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About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1890)
v he < .iì > rm ocra iic ¿ime 5 HHtf \M> Til Kiel'. A. (¡arti k. the merchant tailor of Med f'U.i, taken p a*ur» u« nun- U' ciiig that tm w I ue in J «( k*onviile on M«»mi*v of each week f »I the accommodation of those wh«» niiiv 1 erd B» hi* ime H- is pre- , a*. «1 to d«» w«»rk m the late-t ami m »st ap- Peter I* Black inve-ted in the mining "V.-'l -!v fi-. D» not l td t'> give him a P < am and farming land fi«- ongi’ig to E Remember the tini»*. Mondays of «all. Manville, on Foiest ere» k, this we» k nnd each week. will make hi»« homo in this Cutintv in the M Heu ierson, aee’-t for R A; future. < ’ nna :gh' . a » Ieri ibi beaten in tlie L ike- _ -r«»«»m «»ne «1 iy !a-t week by Vi w h »u*r b ir W e a^e Im ky to have perms ently ¡ «cat- g«owmg out r j M up u.' Ver a . dispute .. ---------- | 8 now led will u* a citv denti-t who will five >.f ! «nd m »tiers, ami Henderson p oil all »!>»• 8< ience you want in • !e listrv .’ nr. u* <»n - rye ami thirl»en teeth, in a l 1 ’ ab « n Dr. .Marcoux, at the P. S. H«»tel ditmn b» :« I s- «»I «me of Irs arms which and see him. l e Lad p?rvmu*ly -u- rin»‘d M-iUp'i» ha- th»- Tfie Southern Ore. on StH’e Board of her i bound ove« ui J30 ' bonds to await sitting of the next grand jury Agriculture last l ue-iny ordered the p*»y , . luent of the ’special” pienuiinis award’d A sure cure for the whisky habit: I» at the 'a’e district fair amounting in al. to l.ivin ’-t< nr s Antidote for Drunkenncs« j about |lut). w ll cure any case • i the liquor habit in Sheritt Birduey is ome more himself. tom t« n tu thirty d.iy*. from the mo derate ' although having considerable slack m hi* drinker to the drunkard. The Anhdote sail* yet He is mat*ing prepurat «ms to go (•■in b * given m a cup of c«»rtee without the I to housekeeping in the .Mae^ly premises m knowhdgr < t »he prr>on taking it. The A.itiuo'r will not injuie the health in any ■ a short time. wav. Manufactur» «1 by the Living-tone ! George Bloomer of tips place and Cha*. ( ovmi' a Co., Siu Francis»:«», Cah, ur from I \V-’lt- rs i 1 Medford w« r- «>n tfie c »minute»- \.C Mar-l^rsA Co. -ole ag»'« is, R.»***bvr-’. on invitation tor t'.r l h iussgiv ng ball at E C lb .-•'»■ *. .1; Miller Strang, Grant’* Pass, w hicn ptov»-d such a success Al» «If •O «gun ' la*t evening. A b**ati iful monument was erected to I C. W A\re* «»t Alnany, formerly <d Ash t. 1 -memory «» ^.M turner in tlie Gid land was in the L»ke l.ab’*h railroad I I .ow-e. non of tiu- J at k -«» uv ide erm« tery accident, but e.*«-ai e«1 with ••«ndv a broken a few «i «y- sum«*, I hhii tlie Jaeksonv.!> i no*e. ’ Ii’s just a« good as ev»r to blow M h I»!»- A • rk*. I i-a dupi.c ite<»f the sl«me with however. ere«-t»*4 some ye »r- -in-e • ver the rem «in- We acknowledge receipt of an invitation of V. S Hivti n in the Masonic burying Many visitors to ttie cemetery to hr I ’e*ri.t Mt the Thank .giving ball groumi i i-r Sumi iy a imi e 1 its design and li«e ar the Grant’* l’a- . <»p<-ra h« use la*t even it being ♦ xctlviit wuikiu.n-liip dw,»iay«-«i 111 11* »Dg, bill Were all« ml, ‘ c up-truct on. <»u« bu.-y day. All the nip’licii e in the world will not cure your -'(» h ' «■•>u,-l«* f v ■ ur tre’h ar<- tn p<» r < on»h>ion. V -it Dr. Marcoux and have your m uth put in order so you wi I enjov lite. • PE'í.o.Wl. MENTION. INSTITVTK ITEMS. LINCOLN S MELANCHOLY XMAS ARE The teacher’s institute opened at Ash- ’ uv a White. W. T. !.<» kwood of < l<« ago, is Visiting i lam], jp (laniard's opera-house, on Munday Hit» Sympathetic Nature and fl is Earl, tri« n is in tow n. I evening, November 24th. in charge of 8»ate I h. White u still king. M t iities. »•FF.CiAL RAPIR OF JACKSLM CMD. CR S. C La wrenco *»f G .-!«' - ■ reek was at the Superintendent E. B. McElroy and County Turkeys nr. roo-ting high. county-seal on W «i'li’^«) Ja| Sup-rintmdent C. 8. Price. Prominent personages in matters educa Janie.-« J. 1 \. 1* I. I’oiui Tbnwe who saw much M Abrahnni Kemt th-* new »Ivertisenienta. nui» * y NOVEMBER 2s, I-.«» were hi tow 11 »• r ai w tl »urs *»li fa» .-«lay. tional began to arrive early in the «lav on Lincoln during the later vein« of hi« l ie. M'Uidav, among whom were noted. 81 ate Th.- Lo i.‘ays are not f ,r distant. I C. M. G born ami wife ol A* .lami, will Hupt. Mi Eir- y, Countv Supt C. 8 Price, were greatly irntiresRod with the expr *- Onr Turkey». «ion of pruiouu«! melancholy his face al < i.r«. win .• you wad-PrMton'a - lied- *pei.«i the winter months at Yulu, Califor Prof. H L. Benson of Grant’® Pas.*, Profs The usual <!» mand ’or turkey* ami other Ake nia. K. E. Smith, W. J. Crawford an i numer ways wore in repose. fowl» for That a g«v ng u*e prev.o ed Mr. Lincoln was oí a peculiarly sympa- I, 1 r *h candir-just In at the S. F. Variety (’oroncr J. s. Parson, wif* and so a a-e ous o hers. throughout ih • val w t; n s» n>..n. nut toe S(»»rr A lengthy add rets of welcome was dr thetic and kindly nature. Those strong . takin: a vu i’i -n at S.iti .Ftft!ici‘Co this palate* At ii r »f’Hpkfu! in many in-tan • s Lvei'dhv Prof. P A. Getz, which was re characteristics influenced, very happily, week. ‘ . B-'wditch circulated un our streets on bad to b-• s.*ti-tie I wi hclii< keu *trait;f r ‘■P'lnded to by Co onei K. A Miler of as it proved, his entire political career. the country b-»’h to lbw s«»nth ami no th lU’-diy last Rev. Joseph C. ok of Boston recently Jncksouviiie Both gentlemen's remarks They would not seem, at first glance, to ha* discovered h- w va-tly »-uperior it their pass, d through the valley on bis overland proved highly inteiesling and instructive Why suffer? Fieston’s “Hed-Ake’’ will be efficient aids to political euccem; but ‘ own product a f »1. temier, jui« y Ja< k- .i> I t«> the assembled audience oi teachers and t«»nr. • ure y«»u coun v gohbivr is. and the «ieman<i t on; th-'sr interested in institute and education in the peculiar emergen« y which Lincoln, ’ S. S. A .ken and Ge«» M athew ’ a of Prospect in the providence of God, was called to al work. abroad takes m H our surplus and» . < r acne- I On ot's Hid 1 otatues at the 8 F Variety we e hi 'he vail’V after bUVplivs a few meet, no vessel of common clay could ' The lecture ammunced fur Monday even heavily on «>ur bom* >up| ly. hw-»i.»r*in St re J da' * since. ing bv Prof. H. L. Benson ot (»rant’ Pass, possibly have become the “chosen of the all parts of the va. vv are findit g •‘gaili- New at»d nobby hit* institi at Reame* cultiire, eN|M*ciallv turkey r.»'* n_», to tie was deferred until the following evening. Lord. ” A. T. Kyle of Ashland was at the county very profitable, and the latter bu-intss i* A White -, .-ca* Mumiay night and Tuesday, en route Those acquainted with him from boy Tl ESlfAY, n <» v . 25. growing year bv year, a « on-»antly to Port land. l‘o! * till thr little lo ks are dazed at the The regular programme for day work hood knew that early griefs tinged his increa-ing deinarid lm y this is a favor S. F Variety Store. His partner in e a* earned out by Prof P. A Getz, «-f Ash whole life with sadness. Frank Gin .’erot Prospe«*! re’urned Lome I ed country, where the very b st ot everv- land, with an instructive paper on ’ Lan Hie grocery biisineos at Salem was 'asl w«ek alter .-« vrial months »pent ;i a1 I. TE ARE—A ih I are prepared tu M**.:f.»r«l r«»der tt »iir 111 «quantities to suit thiig i* product«!, tr< in the nd wu t r guage L«*sM)n*," following which was an t «ramie, O. rgor.. “I’ncle” Billy Green, of Tallula, 111., • apples that sum he the p.dtirs.f senators gt Krainrs A White’s. nouticed ” Morals and Manners in our Pub I Show hundreds of beautiful who used at night, when customers were t.’ Wa*l ii pto:i a’d it. I. mhm. •«> <’»iinly Trci-urer Geo. Bloomer ate Lc School*," by Prof. J. B. Horner of Rust 1 t» *, ni-»tity 1 « funded ; Preston’s "iled- few, to hold the grammar while Lincoln Die '«»olh-« lue turkey that i* *o re *!i»«l by A r ” tur-kv) at 1 I h * »1 4 fuHnestead <iown on ! lie burg things, both useful and <>ma- Hr not rrapmdmg t * ( all, the in- the wralthy g- urin» m <l.wn by the h \ recited his lessons. r vei ’, e-iterday stitu'e was entertained an«! instructed by L«d u<* renin; Hmi.ks that we are thus fa Wm. By'H.