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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1888)
flELlGIOUS SENATORS. i ui of the fhurchM They Annul While llwelliiiit In Washington. Xlicro are a number of religion mel In tho Si'iiate. Mr. Blair is an ititivi nicnilxT of tin; Congregational Cliuroh. jjr. Hrown ami Mr. Colquitt art jjutlimlinK ami the latter often own i,.g diu ulit, both when lie is hi bonio in (ieoriu ami while ho iii iu VVIiii'SJ1""1 "''''""o1' ,ie "L'ver en'oithiiiiwl as a preacher. Mr, fliHse is a Quaker, ami attends regu larly th" 'itt' t'",ll,l ' Society l FrieiiJ on street. Mr. Cameron hui s pt-w in the New York Avenue Prosliy. tcrian Church, and attends survicu there regularly. Mr-j Morrill, of Ver mont. Mr. Chandler, of New Hamp shire, ami Mr. Hoar, of Massachusetts, are active members of tho Unitarian Chinch ami can always bo found in their pews on Sunday. Mr. Cutloni und his colleague, Mr. Farwcll, lire Presbyterians and have sittings in the ncw Church of the Covenant, on Con necticut avenue. Mr. Hale, of Maine, mnl Mr. Wilson, of Maryland, attend the same church and have pews. Mr. Frye. Mr. Piatt, of Connecticut, and Mr. Vance, of North Carolina, attend the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church, and, although tho latter is not teetotaler, ho is an active member of the Congressional Temperance Society and frequently makes addresses on that subject. Mr. Dawes is a Congregation alit. Mr. Edmunds is very strict in bis religious observances and attends the Epiphany Church, where Senator Sherman has a pew also. Mr. Kvarts. Mr. Gibson and his colleague, Mr. Eustis. and Mr. McPherson have pews at St. John's Church, tho most fash innuble houso of worship in Washing ton, and Mr. Butler, of South Carolina, is often seen there. Mr. Daniel, of Virginia, Mr. Morgan, of Alabama, Mr. Paddock, of Nebraska, Mr. Rea gan, of Texas, Mr. Stanford, of Cali fornia, Mr. Teller, of Colorado, and Mr. Wilson, of Iowa, are Methodists. Mr. Stanford and his wife are both members of the Metropolitan Church, ami are not only liberal givers, but are very regular in their devotional duties. The new Post master-General, Mr. Dick inson, has taken a pew in St. John's Church, where Mr. Whitney and his wife are regular attendants. Mr. Bay ard is a member of tin; Church of the Epiphany. Mr. Faircbild is a Presby terian ami Secretary Endicott a Uni tarian. Justice Blatehford attends Epiphany Church. Justice Miller and Justice Gray are Unitarians. Justice Bradley, Justice Harlan and Justice Matthews nre all elders in the Pres byterian Churches in this city. HWj ingloit Cor. l'hiladelidiia 'limes. A SKINFLINT PRINCE. Astonishing l'eiiuriounies of Monaco'! Colitvinptlble sioVMrelRnlet. "Another illustrious skinflint is com ing as such to the front. I mean tho Prince of Monaco. That sovereignlet, I need hardly say, lias followed the ex ample of the Landgravine, the Dukes of Nassau, the Grand Dukes of Baden and the Princess of Waldcck-Pyrmont in making money out of a hell. His gambling concession to tho Monaco Company and his share of the profits of the roulette tables bring him in, and have brought him in for years, an in come that amounts on an average to C00 a day. He is a widower, blind, keeps up no sort of style or state at his country seat of LeMarcbus, or at his hereditary palace of Monaco, and has but one son and a grandson to provide for. I do not suppose ho spends 5,000 a year. "Well, when last wintercarthquakes shook the Rivera, Monaco not escaping, the first thought of the Prince and his partners was to keep their source of wealth up to its usual money-producing mark, so they caused telegrams to be sent to the newspapers everywhere to make believe thai, as tho earth quakes did not trouble Monaco, gam blers need not stay away in dread. It was only when things had got back into the old rut anil the roulette tables were in full swing, that any thought was given to the victims of the earthquake, and means