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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1892)
Eugene City Guard. bilUBDAT, MAY 7, 1832. Jnilffe Pipe' Uecord. The Register gives us a further opjiortunity to bring tho record inado by Judge Pipe before the public. It says: "The Guard Htatcu that during Judge Pipes' administration there have been 22 cases appealed to the supreme court finm Lane county and but three of them have been re versed. The records show that on ly four cases have Imx-ii appealed from this county and three of them liave been acted upon by the bu prcme court. But this does not re llcct any grca. credit upon the judge, for the cases are mostly jury cases and but few of the them are npiwaled on any decision of the judge." The statement above accredited to us was made in the Daily Ck'ARD of Monday and was correct ed in the issue of Tuesday by sub stituting the Second judicial dis trict, over which Judgo Pi pea pre sides, for Lano county. The Hecister was published the Wednesday after. 'e deliver the Daily Guahd each day to that publication by carrier. Wo cannot however believe that it is so un worthy of the honorablo profession of journalism as to publish the abovo if it had read tho correction made the day before. However a careful reading of the article shows that the author realized ho was treading on dangerous ground. Tho position of iudgo is ono that should be removed so far as possi bio by the nature of our institutions from political influence Tho lives and uronrrtv of our people dcicnd on tho faithful administration of our laws. No ono doing business knows when ho will bo forced into court and it is but natural that the judge whoso record shows his abili ty and integrity should have tho advantago of it when a choice must be made by tho people. Tho record of only three cases re versed out of twenty-two is a phe nomenal one. Lawyers do not ap peal cases without they supMse they can make a fairshowing before tho supremo court. Jna majority of the districts at least 50 per cent of the appeals aro reversed. Judgo Bean, tho predecessor of Judgo l'ijx'H, was careful, painstaking, and has a judicial mind that renders him held in high esteem among the legal profession of tho state, but during his term of odico in tho Sec ond judicial district over fifty er cent of tho appeal were reversed. Tho simple statement of apjieals however docs not show tho extent of tho work of Judo Pipes. In Lano county during tho pant two years not less than .r(H) cases liayi leen placed on the docket ami larire number of thoso have been contested. Douglas and Benton each probably coital Lane while Coos and Curry havo smaller number.- Wo repeat that tho record made by Judge Pipes is a phenomenal ono and entitles him to re-election. Don't wait for your neighbor to subsenbo to tho railroad BUbsuly but set the good examitlo yourself Tho reduction on tho manufuo' turod woolens of all kinds proposed in the cheap clothing bill passed by tho house would havo scarcely one' third tho taxes imposed on clothing by tho McKinley bill. Tho result of this reduction would bo cheaper clothing and lietter clothing for tho money, with larger Bales and better profits for dealers, and greater sat isfaction to all concerned in the clothing trade, merchants as wel us consumers. Judgo Bennett, tho democratic candidate for Buprcmo judgo, was m nulem mo other day appearing beforo tho tribunal, of which he should Ik) elected a member, in four cases. Judgo Bennett has a splen did reputation as a pure and able jurist, and, unliko his opoiicnt has a largo and extensive practice, Wo made tho assertion soon after tho nomination of Judge Moore that he had never apiearcd tho supreme court, and no Wfore denial has yet been made. A railroad from Kugeno to Flor ence would mean tho taking down of many siena to let. It would