Image provided by: Jacksonville Boosters Foundation; Jacksonville, OR
About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1876) geinorrHtic FRIDAY JUNE 23, 1X76. A djourned .—On last Wednesday I the Circuit Court adjourned until Fri day, July 7th, 1876. LOCAL RII E VITI E*. AKHLAM» ITEMS. J. S. Eubanks has his new resi The business houses were all closed dence nearly completed. Ashland is improving rapidly, be last Sunday. This market is now constantly sup- sides a printing office, we can boast of many new residences erected within plied with fresh fish. the last year. Our Base ball clubs, are now prac Jasper Houck has been refitting ticing for the Fourth. the Ashland House—giving it a very Stages commenced running on fast neat appearance. He knows just how time last Wednesday. a hotel ought to look. The Soda Springs is the place to go We are glad to welcome back among to rtcreate during the heated term. us our friends, J. II. and <L. C. Nidi, JOHN BILGER, F or P rosecuting A ttorney .— The vote for Prosecuting Attorney in (California St., one door west of Sachs Bros., this District is as follows : Hanna. Watson Haying is now in progress. Josephlno County Jackson “ Lake “ CANDIDATES Total DIsT. ATTORNEY II. K. Hanna..... 37 24 13 16 61' 13 17'26 23 230 1 A M istake .—Owing to a mistake 142 1 C. B. Watson..... 65 29 o 6 16 8 6 B) JOINT sENATOIl. 1 that occurred in our table of the vote S. G. Thompson ”3 24 11' 16 65 11' is 26 19 213 1 of this county la«t week, which would E. Barnes.......... 67 21 3 7 3 12; 5 8- 3I 129 . 1 KEI’HESENi’ UVE 1 1 render it useless for further reference, D. W.Cheesman 30 oo: 5 17 54 13 15 25 21 202 0. C. Ap])le<jate.. 71 o-i 11 6 21 11 7 15 2 174 we republish it, corrected, in this issue. 1 COUNTY juixie . Q. A. Brooks..... 20 10 6 13 38 4 12 24 22 149 A Chinese cabin on Poorman ’ s creek , who have just returned from a trip in S t k a w BERRI es . —Ou r accomndat i n g È. C. Mason....... 51 38 10 X 31 18¡ 10 8 1 175 the direction of Arizona. COM MISSION EIIS. 1 1 friend, Milo Dimick, of Ashland, has was destroyed by fire Wednesday 1 i 2! 35 S. Moss................ 30 oo 231 65 15 F. W. Ewing has returned from W. II. Horton... to 28 11 laid us under obligations for a nice box night. 11 21 7 8 •’5 19 170 Many teams arrived in town this Modoc County, Cal. He is a worthy A. Tenbrook....... 70 27 6 11 58 12 15 o 17 3 219 of strawberries and cherries, for which 1 O. T. Brown..... 63 29 6 8 12 15 142 ; 7 SHEltlFF. he will please accept our sincere thanks. week with new goods for our mer citizen and our town don’t look right without him. Mr. Ewing represents i S. C. Hutson..... 24 11 5 19 59 12 15 22 8 175 1 chants. Brittain..... 72 42 11 4 19 12 8 20 14 202 A cquitted .—In the Circuit Court everything lovely in that section, but T. J. CI.EItK. Rev. J. R. N. Bell will hold divine we think he is glad to be home again. : R. B. Hatton..... 85 36 7 13 30111 14 ’0 IS 243 last Saturday the Jury in the trial of service in the M. E. Church next Sun J. J. OharUon..... 17 17 9 9 37 13 7 20 4 123 Wm. Reick, for larceny, after an ab The Barney Bros, performed here TrtEASITRER. day at the usual hours. sence of a few hours, brought in a ver last Saturday evening. All who at 1 J. L. Hanks.... 24 21 1 16163 14 15 26 18 201 Geo. Nurse.......... 73 I31 8 i 15 10 8 14 3,169 A raffle took place at Pape’s saloon dict of not guilty and the prisoner was tended speak well of their effort« ASSESSOR. i Saturday night, for a Henry riffle. ¡6 168 G. Dunran.... !23 15 57 5 16 discharged. They left Sunday evening, accom ‘ •20 36 M. Jligqs ............ 77 9 ---------- ------ ---- - 16 20 18 7 J 210 i Jim. Kendricks won the gun. I 1 1 panied hv our “Photograph Gallery,” 1 1 sch « h » l suv ’ t . 