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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1858)
miMfcni MMPlHlllMMHBtBBHiilBgniw -oMa-a ssaaai&tt'"i ii'ii. "-'- H?SHMMHr ' . 3sr v4 Bje9SbX, gs-aWli3aiBl, sBwa h. . Ayttil..alBBMl(MlMBBWBgMlBJKW!WhJflW ! .- asa9F" t'-' wniwi i ypffi JVWMHHWIrBiBW IfPHi I ' I MrWMInBWfflHWWIIIHIMIHMlr HffHMHi - - 'SfflWJinffimwmm&S&H. 8!2r SjffliBsHsj .a ,i imiw JiiWILnr ii i Mr i IwwMtfHili &r"-yf, "$ 1&l!t?9 '? J of public buildings, and tsvolvo salt I iKu, " gvon ro Ibo Stuto, to ba dls i l mil a mnnnnp bi ll... T I !;u!lure shall provide ; and (he usual per.cenlB on ,n0 no Proceeds from L nU of public lands within our limit!, making hi tho aggregate, ninety-1 J tkh tuousana nvo nuiinrcu and sixty iurioi lami, esowoivo 01 mo luin i ,d ith wctions i forty.flvo thousand ud eighty acres oi wnicli is to lio np-., . aiikaitkii li 10 educational purpose. XlJ'JEWJSLHY MADE TO ORDER. jnd Ittid ill any or tho vi.llvys, west J tht Cascade range of mountain. ' . I -! l.l- ...llla ......! J t. c? b. located under the Provi,ion.; 01 ii" tmsr ho expected to say somctliinn!1 ta rvlation to the courso 1 mny pursue otil, In the discharge of tho duties ori' ,ieple assigned mo by the partial- , i'T 01 ieno --ciiuDiis. ". .. .... ii. .1! i . r it.- j.ij. n( llin nrliRO of fJrii-nrnnr with I I milt uirvii .iiv ui.iiiiniKU u. iiiv.i CDllT UjtUU lllU UIVUIIlllU Ul IlIU AgJnce and misgivings ns to myIVidnE'"!0 V01reiJutd iol'Pr l"frs! UE.J I. discharge the duties of ,o j- li sua retiionstuio nn oineo in n earner to suusorvo nnu nuvnnco mo I ti interests of tho State; hut, shnll It gurcrned strictly bv the constitu lion, truilin" much to tfie wisdom, In- ttllince nnd patriotism of tho Legts- litart snd tho people, endeavoring to . t .1... t...i f it. .n!A ri.i. ClKMrgc uiu uuuca ui uiu uuiuc iniiii fiilr, impartially nnd to tho best of .. .I.ilift Tnp llin fnmrnn rrnnfl 1 1 uj sunny lor mo common gnouj'TbuiiiTUKY OK OUEtiUN, efslL , 1 shall endeavor lo keep politics ns urrtmorcd from my oiiicial nets ns bit he consistent with tho clrrum. tuners which brought about my elec L-oo. It is tho doctrine of nil parties lilt the agents of tho party in powor ibonld he selected from that patty licb is responsible for tho manner in vkh the government Is administered, ssd my administration will form no exception to tho gcnoral rule Much u I should regrut to rxcrciso that prU tilt; under tlio constitution, wherein lit Governor is clothed with a negative poutron nil subjects of legislation, viti shall never shrink from.tho exrr cue of the veto power when, in my opinion, my ontli, or the public good li.-niaiid it. I desire, gentlemen, at this time to offer my thanks to tho poople of Ore- goo for their confidence, ns expressed , bv thdr selection of myself ns thel lead of tho cxecutivo department of lie State, pledging myself ngniust the abate of that ennfidenco, ofiuring you the assurance that whatever -.bility 1 miy possess shnll be brouglit to the ducbargo of tho duties of my position. J congratulate you on the happy and prosperous condition of our coun try .our f.j.'w -jy lienUb nil proa. Lnuor divine providenco we are biciuu with nuundant linrvosts,1 and it is fittinrr that wo. nt this time. ' commend our tntunt Stnto to tho pro-' lection of an all wise being. ji Tho bili relnting to courts passed. I The Slate tax bill was tnken up.nndtj after some debnto tho tax was fixed nt; " 1 n mill. l; . . - . . 