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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1858)
a ft 's-i H"l it , i fe - ' L if . law (JDriflou Scniiml North Traveling on tho cars from O to M not long alncc, in the nlglit, we hap pcticd by good fortune to get into the same box with a regular bluo devil ex terminator, by whom, lot it bo Biirmit od, our drowsy optica woro kept ex panded. Tiii individual answered to tho namo of "Oat;" and hii descrip tion of "Norf Kerllna," her mnnnera and customs, gave tho listonor anything but a fnvornljlo impression of tho tar and turpentine a Into, thus : "Why. Bentlemon.ndog with n long tall in rsorlu (Jnrollna would bo or groat a show ni a nigger with three heads." "Why to I" "They cut 'cm ofl" to prevent them knocking ofT tho hucklthorrlos when they nro chnsing foxes and rabbits Uiat run through the woods. "Phew I" canto from a listener. "Fnct, certain as rain; and you ncv er see a man or boy mere -will buttons uii his pants." "What then t" lug nftor persimmons." "Go It, Hat," cheered one of !d--rt ,1U..;" ' ."V-rryoU n,Tr tMng" he oon;,,;,,u -iiieyavo to bell the lit tlo nlor' t'liMJi jiutfai wo do cnlvcs." -iviiat lorr "So their owners can tell which go phor holo they'ro in." A general scream followed this tho engine squaled, and wo nil jumnod offnt M . Rkspectabilitv. The popular way of estimating tho respectability of an individual or family Is very pointedly hit off in tho following street dialogue of two "gemmen of color," wo clip from an cxcliango : "Cato, does you know dem Johns ings up dar in Congo Placo is going to bo berry 'spectahlo folks t" I "Wall, Sclplo, I thought dey war gotting along berry well, but I doesn't' know how 'epoctablo dey Is." I "Uow 'spcctablo docs you tink, On to I" "Wnll, cucit about throe thouinnd dollars." "Moro 'spcclablo, dan dat." "Wall, how 'ipecthhlo is doy I" "Wy, fivo thousand dollars and a home and lot." law ot ITcwDHopcr. 1. Subscribers who do not give express) notice to the contrary, are corulJered as wisuing 10 conunun inmr suiwcriniun, u subscribers order papers diocnntina. en, puuiuww mv coniwno ubwu. till all charges ro paid. 3. If subscribers neglect or refute to take tholr papers from tticoRlcc or place to which they are sent, they aro held responsible tin-.' til they ecttln thru-bill and give notice to discontinue tbcra, 4. If subscribers wore to other places without Informing tho publisher, and the ptpvr la cnt to tho former direction, they, arc held responsible. 5. The courts have decided that refusing to take a paper or periodical from theoQIoc, or removing and leaving It uncalled for, Is good evidence of intentional fraud. iftiFn i'IKL. il rt ."7-5 iUnsw . .',.-, gntJtrw w.saMQBaa l. gBaaV ''" nv' 9vftvf "HITIIir Job Printing Office. THE Proprietor, having a good vari ety of JOn TYPE on hand, la pre pared to do all kinds of 1 PLAIN ORNAMENTAL JOB PRINTING J un fiipnTKS.x..U3WTr "" Hooka, j PomnM.e. " Handbills, Showbills, Concert Hills, Programmes, 1UI1 Tickets, Bill Heads, Address Cards, II usl nets Cards, iyc, .J-c, $:. Job work done In t AND WEB, BILUJIB IE BILA(DE INKS, to suit customers Orders solicited. "Whew! good by, Cato, I must give 'era a call I (KrA Kentucky lawyer on circuit was asked to dine with tho Judge. At the table, the Judge, as is his cottom, niked a blessing, nnd then roso nnd took from the sideboard a bnttlo or Old Uourbon, of which ho invited his guest to partake, as lin did freely lilm i self, ns Is also his custom. After din ner tho lawyer said : "Judge, will you porniit me to nsk you a question 1" "Oh, certainly," replied the Judge, "what is it I" "I observe," aaid tho lawyer, "that after you asked a blessing, you sot on tho bottle. Now I wish to know whethor you worn ashamed to ask n Honing nn tho liquor, or whether you inougui it good enough without!" Tho Judgo took tho caio under ad vlsomcnt. Progress. A shoolhoy about six years of ago approaches the innstor with a bold front and sclf-cnnfldont air and tho following conversation on sued f ".May I be dismissed, sir