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About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1876)
■'*r X «■»wwr.— I » > ■w I FRIDAY 1 • JUNE 23, 1876. l herc’s mat»> a trouble Would break like a bubble. And inh» the waters of Lethe depart, Did not we rehearse it. And tenderly nur»e it. And give it a permanent placo In the heart. I Thera’s many a sorrow. Would vanish to-morrow, Were we n«»i unwilling tu furnish the wings: So sadly Intruding, And quietly brooding, Il hatches out all sorts of horrible things. IIow welcome the seeming Ot looks that are beaming, Whether one’s wealthy, or whether one’s i poor I Eyes bright as a berry, I (becks red a« a cherry, The groan and the curse and the heartache caw cure. X Resolved to marry, All worry to ferry A crus* the famed xva era that bid ns forg t. And no longer tearful, But happy and cheerful. We feci life lias much that’s worth living for yet. — I OPKXI.VU OF TUB HI.M1MEM OF 1771. In S«u»teinb«‘r, 1774, the delegates from eleven Provinces a-Si'mbletl in Carpenters’ llall, the Statelioil'e lu ing o«-rupi«sl by the Assem* Iv. Th»* 1 ven- erat'le I’ey ton Ranilo'iph was chosen Pre-ident, and the man of truth, Charles Thomson, Secretary. There was much hesitation as to whether the Congress should be opened with prayer, or what form of prayer would suit (¿uakers, Chur« hnieii and Pre— byteiians. Mr. l)u> Ife was finally vooseii to open the session, and in full catioi>i«-als read tin* usual petithms ami the thirty fifth Psalm. Tin* news of the (*>innoiia«le of Hoston had jll-t re vhc«l the Assembly «•!( s«emed,” wiitt*s John Adams, in a letter to his wife «laird S«-plemb« r 18, 1774, “as if M’-aven had ordain« d that Psalm to t»e read on that morning.” When its sublime invocation of Go l’s help in extremity had been read, Mr. Dm-he br«’ke into ¡III • xtemporam oa-< prayer, which brought tears into the «•yes of ev»-rv man pres«-nt , and made I hem, one by one an electric cy iiipathy. Charles Th««in»nn iifurward* related that a profound silence rii*U**<l »Her the prayer, so ilr«‘p wa- fin« sense of respnn-i*«hiiy U| h » ii each man preseiil. A grave-1« a »king man in an unpowdereil Vv g, coarsely «Iressril in gray, at Iu*t «rose and Iwgan to speak, Io the mi noyance of th«* S<'«r«'tary, who re- gri'tir«* that n «-ountry pars«»n, as he bil| |>»-«-(l, should have mistaken th«* oi-cii-ion for a di-play of his ability, “Bill all liiili-Ual hirer of argument and a singular iiiip;is-ione«l elot] H’Bce boon elect 11 li< d i lie lioii't*, ami an « x- cit«'«l whi-p»-r |»;i**e<l from ni:tn IO man, »Who is it ?’ Then* were but f«-w prrsrnt whoknew Patii k Henry The memtiers «>f the Congress wer«* i‘U- tertiiiilrd by tin* gentlemen of the « ily at a grand l>ai>«|Uet in the ¡Stale House, at innumerabl«* stat« Iv feasts at pri vate Imuses, and finally by the As- M'lntily in a |«u*«li«- «linner, where ti P fir-f toast was the King ami the m-Xi Mr II >i«ic«M'k. John Ham «w k «o*n«‘' early to the front as a most noticeable figure against th«* barkgionild of this llnrnd »«ml confu-e<l time, not «mly Irom the sleadjin-ss «if Ills |o\ ally vvln l) ►o many p«ns» d irres««lni<*, bu? Irmo a ccrt.'iin dramali«* in-lincl in the Ilian which lill««i him to tin* high! of ev«*»y <H*casi««n as on a |«rdrstal. wa* ii I m « u I «39 at this period, Iml l«>«’k«al < l*l*-r, ta*ing enf**ei«lr«l by the gout ; was tall, thill, and «ir«'S-e<l with a crapulous eye b» elf.«-t. A visitor des« «¡lies his morning cos’umral Imme ns a red v« het «-ap with a luin«l of fine linen, a blue dama-k gown, white satin embroider«-«! wais|«-oat, Black satin small-« lot hrs, scat let sho«*s. al)i| while silk stockings with jewel«*«! Clasps Itis likely Hint ll tnus k in min I or body was never found en dishabille; a >d his dramatic i-x« laniati«>n two years after, as he signed I In* Declara- lion, ami the dramali«* laildness of the signature itself, were «hie, not to a fer vor of lo.Vi«lty nor lo vanity, but to a keen re theiic sense of the fit expres sion of ea< h passing moment. I I I » i The unaccountable indifference of California to her immigration int«*re'H makes it specially interesting to know what is being efi'«*cte«i in this «lireclion by Oregon ; and accordingly a reporter