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About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1890)
MISCELLANEOUS allSCELLâMEUUS East and South Fltll'AY .. VIA = mrSERN P1C1F1C CO.'S LINE. X ~ V __ - <1 I Waterproof Jack Dempsey hat* opened a gin mill in Seattle under th? name of ‘ The Non pareil.” A recent faahion anpp'.ement wavs that Piob- » lie I I *» ».H li», ■» elrrnlntlo» of 2800 French hcelk are higher this fall. .... ¡ar<eat enjoyad bj any nenapaper ably owing to th a McKinley tariff. Inthaworid. The Mt. Shasta Route. ,..»bll«hrd between Portland nnd Ked RIolTJal. .adlataure ol «Oil nil lea. II ----- X«l>r.* T;¿' i «~ UivTÜCri ¡.7u> l>uil>. _ ----- t -------------- — North. <ouih I _____ . Arri v«* V A'»A. « 4 :U0 F M. Lwave F" »rtland L«*av«* Ü V»A. M. a . b» a . a. Leave* Milford PROF.HAR-RIS K"'> G"»»"'’ !» ’■« e._M 7>y < a l.irr"»"""N«n»'r«ni ■ Abov«* traiuM atop oniv at the 1 .ktoUoua n rtf» »»J K •*«• »"iig !.»*•! 1 •«rtland, «MPtfuri « .tv. \V )«imirn. «». Ait'un>. Æ'<«*1H. "-*•» MK H.»!<• y. Harrisburg, June- FOR THE CURE OF u . I«». Irving. hna" U"-. KO8ÊHÎ K«i .MAIL «»AIÍ.V : ljt,vr AiiKhi. __ rVlTALLY WEAK' Mvte ••by t«»c e ■ ««• api iiestion to (•wriiaiwt .. - v m II"....... ir» .. '• «•' «' M oinos < r atu ty «r«rre mru’xi .troni or tri» ' hk XI'AL U.wlmr« .«.JU».» Portimi"! » tw r. ». l> EX« bssES iu ruiùdle li tv .or » irivo » h»« 11« p.»«« tur«. Ho « culto, I (arra M aiPM AH» >I«1IN>1«» M i;v«)l > l«> HI II Tì I»r kLBANVUM \l . I' Ml A f V" |'t "-"" . WtAR MCII *xil<1 mi i<>^ »• u»n\». »»► u»u*i n- mi.l \ I «RI IO «WH wlll» KARL! DI « lì in I«»• Mi ••«•! WID- UAVI »HHl'l *»1.M «iti»! I «-k <»r * «II». » •»• r nu-t «irctiftb " Uh «n or<xns p..rii*iil .. K.oo r M. All'ino ... '."'»u*. ». lliimlrrj Su I WiBkr." 1 | r. » II* «| I •>«■ - h iug . 1 bgr. Aitimi) ... '«.U» A.» l’or«.wii'l * ». WHEN WE SAY CURE ?' |-»l««l\>»\i MESI LTS • u « uhd v 1 s«»•.•< «>•! <*•»-•■« t « ' ' ■ 1 ’ i’ ' n pA-i o» <".»<• yeart. ■1^8TZ -.'"-^ a *«*» 11. «• '■ • ' ■ '■’> Prof. Harris' PASTILLES WEAK MEN “TÜLLttÄNlüFEEl SLEEPLK8. VC vCC»OLUBLE MEDICATA PASTILLE8. V tdi AL w” < b *»» i tini noie B ' HlAL v, (ll, ( ,.r « , .('«ring ir «u itola TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. » .• . | ■ «.!’*•." id«tr* • • • *»»• •■furateli rur *"eou»i»"wto«l"»n <>« «.viiid-c'»"«" pmt»< n- qu< <1 |.,U" lo b." «u-»rr. l «•>•« t-"* «UH»' Luow Ite tri e «*oQ»titi«B ofrwrh <*»»e t.n ! t •«•«■•re n, Hflve U» ■ '*--t • 1 «■•nij l eurr. mu-». mim iiv"! «'■ Exprv*» train». ! .r»tr.l lu X. • V" I k aft" r 1 * i « v. 5« * t I .■ • .- -< - o!«er all • «■hBo«*«' t» re <*’tr—» b» tt** <■<• <•’ I il«-1 Paauile « rratcìcnt. TMS HARRIS REMEÙV CO., M« k -», Waat »O» Uivlaion. 99BEEKMAM STREET.__________ NEW YORK. r>i w k».S Poll II»* O a • ok V -Wl.1.1* iLignjisjCTa.r riz.Tù.'JxrnFKi ■ alLTKVlHn UAll.V ,r.*CkPT HVMUAT.) ,aia. a la-ave Portisi»-« Arrive st r. a. , -. ¡o r a i A’r:’1 * • "l ’ ■" ■ ' I." .n ■ 11 »• «". a. A< Albwuy Hiel ( ' »rv.ilh'A c«»tiiiwt with traina ot UrvguD F.uitic <>ad. daily axraijw* trains .sxcztn s V nuay .) The cenflUfl enumeraotra in the state are now trying to devise some means by which they can compel Robert Porter to loadverllaera. Onr Slat la principally pend them their p »y. therefore ollera the heat liidneeinenta eoo It urti tn Jaekaou. Joaephlne and Klamatb eouullea. Rnalneaa men l\»itiaml Arriv»* M;2D a . m Minnvillc U*nv» | '» I'» a . » TH E SONG OF TIIE SEA. Ixruii Cyr hr Ac the dumb-bell record at Montreal, Nov. 21, putting up 10*.» isrunds, w ith one hand from the shoulder twenty-seven times against 10.) pound twenty times, the previous record. Til. s n>r»»f th«-w«*a wamiu nnciunt koiijc . In tin- tins h wh«?n tlu* earth whs y«»ung; l Th«* wav»* w » t »* kroMHipng lorn! and long F.r«* im»rta*s ha«i foumi h tongu«*. I The heart «>t th«* wav* m with wrath whs wrung. < >r stHithiil to siren «trains. As th« y tossed th«* primitive islus among. Or slept In tlu* «M*»*Hn mains. Sueli wire the -»«»ng ami its changes free. Such was the song of the s«*a. I Tin < .ng of th»- sea took a human lone In tlu- «lays of the coming of man; A moiirnlullcr meaning swelled h«*r moan. Am! tlercer ti«*r i lots ran; Because tliat her stately v«>ic«* began To speak of our human woes. With music mighty to grasp tin«! span l.ifi 's tal<* ami its pHssion throe*«. wai th«* song as it grew to be. Such was the song of the sea. II HiÜV I] lividi» D « There is another row among the World's fair comniissioneis at Chi' ago, and in fact it seems that lighting among themselves is alront all that has teen done so far. "h-.nhUnke note til thia. T The members of the ladies, hoard < f managers of the World’s f or from Ore gon have been appointed as follows: Mrs. Mary l’a>toll, Salem; Mrs E. W. Allen. Portland ; alternates. Mrs. Anna R. Riggs, Portland; Mrs. S. P. Sladd n, Eugene city. A big pile of money g es through the hands t f the controller < f the city of New 'i urk. For the quarter ende» 1 June 30th, he received over 127,000 (MO 1 including a balance of fl ,t>00,000 from the prev oils quarter . and qa-nt it sll hut about |3,- 000,000. The song «»I tin* sea was a hungry sound As th«- human years unrolled. For tin* notes w« re hoarse with flic «loomed and dr«>wn«**l. Or choke«! with a shipwreck * g« Id; Till it seem«*«! no dirge at»ovc th«* tm»ld, S«» *«»rrv a story said, A* th'1 midnight cry «»t tlu* wat« r* old. < ailing above tlu*!r «lea«! Such is th«* song ami its tlii*<-m»«ly , Sueli Is tin* song of the s« a. Tlu* song ot th«* s« a is a womlrous lay. For it mirrors human life; It is g* ¡iv«* Hti'i great as the judgment «lay. It is torn with th«* thought «»f Strife; guf T» *" ts and intormaUon ri sai ding rates. Y« t um!» r tlu stars it is smootli«- and rit«* UWps.oU" ••all on «-'oiiiimuy's arreni at M-Utonl. With l«»vc lights everywli«*r«*. f U KUKULKK. )• p " . When the sky has tak»*n th«* <!«*ep to wife. MtuuMicr. Ast. G. t. A I. Ax t. Am! their wtsldlngday is fair — Sin h is t he oc«'Hn's iny.-»tery. Such is the song of th«* sea. We hav» removed our \urs« rn *» to M»-d- i'ord, where wr have s«cured New Grouiul. the «oil of which la a sandy loam, enabling us )t Southern Oregon am bervliy informed thut without lrrigat <«n t«« grow healthy, thrifty ALL SORT8. in »Udltion to ■> tont«" und «Kgkut Illi« ol trees with an abundance of tlbrous lateral root»» without heavy tap roots, to be cut away ri egen r d opinion in reference to the in digging. We offer Oregon Preitic now is that it will Ire »old to men who will build it eas ward. THHOUCH TICKtTS t»«Al pomto. EAST A SOUTH. HAMMON BROS > UHM 21« IlCfM THE LADIES MILLINERY 10000 Prune. Uarv •dikil tv my •!<** th* (oU«»wmg claaao? goods, of which 1 have a full Un«*: Lalies' Furnishing Goois, 5000 Peach, 5000 Pears, 10000 Grapes, Bulli Knit u<»l Mullin. .Uch-ap to be bought any place; also And a K«»»d a»».