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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1888)
i 1 1' t P i I '8 P: Ilaviiift perfected arrangements with par- Ilea in l'oi tlnud, I am able now to And pur-' chaser 'or landa, wore, readily tliaD heretofoie. K yon have land for sale, im-1 proved or unimproved, you cannot do but-' tor than to entrust your business with iih 1 Terms reasonable. Your patronage solicited. 1 II. DoRi.H. ; Poti, Tn.Kii'H Oilier h urs on Hun day from 80 to 10 AO a. m. .and from 40 to 6m0 p. in. Week uhjh.bII ousiues hour. G. F. Ciuw, Knpt. Steamer FAVORITE M ALONE Master. The Steamer FAVUEITL will leave Florence Every tiifirniiur at H A. M. arriving t'1" Head of Tide at 10 A. .M. 1 Head of Tide At 2 P. M. arrlvlr.i; nt Florence nt 4 I. M. SPECIAL Tltll'S made, when called for EXCLUSION J'AliTIES ut reasonable rates. Will also take Excursion jmrtii. to CAPE I'KKI'KTIIA; Ui'wh wiahing to no IEEI'SEA FISIIIN'ti will heacciilnlniidllted. jelft m3 DANIEL MALONE, Muster. rnO THK SHEEP OKoWEIIS OF LANE J. Co, 1 will any that 1 um daily receiving notices regarding avahhy sheep. I inn there fnra compelled to announce to the slieeu men that immediate attention tiiuat be given to tbnss diseased bawls of sheep at leant three timea thin (canon, or I will procure aid at your expense, anil attend to the matter for you. Takt fair warning and aave yourselves trouble and money. M. C. .Smith, Stuck Inspector of Lane Co. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Oi-khe at Hohkhi ro, Oh., I .lime I khh. TOTICE IS IfEKKIlY CIVEN THAT 1.1 the following iiiiined nuttier lias tiled no tice of Ilia intontinn to make titial proof in support of Ids claim, and that aaid proof will Ix made In-fore the jud'eor in hi" nhm-ui-e More the ulark of the roimty court of Lane Comty, Or., at Eugene City, Dr., on Thursday, .Inly i, I WW. VIZ. 15 C I'ntterf, Homestead Kntiy No. Mm, fortlm !.oU 1 and 2. and K 1-2 of N W 1-4, Hen. 1H, Tp. 17 H, It 8 Went, W. M. He nauieii the following witnesses to prove IiIk continuing resideties upon ami cultiva tinn of said land, viz: JiunesOlliitt, Eugene City Lane Co., Or., Win Johnson, Howard I'ope, 'Jim A l'otterf, of Deadwood, Lane Co., Or. ClIAH. W. JoHNKTON, ItoHlrtttT. WANTED? " WOOL, HIDES AND EUUS --AT- COLDSMITH'S. NOTICKI'OK l'UliLKJATIOX. Land Okkick AT HosKiiriw, On., I June 111, I WW. I NOTICE IS HEKEllY tilVKX THAI the following named settler Iiiih tiled no tice of hia Intention to make tinul proof in aup port of hia claim, and tliut auid I roof w ill lie made liefore the liegister or Keceiver of U, S. Land Otliee at Koaehurg, Or., ou Fridav, An gnat lit, 1WW, vix: Carl ,1, .Inrgcnarn, Pre einption D. H, No. Mi.Mt, lor the l.oia '., :i, 4 ami 5. .See. 31, Tp. 18 S, 1! 