-iVson will st al ¡feed about’>0 mental, It was to his sympathetic car Lincoln d.signed especially for (’»I <’ F Friz 11 ««f PaloU »', Wa-li’ng. tin* tonic, ably handled hy Mi*- AiLtM. vi r«d, even th >ugh our g'Mfitud«* to d:ty * he».1 of t.«rv»-- thi* winter. R *ynolds, “Ku.dergartrn work wh ch aid* tol«i the story of his love fur sweet Ann t hi , fta* «»►*•*!» vi.-H ’ iig re atives at Ashland tokens of !» -•» tied by a *h >rtage <»t ot n ti t i a I > \ * love, friendship and h >rtave m teaching Drawing,” suppieni**nted by Kutlidge; an«i he, in return, uttered what itt’ft Cob’ aid Cholera Cure is «immg th«* week. lor b i . i - ( ••■■.min n I* r are an we a • • F t harts and iilu-irations • comfort he could when poor Ann died, at« and alway s sure. esteem. su'nmndet ly ImFan st»i«*, fanred by Ju ius Miilwah«! lam lv of Minnesota ’ Means ami Expedients found helpful in and Lincoln's great heart nearly broke. bainiv b-evz-a. i|«l ¡«ling the lor ui tl -wr. s ie* an I provisHms of all kinds, . st week arr ved at G »1«! II cl, intending to kch'iol Ro >m Work,’ presented by Fro'. E. “Alter Ann died,’’says “Uncle” Billy, arid revelhn in th-* «•l»oi''»*'»t trui's. wh I Realms A White’s. • se 1 tl- r> thi* vail y. E S unn of Ashland, whose thorough “on stormy nights, when the wind blew tea-tu g « ur v} e* on the g!ori«»o« *« rii»'tv I’ll ¡Store ie btuckcd with uddi- know 'edge of t h«* subject was niauifcftt , Tt»*«i Fap«* re*urnr«l from the Willamette •« ». B li ng- of Ashland was in town the rain against the roof, Alie would set that impresses the ttrai.ger with the Li v II v to e t Thauk-givii g dinner at home, pr«>v»-«i a Valuat» r paper. It was followed that we Lave f.»oe 'he i>ioHr beauufn. Vali» y l««r a lew • ours ¡-»st Tuesday. tice ami novelties in gift goods tbar in the grocery, his elliows on his nv 1 gem ral di*cuss on. ami elicited much ai'ivmg *«-:»•! !.y morning. ill the Ui.iwr-e ’ Wr ly it .* «1« I • e ami Hrst-« a-s cedar fence uosts fol sale in f ivorablr comment from »xperirncid knees, his face in iiis hands, and the A I ' < » •»- v- llmni, Neil and C»»lyig and and if w..u want something !»«»< ti er s.e'i» n on the lont’m nt 'ha' we <pt .iiii«- to -nil nt ttie T imes i fti< e. te»« h'*rs present. tears runnin* through his fingers. I . L R. \\»4»-!er returned from Klam Br< e iing's .'11 A tel cak thi« f VI iled J H 1 ran n«»w recall i- t.«v »n<1 ibu* t » an e«faal Our < u*tom» rs all >pv ik h»« h y pi Superintendent McElroy's address on hated to see him feel bad, an’ I'd say, eh«ii< c—belter than you can obtain bimday ath < oii iM S 1 1: : day **v« 1 lug ‘ r •' ‘ • rr »•-, « ur»a*<ts arid ra>bitis for of St. Fain- *’.* Fili?. The» are 1» v « • st.— <•» rn ct »b 1 «a1 \\'oo<iville last t degree. "-« h ol luanagriurnt" wa* dispensed wuh. ‘Abe, don't < ry’; an’ he’d look up an’ i e Ito.itiays ai R. «me- A White *. bmr B ekky B ros .. Carrol Nebra-fca. For sale Digl.t, ami si ie .ii- etrum abo.H ¡1» n 15» »i Havmomt drove up from in order to givr lull lime to the local te tch- say ‘1 can't help it, Bill, the rain’s a at home—send to u- tor what yon in’- I* ii<»t «be tir-t tii ng .1 Hinkle. Ceioral Point, ami G. * .c» - <»i ««•: a Auction Nair! I; • k Fo i' t • ih - « ■ un’v scat, on probate ♦ rs <»n ihe progr'iiiimr, for prt sentation of Mtuiihly :i'-ta iu»*«.t* uf $10 will buy a bv Dr failin’ on her.’ ’’ ih «I 1» »ft -!| j-rtrd «luring ihe *11.111 11 ll;i kins. \Ldtord. i«»*ir respective subjects. want and von will find that the bilsi! »■--. y< *’» i '. i\ nimnillg. * . • -i : I ’ n I 10 fr<»ia .’-«•««tt Griltin. • The utuier lined will sell ! at sympathize ¡ Í. hours ot benight 'll that >»« ti«»i» la’« ly, There ate many who cani. Th ai rrnoon session was opened bv O. Coolidge < f A*l>bi« «1 -hipped a < home aid th party ih t lia* -o far «L*i»a-ed h - •_*» Point, on Saturday, N v. pf xa thev I i M'-- F '!« Ku w ki arrive i f <»m P«»rt- mu-ic f«'i*ow*ed by the subject “Ge«»graphy’’ with this overpowering grief, as they \ r -»ry • an 1. r-h «rdists are anxiou-- Low Price alone will more than b*t of pe >c e* last we k i nis ih g * i niMi lH u 4. had in tier » all a han and tr.v -Ct'IIHlH'l cu g i»l 10 o'« bn'k a. I» . la- •! I a *• 1 <L«\ «»I 1 ♦•« t Lt «>{ f fp* telegram tr« .»i»*d ny G 1. Newbury of the J k - k .* n ly waiting for rain, to set «»ut young trees. think ui a lost loved one, when “the • bhii ping peaches in N vember adinun si < • unce mote to be a man, «>r before lie is S X herd »4 wort horses wuh h »• nr offset the trouble. ini' mg M'. K.trcvvsKi ’ - d»a ’ h nun vil»* pubic sch«*"!s. Immediately after rain’s a failin’ on her.’’ What adds -pan of bu gv ho?-es, one tine bro«>«l m« » > e tl.e prep »rations that Santa Clan* is I the thoughtful that the tune is approat h ng HWMie .»• wil' ii d him-» it b< hmd the bar* war!* ’Pr.mary InstriKtion” was prt- poignancy to the grief some times is tlie < . ett, d. j n : y I' S Revenue I. Bl. Miid colt, two milk r »W3 ai;«i calves, one air» a iy mai 1 g at the S. F. Variety S’ore. for making garden. I . e .Ldin w dl 11. ve.-l in a mck, ami ke« p coin <■ or. a m v u, Al •- *<a, >i ent -evera! -ruled by Mrs. M try Tyler of Grint’s Pass, thought th it the l«_»st une might have iw »-year-«»!»I steer, six 'h *r ••i.’lil>r»»d F >- We recommend De W'tt’a Colic ;:l.d » )ld paper*, it. quantities to suit, for sale *:ay- Visiting Iri«*ml ai A*hi?:i I la-t week. u >«i proved to be • ne of ’!)•* best | aper* been saved. Ian*) C ina m»w-, on«* ttx.r u h r»*»i F • ».n») TE are showing the latest ideas * b- lieve it a safe r« a-i bef »re tlie institute. The broad field Ch lea Cure because w China b ar. ten she it* ha!f t»r • i P » .» 4 at the T im K* otlii r at ¿»o cents a hundred. Fortunate, in b*e.|. is William Johnson, M»- Eli * "f F re-t Grovr. « rgat iz»-1 a Mid reliable r» inedv. It- go. <1 rt!« cts are the sufij*< t embr ices was completely l in Toilet Cases, silver fit China, one two-hor-e wag »t , 01- t p bu.’ y 11 n ' h '»-ami f» et of lumber at Sam’s val- -h >wn at once in cas* s oí l bolera Morbu* b« Iii-h « f Ile Wuman’s ilehef vorjs « f of Coruna. I I., a builder, whowtites (•■»v* red by the author, and the applause wiiti -nafts «n I poh*. t urie.»n br«»«> « - w • y *< h » ! hoii-r for sale bv Bco’t (ìnflin of an I ' imilar c m paint* O »g»»i. af A*' lami l i.-t w rii, witli a v**ry ‘i.ast February, on re which gieeted her < rtort testified the en- June 28, lhfiJ ting-; Manicure Sets, silver with voting pig*, one set <4 t»«u gy barne s, I-Io • a r m» mbrr-tup. The ur»ler is a brm « fi turning from chur« h one night, my l rr sympathy and approval <»( the audi I < nr -ni-tr han»»'**, «me solid «• un rt *.»iky The y«.ung pcop'e ha«! an impromptu « f thè G A R. Tu«' l«»il<»WHig otti era w « re fitting-- ern e with the position taken by her 111 daughter complained of having a pain in ; Jewel Cases, Work Boxes, Ct" ice fiv acr«' tract* in Nicir'i’s ad- Tua' k-givi' g liait at the I’ S. hub a-t pl w,»»ne cmn etihiv it« r. .'Jtin bushels » f ih •• i Mi.». .1 M C di. presiiieot ; Mr* J. Mi-- ni«* Levy arrive I from San Frat-- uamilmg th« topic. «4.- n tu \h iford are db-red on favorable »•V»-’ ing. N ne c- upirs trippe«! it on the her ankle. The pain gradually extended con» 20 *••!»*» »4 Lay, «»»•«■ iw«»-h >t‘e corn R <’.«-« y. *••' 1 r vi ■ u re-niriH ; Mr- Ja- * " la*i ifur lay in tmm to attend the Satin Glove and Handkerchief until her entire limb was swollen ami EVENIN'«. SESSION. pl ♦« 1» r, <>--e -« ed - w v . <•!.» *< W’ 1 g m « light I ni.i*tic t> the iiiu-ic of the corn» t Gm-ii.' m. jun •” vi e-i r»-*id«*nt ; Mr*. .1. f « «rii <4 tic step-father, the late G. « t;i v. « lie Cookillg .-u»Vi . »»I e • X r; - We called a u !■' a lei midnight. The evening entertainment w s held in tlie very painful to the touch. D <’ri«i -«*r - r ta'y: Bt-. D. R M iiif I vi , Jx «r» w-i, . Cai-es Il:iinl-l’ainte<l Opal Plae- lab v I ea*u e* ; M • - C. i . Sh» pherd, ehm 1 mi . M *- Ku «• Lrmb * g r afiv«*! from Ganiar«! opera hou-e hail, a large uudienre physician, who after careful examination, The Turb n * wfie» I wlii« h w ll fur .i-h Irrm* «.f S»L Gm* y»-a» * t«m w , I Albums, Etiscls, Photo ’pies, M. ’ K f M <«• r. . « n L i» c a •’ K « mh ■ 1 • «• n1 i»■-» <n M * i'L-»v o A*hl«i"d's pe qilr ami visitor* in atten- fironounced it disease of the kidneys of p »wer nt Win ’ fir-tHr. D mgl wat« r rn <» ii all -un.s •’! ?2i»»s» pi <.v»«* Mi** L «villa Krause of Jackson- ! 