>i t m>nt of nil the h ading va-* rivtivNof fruits. hiliran'a Short Slothes, Under 4 year» old. Trees is Low isanv First-class Nursery. beautiful Uwe of HOSIKRY 1 IRRIGA TION INTELLIGENCE. Well, after all, the Columbian fair to be held in a democratic state. . . NOVEMBER 28, 1W. TO ADVERTISERS >->d **• t '1 ■ .sa-BtM CWak fna. ft^JL J. Tt>ww, LW F. M. L**av«* «ffi f ’ M.|Arrivv QEBERàL N0TE8 AND NEWS. éhc ihìUviviìtic aiiuw. » I i GIVE IS A CALI. Consisting of Líale and Silk. « loves Nurseries at east end of HANDKERCHIEFS ] meiifokii . mu:«; > n . Bridge ------------------------- correETs Zephvr Shawls» g 500 A Vid many «vther things too numerous to men- tion. I have a1*«» s s ur«*d the servu «•» «>! a . L*J ?.ichl7L’3 FUST-CLASS DRESSMAKER, 1 am now pr«*p»r»*»l t»» ♦•xerut«' nn (,r’ to »hat lin»* tn firM-claaa rttyli* at rvaaona- r»i** ratri. , i'all amt are wt»' «»pp'»*>te J. Nunatt h >n ( a,:- / y \ II ft health MRS. P.V.PK1M. I**" tt"<t» ii»*. LeLl> n ,1*1,um *, , i • i" * " La ;, r. «. fir.- | . | fwrorn »he l.,_. a„.| p ,|. s„re , . ." Ejew, Nme, ct.", fopprr e loi-.'.l h. SjrphUn . i ,t .rrh,..i,«.| s B,r aI1(t M,j prnnury to- >■ of the .I. JACKSONVILEE I MARBLE WORKS! . » t" " »’rlee, «»t»> ,„.r H.ittl-. •*• HlrllMu « (• Ila Im« m No. 3 Cures T.rtun, Al .> ir .V *» «' . .*i.-Rhv.t- itiAt;sm, Bains in th«* B-ru •«. rams in th.y 1!« a«i hack i t the Ntsk. I !c« rate.| s . i » j Throat, Sv phi it c Rash, Ltanj^ an«! on tractc«i 4 or a S* fT . < f the t. in» a-. I » rruin at< « a l «1 ■»< a . fr0!a the .«•'..*« •., whether **au.-« l by in-l.* r« »¡.«n or ahu-.’ • f Mercury, P mng the h! >.>4 «.«lr,. u;; | healthy. Prim |»3 uo prr ¡ „ttle. Henry M. Stanley atqreals in the 77«i<"s, for public sub’eripiions to make up the remaining »111,500 of ttie |2'>,000 required to build a mi'sior. steamer for Lake Nyanza. He contrasts Engli-h apathy with German activity in that direction. Three great cattle lassoing c inte’ts by cowboys took place at San Antonio,Tex., recently at the International for groills. The world's record was beaten,Wdl t'atl- tying down a w ihl steer in dl!1.. seconds. The contest was on<" of the most interest ing ever given. The senatorial contest over in Wash ington is waxing warm, and there wiil doubtless be lively timesat Olympia next January. The fight between Squire and Major K II. Hendershott, the drum Calkins has assumed a personal aspect and both candidates a>e receiving their mer Isay, is announced to give an enter share of ubure. tainment in >isson December 5th. Captain James \V. Carroll has been It is stat» d that since the accesaion of Czar Alexander in 1881, 270. (MM) Jews elected delegate to congress from Alsska, an<l uill ask to la* admitted to the floor have >s'cn ex|>el!ed from Russia. of «he hou«e this winter. He is largely >ome great writer has said that calves interested in Alaska mil e« ami lias been ami dud's are b irn with their hair part in the employ of the Pacific Coast steam ed exaetlv in the middle. ship company for several years. Oregon barbers w i l request the legis lature to provide a |s"nalty against iqa-n- ing I a - 1 st shops for business on Sunday. One of the fundamental principles of the Farmers' Alliance is that the eovern ment should loan money to the farmers on land mortgages. In thia re-pert it Th'* r range ciop in Eurojie this year is differs somewhat from Senator Ingdl-, a failure. Riverside and Oroville will the senator sometimes demanding as high rind a great dem ind for all they have to as 18 ¡>er cent interest from farmers. ship. Micbad Pavitt, in an addrejsat S >utb- I«r‘im»ratii ei'izen, all want to la'k |>ol- jHjrt, Haul a cloud rented on the lii-h it i s these tine dars. Tliei"- Republican can.*" at present, but withGod s help ami friends are inclined t . “say nothing, but that of the honest liberHli of England, saw wixxl.” her caune would nti 1 prevail. tin Tl e ease of the state of Oregon vs. Pe Tories attempt to gain a point by an elei • ter French, the g>eat stock nun of Har tion surprise, ami they would w»m ney county, for |"erjnry, was taken under undeceived. advisement. As a means of relieving the tightness East wick Mrs. Anna r>axter was of the money market it is said that liohl- elected emmty clerk of Carthage county, ers of 4 per cent, bomls will’make large Mo . the first woman ev r elected to civil otters to Secre'ary Wimlom, and minor otliee in that state. silver coin, of which there is als.ut 111«,- A new railr >i«d company lias ls"en in 000.000 in the treasury, will be taken as The tre uury looks upon this corporated at I nioi , Or , wi'h a capital payment of fw>.00«>,<'<,() Its object is to build ami propoeitiou with favor. equip a r rilroad i f the sin.le track sys tem. < >ffn ial r« ports » f th»* Italian war de partment show that 2,000 tonsuf Htm»ke- 1»* * p w l»*r have I wen tn ar» u tact tire» I in Italy sim-e its use in the army was de termined upon. A senate amendment to the tariff hill places a bounty of two < cuts a |s>nnd on maple sugar. The Boston Commert ial Rvllftin is of the opinion that "a bounty on maple sugar if simply a gratuitous distribution of the revenue among the constituents of Senator Edmunds " The Orrt/onian aptly terms the prole, live tarili a game of grab. ZA FA \ OR OF THE WoHEX Rev. M. C. Wire, the |»r^Hul;ng elder of thifl Methoiint conference, s|M>ke in «- Iy to an Oregonian reporter of hi* vi«*w s on the question of "admitting women lu ’•»** k neral t*onL*rence of the church. I’ is n«»t |»y any mean* a foregone «•(»•icIuHion tiu»t tn«* gum rd conferenc»! w 1! adopt the decision which tlie voterfl of tlie chun h arrive at. The Tlie .('l- q i«Hii«u eti' ii haw been referred to the ciiiirchea for their vote. Then the quartet I v « «infer ence will pa-n tiion il by th** v «A* h of tiin Methmliat mini^t^rs. Then tlu* gem ral confer«*!!«*»*, wh ch »n i 1MI2, w:ll (‘«uiflidt r tlie tuHults of th various el«i!!i«)n* and pas« nt on tlu results. Whi'e t Im t|«*ci-io!i of the * nt in 'll' 'n u.sii'p s nut at ali 1» ti ling n,» >n i‘ th * »it* ;:u*i«*t il<* «i,- f. r<*nce wilt I m * apt t > a< q imscc n any measure which id approved by a majority of the laity. The result of this general vote, there! .te, is await**«! wi n cunsidei- ahle interest. The imp-essi >n He**tns to prevail that th»* propose«! atn»*miim*nt adinilling women lu seats in th«* general conferenc«* w.ll I m < <l»*i«*nt-<! Su« h a result, of course, wonl«i j mtify th«* gen eral conference tn refusing t<» admit th»* Women delegate*. Th»* result <4 the voting through the country resembles in its outcome thewav«**» ! the ocean. The f ir e tst lias oppo*t*tl it tl »• m: Mb* east favor* it; thi* nuddle w st <>ppos«*s it ; the Rocky Mountain (’oiduronc«* has favored it ; we-t of this tlm-e is a »>•* t in opposition, while the l’ac ti* -coasf co'der- encea are r«grt.*ie«l in its favor. A general epathy ha* been i»*p<jrle«i all over the country, am! the outcome is yet involved in doub . There are a g* o«! many who ate upp > hu «| to tl w »nu ll's movement, hut yet feel that tl.