resorted to for clearing up shat tered houses. A subscription was set on fool, which the Prince was asked to head, and ho led off with 4(K)-less than a single day's income. He stip ulated, moreover, that a half namely 200 was to be spent at Men tone, on his own tenants there, a town which once was under his sway, and in which he still has valuable property. Tho sovereignty of Mentone ho sold for 160,000 to Napoleon III. a sum rep resented by a perpetual income from France of 7,000 a year out of the 8 per cents. The Casino, or Hell. Com pany was not much more liberal than the blind old Prince. It subscribed 1,400, which is less Ih an a day's profit on one of the six roulette tables, and this to be recouped (and more) by an other table." Motlcrn Science. A New Sort of Trust. "Havo you seen Jumberly since he Was appointed to cfliee?" asked one traveling man of another. "No; but I hear ho is trying to borrow money from every body he he sees." "Humph. How do you account for that?" "I can't account for it unless he goes on the theory that a public oflice is a public trust, and therefore expects everybody to tru-t him." Merchant Truveler.' m. "Bub," said the ajent, as a little W opened the door, "is your ma in?" "Yes; she's in the kitchen trying to fix the Move; it won't bake. Who shall I ay wants to see her?" "Tell her its the new ininMt r. who will call again." -rllurpcr't Vainr. SCIENCE AND INHtlCTDV I . u irtuua I Hi, It is stated that at least 1,000.000 tons of commercial fertilizers are now annually nsod in this country. A few year ago cottonseed wero thrown away as worthies, but to-day tho seed is as valuable as the lint, M. Dubus B itinut, of Lille, France, has invented a process of spinning and weaving glass into cloth. The warp Is composed of silk, on which the pattern iu glass appears. If gelatine be suspended in ordi nary alcohol It will absorb tho water, but as it is insoluble in alcohol that substance will remain behind, and thus nearly absolute alcohol may be ob tained without distillation. "Securito" is the fa no given to a new explosive which is said to be flame less when exploded, and will, it is ex pected, be of especial value as a substi tute for ordinary blasting powder and other explosives in fiery coal mines. An electro-magnet with a carrying capacity of 800 pounds is attached "to a crane iu tho Cleveland Steel Works, which readily picks up billets and oth er masses of iron without thu aid of any other device, A boy is thus ena bled to do the work of a dozen men. By tho old method tho steel wire from which watch springs are made was heated to tho proper temperature ! and immediatelv nlunsred into oil. In tho now process the wire is immersed in the oil bath first, and is then brought, by means of an electric current, to tho desired degree of heat. Prof. Roberts, of Cornell, urges the importance of a complex diet for a man, and especially the uso of concen trated products, such as beef, milk, butter and cheese. Only on such food is it possible to reach the fullest perfection of physical health and intel lectual development. One Ne,w York factory turns out five millions of matches every working day. The cutting of splints from pine planks is done so rapidly that about ininy-stx ptaiiKs. eacn iwetvo teev mug, .It. I t I i 1 1 eleven inches wide and three Incites thick, can bo cut up into splints during tho course of the da v. A Charleston newspaper recently asked eight ministers of various de nominations what they thought would be tho fate of the heathen after death. Five of them, a Methodist, an Episco palian, a Unitarian, a Catholio and a Jew, thought that thoso who wero in vincibly ignorant of tho truths revealed by Christ, and faithfully observed tho Divine natural law, aided by tho light of reason and the grace of God, might be saved. A Scotch presbyterian thought that all, heathen or Christian, who died without conversion, would bo damned. A Presbyterian thought that the heathen would bo judged by their own conscience; but