of the Alta wits detailed to w.iil on Mr. Sh«*phi*rd, Agent of the Oregon Stat«* B<»ar<| of Immigration, nt his office, 504 Battery street. The latter Wit« nt his post, and expressed his readiness to give the rep >rter all the information in his power re-pecting the Workings of Id« agency. During a brief c«»nv«-rs it ion tin* rep- r«*sentafive h*aruc«l that the Sin Fram cl«« o ag«*ncy Is a branch office of the Oregon Slate Board of Ioitiiigralion, tin* main office being in Portland, ami that »iinilar agem ies are «*-t!:hlishv<l at Omaha, Boston and Philadelphia, 'i’lie «•Xtx*n«i*s are defray«-«! by private sub- -cription of the «-itizens «»f Portland, Us the State Legi-I.itur«*, when ap|«oinl- ing tin* Board of Immigration, neg- l«*cted to ; rovide funds for its supp<»rl. Al'ogetlmr an expense of upward of $15,not) is incurred annually in tn lin- taining the h«-ad and bram-h otli-«-. The* ag«*nt in this < ity ree«-ives such immigrant« a« de-ire to go to Oregon, giv«‘s them nil ti«*ct‘ssary inlormattoi: aiwait government, railtoad ami other land-, ami ad\i-es them a« to the Iasi localities f«»r settlenmnt in th«* Stat«*. I hi« I k * is p«*euliarly competent to «Io, a« a residence of .«ixt«*eti year« ha- po-’e l hint thoroughly on tin* advan tage* and p«‘<aili.iriii«*s of Oregon ami Wn-hington Tert it<»rv. Bcstd«*s re ceiving and informing tin* new comers, Mr. Shepherd procures tIn-in rt*du«*«*<l fares to Poll I and. and furnishes them with an order o.i the main ofiice in that city for halt fare tickets to their destination. Upward of 14,009 linmi grants passi d through San Francis«-«» «•it route to Oregon, during the past year. Arrived in Portland, the inimi grant is received by an agent and in- vit«a| to call at the office of th«* Ininii- gration Commissioners. Here lit* ob tains map*, pamphlets, information in regard to lands and eniployin nt, and «•very a**i*tanc«* netih'd to setth* him in his new home. In fact, In* is Wvl- «•outed ami made to feel at home. Mr. Sh«*pherd e*timates the numbi*r now pa**ing San Francisco for Oregon nl 25'1 w«a kly. A* an instance of III«* inti rest the Eastern agencies are ex citing al««»ut Or« gon, he says that on one ««cc.-i-ion 4nn letters were received at th«* Bo-ton «»Ifi. e in one day. Th I l< k «»f proper facilities lor the recep tion ol imiiiigntnts in San Fram-i*««» lie i-oii-iders ;«s operating nufavor.t'>ly • >n Oregon iinmigrat i«»n ; effect on Cali fornia immigrairnn is patent to ev« ry one. After thanking Mr. Shepherd for hi* «•«»nrtesv, the r« porter left, moralizing on tin* «<»ntrast pie-ente«l by opuh-nt Ualtlotilia and in-ignifi -ant Oregon in iinmigrat i«m in itb'«s —K F Atta JBW.'.LUW BC I DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM K E A. n X E V ’ s ADOPTED AT SALEM ON A PH II. 25, 1376, BY THE STATE CONVENTION. Fluid Extract OBIWOÜ IMMIGRATI»* BlKK.ll élit gcmtinntif éinifs. I The Democracy of Orcgim in (Mmention assembled, re-atTirm« the platform of princi ples adopted at the last Democratic State Convention, and adopt the following in ad dition to the same, to-xvit : Resn’vcd, That the action of the Demo cratic House of Representatives of the Uni ted states, in ferreting out corruption and t bringing erim nnl< to justice, merits the I commendation of every true patriot. Resolved, Tiiat the large influx of Chinese Immigration to the Slates of the Pacific coast ot America has been a curse to the country ; that the Chinese are a.neople that have not, and never can be brought to have, any interest consistent with the welfare anti prosperity of our Government and its insti tuions : and that we pledge ourselves to use our best endeavors for the adoption of such measures as will prevent and cure this growing evil. Reso'ved. That onr inestimable system of common schools, and our no less valuable scheme of religious toleration, are t lie work manship of i'emocra'ie hands, and the frui sof Democratic poli< v ; that It is the exclusive right and duty of the S’a’e to provide for the education ot its children; and it having been a principle established in the formation of onr State Constitution Ilia’ no public hinds of any class should be used for sec’arian schools or societies we declare our faithful adherence to this