«*v <1 » n*«t wish tobit in judg inn! ii| on th« tn. < >n the other hand, there are many women whodekire tosee their s«*x recognized, but have been »low to exercise ¡heir voting power in their own la*iiah. These two cause« have op.* at«*«i to eff.*rt a v«*rv light vot«} in ail th** < hurches so far r - A N ew S tyle of D iunk for C old ported. Mr. Wire dec lares hi-nseil unq lahli liy \V eatiier .—“I assure you, gentlemen,” Ire sa>d, as the three of them each put a in favor of the propose i change foot on the brass rod and leaned against L ondon , N ov . 21 — Frank P. >1 iv n U e bar, “it is the best thing eve» inven- te«i lor a co’d. Will you try it? All announces that W. A Bra<ly, of N«*w York, has ytlered han $3(H) p*r ’xe -k to right. Give us three Vicksburg»” The bartender looked puzzeld for a act in “After D irk ’ at Ameru i i thea moment and then called to one of his ters. opening in New York at th«* Four- te»*nth-streel theater, Brad) also ot! rs to associates: ”bav, Jim, mix the«e gentlemen three get Slavin baeking from .11 *m to i2'».(MM) to fight Sullivan. Siav.n wishes to say VicKsburgs.” “Three what?” exclaimed the expert. in reply that he will not accept tire terms oil« re«i. He uou d re«pnre $1000 per “Never heard of ’em.” So “Simplest thing in the world,” said week, with substantial guarantee. the first gentleman. “Put an ounce of far as Sullivan is concerned, Slavin says pure rock syrup in a glass and add an be can get the figures name.! in London, ounce and a half ot pure rye w hiskey. either in dollars or pound* whenever Pour the whiskey in gently, so that it Sullivan wants to tight. w.ll not mix with the syrup, but will rest T hekf . is some cur «»spy tur»uigt»«.ut the on tot» of it. In this way, you see, you g»*t the benefit of ago«>d drink oi whisky, country to see what sort of a p um will and the syrup following acts as a lubri- fall to Mrs. Lease, the la«iy w ho was i ant on the membrance of the throat. sig.'h a moving fore** in tin* I'aimcr*»’ It is far superior to the regular rock-and- Alliance m Kansas, and nlo mil* l’»0 rve, in which the liqilida are thoroughly* speeches for its candidates the campaign. In ma iy cctioiis it is bt 1 <*\- inixe«l ” Tlie thiee others agreed, apparently ed that the men, with their u-uai i and the bartender foithwith put down magnanimity, wili kindly p*r mt Mrs. Lease to n*iurn to the litvside and mind Vicksburg* among recipes. her ba'»i»*s A !’i s l’u ri kk or Vos Mot no—A T here is one important malt» r 1 »1 <« n gentleman who returm d from Gertuanv t>v wav of a North German Lloyd steamer gratillation that tUu.tild not i»eo'. r io ke»l. last Saturday, said afterwards, in speak It tlie rotten borough «•ie« total votes mg of the coming celebration of Von ahoiihi in any wav prevent a ch > ue oi Moltke’s birthday, that he had the the next president by th»* electoral eol- pleasure of seeing the old field marshal leg»*, there will be a majority ot the s'ate the day tiefore he left Berlin. “I delegitions in the next congiess to \ot< happened to be at the war office,” he for a deiuocr at » nominee. said. “Von Moltke drove up. He sat ABV It E To MOTHERS. quiteerect in the corner of the big open barouche, which was drawn by two very Mrs Win-low s >. »» iiru - >vru| plump dapple-gray horses. On the box always be used for children i» »tuii.g. was a very stout o d driver and a moon- soulbe> the child. ■'Ottens II e guni'. a. faced orderly, who was almost as great in all ¡»am, cures w ind t oi « and 1> the I i’wenty five circumference. I'liey were oldish men, remedy fur diarriura a bottle. and unlsxibte llv they had been person al attendants of Von Mo.Ike's for rnitiv years. Tlie contrast b tween the two .1. II H >ic .mband a bulky retainers and the slim, sha’p Tex . have i teorated 11 featured and erect little marshal was a ding ai.¡1 vt i » ti \ , ii | very remarkable one Von Moltke hearty, lhi •'••• t rt • «1 i smiled ari l kissed his hand to tip* goj«i m-alih is thai thv> children, and saluted the bystanders as ailment prompt , an«l I. kv i tie entered the w ar office, lie is st 11 a serious^ splendid looking soldier, ami he carrit s ih< y are im re iie«|avii const patiun than aoy < the great weight of h « years uprightly order. 1\> correct im* i and well. It would be difficult to t irk’s P.ds in pie! rt !i. • rnrsgine a more heroic figure.” cause, as M r Hok'oiu - - mud pul and, N ew Y ork , N ov . 21 —It is stated this lein in g*>« <1 afternoon tl-at an alliance has been ld-h.\ formed l»etw«*en the inteieatH represneted by (i»*o. C. Magdin, ■ f K l«ier, Peabodv Ac Co., .lay Gould, C. 1’ Huntington, ami a Standard Oil party, bv which all rab- roz<ds owned or rontroll *«i by them in dividually or jointly will be operated to gether. practically tl i let (»mid’s direc tion. The alliance itubu-les the Southern Pacific, Union Pacific, Missouri Pacific, Northern Pacific Atchison, Wabash. Kansas Ac Texa*», Texas Pacific, ami many other roa Is. It lfl also said th it (¡ mid is trying to force tire holders of Ro» k I Gand either to sell or join hands with other r-jails of the alliance. If the Vand»*rbiltfl and the roads contiolled by .1. Pierpont Morgan can be brought in. a meeting of bank» rs and railroad prefli- lients of all road«* in the country will be called, a new association formed ami then a material advance in railroad rates will at once l»e or lered. Bui a lew years aga this section of i country was subject of many un- i favorable criticisuis because of the fact that irrigation was con puls’ry. Ev. 11 in California—some porti.ins of it— h.-ie were many people who *era |<o-se-M" <1 with tlie id«» that irrigation was sj < x- pensive an operation tliat its use very materially curtailed the profits on ail prolucts Some of the boom pamphlet* notten out dwelt with persistence on the "fact” that "this lind needs no irriga tion,” and intending immigrants were c.r-iii ly informed “irrigation was S"> expen-ive that non ir: vated lands were much the more valuable.” Tln-y i wen- also arav.-ly itifuriiied tliat “ir'i.- .t ed fruits were insipid, tasteless and tar inferior in every way to those «aired without irrigation.” Now how changed! Irrigation has proved itself much cheap tr than ta n. Irrigated fruits have proved of Hie tinea« possible flavor. Irrigated land—u the sunny south land, at least—treats con tinual crops. As fast as one crop ripens and is I a< Vested tlie land is prepir.,1 and planted with another crop. Hay, corn, potatoes, cabbage, g'am, onions ami wlist-not follow one another in a con stant, endless procession, beeaus"" of t ie p-jsailiiiitiws atfoided by a m Id ciima'e and irrigation facilities. The farmer here no enforced idleness but lias something ready for tlie market almost every month. Without irrigation these lli>ngs would not be possible. If there wae a p ace in I be country that really had no med for irrigation one would sup|iose it would lie in Florida, win i.