doubted their salvation unless they were con verted. A Baptist thought there was no salvation out of Christ, and that God had dono enough to leavo the heathen without excuse. Beauty bkiq&Scalp F(ESTOrEO ttflTHTNO 19 KNOWN TO FCIKNCK AT 11 KS N 1.11 enmnarahla lo the CUTICUHA KKMKDI in their marvellous properties of cleansing, purifying and beautifying the skin and in ourii.g torturing, disfiguring, itching, scaly and pimply diseases of the sklu, scalp and blood, with loss of hair. Cuticuha, the great skin uuhk, ana v,uti CURA 'Oah an eiqulsite tain neaunner, from It. externally, and Cuticuha Solvent, the new Blood Purifier, lntenn imlly, from ! cure every form of skin and blood disease. pimples to scrofula, Soldevery where. Price: CtiTlcURA, 50o.i Rn SOLVKNT, $1; 8oap, !ao. Prepared by the Pot TKR DHI'O AND ClIKMICAL Co., HOSTON. MASS. Send 'or " How to Cure Rkin DiseA'O." I'iinulea, bl kheads. chapiied ana miy MN, IJUH AClie-, I aillS Ullll HOiLRIIlWCT in- Trstantlv relieved by the CtniiruRA Anti-; y.'l Kaiii PLAxraRitlnonlypaln kllllunilaiter. 2io. The BUTKB8' GUIDE ll issued March and Bept., each jear. It 1 on eucy. olopedia of useful Inlor. mation for all who pur. chase the luxuries or tha nflnnsaitie of life. We can olothe you and furnih you with all the necessary ana unutiu, appliances to ride. walk, dance, sleep, eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at home, and in various sise. styles and quantities. Just figure out what Is required to do all these things COMFORTABLY, and you cm make a fair estimate of the value of the BUYEBS GUIDE, whioh wiU be sent npon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. illlHQATLNG PUMPS, STEAM ENGINES AND EOILEK8. Complete Poweb amd 1 Pcunsa PLA.cTa . i ... .4VK-.,-v 5 Writ for Circular. i SAN TBANCISCO. BIf O 6 Cna onrrefs sal satlifacUon lo the cur of Oonorrhof aid Oleet-Ipreserlbtlland feel af In recoinmnd ln It to H ff"rk a,J.ST05l. n-v Dsestsr, 10. PRICK. tl.OO. . Bold by DruggisU. ' CLOSING OUT rV'B IMMENSE STOCK OF SfMMHR BALBIUC - yJ CASUNDE:iWEAIl,.tland.)irsuit litert deslens In PEIICALE SIIIHT.S. thre. Iatt style Collars and one pair Cufli, 1.60 each. Gents' Furnishing Good M BYBON JACKSON, TOBTB.l tMUBll B 1 Iii a-1"" Fyl ratyysi r.. rAaadcal 9a imfcamy St, nearBusb.' - tb7 rob TWO WAYS. CHOUSE WHICH! There are two usual way of doing what Na ture sometimes doo iniomuU-Uly, namely, to relieve the bowels. Our Is to (wallow ail mat ic purguive which evaruaur s profusely, abrupily and with pain, the oih' r ia to lake llostotu-r' Momaoh (inters, therll'ii't of wMih ia not vio lt ni, but HUtlk'iently thorough, and which does Dot grip the intestine. If he tlrst ia soleetwl, Uie pi'i-aou t niplo) iug It m id not ekprct perma nent txnetll. aii lie cannot hone to I'soape the l debilitating- it-action w hich leave the organ ' as bait or worm otr than before. It, on the j O'hcr linnd. he resorts to the Kilter, he can rely upon the rt sturation of a regular habit of body, consequent upon renewal of a healla I fill tone in the intestinal canal. Heside health ! fully relaxing the bowt Is, the Itinera arouse a dormant live', imparl a benelkial impetu to the action of the kidney-, and counteracts the I eaily twinge of rheumatism, a tendency to gout, aud uialana lu aU it form. There 1 not a moment w Ithout some duty. MAY TO llK.l.L. Ptar Bell: I'll write you a short letter To lay I'm wonderfully better; How much that means you ought to know, Who saw iiittjusl one month ago Thin, nervous, fretful, white an chalk, Almost too weak to breathe or talk; Head throbbing, as if tit for breaking, A weary, ever-present aching. Hut now life items a ditl'erent thing; 1 feel as glad as bird on wing! I say, and tear no contradiction, That Tierce's favorite lresoription Is grand! Why, I'd have died without ltl Ma thinks there' no mistake about it. It' driven all my ills away: Just come and seel Yours ever. May Wit I folly, unless a wise man ha the keep ing of It. Consumption, W anting