2. — Dr. Wm. G one to K erbyville A Chinaman with short hair and which hail been in operation here for E. FitzeroralH..... 13 16 4 1 ’ 57 3 9 '26 16 156 ¡ R. M. Thatcher.. 84 34 12 9 21 21 11 16 6 ,217 Jackson left yesterday for Kerbyville dressed “alle same Melican man” is some time past. suiiVEYon. 1 1 1 on a professional tour, He will stay I 9110 15 191 6.3 '•29 21 6 F. Chp» ‘ «ma n ..... 15 111 O. Coolidge swooped down upon the latest novelty in our town. 9 L. L. Hawley ..... 13 ¡70 29 13 . 7 14119' 8 182 in that section three or four weeks, 1 1 us with a lot of fine strawberries to CORON ER. 1 Walter Sutton, formerly a resident 1 1 an<l persons wishing any dentistry C. W. Brobaek... 10 52 9| 4 14 1 81 day. Mr. C. understands the cultiva- ------------- ----- ■ — done should give him a call during of this place, was elected Clerk of Cur ry county the Republican ticket. that time. David Cronemiller is now doing F or L ake C ounty .—Dick Ish will start with a hack for Linkville to-day, blacksmithing at great sacrifice. See taking with him, Judge Prim, IL K. his advertisement in another column. Capt. Ilyzer has succeeded in get Wat- Il. F. ting over 20 recruits for his cavalry I to at- company to parade on July 4th and Sth. con- Work on Veit Schutz’ new beer sa- 1 loon and bakery in the Masonic build ing is now being pushed rapidly for I V ote of L ake C ou 'TY.—We pub ward. lish in another column the official vote The singing s< hnol, under the man of Lake county, which does not ma terially change the result as given last agement of I’rof. Willits, is now flour- week. The Democrats have lost the ishing. Twentv-three pupils are now Judge, one Commissioner, Sheriff, As- attending. We understand that they did not Bes«or and School Superintendent, bllt have elected the remainder of the succeed in getting up an Infantry company here for our Centennial ticket. celebration. N ot the M an .—The person who The latter part of last week was whs arrested in Roset urg on suspicion very warm—the thermometer stand of having committed the stage roh- ing as high as 94 Fahr, on Thursday, bery near Coles*, on the 2d, has lieen discharged, as Wells, Fargo A Co.’s Friday and Saturday. I On Monday ami Tuesday we had detective, 11 tunc, found that the I hm >ts nice showers of rain, which sufficed to worn by that man did not correspond lay the dust. It doubtless proved with the boot prints at the place of the beneficial to our grain crop«. robltery. The Farmers Hotel in Orth’s brick T he F ourth at F oots ’ C reek — building, is one of the best houses in The citizens of Foo’s creek and vicin I this place, and person* wishing a good ity are making preparation* to cele I meal at low rates should call their. rr» brate the coming Fourth of July. The Barney Bros, failed to give a per Committee on Arrangements have se cured N. Langelll as Orator, and J. II. formance here Saturday night as they Whipple, Ruder for th» occasion. announced. We learn that they gave They will have a basket dinner, and a an exhibition in Ashland at that time We understand that the lodge room bower will be provided for dancing and good music be furnished. Every in the Masonic building is to be fitted one invited to attend. up for the dances to be given by the T he A shland T idings .