mean new buildings, work for im chanics, laboring men, and a goner ul livening of business and every industry. lho farmer would re ceivo tho benefits of cheap freights. ihousands of dollars would be ppent in construction. The tax payers' burdens would be lightened as the taxes paid by the company would bo a considerable Bum, prob ably equal to the interest on the subsidy asked for. It is a wise jiolitical jwlicy for tho democratic national party to keep the silver question in the rear until after the presidential election. Then we opine a free coinage bill will be passed by tho house by a majority that will astonish Borne of the natives. Tho democratic party isinfavorofbi-nieltalisui.and when the opjwrtunity oilers will re store silver to the position that it held before being degraded by John Sherman's treacherous act in 1873. At the present time we are electing a president, and cannot af ford a blunder like that of four years ago which lost its author and his party the presidency. KnmiL'h has been written and I spoken on tho jioint that good roadH are desirable. What is now needed is for some one to propose a feasible plan for obtaining them. The statesmen who aspire to olliee should consider this subject. General Weaver is engaged for sixteen sjiccehes in this state. He will siMak once in eacn oi sixveu counties. .Mrs. wane, uio woman orator of Kansas, who took J. J. Walls' seulo. is now in ashing- ton. but will bo hero with General Weaver. Only a short tune remains in which to raise the railroad subsidy. Work, and efficient work too, must lc done. THURSDAY MAY 5. Join llollowuy's clubs. Oct the lutest novels ut Holloway's circulating library. For stono Jars, Jugs, milk creeks, and flowerpots of every description Ax Wily. Bend lo or call on E. J. Fraxlcr (or on ol hmcircuUti deacrlptivt of bin latent ami greatest bargain. The county clerk issued a murrluKe lleciiHO last evening to J. It. Kruusse and Miss Mary L. Klnsey. W. Holloway's clubs are a success. He has already a lar)?o membership and they aro hero tostuy permanently. It will be several days yet beforo the delinquent tax roll Is completed. It will make I'M pages In the tux roll book. Hoveral subscriptions to the railroad fund this morning. If you Intendsub gcribirig do so ut once us it is not long until the 11th. Just arrived direct from tho factory, a carload of the celebrated Mllburn wagons. Cull and examine them at M. Hvorverud & t'o's. W. Ilolloway is the only jeweler thai oarrlei full line ot wutohn ul ill grudw and makea. He h Iw ice the ilock of aoy otliert, and can bettor please yon. Ax Hilly allows no one to undersell him but will (five more value fur the same money than any other grocer In Kugeno. Hpot cash, our motto, Non union, our prices. As a family medicine, the Oreiron Wood Purifier has no equal. It lias proved itself a certain and efllcacious remedy for all dlHcaws eutised by an Impure state or tne uioou. A reward of $.1000 has been offered by the Southern 1'ucllic railroad com pany ior llie apprehension or mo vn liiiiiH who wrecked the overland train ut Myrtle Creek laxt week. TheHaleni council bus passed the ordinance for the grading or Cliemeke ta striH-t over the mayor's veto; uIho, to dlsehurgu all (Ire department hands, re-emiiloy two, put Itoth eiielnea in one hotixe ami consolidate the olllce of city surveyor mid strcH commissioner. Corvullls Times: Tho Oregon Paclflo now supports u fare collector on the DUHHcmrcr f rains. Whether this new move lias been brought uliout by the increased travel and the Inability of the conductor to do all tho collecting, or whether their own guilty conscience has aroused a suspicion of others, we ure not udviscd. Hollo way leads, others follow. Lawn mowers, f 4.00 at F. L. Cham bers'. CarpetM ! 