Disease, And General Debility. Doctors disagree as to the relative valuo uf Cod Liver Oil and Hypo- l phosphites, Mie one supplying strength ana ; tlesh, the other giving nerve power, and acting as a Ionic to the digestive and entire system. Hut in Mrott'a Kinulnioii of tod I.tver Oil 1 with Hypophosphiles the two sre combined, 1 and the etlect la wonderful. Thousands who I have derived no permanent benefit from other Iireparationa have been cured by this. Scott's Emulsion is Dcrfectlv nalatable and easily di gested by those who cannot tolerate plain Cod Uver UU. The heart ha reason that reason does not understand. FKOM THK niSTIUCT ATTORNEY OF WKsCHKsrtK t'O. SEW VOUK, Whitk Plains, N. Y. April 10, 1SN1. I have received many letters In reference to my testimonial, lately published, com mending Allcock's Porous Plastkhs. I cannot spare the time to answer them In writing, therefore would again cay. h h tfi ,bat T have foum, Ali cock's I'ohous Pi LAsters invaluable as chest protectors and shields against corghs and colds. Furthermore, I have found Ai.i.cock's Plastkhs unequalcd for pains In side, back and chest. Nki.con II. Baker. The reward of one duty Is the power to fulfill another. WHAT A Dl'NCEt I suffered with fever, hot head and foul breath. With stomachdl ordored-waa sick untodcalh. 1 bore It a week surely I was a dunce Then 1 took a few 'Tuilcta"- they cured me at mire. What a dunre, Indeed, to neglect such remedy and Butfcr a week, w heu quick rellet could have been found iu Dr. Heron flcasant l'urgative Tclleta. If you have catarrh, use the surest remedy Ut. sage . Money cannot make brains, but brains can make money. Kutltlen 4'hangCN of the. Weather often cause l'ulmonary. Hronehial, and Asth- irniilili.R- "Hnmn'M Jtrunehial Trochfa will allay irritation which induce ocugliing, giving immediate relief. Hold only m boxc. Beauty without grace is a hook without ball. J. II. FIHH, An-nyer and Analytical 1'h.i.i.i Ijihni-Ktnrv. 10H birst sL. l'ortland. Or. Analyse made of all jubstances. 1 tales for assaying gold and silver ores $1.50. Pao ages sent by mail or express promptly attended to, and returns made,. Try Qermea for breakfast. Bob Antlsetl Piano advertisement. TO THE LAD I KM! ' MANUrArTCRKRS AND IMPORTER Of LADIK3' CHILDItKN'3 & INFANT'S WEAR 111 Kkaknv Stiikbt, S. V. Illustrated Cataloue wut (roe on application. 25.000 In use, stallilied. New riMllUUl l-tenteu, Hteu vice, in uso in in oilier l'iano, by wh Steel Tuning le- which our rauio itaml In tuno 20 j ears, goml l,,r loo ; not ; affected hy climate. No wood to spin, Dross, "" , crack, decay, or wear out ; wo guarantee It. Klo rant Rosewood Cases, 8 striiiK". double repealing L-tlon; flnesl lvorv keys: the ranious AMisr.i.u 7";:oJ,;)Maimfac,urer,, o,ld Fellows' IUII, Mar- t and Seventh Streets, San r'raucisio. ely's catarrh CREAMJALM. I am surprisnl after vxing ElJ Cream isalm two months to find the right nontrilwhieh van closed for years, is open and free as the other. I feel rem thakful.-ll. H. I Cressengham, t75 I IXthSt., Brooklyn. HAY-FEVER A particle U applied law. eaca JfKTJi RLY BROTHEKH t Warrea Btrsst. ew York. North jaroiina PLUG CUT 5M0KING TOBACCO Has made the Pipe a popular institution being composed of n nnalitv of leaf best adapted i f0r smokingf and cut ready for 1 jmmpfHate USC, it iS preferable ' to tne Desi oranos ui uyui pressed plug. A single trial will convert every consumer they will use no other. If your dealer doet not keep it, he Of all thieve fool are the wort; you of time and paUenoe. torn -sv a, a a a - " t l E The uo of teel castings Is beeomlng o ex tended in Kngland a to alarm the iron found, ers, who see their prospect for work slipping awy from them. THK FLYI.NO UOVK OT I'EACK. A richly fronU-d qulverin flying Dove. A Dream of Life screen calendar. An im ported Ideal head. An imported f osteil -now scene and a full set of mng;nlt1cvnt floral ranis. Fourteen artistic piece. Sent to tnyone who will buy f osi a druu Kist a box of