- tlie mean annual rainfall is from folly Io seventy inches. Yet even there the immense superiority of garden and fruit land tliat is prepared for irrigat on lias been most thoroughly demonstrated, and many tracts have had ex|>ensive irrigation works constructed— Rrillantb Cal , Citroyra/ik: OREGON ST. JACKSONVILLE, OR. 2 oa ; Gemmer/ Work a Specialty S. S. SMITH, Prop’r. THE STAFF UF LIFE ! STEAM FLDUFIAG MILLS H Puss Oi ¡’SON. Blit KrX SWE11IMÍS. ( I TS, Ac. A l«nir«-ii» a <■ i;'u : sn-Hib < are in *’« . ti.’iti« i.«-; cuts mi«! u'<iun«lM are alike di-» Hi. tu«> t.» n di. »■’.¡••n. t ti ■ n u uhu't Jn> v :i;w ui. i. ;;X' J. ci : ■ •. «i:'.« n ; I« «led «•»«ng« »’i 'ii b" re m hii «1 i « - • i .tm«' ii impatient—.t tri«*»»!») right its»' f an«J pain in l»':»s.'<s Bru i.-« 8 n ml »'Ar. ; ',g-u. ■ a sooth mg influem « . * ut m cuts »«¡i I «««iiml » L- J j anyone w«>ul«l pour m ln4 . i 1 n i >■ iy iiitoi gaping w..i;i'1 IWiWïiJ rows L( ITS FOR MEN ONLY! FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS. Apple. Pear. Peach. Plum, Prune Apricot Neotari”e, Cherry. Almond. Chestnut. AfA .SÜsÖißä OF I ! ¡ I tilt \PE vi> i>. rriiit.WTs. Go<»<r.BEtt- 1UI>. BI.A« KBf KKII>. R.WRLR* RIES. >1K \WBURRIE>. PIGS. --------- AKE--------- PLPI’ LZ’/ER O2L Wkh 11 ypsphosphltes. PALATABLE AS MILK. Solti b if tlH Ih-ll'jjisltt. SCOT T i. BOWNE Chemists, I PILLS. Latlics’ Choice Washer '1 attillai tin C3 N3Y CRIPE, SICKEN CR CONSTIPATE. Sus) C ure for S i » H eadacw «, and ail troub-« arisir g froaj Inaig-stion or Constipation. ¡IJH roVft thw Ompl«xtaa t-y Ptinf » Ing the Blood. Tha«*nfc*c)*D t* ni«’oly a'tj'iBtod to «u t thecaaa, aa eu» p; t «vor (• ’»■ i torga a d«»a«». F.t»»y to tato* a. » • ¿ar 4^ pi .► p it up In • a’rr>n< vial w!.-. t. ■ .-r ■ •• <»rri-T n »«»Bt t »ck«*t A «raat ( or «»«» laura ' I reatar. i,"1 !<u«<«a « M»»«. Noac Geuulaa «lito- •< laarati' *' 1 ri“!« •*. • r k . L< U I ter y w bare, lúe. a boul* toaaipla l»o«e and lAraaai lîooh for Va. tr aiaapt* Di. HARTER8 IRONTONIC. k ft'F • ‘ - 1 II- ' A . F« f a ! IVFRB • t ! F ’ KFSTi'Ri • tbk DFHÎI.ITAIIDW V . : il . ’Y.-tTaF «HE DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO. ST. LCUtS. MO. DTLar^T. • ' < JL’^. 5 •.** V v \ * AG^TSWMTED City Country Property For Sale. ATLAS ENGINE WORKS • 9 DR. JORDANS Museum of Anatomy N.Y. LIVER I ie t h«- s ’! • ¡¡.;. Gi/o » i" im.T’i-to the bulli» lui ' M : IH! V«)'I » « »WLMENT. tor* oïl Æg,rn. ■•rie«* ol <'ifh»*r »«.ire. 25c. per Potilo. KISSINS-3'1’40-“'"™ LF.SHlTMACÛ.v »•* LARGEST STOCK GENERAL AGENTS T A A DAVIS suttvssvr «!> u * fr a ." rt idÿv. Al*fc " ELECTRIC BELTED the Circuit Court oftlu btatv of Oregon tor the county ol Jackson. the matter ot the tmaignment *»! J. C. Whipp. doing boHiin fsw uiidci the linn name of J.C. Whipp,and as an individual is an in a<»lv»*nt debtor. »»TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON’ 8«*pt»'iubcr iW, lsw. th»- abov<- natued insol« vent debtor, J. C. Whipp b» r« totor»- doing business a* J. C. Whipp, ¡t marble and aton«* cutter and contractor, nt Jacksonville, Ja< k- sen county. Oregon, made a getn-ral a.*»s!gn- m» nt to me. the •ri'ler»»ign«-«l. Jno. F. Whit» , tor the benvtit ot all biscnslitorN.umiei and by virtue of the act ot ttu- lrgi<HiiKi assembly ol th»- stat« of Or»-gon. entitled “Au act t<> secure to ci<-«jitois a just divir ««n <»t the ewtat»-s «»f »lebtora, who eonvej t«« asaignu»-»» t«»r t lu- b»-n etit «»I cred it ore.’ approv • «1 < »< tolwr is, |S*4.S, Mild t h < ■ i* 11»•-FI < 111»• "Illa t u< r- t .. I'loVed Ft-bruuiy 24. iHh.*». Ail cn-dif ore of sai.i insolv ent dei’toi are h« r< Dy n «titled to ¡«r» a«-nt th»-ir claims, under oath, to m»-. the under signed assign«*» . at my olhee at J.«< k-on* «lie, ,lu<k*«»n county .(>r»gon, within thr»« m< ’’ha from th» dat»' tii«T«*»»i. Dated thia lfftb day ot October, 1*!*«. JN» > I . W Hl 1 I. imiiftlM ■ Assignee's Notice 111 the Circuit <’«>urt of the Staton! <»r«gu lur th«- county of Ja« k>«.n. In the luatler <»t theuftMgnin* in ot t , J. Kurth and J. W. Miller, as partners, doing tHi.*in«-?w under the Mtyh• Kurth A Millet, and a> in i’- viduals are inNoivent debtoi oll! E IS HEREBY (ill LN THAT ON July 21», Hl*', the abo\ «-naiuv«i .n«*«»l- vent debtors. C. J. Kurth and J. w . Miller, as uartners. heretofore doing bioaioMi» Kurth A Miller, at Central Point. Ja< k^ni county, < h egon. made n general a^ign»n( nt to m. . the underHigncd. i>. il. Miller. l«»i the t««-u«-nt ot all t in hr creditor»», under and by virtu« <»t the act ot the ¡» gisiiitive a~»< riibiy •»! the Mat» uf Oregon, entitled "An act (<» »»«cure to cr»slitore a just division o! the «■-tat«-- <>1 debtors, who convey to a*»*ign» « •* tor the ben efit ot creditors, ' approv»*! Oi tob» r 1*. 1 s ; k and the aiiK’txlments there! •. approve! I < !•- ruary 24. l»ia». All creditors ot t-ai«! m»oiv< nt debtors ar«- hereby not’hed to pi«—nt tin ir cianna. under oath, to in«, tlie un«h r-igm d assignee, at the law office ol Fran« 1 t. it. Et-i . Medford. Jackson county. ot» gou. w .th- fn t hr« e inont hs 1 torn t he dat< 11»« i • ■ -t. Bated tills 22d day ot AuguM. js;*« it. Ii. MILLER. As>«gn»e. ST Administrator's Sale of Real Property. In the ('«»unty ('ourt of the Stat« «»t Ore-«»n. tot tlu «-ount> ot J.lck^oll. sitting fol Ou* trHUNiieiion ot Probat«* uireitu In Ou* matter ot tie «-statt* ot saiuiu l « « nt« r. «1« «•••as«*»!. oticei > hi kuiy <. i \ f . ntiia i by vik . tn«- of au ord« r umi lit < ns« ot fh«- h I m > vc ent it lc«i «-ourt. in t iu at»».\« t nt t.««i mattei. 1 will on Sat whig , A1 itmlrfi at th«'hour of 2 «« rlo<k ot said «lay. m H at public auction to tlu* liigh«*st l«i«1«i« r’toi .it the court-house d«»<>r in .l»«l-«in: •. irT J h « ks<>n county . Oregon, th« !• :.owing ¿t _ scrit»«*d prcinis«*s. to>wit; Tin west half of th«* n >rthw«*st «piart« r. the <outlu*Hst «¡narter <»t th»* m niiw« .-t quart«*r. ami flu-northwot «juartei <>t th. *-outiiw« M «iuatt«r ot suction s:x. »., hi t«»w ish.p thirty* .»ev« n >7,' south, rangn on«* J w« t-t t ttu* Wiliam« tte Meridian, t«»g« ther with a i and singulHr Ou* itnprov« muut* ana aj pint« nan- « • - tlu r«*unto belonging. Appeals«*«! at S*»'"’, burning amis ami improv«*!. Also the undtvid«*»! om -tiaif mt. r« -f in tlu s«»utti half ot north«-ast qiiMi t« ran i tm m.rth- « ast quarter ol soutnea.-t «piartur «•! s«-« th n liiirty-tivc, . township thir»k--;x. . >• south rang«*. 2 u«>t ot w kimt ttimi.dian, —timber land. ,\»l I»« longing totlie «-stat« *«t Sa mu« I < • nt« r. (i«x*«*ns»Ml, ami situated in Jauk-oii «« i«nt\% < >r«gon. Terms of sale—< ireh in hand. 1. M. ( ENTI IC. Administrator <»1 **stat« «•! >a:i u« . 4 « 1« r. Dated fills atl> ot S«*pt«*mb<T. !■■»•.