I" ' "What reason have you for making the request, Thomas V I "1 waut to taku my woman out a sleighing, sir." ' 0"Nover abuso ono who was once your bosom friend, however bitter now. Never insult poverty. Never speak contemptuously of wo man kind. Never apeak of your father as the "old man." SLATE CHEEK HOUSE. v Oliver S. llvuus. THIS welt known stand, illUMc fifteen miles from Kerb) villa and thirty-four from Jacksonville, has been erected suita ble to accommodate tho Traveling Public It is always iloaing to tho luitt and host. I ess to mako llioir ruests as comfortable ni poisiblo. Effing ff ABHiIB Purnislied with all the country affords. Good Btnbic. wtll tunnlied with Hav and Grain. llopra are entertained tlmt lline who call mice will rido late or atoji early to partake again oftha liuspitalily of the us cuiants, lti f.i;japkaa'0 &m m MteM iRititule. tjiw Mill Sjr'mfry . ep M Insist in Compa- "wine Perms nrni Ciavnr nil JrVicalff CftmJC l)heasf$, and thh S&rrbiutn of Quackery, Attendant and Hrsldrnt r!5if I.. J. CZAl'tfAOl. D., Ltlnlhllungarrn1tvolutlont7 Vr, Chir Surgson to Hit Uh Rfglrnnt Bl llonveds, Chlrl Surgeon, lu ih Milifair Hospital or Tcsth, Hungary, nd tha late Icciursron the Diseasas of YVomtn and Children. , , ,. . , Communicatloni strictly confidential. Consultations, by latlor or oiWnlie, free. Address, Oil L. J. CZAUAY, San Francisco, Cat. rrn Tiir. AFFLinTED. Or. L. J. L Czankav returns his sincere thanks! to his numerous pationti for their alrun age, and would take this opporiuaity to remind them that ho continues to consult at Ins Institute for tho cure nf Chronic ilii cams of the Lungs, Llvor, Kidnejs.digea. live and genital orgsm, and private diseases, viz I SThiliiculrerf'jcUtlUt;lk'?r j-CTomo ennseqiienra of sull.obute, end ne niipes wist ins long experience and sue. cassful prattica nl many years wlltconlin no to ensure him a ilmto ofpulilie pstrnn nge. lly tho practice or nunjp veers In' Europe and the United Slates, and during I tha MungLrian war and campaigna, he is. enabled to apply tho most efficient and aue ceisful remedies against diseases of all kinds Ho uses no merenry charms mod. eralo treats his pMlculs in a correct and nonorauio way lias relurences m unques tionable veracitj from men uf known ro sneclability and lileh s tandins In aoelni All parlies consulting letter ori ...i...i... . .i ' . ! in.inii inn icbviiD me uesi enu gen tlest treatment, and implicit secrecy. tttude, wealintMeT '"; "" B"K; Indlspoeltinn nd laeapijrlr " ur " study, dullness bf apf nHHi, lne n raeWery, aversion W teelety, lm. f toll, tude, timidity, selMMraM, eWaesshead aobe.lntolantery dltchargM,reM In the .m. ..f t)im of the bim. WfiHileeon the tace,texaal and other laBrsalM in man, are cured witnoui ian, oj mo jw.ii cele brated Physician and Surgeon, Dr. L. J CZAPKAV. His method of coring dis. ..... i. runknown tn others.) and rhence his great success. All consultation, b letter or oinerwiso, ircr. ...iuici. u J.C.APKAY, M.D.,San Francisco. rpilfe GREATEST DISCOVERY OF 1 tkk Anal Great l)lcslng to Man- Ltr-rt t innocent but Potent ! Dr. L. J Czapkay'a Prophllaclleum, (self.dislnfocN ing agent,) a itiro nreTeniiTo .gmoni Kon. orrhtcil and ajphilltic dlseasea, knd an ..n.,..n..,p.l reined for venereal, serofu n. nirnnous and cancerous ulcers. ftclid discharges Trom tho vagina, utetus and urethra, and all cutaneous eruptions rand diseases. As innoculallnn is a pro- venllve against email pox, ao is ur. v,iap kav e rrnphllactlrum a preveniiTe against syphilitic and gonorrhoea! diseases M .(Hugh harmless In U..iV-"'"" , h rime vl, ..