'i Mr. Tichonor introduced a bill to establish county soat of Curry at the1 mouth of Uoguo Itiver. I'nssed. jj J'tiiDAr, July 0. . StNATU, Tho revenuo bill passed, J stid some other business transacted, i Adjourned sine die. il ujnurncn sine uie. ;) Hofsi:. Mr. Nelson, of Vnmhill,!. .igned. Soat tieclnrod vacant. 1 ho revenuo bill passed, and some, itt other husinrss done. I Tho Speaker nddrcssed tho House , as follows; l Gentlemen of the House of Renre iciuaincs : i am gratified to Know that you deserve my hearty thntiks for the aid rendered mo during tho few days 'vehave been in session; and I beg , to he nlllowod to congratulate vou , upon the peace, harmony, and genorul personal kindness that bns prevailed durins tho political contest for United Slut.. .. ....i.. i i. . ...... r &utes beim tors. It Is a lourea of jJeasuro to all, that all conflicts of po. ' ' -"- 'HW. WWK.V- w. W.-,,W. hlical opinions have not been allowed to disturb any personal relations. IliluInn Mnini.lAlml ll.n ..-!. m w. !. .1....I.. --i ..t ! horse, some saddle marks, and ahai Mutely necessary at the present time,. I round wllon ,10 c, A'1)v i(lrurm tl'A -....... .1 . . 1 ..1. .. .. m ' . . . v vbiiiiui uui, lucn, pari in pence, j asking the blessing ond protection of. Providence ; nnd that we may be por- j milled lo meet in this Hall again on j the second Monday in Soptentber next. ' This House Blends ndjourned. j C"The California Stage Compa ny's conch leaves Yreka and Jackson, title an hour later than formerly. The road is in fino ordor, and the trip is very easily mado in ten hours. "Dan" is kind and obliging to everybody, ns many of our subscribers can testify. Ricn.uto IhioTiictis of tho Daily Newspaper Depot, Yreka, has furnish ul us regular files of San Francisco and Sacramento daily papers. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Illinois ' alley FLOURING MILL rIMIE Proprietors would Inform the Pub JL lie that they are prepared to inaufnc lure the besl arliela or suiPifiEiFinii! wwm. ' This Mill is located In the contra of the te.t Flour Morket in Oregon, and svheal will be flourod on as favoruble terms as at Kir mill, in Rome River Vnllcv. Hi-hesl Cash Price pnld for wheal liitf! S. W. BICIIKSOK, WATCHMAKER JEWEBEER, UIII SIDE CALIFORNIA ST.. ocawu .ioor caw o AV Dorado. JACKSONVILLE, 0. T. r tr . "f r w alclics Carefully Bcpalrrd and .hurt or 1'ublic pairmmge. All work will rccuire nromnt atiantion. Htlll tvlll tut aillln.1 11 m. M..a ..-J -I. JSSS 23d, 1858. 23.3 In I)oucln Countr Frobnto Court. TLItlllTOUY OF OUEGON',1 , ct?T or I'"""-"! i "& Winwnis.Admlniiu.tor of K.uio rj llniri ofS. II. Martin. Ordorcd that nit nor.nn. In TEAC SW, livtiAl IH.i4 l lit. uuice in lloniUiiiK, to .1..,. rnuia whf alii uuEr inuuiu iiui us grnnieu in ma minim. I.lmtnr lo tl an iiiucli or the real lata (if the drcaased as aliall be rrquliila In pay filch ailoM-aiicn, cliargti, and dobli at aro ngaimtisid mtala. HJI CATIICART. rrobato JuJCe I) C, O T. J ui j