Image provided by: Jacksonville Boosters Foundation; Jacksonville, OR
About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1876)
-------- 1 Ähr REAMES BROS., à*. > (' Ami i'apcf fur Jucksvu, Josephiur k Luke miitAú..... • AN l>lb AT ES. DEALER & WORKER IN DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. H. K. Hanna....................................... 1 OK CONG BESS : C. II. Watson ............................... REPRESEN TA FIVES. (»F DOUGLAS. FOR PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS: Thomas Beall..... Thomas Wright J. V. McCall... Joseph Crain Silas J. Dav.. Harrison Kelly <V>MM 1S8ION EKS W. B. LASWELL................................ Of Grant Samuel Furry. Abram Miller. ITENRY KLIPPEL..................... Ot Jackson Jacob Ixh.......... E. A. CRONIN........................... Of Multnomah Georye Dean..... SHERIFF. J. W. Manning.................... Wdltam Hybee....................... The Re<*ull. The returns from the different coun ties have made but little change in the result in this State as published last week. The Democrats have won the victory, as we have a majority in the Legislature on joint ballot of from 8 to 10 votes. This secures us the election of a Democratic U. S. Senator, which is even more important than usual as the two political parties in the next Senate will be so evenly divided that the loss of a member from any State would be severely felt by the Democracy. The Republicans elected their Ju- dl< ial tickets in the Second and Third Districts, but In the Fifth the Demo cratic candidates were, of course, suc cessful. This last election has demonstrated the fact that the Democracy can safe ly count on Oregon in the November election. In an election where local dissensions are laid aside, and where the Issues are purely National, this Slate will give us a rousing majority. The Pacific coast may now be set down as solid for the Democratic nom inee for President. IMIXTYCLERK E. D. Fond raj’ ................... Ed. II. Otcen........................ TREASURER John <>rtli............................ John Miller........................... 11 30 12 62 12 5 41 31 IS S'. 11 27 17 68 6 10 14 62 17’ Ill J 1 1 25 <♦ 58 9 i 39 26 17 7 13 26 9 59 h ; 6 39 35 17 • 9 14 63 18 15! 12 2s' 18 67 11 30 18 73 » 8; 11 «2. 18 15 1 1 1 ! I 12 25 13 59 14. 4 42 34 17 i ■* 13 30 d5| 70 4l 10 12 59 18 151 I ! i 1 1 15 26 12 53 12 5 41 29 18' 7 11 26 <i 64 13 1 6 10 28 1"! i 11 29 15 ¡65. 5 10 13' 64 18 13’ 10 29 20 76 4 9 13 64 17 15 i 1 i 1 1 15 26 14 ¡59 10 8 40 30 ¡18¡ 1 9 29 15 69' 8 * 15 64 17 !5l i 1 1 6 18 32 10 55 11 14 26 17 1 5 6 23 18 T3 4 9 10 67 17 17’ 1 1 i 15 26 12 61 14 5 42 29 17 7 10 26 9 60 4 10 12 59 IS li. i 45'637 46 663 11.669 11 677 SCHOOL SITE HINTEN PENT. E. J. Farlow..................... J. II. Skidmore.................. SURVEYOR James .Tetfrv...................... J. S. Howard..................... UORON Ell. J. A. Callender.....^. .... 126 12 655 ¡ I 66147 679 68;46 675 124 111639 128 11 670 We aro compelled to say that the Kerr case looks like a very dirty one ; not for Mr. Kerr, but for his accuser. There is absolutely nothing, either in the antecedents or the evidence of Harney, says the liecord-Union, to warrant the belief that he is other than a scoundrel. It is, as we observed some time ago, almost absurd to sup pose that a man like Kerr should have taken a petty bribe of five hundred dollars, though it would be quite com- I prvhen-qble had such a fellow as Har ney accepted it. There is in short nothing whatever in the case to justify a > up position that the Speaker is guilty; and if the investigating committee has any sense at all it will commit Harney fur contempt, and exonerate Kerr. The following complimentary notice of Hon. L. F. Lane and the remainder of our ticket, taken from a Washington Territory paper, the Dayton Xeir.x, shows how the Democracy of this State is viewed from a disinterested stand point : Mr. Lane has already proved himself to he one of the best representatives Oregon has ever had in Congress, and his re-election, which is certain, will be nothing more than a just recogni tion of his abilities and services in be half of the interests of his State. The platform of principles presented to the people by the convention that nomi nated him meets all the live issues of the times, fairly and squarely, and in vites the confidence of every candid and unprejudiced mind. The re mainder of the ticket is made up ot the best men in the party and in the State, and the harmonious action of the convention insures success next November. Flection iu Lake County. We hive no official returns from the election in Lake county, but learn from parties in from there that a majority of the Democratic ticket is * pro!»ably ejected. Brooks, the regular I Democratic nominee for County Judge, h defeated l>y Mason, Independent I Democrat. The Republicans claim to • have elected their Sheriff, School Su perintendent and one Commissioner. , The county seut is reported to have been located at Bullards creek. 