11 Weat, V. .M. He mullet the lollowinx witueaaea to prove hie uoutinuoiia reniili-m o upon and cultivation of, aid hind, vir.: .1. Scott, 15 II Holtennund, Olof lliiim-u, K O lluahy, all of Aine, I.iiiic ;o., Or. ClIAK. V. .lollNKToN, Iteifiater. NOTICK FOR riMtlJCATION. Land Omen at Uosihi no, On. .lime L'7, 1HNS. ) vroTK'Eis ni:i;i:i!Y ;ivi:. that 1A the following named aettler haa liled no tice of M intention to make final roof in mip port of hia claim, nml that auid proof will lie Hindu before the jii'Ue, or in hia nhaeiioe, lie fore the clerk of the (Oiinty i-ouit of liane Cn, Or., at Knirene City, Oregon, on Satur day, Aiuf. IK. 1WW, vis: .Inmea M Martin, HomeKteiid l'ntry No. 414:1, for the K 1 '.' of K. I a, Sec Tp l!l S, It 4 Weat, W M. lie iiamea the followiii)! witm-aaea to prove Ilia coiitiiiuima i-eaidence uihiii. and (iiltivation of, aaid land, vi: M I' Nlui-tiit, A II Sparc, 1 .1 Taylor, W 1' Martin, all of Cottage (iroie. Lane Co., Ot. Ciiah. W. Johnston, KenUtor. notTck FOR riir.LlCATION. LaniOith'k at lloaKiii'mi, On , .lone '.7, IK.SS. VJOTICI5 IS 1IKKKUV CIVKN THAT the followiiik,' iiiinied aettler hiia liled no tii-e of hia intention to make tinal piimf in aup poitof hiaclaim, ami that aiid proof will lie made la-fore the Keniater or Jieeeiver of 11. S. Land Ollii-e at l!oaeliiu;, Or, on U'edneaday, All). 81 h, ISS8, yix: tieorxe II 1'arrett, Home atead Entry No. 41li for the Lota 1, '.' and !!, Sec 31, and Lota 4. ft ami (i, See. Ho, Tp 18 S, K 1J We.t. W. M. II nainea the following witneM-a to prove hia contiiiuoiia reai.lenee np.iii anil cultivation of aaid land, vii: A It lluttolph, 0 F Ken liedy, lvid Monte, Sr., Willard F l'aluier, all of Florence, Laue Co., Or. Cll vs. W. IoIINston, ltevdater. Citation. Ill the County Court of Line County, State of Oregon. lu the matter of the estate 'i of ( JOHN COOULIX. r I keveaard. ' To Janiea (omhIIi'ii, Samuel Cilery, John Cilery, and (ieorne 1'lh ry, and all p.-rvna ilitereated in a:iid otate: IN THE NAME I K THE STATE OF Oiviion, you and raeh of yon are hereliy iU'd and rnpiireit to p-ar in the County Court of Ijine t'niinty, Sl.ile n (Irvoti, at (lie court riHUii thereof, at Enuene City, Orevtoi, on Monday, llie ;t.t day of Si pteinU r, 1nv, that Kiliif the tirit dav of next regular term of wtid rourt, at 10 o'clock a. tit. of aaid d.iy, then aud tliere to allow cauae it any there v, why an order ahould not la- made for the aale of the follow ini; ileai ritied real pMaitv, to wit: Km. tiolial W ) ol (he S W of Sec 7, in V l."! S, l! 4 Weat, (-ontauiiiig N4 '.Ni aerea; al.-o coiniiieiie liiH l.S.'i clia et of S E corner of Sec 7. T l. 8, K 4 V, thehif N 4H cha. th. tuv V JS 7.", ih, lliem-a S tOcht.thrtic E 17 ilia to place of liek'iuniiu-, eon ai re; aKn commem-iiii,- at N Einr of iloiiniton I uel cl.iim "( J E 1' Crow, not ?t-i2,iii aee Is. T f, S, l 4 W.thriu'a S ."1.7:, cha, V 8 clia, N 3 7"i ci.. K 8 cha lo plai-r of teiiiiiini.'. nmUiiiii ,g 3 ,-r.K, a!) in Ijine eontity, Orenon. Thi. citili .n i iliiTi-trd to lr pidili-hed in the Eimeiir City lit Aim for f,,ilr aucivaajve wrekt I jr am rdrr u.a lrl.y Hon ;,Hlney S,, Judu-r ol Mid t'oiirt, at the r.ijiilar July leriu 1W8 there... DAVlHUOOliLIN, Admr of aaid eatate. Burr & IMlanat an, Mortgage Loans AM Insurance. Abstracts of Title I n nislinl. J'uriri luiiilH Ni'.