--- 'ie'e vir,S HioMssnds ,,..m bfing Inltcted ny Ilia most luallisome of ell diseases. Let nn young man vhu rr...iB inaltii te nllliout nr r.n. kny's fiopli'eelicutn. It is in very con ventent packages, and will be found con venient to ur, being used as a soup. I'rice, !?., tor sale at lir, uzapkay a t'ri vnie Medical and Surgical Institula, Sac ramento street, belew Montgomery, op. P. M. S. Co.'s office, San Fran-llm3 posile ctscn M ! I Si wrz jl TSSfcu "PltOSPECT RAxcn," Applegnto Cicnk, O. T. TIIE nnderslgtied wishes to inform Ins L friends and the Irattlins public that. .having improved llio abuvn Ranch, (half lray between Kcrbyvillvand Jacksonville, i lormerly known as Harkwell's ranch.) lie is now prepaiea to accommodate all wlio myy patronize him The TAIiLE will at all times bo supplied with tho best the market affords, and combined tvith good STABLING, HAY ul&'D GRAIN;, and a careful basilar in attendance, he hopes to merit a share nf public mlruiage. sivvii ur.Al'S, Proprietor. Janusiy 1st, 1833. 1y CO" A lamo attorney wanted to be unrolled in a volunteer company. "You'll never do, Peter," said tho of ficer. "Wbyt" -"Tho more we'd tell you to march, the moro you'd halt." KrFooUnnbo asked a man with out a sense offuno in him, "Why are you lorcver Humming that tune ! '.'Because it haunts me," was tho reply. "No wonder," said Foole, "you are always murdering it!" Ciuhacti:h. Two ladies presented themselves at a masqurade ball. The doorkeeper asked whet characters they personated. "None," said they. "Two ladies without any cbarac terl" bawled the usher, as he banded them In. BOOTS, TUBT RECEIVED and tn ARRIVE, T-r n ciiinjiiri PIISI Yuu with SUFFEIt NOT WHEN A CURE IS guaranteed In all slaces of secret dis. eases, snlf-alnise. nervous debility, ivnl.l. lis in all lis stsges, strictures, gleets, grav. bladder, mercurial rheumatism, acrolula.1 pains In the bones and ankles, disesses of me lungs, throat, nose and eyes, ulcers upon the body or limbs, dropsy, epileptic fits, St, Vitus' dance, and all disuatos aris ing from a derangement of the sexunl or gai.s, such as nervous trembling, loss of memory, lots ofpuwer, general weakness,' dimness of vision wllh peculiar spots ap pearing before -the eyes, lost of sight, , wakerulness.dyspepsis, liverdisessa, erup tions upon the face, pain in ihe bank and I head, female Irregulojities, and all itnpro. I per discharges of both sexes, It mailers i nut from what cunse the disesse originated, however long standing t.r obstinate the ; case, rttottry it certain, and in n slmrlvr lima man a permanent cure can be effect- ,ed by any other treatment, ven afler lh .disease has badled the skill nf eminent physicians and resisted all their means nf euro. Tho medicines prescribed are nlna.i ant. without odor, entirely vegetable, causing no sickness, and free from inercu. ry nr balsam During fifteen years ofprac, lice, in Europe, the Atlantic Slates, and' California,! have rtseu.d fruin ihe jaws, of death manv thousands, wlm In il,. I...1 .taTiaV..:..". cisns, which warrants me In promising to' I the alllicted, who may place themselves; under my care, a speedy cure. Private! diseases arethegiealcst enemies tn health, as rhev are the tirst causa of consumption, ' scrofula, and many other diseases, and should be a terror lo the human family. A .permanent cure Is scarcely ever afTected,'1 a nisiurilv uf flm rjn. r.lllnw ln... .1.. I i hands of incompetent persons, wlm nm only fsil to cure the disease, but ruin tl.o' ( constitution, filling the systfin with tner-l tury, which, v.1111 trie disease, lissteus tho sulTerer into a rapid consumpliun. Hut should the disease and the treatment not causa death speedily, nnd the victim' 1 marries, wie uisesse is entailed upon the jchildion, who oie born with feeble consli , luliotis, and the current of life corrunted by a virus which betrajs itself in scrofula, 4!&Zi3i&teifi$&SLg FOR PURIFVINQ THE BLOOD, AND FOl: TIIK CUKE OK ALL MSKASKS AKtsrxo WCJf 'AXIiirritK STATX Or TJtSJSLOOD. Oil UAS1T Or TUX SYSTlit. it is cosiroskD or PURELY VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, AnJ conUtns Da mineral polwn lo Injurs lbs COKSTrXOTION. The srpravaloTlliU rrrptiailiai by rbj slelans arxl Meo of f elmoe, sad the eteat aoseiM vrliltli li iiurln) Its ule, fjrnll,e prvor suRelrnt lo cunt In. ttrj eamllil ainl itlKtmlef nilixt nf Its errat sa4 rlnrtlv si talon It Is new aJmlhUtrred tn fiterai Kacuce M a sure ss4 TJHIFOM REMEDY HJt IDouug Ei -rr sMLJ.'C.CMWC'l rniVATE MEDXCAIi