prin ciple. and oppose anv invasion of it ; that it is the Inalienable right of every citizen to worship God according to tin* dieta'es of his own conscience, and no political disabil ities should be'ineiirred by reason of relig ious belief; and while we will defend tlie-c priti--¡pies and instil utions to the full extent, we depreca’e all attempts to raise sectarian issues as u'terlv uncalled for and reprehen sible and meriting the emphatic condemna tion of everv good citizen. » ! ! LEGAL ADVERTISEDFN'rs. Estray Notice. mAKEN UP BY THE UNDERSIGNED, 1 on Rotrue river, near Fisher’s Ferry, one dark chestnut h«»r*e. about 12 years old and about 15 hands high; branded on the left shoulder witlia figure 4, and has small *addl«*-inarks on each side. Said lior*e is breachy. and ha« be«'» on the range about thr«*e vears. Appraised a’ $ln bv (’.<’. Gall, J. P. ‘ Q. N. ANDEitisGN, Jr. Jackson county, Or., May 15, 1876. Guardian’s Sale of Real Estate. TN PURSUANCE GF AN ORDER AND 1 lieens«» <>f the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Jackson «•ounty, the under signed. Guardian of the minor heirs of David Farra, deceased, will sell at public auction, at the Court House door in Jack- sonville, in said county, on Saturday, July 1. 1S70 SOCIETY NOTICES J irksom¡11 ' Lo IS' lo. Ill, I. II. II. I., Hold* its regular meetings every Saturday ex’eningat the < »«Id Fel low’s Hall. Brothers in good standing are invited to ¡ittcnd. M«'im»ers in good standing are invite«! to ittem I. JOHN MILLER, N. G. S ol . S achs , R. S. F. RITS CHARD, WATC II M A K E II AND J E W E LER, Jacksonville. Oregon. 'HUE UNDERSIGNED TAKES PLEAS- I me in intorrning the public that lie has just opened out in Langell's building, on California street, where lie is prepared to execute ¡ill work in hi.« lino in the best man ner an«l at reasonable rates. /UCT <'leaning an t repairing xvatehos and jewelry a specialty. F. RITSCH A RD. Give me a call. THE FINE STALLION, Young Prince, Will stand for mares at my stable, four miles north-east ot Pluenix, (excepting Wedne«- 4 days) commencing April 1st, and dosing .I uly 1, 1876. Young Prince was sired by the well known Percheron horse, White Prime, owned by W.C. Myer, out of a Black Hawk mare. He is a beautiful «lark iron gray, and will probably weigh 1,400 pounds. T hums — Ten dollars, U. s. gold coin, the season, payable at the end ol the same. S. C. TAYLOR. CENTENNIAL » CHICAGO AND NOETH-WESTERN I O»VN REMEDY FOR RAILWAY. BRIGHT’S D ISE A S E and a positive remedy for THE POPULAR ROUTE OVERLAND. I LOOK TO YOUR BEST INTERESTS I I a ■ Gout, Gravel, Strictures, Diabetes, Dyspep sia, Nervous Debility, Dropsy, Female Complaints, Non-Retent ion or fl ncont nence of Urine, Irritation, Intlalnmation, or l i I HAVE LATELY BROUGHT OUT 1 from the East two pure blood imported re ration of the Percheron stallions, the best I could find. BLADDER and KIDNEYS, Spermatorrhoea, Leucon bora or Whit«*«, PRIDE OF PERCHE Irregular or Painful Mimses, Bearing Down, Chlorosis, sterility and all complaints in Came out from France to Ohio in 1874, and made the season ol ’75 in W'sconsin. lie is cident to females. a dark dapple gray, well formel, tine stx le, good disposition, with a graceful, free, easy action that I have never seen equaled in any For stone in the Bladder, Calculus Gravel horse of his size. or Brickdust Deposit and mucus or milky discharges, and diseases of the prostrate FLEURY gland. Arrived in Ohio last August from Franco, KEARNEY’S EXT. BUCIIU lie is a dark iron gray, a young horse of Cures abuses arising from i’ni.rudenre, hab great promise, of immense poxver, as is its of dissipation. etc., in all their stages, at shown bv his genet al make-up, action and little expens«', little or no change in diet, no life. ineonveub iH e, and no exposure. It causes These stallions xvill be larger than White a fre«|uent dcsir«', ami gives strength to uri Prince al maturity. nate, thereby removing obstruction.