•' N Summons. If You Have No appetite. Indigeatlon, Flatulenca, Nick ll<*a«lM« he. * ali rtiu douu,*’ (oa* lug I le»b, y un w ill 1 iud Tutt’sPills the reme»! v y «)w need. Ther lone np the wewk ml<»«<uu*li mid build uptlie riMffgiiiir eiici'L; I« «. Sut f ererw from ■neutn! or ií«'i«l oi t rwo'ik u ill t ind reliel 1 rom 1 liciti. Nicely mig ar coa* *<1, W1IE11E. SOLD INTERNATIONAL HOTEL Cor. 3d and E Streets, PORTEAN J>. ntamiiiL OR., Rooms, well furnished. thi : best — ONE DOLLAR P€ R DAY «SCUSE Ju ih« Circuit < ourt t«»r th«* Stat«* of (»r. g .n, for tlu < «»unty of Ja« ksoii. Margaret J. Smith. Plaintiff, v-. K< re rt Smith. lh*t<-ndant. To Bola rt Smith, tlu* abov«* nam«*d lh :cud ant. IN I HF.NAMF.ol Till. STATE <»! <»K|.«;«»N I VOU nr«* h< 1« by r« «iun«xl to app« ar ami an * -w« 1 th«* alMtvc <omplaint <>t tti< at»« x. | ,an- ti£,inthe abov<* entitl«*«! court, court, now m>u on r.h* with tlu clerk <»f said court, vithm tin ten «ia\-» t. within lroin tin* dat« ot ttu* s«‘rvi<*«* «4 • t this mi si. mm.-iff ... up««n y on. it s«*i v«tl hi Ja« ks«>n >n county. On- gon; hut if serve«! in any «»thut county ‘y 'll tin stat»*of < ir« g<-n. t hen « it t‘ hin : ' » nty dava from tu the dat«* ot th«* service «»f s*:::;*“: »ns ■ ■ ; thre hit* sunuu« upon you; or i( t»«‘rv<si on you out «4 ‘ th«* • state ot Oregon, or by pu!»li«*ation. then by th* tiret day of’ tt.«* • iiMi ng and regular term «4 •ani I c<>urt. to-wit th« Ht «lay <«t lht.ini«. 1. IMHI; and you ar« hereby m»tftt«8| that it you tai! to | app« ar am! answ«*r aai«l complaint. ns hereby re«tuired. the plaintiff will apply 1 O ......... tin* saM court tor the r«*li«*t dumamted in sa;«i voin- plaint, viz; A d«*cr«*«* f«»r»v«r <1.—. •Ivinx ,41gJW the bonds of matrimony h«*r» tot«>ru and s..w existing b< tw«*en plaintiff am! <1uf< ndant. pur suant to ttu grounds state«! in said complaint viz; **ruul and inhuman tr» atm« nt «4 piaim:fl bv detundant. and tor wilful <!<*♦*« rtion and abandonment ot plaintiff by detundant. uith- <ut het* cons« nt ami against her will, h’rm«» than one year but a past. 1 ins suinm«)ns is published in th« D em «)» < hati < T imes for six cons« « utivt w« • k*. i y th«* «»rd« r ot Hon. I.. R. W«*l»st« t , judg, ««t Th,* First Judicial District, mad«- Hn«i <!at«*d it JiiAksonv’;!••. Ia< k>««n <*<>unty. Stat« «>; «u. . goti, on the p»th <!.iv ot <». toh.’r ]*■'«' J.T. B<»U DI tv II Att«»rn«*y tor Plaintiff. IN HIE bTATE. Assignee’s Notice. Free BiLes tc ard from the Hotel. In the Circuit <'«»urt of tlu *tnt» <1 Or«g»»n tortheC«>uut> <»t .hu k>«»n. Initie matter th« a-*i|inm« n». «f j |j Kincaid and (.»war O. Kincaid, partm-re. at* Kincaid Bros., insolvent d« btcre IVHEREAs THE I N IH.Hsh.N I D. M |’| |{. »I din. whs duly » hs-ti-d assign« « ,,f th«- «- tate <»f tlie above-named liisu v«nt d«bt«.i>, ;,t a nu*«*ting of cr»*diture dulj h< .d t, r that j ' ui - pos«-. und«-r and b\ virtu« ot tlu mt <.t tin- l«*gi>lativ« tUMruibt} ol th»' stat« ot »»r«g< ii, »•utit'«tl *'Au act to se« un to creditor» a ju-t' division ot th«1 « states ot «1» l»t«»ts who convey Larges! «tul Best l .qnippetl Sch« •>» f<*r to assign«*«* for the lienctit ot creditors. ’ ap proved < let. IH. J s7s. an<l amendments th« reto P. »ys in Ongor, appr«»v«*d Feb) 24. Is<». all credit«>i*. < t sani insolvents ar« tu reby ii«*titic<i to repr» "etil l.««o<| I'■-«-i ¡.I i r»« an«l < ar« ful I n.iiiiiu.*. th«*ii'« lahiis, under oath, to hi « , th« uud«!- .RMS . s giKMl assign«*«*, at Mtdford. Or<*goti. vithm iK* titre«* months from t»»•* «late h« r«*«»l. All |M>rs«»ns indebted to th» firm ot Kiticaiii (M- r t«n im»nt!i* u ! - »F t « li lloll1 (Mi Bro*, will pa) Hu sani»-to hi «-at M«-«H..i 1. .m l get my t<-ci lpt tlmrvlor. Datisi t In«- 24t It dax ot < k-tobi r. Is'.iu. M. I’l KDIN. Assignee. i » tr.pho««1 ami n<» deviation in III. Allgel College. Notice of Final Settlement CHúiCE LAND FOR SALE! In tin-County Court of tin Stui«* <d » »r< uoii tor th«- County ot Ja« k-««n. In the matter «»f the otut«- •»! John No .tnd i \ hl \ <i«vea®«*d. :* part itTK F. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Iffr I Claim; «««*<• ut ri X o1 the «-Mat«' ot J. hu N». ami <i« <« ¡ib» d. h;u* til«-«1 in tin ii«unt\ «otiit , •* »< «U a i\. « »rt - Jackson county. < >r»*g»»n. lu i tina* a» « ■_»«« nt a-- -uch • X« » utriX. am! by or«h i ot -aid « . Ult T u »- m «1 mj . I»ev< 111!»« r 2. lbW», al III«* I..«nr «d In o'« « < k a . M . i* h « t to| b< wrii'g. A ! |>« re* ns int» r« bt«*«l ar«’h< r« ii> notiti» «! to upj • ai and tile hi® or her <»l»j»*ctionrt 1«> said a» »-« tint on or b« tor«- said day. !>ut)li»ii»«l bj order «»t Ifoti. J. B. Ncd.Judg. ot t*aid « «»utI. < A TH! HINT NO! AN D. Ex« « utrix-« ! baiti « -tate Dal«*«! Oct. 24. I*WI. N I". TILE FOR SALE Th»' mid« reign« I has n<uv bricky arda m ¡ir Ashlaixl f,»¡ at 1 h ilin^ of All Kinds LOWEST PRIEES "¡úRUPTUhí. W ST LOUIS MO. C<0‘< 6C TC$ifiAI)lf In the Circuit (’ourt of Hie Stat«* of Oregon for tiu* county ot Jack*<"»!i. Ill th«* matter of th«' assignment ot C «nstan- tlne Magrud«*r and H< rman H. Magruder partners, ire Magruder Bros.. iiiMolv«*nt debt- ora. HEREAS 'HIEisffMDERSIGNED. M. PI K- din. was duty «*ie*ct«*d usuign«.*»* of tlu «-stat«* ot tlu* ab«.v«* iiMjned jinsiilv*nt debtor»», at a. uni ting of <*rv«lTt«»rb *u'y lu l«i !«»t that j ur- p«»se, und« r am! by virtu« <.t tin* iu*t ot tlu* legislative as*« inbly of tlu- stat«* «4 Or» gofl • •ntitic«! ,*An a< t t«> r« cut«'to creditors a jus division ot tlie «•stat»*«* «»t debtor« wh«» «•<>nvey to a-**igri«*<*s fur t tn- bciu tlt ol <*r**dit«»rs,'' ap- prov«*d O«*t. is. I*’*, ami aim tidm nts tlu r« to approved Feby. 24. all < r«d.lors <»! said iusolv. nl.*» arc h<*r« by notified to represent their claims, under oatti, to in«*, th«* und« r- aigned »resign«*«', at Metlioi*«!, Oregon, within thr«*e months from th«* dat«* h« ruol. All p«*rs«»nb indebted to tlu*firm of Magruder Bros, will pay the sain»* to mu at M«-dtor«J, am‘ get my re«*«*ipt th«*r«*for. Dated this 17th day ot < >ctob«*i. l-'.Ml. M PI RDIN. AssigUve. N Tiu-y huv • 11 i say they THE BOSS BOOTS, AKIN, SELLINC & CO.’S I .tJij'or Srntt'n I 'tffifsi.nt. and let no CX- 1'1 ana»ion or n'dicitut gii induce you to cirr- ¡>f ft ¡¡ulutiiufr, Our tr»-»'- ar»'gr«»wn without irrigation on Fl *«*d hill land, and all «>! Known varn'tit t iiat sure»*«*«! in South» rn Oregon. TI iom «" (•<,nti iiiplatmg tr»»- planting will do w« I', to visit our < > re liar« 1 a ml niire-ry. or write to u« !<«r prie«- li*-t \ l«li I«« us ;<1 Murphy, Josrphim county , » »regoti. or to R. R. Station, Grant's Pass, « h< ” .n, \ I! < ARMIN’ A SON’. < > ii :i S* ( ri k<* ( ¡tr . r»; »J Walnut REQUEST —ASK FOR— Or any Ji. are h>]¡n:¡ ¡‘owr. you 109 000 TREES IN S ÖCK, REAL-ESTATE 0?. COMMISSION Siskiyou County, Cal., Assignee's Notice Assignee’s Notice DR. PIERCE’S PELLETS MONTAGUE At Lowest Prices. W . !.. < AHKU5 LUCKEY & CO The Roail to f eeHb: App !es, Poaches, Pears, Cherries Almonds, Plumbs, Nectarines, Quinces, Apricots, Walnuts, Blackberries, Strawberries, Currants, Raspberries, Cooscbcrries and Crapes, Mr. I i - iv i h, J» PiT-ston Street, l'ctroit. '•'•I«h. i;- •'i inhing Lull 1 sp i«:nv«i und bru <«-<!n.> .i : twoapp: < utlai « '■t. Jacobl Oïl <'un-.i nu . ' Mi. ««U»’;», ' tiunabl. !r <T:v.v<!al«-•. Frod- i*ri<*k*burg, le u *. w rito, Aug -i l.