1 1 Judge Sawyer of the United States’ Circuit Court has recently decided that the civil rights bill is a nullity so far m theaters are concerned. His decis- aion was In effect that a theatre was a private business and if the managers Hid not choose to admit negroes they had the right to exclude them. The colored population do not agree with Judge Sawyer aud will probably ap peal to the Supreme Court. Will not Vote for Nemnlth. One of the dodges used in the last campaign to secure the election of J. M. McCall was the statement that if he w’as elected he would vote for Hon. J. W. Nesmith for United States Sen- ator. This story had the effect of get ting a gew d many Democratic votes for McCall, which resulted in bls being elected. While we discredited this report from the first and believed that there was no truth in it, we have now evidence that wo were right in our opinion, for, in an interview with a prominent citizen of this place last week, McCall stated that he had made no pledges of that kind whatever and that he would vote for a Republican for U. 8. Senator. Those persons who supported McCall expecting him to vote for Nesmith will doubtless be dis appointed, but they will learu how much confidence to place in what is said by unprincipled politicians. OREGON. A< i R IC ULTUR A L NOTICE ! À..L rilllE UNDERSIGNED TAKE PLEAS- 1 lire in notifying their friends and the public generally that they have purchased the stock of White A' Martin, ami are now receiving and opening a very large, exten sive and well-selected assortment of ♦ii .>.! f»8<> 123’ 4 (»55 I Notice is hereby given that the 66 47 711 129 10 633 I I 63 35.GiO !8 132.20 642 un dersigned will shortly retire from busi- NAILS, B oots and shoes , POWDER OF and settle up. SACHS BROS. Ready-Made Clothing. We will continue to sell the re- A < ; BI ( ' ULT URAL EVERY DESCRIPTION, Wooden and Willow Ware, ROPE, NAILS, PAINTS, CILS, VARNISHES. GLASS, IM I’LF.M E N TS, inainder of our stock ot goods at re- CUTLERY, WIRE, Hats and Caps S. B. duced San Francisco cost. STOVES, Fuse and Caps, note, to come forward without delay California & Salem Cloths and Blankets, ¡ OF HARDWARE, TINWARE, STAPLE DRY-GOODS. ness, and therefore request all persons indebted to them, by book account or i:" i7" IM PLEM ENTS, A FIRST-CLASS STOCK i A Ilautlsoine Compliment. Pumps, LOW PRICES WILL WIN A Big Job for Out Mau. The Kerr <a*e. CALIFORNIA STREET. I 46 I 684 ’S 15 27 5 '58 12 i 40 29 17 t 10 28 21 70 6 10 14 64 18 15 1 ¡40 i 1 8 15 26 33 16 58 13 1 5 1 - 10 i14 59 18 15 , 10 29 20 » 1 1 i Í 1 1 1 I ' 15 28 12 ,56 13 4 41 27 ¡U ! 10 26 17 4 10 13 164 18 1 1 1 1 1 1 i »>*• 12 ' go 12 6 40 28 17 1 J 4 )5 10 27 77 I TIN, SHEET IRON, COPPER, LEAD, etc. JACKSONVILLE. ASSESSOR Q. N. Anderson............... It. (’. Goddard.................. GENERAL MERCHANDISE, 48 708 16 26 27 U7| 9 646 ! A Republican paper says; “It is the pnr|>ose of the people, not to purify the Republican party, for this staunch old party of patriotism and honesty needs no purification.” Bah ! The same paper says what the party does need is this : “To drive out and pun ish the bad men who have made it the instrument cf their purposes.” Oh! The party is all right ; it is only the men who compose it that are bad. It admits that the work to be undertaken is of herculean proportions, and calls for “a man of gigantic resources of mind and courage.” So we should say; the man must fully equal the Hercules of old in power, or he would Ei-Npenkfr Blaine. fail. Where is he to be found ? The answer is, “So far as observation goes, The charges against Blaine that are ! the country knows hut one such man, now being investigated by Congress, and him the people are now calling to are proving more serious than they the front—Bristow.” were at first supposed to be. Blaine If Bristow be the only man known is using his utmost efforts to vindicate Ids character by eloquent speeches and to the people of the Republican party debates, but in this he accomplishes capable of doing this herculean work, nothing so long as he produce.