1 11 • g.» 11 r. *. u ri, M i * - ong Btamiing. All we could do, did not t . »| h ». ; ♦»»■ hi <»f dam*«' ev«*;:in4 _» in ' . ■ » I •rilOVr to Bu’ te creek a* will tv I* a n am m b « o < em, : hr . Toys, Games. Picture Era 11 it*. ».(»prove 1 no e* l'n<tvr >2'G-o «a- 1 V 1. <■'■!: vu -< «1 the auuienc»» with laughter seem to benefit her until .1- n. a- i-'rtiH c«m«im t- r ; circii t < • -III i . we trie«! I tim»* I«. rug., gr io ranching wheel of th»* k ’.d rve. brought h .1 d. I» .1 1 r «-nation «»I the ,‘Vd ag« < Ì<»*.-Ip asei-Um gu.ird Warner ’ s >afe Cure; from the first she ! P «e fi C »a*!, it IS S.dd. Fan-. Slippers, Jewelry IL E D »\ - • • tur vi lo G» ;• - Fa*- on 1 * rriiuitio'i co . d not have been better Tr « « c- -e Tue- i y vv--' i'.g, al nr «-«th tl.»* <»tt,»r R i I h. n A < » •! Ài in id .hr au iirncr thoroughly appr»*« 1 «t.«i com men« e«l to improve. When she com- 1 A W» r« ce ve.t ii 1* week a I lie \v tuer school ll-’ri« f I) i’ ID pr." c ' i* m- 11 «•< < > I» • « • \\ th tli«* ma 11 ar»*me:.I »1. .vn - t’iara « olyig, aii- « on* t t; w I / ni . t • » «»I Jdck-onvil r xnenced taking it she cuubl not turn over , i . «-n • t tl 24x10 tu • u»t v i>- 1 in .1 ne.o « e g •" * »md ¡adì».- ti e • »»i'll ■ d *!? . t I t. .1 il a-, m ■•m* o hom I. í rr » to $ 15U» in bed. and coiil«i just move her hands a le t, * 1 (*.. «• j wi h rtt - tr ; h «- hi > v «• tb«n recited ‘ The bpirr <»f St. M ichael-’ .heeling «»I District lh»ar*l. ■- 11 . « x »-n- ve rn H-ni'i« ' y \l - 1 i •• R «*•«' of A - h aml 1* bom»* 1 . a »»uii.tir: llidl call*« d I II hou c to ring little, hut to-«lay she it- as well as she ! cate«! hi » *i.r ' v r«« n • gr ui . tie ir a- <1 r» qu re- ¡•» .»periti»' li > v -n -1 «»ol* fi -t six-cord thread for 25 A ir«; t-r.ii-» 1 i" the Wi 1,4.1 l’ne > u hern Oregon s'ate b>o«l «4 a.’ai-i, .»!;» r a l»»n_* •!»-••! « at S .1*111, en- wi ll appl»u-c a a Ii and agai n. B »11> of ever was. a fin- grov«* of bLi k «» k . I lieiieve I owe the recovery • tt»* v «Il y t<«|UHvs i«<| i«it s Dill dui a smn sinici I ou oir. »\. g ’C” ! a* Agmuhur» held a me* ting ai li.e • th «• ot c’* .11 ll « Red >t:«r St re at Grant's i’ass, t- ' !•- r n a ph«»t< graphic gal ti»»* li;t «• in --vs exuion el »cu: n»n »ry talent of my »laughter to its use. ’ ivi'iz *«i ai «1 lery al ' h • *ta’v capi■ a>. The vote at A-hla- «1 <»n th* qiewti"!! of hi* .»li ihe Huv.image* m « i v.iinages of <4 a « «ivi'iz*«! Serrrl ry Miller in th1* place «»n Tu. sdav Oregon. • 4 a u.gli - r 1« r ami -h »w « arein; training evying a seven null t >x for school Diirp«»*ee « ul'U’e«! .•>••« ic.y. fin* g«>-«i ami convellimi aft* rnoun • f this w»-ek to au it a« c u«it.' Prof. H. L. Ben ize ' Mr i--ned November 2f»th R. S D in to «•• n’vmphi’» - r-’ii’-n-t.g to in their respective parts stood 71 for t«< 39ag «iii-t, h - i «I the evv win ni K K«*ts a-.«i r« « «■ ve* a beiier mc<»me troni an I transact • 'titer bii-inr-s pertaining f » M t’rerd und Mt-s Margaret h - «. «i in«mv at l ulto”. Mis*«»uri, in time M«not Gram’s Fassclostd the euiertam- Tetter and Roll*. fie made, to lilt th** imb b’ednvss of th«* th* -amr mv< -tmeni than can be had fruiti the !n'e «listru t fair, but «»vv ng to th» nb • «»•*.«• I»»- Ch’ 1 4m 1* «I niier with relatives ments by a lecture un the text, “Gue of district and t ay leai h-i * -a arir*. tii>y uih» r i ne uf t»u-lhv-s You can vel se»»« r of a «pv rum the annual «••»*•• 1 m • I F »r years I was afHicted w i’h an aggrs- _ <> f — lit*«- Little Gues ” From an educational whom be I ih . s not -een foryear* I « » - th - la d Irom > »•» l » J7.» per acr»* ■ I The Olli ♦ r* w»»* drtvrre«! 1«» *«»n«e u ut ’in ♦ . all wo J s u-king, 11 a yards wide ft'at.dpomt. tlie gentleman presented the v ited cx-e ot. l etter. 1 tried lotions, salves, Tlie Sun Franci*r<» *• Ex iiai• vr'«. ' gre «t .•-lip» <’ *• Pri e drove up t«» AdPand in «O c *. per yard, at Kearnes A G.egon La.««i Cuiiipany ot Sileni. Oirg'iu I he «i|. r« lor* i»rc-ent writ* D > K Bu'*•« Ht -» soaps ami other outward applications, dr «wing will take place in Dece mber. t»i- « art Monday ’a*t t > 1 ut in th»* week at ad v aiiced thought of tne nineteenth « en- without any beneficial result*. Inaddui« n Wh » - «•! R -« Urg. G. W. R:< d ♦* «»I Ki hi r 1> ami Mane Other itiry «»n the care and training of youth Sub'Ctibe lor the week \ at « n- «• ii \ oil 1 h-re may he p.-r-oi * in this cmnr.iunily th»* trilli!’»' «ti v on in*!:'u’e work an«! his Van in ur 01 <»<•$! t - Fa**. J a*. M« D n«u .1« to the letter. Boils commence«! break ng m tl.e schools. w«-h a chance t • draw one of ihe va untile Oliver M Gee of \\ illiams creek left for regular <; laitC ’ ly examination ot teachers who are at turns troubled wi h < die, or V. 1 > w springs ai.d F. 1. I»-» wo mg «•! < ••« out ail over my body, cau-mg me so much articles utter» d to new -ubset ibvrs. W EI»NL-1»A\ , NoVEMBEK 20. sub] < i to bowel complaint. If so. they tral Point Treasurer Jud*ou -ubuii t»d K « *s* »si werk with the intention uf A G Johnson n- hi of E .»gl«» ig!«* Point was in pain that I ha«i to <pi«t work and go to bed. lem.t h * financial rep ri. whl. h wa* du«v -p Auer music, an instructive paper ‘E lu It is *ai«i that if ihe rum«>rrd transcmiti- -h md try t'namberlai:i’s Cm;.-, Ch»»-'a t<»w n s»*»t-ii'i! g with the c-'Untv for improv«*- 1 then decided that 1 had started w rong, It w ill atî »rd men’* m ole all I Di irrito« a R» m» «h l roved, a* Wi»* that of 8-cretary «* «rn th«* Lit’l« Butte !»• 1 Ige at « jiioti a Right.” by Mis* Clara B. brink ami instead of using • sternal treatment I i — u«* bills, drafts etc., in t'entnl arrangement has be«*n »-tie« ted be e relie ’ , and wi.en 'e lm t d ought to go tu the -eat of the di-ease and j “ almost 'mni'-di i w i' i*t' «H'd to with close attention. Piuf. The a*s«»i*iati.»n ts in *p rn ini *hap that place re nt y on Tue.-day last. and first class, at the I tween GoiH'1. Hil I’ltigr n ami t'«e R »cke- wi»n w »1er i* p c « to take. It taken a.* Vial y and it i* thought Al l HU««w .1 fr|iers, w« may I » «s i r im »r <1 ite a«! Col. R. A Mill-r a •«! G-» ». Noil went to \\ J. Crawford of Medford then presented purify mv bl«»«»«i. as it was ohviotKly bad | vance hi ire gilt r t •• f - 1 •'«•• e»*«. *oon as th»-fir*t n d’Cstion <»f tfie li'sease A-hlan l '1 -n iay. where (o’. Mill-r d- the subject <«t “Literature in the Public bio«» 1 ’fiat ch i-ed boih T* I’e ami B »ils. I I I used to tr« .«t • ur local a-M-riati» ’•■»'»I ice. es m re K q »• and OlT the attack, M my b<-ar 1 Hielt will m his u-uui tttective maun -r j i-t liberali y wi en tl er«* 1* took several bl«» »«i purifie** w ithout any I hv« !e«i th»- r« -n«m ♦* t • th«' «»I-ruinga idrcft* .ft li<M,ite RH-.O .g the be*». the S. F. T u radroui ctm.ptnv in ’ en-i* t<*. b**-«- w a v, and fimi that it tw*f »re p»r*ent. A 1 real z* ri,,:r ifi»- i-» at people us» it Ab .ut the tim«* my case was I the teacher’s institute in his usual urg ng that the empfiiyment of the proper g«xxl »tte/ts cu «• ag «>m*t ftf.ow I. l rk a te- 1:. the -iski ne ve i fol- 11 A 2» <»r 50 c»nt b «ti!e hap:»v style It Varie’ y in nt aci ordeii li e «iis r’d km i «4 literature m public schools would decided incurable I «-ommen-ed taking I you* «hi* c mi. ’ tg -ea* »t», having alreudv m D .1 II i k - , ( ’ • n- S. S S Ina few we ks the Tetter was j mai i rôtit.' correct much ol the teudency towards J h •Ic4«»n c’»Hi»ty H»M»« i.»ii m » «»’h n .- i- f -'-t-t'irf. -Ii'g •»no.!* of Tn- I 1 m ; • '» ■ ’ .*< d • -«in! « «'1 on Thankft- viciousiitss pr." 'i-e i » 1 ew -t. r rut «ry ( * <•««» »■ -1 «»w- trai Four a H H -ki *. Me it -d. I w tm h characterizes some cured, and one by one the Boils disap- in»*a*urr rr*i»ons)i'H* tor ii»r * ■ pi » 1« . at K» aiitr* A White’s— eiv ng r d «v fr«»m Wtn *. t'-ow 1 <»f A-h- I ow, reany for in-taut use wL< n w tiittil i upii-. Fr«»f. I. B. Raymond ot Central : peared, until I wn* entirely an I i»erman- | dislru'i t<ali I m «th iasl year »«» ■ wee J;. a li » 1 on. h' l lie v st - de of !’