-n* ** I «vu • i".i«ii ■ < ut w .th a r- v. ' ' «¡f !" the SL Ja. ..!.•» «>.*.< ’•«iji» __ B CURES. Ar Dr.i' .urere anu B j ai . ers . îiîE CHARI E5 A VCGEIER C® Bslttaora. Mtf. INACTIVE LIVER. 1 EMAIL FRUIT ROSES AND SHRUBS. AMDWIIUATLY. BARLEY ROLLERS. 13T-CLASSIN EVERY RESPECT. lu the Couoty C<»urt of th»* State<»f Oregon, tor th»* < ’»»unty «U J h < k.- u. In th«* matter ut th»* «*tat«*of 1. 1*. Boyd. Sr. dec» asv*j. juUTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE fl .ulmin Rtratorot th«- «••»tat«* of T. F. Boyd, *i'., dec»*aa«*«l. han t1»«*d in the ('«»untv Court • t Jackson county. Oregon, hta final account is t»u< h aduHniatrator. an«i by order ot *«id ouït. Tu***ùay. D»*c»*mb« r 2. IHM. k ( tin* hour «t lüo'cUa-k v m ..¡suit t««i iiearing. All per noiih iiit«'r«'Bl<*»l ar»' h<*r»'l»> notifie«! to app» ar hu «I til»* ili* or iu*r <»bj«*»'tioiia to naid account on ot (»« tore sHid da> . Pul»lirtii»NÌ byonh rot lion. J. R. N« of Haul court. T. P. B»»VD. JR.. A.lutininirator o! .-»»id « state, ¡»at«*«! O<*f. Ri. IM*»- NURSERY! Flour and Mill-Feed ASHLAND HOTEL Notice of Final Settlement RIVERSIDE I’ lrta ll’H virtual a»lmis.sion of adultery with Mre. O'Shea, we fear may j»rove a Frederick Gebhard has gone into phys sev»*r»* Blow to the »*aiise <»f H<»me Bti’e in Ireland. D has etTe«tually kille»! ical training ami ext»ccts soon to Is* th«* A» 1 l Al amateur athlete he once was. For the home-rule for Mr. O’Shea. ladi«*a past few years Mr Gebhard has not «le i«*ir pr» .hi' Two 13-year old ( ’ ros “ bt city school General Contractor in" Ee Hlchsu»« Golden St anlah Ami« voted much time to athhui«* cxcr«,is»* am! ’aM>« i .« fair tt ial. and b« > • n1 dote t r t ■ < ure < f «»onnrrltHia. «.,.•• *, tw»ys. Hoy ('«a p»*r ami F*e»i Marhoffer in consequence ha* dyspepsia, ami ha* a O\E « ushi r .li t h»' w<«rld t lini w: frritati< n Gravel, and a'! Crnarv ..r *.t«, . had :i dispute iccentlv wh«*n the l i’ter • rk . W< !,:« \ ■ .i « "tu t"i li- "i Ma kt seanit Uldixarraagtruvi.U. Price S3 .’>0 per desire to keep up thus«* athletic f»-ats •ar«l. Tu!« ami <’ <«ti«« s Ba-k«t. was stabbed in th«* back by Cooper with Bot t le. which mad»* him celebrate«! betor»* he b«*- ash» r <>n ire «»u n nuTit Ix Ki« hm'« Gol.len NpmnUh In» i |NH*ket knife. The Wound vtill not t»e canit* prominent a* the esc >rtof Mrs. lo s, ( !p!i,,n ami pru •• J«*ctl<>n, I r a ' .re < te. 4 of <; -n .rrh : i fatal. Inflammatory (.art. strutdr««*,x Price Langtry. fl "*«O fier Bottle. Fat t*r*» <«f unkrown origin are accumu Le Itlchicn'a Golden Ointment Most of the raisin pr<Mluc»*rs are busy I m «<1 «•*» « H lating. 1». B who forced Hal Pointer to f r the cfT «to«• fsxut:. , • s just now estimating their probable out h«t t» fili- aiMlerupth.n» Price Si uo i> r Box.* pace in -*;0'D4,is named as a brand» d puts. The best authoriiie* say that ( -li l.e Rlchni'u Gohlm Pil 1 I ron« h«y or mustang. The Lift T l»et- :»n«l Bram treatment, I m of ; ■ - ,| p . fornia will this year pack fully 1 300,000 Prompt Alt« nlb»n given to all Order» by Mail. wo» «1 racer, E blic 1’., was a farm horse «2_ or o*. t*r-wnrk, l'r««stration, < t . boxes. It is an interesting iact t«> note Price S’« OO pt— Box. last summer. for those interested in the state’s all Tenic and Nervine, J bent every» hare, C. O. 1»., Mcuraly jasKcxj Hiram Ba*sett, past grand master of round progress in horticultu-al matters per express. Masons, and cunsidere«! the Mason of that the vwtima'vd pack i*» al» nt twenty tire high«* t degree in the world, has just times »he raisin output of ten years ago died at Mill»*reburg, Ky., of paralysis, and over two hundred times the amount at the age of «eventy. He had taken packed in 1H73. ANDERSON CREEK. every degree known to the older. The corresjiondent ot th»* New York < lovernor Waterman of California lia. Nun, who has just returne«l from Jereev, Jet i<lc<l to <‘ininiute the sentence of Hi says Boulanger has «level »¡s*«l into a Milkr, the slayer of l»r. Glenn, to bloated being without any i«leas b**yon<l THE ROGUE RI’.’EB fif’>"en years. Mil'er was santeneed to satisfying h s animal appetite. IL* still 11 I i.-s KI BEK TAKER Pl.E ASt ltE IN i i >.>uneln< that hl» st" «in »aw-tuill 1» now J life inipri-onmen’. Bv the term» of the talks of returning t»j France, ami it i* LL -»ArJ« tuin« on full ttiui" aao turnmir out a larire commutation be will !»• release«! in Oct. »1’iite possible that the French govern I TH ID f .1C -.1 luanUCy of lumber. Il-i« prepared «<> dll «11 ment may grant him free ¡»ermts ion to 18"H. <with dispatch, aim al «he uewt r'-awma- FlOO fS ftc •ioso, feeling assured that he i*jwrtYctlv aving recently been refitted «tL C»V’X U. re«. A tlne uuailt >■ of W e have not yet heard the customary i on the c:• r or T« e S. F. Sl 'i" says Boss Buckley had harmless and that his j resence will only all modern improvement«, are now turning outcry froth the Republican iinfortun »t«*s out a riret-cla«» article of flour, which in put up in received a lsrve sum ol money from Sen excite ridicule. ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, barrel wick», and «very back in warranted t<> about election outrages at the South to Rn contllmt arr th- manufar-tnrers of I>r * of * “ Hon' • If you don't believe ator St inf rd to ) etray the Pemocratic tn.-Jud1 u th« nivlc, ceillnir and Uoorlnir contain 4« pounds republican candidates, < ?t «.rrh Remedy in their ability to cure The steamer A'amvia. from Xu-tialii. defeat honeM this, »«•« jixet «««niparH compare a KWM'k furnish'd .,n short n . lce. I «>»«». ■»»<■« of ■ our Hour with anj I le^i-l itive candidates and elect Republi Chronic Catarrh m th*» Head, no matter b<«w rite task of accounting m that way for other «■RSuUsraefon ipiaranleed. -**■“ * brand ------ * offered * for — - vale in this market.and cans, which ai’oiints tor the «daughter brinirs the news that Peter Jackson and bad nr of b««w long starniiug. that they offer note the difference in weight. 8. S. 