ROOMS, .V. E. Corner CaUfcmiaandMoHtgcmery tlrteti, SAN FRANCISCO. TO THE AFFLICTED Read thelol lowing lUcoMnmoxTonr Lv.Tir.nj and then juilga betweon Dr. Young and those vampires that malign his motives. Avoid such men as jou would a pea. tllence, for Tiiaae 11 nssTH in tholr treat ment. All eflllcted with Diseases oTa PrJ. vslo or any other nature should call upon Dr. i. C. Young, and they would then avoid imposition and assist the Doc. lor in his herculean labor of suppressing qusckery and empyricism. Dr. Young's chargns ate moderate and within the reacli of the most humble. IMPORTANT Dr. J. C. Young wishes to call the attention of invalids to his course of nrsclico. The Dr. has long since abandoned the mercurial treatment, end haa strictly followed the Vegetable Prac tice. Patienta tinder treatment with him are not r on fined to the house, nor taken from their business, but ean go about and eat as usual. The Dr.'s mnde or treatment r him r J.mMit, both general and sex ual, is not surpassed by any physician, and always results In a perfect removal of their troubles Dr. Y. has discovered a now mnde of treating afiVcllnne uf the Liver, which after a fair trial has been submitted to the Prufeasors of several of tho medical institutions of the Slstes, and pronounced by them, as parfcetly successful, and has been adopted by them In their practice. In the treatment nf incipient consumption, and disease uf the blond, the Dr. stands pro-eminent In his profession, and will warrant a cure In all cases. The following testimonial speaks for itself 1 Da. J. C. Totiso. Sirs Your mode of treating affections of the Liver and disoa. sos of the lllood, has proved by repealed trials, to he the best vl afferd In 1I1. f..,- ulty, anil lias been adopted by tho board. Continue to study the human system aayuu iiito uuiio, sou you win yet stanu at me head ol your profession. W. II. HORNER, Prof, of Anatomy, University, Pent: r.TAVE CONTIDENLE.- XX will e tiriiiiHin ni .' f 7 -...,...., ,,.,UIFV ,,, loners, uicorx. cruiuifjiii. 111a oiiitar mi.. !T.'."n. , .""" Vn . ' Boir,s "'! I "'' '" skin, eyes, throat end lungs. Ill S UnnU. Shoes and Ga ters.aa eetn,l!n. n .1....:. . , .: r " fc- a view to service. ' 1 1 ZZ"'" .T " " T",'. " ." """"" .0' If you waut to economic r.ll .n.t ... i"""'"'"' any Joints, llbrumttlain. J.rr,lnl. Kind's I-MI every euii.1alnt symptoniaite of Iinr BUil: u 1 all tb disraics r tbe Musclrs sail TtMUrs, !svUie HltU pHieral iteWllty of lbs arsu-ni, Jlrl.l lo ilita un Ulllnt furtflerflfitie UUM.-rW tl. Utw.1 U tU eUn nel ilmmtti WlUh dtietw Rods Its Ay te lbs urtoe urgtRt of His body. Urnl ilir fiillijiuiiiji. Tills certificate was Sent US tr our annta al r.'t.. son. X. V, wklcb l a!tu ccrtitUd to It svvtral vt It nH,-uUsof.Mr. lUIUnt MeMrs. i. U. i, p, aVWt Cwll.mse.-It fl... mis laurs to iu.i )oa the tult..t,t ,uUnni,i ( ril to my son. It look a eers tol.1, and aft. Ut( vtetU i terere suCrr'nc tlw dlira stUM h 1.I1 tft Irr and fat, wbteli mmw s.JM 1.1 IL. utui.x rhs saellUt vtm Unenl l.y liU .by.lclan, anil ll ',ml mmt futOMJy aflrr llul no ItSt lludi iWM ulrers furutMlun tbo Irtf and r.l al one lluie. H, Unl firs different ibsltlau. toil ihk retlare.1 bin. i. .. li. aud lbs ImS hUiUv Cmud lutn tu emaeUie. .J low tbu lie was unable U, leata lit' lL uibnu Ik. lot. I sxcrnclallnr ln. Hurler tbu lluw Ihe lis Im. Um.hii. so iiixeti si-rtwL rln, fltl He earn nm. of I, lei. .e I.M rem re tlia I went) Ur j.reMrrtl la a botiU). art Ins frvm one-li.if to i.iw .nd s llf II...U In Uatb V lal (lien un al iionr or his rruot.rv , l.ut .1 l.u n... w. wl 1. t'.j"l In lr)uurKnujrllin, and u tu, tt. u, trf. Iiaitlli &I..I .i.,, . 1 . .. a a,.. w Da. YOUNG guarantee a perfect and nerma- nent cure In the following cases, or chaige nothing for his servires t Syphilis. Con. nrrhiea, Stricture of the Urethra, Affection if llits Rostrate Gland Weakness of the Genital Organs, Impotency, Sterility, both in male and female, Spcrmatara, or Sem inal Weakness, Nocturnal Emissions, Itlieu matism. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Feverand Ague, Incipient Consumption, and all Ir regularities In Females, toesther wllh all diseases of Women and Children also nervousness, raipiiallon 01 His Heart, Vo, i-erauns auncted wills aymutoma alter being treated, should consult D. Young al once, aa no disease la cured unless the pa. 11..1 I...I. K..r...i -11 ., . iivii iiciienuj wen. ji mere is particle of disease left in tha system, it will break out at some future ilmr. Ml,.n least expected, or bo handed lo an innocent offspring. Persons who have been treated wllh mercury should be very cautious in believing that they are well, fur it is a svl. cntlfia f.r.t Hint tl,e mercury will mingle with the venereal, and form disease a crest deal worse than tha orieln. al. 'All ihose who have reason to think, by had feelings, that they liavo been treat, rd thus, should consult Dr. Younr. and be should examine their cases aod tell'tlicm al once how they stand. ... . . .. , 11 i. .....- . .1 atHSf tho oacK ana iiniue,iin !a lir head, surtinets or aiBnj, insa 01 niuctjr power, fMpltatlon ot tho hearl.dyspep,! nervousness, irritability, derangement h the digeatlvo functions, general dibllit, sympluma of consumption, Ac. MaKTXLtt, the tearful effoets on tW mind are more to be dieaded. Lost si memory, confusion of Ideas, depression ( spirits, evil forebodings, aversion to s, ety, selfdistrust, loyo of aolitude.tlmlditj tic, are some of the evils produced. All persons who are aullcted witlm, nf the abuvn symptoms should net fait 1. call on Dr Young, and be at once reitorti to perfect health. Let no false delietti prevent you, uui eppij imuisuiaieiy, ia save yourself from tho dreadful end af, consequences of this terrible malady. WKiaaxsa or the onoAHs immediately cured, nnd Tult vigor testorsj, Ofllea corner of Montgomery nnd Call. fornls streets, over Pcclfle Express, 8 Francisco, where all letters mint be si. reeled to insure intention. J. C. YOUNG, M I) -QEWAttr. OP IMPOSITION.-IH A.J conseouonce ol tbe wida spread tt lebritv ol Dr. YOUNG, numerous imtio,. tors have sprung into existence, prelendi- 10 oe peritci masters 01 ine neaiing arr, and have succeeded in imposing upon few ol the unwary sufiorers. Persons wild. ing tn consult a physicain, should be vtri careful how they put confidence In lit published statements of such charlstini, lor they are as unscrupulous in such situ, nienls at in thnir practice of inadicin,at are very tintafo to trust. They wilt first decoivoyou by false certificate, procuttl from "drunken loafers," who perjure then, selves to get money to sslisfy tho crsriap ofa diseased appetite. When such quirt gains your confidence, lie will then inn you wllh mercury nnd other drugs, and if. ter they hare robbed you of your mcnti and Inlured vnur constitution, thav iii cast you off, with tha charge, thst you run not loiiowau tncir airociions. The only war to avoid sueli imnestnn is to consult Dr. J. 0. Younc. the 1'iot.., Advertising Phyticitn of California. At a mcelingof the JSrdical Faculty of ibis Slate, called to Investigate the aourct ef malpractice that has canted to much suf fering in this country, it was unanimouitr eeommonded that all the aflllcied ihoall consult Dr. Young, at lie waa the nn!yrt. utarly educated Physician now advcrlsit in California, alt others in hit line btitr quacks and and impostors, and are not ts be trusted. The biuiclod will pletse uks notice, that there was not a phyticitn n the meeting who had etor teen or heirs' of a tingle ctso of malpractice from Pr Young, while not one ot them but had silt anursbarofctiet from the foreign quacks, who so vsnntiiigly set forth their pu. tended vlrtuet In the public prints. The above facts thnuld be borne in mini by all seeking medical assistance. Thank heaven, they ate retilntr thor. nughly exposed, and it will not be lung balors they will have to fly the country, tt avoid the just indignation of an outrtrtd public. Then will good people thank Dr. Young for his continued efforts to banish qua ikery from our midst. DR. YOUNG can he consulted from 8 1. to 6 r. M. at Ilia office, corner Call. fornla and Montgomery ttreelt, overtht , Pacific Exprett Office. San Francisco. Ail letters containing the usual fst of $10 will meet with prompt attention, Change cash for a substantial and iinitrlnr I uir n : ., , ... Usa'.ib and ai.iwilia bormn ii.,.ii.iu . i,. ...... .rlicr.. Price, .re rtduc.d to tut ih.! -i.