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About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1876)
Or jDemotrniir ihnr.s. RATES OF ADVERTISING. Published Every Friday Morning, By CHAS. NICKELI Advertisements will bo insorted in the T imes at the following rates : EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. OFFICE—On Oregon Street, in Orth’s Brick Building. Rates of Subscription : One copy, per annum,..................... “ six months,....................... “ three months,.................. Invariably in Advance. $3.00 2.00 1.00 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. T. A. DAVIS. STATE OF OREGON. ......... L. F. Grover < «overnor,................. ........... S. F. Chadwick Secretary of State... ............. \. H. Brown State Treasurer...... .............. M. V. Brown State Printer........... Sup’l of Public Instruction.. L. L. Rowland JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1876 VOL VI. Ladies' and Gentlemen's . K. ARNOLD. c T. A. DAVIS & CO •» FURNISHING and WENEKAL NUTEN AND NKWN. The next Oregon State Fair com mences Oct. 9th, 1876. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, The N. Y. Herald says Conkling stock is gradually rising. 71 FRONT STREET, The Sun thinks the testimony on the 24th ult. shows Blaine caught at last. FIRST JUDICIAL PI-TRICT» Circuit Judge,.................................... P. P. Prim District Attorney,...................... H- K. Hanna BOYS’ and GIRLS’ JACKSON COUNTY. PORTLAND, OREGON. Agents will shortly arrive from tlie Countv Judge,............................E. B. M atson READY-MADE CLOTHING, . ( John O’Brien, East for tlie purpose of purchasing tlie County Commissioners...... • \.Hueston Oregon Bartlett pear crop in advance. Sheriff,....................................... L " • Manning VITE KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND Clerk,.’....................................... E. D. Foudray BOOTS and SHOES, II a complete stock of The Democrats of Texas gained at Treasurer,............................................. K. Kubli the late election 50,996 votes, as com Assessor.......... ........................... W. A. Childers pared with 1873, while the Radicals School Superintendent,.......... H. C. Fleming GROCERIES, BEDSTEADS d CHAIRS, DRUGS, Surveyor,...................................................... J- •8- Howard lost 1,220. Coroner............................................ H- T. Inlow Official Paper..................... D emocratic T imes PERFUMERY and TOILET ARTICLES, Harper's Weekly, strangely enough, I CLOTHING, lauds Mr. Tilden and asserts that lie is JOsErHINE COUNTY. the only New York Democrat who rep PATENT MEDICINES, Countv Judge..........................M. F. Baldwin I . , f S. Messenger, LIQUOHS, TOBACCO and CIGABS, resents even the hope of success. County Commissioners,......... j Tiimes Neely. I Sheriff,........................................ Dan. T,. Green GLASSWAHH, WINDOW GLASS, Clerk,........................................ Chas. Huches Trea-ur-r.......................................Wm.Naueke PAINTS. OILS AND Assessor...........................................John Taylor School Superintendent,................ J. M. Smith Survevor.................................... W. N. Sanders PAINTER’S STOCK OF EVERY KIND, Coroner....................................... Geo. E. Brings Official Paper..................... D emocratic T imes CROCKERY, ETC., At E. Jacob's New Store, Granting that Blaine made a bona jtde investment in Arkansas railroad bonds, where did he get tlie money to make such investment ? is tlie perti nent inquiry of an exchange. A dulteration of T ea .—The tea is not pure ; like rum that is sold, it is doctored, extended and manufactured until the cup that cheers has become a I |X>i-oned chalice, which works, in its slow and insidious way, the destruc tion of the stomach, Not long ago scientific gentlemen in London an- alyzed samples of tea. Of the twenty teas analyzed only one was found to be genuine, and that was the Foochow caper; the other nineteen samples were adulterated with plumbago, or black lend, tea dust, iron filings, sand, and fragments of quartz in variable quantities. Now since tea contains naturally a large quantity of tannin, we have brought together in the adul teration some of the chief constituents which enter into the composition of ink, and by appropriate treatment a bottle of ink was made from one of the samples of tea in question. What ha- been accomplished in the laboratory it is not impossible may arise in the hu man stomach, into which largely adul terated iron tiling tea has been re ceived. Iron slowly dissolved by the acid of the tea forms tannate of iron, and the color of the infu-ion made with such tea becomes darkened, -o greatly preferred by many people that the Chinese have been led to make the adulteration, It is said by physii ian- that the death of one of the leading tea dealers in New York was caused by continually tasting tea in showing it to customers. And, it may tn*, par alysis, which is charged with slaying so many worthy women, might sum mon in tea to bear part of the blame Of course people will not leave off drinking tea because it turns their stomachs into tan yards and inkfac- toiies any more than they will discard whisky because it turns them into brutes, or tobacco because it destroy.