c, tar.a '.'di4 In Donelns County Piobntc Conrl. Tr II If lllll V rL HL.V i Cot'KTr nr Dutcm. ZncIiciii VnuiKiTiiiniid, Adininiitralor of! the C.late of Henry IVarl, dncentcd, Into , nfaaid cuuntr, hating filed llll arc oiilitt' fur final cltliimetit, It it ordered tliaflie' make artllrinent o the account, nf a-Id I "lite on the fir. I djy of the Stiiitember1 j Term rf the Probate Court of aaid county,1 lo tie livid at lloaeburg, in said enmity, on J I the fir-t In September, A. 1). 13.19, where all per. on. itilerr.ttd in a. id ' ,entatn are notified In attend if limy think l 'proner. WM. CATHCAIIT,- j Probate Judge. July C, 16M. 2313 ! rxuiniT f nnCEIPTSAKD EX1TVDITURES , y or Jnckon County, for the year end- lag rune ouia. imi: Amount or oulitatidlnj: County Warrnuts July 1st, 1867, ex clusive nf Interest. $10,051 31 Amount of County Warrants Is sued from July 1st, 1857, to Juno 30th, HUB, Inclusive, as lOIIOVtS ,or "l,c,?K". r Vur,V"', .. h Kf.1 rl, 3,278 37 1,233 BC tonen. County Offlccru, l'ces nnu bai.tnrt, 1 " County Paupers, Elections, Rfvcniie, " " Public Uulldings, 1 ' ' Rents, 1 " Roads, 1 MlMcllancous expenses, -LG08 CB " 3CA 26 1'.'.'. 30 I mi so i 1,333101 SCI 2A I 118 00 201 COl 14,431 31 $3t,102 C6 I Deduct amount of County War- rantu -eHleeni-il iinil riinfll.t. 17,11123 1 Ilalance of Warrants outstand ing, exclusive aflutercst, Juno 3Ulb, 1S38, lfl.95B43il WM. IIOKKMAN, .! Auditor J. C. '! 2814 0OC C. Boekmatt will accept our ,"",k rr &" f States p.icrs or tho 20th Juno. . KrSomo special notices aro crowd- od out. Will make all right, ' tSIPlBCUAlIi IJB,II(DISB. tsirijlUUViu ijtUUiHUlEK. " WCitem StarLodgoU.D. A.F.& A.M. Rcsular Meetlncs held at their Hall In i Kcrhyvillc, Saturday precetding full moon.' i All members In rjood standlnc arc Invited'1 '.to attend. ... "" (i M. JI. WILLIAMS. W. M. Cain. E. HuiwxKn, Sec. Kerliyvllle, Jan. 1st. 1838. HJul2 Strayed ! T?KOM the Ranch of Jmnet Crow &' -L Co., in Rogue Riser Valley, on or; "bo",.,,."L !. H ''! "r.A '.'.' ' la' UROWN , ,,, ..-., ..A... Ill .... ,,r si.rtiv iiuunc, tome w i no nairs lnle ,9dmeuiu; 8 or 0 old, .tar in forehead, one hind loot ss hitr-, branded on leu shoulder stilli W, andT. under Ihe W, some dim brands nn left hip, rather a hlpb-bonud, rugged looking' shad all; atinn , ending to the recovery vftaid horse will. be suitably rewarded. Such iiiforinalioii can be given to James Crow iV Co., R. R V-llmr. nr (iriieli H. ISInnrfi.. I. llll. Itull. Creek, or to the undersigned at Eugene! (?: muv si'ui'rr a t.-ri I Uily Ja uno IStli. 1836. 27 Action for Divorce. District Court, 3d Judicial District. Lei he Nelson, f r. Action fur Divnree, Grnrge Nelson, j You will please take notice that unlets ynu appear In the District Courl uf the 3d Judicial District of the Territory of Ore gon, on the first day of the term to be held at Itoseburg, Oregon, on the Clh day nf u. ....... i. a n lar.u ....i .....,!.. vciiviiwvi , . . l,w, luu nii ill ilia . r.l,ltin nTlhi, film.. .illniAit nlHimifT lit. l' !'.. .,' -.- .. --.v .....,. ,..H ., ...w same svill bo taken for confeitiou, and the prayer thereof will be Krsnled by tho court. Dated Itoseburg, July 5th IB. A C. GID1I8, Atl'y for Petitioner. To George Nelson, DePt. -7U rKo the Traveling lulllc! fX nAY has taken bis Old Uouse J again. Meals 60 cents; $1 jier nlghl, for Footmen, r.ud Man and Jlurse i-. '!