•-in* <«»--« »n e l at h-ngtb on the topic ot | ently cured. This w as three years ago,and i * *t io rbead- lami. If you want I«» sun-i r.b«* f »r the «»•• t i : tie S S' ut.«* - hi »-.■ne . h • >* her«* to * < ori <-ral Fumthmt nt. ' and ni >n\ pi e-vnt since then I have b« en free from ary sk n ' I.’» •»». H-» hecau J X H • -r*tn l was m town from h s » tn; >i o:.. H /f I f.l » 4A»O I A/> weekly on the coast tn-i at th»* - « i e time ■r \ in the « <>ur» - !«»«>k a: 1 ♦ r h * inter« - - ta c . in n MeiRor«! ¡«recinet last Sunday g»*t a chance to «haw a hand-«,me p’t—• nt. io >k part 1:1 th«* en-uing disc u-- ion reí a i i \ e erupti » ii . My akin is now. arid has been , .1 Cut. if 1.1» I nu i.ber arrnste-j lor a I« w hours. Rev. i’athcr < I ampin t" . .•« vi«‘t in of th • to -«h'.ol «!•*« ipimr L’eneTahy , with tl «• • »r 1 h ♦*»* A vars, a • smooth a* any «»tie’s. subscribe f«»r ih** San Fram i-co ’Exami- «•of the pea« e. Worn y «>u can g«*t an ENTIRE A’ ill. « I. iki I. d>t*h a« . id* nt. w *.- ol. ge«i »<» stop Il-Hal diverg»*m’• of opinion a* to v.'ays ami S S. >. i-O' »civ cur *d in • of the Te’t**r and j Subscriptmns t ik« i: at lire - ,ft th»* irrarui dl-plavc f holiday good* at n»r." ov» r ;it Ashland several «lav- 'a-t week tn no-«n- "t uiainti.imng «u«ler. ___ thr br-t fmit hr «1 I’» N>. kvl - A«l iHiun Hi ' ’ B u - y Bo 1-, but al-o restore«! mv appetite and ’h»-S I- \ ar ci v Sture New goods com .»ttl.T recuperate fr 'in h * .*!i k ng up, before con WiK,' by Mis* Hattie New burs «4 Ja-k Mr«ll»»r«i lorll»r SAME pt i< • gen»*ra> health, cau-mg me to incre ase in ’ ? ing in every day. S nat >r S ’ anfoni w: I Ire H h.- W i-hfg- tinuing his 1 »uri;r\ t<» Lakeview. soimlle wa« 11« xt taten up and pre.-ente«! weight and in« rea-e in ♦ v-' v w «y. N* m krl ’* Add ti«»n ) ins Medford’* we M s. p«.| I «" L . N»*W L I <1«»D. < »1110. tern 1 orp«»T;»in*h lint*. situate«! in a be »u oy that Indy. Her long connection with ! ;• -»■> 1* «»f th»* <ii*tri«’t teacher’s m- ton friends th»* winter to appi«-* fr ni Dm Mr* E II An’« nrchh ami daughter, <4 tiful »«•«! healthful 1 »cati«*n, ami ;s wilhin a sti’ute . f A-hlard were held in Gan- Rev nohi’s«»rcha«d tip in th»* Meadow-, -hi, Y■ • u a p »-ft«* I th' "U h the v «l|ev rn r«»ti’e the public schi ol of Jack-onville, and her May ♦•, i-!»« I ed »-ast last w»e'.í troni A-h a i l by H A stone’s ihr««w «»! the Mvdlor«i -ch<».»1 di«m*-. i.«t«I * opera hou-e. Treatise oi t<» Ro-« burg to vis t Mrs S. Z g er s family extcn>iye experience in the primary de Clawsun to the i-enabn s caprai city »ad I hr Litni 1* p»i t rular «V adapted «“ b«»rt'- I-»*’ week, stopping ovc” a dav at thi* pat tiuvut. made her peculiarly wed equip mailed free. A! eadv the demand f«>r stock ratt'e i* dress. rulturr. ami great return* w«»u!«i b»* r* al- ped lor the iiamimg ui that -ubj *ct Many Atla ta, (ia. pla e to v:-i' M s. W. J I’ v ina c i •i« vite- lor pr.mary ‘busy work ' were .elv «astoi the Cascades and izr i there fr«»m a l»*w .»« .< * |«! m b- m rg A hen belonging t«» Avery Ji>hn*on of Mr* L ;z 1 Sturgift, mother of A. W pri«» — a»e locking up. prunes, p»-a< hes, grapes, etc. cite«! by her witch may be easily employed The Find step. Ashland, was s rla’ed bv the e «-cti«m Sturji* "f Torest cr« » k d rd at «h- home of Two ot 11* tie*« iratures are tr ai i< 1* tree hi the public schools i’rof J. B. Horner I. • »• > . i-ta val ev marketed more th in news from the ra-t that she recently ¡aid a Jotin K«*<» vn, th»» wor hv p«»*truas!rr at l er daurl*!« r Mr-. K i.-r in Clackainus Perhaps you are run down, can’t eat, I from city taxes, altnotigh 11 »t I* n g a -r at i $.’,7 "o') w »rth < f api le* this season, says of Roseburg having arrivtd during the day. iLiub'r egg— >r rather two egg* at a clatter, K’-own. A vg'i.tnv county, F«nn.. sav- ««»untv, N v 1.*. 1*W, at th«* advanced age can't sleep, can’t tii uk. can't «1«» anything I FOK di-iance fr«»m the busine-* port’.«»!» «»t M»«i ti part of the altfcrnoou wasalolled <0 that the Mmi'agie " Here Id j -med together by a filament or connecting • i . «!.; > r in * <' »tigli R -mt-«ly .sells i»«-1 lei < f s.s. Mr Sturgis was just prei aruig to to your satistactiun, and you winder what ! *, while the J acksonviil» Me«if-«rd rad- gentleman for the presentation of some ¡ink. vi-it her when he received the sad 1 ew* of thar any other I t«»* reason of this is be- ails you. You should bred the warning. ’ Dr E P G.-.iry. J. S Howard an«! others roa«i will run thr«»ugti the Im<i n»*ar tbe practical illustrations ot an astronomical ■ a.;-» 1 «an always be lirpemicd upon. hrr dtath i>«» M If »r't were up Wednesday evening m>rtbrrn b«>und 11 v nature, and aiao some hints 1 • the way uf You are taking the first step into Nervou- Mrs Ca-»iwell i-h «ving a !:«rg- lort’onof !,*t a- y «»ne tr«»uble«i with a severe cul<1 Prostration. You nerd a Nrrvv Tonic, and It has b en I rd <»m in tracts of tì ve la*r «• ii l »«ige business. tiie Ct rd well rail'd» sub<1 vid» I n’»» five an I g vc it "a ami they wil find that the Mr* p. P. Fruii r» »urne 1 hom P r’laml p-acucai experiments in physio ’-gy. in Electric BiVers y«»n wdl find the exict acres ami less, ami w 1 b- d a’ vr v r« a- It was og;ee«i bv f-upt*. M v E hov ami ten acre 1» t-. with tfie »nten ’ ion «»f putii« g • <n M nd.«y, h «virg |. fi iter «Ltughter Mr*. De Wit»’- Lit «le I. »rlv Risers. Only pill to ri -it «? »-«• w i.l h «i» ve tiiv lungs ai d make sonab!e rates o • the m*»st I tv r it» »• tern -. t c land on th«* marker *t <»n «». Price itiat iiitie sl.«)ul4 De no «nslilute w o k 1 mmedy lor restoring yutir nervous system Il . <inv> K He.»«! »« « « mi regnate tlie bow hr- alliinj «-.•-• r. ami that its c-nunned Cai ti ni», re- 1 g «*HSìer, but * nh no p «»- v»z onr i|iir«l in ca-b, one-third m one without say it g t.’.ai it will fie «-ag 1 V taken p e-viil» «1 on I hankegiv ng day, and that t«» it* ip rnial heal by condition. Smpris- e s. S»l I by E C. Brooks. 11*-* wi i Ire«* th»' -ysivin «»f ail symptom* of !»♦<•’ • 1 ii» r b H12 ah »• t»« w.tlk for many year, ami t alatirr in two xra *. n possible the work ot ihe institute slioiil«! I mg re-ui s foli. vv th«* use of tins great by borne -eekc- s ■ lie v>»Id. th- i r«»mt»ti«e*s and certainly we» ;-.*. !» >?l» mk » - h v ng b«»-n l»a«i y fiur> Your appr ! F »r tu. ttier oarticu .«r* api lv t«» any rep- be «’oinplet- d dur ng ilie day and evening j Nerve Tonic ami Alterative in tl.e Lake I r.» -h . « < hivtit , b» siile- -»vere Wm Ah <•»* and (’al. Fence of Elk creek Once in -even years—the )»<»«lv is re- 4 thift reiin*«»v in re-let ami cure of cold» Uiat» »* e*tat»* dealer, who will take w» r» n» town f r a few hours an«i « all»-«l on S'SNioii* of Wednesday Some of the w «» ik ! lite returns, good <1ig«-stion is restored, and icjurv- to li«*r -pine h i* won i«>r 11 tu «i.y sincere friends and newel Th»* nl,,od mu.-t have th»- elements pie »«mre in showing yell th«* ad iiliun. that should have been presented was the Liver and K di evs resume healthy t • J 11 m L- "ii Wednesday. <»f vitality. Wrigh’S Cumpound Syrup of made it very p -pul tr. Fot sale by Dr. J. action. Try a buttle. Price ."»0e. at al! M Haiti» >■ Abu ; .11 f Lot lie Reed stricken out m order t«> expedite mutters. the Hink <*. Central Point, ami G. H. Ha-kius, ac< «.»mpuirvi by 1‘roi. Gus X.-wbtirv drove Sarsapari la cleanses and enriches W b »- ’i B » - »u a i I Mr. F »ss of Talent A The teachers w« re well entertained in the drug Hurt* List (»I Jurura- impetus to life. Mvdt>r«i up to As'ilamì to atb nd the sessums of 1 W«'T • ’ <h»* «-••n» tv-*»**t »n Tu *s«lay last on b «»«• !. and gives a new al the opera house, where Prof. J. Merit Mins. Sold by a;I druggist*. 1 he teacliei 's n ■ itute on Tu»-*day morn- B Hutner of Rosebuig delivered a lecture Ih» full wing iiiiiiHS have been dra b .si* • r-* at lot c »urt ii »use fri» «»f ! the twenty four mi »s « Í (In* -ai ’ -iv ■a is : ? nd El a Krause | ami a rvviratiui; by Miss Hattie New bury to -»rve a- ’h«* regular panel 4 jipu - We desire to sav to our citizens that fur G W. > eph**n*ou la-t w »-« k <1 -rd * M \ r I*- «• •• k in m-'g ditch ;« e <-.» np eted. mg. M **• * ’ 1’ W tt'* Little Eariy Ri*»-r*. Be-t lit’Ie i tim atq r *a< bing 1er 111 «4 « iicu-t «’«»ur . years we have been selling Dr. King’- New contract »0 *»*il m p-»r•»*»«» >■! hi* tin-* f uit Tin* dindi - •vili be an aveiage < f five ir» t at a* « oif i-a1 1» «i h» in !