® no evi it is quite certain that a very large dence to establish his innocence. He portion—maybe a majority—of the Re- to .»»king a hard fight, as his prospects • Puhli™” Py'? do hflye this job done at all ; fur Blaine, who of securing the Presidential nomina tion at Cincinnati depends on the re covered himself with his cloak and sult of this investigation and he de dodged a vote intended to warn out sires just now to make it appear that one of these “bad men,” is not a Her he is the object of persecution. But cules, if he tie himself outside of the Mr. Blaine will fail in this, and it class this editor calls “had men.” And the same may he said of those who will al-o be very hard fur him to prove support the other candidates for Re to the satisfaction of tho people of the publican honors—they do not desire to country that be is entirely innocent of have this “herculean” job done at all. these charges, and, should the Repub The people, through the Democratic licans nominate him, the Presidential party, can oust the “had men,” and the ¡»arty they lead—Ixith together— race next Fall will be an easy one and this is the only way it can ever be for the Democratic nominee. done.—X. If. Union-Democrat. Civil Kights. (kill Fellows’ Building, arksonullr. Orrgou, (Successors to \\ hite A Martin, ; .JUNE 16, 1876 LA FAYETTE LANE, K. KUBLI 11. REAMES. ELECTION RETURNS OF JACKSON COUNTY-OFFICIAL. LA DIES. CHILDRENS MISSES SHOKS. Jacksonville June 1st, 1876. Shot, Brushes, Chains and Hose, CANDIDATES. Wr h axe also in connection with the above a very largì» and line stock of choice DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Hamm........................... IF o A som ....................... Mechanic, and am prepared to do all repair >•> i y >■> 35 4 23 17 187 GROCERIES, HE NATUR. Dan. Green................. Samuel Harkness..... 35 21 48 38 10 14 32 41 23 62 30 38 19 30 19 4 16 27 ■‘1 43 STEEL PLOWS, Woob- 6 230 8,116 14 212 49 165 EN ANb WILLOW 25 197 47 28 23 31 19 54 11 M Í 16 49 IS 29 204 TKEASUBEE. Wm. Naucke............. 104 38 — n 45 67 42 3t> 402 SCHOOL suv’r. .1. M. Smith.............. 101 •V) 51 48,68 42 53.405 SURVEYOR. "Win. N. Saunders... 50 • ». > 4 0 o- 36 22 25 234 51 7 11 15 31 20 30 165 I JUST ISSUED. 54 • •• )— I 25 26 36 21 25 214 CORONER. G. L. Mathewson..... T/tox. Carr................... Two Hundredth Edition 48 25 27 26 36 21 21 199 50 14 24|2l 31 21 29 l‘H We are now ready to sell anything in our line at lowest cash prices. Persons wishing to buy goods will find it greatly to their ad vantage lt> examine our stock before pur chasing elsewhere, as we are determined not to be undersold by any house in Jackson county. TtiTGive us a call, and then judge for yourself as to our capacity to furnish goods as above. REAMES BROS. Jacksonville, Feb. 12. 1875. HUNTERS’ EMPORIUM! Ready-Made Clothing, GLASSWARE. CROC 3 RY, Etc., E‘c. Everything sold at reasonable rates. Give me a call. K. KUBLI. Jacksonville, Feb. IS, 1875 T11 E SODA springs : MANHOOD. THE LOST CAUSE 4 MAGNIFICENT PICTURE 14x18 IN- A ches in size, pi inted on heavy plate pa per, beautiful in design and artistic in exe cution. It represents a Confederate Soldier after the war returning to his home, which he finds lonely and desolate. In front ot the ruined cottage, telling a sad tale of the miseries of war, are two grave- with rude crosses, on one of which some friendly hand has hung a garland. To the right the calm river and the rising moon indicate peace and rest. The stars seen through the trees represent the Southern Cross. It is a pic ture that will touch every Southern heart and should find a ¡»lace in every Southern home. Sent by mail mounted on a roller and post-paid on receipt of 25 cents, or 3 for 60cents. Address, JOHN BURROW A’ CO., Pub’s. B ristol , T enn . Agents wanted everywhere to sell our cheap and popular pictures. $5 to $10 per <lay easily made. No money required until pictures are sold. Send stamp for catalogue ami terms. Groceries. DRY GOODS, Gum Boots, TOBACCO, ('lias. Hughes........... 56 31 38 2s 39 • >« » 28 256 P. Sawyer................ 