- CALL and try me. W. B.nAY. I TAKEN UP, 1Y the subscriber, an estray American ) Cow, flea billon or red and while tpecklnd, blind In Ihe right eye, square crop off tho loft car, and hat a young calf .May bo found at Meadotva ranch, near John Anderson's farm, In this valley. The owner Is nolllled In psy charges sod tsl.e her assay T. S. MOORE. JulyUjIOM. SOtV a t t-s--ss--BPlrm ' fi""pi'yi V...HBiHnlmK3B" MMMIllll M HII'IJUMUHH llllli III II HHIa i I all- HW I . V-T-5T"EtwaaHrr7rsefr . BBVJBHlHIBIHBIKBBfllHBHMBiHlVBaHBIWlHBSHiHHHHBEtBClWHalritlir lMtitinA r HHHHUJHHiB jCnQfKTVBnR'BSH , t ' "XTv i F'MMMMMMWMMMMMMiyMMmiMiiJtl iTJT ' MHWtlo-Ol iT "' """ 111 MiuiiQut v tuornia. , .im (LirQi!l B0!TS AAW SIEKDBS. Groccrks-liquors - Tobacco - Cigars, OUEENSWARE,!! yr . OILS AND TAINTS. . I .liining- ana Agncvuurai. impicmcntt. XT ARF. NOW ItCCCIVlNn a large! ' T snd welt asierird Slock orOrneral Merchandlne, nhieh we offer CHEAP tun uas I. CASH Thanklnv llin tinlillr Tnr llmlr mtin.i licretofore. wm linnn Iit rlnan nntlnn huilniia to marit ils conlnmance. 2ltf TXCW St'.VtC LIVEBT OT.vt.LE, Corner of California and 4th streuti, JACKSONVILLE, Tr James Class rpilH Stable is large and well arranged, X. and cn.lnmen can be arcominodaieu at a moment', notice with iurmrior SADDLE HORSES, OR 11UGGIES Double or Single. This Stable hai bavu erected sriioarr ciprn.e.and .lucked with the fine. t blood, ed hor.c, well suited for the saddle or harne.s. Uxperivnced grooms alwnya In ntlend anca. Nn pains will bo .pared m nccom modalc cnilomers in superior style. Knowing that the public will eitond patronage wheie ll It due, the proprietor flutter. Iiini.elf that he will be able to ac commodate all. at lea.nnabte ralra, for CASH. 13lf P. I. & T. I OFFERS FOR SALE a large and well eelccltd anorlnient of JStapte and Fancy 7OOT5 .V SHOES, HAWS, .tllniuc Tools, and nil kinds orGROCERIEt), which they will tell Cheap fur Cash, at their rtoro on Main .Irrnt. Jacktonville, July H, IS.' 3. flOtf l)rnt;l Notice! Tctli. Ur. Jebs Herrbold wilt leave for Frszcr River about tbo First ot August, and tliote vrbo with work done In tbe len list's line must apply Immediately; alto, those owing blra are retjuestcd to "ponglo'' up and tale receipts. 2Ct3 . TRIWEKKLT',ac,rl STAGE LINE ' '"oK-c" r R O M 'JACKSONVlLLEi' Crescent iAy ! At-,.,... , ,.,. .., ' MLR MO.NDAl, JLNL Mth, 1859, James Clvoaoc & JoilM DltfM triW run a Tri U'eeAv Line of' Stage Coaches Ictuxcn Jacksonville orui Crescent CUi, leaving Jackson- title on TUESDAYS. THURS DA YS and SATURDA YS, and con. necting with Geo. Johnson's PASSENGER TRAIN At Sailor Diggings, for Crescent City, And Returning ON 3IONDA YS, WEDNES DA YS and FRIPA YS, so as to con- nect vith the California Stares at' Jacksonville. PASSENGERS Hooking their namrtat the Union lintel or at the office of the Un ion Lisrry Stable, svill ha i"urniahed svith Through Tickets Tor Cre.cent City, in 30 il hours arrangements having been nude ; with Juliutou' Passenger Train--and Ihroiigh from Yicka lo Croscenl Cily in 00 hours. II V H. Mall carried regularly. g-tf NEWMAH hsher, CALIFORNIA STREET, WkuliMiiIc nnd llrlnll UtnUr I -. .,-, c-j ,rj n r on :j-jiirw5uivyzfAy.yty ilooka, Htiitionery, fcc. HAVING PURCHASED THE IN- pis present mem mr .aymont, ana an lerestof Dasid Levii.g.r in the above '' "'?' lnU"',,d ,0 ,,l "'"I""" ' ""lu nuwoilerius ul the old .land il'ed ,0. "ul tl'iraccouuls inside oflhirty a largo ostorlraent oftha best brands or j rrom date. - .