-ish rZ"' ,."',.r.,n "" ! 0,Je,nr: J-"?.,' if..ft.. ,h. rb.ef. tb.t 1 tl,...'; il,nn .-...-...., .w, ,.u ,c slll , ,, uren3.i" Ladies. Gents and Juvenile. .rnn In wjien ynu are thomiing, and inspect. I Boot ict Sunt tiriini:, Cor. Cat. and Oregon aU I (Oppotite tho "Eldorado.) :"r HAINES. ii I catalogue of human dlseasea causes so de-i filruelive a drain upon the system, draw Ine I It. .I..... ...- ... ' .. ji . . ouuaaiiiiB in victims inrougii a Sew l,r, nf .nfr..ln. .1....... . ' --.-- .uM..,n6 uuf.ii in an unumeiy grave. It deslruys the nervous system, rapidly wastes away the energies of life, causes mental derangement, prevents the Muuuiy SUSS.11U9 Qualifies fur o.nrrii,.. u,.Li. (,...!.. A.l PPVOInVO T..- r.-. r..r...n 1 . .11 ..l.l I ?.' t . """""l .... u.iu,U(,q for oJivi.nii." " iiaiipiuess, nou leaves the v ai a ... I I ekll fid aass aiiaat ..J I. I. I. 1 Otr QuilU aro things that are some times taken from the pinions qf one goose to spread the opinionspf an other! 03" Some one said of a eortaln ava ricious parson that he prays nn bis knees on 'Sundays, .and preys on his neighbors the rest of the week " ' .AIlio Lib A fulminating enlargo. metit of elongated voracity. 'IIIU undersigned wlllatleno to the pro. hT" ' V! "'y. anu mind, pre. 1 curing or Uoumy Lands, under the i?"d to 0uml,.,lon "nd ''" of Act or M.fch Sd.ltfiS.L p.', X wl. I. e , II 'Z9 &?','' ""I," ft"" hen regularly mustered into the Utiiled' ,,,, "', h" ful,r eonfidenea I a.sure the Hiaiea .,. inr ,i. "r r." '." uiifurtuiiale victims of self-abuse ib.t , I mj, u, mure, serauiis Who were engag. ed in either of the Indian wars in this country, and all widows aod ornhana ol auch persons, are entitled to 1CU acres ot laiio, and ny forwarding bo neestary proof w. .... -i.n.o mine uiiueisignuu,- llio ol Ccial forms will bo made out and forwarded iu hid imper uepariment al Washington which will entuie the return of a LAND WARRANT For Ilie-Bpplicanl. Having a competent agent at Washing ton, it enables ma lo transact this kind ol business with great efiiclenoy and dispatch. Charges muderalo. Address ' W. G. T' VAULT, J.ickinnvlle, O. T. ntlta tflirMW a ttr4 mum o iib erautuds, I rcnuio truljr yours. DAl;ILd UiLLll;D. Trepand aa4 sold by A. II. As D, H.IMI8. Wbo'vulu Dmcthu, iw I ulUiU-jlrurt, corarr vl WlllUin, New York. roritl.yI)BWlTr.KITTIJi X On., II JOIIX r.. ix.eaa iikuisuton k Ol.fau Kiew. IMCE ic COri-JN, Marsrfllet 1 II. M.l)iNALI Cu. Baerwirntej and J,r nrnnU'a eeinHr AZ,.ffi.taB ..p..... ,v, .mmuiiHnf, 'jj Vni. Hoffmuu, AUDITOR OF JACKSON COllMTY. OFTICE-At the Poat Offico, itpssile Union Hotel, W""l jaciitonviiie U. T, permanent and speedy cure can be effect. .u ou nun ine aoauaonment or ruinous praslioes, my patients can be restored lo robust, vigorous health, irregularities. and all diaeaaaa nf m.1.. nJ J""1" "ld on principles ealab.J Cr' door east of 'Sentiner' office m.ucu uj unenn yesrt 01 practice and I. '...w,,... u Vj iiiuuseiiut oi ine must re' markable cures. Medicines with full di.' re-clions.sent.lo any part of the Slate. Ore., gfin and Washington Territories, by pa-! lienls communicatiiig their symptoms by letler, . Ilutlnesa curreipon'deiiee strictly pnnnnaniini .t ..... Address DR. L. i, CZAPKAV Ren l. 0f!S & CARRIAGES Medical Insthu.:. ,.-. V.. Il Be.s"'?d .n ,.1' '"" ""!. bolow Monieomerv. unnnaii ..,in. ii.'u' ..,.'". y"BJ"?. ""e'sperience in the man Pio vis, Winer' Picks Horse Slutting. n All Kind'tof DaMESiBDirianEI MY PATEICK DOKEGAN. !r". ..