- I their nerves. One square, one insertion........................$3.00 “ each subsequent one........... l.uO Legal advertisements inserted reasonably. A fair reduction from the above rates mad» to yearly and time advertisers. Yearly advertisements payable quarterly. Job printing neatly and promptly execut ed, and at reasonable rates. C ounty W arrants always taken at par. F ast T ime on R ailways .—Tim limited mail coming West on the P< nn-ylvania Railroad has reached the highest degree’of speed on American roads for regular trains running a long distance. Its running time from Har risburg to Pi ft-burgh is seven hours, which is a trifle over thirty-five and one-half miles an hour. But between Harri-burg ami Altoona the average is about forty miles. Yet this does not compare with the speed on English roads. The fast express runs from London to Exeter, a di-t*oce of 194 miles, in four and a half hours, includ ing stoppages, These amount to forty- five minutes, which leaves the actual average running speed a trifle over forty-five miles an hour. The great Northern S otch Express runs between London and York, 188$ miles, in four and one-fourth hours, inclusive of twenty-five stoppages. Deducting minutes for stoppages, it leave* an average of forty-nine miles an hour for the whole distance. The Pullman Car Express between Lindon and Leed-, 201 miles, makes a trifle over forty-one miles an hour. The trains on the London and Northwestern fre quently make sixty miles an hour. Commodore Vanderbilt and Col. Tom Scott occasionally do the same when t my hitch up their private equipage, hut such sp ed is m>t for tlie “common herd” in this country. Tlie acting Commissioner of the land office at Washington, in a case sent COURT SITTINGS. from Roseburg, decides no title in Tark-'inn County.— Circuit Court, second */ mining claims can be held by aliens Mondav in February, June and November. County Court, first Monday in each month. prior to the issuance of patents there Josephine County.—Circuit Court, fourth A LT, OF THE ABOVE ARTICLES SOLD i for. Monday in April and fourth Monday in Oc r.fy Sole Agents for Oregon for the cele r\ at the very lowest rates. If you don’t tober. County Court, first Monday in Jan brated CARBOLIC SHEEP DIP, which believe me, call and ascertain prices for At the Presbyterian General As uary, April. July and October. kills Ticks, Lice and all parasites on sheep, yourselves. No hnmbug ! sembly in New York, Lind-ley, of JACKSONVILLE PRECINCT. and is a sure cure for screw-worm, scab and All kinds ot produce and hides taken in Oregon, reported in favor of granting Justice of the Peace.................... J- H. Stinson I foot rot. Circular sent on application. exchange for goods. 42tf. B uying on C redit .—Buying on tlie request of the Presbytery of Ore Constable...................... }........... A. M. Asbury credit is fatal to economy. You al gon for election of the Synod of Co TOWN OF JACKSONVILLE. “ EXCELSICB ” ways have to pay dearer when you do 1 lumbia, including three Presbyteries ; (N. Fisher, President, l M. Caton. adopted. not pay cash. The tradesman must ' David Cronemiller, Trustees Cor. Cal. A Oregon Sts., I have interest for his money, for a Every Radical aspirant for nomina ! J. Nunan, man will never in a business communi ( George Brown. tion at Cincinnati, says the S. F. Lz Oregon. Jacksonville. ty lie willing to forget it. To the or Recorder,................... ................. U. S. Hayden aminer, has been aspersed by members Oregon St.. Jacksonville, Treasurer,.................. ................... Henry Pape dinary cash price of tlie article he adds of his own party, some sustaining se Marshal...................... .............. J. P. McDaniel the interest which may accrue curing vere damage, and others passing the Street Commissioner ................... J. C. Weiss that time credit is allowed. This is DAVID LIO PROPRIETOR. ordeal with reputations only slightly W. J. PLYMALE. not all —there must lie a premium ex PROFESSIONAL CARDS. wounded. Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment acted by the dealer for the ri-k ho of furniture, consisting of The Senate on the 29th ult., by a T he P atrons and the C enten runs in trusting his goods to that class B. F. HOLSCLAW. M. D., aving just received a new BEDSTEADS. vote of 37 to 29 decided that Belknap nial .