45 6 15 20 28 9 25 148 ASSESSOR. IN CONNECTION WITH THE ABOVE, L I am receiving and have constantly on hand a lull ami first-class stock of WARE. ETC. COUNTYCLKKK. Jas. P. Lewis............. Chax. Hester............... inc promptly and in superior style. DOW GLASS, (’AST AND I SHEH1FF. T. G. Patterson......... Simon Mexxenyer....... QUEENS PAINTS, OILS. NAILS. WIN- 41 28 COM MIS'.IONERS. John E. Sevferth..... John Wells................. Henry Thornton........ H5/1. GLASSWARE, WARE, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, REPRESENTATIVE. W. W. Fidler............. Jas. Turner................. I have secured the services of a First-class Revised and corrected Lv the author, E. de F. CURTIS, M. D., Ae. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY STORE MEDTCAL ESSAY ON THE CAUSE and cure of premature decline in man, showing how health is lost, and how re gained. It gives a clear synopsis of the im pediments to marriage, the treatment ot ‘ nervous and physical debiliiy, exhausted vitality, and all other diseases appertaining thereto; the results of twenty years’ suc cessful practice. 4 A 1 i OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. CURTIS ON “MANHOOD.”—There is no member of society by whom this book will not be found useful, whether he lie parent, preceptor or clergyman.— London Times. CURTISON “.MANHOOD.”—This book should be read bv the young for instruc tion,and by the affiicted for relief; it will injure no one.— Medical Timex and Gazette. Price.—One dollar, bv mail or express. Address flu» author. DR. CURTIS. 520 Sut ter Street, or P. O. Box 337, San Francisco, (’al. NOTICE. SE LL1 X Ci OF K AND MARBLE WORKS Unto All Who Thirst ! California Street, Jacksonville. Oree-on o 4 LWAYSON II AND THU. BEST STOCK 7k «>t Patent and Home-made Rille ami Shot Guns, single and double; Revolvers ot the latest patents; Pocket Pistols, mat, small and powerful ; Derringers, the latest AM» DRINK WITHOUT and best ; also, the best Powder and Pow der Flasks ; Hunting and pocket knifes ot the best brands; all sorts of Shot and Pouches; Caps. Wads and everything in Money and Without Price ! the Sportsman’s line. He will aKo keep a full line of SHELF IIA RI >\\ A R E, N:i i Is a ml Rone of al 1 kinds and sizes, (’arpenters’ and Waeon-Makers. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED ARE NOW KEEP- I in.: i he Soda Springs i louse, and having Tools, a complete assortment of Table and l’oeket Cfitlery, together with a full supply repaired amt refitted the same are now pre pared to accommodate all that may favor uh ot Paints. Oils. Varnishes, Glass, etc. The above goods are ali of the best qual with a call. Prices to suit these hard times. ity, and will be sold U. 8. LAND OFFICE, ) L inkville , Ogn., May 20, 1876. j — FOR C1OMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTER- \J ed at this oilice by Quincy A. Brooks, agent and attorney for the State of Oregon, against John Kniador for abandoning pre COST AND FREIGHT! emption filing I). S., A’o. 1<>8, dated March 14th, 1874, upon the E. % of S. E.‘4, Section THE MAR3LE BUSINESS CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. 26, N. E. ot A”. E. and lots 8 and 9, Sec \\ ili still bea siwhlty. All orders in this tion 35. Township 39 South, Range 8 East, in THE UNDERSIGNED, DESIRING TO New guns made to order, and repairing Lake county, Oregon, with a view to the 1 close out business in JacKsonville, oilers promptly done and in good style. All or line promptly filled in the liest manner and at rea «niable rates. cancellation of said tiling : the said parties for sale at cost and freight tor cash his com ders tilled w ith dispatch. Adtlioss. as usual. are hereby summoned to appear at. this plete and first-class stock of dry goods, dress I 27tf. JOHN MILLER. J. IL A A. IL RUSSELL, Ashland. office on the 10th day of July, 1876, at 10 goods, shawls, ribbons, ladies’ and chil dren ’ s hose and shoes, gentlemen ’ s furnish o’clock A. M., to respond and furnish testi mony concerning said alleged abandon ing goods, hats, groceries, crockery, lamps, NOTICE, STOCKMEN! baskets, spoons, Knives and forks, tobacco ment. S. B. CRANSTON, Register. and cigars, pipes, cutlery, stationery, toys, GEORGE CONN. Receiver. Yankeo notions, and everything usually ASHLAND, OREGON, found in a first-class variety store. NOTICE. My stock is fresh and of the bes‘, and those desiring anything in my line should W. J. ZIMMERMAN & CO.. Prop’rs. U. 