0 irpoUl at D. Linn & Sou's, D. Lion & Hon, ior furulturo, caipctaand nmlertuklu. Tobacco stems for tree wash, cheap. ut Hayes' cigar store. By iroiiiir to Holloway's you can irct all the latest novels to read. Fresh Kurdcu seed of all kinds in bulk. Hand wheel hoes, etc., ut F. L Chumlicr'. Frank Ilrown Is flttlnjr un his con foctlancry store and restaurant In grand style. (Several Kuircne iHtinle immmiIo aro ul ready talking about going to the Mo- springs. The high wheel Victoria luwn mower is the Ugliest running mower made, Call and examine at F. Ji. Chambers', OiirfoOlnt In the heart of Florence are the best hurcuins now in Lano county Don't wail for prices to advance but buy now. (no. M. & Co. We think It would lie a trood elec- tiohccrhiK scheme for Hherilt' Noland to have the Itussell leUer kept in the Keglster until after election, from re murk we have heard made on the streets since Us first publication. The boy's baud played several selec tions on (lie summit of Skinner's but to last evening, attracting the attention of many of our citizens. This band is Improving rapidly and will soon favor our citizens witn open-air concerts. The Toledo Pout my : Col li otor of Cm- tomi R. A. lloniitill came near paaainu in hinchm'ki on MomUv. He umde a tu Intake in the bottle aud took a done of duo instead of lalta. He ia about O. K. and in the fu ture will lit that all bottlta iu his modiolus otieat are properly latwllwl. ISeurly two doen liniulirrants ar rived from the Vm1 on the local train this afternoon. In fact Immigration has Ixvn stea Illy pouring iu for the last few days but nothing to what we ex- H'et when the liulldingor theSiuslaw s I'juttern l(y. Is assured. Amosnnd Jusiht Wllklns. of Co- burg, left with iti head of eat tie for hastem Oregon this morning, where they will keep them this summer, driv ing them buck here In the full. They win Keep them ut the llg 1'rulrle un til they can cross (ho mountains which will lie several weeks yet. CONSUMPTION In Its early stages can be cured by the prompt use of Ayers Cherry Pectoral It soothes the Inflamed tissues, aids expectoration, and hastens recovery. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. Lowell, Mass. fttrlrkeia With raraly.1. Albany, Or., May 4.-J. F. lWkeu- ato, a wi'll-kuown ()IJ Fellow of the state, wa itrickon with janilynl in the I'mIlw room tunltflit. A Family Affair Health for the Baby, Pleasure for the Parents, New Life for the Old Folks. II . Root Beer THE GREAT TEMPERANCE DRIKX Jht a family affair- requlilta of the bom. A a ami packa makea B gallon ol a, dcllcloaa, atrengtbeninf cfferYMcent beverage. I Don't be drH1 V a JW, ft lh atksof liw uruAl, telle yoa aunwoi tor kind U " )ut aa om1 " 'iia tuitr. NalmlutkDlaaauo4 aa to gdauUie lima'. FAULTLESS! I rNtur la faultUia and eo b that noble dlacavery. contlnaiug; only N- ura'i owd remeaiM, "ior- ifPRJNDER'Sl 't la a bencflt to the human race. KfcKf UP yOUTH, HEALTH, V100R by the uaaof PFUNDER-e OREOON BLOOD PuRIFieR; Juick and Complata Cure of all Dluarw ot iht Skin, Kidntya, Bladder and Llvtr. It iheckt Rhtumatlam and Malaria, rclltvaa ;ontliptlon, Uyipepaia and Blliouaatit .and ut froh energy Into the eyitem by making Krw, Hlflh IIIimmL Take It in time, riant now, I it cannw be beat aa a preventative of dieeaM - M B-t evervwhw. ti a bottle, )nr Anvthint? in the Gro eery line, Goldsmith's. Comegys & Gray, GROCERS. IIuvImb ramovod to Walton'a lllork. Wlllam ette Htrvet, aro prepared to give you twrxaliu iu orncurice. Market Price Paid for Country Produce. Call and ae we will do yon aool. We lead in quality & prices. Goldsmiths'. & Eaat Ninth Btreut, Eugene, Oregon. IlcKt Trout Fllea. Oreguu pattern '&e w Klm (iMit U'nilvn oo l6-liK)t llnva. eao A FC1.I. LINE OK : Mu : Tackle : mil : Sportlm : Goods. : AiJto : TENT AND CAMP El'RSITCRE, OREGON LIME Thta Lime li ManufacturtMl by the NEAR ni'NTlNOTON, OREGON, Ami haa earned the reputation nf being the trnniteat lime in the market, and oonwnterjt ly, in ailditiiio to making the bent work ia at an eiiiial prioe. the cheaiwat to the uter. The following analyaia by V. (J. Jenne, oheruiet, l'ortlaucl, (Jreuon, la worUly of oon lideration: Alumina ... .0.1 Kulphatm Trace ('artxmate of Ume..W..rm Mu inula. 