-otiati' ' nml all l.luda of Coiiveyuin.'ilijl done. Monet always on hand. Mi Ip. House. Eor Kent or Hire. Apply for t'-rum, etc., to HOWAltl) EltOSS fr-. " rl 1 -. . .:''? Sip'' -'M i H-M Storage! Storage! Farmers are hereby notified that k. ii.i:tJi:ii,v' WAEHOUSE Ail jniiiitio tlio (l, it 0. R. Lh'p')t in now open for tlio iStoraiji' of Hops, Oats, Wool c: JJarlev. pULTLEeSS! I De-Nature It faultleat and to la that noble diicovery, continaing only Na ure'aown remediet, "The" ft iaa benrht to the human race. KLL1' UH yOUTH, HEALTH, VIGOR by the uae of Pfunder's Oreqon Blood Purifier- Dunk and Complete Cure of all Disruaea ol the Skin, Kldncyt, Hladdcr and Liver. It theckt Kliruinatiim and Malaria, relieves !onatlpation, Uyanrptla and Uiliouaneaa.and lata frrah energy Into the ayatem by making Sew, Itlcli III1101I, Take it in time, riftlit now, ml ciiiiuot he ta-at at apreventativcnl iliacasiv .1I iinit lined rvrrvwlirre. il a lotllcL6 lur iP AdiniiiislratuiN Notice. TOTK'E IS HEUEIiY OIYEN THAT ll the iindci-Mi'i'.cd haa been by the County Court of l.aue County, Oregon, duly appointed adiiiiiiiatiator of the eatate of Sarah Ann Catliey, ileee.i-.ed, and all peiaoii.- liaviliL' claiina iik'aiuat aaid eatate are heiehy reiiieatid to prraent the aaliie to the aaid ailliiiniatrator, at the law ollice of I,, liilveu, Eiiiteuu City, Or., duly vei ilied, within nix inoiitlia from the datii lieienf. Dated May 12, 1888. K. S. C.M'MKV, Adinr. L. tii.ii:r, Atty. OSBURN 00., DHUGCISTS & APOTHECARIES. 1711.1. AMETTE STIll'.ET NEAl! 8T11 T T Eut'eiii) ( 'it v, dcalci a in Dlil'c.s, CIIKMICAI.S, Oll.s, CLASS, V.MiNISIIES, OJIUTCl-EKS, l'ATI'NT M I 1 1C1NK lf in-Hit every kind, etc. Brandies. Wines and Liquois of tin very heat ipialily for medicinal ntiae V F. have ahvaya kept ahreaat of the tilnea ill our line, and without hoaatiiik', we think we are Kale ill clailnilo; that we have THE 11KST aaaortllient of Dlil'tiS ill lie. Varticulur attention ia called to our t n-k e l'EKFCM F.liY, TOILET SETS, and CEI.I.ri.OIl) CASES l'or the year 1888, We ahull he aide to aell FAINTS, OILS nml lUil'SII IIS, (of whii h we now- have a larite atock on hand) Than any liouae in this city, and our friends can rcat assured that anything bought frotu ua will be t rt chiaa. .Aa we buy many of our good Kaat and have facilitica iln few in our hiiaineaa lime, we think we are prepared to mi-dern-ll and fiiruUh a better ipmlity of i;mal than anvouo in our line in l.aue coimtv. We call eipecial attention to l'li ESCKI 1' TIONS, which will I carefully tilled at all hour of the day or nuht. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. "VOTICE IS HKUEHY OIYEN THAT il the undei i,-ned, rxecuti i of the estate of Narcissa Small, deceased, haa tiled ill the Co. Court of Lane Co., Or., her fund account of hci a Iniinisti iti,.ii j aaid eatate, and aaid court h is tixed Monday the 2d dav of July, 1S.V at 10 o'clock, A. M.,of aaid day at the County Court twin in Eioene City, Otepm as the lime and place for the he:riin: thereof. Therefoiv all peraona interealed in I aaid esta'e aiv berehy notihed ami required to ,pier at aaid time and placa and allow canae, I il any there he w hy aaid estate Ih not finally i te-.lieil. .xi. . I A I.Oli i Evrcuttix of iailrttat. J llv .tll, 1S8S. CRAIN BROS. PKALEKS IN rtosirSt lj VitrhrkinJ 3.V Jewrlrj. Mulcl lntrument, Toys, Notions, etc 1 3 T. U.llESDHIl KH, Creaidi-lit. S. n. Eakin, Jn., Caahicl. of Eugene. Paid up Cash Capital $50,000 1 Eugene.City - - Oregon. ; Si-htdiiifuon NEW Y!;K, SAN Fit AN- i CISCO nml l'oKTLA.M), oKEtioX. All colln-tioiiH entru-.tcd to u a will receive ati utioii. Wi. make thiad'-partiiiKiitiHipei-ialty I)i-Miaita ru'M-i veil auhjei t to check. Loan iimiIi- mi iipproved accurity. und a u'eiieiul hankil k' bin-iliesa done on reaaonalile telllia. A. (i. lloVF.Y, II. c lllWirilLEY riii.tdel,.. ' 'aahicr. imZ CCUETY BAKE. IKA'KY. HU.MIMIRI'Y & CO KUOKNK CITY, Oil. tieiiera banking tiauaiK ted. Ih-Hwita received ou current iiccoimt on tpeciul ci-itihcate ltrafta drawn on I'dtTLANI), SAN FIIANCISCO AM) NEW YORK. I'i'la of Exchange aold on the Citicu of K: roje. I ruin made. ( I'heclf ma ouall acci-aailde oointa ui-peciulty WIHDoYfs Sure Death to Squirrels and Gophers. ;iPiPPP.- -.''-r..T.i'--'. V!-f ' i' Made by a new pro.-cna. Never faila to yive ant irfiii-t inn. Every can wan iiited or money refunded. The Che.-ipeat bceiuiae the Eei-t. Prepared in ancli a way that wpiirrela cat it in preference to Kreen t'raaa, etc. Over "HIXK) can aold Inat year. A.k your drniat for it and take no other. ' J. L. PAGE, -UFA LEU IN- H AVINC A LAIKiE AND COM I'I.ETE atock of Staple and Fancy tlroeerie, loii-lit in the hest maikcta EXCLUSIVELY FOS CASH, Canolfer the puhliu better pii"ca than any other house, IN ICUOENK. Produce of all kinds taken at market pi ice. ajuMMO!M pUC pOO pUTJ S9U00OJQ JO H.U))N p.l.IOSMI p.JI SlI,VI)J ospi tnjy M.iao.i.f isi:. .!,'. sui.inij (.m,) nn,) ei: pipioH v's .", w.iiipuni pis c(; i iHtisiii) or, pis j,kI biihp ii.iuti ijj; duiti'i HI- H.ipipl aoimip i.s (Hj ' RW.mtiH puu mlu.) p,)piiiii piv; 0- K.i.).itniti pint tidtio uiiitl 0!j' jj ' V'h ii.ij iio iid ijc saouj GS9ii Qojioii YAQUINAROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD AND - OREGON i DEVELOPJV.ENT -p CO'S. STEAMSHIP ? LINE. i'l'i Mil Kl HIIOIMKIi, '20 HOl'IW l.Ksa TIX1K Than ly other route. Fiiat-claaa through Passenger and Freight line from Port land and all pointa in the WJLI.AMKTTK V ALLEY - To and fioiu San Francisco, Cal, The Willamette Liver line of Steamers, the Win. M. Iloai,', N. S. ltently, and Three Sis ters leave Portland at S a. tn. M on lava, Wed neadaya and Fridays fiom Mcssia lluluiun it Co'a dock, '.V0 mid 'Jli'J, Front St., for Cor vallis and intermediate points, making close connection at Albany and (' :, is with trains of the Orc;.'o!i Pacific K.uil'.el l. TIME SCIIKDCI.E - EX-'EPTSCNDAYS l.v Albany 1.