--- r, ,., . . . '. r""'"! vaiuornia and luurth streets ursi noor east of 'Bentiner' office. TTOnSES and Mules shod at quick I .T is no1 """'or to any west of """"""J Kifuntalnt. I rice of horse sliueing, plain, $4 00 ". ' " aleeilald, 6 00 Keeps on hand all rim ofMi.i Pl.... ond Winers' Picks. VOLUNTARY CERTIFICATE. TO all wnnM it ssy coactair,-Thlsls to certify that I, II. F. Luulng, applied to Dr. J. C. Young, tn be treated for a gener at debility, brought on by hard work at mining lu Ihe water, and a Dneumaiie .r. fcctioii in my limbs, which almost deprived ! ine ui nieir use, 1110 tunve conipltlntt had troubled ma fur a long lime one of them fur teveral years, and llio oilier about eighteen months. Overcome by the pain and anxiety occasioned by them, I hid given up an uupes ei ever again enjoying good health In this condition, I called upon Dr. J. C. Young, and after the lapse of five months, I m perfectly well end feel nearly aa slronr as I ever did. I can recommend every one affected tu his cam fur he cured ine, end hat cured several of my friends that 1 recommended to his care, aflllcied wllh different diseases, some uf them bad cases, or a very bad aud danger ous nature. Given this my voluntary testimony in favor of Dr. J. (J. Young, In hopes that it may induce all those afflicted, to call on him, and avoid Ihe Impostors who have robbed 'me, not only of money, but to a certain extent of my health. D. V. LUNING. GRtrrr Iloaa, Kern Itlver, eetnemiisr !f a. --" -- -W e' w HVVVMIIIIIUtlir iiu wii.ii in liavfl mm Bom. ICERBYrILLE, O.T. THE Subscriber having LEA'SED Ihe above large and commodious Hotel In Ihe nourishing (own of Kerbyville, on the road from Jacksonville to Alihouae. Mall. ur Diggings, and Crescent City, solicits a thsre of Public Patronage. Will always be furnited with ib hi il.. market afiurdt, C. C. FAIRFIELD. .Ketbyville, Jan. 1, ia.17 0?if V) , La, J.- APKAY'S Pt'ATE - . ...u,.n, .u nurgicai insiuuta is uu Bacramento tle below po.un the Pacific Alail Sinani.iri.. -..:'... Iiy's Office, Han Francitco. Tlie Dooior nfiera free consultation, and asks no remu nerauun unless lie etTevls a cure. Office hours, from U a. m. to U f.ii, CEU'ilFICATE. I, the undersigned, Governor of Hunra. ry, do testify Imreby, that Dr L,J. Cip. r.T uas serveu during the contest for Huh I garian liberty, as Chief Surgeon iii the1 Hungarian army, wild faithful persever.t Mnce-whcreuf I have given im tl.U cer. lltlcate,und doiecommend dim m il...... palhy, Blteullon aud protection of all those who are capable of appreciating patriotic self sacrifice and undeserved misfortune. KOWUT.g LAJO, ... , . Governurof Hungary. athington City, Jau. C, 1862. QPERMATORRIKEA, or Local Weak. s J nets, ntrvout jlebllily, low aniridias. 10 have work ilnna .old. neatnett and Ihe lowett cash price. Jacktonville. Aug. 8,1 957. 30ly W. G T'VAULT, Allorncyand Counsellor at Law. Ana Notary Fubllofor Jackson Co., Will practice In tlm Kimr.m. .nJ lit. Irlct Courts orthe Turrllurv. Oflico adjoining the Printing Oflire, Jacksonville, Q.T. nf DEAR. SIR t ll is with pleasure thai I hsslen lo answer your rutier.enquiring how I get along. I hare enllrelv recov. errd from the cumplainit fur which your medical kkill waa required, and I assure ynu 1 ul gretelul to you fur the health now enjoy. Snatched at I was from the veiy jaws nfdesth.and saved from an un.' mid amount or eulTering Were I in Ihe rily where I could do It, this would have ine solemnity or an oath, bui I am in jb mining camp, there Is no Juslico of the Peace wilhlri several miles uf ma. and an you mutt publish without il, I do not like 10 name my disease, end I suppose it is not requisite, as you treat all kinds of disease. 1'ourrs. O. LANGfJON To Db. J. C. Yocno, MAnimsi, Sepi. 27ih. 1856. DR. J, C. YOUNG.sir In answer lo your request, as lo how my ease is gelling along, I would slate that I am per. fectly well, and have been so for about nne month, I should have written before, but have been wailing in see if 11 would return 1 am now satisfied that I bare teen the si 01 II. Il y ease Wat eald tn tin n v.r. Ii.i fn Kw .II.I.A .l... ! .1.