-. ... -.- -,. i Our suseessors, a. Hrilmer Co., we (DH-rAIES ArilD VBlBi-.SKDD J' recommend to our friend, and Cnnfeetioncru and Fruits. 1 School Hooks, Stationery, tVc, Very Cheap for Cath. nj" Call, if you want a Good Cigar Jacksonville, Nov SI. 4fWf Slieriff's Sale. TOTICE is hereby given that on Sat 1 unlay, the Hi til 4ay of Jftlly, A. D. lb-d. at 10 o'ulock in the forenoon. I svill expose at Public Auction to the 1 hlgliett bidder, for cath, an the promltes in Jotnphine County, O Tthe following tract of land, to witi Beginning 140 rods svest of the section corner between sec lions 3, 4, 1) and 10, in township 30 South, ol range S West, thnnce north IG0 rods, thence east b0 rodt, thence tatilh 3'JO rods, thence east SO rods, thence north ItiO rodt lo plsca of beginning, containing lliU acres, moro nr loss, and known as tho 'Kerby Ranch,'1 upon which tho town ofl Kerby villa is located; together svith all! and singular the henditamenla and appur tenances thereunto belonging, j Said properly svill be otfered fur tale by I virtue of an execution Istued out oflhe Clerk's Ogico of the 3d Judicial District..) ul the Territory of Oregon, and to me di-, T ANDEKSON take this moth reeled, for debt and costs accruing in an , it od of Informing the Farmers and acliuu wherein' J, Frank Klory it Co. were! ! Slock Reisers that he Is prepared to lake iilaintilTe, and Jas. Kerby & Co. were tie fendtnts, aaid debt and oosts amounting lo $Go0 svith interest and accruing cotlt. JABIrJH imPiUbU-iiUl T, Nherid'of Jutophiue County, O, T ' Jierlivsl l'e. U. 1'.. June -"-'. lee VI '4 -j -,- - .... ui'iuo mr ypabtie houra, and in now """ "" "m butiners. Uimd farm. i land attached, d ona of the bent slock ' Piy i uuaur' For Addre"' 4MrISoVce ! il 1st. fiimif Hoffmsn &;.. by nolifidd to scillo with none other than llolTman t Jarvla. JACOn IIOrPMAN, J. W.J A II VIS. Union Mills, July Dili, 1833 -2 U .1 vr.r Notice! PAY UPt AND SETTLE UP 1 ANY rcrtSON, HAVING CLAIMS agatitt me, will plea.e present them and receive their pay. And thoie knowine themtelvet Indrht- ed III me fcr.vtnn.fn Slr.l lor.? ;lll confet favor by calling immediately I .'till .all ... .. i . V. . .t , -v......g p (,r nnI. or ninrrwi.e. t wv . 1 JOHN ANDEKSON. SMmm imr ! MEDICAL. nn. L. GANHNG. l'..t.,-,- a ..,.. a-nyeirinn, nuisvuu uuu vvi.iivi , ,"r7LL Promptly' sltend any who may . t -The larger! and host selection of) h.iia. w1 Slmllrlnp.. pnnilinllv nn ' "'"t " ' nann. OKFICE-Californla Street next to iht'l Tin Shop. vmG - !5000 ,anr 113. STOCK Ott CO A 11 SE Salt, lor talo by MAURY A DAVIS. J1 Vmvtiua Academy. THE FIRST QUARTER OF THE Summer He. .Ion or the Academic Year will commence in term on the IGlh' day of February Inst. I For cnurte of stud, taws and regula tions, see Catalogue. Docrd good, and st I reasonable terra s. , A. R. n.lNT, I 4tf Principal. ISollec Settle! ALL PERSONS HAVING TJXRKT tled Accounts with the 1'lurnlx Mills are requested tocall Immediately nud SEV TLE THE SAME, as I am desirous to close all the present accounts. S. M. WAIT. Phconlx Mills. Jan. 20. 