«, pre Together with’White Prince, Pride of venting ¡«nd curing strictures of Urethra, I’erche ¡«ml Flenrv w ill be found at my sta allaying pain and inilammation, and expell ble* tor the accommodation ol the publictill ing ail poisonous matter. March 26'.h. After that, Fleury will lvinaiii Used by persons in the decline or change here f' r the coming season. White Prince of life: after confinement or labor pains, and 1’iide of I’erche xvill go to Albany and bed-wetting in children, etc. Salem, returning about the last of July. Prof. Steele says; “(jne bottle of Kear While in the East on my last trip I made ney’s Extract Buchii is worth more than ¡ill it an object to see and learn how the Per- other Buclius combined.” cheron stock xvas tilling the xvants or expec tation« of the public, ami how th«* colts from Kearney’s Ext. Buchu While Prime would compare with those ot Permanently cures all affections of the other stallions of this stock. It is now 25 years since its introduction bladder, kidm-ys and dropsical sxvelling* existing in men, xvomen and children, no in Ohio and 19 years since first introduced in Illinois. The one-fourth and one-half matter xvhat th«' age. bloods make line, valuable animals, bring Ask tor Kearney's. Take no other. Price, per bottle, or six bottles for 85. ing at least double the price of good com Depot, Cor. Maiden Lane and William I I mon st«M-k, the supply being not equal to t he «lemand ¡it that. street, New York. The «'oils from White Prince bred in Ore A physician in attendance to ansxvcr cor- respomleme and give advice gratis. Semi gon equal any of this stock I saw while East. 1 have not learne«! of a single person stamp tor pamphle's free. that has l»re«l or bought a Prince «'«»It but SOLO BY CR1NE & BRIGH5M, Wholesale Agents, San Francisco. i« xvell pleased with them and regret that they do not have more of them. And bx' Druggists evervxvhere. 24. 1 do not xvish to be unders'ood as claim ing that this stock of horses is th«' only one that all breeders should patronize exclu sively ; but that there is no breed or family of large horses known that cross so well w ith the comm >n s'oek of the country, an«l pOCK SOAP IS A NATURAL PRO- their priidtK'e xvill e«|tial.thetn for solid lk «hi«'t. possessing most marvelous cleans hum, size, style and aciion, which is no ing and cosmetic properties. Besides other doubt from the fact that the Percheron has .saponace«»us substances it contains Alumi «L'scetnled troin the Arab, as xvill be seen by na, which is more powerfully detersive than the follow ing : most Alkaline Soap«. Rock Soap is ascer Tlier«' was a Percheron stallion imported tained l»y analysis to have detersive proper from Fran« e by Jeff. K. Clark, <»f St. L«»uis, ties valuable to an eminent d« gree for the Mo., weighing 1.700 t'ounds, xx h«> trotted on purposes for which it is re«*ommended, and the St. Lmiis Fair Ground«, xvith two men tai'oniam nothing injurious |<»r such mir I in a barouche, a mile in 3:42. 1 have seen pose*. After using it no one will be without this horse. it. It is perfectly marvelous in its opera Tti«'Germantoxvn Telegraph that at tion. the Norfolk Coun’y Fair a pair <»f stallions FOR HOUSEHOLD PURPOSES. — It I of th«1 Pen-heron lin'd, n”ached to an om cleans kitchen i.ien-il*. glass and tinware ; nibus con’aining six people, «Ircxx it one polishes gold and silver ; removes oil and mil«* in four minn es. grease from tables and lloors. It is a great This, 1 think, is better time than most of sax ing ot time ami labor. hor-« s bred from celebrated trotters could WASHING POWDER.—It is unrivaled make xxi«h th«» same load. for Washing ( lotlies. It is not an alkali, The siro ot' Lulu, who is designate«! by but it softens tin* water, loosening the dirt, sporting men a« the ‘-Queen of the Turf.” and makes washing le-s laborious; and having made tin* throe best mile heats on leax es t he clot lies much whiter, wit Imut any record, xvas a half-blood Norman. of the injurious effects attending the me •>! TERMS. soda or xxashing poxvder, which all contain Tw«?nty-five dollars. F. S. gold coin, the more or less caustic properties. It i.s guar anteed not to injure in tin* l«*ast «legree the season—<>xcepting Whi’e Prince fillies, xvh<« finest fabrics, and will save halt th«' >o;«p will only he lire«! by special agreement, generally used. It saves an enormou- xvhieh should be made before I leave for the waste in soap, and wear ami tear in «'lothe*. Willamette. Pasturnge for mares from a distance. 