«» pa- tua'«* 111 th»* en- 1 «»in lude 1 ihe programme. piil t »r IK*-« i -ia, ’ . *«•» r Stomach, Ba«l tert.i nm« r «4 1 u. ,y » vcmng. <»bv»r, I. A. Hou-t-m. Tr «il • n—s . I.« M<».*i of the teacher* present expre-std Discovery f«»r <'«»nsunipii n. Dr King’s lam! ran« h n -ar th:- p a •■ ’«• A > Cr wr I Br a’b s ■ «1 by E. C P«ro ks t"p, ihire Í' [eet at I» »I toiu and t Wo fc -t «Jeep. N**.»!h.iuiiiD-r R « s I’o in . D. Ù’. <« h»m*»he*H3 highly gratified ut the w»»rk New L ie Fill-. Buck «m * Arnica and 1 lat»» «f Am V, Cbi a. w h » fit- t»»en r« s ling Thr wan r wdl b - tuk«*n «»ut -4 t lm ra-t Mount l’4t ; I ri.iti G«»r •»*:,, bl »tu.« R » 1« 1». 1 os-ib e ih •» w•• are ’o have a revival in A -h a’.d : r .-«»tn -mm hs «4 I fie ids tit lit»*. 1 hr Ml« ce** ol the sr--i» 11- Elei trie Bitters, anil have never handled Th»' « 01-1 1 F i i q.i * r. ver «nd ei up«»n M ml * er« ’»Bill \KV. A Ttir«»«**»tu »rt«»n. F.m» »town, »f ,» r • l-r -k-iiit’g »p d nuc again this erat i» n n me«) 1- ITtf”) ... .real pari tu ~ ..... • wa*«ii'eni the ... arrangemeulw j remedies that sei a* well, or that l ave i h- ■ "in; «•«iv uiv hav»* ¡lav«* »r.i« »rd« r- <i d 2 000 <)*H' te fe : o' 1 » 1 <* »r.iiack B'g Butt . lv» *i s«> wr'«r trora t di atu»n- abroad. ma<ic by Prof Price, vvho left thr impres-' given such ucive snl satisfaction. We do inen I. • tlr hi «• : ip«* • <1 t a o ¡1 i . hii - «•! 1 (to«i I 1-1 " • 1 k us v. • vv« nt to pr« n . wc vv« r «• »file mou among t e tea hers li ât h» is a w»»rker ! hot hesitate 10 gua’.i r.tee the»n ♦ verv t me For -rr«- ula in ►v« rv fo m I !•» d' *» i r- B g R itte ; «» A (. O-OH F. B « «• 1 > in« t't : n t li- «1« nt h a 1« w h« nr * pr« vi "lift of A •• ♦ x’ • ;i»»i<iiinr lv bir ♦» reduction in all pad a .* a ».a 1 c d, »r iat» e none !v It hi* I om I-.,« •. T • y p q«< *e t»i work ih m»r, j,t k-«*H> ill»-. A. \V n il.e « au e <4 education, and just ihe ! and wr stand ready ' o rtiu <1 the pur h-ve 1 h» v G i-t.H K;u • w-ki, w h"ft« ii . iiiu Im- long I um * u in h » - ih - wi :»*r wit i b -til gi in * w.»r-:r«l pl»*«» g o«hs at Ream»* A White’s an u equa . «i ♦*. «»rd f cu ♦ - 8 « amt. al D . K»*v • »»l i*. price, if satisfactory re* ili» do m»r follow a h<.«ift« Ic '.4 w«»i«i 11 1 h 1 - v ,111,-y . Mr. Karews- man fur tue position he «»<_•< upies. n a fii \ men emphive i iu the con imV<- tins week. ’ a 1 ami get bargain* • • banter 1 ; Wt-afc. tired, no app»*t’ie. I ha E W II I»*. \V «iv ir D . their u*e. These rem ■dit s have w m their st rue 11 »11 «4 the ditch, These mines have ki was l»«»rn hi th«- privine«* of P.»arn, < "napter 2: To »k Ho •«! s > >r apaiii a Willow Spi mg* . F« rd Hus Pius*):«, in 1-2«;. ami « migrated to America at great p'D'iliri’v imr.h on tfo-r merits. The r h road »'«»mpany are erecting a fine b••» n w (»rk» <i tor years, but owing to a lack t li* » - '• " I An old Sore Healed. Strong, cheerful, hungry. R.M-k . L ) • « r-, ¡.1 ni. ng a t t In* ( r«-< » I •• port Sold hy F. B •oa*. i;e* <ie'.«-t •» A-ier, to accomrm»d «te their Chii-ter 3 • »! water l .ry have not be -n a* i-r<»litat)l»* <.t N» -v • n - -.«r»> It«* hili..w.*.’ the tide of gold T. E Ni« nul*. J. ’ I had a painful, annoying son* on my ♦ — i;u rea r g KI »math county trade. John B Gr'ftin f D«.*vi Inli.tu ami«! i ’ - to the u nei - a* •j»**|re 1. ttunigh tliey li iv- hunt« 1- to ( .intornia >n IKrf) and «atm* to Th' OiCffinp I’rnft rfr.r n/' fìnti» n, Mrdf r’; N L Angle, J. S. leg. near tin that troubled me fur The (¡real Rent fit aily killed a f«»ur*pni .1 buck wi nap. (et ; Hl i A .1 -■-, say-th” R -se nirg “P.i«ind»*al- Jack-oli « -niity in 1<»l. cinbaiking in I->r // mu », rot/ri*r, I'lrnir und \ ten .pu* «4 tlie American Settler’* H. T y r e i < ». S’tdh un, t’rn'ral over 1 w« war*. I frie«t v.iricu* reme lies, th* m«-rcaniil« l»u*im-*s at Sn-rimg vili** C ntnp. pistol, at a distanc.' of 1?) ya «1 ree • ’ ! \ . • r. ' ’ I i 'IIJ. i V Wti « h t copie in m tun d«»w*i ste.». <«i hi ith Gm ie. -tamiird authority on all land R W N bd-, M on hi- iirnvid lui»- In l<>7 h«* inaile a but ifi* sure, instead of healing ut>, c*m- the animal's n»*« k.inuch t<» .1«» n - Proti ets Binici f rom al] odors. H«»lmes, .1 w. mattery in iv m» loumi ai the T imr * ntticr, breaking Jori -h»*p|irr«i. li- p t" l.ui • p< . and 11 iKVi. on his r«*1urn, l.nm*«i to gr»»w larger, atid t • cans»* me detiv« from H«»(»«l - > tr-:tp:tiilhi • on« lu*i UoobMLl.E IT1.-K surprise, as he «ii.l not *-ippos»* :hf* pi.-t I du*t. fi« at und handling. Koj* Bui ly ’ r- ve* tl. it »h * medicine “m ik* * • n a”d g • rge op'm-<l a st '«'■ ai W1.ii.imsburg. Succeeding n.o Will ?*••!!, A. 1» tei . <>,.] and sweet and is easily and pain until I b gm t • l<»<»k t.»i a Ki -, Risers B- - : w011 d ”« arry up” a* Hint .i-tan-•• D tn is I m - • «g ig« I m ram-ning on William* weak * r n ' I 4 »*• no' .:C( « - Engle. A -* li I «nd quick y ea aned. T-.rough the ativicr I a trim 1, I 4 »\>r ii.atle Cure (’«»is’ination L»v« « i rktora 1* w v«':ns and t u n established • ni « I) ula- t imparti'g h i!i<..i* tr« g h. fi t The «•♦ -G K «lew k- 1« ft iw m ■<!<• i I'.-e them i.uw. turn-' ! in t o fr«ightma l»usin *ss. having w ho Wa* « u«»*d ot a similar troubl»*. I took H • 4 - > irs a pa : 41a bu «i* u; 1 1 a uci fee I y i-V«*' V I • III»'. N ih e«pial rIt ICE, ñO Ct Hf?i Each (> o i ,\rws at I kit. l<sl, in Win h hr ippoint- in* wre ex < u 1111:11. r <1-t* on-on Hu- r »nd to ( r«*ft«*nt city S. S. 8 simian a I*w wmk- wa- cured en natural way a 1 the w< .< .«• u d parts, | uri 11- ue <4 the b»'lv. every nerve. t l*»»f Ii * e-t «re. pii r t" I-?'. At that time lie opened a tirely 1’fie will h »* iho \ »• I lie sore h»*nl«*d up, ami there in K v. T a h»-r Cl n k r» • ri vrd I . t > .mia Lt bcral dis«*« unito Agents. Sa in pie ties the Dio. d. ai d ism * .- h»*nHhy m ion g. ru ral nu 1 « han L-. st »re in Jacksonville, to not even a scar Irtt t • inaik Hie place. 4 n u-« I” i- mafie stronajer aiul been ti ed for pr»»t»at<*. but wii'. b»» w e 1 ti » by mail on receipt ot price. m ruing urti» i »I i ew* I’om M«»-l K-\ winch tu- added agricmturai machinery al»«»ut those importrut organa, k dney s and liver. aliny l»y taking’ll • d's Sarsap irilla, nrces*ary pro f* arriv«-fr-»rn Siu FiMtic.s C hari . e * A St m . vem , Arctd»i*iiop Gr -* an I ’nr Rev Moim r 1 .»• St <lh «in pl « e has b e 1 s« 1<1 auam. is..», ami inis .-im « plav«*d a most Important F. II. ('ASF. CO. May 10. 18’.*Mt. Vern«»n, Ghi-». co. where the in*trurn»-nt wa* drawn. G. j rirl ot »h» Jhsftrs «4 ’hr H Ij .Xam- part in tii< tow 11*4 h fttory . H«* «»btain«*d p »s- 1EC» Valen»-;:« Si.. San Fraucieco, Cal. A g- nth m in ir • •• < »hirado b««i«giit it te I’ «-'-.’Lt w iv to ( lire < atarrh is to rradi Treatise on B ood and S«-in Di-ea-fs Important Xotire. -« -- ..ii <»t tli« tl »uring liiill at this phu • in w h ••*< • hea«!q tarter- air at Muntre ii,’ -ine «•¡♦t» th«- i«'» -»»'Ous ta nt which < au»e.*th« ♦* .11« paying $I2‘X) lor it. The S -k*you -tone • »mp.m v a’e dres-«n r 1-M.ami inis -in«*.* carimi on tin- milling mailed free. >WIFT> SPECIFIC Co , d « I«» Ihr • îtr f. that the M*H r* .»! lot <1 -t a-» We have m»w *et.t stat» in nt by taking ll-.od s barsapari la. (•ut and -hippm ’ th.* ’ itnminj- f »r li - T ie it* r.«ry so« i-ty have ( hanged their tnisriH >* in connection with allalta and Iruit A Bun a. Ga. •*H«» y Name,’ a.ter lot g and n atu r • ••• - to t early i.ll <. lb« se it-.drbted to Po»t and < ny ball, the -t n • -h »w :« g u;» tai in- ng,ivmg a comp- t«-mfor his farmlv I I ie» oiime-ing liom tlie rclo-ol bouse to smeraii'n have drci'i»«i I«. rr-«»pr . 'heir t « rirf coi.vrn-*s next \f an tarl v re-ponse is «ie-ire i an I expect» d. at In* «l«*ath. very hii'.'L'tii'-y when p«»■i-tie*i Th»* ihe ha I in the ib»gue Rr ei house. convent in Ja< k-onvi Ir. nor, h<.«>v.•< A us« tul mart hi any «'«»iiiniunlty will 1»«- S ingle S trap T rack 1 n-. e-ol -er *»•--'•» 1 With at As we eea.