-. - --w v wj ... ,,,. uu,, nana niai eiamin all called I id me. il a mercurial 15. U. Vlb.VUU, M. !., Physician and surgeon. OFFICE-At bit Residence, in Win Chester, O. T. n 1 1 tr. . WANTED, S20.000. iri"c'"sir; "I -- t ' if svquestVLj IU raise aa aoon as 'possible. "Every lit. IU help. 21j 'maURY & Da7ib. Tftey disease, and said there "was no helnrnrii You called it acrofulous, mixed vvilh a mer curial anecuun, and said you could cure me, and ou have done to I can only thank you for il and recommend all per aont sfllicled to give you a fair trial. jours 1111 oeoiu, U. I.. KAILS, Jb. pONBTlTUTIOFML DEBILITY, QR J Ssminal Weakness Dr. Young ad. dresses those having injured Ihemielvet by private end improper indulgence in the tecret aud solitary (libit ihi ruins the body and eilod, unfitting them for either butt, lets or society. The followln. ., .,. fthe sad and melancholy effects preduc nv "; uouiiaui youinviji weak THE CASKET OF DIAMONDS! A Weekly Journal containing 32 columniof renuing matter or a character cal culated to Instruct, amuse, and Interest till, trfSfitrfa! rftai1eP Will K itASnmasiA.I stem the first Saturday In March, 1658. ONLY 91 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. ThcCmiUclol sMiunnuas Will ho tbe cheapest, best aud moit enter talnlnc Weekly I'aper ever publULcd is New j ork. Dlnmondsl Dlnmondal Dinmondtl 20 Tkoutand Dollars worth or pure Callfcr nla Diamondi. set In every conceivable stylt of elegant Gold Jewelry, lo be presented to tbe subscribers of tbe Casket of Diamonds. There are no gifts worth less tbsn 25 cents, aod from that up to $300. GIFTS! GIFTS GIFTS 1 1 EVERY 8UUSCRIDER Will receive a Meautlful sift In Gold or Ma. tnollit Jewelry Immediately on reeelnt nf Ma or her name, accompanied by tie amount of subscription money. The Subscribers' Names, As fait ss received, will be placed In regu lar rotation on our Books, opposite dcslgoa. ling Not., and the gift containing a corres ponding No. will be sent IMMEDIATELY, post paid, to tbe subscriber. Ludlesl Ladles 1 1 Indies I' lOUCanceta large number nr iiljrtl.. for tbe Catket or Diamondi by a little txtrs exertion, and for every 10 lubacrlhera namea you forvrsrd us, accompanied by the money, ( Uilll a.n.t ll... . I . ' .iff I ft m t f. u" "'""" ou u ueauitiui diamond gill. s uiaao lue niao oner 10 gentlemen, Pirate bear In mind th faet rliai .... subscriber to tbe Casket of lll.mnn. will rece ve a beautiful gift lusmedlately receipt of bis or btr namo accompanied by tbe sub. scriptlon tuoney. Persons withfng to commence with tbe Firit Ijo. should send In Immedlattly, as the glfl tbey will receive will encourage them t speak to others of their success, ond thereby assist materially In Increatlng our subscrip tion I IU to coumeuco with the first No. Amonc tbe luterestlmr features nroo. p.. pcr.wA".Ji? a Lo, eorresponileneeof the wott tbrilllog and McItluKchsracler.vibleb took place in Paris. In lf)..t Ili.i,vi.i . v.. Klhh Gentleman and French lady the tyr hiiIcsI cppotlllon or the lady's father to tho' union of bis daughter with the Eucllib gtn. tlvinan is deuribnl In lm .. ,1-1.1 . Interesting waimir, at well as tbe succettfuj piuia w iu young lady to elude lbs ylgi nllrn anil .noll . I I. ..-..., .. 7 ----"'- " "ki nearness laiucr. These letters are deeply intersstlnff, s of a pure, blgbtoned character. V-EacU SubEcriber rnnat asnit nil,. cent pottjige iUBpa for rc,urn pMtag0 oa, .1 NELSON, HICKS .y CO., Proprietors of tbe Cathet oDiamodi, lima 76 Nassau Street, New York 4UCr.UTi B,V14.El' BICtURD WIKXDICU, irjaEBT BKHiVt WEUBACI & BilKAUD, (Truchol's Old Stand,) HAVK on hand and art always resdr to msufacture to order all kinds of PASTRY, CONFECTIONERY, 0ANDIES (SAIKISS Kor Weddingt (nd Parties ioj up in good style sot at like ihorlrsl notice. 4ailcaoovllle,0. T.July Itf 'ilttti 11 taaaktjsaitsnalBBSiBtaakaSjaSt'laBVBbBaaysB itKKKIKLSSiAjLil&IKKBKttK&, . . .j ataaAJaafaiaaaaHBaiBaiFaiBaiBBailBbBanBaiBaaaHB l..i&itmAtCiiJdiikm.i rfae ix J,T - aaaalraaotV dAVt ! ' ttyWgPTTgMi'rrisaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa HlsJW WWasaatMWaaaasLsaKtiitLP!MWWsssWtx Jr' BaflBaBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVBaaaBBaafl li - .