62’; FOR TOILET AND BATH — Rock S«ap possesses remarkable cosme’ic properties, cents per week ; but no aeeonntiibility as xvithout any deleterious effect upon (lie sumed for accidents or escapes. W. C. MYER. skin. It is perfectly harmless, gives a Ash ’ and. Fob. 1« 1«"6. vigorous and healthy tone to the skin; it restores tin* freshness ami bloom of youth in a manner which is inarxelons. It is put tip xvitli a brilliant label, and is hax ing an YOUNG MEN » itninense sale. It sells itself. Neeqito’afions. Who may bo sutlcrimr from the eftcct VENTURA ROCK SOAP CO., <>f v<>u'litui foil:«*sor iiidiscr«*tion. will <]<• 726 Montgomery Street, S. F. w««ll to avail thei»solves odiis. f he trrea’- est boon ever laid at t he abar ot suttcrin;’ FRANCO-AMERICAN humanity. Da. spiNNEV will irtiaran ’e«.* to forfeit $500 for every t-a-e of senrna' weakness, or private disease <»f any kiixl or charae’er winch he undertake« ami fails to euro. He would therefore say the inifor'unate stifT<*rer who may read & RESTAURANT. io this no’ie«* that you are trea«ling upon 'latisreroiis «rromi'l when you longer de lay in seeking the proper remedy for your complaint. You mav l»e in the first stage; remember v«m are approaching Opposite Oja Fellows’ Hall, the la«t. If vmi are bordering upon the last, ami are «nlferintr some nr all its ill efleets, remember that if you persist jn proerast in a' ion.t ho time must «'ome when the most skillful physician can render JACRSON’VILLE, OREGON. von no assistance; when t he door of hope will be closed against von ; when no an gel of inerev can bring you r««lief. In no case has the Doe’or fai’ed of success. Then let not despair work upon youritn- MADAME HOLT. Proprietress agiua'ion, hut avail yourself of the ben eficial results of his trea’nient before v«>ur case is h«»vond the r««ach ot medical skill, or before grim death liuriies yon to a prenvi'nre grave. Full course of treatment. $25.00, Send money bv l’ost rpIIE M A DA M E TA K ES TH IS M ETIIOI > otfiee order or Express with full descrip I of tendering her thanks to the public tor tion of case. Call or address the pa’ronage which has hitherto been ex DR. A. B. SPINNEY. tended to tier, ami would respectlully solicit No. 11 Kearney St., San Francisco. its continuance. Her tables are always under her inintedi ate control ; and by her long experiemx* in UNION the business she feels confident that she xvill give ontire satisfaction to all. Her beds and rooms are fitted up in the most c«>nilortable style, suited to the accommodation of single occupants or families. 11 or hods arc always Cor. California <t 1th Sts. kept clean. MEALS AT ALL HOURS.' I Passengers for Chicago. Niagara Falls, Pi’ts-hnrr. Philadelphia, Montreal. Quebec, Now York. Boston, or any point East, should buy their transcontinental tickets Via the Pioneer Route, THE CHICAGO rt NO lì TH-WESTERN BAIL WAY. KEARNEY’S EXTRACT BUCHU HOTEL 1 LIVERY AND SALE STABLE, NEW FERRY! THIS IS THE BEST ROUTE 1N Tr«rk U nf «T»>'L TMH.S. nnd nn It ha« b*m ne<'l0 thr- FASTEST tiinr tl'it Jis« ever b*«*n V'T»E In tic« «*r>,in«rv. Pv «)•’•• «•• »>♦* for f,o« oaot of «»I. <»o 1*3 vr rbo’er of tbr w<np tin«'« f ojn f'b«mgo; BV TIIE 1'»TT-rr”-G V >’T WAVW Avn «'HJCAGO' ANU PFVN«V1 VAXTA RAILWAY!». o T1tn°FGH TPAlX’cn»’IV with I’»i”in-.n P»l>.c« •'> Cnr« tkrongli to t'liilndelptiin nn<l New York on «»*»/*)» ♦r*»»n TTtvorr.n T"*TV Mhh Pnltm*- PM*ee Or* to I I’n’iimoro pik I W««htnpfon. pv T<«>’ t. • T< F CHOO c « vn MTCJJ’mV corTJtvvy I'«’I W > V A'n O’. vvfctt V«(NF.W YORK CEN TRA L AX'D cp«K R«H,i>n«ns:) r) TTiportUI TR A’V« DATLY. with P-»tncr Dr«win< • » Poo»,, Mud Silver Palace Sleep ng Car» throne)» to New York. »tv TIT” VTCHTGAN rpvTRAL. GP»vn T’TNK. GP”*T WVCTFVV VXD El:IE AM) NEW YORK CEX- TR A L R * 11 XV » YS : •”) I’ll 1’OFGTT Tp « TX’S wf»’> Pn11«n»n P ilree Drawing • Pontn 4’><| S'orning Cj,,-« through to New V«wk to Ningm i Fat’». R'-ffalo. Rochester, or Now York city RYPAI.Tl'1 R AND OHTO PATLPO4D: Tltpercn T” XT' S DA’LV. «1’b Pullman Palaeo c,r. f.r Newark «vllln. Wheeling, XVarliing- b>n and Baltimore without change. Till. i. t»,.. enWTVST. VEST «n.l nntv tine rnnt-'rc t»«i»”nn (-pUlirstr-l CAT «CE «! EE»'1VG CA"S AND roAClii’S. rmirWi''v wl'li I'li’nn l,(«Hfir I'nilrnnd nt O Alt < Htvl (nr ”'F?T. vii Hr-int .Ti»nc'i<>n. Mur .1 .,1» r iH,. cunt, n Sterline ami Dixon, for CHICAGO AND THE «■ AST. This»nnflhlr rnnte f« Ii»«n m-«e<l for Speed rt »ri.l 9sfs«v Ttir 'm.v «h jr.