—We have Jacksonville Social Club on the 4th received the initial number of this and 5ih of July. Hanna, District Attorney ; E. B. ton. C. W. Kahler, A. C. Jones, Dowell and J. R. Neil, who go tend the Circuit Court, which venes there Monday. paper, which presents a very credita ble appearance. It is a twenty-four column paper ami will be published ev ery Saturday, and claims to he “Inde pendent in all things.” J. M. Sutton, the editor and proprietor, is a writer of some experience and an old resident of Ibis county, and consequently un derstands the wants of the people. Bro. Sutton, we wish you success in your new enterprise. The stock-books of the Fruit Pre serving Company are now open and citizens of this county are invited to come forward and subscribe fur stock. Shares, $50 each. i I E. Jacobs has recently received a fine assortment of Spring and Summer goods, which he is now selling at the lowest living rates. For notions, can dies, etc., give him a call. The citizens of this county will cel ebrate the Fourth of July at Bybee’s Grove, Ish’s Grove, Foots creek, Sam’s Valley and Ashland. There are still some precincts to hear from. Mrs. J. Neuber, desiring to close out, will sell her stock of watches, clocks, jewelry, etc., at public auction, commencing next Saturday, June 24th, and continuing every Saturday uutil the entire stock is di-posed of. A N ew B ridge .—Thos. Chavner has completed arrangements with par ties for constructing a bridge across Rogue river at the place where the old bridge stiMxl, about two miles above Rock Point. J. D. McKinnon and J. I McDougall, practical bridge-builders, are the contractors, and they will com mence getting out the frame-work atwHit the first of next month. Work is to t*e pushed rapidly forward and T eachers ’ I nstitute .—The Teach the bridge completed as soon as |»os- sible. Tills is quite an important en ers* Institute for Jackson county was terprise and Mr. Chavner is deserving held in the school house in this place of much credit. on last Friday and Saturday and a good number of visitors were present A lden F ruit D ryer .—A joint on t»oth days. After electing H. C. stock company has been organized in Fleming, President ; N. H. Clayton, this place for the purj»ose of putting up an Alden Fruit Dryer. David Vice President ; Miss M. E. Sargeant, Secretary; J. II. Cla> ton, Assistant Linn, K. KuMI, J. N. T. Miller, W. Secretary, the Institute began to carry M. Turner, Wm. Jackson, G. Ka- out the programme, which has hereto rewski and C. W. Kahler are the in corporators. The capital stock is fore appeared in this paper. The exer cises were interesting throughout and $6,000, and shares are placed at $50. created much favorable comment, and Seveniy-xix shares have already been we regret that our limited space ren taken. A meeting of the stockholders ders it impossible for us to publish the Was held on Wednesday, June 21st, proceedings in full. The officers when U. S. Hay len was elected Chair elected for the ensuing year are as fol man and W. M. Turner, Secretary. lows : J. II. Skidmore, President ; The following Directors were elected : Miss M. E. Sargeant, Vice President ; Geo. Brown, K. Kubli, T. G. Rearnes, J. Q. Willits, Secretary, and Miss F. John Bilger and G. Karewski. The Myer, Assistant Secretary. Ashland machinery will l)j? ordered and every was determined upon as the place for arrangement made to put the dryer in holding the next Institute, and the working order at the earliest possible I time of holding the same left to the period. This enterprise is destined to discretion of the President. The be a great benefit to the people of this county, and cannot fail to prove a suc whole number of teachers enrolled t at this Institute was thirty. cess. The citizens of Ashland have taken preliminary steps toward celebrating the coming Fourth of July in appro priate style. A meeting has been held and a committee of 25 ladies apfioint- ed to make all necessary arrangements. We think that if 25 ladies can’t devise ways and means of celebrating our Centennial Fourth in style, there is no such thing as celebrating it appropri ately. We have a great advantage in locality over other town«, having a fine grove and a flowing stream ot water, and last but not least, hospit able citizens. We have since learned that a late meeting of the General Committee resulted in the choice of Mrs. Goodchild.