1838. HERRBDLD. SURGICAL AND MECHANICAL iDsirjiras'iro HAS returned to Jackson ville, nnd will continue tbo practico of bis profession. All work warranted. I Hn flatlera him.cir that, from hi. long lliornugii practice in uon- able lo else tatisiaciion vor him with a call. California ilrect. on the corner, oppo.iie ine -unioi.. n. EAGLE MILLS. rPHE subscribers now having llioir Mill JL and Distillery in excellent repair, woald respectfully inlorni llio'r patrons ar.d the public generally that they mjow ,. ., ...,,.... i - ir.i ' P,"!.0 V-S'.r ,.". i "". . tu, jnuors, consisting of (Tin, llran- dy,Whi.kvy, Lager IWr, Ac. TllO.MAS & JAC0119. Eagle Mills. Jan. S3, I B5B. 3lf. The Kxael Time o Way. JOHN NETJBER, Watchmaker and Jeweller lint Incntcd in JACKSONVILLE, O.T. SHOP On California Street, in llerrbotd's Uuilding. John - rTrATCHES and Jewelry Repaired on .hurt notice. All kinds ul Jewelry Manufactured and Engraved lo order, in nuick lime. Wiirhvtand a general assortment ofi Jewelry on hand and for sale chetp Tor -- Ue'c,a-4dtf I "rVrnTTHP'. t ' V --v-'-! rjlHE Coparlnerthip exuling under the :, - - ,' ante of Cohen Si Crane it this day I dlisnired by mutual content. Alltho.ei having accounta iigaintl the firm, will! COI1I.N & CRANE. Althouse, April I, IS5?. 13u2 'Vablc IXoelt Uakcry ' fflDwwrarnmY, I ORSOOif STSr.IT. "IJIE undersigned has on hand, and is 1 1 always ready td manufacture lo order, ! all kinds of Pastry, Confectionary, Candles, Crackers, Cakes, Pies, A. c . All kinds of Syrups, and everything in !iu his llneof butinrss, usually found in ' fltl. l".,irj,.llfiiinv ir l. IiIm. i5't8 For Weddings, Rails 'or Parlies, 30I up in good style, and at (he ahortest nonce WM. HESSE & CO. Jacksonville, Dec. 1. -if. Gtrl; 7lBDli!IlBlB. Ihe svildetl hones end break lliom in a short time say not to exceed three houra lo he. perfectly gentle and lame. , I' aetirous ui Having tueir uortes 1' trained, by giving linn nollce, can ue at- lommodatcd. I rire, f 10. lltf II ITyou dtslro Sit theto, w e oJrle yon to '' t i7W?SBf .W V VV 9 HHrffHnrlllUnirUils ' r-wn,-:H n ra vm&mmrm!?rT. I aEjStfuB. l . a SMti' m- '" W ' 1 iiMMMii an m m k im wm mum g HWMpMLMaUJ-yL 87, 8f and tTiiTciacsaorH "-iirrri- i iu nno iii hiii iiiinrniiisn Lciacsaora Tiirrci Thlt establithment Is eem. bU. is cen. , , edCllwf, SfliT " per week, $3 5U , Board, nr and in the im and the Unit Honrd per week ' -.-, mn.e Rooms furnished complete, Room.o; lodglngseanbe had by to suit the convenience ofall T,, tj.,, fiued up in' the very best best curled hair mliei.ei, clean hnddlng. I Pnniriior llATIIINti accommodatlona SHOWER HAT US FKJSJil I'nrt Piisioc In the Omnibus lo and Omnibus to avoid lmpoillion two sa suppllrd with psprrs, ncriodlcalt, A:c. 0-TIIE llUUBii is ui'i.n ziiju tf- Trselets will please remember e.tabd.h.nenl 'Going to San Francisco for NEW STOCK. ! TACOII A. DHUNNER IS AllOUT (J starting to San Frane.sco. Therefore all Accounts duo the firm of