-00 p m, l.v Yaipiina li::tu a in, l.v Corvallis 1:17 p in, l.v Con aKis lil ies n in Ar Yaipiina .":.'i0 p in, ArAlhany ll:lj a in. O, and C, train connect at All any and Cor vallis. The alow trains c- nuect at Yaipiina with the (lie. i n D. le'ii'i-iuent Company's Steamship line Ih-Iwciii Van tina :;n I San Francisco. SAIl.lNti I'Al'I'.S. Steamer From San Fi oi dsi-i illaineTte Valh-v.'-luiy'liis"! " " duly lsth " " .Inly '.".iih I 'ioiii V n.iiiiia Ju'v l:(;h dulv I'lth I ins i ouipaiiy resents the rij'lit to chanyo saiiihi; il t. s u itliuut notice Paseiu-era from Poiil uid and other Wil laim-lte v.illt y points c.i i) IC i!.o dose coiiitee tiona with the traies of the Ya piin.i mii! at Alhanv and Corvallia, and if destined to San Franciaisi, should arrange to arru e at Yaipiina th eveniii," ln-fore tlate of f.iilil.c. 1 PasscnccranJ Freight rat s tho lowest For iiitoim ition npplv t ('. C. Hn-,1 r. Act (Jeli'l Fit .V Pass Act ('re-oil Pai-ilic li K !'.. C II II vsw ki I . .? li, ("oriaiiis, (in-, lien Frt Fxss Ak-'t. rri-i;oli IVe!o(oie:t Co, Mi Montgomery St, S.iu Fraiu-Uct. U Halia Bank I S. LUCKEY, hi- vi i:n im Giii, '.Vc:i3J, CVvni. J iwalry, Etc. lleoicrin l' Fxi'ctitt'il. fciiTAll Work Warranted. .I.S. LC'KF.Y. voii'i ,l'n'i I'.ri.-k Willamette street. The UUVKH3' Cl'IDElt U.ikiI Heot. and March, each yrar. - 31 paffea, inclira.w'HMOTrr 3,600 lllualratlona a whole Picture Uallrry. UWU Wholesale Prices rfrert to tniinimrr on all (roods for peraonal or family uae. Tell, how to order, anil jU" exact coat of every thing yon uae, eat, ilrlnk, wear, or have fuu with. These I.WALfABLW lilMlliM contain Information (rlranrd from the markets of the world. xv II I mull a copy FREB to any ad drraa upon receipt of 10 eta. to defray expense of inalllim. Lt us hear from you, lU.occtfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 27 ifc Z'JU Wabaah Arenue, Chicago, 111. 0VEi!LAI) T() CALIFOlTxiA VIA Southern Pacific Co's Lines, vTHE MT. SHASTA ROUTED Time hetwetn Eiuretie and San Francisco, XI Iioiiih. C.M.IKOIl.MA KXPIIMM TRAINS DAILY. South J X'rth 4:110 p M Leave Poitlaud Arrive i 10:40 A II !:."."' M Leave Eugene Leave I 4:11 A M 7:4tlA M i Arrive San 1-ranciaco l.eavu li:.l0PM LOCAI. I'A.sMl.NUKH TWAINS IIAII.V (IXl'll'T SI N DAV.) H.00 a in Leave '.'.40 0 in Arrive i'ortlaiid EiiL'elie Arrive "1. 45 p in Leave 0.110 a m PULLMAN EUrPET8LF.EPER8. TonrNt sl-epine; cara for of Second Cla-s l'as.vennei'H uttai hed to Express Train. , The O A-0 I,' It Ferry makca cumiection with all the re-.-ul.-ir trains on the Kaat Side Division from loot of j-' Street. West Side Division. BETWEFN PO.iTLAND AND C0KVALLI3- MAll. TIIAIN PAILV (KM KI'T SI NUAV.) I.KAVK. AlllllVr. Portland 7:.'!0 a in I Corvallia. .12:2") m Corvallis L:i0 p m I Portland. . (:l."ip in KxrtiKhs thai:; daily (kxcki-t mi:.niiay.) I.IAVE A II HIVE. Pnrthiiid. 