01A 8IIU 1.81 WatiT (105 1','nxltilo nf Iron 07 I'himphaU'i Trace Mr. T. V. Ohuuhk, Dialir lit Kun.niNO Matsrul. Aent "Dregon" I.line, l'ort- land, DreKoD. Iikah Mih: Kefirlmi to your Innulrv oon oernluK the "Oregon" Lime, would ay, that we have uaed thia lime, that it haa given eat Infliction, and we coneider it a tirat claaa lime in every reaiieot, Youra truly. Malhrw A. Howe, Contractor, "OrfKonlan" IIuIIiIImk. (.eo. Uiinfortl, t'outravtor, Wein liarii lln'wcr). llaxalonl .V Haunt, ( onlraclora, rortiana i.iiirary iiuiiuiiiit. aiiiIitwhi Ulna- nam, t onlrnclor, iiciihiiu X vtiMHlanl llullulng Hurkp A O't minor, ((oiiprall oiilraolora. t'. Oor don KlIUoii, llrlck ( ontmclor. Arthur Johnaon A brother, t 'onlrautoiK, t hamlKir of ( ommcrt'c, tliH. Ilamlord, tloncral Htone lontraptor. Fort land HrlilKit A Hullillna t'n. Thomaa Mann, Hullilcr. Jaa. MrKcmlrlck, t'ontraotlna 1'lanUT cr, "OrvKimlau" Hulldlna. John Kaau. Kunt Wright Fireproof lng t'o., "Oregonlan" lliilUliug (I. ('. KiiMill, I'lanlnrlng ('outractor. Edward K Ulff tlior, di'iicrel Htooc Contractor. W Jacob on, Contractor, IHirtland I'ntveniitv. Kocher & Krvmann, Contractor., lH-ktim llulldltig. The "OrvKon" Lime fur the Kugene market la earruni In ilwt ly Mtnura. n.M lilt dt it ALU J. II. BARK, M, IX C D. HULrOKD. 1 t K 00 MILES EAST OF EUGENE. Electric, Steam, Medicated and Shower Hatha with Maaaace. Swimming Pool, Humane and Inhalation Kootua. The water, are moat valuable In oaaM of Liver and Kidney Complaint, Khetiniatitm. (lout, lniy, Skin Affectiona and l'rivate Oiaeaaea. A phytiolan In attendance at all tlmea. Finest Hnntlmc k Mu Gronnds U Orem GihhI grountta furnUhed to thorn drairing to caiuii. 1 ikmh.- r or board and nae of water, 'J per day; camper, with uae of water. $1.50 ier weea tor eacn inuivumal. Htairea will leave R Hani a liver t atable. Eugene, Monday. Wedneadaya and Friday morning, at 6 a. m., arriving at the .priniri the aame day. On other Uaj-a i iievial aUge will be aent out if four naaaen gera apply, at regular ratea. l.etttr will receive pmmpt attention and all poeaiole lulormation given. JtiMreea 11AHK Ml'LtVliLI, Foley Hot Sringa, Lau. Co., Oregoo. HtOlllHlTlOS STATE TICKET. Coiigrveiinan, 2nd Dtt W.I. RUiDON ot Mlem. Huprrrae Judge B. P. WEU'II ol I ortianil. rittlllilllTIOS CiH'XTY TICKET. eV'tiator W. L. ItLACKW EI.L of Junction. kiraEaKNTATtVKH. A. Ill SIINKI.I. of Junction JiikKI'H TAYI.OK ol Collage lirwte H. UAYt.OKl) ot V Kneene County Judge A. S. fATTEU.iN ol North Kurene. Commluloner J. M. KITSOS ol south Euirne. 'lerk WM. M. PITNEY ol JunrtioD. 8hertrT II. M. GILLKSI'IK ul SnrlnatleM. Treaaurer CALVIN IIANNA of North Luavne. School Duperlnteudent WE RODMAN ol fcurone. Sunreyor f. A. WOCLEY oi Mum Eugene. Cash paid for produce at Goldsmith's. Pal mm BARKER m II rolcy ill Spim Eugene Cigar Factory. Jri Htill in tho front and Iiuh re opened on Xintli street, next to Luckey h Dru Store, and will inan ofueturo the lU'rit (!igrH ever smoked in Lane county. to Siii COME AND BE CONVINCED. Orders will be pronijily uttenilud to. Eugene Cigar Factory. Ninth St., : : Titua. Block. For a square deal, go to Goldsmith's. Dr. R. L. WILLOUGIIHY, DENTIST. i All Work Warrailei to Glre Satisfaction Nltroua-Oilde Gaa and local antithetic, for the palnleai extraction of teeth. OFFICE-In Reglater Block, Eugene Oregon. DBS. J. W. 4 JENNIE S. BABNABD, Regular IIiyicians. ei'EOIALTIErt-Khlner and Liver Diwaaei Gynecology and Obatotrfca. OFFICE at reildcnce on Olive atreet between tth and loth atreeta. SPRING Everybody mm iiiiii9 NEW