-vd doit.g business on Ju’y 1, pr» s«»nt eontra t « all» f«»r ai» »ut .;.’».'H ri cu Httrklen’» Arnica Satrt until n» xr Augiol a* th» re is a *■ arcity «»I missed wlmn hv i* gone. . In ............... . tin1 history ot in i- h • bu-inrs*» |S‘K>. <»ur books mu*t be t»alance«l without bic fret, and will be full«»wr«l by others. Tl e S i’ R. R ’ ». are preparing to put Jav k->nv Hi« - m> man has ever been cal!«*l from trn< bn g > -t- r* those alreadv .* » rn- The best salve in the world fur Cutt Jelav T ime * Ifi nlihhixg C o . i i a -uh-(a 1 al i»r.<lgr a«’ «»** Evan* creek 0111 mi«lr*t, w lH*th« r to another sph«-r<* ot a«*- Bruises Sores, I’leers,Salt Rheum, Fever g aged hav .ng brrn h» • ti-d rise woe re n«r th»’ |-'\ nd’irr dra.vug w di take place The y «1 .«th of Joel I’». Sm-pberd 1 be timi er ami imu aie at tue dep«»t. .lacksonvi le. Sept. 1. ISi*». tion or to t he sil«*m*<-ot t lie t«»infi. w’hos»* tak >«-i.o’a-l c year. Ihr reopening of ihr 1. B!»i Don t nei’brt yuurchance at the honi" t his patent* on Emigrant Sores, letter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, ing aw ay w nsim»r< (•> b<-'fi lth.> »*d than is the h » Irin y ¡ » n - a «n «'**Urrd la , rr sling "U Mi-- Myra Bediord at.d K K Stevens (bath of 1 u- ftid'J'-ct of tins sketch. -•••j.e ¡or ihr weekly and get a creek on the K’h inst , afrer a lingering Mr. Corns. an«l all Skin Eruptions, and posi. Farm For Kent. iw and t p’-s'ivr a: d < itici rticial ami». r:ty. The « l'i it ■lines*. IS «i* plored by all Wil » KI.« w turn. MS are iu «; t« n i • -re a’ the t»• -chei ’- ius; it u:e Kar«*vv*ki was the einbodiim nt in his lifctiim rive cures for Files, or no pay required 1 he < eut» r- tar n on Bcxr errtk.contain- /. -ns S Ol ol JaCft-onVidr I Mfft-OI. vnl« W II CrTiaialy itCcoul ot som» thing more ttian the tncri* inoncy-ina- is guaranteed to give perfect »at isf action or h»' had e-t-abli e l an » x •• ll»nt « ii . iim « t«*r al A-hlami -his w«-rx. Al-o Miss Anna The L«- »1 :>«•»•, Workjiiunwhip .«*¡4 1 intsh arc ol > !‘r ■ ha* b p i engage d since F of i ker w nose sole idea is to enrich lnmsvir liy tin money refunded For t-ir od Meters a C rdUll Welconc ’ ami th tl cHugti ««ml Mark Whipple. Price 25 cents per box ii'g lfiU acres, i* etterru î .r rent ht V tKY HIM. ami had a pr musing futur»’ b» fore h-in.ha«! t.iv n. »ruing in »X «mining a large toil ot otln rs. On 11n-«-ontrary. his actuating further partimi -rs enquire of sup) <>ri ai*ii ri.o»urag» nient uliiih III» ir W «In F«vr salebv al I <1 ruggists lie lived. SAVE MONEY BY BI YING DIRECT , . f p • ic mts for teacher's certificates S \\ . Mil»- has remov <1 to his new lo- principle s«*t-m«*d lo I"- a «1« sire to engage in M K*, b. E. I - r worthy ab«>r in the past so t inmei.tly war- «-.ii ion in < ama* \ al ev \\ hlie we regret t.■ huch pursuits as vvouhi all >rii the greatest We can ».«41 y<»u A■ h and. Mi-s Hriti»» Wright, daughter of R Ja« ksor.vil It Precinct, Oct. , J.»!>'.*>. rant. I" 11« til to t I h * « »inmunit v in which hr had rs- French Tansy Waters. Wright of B it e cree'c, was ni irri** I at I *»• - lieh CH L 'US IV Mr M , we wish bun tablislud his hom«*. ami winch would givi* These wafers are a sure and safe spri ilic IP Tig »I » Xau-ra. no Fain, when A'b.tny an the liti in-t , t<> a veuti»*man suiie-sand prosperity in his new hum». employment to the gr«*at»»st number ot de Of laH iin|Mirtaiice. Shakes and Shingles. - I. i le Etrit Kisers arc taken, named Sleuttr <4 Glrmiale. Mr > i*fhe*ii serving citi/.«*ti*. During his many v rars of f >r a i kind* >f female troubles ami will re Ih *e who are lamiliar with t A supply of the best shake* and .-■hmzles Aura Markland is <-l»*rking f«»r Jones A business activity in Jacksonville hr liad ever move ah <»b'tructions to the monthly peri • II >aie pill. ¿Jest pill. Brook* perintemlp' t of ihe tunnel and rhe newl\ I number «»t >ou«g _ fruit ire» - wni h 6END FOR CATALOG«’.. has just been received at the T imes They are married c uiple will ni ike their h mie a¡ Glieli. Jour* Ha- rut become )ndepen*i«-lii tl)«* c »nfl'I-Tie«* «»I all, ami in huu Ireds of in od*, no matter ch.»t th * cause. C»»iiie mt»» f;d huitagr wi h 11 a year or iw stances lu-alone lias *t<»«Mi between want and w ever\ woman needs, mid can be used which will be sold in qua»* •*4ies tn suit at a«)d i; zy but tn* b isine-s has iu« r« a-e4 so ACME MAN”! AC fi’KING CO. poverty with tin»*«* to whom he was enabled t. R M,e:* and wife of Sam'* valley that i Iar *. reasonable rates. ill 'hi valley « an alone real ze tl e n»«'r--i that 11 1* imp-'S-ibie for him to attvml to it by In-mmu roUs « m i-rprfs«*s to give employ safely. For «ale by ’hr Livingstone Cliemi- wer»- in town ne «lay re«'entlv on btisineR*. ty f »r prompt ami innnt-« a lion on th Our thanks are «lue te» Prof. (»«is. New at »ne INDIANAPOLIS, IND cal ’ ’o.. in mufacttirera. San Francisco Cal. ment. T.u* vain«- of such a citizen to a town part « f our i it / -n* n iie mailer >»i p .» Ril--v ha* enti «*.y r»« «»vert-<l from hi* re- bury f »r a fu'l r»*p«*rt «»f the pr«»< re«lmg* is n«)t to I»«* ra-ily over-estimated; and when ( »ur fellow’« ¡t'zen A >r«»n Beck recenti« re viding t o'««»li«- for the saving ..f .» fuil < ■ p c » t ll m- m W. S. JONES, M. D. of « ti» <1 - ’ r ict. teacher*’ institute he'd at • •• - ««I new* »»f th»* burning to death to siici) a rharart« r is added 1 lie distinguish ( nil and Settle. ol iruit. finch a* wr haV<- «••«!»trly Hiram»«! Ashland «luring the li -t thr»-»* dav« of ing 11 itiis ol lairiiess ami iu*ticc,andconsidera leg.ant line ot gent's furnishing An r <»t In- • .l«»ln-. a.-v«l 14 sear- He peristi I’ll VSICI AN A N 1» S I R (i Et» N. tion t or t lio*.«- in Ins em ploy -, it is small wonder oi 11» Ipiantiiy, within a short lime, ll i- All knowing themselves indebted to the ttii* w *ek F (»ui tl»«* r»q ori it * k « viti» nt good**, I i ;. h fan tra I»*, has ju-l be“ii re- > . h >tel wlii !» w.i- l .Li I\ that -a«*li a ur«*Mi e »ii«-«»ursr ot people atreml- Ore«/»»»*, highly imp riant th»t . imi'eri»* .»mi «in S I* . Variety Store are requested to call that th«* 111-titu‘r w is m every wav a id - reived .it the 8. F. Variety More. Don't 4. - t 1 .. »-4 t y tin* «• 1 the 12: 1 1 inst. at Biggs «*i th«* last ft.vl 1 itcs a* In* was laid to his final house* should la* e-'atdi-tn'd in a<lv.m« r a ami settle. A change has taken pl «ce, and « e-* < »tl« c -Hatiilin s BL tall to -tre them stati»’. <’i ||j fi«rr:«\e 1 f itlu-r h is the r«-st, or trial «y« - uihih «-« i to vv«*«*ping w«*r<* all the common centers t>! trudr in the imnst with uii-li«-«! Ivars, as tiu- inipr«*sslvv all a«- omits must be settled on or b-dore mpal hv of the entire «’ mm'iuit' . Mrs. C tuning's little baby which .*<» A wor I to tue wise is sutti county ami thus art ord the mean- of lian..- was announced at the A grand ball Jewisli « ■ reni 'iiy pr«»« «*« «l« d. I her«' is but Oct. I, 18!M mira«*ulo’l-ly e-caprj ii jury m tin* L «ke Dl Ml'kiil 1 «•m-< xpr« ssion. timi of regret that be «'«»uhi ling the em«rm»»u- y iel«l th »t mu*t )>♦• ante • Lak-v evv op« ra ... house for . I hanksgivlnir . La)>l*li «lisa-ter. was tn the arms of its m»t haV«* lived out hisalloitvd time, concern ip |«<i. Parti«.* mtri«*l»«1 sin ul I t» l ” I • eve » n w ih music le«I bv McWnliam's Best (’«»ugh Med <-in«. Tie<x»mmpnde<l by pi'ysi<'ians. riur-e at the time, who instinct!v*-ly raised ing Ins •!< inis«*. ag t it- the mailer n«»w. ami -re tl at proper full s ring d m <1. Cures w hen» all else fads. Pleaaant an«! agr«N\able to the tlie infant tn the air when tlie cra-h cam»*, \ tl I KY «HITS. Tie* liimuil was deferred until Sunday !a«- Ini» * ar»- artordeii bt-f«»rr the nrx ciop aft«-rihMin in ord« 1 to vnabh* absent rrlativ«** taste. Children take it w ithout objection. By druggiste. A *pe< tn t« rm ot circuit court convened thereby relieving it from coma t with th«' ntOM H L V D TO VV A 1ST A M ASS Of DISEASE. ma’uns. • to I»«* pr« s nt, aixl tiu* remains were interred SI F »'EIIISG TEHKIH1.E. < I It KU HY on M••ml»v la-’. to disoo*e of motion* and collapsing car-sr it. 1 1.1 ■ e -on «d i-r «« I Hart i* lias been m the Jewish burying ground in Jacksonville CCTKTIH KE MED ILS. hear »quttv case*, pri »r to the regular relief by u*mg Fte.