* as Orator of the day, and Miss Kate Thornton, Reader. R ob R oy . Ashland, June 20lh, 1876. 708 230 1160 142 975 BILGER—In this city. June 19lli, to the wile of John Bilger, a daughter. & NEW, THIS WEEK. GREAT SACRIFICE I N— DEALER AND WORKER IN TIN, SHEET IRON, COPPER, LEAD, ETC. ELT'S CONSTANTLY ON HAND assortment of the best K AN TINWARE, BRASS PIPES, I FORCE PUMPS, CHAINS, LEAD PIPE, HARDWARE, CUTLERY. HYDRAULIC NOZZLES, PAINTS, SIZES, GLASS, OLS, HOSE, POWDER. BLACKSMITHING ! BAR, PLATE AND ASSORTED IRON. ,1 S ALLOUR MERCHANTS ARESELL- ing out at cost and freight. I am ready to do blacksmithing at cost and fieight. but mu>t have the cash when the work is com pleted. Shop on the corner of California and Main streets. DAVID CRONEMILLER. GRAND 4th OF JULY CELEBRATION ! — A T— SAM’S VAI.LILY. Linkville, 87; Bullard's Creek, 144. Bon rpiIE CITIZENS OF SAM’S VALLEY, anza. 48 ; Snrague River. 17 ; Drew’s Valiev, 1 An'ioch and Meadows, together with 3; Bullard’s Ranch, 40; Chewaucnn, 1 ; anvothors who wish to join us, will cele Goose Lake. 17. No one place having re brate the coming 4th at Morgan’s Grove in ceived a majority • f all the vote* cast, the Sams Valley. The fol lowing is the County Nea’ will remain at Linkville until the next general elect ion. PROGRAMME OF EXERCISES: In Memori mu. Jacksonville, Oregon, 187 646 BORN R emarks .—There is no such precinct as l tlon of such fruit. We without hesi “Bonanza ” in Lake county.and the correct tation pronounce them the finest ber ness of the above return is, therefore, pro ries of the kind we ever beheld. tested bv one of the Board of Canvasser. The vote for Countv Seat stood as follows: ; They would do in size foreroquet halls. I I eon .. .. National salute at sunrise. Th«* procession will form at Mr. Morgan’s at 9:30 a . m ., under the direction of John Sizemore. Marshal <>t the Day. A Company representing the Patriots of '76 is e.X|M-eted to lead the procession, followed by the An tioch Senate, Patrons of Husbandry and Good Templars. <>n arriving at the Grove the following exercises will lake place: 1st. Music. 2d. Prayer, by James A. Hopwood, Chap lain. 3d. Singing by the Glee Club. 4th. Reading of the Declaration of Inde pendence, by J. S. March. 5th. Music. tit h. Oration, by I’rof. W. J. Stanley, of Illinois. 7th. Singing by the Glee Club. 8lh. Dinner. Dancing, swinging ami other amusements will occupy the after part of the day. ^X-tUA 11 are expected to donate as much dinner a« they can conveniently, which will be spread on a table suilicient to a...... niiiio- dateall. COMMITTEE. NAILS, Mil G TOOT,. SHOT, BRUSHES, C V I ’ 1 TER TOOI.S, BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IRON WASH-KETTLES, BRASS ANDTRON WTRE, SHEET-IRON WARE. Cast Iron and Steel Plows. ROPE. CAULDRONS, CULTIVATORS, COPPER WARE. WHEEL-BARROWS, SHEET-IRON WARE, WOODEN A ND WILLOW WARE, STOVES. Always on band a large lot of parlor, rook- Imr. otéce. cabin stove«, ot a«s<>r*ed sizes, plain and fancy, constructed on the latest fuel-saving plan«. Boilers, kettle«, pots, and everv‘h:n" connected with these stovea warran‘ed durable and : erfect. All article« «old or manufactured by him warranted. His work is made of the best nia’erial and oftijp choicest nat’erns, Order« amended to with dispatch and filled according to d:rection«. He is deter mined to sell at low prices for cash. At a meeting of Harmony Point Grange No 137, P. of II., held on Sat urday June 11, 1876, the following preamble and re«olut ions were adopted: LIQUORS W hereas , The