange, giving 30 lbs. of Su nerflno Flour, with Kannun' Mill Kr.mS ou It, m lbs. of brau, nud !l lbs. of short, far each bushel of good clean Wheat. WM. HESSE. Formers' Mill, 8ept. IS, 1838. JW . IS hereby elrcn that I was not a partner In tb hurcka Hotel, but a boarder, and will pay no debts contracted by Ihe Company, au iriuin uro uno nercoy wavneti not to trust inv wife. ZlXV Gimmi. nn. inv anrnnnl. as 1 will not becomo responsible for auy debt sho may contract. 1 UANUNG. Jacksonville, April 11, ISCO.-wl-Iil. "W"arLtoca.! OC CCC WHICH Thoso owing 4P V JJ V) ns are rcrpiested to rail , as sooiv poiiDic. "Ktery little help,'." MAURY A DAVIS. ' 2l 'r A 1 jPaUaW4tsS1'n(aBakVlijV