*ton’s I mmvdi vein« t« 1 \, t lu Jcwibh 1 itual for the «lead bring lb m»*mt»er tha? Dr Mar« <»nx I» nti-t,wil! I lit** si» k Brauttiynig Ihr Oiurtery. sitting n»-x’ week. nrdvd in tiu* original Hebraic «habi t by “H»*d Ake I w as »'«»vend w ith scrofula sores 1i «»m my mak«* you a frill upper a« >i |.<w N« t l*r«»b ibiy ti r tin» *t p n-r «»1 w»»rk ut thn Ral'I'i Ja«*oh>, ami the l.nglish inivrprvtat¡oil head to mv waist, sutb-ring s«» that 1 could b«**t teeth for m-.L f25, ami *«u f t' »11 L'k»* « miii'y's-t*M-k associati«»») has in charact» r wliich hi»* » verb« en turned - ut r«adbv M.iv M u II'T. \\e«uui but «**prrsNtli»* iv.t sl«*ep nivhts, ami could lie down only is in the V. S the amount <>! it* standing reward guarantee !. Hi* • th- at 1 h»* Ja« ks-'iivme M.«r"lr W.-rk-, is ti.< e'»*.!-' hop«* that m m . f orth 1 tu* d« pai t«*d soul may with piPowH under mv arms. My h<«vi was*«» Plc»*e remember, km.w that p« ilevt rest ot which when here it f» 1 < • ami <« pii'g wI. h h ». t \\ 1.4 p !♦.»• f »r th»* urn s’ ami conviction ut y. tuck Ho’el, J a« ksoiiv-He gore that I c<»u«d not w«*ar a hat; and l»«-ing a1 km*w so iiitie. If no other monument is also, that ev» r* M«»miay the I loc’or visits runner. I coul«! not g«» barv-lu a«i« «1, so wot«- h . wrr* 1 lac» «I afiotit il»r ( » in» irry 1 l «4 1 i.,»* liti vr- fr«» n f I’»» !<» ♦'»•*) .Iain 's Ft ItOli onr of-*;« II * Va ev * m i*t r< an-«! above hi- 1« sting place, the in« mory of very soli hamlkcrelm-t <»n mv head. In tact. I Central Point, where he lias a brani b otìfi e Pr.'bal'ly no di*« .i*<* itifiicts so inucli con- Nh Urli, in Whal 1* kuowu a* Die M«*«»irc In* inerita will « mliir«' when more suecvtestul, liar y Hui had the nn-iortune to break in Dr. Lapm-us’ resilience. VIA wa-adi4g fusing sight to <■) iu-t> ami to mv- I tinm>i)M pam 1.* 1 Ix imiatiMii. ov«*r m» ainglc pro T'*-i\young men returned home mhillion tu thè J.«« k-oiiV i «* ceiiH*;r y but less piogt«*shive business mm are long bi* a - m i'. a runaway accident at Port lami self. After di»<-t«»riiig for six ,v«ai* with the (■«»lupUimt ___ ....................................... . hi«* l)r Davi«! .............. Ix«-nm-.l) « ________ Favorite ia* week from Frinevil e, to the deFglit of forgotten in Jacksonville. Thts porii«»n (»f olir ((» burving grimi«.i o .»* «lav rcr-ntiv ami will I m ? lai«! up for ¡»»•st physician* in the and gtttiug oi N. Y., won more cures The Hon. Phil M *t* ’har.. state trea-ur f . I ■ , ■ , i ., ■ ■ ... » e«»imtry. ........... .. ..... . .'w , • Ri-incdy. III' VI > , «»I I Rondout. »* ' ' I ' I • * fits rnai v iritn is. ..i.», ..... 1 I « liad - • giv«*n ........ ...... «4 « than __ ilu«miHti*m ■ ___ - |{y jiH |Jsr ||1|. M|roujJ54^ - a hi« il slU'Uid fir euBrd LiUr»*l Hill iruu*. worse all th«* .: tim«*. up -•» all hop«' er elect, was in Portland <»n the 12 h, with ny pc ui. r points mak«' Hood’s Sa« *«»mr Hmr bv hi* misiiap. tery t»y tbr wa\ is beonuing rapidi* getting well when I saw your C iikuka pxtient • au one«- lieu •• iih <* hi* limb* hl <! be his family en r-»u«e f«»r 8alem, wher»* lie in ! r t<> all otlaT medicines. UIMM» \H\.\ ItEMElilES aiivertibi d and procunsl a s«-l. al freed I com past v « ars of pain Th«* eighty t'»n siu w plow at Dunsmuir tend* to make Ins future home for four trai -f«»rinr«i mio onr «»f thè piettiv-t s« « - ;..bin:itl«»n, proporti« I though with little faith in tin lu. ’1'11»- hist s< t, Mr. I rank Strait. « w«*ll-know n nu-n-liaiit ot i w «* inju < i l i*t w *«'k bv having a car year*. Hi wm - <1 x' u* t<» g-t «»n, but ««»nm Boi)* in thè enti re eiicl»*ure. however, did me such a vast amount ot good N«w Hamburgh, N. V.. sav . *’I stiff end tor »n «if h • Tci ’ icuts, I ■cation of pl..(e« i fi». k.Hin tjiHisfjt bv circle** traium«*n, annosrgd lav * prevvm. d him ; r«»m b»nn t __ Expia MNTrainH Lcavv Pot tian I Daily. that I continued their use, and now. after turcs 1 r«»m ,1.’» i t*' ifti .1« s for -ale at 11n T ime tm' w <« , r miptly r» paired using four s<-ts, I am happy to say that I am I on »he 1 . rd tr.pjw th In* wlmle Iim !y, I North. An »irellCBt Institution. entirely cur<*i. Any ol the protium nt busi 7.0'r. M. l,<-av. Portland Arrive V35 a .M. M ,«n l W. E. B»'rhe of \ h'and 1 ci ms is 11 g of * i’e ins ami ten < iii.«!r n. It granfie* u* to «am oí th»' «•«•tinf’U»’f ness tm n and farmers in an«l around Plainfield My va*«* was a very l»a«1 on«*, and none ot the WkiA.M..' ...... ,I.«* m '< M«*Utoid la av»'i 7 d&a’M? Mi ’ itt.g lu, I thr 1 forili! »* to lose IheT little I-H'«y. P . i - iij .,1 Ibr Pori am! Bu* nr-* C 1. w ill indorse my st »r\ . means taken gave me rvli«-t. I us«* Hr David I'M • A. M.| .|Arr‘V« ¡san _____________ R>Htnej A White Francise«) ____ L« av< | 0.Uüp. m , on all sub,' «4 s iMTUtHilllg ag* »! ni'u "i«»! t s' by a .-udden atta« k «»1 GEOKGI! A. HI-:l.\*i:LMAX. Fumt». Id.1)1. K«*nn«x!y’s Favorit«* Rcnmdy. <»f Rondout, N. j. gr ui «Itr th» «lire ’i •»» ol P’o • •' P H- w st«»« K « f tad and Above trains «top on. omy y al (be I be loHowm« eh*., i k» pt fot wa • » r ght Y.. and iiin entirely rid of every symptom of cr up ' ll Toil -day «»I last w»*» k. \rullio; g T’ e «i m »• d f 1 fin , in is r’, <«f dry Indi« *' ti' v ‘ ~ . g. L E**st PorUañl I IMF' <-ft!’«• my trouble. Only three bolt 1<* fir«»ught about stai ion* m.rtn ot R«. ■vs.-hui •. • ¡ yr Il'-otTs Sar- ,r, ' t:« h i* « «»m pel r-l the proprie!« pure Orvgon City. w<»< alburn. ’ f-sh rig' ii'- J iniai-'ii Ginger—stTK tl e** go «i . i « • y g«» ’.hl g» n ‘ Salem, Albany. this wondertul r«T*ult. It has built me up and .. ,¡»'*^47 . J-h “ « lily incili - a ll. ♦ Vr’ \ An • X* « L» i t i » iih 'I v for « ramp*, co :< ami lurm-lnng g« «»d-, tim «i ufi-» i he aitiuui I »4 cia-s r uuiKvnt. Shedd*. Hatte« y, Harri»burg. Juuc- ’ D • i’ »r e w .* - owiti4 a V *ry p eti v ha s an I r peen ot gnat l»«*m lit to me in oth»*r wa.vs. I ill.' 1 » v!:i I. c.L! trill TiunCity. Irving. Euireiic. »I» p »rtr.M U- I* •’» I b» o'ei tl x fi. , ; "<i • f««i th» stoniach »imi b-wels cioîhl! g. all «»f a |»’<-I i th- » n ll *«-l. al peart’ly recommend it to other sutDrers. ■1 g ’ < rn ; ; • 'q t i a cr»-ek < I J im, oil our , ir «•: Il Ringing w«)rd« from irratctul hrartM t«*ll the « «. i g : i b : 1 • i r r - s » r a 1 « i1 g i • » ■ r-41.•.-»«!. S.,1,1 bv ali «iruggists. y ili-li« «1 Dost» KOSMil HG MAIL DAILY: st- •• •’ - a v A -Hl « I hs C!.. uim is lu- mo-t reî;-ou>bl» pii-»- C.».! u- i * • rmnhj i> story of Krmt physica sutT« rtug. ot mental />»•. A» »»»»/»/»/'» I’tiroritf li «Ir’aiis at this m tit')4>»ti, »’• i» v \ r ■ ; i h l ■.» r up me vi»’»*k than i was ever 1 ►•■liaiMedicines ir ipn. !'-f«>rtheS F. Examiner taken n» w co «I* h« f «te making your j urch ARRIVE: S111- anguish, i»y r«*as«»n <»t h 111111 lint 1 mr «iistiinira- Made :it Rondon». N. V. $1; «1 for <5. O ^c^l <r ’ ’ «*r and smaller botth's «'•-siili itl-!fi»*fi mali can i ro.-p« . ♦ 4 I». fore. at i-«• it'!»* «»Ili •• Ih«»-»* wi*hmg a el*e when-. Portland s.UUx. m . !C«»»«*t)urg 54Ô r M tloMs. and of thr«'at»*n«*i <lamr«'r»» hiinpitj and . I- • wing totiir instruct!» n re Kosifiurg .6.3) à . m Fort lami.... 4AW p. M. apt*<*di:y rndrd. h> tin- < pth 1 ha R emepi ». « tian • ui ti) • gran«! |lr< ember draw i g i ' ., t* larger Jo- *-, .md do not • FMKAI. FBI NT POINTER*. There i- consiilcr.ib!** talk of the go d It i*-aid that the ja t «•* who have -»*- tn«- '4r<-Ht«>t «-kin cun-N. blood puritlcrs and wai ». si.o*i! I -e**d in th»*ir names at once. ALBAN Ù L< m AL, DAILY (Except Hunday). «:s j. «»«i resnlts as fliMwi’s. ni ne* on it.« hea«i <»f S| ragne rive», in cured control <»f the < ;nnab«t qutck-ilver hiitnor rvin»*lt«'M th»- world hat* «-v< 1 known. IX For f'i' nimre of every description goto num* «• 1.1 ils ni« «licinai turrits, 1 ‘ A " VE; » XBUCIÌ E Tim Gaylord Bros., 1 constrm t a Hail t » tt.e mine from t’VTK cka R esolvent , th«’ now bto«Ml and skin ^IrClIoN. than Klamath c un’y. J. bn Giblerslecve of < entrai Point. Hr Cole’s station in the Siskiyou* in u 'h«»r t time Port ¡and purifier mid irrralvsl <»f humor r»*in«sl!