J. A. Ilrun- nrr A. Urother iuut be settUd immediate ly. We respectfully rrfjucl all thoie who a're indebted In the above firm by note or book account, to come forward and aetlle, and save trouble and 2lii3 11RLNNER UllOTIIERS. PHELAN'S Patent COMBINATION CUSHIONS, Acknosvlcdged by the best Professional and Amateur Players TO sc TICK Only Correct Cushions Now la Use t THESE TAHLES AND CUSHIONS are now sold as losv as the "Old I'o- gie" Tables of tho day. And as a proofof their superior merit, it is only neccsiory tocall attention to the MISERABLE IMITATIONS Got up in this elly, made from PASTE HOARD ond old HORSE IILANKET-, and palmed oil" on the uiitu. peeling as rilBLArt'H PATENT. One of these tnl.erable ecoundrels hss been CAUGHT IN THE ACT. His name, and the namo of the gentleman he fleered, will be tliasubjectofaiisthertom (I tuunicution. Pailies sendiug their Old Rails to the ! (uli.cnber, (who It now nuking thrsel Cushions under i'lieUns i'alenl,) can nave them covered with aets of the genuine nr-1 ticlet, and returned in twenly-fuur hours afterwards. I Jutt received, aome splendid Model To- flaL lli..miinnil Mdtl 1mUnmmn. UL t I. 1 Hlato and Marblo Ueds. Alto Billiard Triuuningt of every description. Address, E. M. HUGHES, Sole Agent. 6m3 lfO Jarkton ttreet, Ban Francisco. JESSE ROBERTS TTAS erected NEW BUILDINGS and X L refilled the old tavern stand at C U 11 y O M V I 1 1 C , NORTH END OF THE CANYON, Douglas County, O. 'P., Where he It prepared to accommodato Ihe Traveling Public in good stylo. mm ipasilib Will be as well furnished as any 111 Oro gun. THE STADLE Is large, and well supplied with Hay snd Grnin. Particular attention paid tu sni-l liai.. ft, Every allention paid to those who may lavor htm with a call. Oct. i.'.. 1K7. 44tf HARDY ELLIFF HAS ERECTED A NEtV And Com modious tavern staud at the South End of the Canton, Douglas County, V. T., Where lie it prepared to accommodate the 1 pubio in good tlyle. The long residence 01 tiie proproprielor at lint point precludes the tiecetsily of. tying, that MM W ABU. IB Will be as ssell furnished st the country ullords, THE STABLE It tupplied svith Hay and Grain in abund. ance, Aiiiiutls particularly attended lo. Everv allention paid tu render Ihote who call comfortable and nalUfied. Vov.27, 1857. 4Clf 17-ODK, IN CiVANTlTIKS end Price; J-' to 1 suit purchatert, for tale by i-'llf niiAuur v pavio. YOKE OF OA'EN For SAEE WISH lo sell one Yoke of fir.t rale Work Cuttle, Aiiply lo 3 W: G. T' VAULT.' lly unrem tt ng attention and uniirincciior.i "' - -----"" --,"' fcrt .Vd convenience at extremely low prices the proprietor hopes to m.rll a contlnu. ance of the increating patronage that the Whnt Cliccr Honsc at proient enjojrs, W IVr he accommostinn of miners and others having money or valuables, there are i r inn , r.. ..!.. V.Mir.rr nd llemlin Room. Well r. in tlie Ollice. inera ta aito k1"""" - a It not ImpoTanttiu,.rnu .,0iilJ or all k i si il a is known m?Vni,i -iriclljr tmpranee prlnrinlca I nr Known inmiignout Ualllornia, , arxei. rood Tableau and bait of go to r ftornmmndalinni? OODARS 121 ancrnmento tr SAN PKANCI3CO. , ha jncI , buiine.s part of the. city, J . "-;. the B.p.. Co.