all Powerful and i G< n »<1, by whom everything exi-ts, ha«. of all kind«, of the best brands,wh "»lesale and retail. Also In hi« wisdom, taken from our midst an<l from the toils of lib» our brother, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. N. C. Dean, and transferred him to Tn connection with all these I have on hand a sphere beyond, making in our hearts a large assortment ot a vacancy which our grief tells us GROCERIES cannot he filled, it is appropriate that we, who pride our«elves that we were of all kinds—just what every married man wants in hi« family. And it you don’t be hi« friend«, should commemorate his lieve it, call and examine my stock before death by an official observance ; there purchasing elsewhere. fore, be it JOHN BILGER, C ircuit C ourt P roceedings . — Importer of farm implements and machines. Resolved, That in the death of our I The following proceedings have trans brother, N. C. Dean, tin* P. of IL have HORSEMEN, NOTICE! pired in the Circuit Court since our lost a mo-t zealou«, faithful and erti cient «upporter, whose encouragement 1876. 1776. last report: did much towards sustaining us since A. L. Sturges et al. vs. Toy Long et G K A N D our existence as a Grange, that we, al.; appeal Iron) Justice’s Court. Trial his brethern, have lost a genial, devot by jury and verdict for plaintiffs. ed ami earnest companion, and his be * McWilliams & Ash vs. B. F. Dowell; THE WELL KNOWN TROTTING HORSE, reaved family a faithful husband and action to recover money. Judgment i a kind father. TAMPSON i TO BE HELD AT for plaintiffs. Resolved, That to his bereaved Jos. Patterson vs. John May ; action ’ friends and relatives and especially to WILL MAKE THE SEASON AT THE “ stables of W. J. Plymale, in Jackson to recover many. Cause dismissed. 13 YBEE’S GROVE, his wife and children, we sorrowfully ville, vomtnenciiig April 1st and ending State of Oregon vs. Wm. Reick ; offer our deep and earnest sympathy, July l«t, 1876. imiictment of larceny. Verdict of not and sincerely hope that the same hand Tampson is six years old this Spring, of a —ON dark bay color, and ha« tine form and action. guilty. which ordered this terrible calamity He was sired by the Vermont horse. Pen- T. N. T. Mil’er vs. L J. C. Dunean will give them comfort and strength inirer’s Mike, out of McDonough's old Kate JULY 4th. and 5th. et al; injunction. E. D. F«»udray, to hear this, their overwhelming af Morgan. the dam of many fast trotters, and is a full brother of Barney Flanders, one of E-q , appointed by the Court as Referee fliction. I the finest trotting horses ever raised in the to take evidence in thecaseand report State. Resolved, That our hall he draped in PROGRAMME OF EXERCISES: T erms —$15. the satr e to the November term of mourning for thirty d ivs and that the PLYMALE A McDONOUGH. Circuit Court. | member« of this Grange wear the National salute at sunrise. Jas. Laughlin vs. T. II. and Ellen ; hadge of mourning for the same length The procession will form in front of the PUBLIC ACUTION. Court House, at hall-past 9o’clock a . M., and I Whipley ; suit for foreclosure of mort . of time. march to Bybee's Grove in the following gage. Decree granted. Resolved, That these resolutions be maimer: Marshal of the Day, Brass Band, In the District Court ot the United States for the District of Oregon. C. Beach and A. H. Platter vs. F. P. spread upon the records of our Grange, Orator. Reader ami Chaplain. Assistant In the matter of A. W. Sturges, bankrupt. Haseltine ; action to recover money. and that a copy of the same be sent to Marshals, Societies, two National Cars—one representing the thirteen original states of rpHE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY’ GIVE» Judgment by default fur plaintiffs in i the D emocratic T imes ami Oregon 1776, escorted by the Jackson County Cav 1 notice that he will sell at public auction the sum of $794.86. alry, and the other representing the States at Jacksonville, in the county of Jackson, j Sentinel, for publication. Jos. McKee et al. vs. Wm. Ray et al.; J. F. ............ K ellogg .......... ......... , ^Committee. of tilt Union in 1X76,escor.ed by the Jack- Sia e <>t Oregon, on Thursday, June 29. 1X76, son County Infantry Company, citizens in the following described properly : suit for injunction. Demurrer over T itos . W eight , vehicles, citizens on horse-back, citizens on 400 yards of gravel diggings south side of ruled and deft ndants allowed ten days M bs C. R alls j foot. Carberry Forks. Ditch on Horse creek, op to answer complaint. ()n arriving at the Grove the following ex posite Steamboat Cilv. One ‘ hall interest ’ in ercises will take place : » the Squaw creek ditch ’ One-twel ft h in t erest E. C. Brooks vs. Win. Williams et A M ove in the R ight D irection . 1st. Music by the Band. in the Little Applegate ditch, All interest al.; suit for injunction. Cause dis —Our merchants and business men i 2d. Prayer by the Chaplain. in the Applegate ditch, All situate in Jack- missed at plaintiffs cost. 3<l. National Anthem, by the Glee Club. son Co., Oregon. have concluded to close their places of 4th. Music by the Band. GEORGE A. YVEBB, Assignee, John Fritz, plaintiff, vs. J. N. T 5th. Reading the Declaration of Indepen business on Sundays, and, in order to Miller, administrator of the estate of dence, by Prof. Willits, ot Ashland. PRO BONO PUBLICO. Wendelin Nu«, defendant ; appeal effectually accomplish this le-ult, have 6th. Mu-ic by the Band. 7th. Oration, by Prof. J. W. Merritt, of from County Court. Judgment for made the following agreement : New Y'orl;. plaintiff for $438 and co-ts. rpiIE PUBLIC ARE HEREBY’ NOTI- We, the undersigned, hereby agree Xth. Music by the Band. 1 tied that I have placed n»v notes and Lanorah Bowles vs. D II. Bowles ; to close our respective places of busi 9th. Dinner. accounts in the hands of my attorney, H. 10th. Music by the Band. suit for divorce. Plaintiff granted ness on Sunday, and further agree to At 2 o’clock 1». . m . the "Fool Killers” will K. Hanna, with positive instructions to further time to complete evidence. prosecute all violators of the law appear on the ground, alter which the make immediateand forced collection m ev ery instance where security is not given. Jos. Laughlin vs. Jos. C. Durkee known as the “Sunday Law.” , festivities ot the day—music, dancing in the Those knowing themselves indebted to prepa e<I by the Jacksonville ¡string me will do well to call upon Mr. llanna, and wife ; suit for foreclosure of Signed: Reame«, Bros., Sachs Bros., I arbor Band, base ball, croquet, etc.—will be com- without delay, as this is my last call. My mortgage. Cau«e continued on mo C. C. Beekman, Ben Sach«, John Mil i lnenced. business must be settled ! tion of counsel for plaintiff During the afternoon a series of amuse ler, Kaspar Kubli, E. C. Brook« , Ja«. JAMES T. GLENN. Mary J. Patte rson vs. Nicholas and Drum, John Bilger, Jerry Nunan, D. ment will be introduced consisting of sack Jacksonville, Sept.», 1X74. i races, wheel-barrow races, etc. Prizes will Thomas Wright; action to recover Linn, P. J. Ryan, M*»rri* M-nsor. be given for the same. real property. Continued till next MILL NOTICE. The Committee will be on the grounds Jacksonville, June 17, 1876. Monday, the 26th inst., at 4 o'clock >•• .M. term of Court by consent of counsel. Parties wishing to have stands on the Court then adjourned until Friday, P ersonal *.—J. W. Manning, N. ground should be present and draw lots N AND AFTER THE TENTH DAY July 7th. ot September. 