—It turns out that the arrange of more <»r less d ingerous customers stock of Harness. Buggies and Car is amenable to trial and impeach ments inaugurated by the Patrons of who never pay ready money. Even BUREAUS, TABLES. riages, I am now prepared to furnish my patronsand the public generally with as P H Y S I C I A N AND SURGEON, ment for acts done as Secretary ot Husbandry for their Centennial En the more honestly di-posed of these GUILD MOULDINGS, War, notwithstanding his resignation. campment will furnish almost the only are often unsafe debtors, for they are FINE TURNOUTS STANDS. SOFAS, LOUNGES, It is probable the trial will be post plan yet proposed for visiting the great generally such asae imprudent enough Kerhyville. Oregon. As can be bad on the Pacific Coast. Saddle poned uutil November. Exposition with any degree of econo to anticipate their incomes, and over CHAIRS OF AU, KINDS. horses hired to go to any part of the country. Dr. L. DANFORTH. At the Methodist General Confer my or comfort. The rates to and from run them in expenditure. Tlie credit Animals BOUGHT and SOU). Horses PARLOR A BEDROOM SUITS, broke to work single or double. Horses PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ence, in Baltimore, a revision of the the ground—only 15 cents both wav- | system is a temptation to unnecessary boarded, and the best of care bestowed upon hymn book was agreed upon, and res —or 1») cents one way, are much lower i purchasers. There is a sort check in ETC.. ETC. rpniovi*il to Jacksonville. and tenders them while in my charge. elutions opposing a reduction of the than any other arrangement proposes, the sight and a touch of the hard won his professional services to the public. Also Doors, Sash and Blinds always on Ottici) and residence on Third street, oppo hand and made to order. Planing done on MY TERMS ARE REASONABLE. Burlingame treaty, through fear that and the cha ge of 50 cents for lodging Igiitlv. On the other hand, there is site and east of the M. E. Church. reasonable terms. ^•©’Undertaking a spe nd 50 cents for each meal is fully fifty ‘ something in the facility of credit, re mis- A liberal share of the public patronage is tlie Chinese will exclude their cialty. per c nt. cheaper than that pr<>po-e<l in I moving, as it does, tlie di-agienable sionaries, were voted down. solicited. AV. J. PLYMALE. J. A. CALLENDER. M. D.. the city. A Philadelphia correspond necessity <»f payment to vague future, THE Sexton, the billiard player, Who 1» H Y S I C I A N A N D S U R G E O N , ent writes: The Patrons may have very seductive to the buyer, who can ST. MARY'S ACADEMY, made the largest run on record in « hayseed in their locks, but they cer- i gratify hi- love of possession with a three-ball game, 287, and the biggest CITY ’ DRUG STORE, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. I tainly have brains under their hair , momentary sense at any rate, that its t CONDUCTED BY average, 60, at Philadelphia on the When tlie Patrons of Pennsylvania . gratification c-sis him nothing. There 24th, has challenged any man in the JACKSONVILLE. met in solemn State Convention and is no such cheap and cautious purchas THE SISTERS of the HOLY NAMES 7©“ Office at residence, on Fifth street, op world to play him for $5,000. He will discussed tlie question of accommo er as cash. posite the Court House. play in any country except France. dation and prices within tlie city, they ' he new ftrm of katiler a bro . Two K inds ., f F arming —The in he scholastic year of thts Speaker Kerr is charged with hav came to tlie conclusion that thing- I H. K. HANNA, have the largest and most complete school will commence about the middle ing received through Harney, former quiry is often raised, “Dues Firming were likely to be dearer than would . of Aucust, and is divided in four sessions, assortment of ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR AT LAW. of eleven weeks each. The following are the doorkeeper in the House of Repre -uit either the pockets or the wishes of Pay?” It is, in fact, one of the irre DRUGS, MEDICINES A CHEMICALS, terms: Jacksonville, Oregon, sentatives, the sum of $4,000 for pro a true agriculturist. It may tie oh- pressible questions whicli, h-ovever of $40.00 curing an appointment to the army of served that the farmer in all the land ten answered, are still lioiin«! Io re-ap- Roard and tuition, per term,......... Will practice in all th? Courts of the State. Ever brought to Southern Oregon. Also Bed and Bedding................................ 4.00 I pear. But the truth is whenever tlie Prompt attention given to all business left the latest and finest styles of 8.00 A. P. Green in 1866. The accused de I I holds on to his money with an exceed inquiry is made whether or not farm Drawing and painting...................... in niy care. Piano...................................................... . 15.00 nies utterly any knowledge or parlici- ingly hard grip, because he really Office in Orth’s Brick Building—upstairs. STATIONERY, Entrance fee, only once,................. . 