'M1TH. inv < f th«' S. 1. lH'imeatic legi.ljtive Joe Goddard foitahf before the Sydney the overturn of their party in every flec in good faith, the above reward, for a ousa Athleiic Cltil. October 21 Jackson was tion of the country is too prodigious even which they cannot cure. t cket. to stop Goddard in eitflit rounds, blit for the fiercest partisans to attempt at The nitiil size head for an adult En failed to <io sc. The fight SYMPTO0S OF CATARRH. Probably, however, as soon a« was of the once. ('ouBtanlly on hand ar.d exrhMiigtsî for wheat glishman is No. 7. Garmans have round hurricane order, going at it hammer an.I the party apologi-ts recover from their / • H'adnche. obstruction of noee. discbnrc« head», Maylavs »mall ones The head» tongs fiom first to last. All said that fright they will Iregin to flhow that the falling >nto throat.somrtint*« profuse, watery, AND ALL OTHER DISEASES I of l*ortu;:ne-e average from «>?, to 7 inch Goddard had the lietter of the tight all wicked Democrat« every where bulldozed •nd Hcr’d. nt others, thick, tcoacious. mucous, fiurulent, bloody and putrid; eye« weak, ring- • ARISINOFROMA C1NTHAI.LY MM-ATBU. ng in cur«, d« nfncivi. difficulty of ci< «ring Hsnrg added a sat of Barley Rollers to my mill es, tt <>»»• of So ini «rds are a little larger. through, luit a disagreement Ise ween the people into voting tor their can DISORDERED STATE or the SI 0 MACH i have *«tapart every Saturday to Roll Barley f« r Tt e lo ads of Japanese excel the F.ngli- h the jndg' S resulted in the tight being de didate*. There will he more northern throat, expectoration of offensive matter; breath offensive: smell and taste tmpuired. OR AN enatomers. The work will be done on short average. Democrats in the next hotree than all and general debilltv. Only a tew of theae clared a draw. antic*, ao that nartiMcan return with their grist tlie northern and flouthern Republicans symptoms likely tn be present at oner. Thou thesam«day. lam prepared to roll barley at al! Ex-G<ivernor Foster of Otiio says; The nutnla'r of Indians going from combined. The latter party ha» but sands of eases result in consumption, nnd end dirot*an<| m the b*«t manner. Thia procs«® t b “Senator -hern an w ill retire from the FOR SALE ÖY ALL Rosebud agency to Pine Ridge agency 84 representatives elected to th»» 52mi in the grave. farahHad of thecruaher. By its mild, •nothing, antiseptic, cleansing vell-knovn «v»i»w ha. h.«n ri*l>uilt senate on the ext ¿ration of Ins term. He G. KAREWHKI is increasing. RelialJe advices slmw congress, ail told, out of a total of 324. DRUGGISTS & GENERAL DEALERS. Dr. Sage ’ s Remedy •nd healing properties, wth brtvk and greatly enlarged, bemdee tw'ng has said a» much, and I believe bint to “(old in the cures the worst cases. ihis Messiah craze is extending to In Is- a man of his word.” Foster also says a few applications, Head ” Is cured with NEWLY FURNISHED* dians near the mountain border ami be Tin: I’hilmlHlpliia Tiiiir-t Rays Mnjnr Catarrhal Headache____ is relieved ___________ and cured that Sherman will not !»• a candidate for tween the Sioux nation ami the ('a iadi in McKiuh v in ri poiti-.l a» "well Hatiafieii as if by magic. It removes offensive breath. 1« cetltrally I"<"««"«1 «he bu- '«•— par’ •>» the pre.-i<let.ev in 1802. L am or impairment of the s^nso of taste, bonier. Order* have Iwen sent to the wn »nd* «..rt-wmple r.e.rn for rommrr- w ith tlie result.” lie thinks "Protection or bearing, watering or weak eye», ami ct«4 traveler», 1« ntteil up In .-..nn. i tion th<-r- commanding otfic-rs of troops, as far is stronger than ever,” anil that tlie smell, “ 1 >■ n’t you think I lo< k well in repo-e impaired memory, when caused by the vio w"th. Th. table I. <"<>n-u.<l>«l> lurni-mii will" sail! M’s Gush'eigh to her husband, a« south as Texas and Ariz. ma. ami as far l»"o|Je w ill soon bi come so fond of his lence of Catarrh, as they all frequently are. tae be« the loarki’t «tf >r l.«. Cannot be successfully traveled with Sold by druggists, at fifty cents Manufact she reclined in a gracefol attitude on the we-t as California, to prepare men for I trit that tlie next election will lie carried E. K. DKir.HTMAN, Prop. ured by WoKt.D'fl DisrawsART M edical A s - out good health To reach wealth or any sofa. "Yes, 'was tt.e reply, “you look immediate movement. I on the same issue. Maj >r McKinley sociatiom , 663 Main Street. Buffalo, N. Y. A«bi*nd. Oct. 10 lw». coveted position in li’e requires the full all right enough in repose, but calling ! recalls the country doctor who had got possession end eperationef all the fac TV. 11. Mills, of theCalifoinia board on to mind certain »noring projs-nsitie» you , Lis patient just where he wanted him. ASHLAND, ORECON, ulties kind nature has endowed us with. trade, says the increase in population in don't sound well.”— Gahenton i lie had thrown him into fits, and tlie These conditions car.not e J t unless the that state w as not equal to t lie bi, th rite ; | "ii ctor was deatli on tit». Will S« ?., L« aso, R< rit and Handle Laxative, or Otbartic. according to size oi physical being is in pcr'cct working TI m * pr<«pofl«*1 French tariff i» ransing tliat except in the fruit growing iliitricts N om . By druggists. oeuta a vial. In the Town of erdar, and this is impossible when the rr.uch more co* «’emotion in Austro-Hun* the country population had decreised. How’s Thi>? liver and spleen are torpid, thusobstruct- kfiiry than the American tariff, especially And thia with re-ource-< adequate, accord Inj the secretions, causing indigestion W e off« r One Hundred Dollars fur anv the duty on timber. Hungary has been ing to Senator Stanford, to sustain in and dvspepsia, with all of their accom for many years the chief wnirce of supply plenty JO.OOY, (MM)—atsjut twenty times ca*c of catarrh that cannot be cured by A «'hotcc Collection ot taking Hall's ('starrh Cure. ’ •FoFLOBTorTAIWONAliEOOD; panying horrors. for material for French wineear-k». Aua- its present population. The San Fran kO°n.nd .¿ NIRVorg 5xBll.IT». F. J CHENEY A CO.. Props .Toledo. O. I DR. HENLEY'S tria may retaliate by putting a duty on cisco Star lays it to the land-grabbers, ex We, the undersigned, have known I'. J. Werine»» ot Body andMit-d. Etf.C» orbitant fares and frieghts, water mono ( heney fur the last 1.5 year.«, and believe champaigne. ________ Hof En,or»orBxi'r»»r»in Oldor T "urg. Entfisb 0?ndelicn Tonic ' „ ».I.I. «.»HOOP Ml. II.. I.. ..I.r.. <■ ' poly, etc., and says the single tax would him perfectly honorable in all business ■ i »Mnuin»»«'»'«». «".om »■ erts a specific Influence over the liver, A Nevada • itv man ha»l>e<*ii at Albany . J;.l, ..hlliM ««'»» l»l.»r««'T-l.e..!H. 1» . .... t ansactions. and financially able to carry reme Iv the matter greatly. v tree I! to healthy action, resolvesits <>nr-fourth down, balance within ail.twelve . ,..nb ir» to »<»<« «* "J purchasing Mongolian pheasants, paying un» ai v obl ’ g.itions made by their firm. tnd eighteen numth.M. , ; -foments, and promotes the an avHa-.’C of .|5 ap ece. He paid one W est A T hi ax . Win.lesale Ih uggiste.Tole Tii. ERIB I m EOIC X CO,. BUFFALO. H. When the national convention of the ^«»♦' map at Railroad Depot f««r gnu!»