-U »••.H .«« d m.d r.'.'k . f -t.*rl v’il*. tli^ <•.•’« I..r.i1|i>is'i T'nl»«re Sl'-Miinr Cars. ”... » orf. M ruh Sv-tcm ..f ntnviif t.f.iti« tl.p re .'Iilii it v wt«h v-hfrli i I iav rnn. «tir ndn»i m- l.’n nrr*n<-»>i<i«.nt f..r thronrh car« t<> Cblr-en f• • m ntl t. 'î'i». xee t .„r.,rc «o rassenrer« ni’ tbr r„m. f r’« tn UK-’.-r» n .i’wn. Trnvciing No changes of Caia and no leilions <lclayi> a» Ferrie». Pn><e>'rr<.r« w’’l fln.t Tî.-keT« vis fl !« Fnrnr'«e T>,.„.r nt I tbe G .crai Ticket Office of Itie Cential Pacific Rnil. I';, L..’. r « ,i,. ||’, n|| Ticket office« , f rentrai Pn.Mf.c T'«tboe<’ W II «TENNETT M n-VI'- l’I'Gt’iTT Gen «un. Geo p„s Acent. Tf I' 'T X ' XV''«iTi General Agency. 121 Montgomery l't'f)Tirilo. I r OND’S EXTRACT if •• Hear, f J I will rpenk of rxcrl'-nt thin;;».” POXDS EXTRACT-Th* gre.-.t Vegrtnld«. I'alii l»r»troy <*r. Uns l"-,n in u «■ «.«• r tliiri y y<*i«rft, an i forcl.-aniiii. aud jnotupt oim'ive v.r»u<‘* cannut be excclitsl. CIIIimKEX. Ko family c ■’i. ttoT'l tobewi’hont I*«>ti<l*a » x’iari. Accidents, Jli uisea. Cotilttaio »a, < uf-., bpraina, n;e r«'ii<-ve<i nliiioat ius'ant'.y ly ixier» 1 tippiicaoon. J’roaiplty r^b'eves r«nn* of Itnrn«, he», d«, Excorimion«, Clinfinga, ut«l Non», Koil«, Felons, lorna, < c. Air»'*ta »«.- il.nnin.»lion, reduces swel jn-.-*, stop* bx-edlu;,-, r >mov»»4.1 ism’oiu ion n"«t hv;«!sia| i«l)v. FEM AI. E AV EA K X ESS ES. It i ’ua> s jeiieves ) a.ti in the b.u-k and lo I»*, fntln. -s ;.ud j.nw*- i’lir n-i n in 1 l«e head, natiren, v«Ttn'o. IX LUCORRIKE % if ). m noetpial. Ail Linda cf ulcerntiona to which )a«ii< * »•«» mb <.<_ tus ]>.oiiip« yennd. 1 ul.i-r GvUii.a ia Ua.k aceoui- panving tach l'Y’In. PILES—blind <r binding—me t j-romr* r<- » ’ : f uni r .< y«u:e. J.ic.-e. l.owexvr oaou.vcr olw-inalc. can long icsiot >•» n-gulnr ti c . VATlICOSiJ-; VEIXS. 1: theon y Mire c”»c. JviiiAl.Y niSEASAJS, It L m lxoequal lur per* t • in<nt cure. HL£E«»IAi<J fiotn ary can*c. Tor this i‘ ia a spe- < itic. Ithnasuvcl butailiuaoi live, vul . i « I c her F medic« failed to.mest bi>«-dii>g truui no*e, itoninrli, lungs, and el« v Loe. TOOTIl 1CI1E, Fa. ache, Arwralgi* r-l Rheumatism a.« ml _a.,&e i<.l.e\cd, ui.d r « en peviunu. ii. ly cur« d. PnYSIClA.XS of a l iw'iioots who are n«v)nain’e«l with 1‘ond’s Extract of W itch Hazel ntoui- inend it in Their practice. Xx e Lave let ter« of commendation from Lundrcf’s of I’tiVMcian«, many of whom order it lor u.-e in their own prac ice. In mhlit on to ti e foregoing, they order 1 a u-e for Svtellings of n't k:i «1», Quin y, Sore Th oof, Ii>flnme<l T oil alls, b.uiple nnd cbion.c l>i.»rrh<ra, Co ta ih b^r wL'ch it i* a */«■•.«<■<■. Chil- bln ilia, Frosted Feet, Sting« of )n«ects, >lns«jititoea, t;c, (h ppid I liaud , Face, u„J muecd oil In.iui -r rkin <liw:iM*s. TOIL.ET TSE, Removes Soreness, Ronghnr«» uh I S.uni ting ) 1 cut* C uts, Ert.ptions r.n 1 Pimples. It »»ri.r*, tnr»porw<o and r’lrrsh't, win o trundertiuiy uupiom g the Complezfon. TO FARMIJtS-Pond's Extract. No F'o<k Breeder, i.o l.ivi-ry hauc.ui uiluid to I*- with out it. It is used by oil the leading Lively bi able«, K reet Kuilroads and tli-t lioisetuen in NewYu.kCiiy. It lias nor qual tor .«plains, llarni-M or Saddle Chatiuga, 6-tifi‘neaa- Scratches, (■ welling«, Cu’«, Lnceii.tions, l<le. d ing«, l’neumouia, (o. c, biarrf.ea, Cliilla, C Id«, &c. I1« rargeot netion is ui e.andtbe I reli t i; afford« i*H> ¡woinpt that it isiiivalua- ble in eery Farm-ya) I in we.l as in every Fartn-hou»e. Lt it be tried once, and you w 1 ncv. r I e w> Loot i*. CAVTIOX) Pond's Extract hnslwm imifated. 'J he r*i u ne artic.e l av ti e words P. nd'« Extract b'own in each l>u It iapr pared ly th» only persona living m j eve* knew hoiv lo prepare i- pnipcjlv. ltur >? n’.i o her prenarn :ous < f XX i:eh Hazel. •« .« theon’yar .c’eu-«*l I y l”iv ician«. and 1 ’.L. 1 o pi.a’scf t..'