-.omce,fc; day, $1 ; Mentor-,, ct, ,.aB,n,( 56'' 75 cents per night. the Nightor Week, with or without 1 style, with patent Trench springs, andthft Ac. ., alto ronnccted with the Ilouio. from the Hosts. Look to the ntmo of the .,,,. . .it a...... ... r...Mtl. il.. .a.i. . .mntinl fiTrnni niiiuii ,. that there ate no Runners connected with this J n WOODWARIJProprletor. California Stage Company's Tri-AYeekly Line FROM YREKA TO JACKSONVILLE II ON and afiar Monday, March .Dlh,lbo3, the California Slate Company will run aTil-weckly line of Coaches belsvoen Yreka and Jacksonville, leaving Yreka on Mondays, Wedneidsya and Fridays, nd li-avlne the Union Hotel at Jackson. : villa on Tuesdsys, Thursdays and Satur I days, connecting with tho Company' Cosclics at l rexa lor ine louosving pitcui i SHASTA, RED I.MJFI'3. TEHAMA, OROVILLE, MARY.VII.LE. SACRAMENTO, and all intsrincdiste points. Passengers booking their namoa at the office of the California Slago Company, Yreka lintel, svill bo furnished with Ibruugh tickets iorany oflhe above named places. H.CONROY. Office Agent, Yreka. March 'JI, 1858, Ittf inibaii lifTiiuHii A. B. OVEEBECK, H. D. I TAKE THIS METHOD OF I.V. lormlng the Public tbst I hsve filled up, at tny residence at Pleaiant drove, two miles estl of Jscksonvllle, suitable building for the reception and treatment uf persons afflicted with any form of diteate. Patients svill be boarded and treated at this Infirmary at prices varying svith their conditions and wsnls. Those who tn. tint remain In tbe Infirmary will bo exam ined and provided svilh medicines and dl- , recllons poculisr to Ibis system a niodtw j ' of treatment by which thousands have S j been cured and and restoted to health at very moderate charges. I have amplo arrangements for the ad. ministration of tho various kinds of Baths mediested, vspor, warm, sold, Ace. The distinguishing feature of the Phy. sopathie Practice consists In the adminis tratiou of an innocent medication. All agents, whether mineral or vegetsble, that are known to act as poisons, are rejected from my practice. The Ppyso-pathia prsc lice signifies the treatment ot dlteasa svith agents Hist act in Harmony wnn toe recu 1 perativo powers of usture. I N-11. No person svill be received st the inlirmsry who csnnotiurnisn gooa gutr snlee of payment. BATHS I The public generally svill be accomm. i dated at any tune with any of the above specified Baths. Tho Ballung-rooru and tubs are linnd with tink, aud will be en tirely free from taint. ' A. BOVEHBECK.M.D. PJeataut Grove, Sept. 10, 1857. Mlf &t B. SHELLING, A'ITORNEY-AT-LAW, OFFICE On Main Street, four doors south of tbe Post Office, Yreka. jar Will practice In tbe District Courts or Jac-non -ounty, O. T. - Z-tr WILLIS KOBTHCDTT, HAS RE8UMED TIIE PRACTICE OF Law, and svill attend to all business entrusted to his care. OFFICE At the Slate Creek House, Josephine Co. larch 27, 1838. 1211 XTAtii'H BUTTER. CHEEtiE, Eggs, VV Bacon, Lurd, Wheel, Osts, Rye, Bsrley, Corn Meol and Flour, in excliaugo lor Goods. Remember ' Tis no trouble lo show Goods 16t:t WANTED, CiOf Afifi WHICH TIIOSEow. tp&JJJJ ingusare rrquttledi'i rai.u us toon as possible. Every lit lie hlp " .! MAURY V DAVl8,r 1 ' ouns v rf r r lt...iiii.ri.lirirlit),,l,lia v -. air44iliiBfgMMa