GOODS, CLOTHING, Li Rates 10 to 20 Will meet all Goods and Prices. G. BETTMAN. City Property. The value of un investment in merit which it possesses, and tho Thnt is why UNIVERSITY best investment In Eugene, especially If Adjoining tho University grounds and tho elty limits on the East, with street-cars, city water and electric lights extending to It, it Is the most convenient and desirable property on the market. Never mind the weather, UNIVERSITY ADDITION, is high anil dry and naturally well drained. Prices low, aud on easy terms. Call on or write to II. N. Cockerline, Farms. I am now allowing the Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, Men's Children's Notions, Etc., & 1802. if vou want Groceries or Crockery, call on. uoiasmun. Heiiilwii I Cleaver, DRUGGISTS. :-A full Hue ol-: Pero Drii and Chemicls :-Alwayion band.-: mmim Aae tolly oijjnj ed WILKINS' BLOCK, Eugene, : : Oregon For Wooden and WillOW Ware, go to GOLDSMITH'S AT- Pete rsi Cherry's FEED STORE Yon will find the Standard Horse : and : Cattle : Medicine. No Anenle or Antimony Guaranteed to keep your atock in uooa tonauion. Cueaper ni Better Uian Condition Powders, Goldsmith, the Pio neer Grocer. GOODS BOOTS & SHOES. Per competitors in Acreage. property depends upon the actual prosjiects of its increasing in value, ADDITION. Property is the you want a beautiful place for a home, Eugene, Or. Office in Chrisman Block. Fruit Lands. PIG. choicest line of Spring and Ladies' Shoes, in Eugene. CALL AND 1! J. D. MATLOCK, 1892. EUGENE. EUGENE CIGAR FACTORY, : No. lOO. : dr.. 3a. 3acrs, MascraiTfRKa op am nrAWB is CKIAIWaudTollAiruHof all k a for the WHOLESALE and ItETAILTILUiE. The 1-arae.leml ll.-.t HelecU-d Block of Cinan., Tobaivoe, H-ei, Ktc, ever kept In Euxene ll.vlnt ourchaned thla atoek at a gr.t dleount, I am ahle to fc-ll helow Cortland prlcea. Tb. "i t"l! I .Vk Tny Xl n 1 u U.U 1 1 IH do well lo price n R...I. h-fnr purt-h.-inK elwhere. OLD f'OHTOEKICB COltNEIt, KI 'iKNK, l)ltK(l"N. H. SVARVEEU WHOLESALE AND ItETAIL DEALERS IN Farmers and Builders Hardware, Farm Implomciits & Maclnnery Farm and Spring ftps, Bup, Carriages and Carts. General agents for tho PLANO MFG. CO'S CELEBRATED The Best Call and examine our st6ck before purchasing. Odd Fellows Temple, Willamette Street. A. Y PETERS. -OFFERS- Dozen Hone : DO YOU NEED ANY OF THEM? : 1. 20 yds American Shirting Prints $1.00 2. 20 " Lodi and Harmony Dress Prints 1.00 3. 15 " A. A. A. Muslin (good as Cabot ) 1.00 4. 12 " Bleached Cotton Flannel 1.00 5. 12 " Atlanta Plaid Shirting 1.00 0. 10 " Dost Dress Gingham 1.00 7. 16 " Satin Striped White Good 1.00 8. 12 " Good Check Crash 1.00 BOOTS AND SHOES. 9. 'l pair Good Calf Boots 2.75 10. 1 " Men's Heavy Plow Shoes 1.50 11. 1 " Ladies' Oil Grain Shoes 1.35 12. Buy a pair of those 5 Button Kid Gloves, only 75 Look it All Over Carefully. mm. HOWE & RICE Are Showing the Best Line of CLOTHING, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS & CAPS, For the Money, in Eugene. AGENTS FOR THE BROWNSVILLE WOOLEN GOODS. YOU IKE To call and examine our stock of HI We carry the largest and Portland. We sell an We have anything you Walking, Sulkey and MACHINES Threshing anil Mi rows, Cultivators, Seeders, Drills, Feed Mills, Hay Cutters, Churns, Washing Machines, Etc. We sell MITCHELL and STUDKBAKEK WAGONS. Don't fail to see our new improved CHAMPION The new CHAMPION MOWER connections warranted against breaking or wearing out. The best BUGGIES, CARRIAGES and CARTS for the LEAST MONEY. Wk are is it and are bound to pell, so don't fail to call on us. , H. D. NORTON & CO. Southwest corner Sth and Olive Streets, Eugene, Oregon. on Earth. v : mw : mm INVITED most varied assortment outside of A 1 line of want in the way of Gang Plows, Har BINDER. All mailable Iron and Steel. is a wonder. Gearing nnd nitruan mm ICLES dT IMPLEMENTS Mac msrv V