«coun y a I IIISTO and I ««« of Pond« Extract, » i iiam-'iile« f > •*, ar- « f ■ <> c i imp i «•’» t i POXD'.8 * J XTK At T A O.lIl’A.VY, Vi Xa.dea Laue, Aew York. for LIME FOR SALE, rnilE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE- —AND— 1 spectfully inform their friends and the 7' ico and a Half Miles above Bybee's, public generally that they have purchased tho above establishment, which will be henceforth conduced under their constant personal supervision, and they guarantee ON ROGUE RIVER. satislaction to all who may favor them with their patronage. These stables are centrally located, and rilHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD HERE- rnilE UNDERSIGNED TAKE PLEAS- xvithin convenient distance of the various 1 by inform the public that he has ONE. 1 lire in no’ifying tho public that tliev houses of public entertainment. Horses THOUSAND BUSH ELS of superior Jackson have established a new ferry at tho above and mules xvill be boarded and cared for at Creek Lime for sale «'heap. Persons xvish- named place, and have the largest and saf modera’e charges. They have one of the ing Brick-laving or Plastering done in tho est boat on the river, furni*he«l with the targes! and finest stocks in Oregon, south ot best stylo and at reasonable rates will do. strongest wire rope, and charge less for Portland, of xvell to «'all on me. For further information ferrying. Gives us a trial. inquire at the l*Taneo-American Hotel. BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, TAYLOR CO. G. W. HOLT. With single or double teams, for hire on rea Jacks jnville, Feb. 11, 1875. sonable terms. Also good Saddle Horses CITY BREWERY, ami Mules, xvhieh xvill be hired to go to any part of the country at moderate rates. Animals bought and sold, and broke to saddle or harness. —BY— 2<nf. KURLT rt WILSON. rpHE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR ~ AGENTS FOR THE TIMES? 1 sale his larm situated Auteloj’e creek, VEIT SÇHUTZ 12 miles east of Jacksonville, containing 480. ..... ......... New York. acres of land, 400 acres being good farming Geo. P. Roxvell Co., ............... New York. land and under fence. It i* a good grain s. M. l’ettingill A Co Josephine County. farm and sheep ranch, wed watered ami< Dan. L. Green............. ............... Kerbyvill« good bouses and barns upon it. Chan. Hughes ............. R. SCHUTZ RESPECTFULLY IN- TERMS OF SALE—111 pc> «ere. ono-balt ..............Rock Point forina the citizens of Jacksonville and Ben Haymond............ .......San Francisco. down, the balance to suit , L. P. Fisher,................. all surrounding country that he is now manu J. iv . SIM PSON. ........ San Francisco facturing, and will constantly keop on hand Thos. Boyce................. ji. B._This land will be sold in smaller ................... fit. Louis Chesman... the very best of Lager Beer. Those wishing Rowell ......................... Yreka parcels, if desired 7 ft. Gus. A. Winckler..... a eon] glas* nf beer should give me a call. BRICK-LAYING & PLASTERING DONE THE ( Successor to Caton A' Frey,) New Boot and Shoe Store. CALIFORNIA STREET. aving permanently located H in Jacksonville, I resjiecttuHy inform ’he public that I am prepared to do kinds of work in the boot and shoe-making line. Satistaetion guaranteed. 29tf. G. W. FREY. 1876. PROCLAMATION. ÄX - ROCK SOAP. At 1 o’clock p. M., the following described real property, situated in Jackson county, Oregon, belonging ’ollie estate of said de cease i. ’«»-wit ; The N. 1/ S of the S. W. >4, i he S. W. ’4 of the S. W. .’J of Section II ami the N. E. *4 of the S. E. of Section 10. in Township 3 » S., Range I West, the same l»«*ing th«» homestead claim of said L»ivid Farra, «leeea-ed. Termto f sale : Twelve moirh* time given. II. C. FLEMING. Guardian of the minor heirs ot David Farra, de«'i*ased. Jacksonville, May 19. 1876. I’ ossibi . e i.r r « a . i or ».^«Kil’EXN SOL. SACHS, N. G. W ar .— I h« r«- t-some ,-pectal Hit«*r«'-i J. II. H yzf . b . Rec. Scc’v. f<»r the Pacific (.’•»¡ist in the presHiil Jtirksom ill • Slitinin >o. US I’. 0. R. 11., uielia«*«* of nil EuH)|H*an war, for il I Ru-'iii shoiihl go to war, the < tf ci Hold* its regular meetings every Thursday •veiling at the Odd Fellows' Hall. Brother« upoll tiie wheat liarvt-t ol Eutooe in t.x n good standing are invited to a’tend. be ron-iil«*rul»li‘. Iti that event it I.