4:.10 p m I McM'nville.8:00 p in McMiiuiville...o:4.' a in I Portland 1:00 a in At Alhiinv and Ci.rvallis connect with trains of ( iieon Paciliu For full information .r' irditii.' rates, maps, etc., call on Company s aeut. I! KOEIILKU, 15. P EOOEHS, Manager, Asst. (!. F. and Pass At. Dr. Gill's Catarrh Cure. 1 purchased a box of "('ill's ('atari h Cure," fimliiu' my nephew, C. A. McMahon, in need of am h incili'-ini . I let him have the box. lie now sends for three more boxes, anyinir it ia tin 1 ist tl il v ll i t w i ) ever tiled I v him and hi friends. J. A. McMAHAN. SprinoKeld, Orfoon, i-'ch. 'Jl, l!vS. Can he obtained at the ilniL'ists; if not there of the proprietors. J. P. (ilLL&CO. E0. F. CRAW, POSTOFFICK .oClL'.tl ' fVVaJgr store, Ftierne City, Oregon THIS is the top of the.gcn- uinc "Pearl Top" Lamp Chimney, all others similar arc imitations. . . t, This is the exact label on each one of the Pearl Top Chimeys. The dealer may say and think he has as good, bit r.i has not. Insist '.he exact label and top. GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. Pittsburgh, Pa. Money to Loan - API LY T0- .9. SC. I Villon, KiitreiM' (itj, - - Vit -son. Delinquent Tax Notice, Notice is hcrt by given to all owi n taxes, now didiiiipii-iit, Hi, it the County (J.nirt ut its late session ordi re.l lue to Collect the same forthwith. This is th, it due to notify all concerned that it they wish to save 'costs they must coiue forward nt tuw mid pay tho same or I will be oWir-d to proceed again-st tin in h u illy. J. M. sii.oxx, Sheril Lane Co. W.VCCx,int thousands tiufferinff from Asthna, Con. piitiiption, Couplis, etc lil you ever try Acker's EnjrlUh Hecicdv! It U the bos'; preparation knowa for all LurcrTrouhles, sold ou a positive guanuti-o Ll 10-, 00c Ikhiirn Co, Eiiii-en... Brick! Brick! Brick! BIsT Cjr.VMTV or URU K KKIT COSSTANTI T 0 hand. Will exel an-- hi i -k f,.r all kind ol firm produce. Kiln and r t'ence at Wal ts li'itte, turn mile. West of Eugene F.rnk diliirrv-l ou i-."d''"f orler JOS HICADIOKU. A. . Ftters, A-ent, EageM, i CHA8. H. D00D & CO, Front, First and Vine Sts., Portland, Or. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN J t- -..jb . , i. HARD- .AND 7: ' ' -aaasa&iitawa.tvwj:' ' I FAKM MAC .Soic Aycnts fur Oregon, Washington mul Northern Idaho for the KBUCKEYE . REAPER . AND . MOWERS These Machines nre too xvell known to need comment. Thousands ot 'Fanners have used tin-in and miciiIi of llioin with praise. They nre the only llurvestniij Machine Hint will tlvu enllru Butlslaclioii to tlio purcliascr. FILLER'S NEVJ MODEL VIBRATING THRESHER, PKCENIX STRAW BURNER ENGINE, The Most Kll'cctivo mul Sucecssfiil ('ointiliiatlon for Threshing and Cleaning (iriiln ever Constructed. BUCKEYE STEEL . FRAME TWINE - BINDERS Thu features tlmt (list Inculsh t It Irs Twlne-Iiltider is tho Mirlitness of Unifl, eoinlilned with its Kxtraordiimrv Htretiglli and lmralilllty. The Hinder Is of tho Apploliy pat tern, the only really successful oneyct known. We liave twoslyh-s, the'vutor Hinder audi lie Platlorin Hinder hot li cxcellciit-both lecotuiiicudud by liuydreds of patrons. vlji i.