*»! prirea. • o' S : ct »■es Indigestion ard consti- young man fl oO for ten pairs which he non-partisan Woman's Clni-iian Tem do, (> W a LIUN g , KIN'NAJ ì Ai M AKVIN, or addr»-*« 1». H. tlASKEL, . « - «' .vnnrs the appetite, tones up Town-Hite Ag«*nt C. I*. R. R.. >i»n Franciaco. had captured when chickfl and raise«l by perance Vnion assembled at Pittsburg, WIi »lesale Druggists, Toledo. O. • • rtlro • stem, and makes life worth Had's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, hand. The twenty pairs Fecurvd will Nov. 21»t, a telegram from M ihs Francis floon populate the fields of central Cali Willard was read asking that the name ad mg diteci Iv upon the blood and iniicuus surfaces of th»1 system. Testimonials sent fornia if they pruej er there a* well as in of the organization Ire changed, as it was free. Price 75j ¡»er bottle. Sold by all < >rvgon. not legal. The executive committee de druggists. The New Haven Rrgi^tcr calla atten cided that as it was not addressed to the Take it Before Bnakfast, When writiug for Mitnplo, tion to the fact that in five New’ York president, no action be taken. As an as The great appetizer, tome ami liver regu- And all of congressional distrii tn S|w*aker Reed sociation they could not change the name at»«r. In use for more than 5U years in made five Hpeechen. The result was a anyhow, and for the present they pre England. Positive specific fur liver com Demoi ratic gain of live congressmen. In ferred to let the matter rent and trust to plaint. Bad taste in the mouth on rising in the morning, duB pains in the head and Conne’icut Mr. Reed made one »(»‘cch ; its legality. UMRIVAT.FD GOODS ! back of the eyes, tired feeling, d zzmess, result, again of two congressmen. The languor symptoms of liver complaint. Holmes Business (.'ullege *‘ho*»” proved a great “hoodoo” in the BEND FOR OUR CATALOGUE*« PH>< Remedy —f)r. Henley's English Dandelion late < anvasfl. and it is a great pity he did Of Portland. Or., will open Sept ldt J. Tonic. Relieves constipation, sharpens the A. Wesco, the leading penman «»f the coast, appetite and tones up the entire system. C<i|'l"«"«tlv. not make a speech or two in Maine. Ag»nt» WanieV! has become a partner in this school and will Get the genuine from your druggist h r IT <’iH* t'LAiin Fax a. , INDIANAPOLIS. IND. make it the leading business college. Send ♦ 1, ami take according to directions. WN),(MJO, to loan. fidUtUMNt, Rrawater'« s.k*«»y R»!n Holder« for catalogue. elven away to introduce thau. Ev»i » By J. II. Whitman of Medford, on im 3'* .-□* AiocAera horwa «‘Wner buva fr>-in I to fl. I ln»w nevar under h«»rwew' tert ■»»nd A’ -eul» proved farm security in Jackson county, - ; th *1 Come Forward. Castoria is recommended by physicians in »tanij»a to pa* i*wlag? And x u» at the best rates of any loan agency in the for Nickel Pl at »si »»inpliih«1 <41! n f All those knowing themselves indebted for children teething. It is a purely’ vege ‘ K- D- PORTLAND. < >RE<<< >> e-ounty c(A Brewster Mfif.lo.. lioilv. Mi . to the undersigned will p.ease call and set- table preparation, ita ingredients are pub* tie immediately, for after the 20lti day of lished around each bottle. It is pleasan* "ill Make Regular Visits. September all ■croutita will be placed in to the taste and absolutely harmless. Il ■ lie hands of an attorney (or collection. constipation, regulates the bowels, quiet A t.arrick merchant tailor of Medford, J. C. SlIKKlIMS pan», cure8 diarrhoea and wind colic, al will be in Jacksonville next Monday, and Central Point. Sept. 1, la'JO. lays feverishness, destroys worms, and regularly every week thereafter,for the pur* 371 Geary Bt.. San Francico. prevents convulsions, soothes the child pose «>f taking orders for clothing. A« he T* and »«arn how to avoid dis- and gives it refreshing natural sleep. Cas* is a first- i laas mechanic and carries a large riUH . Consultation ami treat Jacksonville to Medford. tona is the children's panacea—the tnotb* ment peraonalljr or by letter oil line of goi.da he Will give the fullest pat s 1’atronize the only wagon that connecta ers’friend 35 doses. 36 cents. rtperruatorrhea or genital wrak- faction (iive.him a trial, for his rates are with every train, ram or shine, and carries ntNMi and all diaeaaea of men, reasonable. Wells, Fargo «t Co.’s exprese, tiatisfac Fh*n<i for book Private ofBer, Rf feet ■■ Ho! for Butte Creek. Plier. tion guaranteed. Geary St .Conaultatlnn free. J oun D yar , Driver. The undersigned will leave Central Point for Eagle Point, Bruwntboro, Lake creek Exchange! Exchange!! and B g But'e every Monday. Wednesday /’He®.’ W/ea.' Itching rile». Xa ^«Airklv and l*0rjn»n«»mb and Frjday, returning next day, ih I <arry- HE MUIEORD K ii T l F.K M11.L8 WILL torn Baby wrm sick, we gave her Caatorla. 0*inx t" «MW* ìrt-dbvtbiB v«»l*br>»«»i SvMrr»>MH — Molature; intent*»* it»*hiiur nnd re**« <>f tt Fl£K«'£>PÀlj vi the ma-h.asalso pass» mrers . ;d »xpresN For Mi Call's Bazaar Glove Eittinjr glv^ tu oichaoa«* tor sixty poun-!- ot clean ôjUkmg : meet at uigut ; *vvre»e by t»' i ah utng. 'Yfac'j she v ax a Child, abe cried forCaatorla, ACNaT’C UANfrríW* Electric • matter. I will m,ike connectiun wnh the miL'Ing wheat a* follow»». Thirty-eight Bounds 1! auuwvd t«j commue tumors türm, wuku hav«" rc«i)i Patterns. tl und ¡p»LT GOTI* trait * ea' h gey Mv rates are reasonable. straight flour In farmer's sack*. <«i tlurt v-four I \\ hen sba became Miss, eli© clung to Castnria, uttvu bp/v»! »tua Ulcerate. bwuuMUs 'cry •</!«• to «I. »V Trusa. 1 erfeet Reimn- pounds of saeku«! flour. Evehnng»* will ap-1 I. F. V\ ILLI AMS SHAtÄtö ULMMLM Stops tüt ’ llX'ÜlUg UUU ent I ll.M ■ i t ««•«»r T- stADtlyrsIuwe»*)« < UTieu sha Lad Childreu, she gave them C'astoria t»ly at tlu* Phoenix null i»y ad«tlng two pounds, blvcQiug. lavala Ulce rativo, and in iu«»atcH»vN F. R. an«l hh p« nor t<» r»-«l thoQuwada. E-«Mb re I * I i r.M, L uBtrd Pamphlet No 1 lain uow remly to buy or store, or tuk«' in rttuuvv» tue* tumors. At druggist«, ui uv at fr<«>.t I • t. • f . it - «W z « f Eï •(; » LAS ICTWU88 CO TURI I. !. it-* : rSf»».*. r,.} ■ Storecu L'Xcliabge, any amount off« r« «l. u«i. tor Wwuta. Dr. x'iwu'Jví- , 'orí t' i C * 1 r bend f’T Fall Cut’ll'.-’.'’I' • W 1ÖÜI8 MO Heures headache ou*y-l’reStpD'» H»j' J. C. /• WHIFF LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS. Vfc( Iti E, As! lai d. For Sale. II.i. « »! I Fit F»»B ; - all : t <>m tit: xi.xi m< «tit Ii*. < ui r«*t 'a>'«i'.;ib!» t( rins. my r« m - nd furnitur«*, . bl;u h-n,it Ii • Imp. tix- i'.; a!»» m\ bm im - h , which is <«nv «it paying in th< < »ninty. Purties A«-sir- Ing 1 nil m’oi iii.uu n a I’» prie» s, I» i in-, etc., u il! im-UM- e • • n m. at m\ —- p p'.trv <»t bushitvy n ‘' C” GUJKGE HAYES. Jtt'-kr vû V’I à I l *, Julie 12, law. Notice of Final Settlement. In the County C«»urt ot tlu* Mate of Oregon for th«- County ot Ja< k-«»n. In th«' matter of the vaiate ut lillà) Catl* r dcC»'HM«xi. OTH E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TH! admttilHtrator ot thv vatat« <»t H« nr> < ar- ter, d«*c<an<*d. 1« mm tii«*«i in the < « unt j’< . urt of Jii<k»<>n «-«luntj, t»t»g«.n. hi- Imai a*«»unt as Huch admlniMrator. ami l»y or«b*r <»t -uni » ourt Tuesday. D« < « mb« r 2. !*'.« tlu hout « » 10 o'clock A. M.. in net for In uring. All per sons iuter«*st»Mj urt* hcr«-by notitkxi i«« mi »¡». «• an«* til«* hin or l»« r «»l»j«*t U«»n-t.. said ,u’ oun on or Indore said «lay. PubltHhi'd by order <»f Hon. J. R Nesi. Juda* ot b«i«i court. ALFRED ( ARIER. Alimi und t uhi «1 ?aid otate Dated Oct. 21. IHM,». N Notice. 'pill; rxiH'.ILSlGNEll WILL X< T Ilf |(f 1 -|H.nHit>lf f,,r Hlly ai..|,t_ ,,,,u actol l,i L2> hjeiuliatnuii'r. luy wife M1AN11! Jt. a