5.00 pa noy in the transaction, or an ac earns it by the sweat of his brow.— ing is profitable, it ought to be under stood what kind of farming is meant. quaintance with Harney. Hural New Yorker. SELECT DAY SCHOOL. And a great variety of PERFUMES and C. w. KAHLER. E- B. WATSON. If the question refers to the farming TOILET ARTICLES, including the best and Indians attacked Custer City on the KAHLER & WATSON, Primary, per term, .................................... $ 6.00 of men who have neither faith, enter- H ard S oap . — The Housekeeper ••heapest assortment of COMMON and PER Junior, “ ..................................... 8.00 19th, burning the ammunition house, FUMED SOAPS in this market. pris«», nor pluck, who are ignorant ATTORNEYS A COUNSELORS-AT-LAW, “ ..................................... 10.00 by the explosion of which several ol gives the following : Four pounds of zdT Prescriptions carefullv compounded. Senior, through choice, and ili-qu tlified for Pupils arc received at any time, and their their number were killed. The miners grease, one ami one-half pounds ot 44 ROBT. KAHLER. Druggist. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, resin, one can of condensed lye, or the business by nature and habit, such terms will bo counted from the day of their in the Black Hills can do no prospect entrance. For further particulars apply at ready soap-maker, in six quarts nt farming, of course, can never l»e made MRS. BROWN, Will practice in the Supreme, District and ing, for if they go a mile from camp the Academy. 29tf. water (hot). Put four pounds of dean to pay. If, on the other liant), tlie in other ( 'ourtsoflliisState. they lose their scalps. Several miners’ Office in Court House—upstairs. grease into a kettle, add two quarts of quiry is intended to apply to agrieul- ASHLAND, TABLE ROCK SALOON, cabins have been destroyed and the the Ive, two quarts of soft water, and iure as pursued hv practical men of inmates murdered by the Indians. JAMES S. HOWARD, Then add three ordinary intelligence, and tolerably » boil thirty minutes. OREGON STREET, I A child was born a few weeks since I quarts lye, a little at a time, so as not qualified for their bu-loess, then it is U. S. DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR Millinery and Ladies Goods, WINTJEN & HELMS, Proprietors. in the valley back of the Mission, San to impede boiling, which continue equally certain, not only that such FOR JACKSON, Francisco, whose head was the exact from two to five hours, or until it be farming is profitable <»n a general aver RIBBONS OF ALL KINDS, counterpart of that of an ox. The comes soap, which may be tested by age, but that it h »bls in reserve a still Josephine and Curry counties, Oregon. he proprietors of this well - child died on the third day after it- cooling in a spoon. Then add the* better rate of profit, an I a higher Official surveys made and patents obtained known and popular resort would in Flowers, Feathers and Trimmings, at reasonable rates. Full copies of Mining form their friends and the public generally birth. The mother was injudiciously resin (broken small), putting io re range of prices for those who tiring tn laws and Decisions at my office in Jack that a complete and first-class stock of the shown her offspring, and was so mainder of lye slowly so as not to stop it more energy, larger knowledge and sonville, Oregon. best brands of liquors, wines, cigars, ale and shocked that she was seized with con boiling, which continue thirty min riper experience.— Christian Union. HAIR, JUTE AND porter, etc., is constantly kept on hand. They will be pleased to have their friends vulsions which terminated fatally a utes. Then add a teacupful of salt, H. KELLY, L ane at W ashington .—By pri few hours afterward. boil until the soap is separated from LINEN BRAIDS AND SWITCHES, “call and smile.” ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, vate letter from a friend in W*<hing- CABINET. Commissioner Roach, accompanied the lye and strings. When cooled in A Cabinet of Curiosities may also be found a spoon it should be hard. After ton city we learn that Line’s reimmi- JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, —ALSO— here. We would l»e pleased to have persons by Congressman Piper, had an inter standing twenty minutes, dip the soap nali n was received in that city with possessing curiosities and specimens bring view with Secretary Fish on the 26th Will practice in all the Courts of the State. them in, and we will placethem in the Cab on the Chinese question. The secre into a deep tin dish or mold, and stir much gratification. The writer says : Prompt attention given to all business en Agent for McCall’s Bazaar Fashions. inet for inspection. ‘•It was quiie a pleasing sight to ob tary repeated the assurances he had in a half pound of melted sal soda. trusted to my care. WINTJEN A HELMS. serve all, or nearly all the prominent Oflice in the building formerly occupied by heretofore given as to his desire to aid If perfume is desired stir in a little Jacksonville, Aug. 5, 1874. 