8. LAND OFFICE, 1 give me a call. Those knowing themselves indebted will L inkville , Ogn., May 20, 1876. ) THE WELL-KNOWN VERMONT HORSE please settle immediately. I mean business. COMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTER- anufacture and build all BEN. SACHS. ed at this office by Quincy A. Brooks, kinds of mill and mining machinery, Jacksonville, July 1, 1875. agent and attorney for the State of Oregon, castings, thimble skeins, and irons, brass PENINGER’S MIKE, against James M. True for abandoning pre eastings and Babbitt metal. Beils cast. emption filing D. 8., Ao. 249, dated April Farming machinery, engines, house fronts, 7th, 1875, upon the A. Js of 8. W. X, 8. E. JOHN L. CARTER &. SON. stoves, sewing machines, blacksmith-work, IU ILL STAND FOR MARES AT THE % of S. W. hi and lots 4 and 5, Section 19, 1» stable of the owner, .1. A. Cardwell, and all work wherein iron, steel or brass is PAINTERS. Township 39 South, Rango 9 East, in l.ake used, repaired. Parties desiring anything near Jacksonville,during the season of 1876, county, Oregon, with a view to the cancella in our line will do well to give ns a call be commencing April 1st and ending July 1st, tion ot said filing : tho said parties aro here fore going elsewhere. All work done with at the following rates : $15 for each mare, by summoned to appear at this office on tho in gold coin or its equivalent, payable at tho E ARE FULLY PREPARED TO DO neatness and dispatch at reasonable rates. 10th dav of Suly, 1876, at 10 o’clock a . M., to time of service. r£i‘ Bring on your old cast iron. all kinds of Painting, including respond and turnish testimony concerning Mike is 12 years old, was sired by old ZIMMERMAN A CO. said alleged abandonment. Vermont,out of a thoroughbred Whip mare; HOUSE PAINTING, Ashland, April 8, 1S7<‘>. S. B. CRANSTON, Register. he is a beaut it ill bay, 17 hands high, well I GEORGE CONN, Receiver. SIGN PAINTING, formed, and weighs 1,600 pounds. He has GEORGE W. FREY, sired more fine horses, neeording to tho ORNAM ENTAL PA 1NTI NG, class of mares that have been bred to him, than any other horse in the world, ot his WAGON AND CARRIAGE PAINTING. (Successor to Caton æ Prey,) age, and he is without doubt the Favorite» Horse where he is known. ALL STYLES OF GRAINING DONE. rpiIE QUARTERLY EXAMINATION OF I will furnish pasturage to those desiring 1 applicants for Teachers’ Certificates for Orders from the country promptly attend New Boot and Shoe Store, it at 75 cents per week. I will not be re Jackson county, Oregon, will be hold in sponsible for anv accidents or escape«. ed to. ' 21. Jacksonville on J. A. CARDWELL. NnturdRj, Juue 24, 1876. C A Id FOR NIA ST' R E ET. LAGER! LAGER!! Those desiring Certificates will take duo WANTED ! notice thereof and govern themselves ac cordingly. H. C. FLEMING, aving permanently located County School Superintendent. THE EAGLE BREWERY in Jacksonville, I respectfully inform tho public that I am prepared to do all 20.000 Lbs. of Old Cast Iren, MILLINERY ! kinds of work in the hoot and shoe-making elivered at the foundry in 1HE PROPRIETOR, JOS. WETTERER, line. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ashland, for which we will pay tho . has now on hand and ia constantly man 29tf. G. W. FREY. highest price. rs . a . c . jones , at iier resi - ufacturing the best Lager Beer in Southern Every farmer has more or less old cast denee on Fourth street, opposite the Oregon, which ho will sell in quantities to Q a T o QOÜ l>er dav at -Samples M. E. Church, keeps on hand and tor sale suit purchasers. Call and test tne article. Q’J worth 81 free. S tinson A ings about his premises, such as old stoves, pinions and other articles. These they the latest styles of Bonnets, Ladies’ and Co., Portland, Maine. would do well to gather up, and bring them Children’s flats, Ribbons and Millinery END 2fic. to G eo . P. R owell A Co., New Goods of every description and best quality. York, for Pamphlet of 100 pages, con I Qlfi A. DAY at home, j A cents wanted before the rain sots in. We will also pav the highest price for old Bonnets and hats trimmed In the most taining lists »f 3,000 newspapers, and esti I V 1 Outfit and terms free. • TRUE A ( O. COPPER, BR ASS and ZINC. fashionable styles at reasonable price*.. mates showing cost of advertising. Augusta. Maine. J. M. McCALL A CO. THE ASHLAND IRON WORKS, M W NOTICE TO TEACHERS, H M 1 S D