«*s. oi «/ «lise «ver»*r*. have w >rkv I down ■' i ,ir. «-n.; L. 4« s cures loth '•'»J r.M Alimny V00 r M en rated marling <»f A* a ch -aiiMS ili<* blood ot all impurities and poinon- Albany .. k* ♦ p* a complete ami hr*i-cias* assortment if there is no be»ter m ans of egress aud •;<«u a . M.. Pori land ..VMK» k. M* th»* spit** ol th»' I * ih:«’, ami have also ma«1e . i v ni« roseli ti.r a'.»l *eli* at th* m"*t reasonable rate*. e • »11* <*l<*in« nf*. and thus r«-tnov«*s tin- cauw carni meni N■ » I jo LO O. ingress iliscovered from this -id*» .»I the Furniture - Í .di ki:u!s al G .:«|. r-le» vr'-. a tunnel int » tlie hill. Tney ♦ -xpect to F«»r Peínalo Irrer ” lar , • • text, blood whit«' Cl'TK cka . th«- great skin cure, :in«i evening of Ihr *5 h inst.. Hie- fiorumel.k, t•i.»m * Coiumt new uctive woi k mi the | »«ige in ih»- It be!) »ve* our ciuz»* is to Finest -t«'« k *• utn of Eugene. The largest and best stork of deeds, in -un’a n. < TTl< rnA S«».\ r. an <*i«piiHitv skin h« aut ith-r, . : < vcrrd.” «• n t..«• î.tarkrf, ?.. », r < th- r* • w ♦ rr rie» led fur the miming term exert t hem*»*'vv* if th-y wi*h to r«* a »1 the spring, at wni'.li time nu uer *u- p-osp-.’t- ch-ar th«* skin and scalp and r«*storc the hair. ncrtg iL«** ami aL Kind* of real-estate ami S1|» (»(WfUUilv !»e«1 T (• I mi Iv .»f J. <’ b r . fit Ute « t K mi g •s ’ H V H«lm*.C P. ft .1. D »y H P ; In • ors win proba « y b»* Í »und in th»* hills HrnC«* til« t'l TI« CKA ItEMKiUH* CUTC C\ « TJ pr»-ent a «1 pro*pe iv • tra I»» ot tn pr«un . »».k* south of >a!rm 15 kept at thr • iuiurnt lai.«•« ; Jl>»». A. B ov ♦ r 3. r lt»e ; K a'li ii'i'.v. a II -perd tiu* wi 1er at tn»s M Her > W ; ‘ B »:<>W spiTte* ot agonizing. Immihatinir. itching, TOURIST SLEEPINC CARS, A-siv.ftot itiequ «itz vary from $3"to$fióto lsing -e« l «> 1. T im »* «»di » and *•• «I <» F«»rilan«i rates. »i« Guanuiievi I r n xi h. I W . E P ‘ «r •» burning, ««aly, and p'tnplv disvaavs of th»- Ru di ¡»»a* P ¡mid In lilt* '•>>>, «< ioidi «g to th».* location m allieti to mîievo ft ippr» s*'*«! For ats'otntji.MÍHt »on of sucond-chtm », N B 1 tz «»I Wagner «Trek, the notori- frute»» skin, scalp hii «1 bl«»od, with loss ot hair, and all The gambling rase- trn<f in the • tneruUrnatinn. * S .1. Day F. |/i v«-ra, attached tu ExpressTraina. N 1» need • ' -rn»li>»g to Poit and f-« fnrn;- th- to k wa-» toiimL it i* inadt, humors,blotch»**, <-ruptions.sor«•». aciu«*», «nd , «m* « in »« r 4rpre«l.tti"Us informer has -nd court ___ «»1 L ike «■ »unty recentlv re-n* < ( f blood *u «* Gil4« r- ♦ hv »* keep- n fine ussortuu-nt »■rusts, whi’thcr sitnpl«-, scrofulous, or conta- tUSE! SAFE! CERTÄltl! « 4» a;', » ar»«!, imi« li tu thr relief of two conn, tiotis. o ie ;«• .putt »I and Th • » ri di'or* « f the absconding debtor?. Notice. gi«»us. when th«- l»«**t physicians ami all oth»-r ami -e 1* at tin* iowr-( lates. West Side Division. perulinr in its re-1.lent* «4 that -r« lion, »ays acorrvepun ot Will'- II tb - di-agreements, in «»n Don’t Iw h* un bumped. Root \ i. Ie**c»‘s <•( the Swinden rciiieah’S tail. Grati’tul testimonials pr«>vc M W 1 > K PORTLAND A « ORV ALLlfc I «tup etc »• pir.ft of t .<n* HppU's. p >st.*o «lent. n?l r(*cor«l of sales stood eh'ven f»»r conviction and one for a«- sa\«» Tim«’. ilvNlth. Feti Fr ui» iibnrgh lias bctn ciui-m, H) irdge, wete . uabl.-djo partially -eimburse tlics<- stat« iiH-nts in vv»*rj> parti« ular. pe« U p to d l»e .f I ne ord»-r, im !»* !«»r $1 ami mon« \ .tMkeuooth MA I i. TUAIS- PAIL Y XX« EPT M WDAY.) | reparation A - ii »: » r fri» n«|—Wright’s Blackberry quittai, hrat.k Light, af'er Hi»» two«- lvi - - I lie t : in ber b ‘ t • f Si- i\oiic«iuiiiy i"r ‘•«»m«- i.h’-mselv«* for their losses, by the liberal er. Money mti’t accompany or- t .wtHibip. Sold everywhere. Price, Ct’Tlcl’KA, Vk 7:JU A. u. Leave Portian l Arrive. Relia- ti »11*. plea«ie»l guiltv. Ju«lge II. K. Hanna I week* pH k ng up la’g- numbers «4 vain ever attained such popu i «»i4;.«;. Or <e .l*e«l always taken, ity «•[ D. Br.i’ien. wb > g ive them the op- S oap . 2T m -.; R esolvent .?). Pi»-pHi«-d by the S»*nt to anv a>l«ire«a. 12.1«U*. M.| Arrive Cerval Ite A Lir»* * d» n b e a/d p »»mi I- Pleasant »0 take. 1 miis- < f tins pia« e appe ir» «1 a- ng c »unfit 1 H-b* < lmm*. lx*ave|i2.f»á F. W. 1 on ol hat.'- iiii. b«- mine ami it- output larity i:i si short a time, n. Porri.K I»KIG AM» ( HEMll AL < OllPOKATtOS. Becur«» by u . h 1 < u re I (1 W K i Ma \ 11 I! -» burg G intw" cases wh re the «i Í ndarts were ac- öold by al I ri-si e ior summer trouble* tor m Inn te«i t eriod • 11 1 he same G rins hi • f Send tor "H«»w to Cure :*kin Diaeae«*.'' ce^H nf prie«-, |?.«G. •I r« t lined its | npnlarity Al Albany and Corvallis cum met with tra! LI De'. Mrrritt tv'" have charge f the I quitted, but not in the others. the ol mlual lessees he «1 Under. 1 fie ex- »rl pag«*s, .V) illustrations, and KMt testimonials. ot Oregon Paci tic Railroad. • truggista.«ici»<«» among all classes im r hat,di*i.'g business of J. W. Merritt i pen-es «»t g« t tug out ro« k dererre«i them T'.r t.» ftf rrimdv f T hei«l;n he and n» il- Thi* ought f«» be a g' •> I year f DAILY KXPHRSa TRAI»* (XXCEFT HCMDAY.) .it hi place «»nr ng i ho Utter’s nb ei ce in THE ÄPHRO aEDICINE COiPMI, • ‘ j.«> aicadULslly. D||U|PLE8.blackh.’ada, red. rough, chapped ! rom con inuing tl.e arrankeim-nt tmt 1 h burnì r .1 1 « I* Wnglit * para, on Headache rem- kr.«ut j id »ng b» the -1Z » of -.»me of t«*« ink Nairin «’tiring ¡he ¡» g slative session*. 1 h»- tind- r*» 4»ie»i de I I III and oily *kin cured by t’VTKVRA S oap . C4U r. M. Letwe Portland Amre« ÄJ» A M Western I)ranch, BuX27, PORTEAND, on* . «1 to buy other preparations, they iniide tti*ms»h«s wh«»»*, but «luring s 1 * 1 ,«m m five minutes. Hmm* i b g « abb ages that h iv. been br .tight tn'-» a numb r of ,..|v 7;g p. M.lAmve McMinnville Leave) 5.45 of »»o. »«I Sil» rp on -hl Bold by E. C. Brook-. DruRgHt. Jarlnionville !■ 1 » c« t the peculiar M«'dic!r,e. .1 h i .Still w« I:. w ho has been w th a 1 * e p< ri'»«l they ran ihe mill they di«1 fauly Irs- la- rlr**. fio ba i rtfeet* Sohi hy nd i ..wo of I.««' For p • rri r«o irmi b-p'hi Davi-• i’* ye r-. < "i l’ive refi Theiecu b lio '.otlb but tin: ledge THROUCH TICKETS teaUpomu. piaci* tie. r T h < nt w » rr lying in Ir »nt I l t» -ir».g' in K am dh < • u.«»y a>i V. 1 li r • a i'T * • iruggltPs. r is»« ig;< t’, H»- r«*po’’i* o«ts an 1 w <k* «'«institute a very va uao e pr«>p- urn EA8T&8OUTM. McCot t;e¡l A E ban * - • •’• f«n* «la» .ami x/105nlKidnev ami Ptcrinc Pains and w< Hk I Bf •igb’man - I . ir k'g vi ng d¡ to » t at i h ...» : ; f G ’ ’ t*f» , »r For Tlekvts an«l Information regarding rat»x •■ ing writflie«! •«» i-u i d wn hav«;« VK'id d * lilun a* 115 I'il-li«- - t • It',» n. ft* r.*«i. v.d 111 "iu* inmiit«* by th« AftMTC "ANTI D LIBERAL SALARY nd h us»-, was «he nature of the «lay w, p- f umi ; A-t lst. Glbi'li - and ««tier « maps. etc. call on < hPupfiny's agrut atMisliyixi. .* » , « .» . A««-theriait R, Lowell. M.«««. • (TEl CClKVKA A mi -P aibc P listt . k . tRc MUL ix IO PAID. At L<«inc or to travel. Hic -c i »•* »<» tin- lilà n ni rk, one .»f 11.e n nt V, \\ ante«!. > /«ni'»'‘g ihn-r* - u» in 'he gtani r city r KOE»Wr .«AT» gr u m p ,'U.. u;.* in ¡11» pre it Klam i h : ftisf aU'lonikP‘U’>-kijHig, *tr« !)giL*n:.ii!? l !3« u r.HinH tmiitAlu«l fr»*»4. P 0. VCKLKY ü and ibe O'bri pl F»-., *u.v- r»-ai»o t- «»f Fi a" n 1 >• »!•- 1 y r*•erdaV . E K. i.«ver dues anything by we L hdig lo k- i t»*r. ti *■•*, infmintarH-’uite. in fallU to. Aifg’iiVa Malni. Lni-iti tm* seasen. JrJiukv. . K Mr«tf r I. mi ’ halvef «•ut». I S NEAR ! ! ! ARE YOU KLADY FOR IT? 0 I T I T ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE HALE BROS, i CO The Leading House oí the Coast. SACRAMENTO. CAL. This Space Has Been Reserved NEWMAN FISHER. Who has just received full and first-class assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS THE FAMILY BITTER CASE Frice, $17 Harness at from $6.00 up Road Carts from $9.50 up SCROFULOUS SORES Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. ■EEX2S3 Evat-y Symptom Gone. Fecu ! iar East and South S í IÜ í HER b PûClfiC Cü.’S LIKE. The lilt. Shasta Route *3 Cuticura Remedies. Faber’s Colder? Female Pills. PULLMAN BÜFFET SLEEPERS. r<oad‘s Sarsaparilla iOC Ooboa One P illar Weak, Painful Backs.