32tf. member* of the Democratic feide of Kahler A Watson, opposite Court House. RAILROAD SALOON, in securing remedies for the evils com oil of rose, sassafras or any other. the House come over to the young plained of; but added that he antici When cold cut up to suit. The suc EAGLE SAMPLE ROOMS, member from Oregon and congralul de WILL. JACKSON. Dentist, THIRD STREET, JACKSONVILLE, OR., pated much opposition to tlie move cess of soap making lies principally in hl n upon the event, ami this, if noth C alifornia S treet , ment. He said the religious element the proper equivalents of grease and ing else, sh< u (1 b • sn i< c n ve to HENRY PAPE, Engineer. of the country is now agitating tlie lye. All pork grease or all tallow is tlte voters of your State to come out S. P. JONES, Proprietor. subject and urging tlie continuance of not as good as half and h df mixed. at tlie polls at tlte fall election and re the present treaty on account of its A dversity .—Mm, app.uently use turn him to Congress by such an un- THROUGH TICKETS, 12* C ents . VTONE BUT THE CHOICEST AND BEST presumed value in facilitating mis less and purposeless, have, when mistakahie and overwhelming maj >rl- is Wines, Brandies, Whiskies and Cigars sionary work forthe conversion of the placed in positions of difficulty and ty as will increase Ills power and use kept. heathen and he said there was also op responsibility, exhibited powers of fulness here in the interests of bit California Street, Jacksonville, Oregon. DRINKS, 12* CENTS. position from the owners of American pHOICE WINES, LIQUORS AND CI- character before unsuspected. Some State and constituents.” * ' gars constantly on hand. The reading vessels plying in Chinese waters, but NO CREDIT IN THE FUTURE—it don’t of tlie greatest minds that have exist table is also supplied with Eastern periodi pay. Families needing anything in our line he thought, nevertheless, the treaty ed upon tlie earth would never have T he organ-of tn. o. her eide are in very operation pertaining to cals and leading papors of the Coast. can always be supplied with the purest and should be modified. the jaw skilfully performed at reasona high glee over the fact that seven of made their rare gifts of benefit to best to be found on the Coast. Give me a ble rates. FARMERS’ HOME, (»11, and you will be well satisfied. ottiers had they not been drawn out the appointees of the present House No more credit will be given after the T his world is full of bitter disap and purified by adversity. Tlie poets have been discharged for cause. Tui« first of January, 1876. I will take all kinds ORTH’S BRICK BUILDING, UP-STAIRS, of produce. New Boot and Shoe Store, pointments and sudden trials, that whose sublime strains have cheered so is taken us n sign of great corruption Office and residence on corner of Califor break upon us like a cloudless sky ; many hearts have learned in suffering in the Democracy. It is the op's»*ite. HCkfN)iiville, Oregon. nia and Fifth streets, Jacksonville. C alifornia S treet , but at no time is the soul of a patient, what they have taught in song. Had i Under Democratic authority ha i men much-enduring man so hardly tried as their paths been strewn with ro-es, are made to retire as fast as they are RS. WILLIAMS TAKES THIS METH- Jacksonville, All Kinds of Job Printing • Oregon. when he goes to shave himself in a had they been wafted onward by the found out. Under Republican sway od of informing the public that she is prepared to furnish board by the week, day great hurry on Sunday morning and favoring gale of prosperity, the multi they ar« kept in office in defiance of or single meals, at reasonable terms. The discovers, at the first pull, that his tudes would have missed those grand public sentiment and petted until the table will constantly be supplied with the aving permanently located AT NEATLY it CHEAPLY EXECUTED wife had opened a can of peaches with inspiring words that have so helped very last, and are then dismissed with best the market affords. No Chinese em in Jacksonville, the undersigned re friendly pats on their shoulders and ployed, and satisfaction guaranteed. Give spectfully informs the public that he bis is razor on Saturday night them io the weary battle of life. me a call and judge for yourselves. ... ■ .. <«» ■ i — prepared to do all kinds of work in the boot with letters of vindication ip their . ——r ’ . ■. j _ I M’RS. WILLIAMS. and shoe making line. Satisfaction guaran p- ie k ets.— Troy Press. S ubscribe for the T imes . ADVERTISING begets wealth. 1 Ja- ksonville, Nov. 2»i, 1875. The Times Office. teed. M. CATON. I BLUE VITRIOL, Orth's Brick Building, Jacksonville. FURNITURE WARE-ROOM H T T T E M H