-. W ' . V-l-'V. 'f;V.' .Wv. .-v . ir- .'r.'.-iii ; l Tf7-ar7 '-W Haines Iloiulers, Haish Barbed Wire . .l it i2ak - j ; -. 1 E Luckey& Co DEALERS LA DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Etc., Etc. Pi escriptioii Department in Competent hands. Harness H AV1NG OPENED A NEW SADDLE opposite Star liakery, I am now ireji.-ired tn fui-nisU eycrythiliK in that line at the Tim Most, Competent Are I'inploypil, anil 1 wL'l eiulcovor to nm vi;,i a call. That the CHEAPEST place to buy Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots and FMEKDLI Pr S. Have from New York City a large in- voice of LADIES' CLOAKS, DOL MANS, WRAPS and DRESS GOODS. Great English Remedy. Murray's Specific k'lianuiteed cure fo-all nervum is-s, such as Weak Memory, i of I '.rain Pov i r, llysterii. lle.oiscl e. Pain i" the Lack. Nervous Pn stmtion. Wakeful loss. Id-jcviirhoea, Vniicisal Laesiliide, Seiniiml Weakios-, liosit-n. e ami ccio ral I " of ien.,att.e lli.Ui: l'S"'' -.iiis,M liv uidis.-re- iCida? Before Taking, power of the in either se ; tionorover rx.-iti.-iu.ani which xj-A ultimately ' ra l tn pwiatu'e old p Ji'J r". insmit y a id crni sumption. ' r'J tl.N ho or six 'eixit for ."i H VJ 1 Sent l y ma 0 on rvtvipt price, rrf j'j, rilll parti, lllars in nxinl'hl sent fite to every stiplh anL AftorTki;. ix Hoo t. cure any r.-.-. V-ire--e:v S.' or hr re dived, we send siy Is.ies. with i. ri;t. :-. car tn r rfuml the money if our f-pe. itic does m.t effect a MfSol-l i' I Knif-n-Cdv I iy t is'mrii C... : a.-ent. rnviV Hlooil Eliiir i3theonly .v n 2ioK. Ki'inetiy ptiaraa- feed Tt la Mailirn r ,1 -. . f. ip l 1efrsi f'rnn. tionso r Syphilitic Poisonl Tig. ItptiriEestho whole gxitem, and bunis t es a'.l l'.heamanc and 1 Je'uralgic paios. Ve guarsiteo it. Sid by Osburn Co, Eugene. 1Tnd M. rt. Vt.'l,L- LU I I STEEL u3 H1NERY, Sehuttlor Farm Y agons, Deere Plowi T .. C...11- TV...-., r1 1. 3. m t n iiitiuiioiiiiii . i.-;j xiuiua, j gur. i srT..4 An .. w .1 mnnT?..: Tl nniioXTnnnlnin Wimnm TonVKn...l. T... IC Tlll J O..J uuii.t;vuuuuuuuiiiiui ma mm oeen. ( era, Corbin Diso narrows, Hodgos. AND HAEM SS MIOP ( t'tli S'l'UEET or km en give sntisfiiction tc til luiim favcr A. A. ClISEKIIv. shoes, Etc. -IS AT also just received SURVEYING. f INKS ESTABLISHED. LA1 Jj m.asiired ami divided. Crudes and i.nunj levrlli-.i. l:..'.-s reasonal.le. Call at . l'.iiifi .iiiil Cillitr or leave wind at Coliier's liiinkstoir. I II AS l ()!, County Surveyiir FAIR DEALIhCJS CUR MOTTO. r.v. ryone t imliir,' in need nf l.uiiilii.i,' n :l!f; in arid' do iv. il to call ail'1 see our I ts.-U of lmoher, kept at Mi-Uley I ?-" .o- sfv. e can all kin-.s ol t'i-t' ""'" li .ju uitv and ipi-n.litv. C:ve ua a call '''' p.:icl. ii . l. i.-her..-. N. N. i.Hrs, V. T. PUT, IA-1I!'- J. B IHUl.Is. i l.K-1. Bank of Oregon, a gen:: city, okf.oos. 1: -nt-.s a L i,t-:l ' iiu'.sU- lu.-i" ' 1 ",bu Kit Diticroi-s: F 1. IV:::l . i' W O.slmru. J C Church, S Voran, J U II itri. Shop W