1X75, the Patrons of Hus tor positions. Langell and T. G. Realties mt timed bandry Mill Company will cease to grind ^r.\'o intoxicating liquors are to be sold B ase B all .—One of our base-ball from a trip to Portland last week. on exchange, except tor family u«e tor pro on the ground. The < 'onmiiitec has arranged to have plen ducers, m unbranded sacks; and instead clubs, having understood that the Ash Mrs. Prim and family returned ty ot hay, water and other conveniences on will buy wheat and pay the highest market land club w’as going to publish a sweep home yesterday from Silem, where the ground. No 7' . pains will be spared to price therefor. For particulars, apply at 11 J make this (Jen eimial celebration a grand the Mills. ing challenge in the Tidings, on last they have been temporarily residing for success, A general invitation is extended By order of the Board. J. S. HERRIN, President. to all. Thursday sent them a challenge to some time past. F. M. P ltmalk . Se<*retarv. play at this place on the Fourth. Al Rev. J. R. N. Bell returned from a FIRE-WORKS. NOTICE ! though it Is only 16 miles from here to trip to Portland and Salem last Thurs In the evening then* will be the grandest Ashland, this challenge did not reach day. During his absence he has been display of fire works in Jacksonville ever OEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE- there for four or five days, and in the attending the Grand Lodges of the witnessed in Southern Oregon. k? ceived by the Board <»f S c I kmi I lhrec'ors <>t Jacksonville schixil District No. 1, tor the On both evenings a dauco will be given meantime the Ashland club sent a Masons and Good Templars. under Rie auspici*« of the Jackson ville ¡Social erec-ion of a suitable addition to i lie present schoolhouse. Plansand specifications can challenge to Yreka, tn play on that Jay Beach started for his home at Club. Tickets. $1. l>e examined at the hou«e of George Brown; COM. OF ARRANGEMENTS. day, which wax accepted, and conse Fort Klamath Saturday’. all bids to be opened with.n len clays from quently they cannot meet our club. It tiie date of this potuv. GEORGE BROWN, Chairman C elebration at S am ’ s V alley . is quite singular that the challenge JACOB OLLEFER. H. K lipcfl , Clerk. mailed on Thursday did not reach the —Sam’s Valley is determined not tn Jacksonville, June 14, 1876. Ashland club before Monday, and it be tiehind other sections of this county ! MERCHANT TAILOR, SETTLE UP. I looks as though they would rather in patriotism in this Centennial year, ■ meet the Yreka club, which they feel IS HEREBY’ GIVEN THAT I sure they can defeat, than to play our and is now preparing for a grand cele California Street, Jacksonville, Oregon. VOTICE 11 the accounts of the firm ot Manning A : laiys, whom they have reasons to ex pect bration of our National Anniversary. Ish have been placed in my hands for col i lection. All persons huleb’ed to said linn will play a much better game. Prof. W. J. Stanley, will act a* Orator LOTHES MADE TO ORDER AND SAT are requested to settle imuiedia e’v. . istaction warranted. Work done at rea of the day, J. S. March, as Reader, and 41. K. HANNA. T hanks .—Mrs. Peter Boschey has sonable rates. Jacksonville. Sept. 2. 1X7*». Jas. A. Hopwood, Chaplain. Full pro our thanks for a treat of nice cherries. Per day at borne. (Samples G* 1 Q A DAY’ at boDje. Agents wanted are the largest and most deli gramme can be found elsewhere in I They tJ>Ulu^4U worth $! free. S tinhon A 014 Outfit and t*rnus free. TRUE -,t ('u. I this paper. i cious we have seen the this season. ' Fortlmd. Maine. Ancni'ta. Maine. CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION ! O C