* SIMON CARO, O. C. I»ro,»al»|e that a hasty con-i-ript inti B en S achs , R. S. would -o <l«-pl»*t<* ih«* Baltic proviiK , fi Or tro’ii mi Ptr iho'it is Trilr 5o. I, lir- a* *« ri »n-!y to intnfere with the er» *p -•* proved order of Re«l Men. holds its prospects. In the I ist War will) Eng ** stated councils at the Re«i Men's land precisely thi* re-ult W tS VXper - Hall the’bird sun in every seven suns, in elie«*«l, and W<* know of IIO r«*:t-ou I r the eighth run. A cordial invitation to all •rothers in goo«l stantline. ant ii-ipating H «lltferellt OU Conte ;i> E. B. WATSON, 8. present, At this time the «top pros- II. K. H anna , C. of R. pert« throughout the world ¡«re «*.x- «•«*pii ■n.ill.x g«»«»<l, ami il no.lung *h«»uld W irr n I.o I?’ Xo. 10, I. F. & 1. 11.. utTiir (<• change them, it iliU-t be ex Holds its regular communications on rhe Wednesday evening« <»r pre- peeted that wheat Wil’ rule low. Th •eding the full moon, in Jacksonville, <>re- old ¡tying that what i* «»n«* ill »it’s meal :<>n. T. G. REAMES, W. M. is another man’s poison applies h'-te, M ax M uller , Sec’y. ------------------------ how «-ver, as d’rwhrre, and it i* po— -il»le til it •«•vu-lits which threaten cal 'In’ll Rrb'k'ih D' jt . t Lolfi* No. I, 1. 0. 0. F., amity I« Eu tope may improve Hi« Hohls its regular meeting« on every other maikel <»l Hie l*a iti • <’«» »-t i«r«itlucvr*. xlonday evening at <>d«l Felloxva Hall. G ave H er Lit r. F oo him —An old blind man Im« lately lh*en traveling with his agetl wile s«cr«»*s the <-»unlry, Ix gging ineir way and following th« line <»f railr««a(l trick*. On ¡Nafur«l«\ mternonn they leached E. orse on th« Umimlian S«»ulh«'rii track, and sat <l«»wi» io rest ii |M) u a tre*tle bmlg«* ¡it a poini where the roatl make.« a sudtlen curve, ami were Kurpri*«*«l by a |»a**engei train, which was it|»on them ¡«Im st tie- fore they were aware of their danger The old lady .«prang lo her feet ami made a heroic effort lo drug her aiglit- le.*s hu*band from the lra< k. She saved hi« life but lost her own, for she I t takes a l»»«g while to teach men had aeareely pu*hed him from the fatal that they mu-1 return to the good old rails When the pilot of the engine way of making money and their liv »truck Iter down. — Detroit Tribune. ing. For some years nothing was so popular as speculation. If men had N a TURALM'> s . — j'-uiig peo only hut ten dollar* they could not for ple do not underslniid Iho miv nt.ig«-* bear to invest it in some of the exag of naturul charms, mid how mu« h gerating, speculative enterpri-es of the lhey would gain hy trusting to them day, and whether they lost or won, enlirely. They weaken these gift« o- the ii fiu«ii»e was the same. They had Heaven, so rare and fragile, by ntlerted taste«! of the way, ami they would manm*is and an awkward imitation taste more. J mlgnomf, prmlence, Their tones and iheir gait arc bor million ami Imnesfy sufT> r« «l tearfully rowed ; they study their attitudes be a« a ««<ns« qneiice, ami it will require a fore the glass until they have lost al. long education and severe Gaining to trace of natural manner, and, with all get the passion kill*-«! and the taste lheir pain«, please but little. turned the other way. When we are T he laziest man ia <»n a Western ready to come hack to the belief that ni'diey ought to la* eiirmul I m * fore it was ptiper. He spell« photograph “4lo- owned, and that the slow pro-eAsea of graph ” There have only been three legitimate trade ar«* surer and safer worse than lie. One lived in Kansas than the hasty < fibrin of <*<>mim-)cial and «luted his letters “llworth,” an gambling, then, and not till !h**n, will other spelled Tennessee “lOtU,” and “Y«&.” there la* real ent»-rpii*r in business and the other wr«»te Wyandotte A ...... . ...... — < ♦ » — ' - 1 ' 11 -- ii true revival of trade. “W hy is it, m.v dear sir,” said TllE wiilor of Hie C'ltlcHjft» Times Witffie’s lamllmly to him Hie other day. Hugh* »• mhh I oii I c laugh over I be fuel “that you newspaper men nev«*r gel that n MtMluv of Silence rerenlly u • i rich ?” “I do not know,” was Ids re veiled in I he tigure of a woman—a fig i ply, “except II is that dollars and seuje do not always travel together.” ure of «perch, a*? It were. I HORSE MEN V''“"3 '»•*''« X BUCHU!! THE ONLY K L1BM. FARM FOR SALE. M