ihe nenulne Dr C. M'I.ask's I'KLKBRATKD LlVKH VlUA (pi ice 2 CtM.) and mail u the outside wmpi-r f'om the ho.x with 4 cents In stomps. Write your address plainly. Flsminu linos., Pitts uuruu, Pa. Do not talk family matter. of your private, personal or I WIIT do I have this drowsy, Ufa less feeling T WHY do I have Back ache! 1YIIY Neuralgia and Rheu matism f WI1Y does Sorofuloru taii.t and Erysipelas show itself! BECAiSE your blood ia filled with Poison, whioh must be Com pletely Eradicated before you can regain health. Yoa must go to the root of the matter. Put the Kidneys the great aud only blood purifying organs in complete order, whioh ii complete health, aud with Warners Safe Cure: ! and TYARXEITS SAFE PILLS your ; Care Is Certain. i WHY do we BECAUSE an da of grate women in all world have vol" ten ns to this know this! tens of thous ful men and parts of the untarily writ effect. There Is no stand-stiU In dli ease. You are either growing BetUr or Worse. Hew Is it witli YOU? WIIY not to-day resort to that medicine which has veritably Cured Millions, and whioh will cure you ii you will give it a chanoe T All of Warner's prens rations are Purely Vegetable. They are made on honor. They are time-tried. They are No New Discovery, Cn tried and Worthless on the con trary, they have stood the teat they have provud their superiority. They ?taud alone in pre eminent merit, ano fur KNOW IT. WHY? 0 0 I no ID I DIT T 1 VrnflW nnPff' i laUoselllhowellkno. u IHM-llK MIKIDBI1IV IM.WKK. A number of nianu SARSAPARILLA. iLLLUW IlUlil. !fae.ure make th.n. onarojnlly but I do not know of any bnta... ljy'n uuuuui liiuuu, M ,.i,1B, to lisik out for those that talk of imitatloiis. I also ileal In Laundry anil "" i Iodide l"lotnisH. It curl Rhkumatism, Nsoraloia, Bolls, Pimples. Scrnfuls, lliiut, I sUrrh. Tumors, Hs!t Kl-euui, said Mnreurlsi mina 11 ilrlrit Uie Hluod, KeaUiina tl.e Liver ai d Kidney to heslthy action, and makes the UouiplciiuD Hrishi aud J1i-sj. J. R. GATES A CO., Proprietors. 417 Mannome Ht-Nan Kranelnco. $5 To8 a Pay. Sample worth S1.H0, FKKK, l.lnna not under the horses feet, W rile Its kw. n' Natv ltvixllni,nFaCo..llollv.IHIeh. N. P N. U. No. ilO-8. F. N. U. Na 317. I IfifialEipMPlliiM? IF SO, OF COURSE YOU WANT THE BEST. 1 TSS&Z : - - - " , ,,.. psswwssawasaFSsi""" ' " " n ' -("-"--"---r i r m in i - "" " ' We Guarantee the J. I. CASE "AGITATOR" SEPARATOR to lie the Best Grain " Sv. have over four httndred of the.ere,ebr.M niachln Ihehlifheattiatlafartlon. we are rlalm. There are twice a man iii.iici. , , BKhT, and etmaeniienuy, ,vpon unrr wlffiZWrw rAMRemp'mher we guarantee the J. I. mnrh Tm .nd' ttaWJwl buy n,urr,"?r." .1". t.!jr iw.n mruine ior inc "ciicni. " - is in danger of being ruinM.ann you am i srs., r,..rC " sj' " ... " .1 imrr Is nnon vour rron nrocrcils. and If IHsmemoer, your ,, marhlnea. you do so at fn"ai iw w ! V" " 7.?. i "1 Si.. hl for wars in this country, and is known to be. TUP KEOUIHFMENTS OK THIS SECTION. wKihiSwiifOT.iiM d.N(;ek wooury i The J." CASE I'OHTABLE TRACTION KWIIN EH h. 1 are reaoy we iruarantee them to be. am andof betlermaieH,.w,a AGENTS f..r the CELEHI1 TED .t ntka Vurflnaa Inlda "r.i,v'r.;ir i ll IVI'HOVEl) STEEL Fit ME IIKMiElt, 1J.1T our " Avt y ijtkKI. KHAMK HEADER M M'E learter in uae rrl,.r,,nB the .hove Tf if mil HTAVliit at WVTIvIiliT, CJ.Miornl AKntM, 1'ortlnncl, Or. are cured bu r I ucnrl accordind to V DlRFPTinNQ uillh sink RrTTTtr DiIggisjs and OeaW Vic4 TheChas-AVogelerCo-BaltoMd- Or, SPINNEY !iiior nP Qninnpv & Cn ,.1!,,r'inl j addm1" OpH'IICj W vU.i'01tlaiid. Ot 1 UCDUAIIQ IVolllty. Loss of Vigor. Hemliml 1 ntniWUaioMM, Vtnik Menitiry, Uuou ! drncy. Ate., due toex,Hiesor abuse,curvJ, ' VOIIMO MrN''l('rl"i the etTect 1 lUUflll ""Siri of ,iiillifnlfolllem ! eretlon should tU tritm'lt-a t our tn-ut'iu'nt, ' A iKMitive 'nn irusrsnUvil In every rse. SvpIuIIh. ; t'rinsry and rmrvHl all uuuslural dia- 1 charges. prouipUy aud safely cured. MIDDLE-ACED MENRlffi: ! ' rKM of KiilnfT or DTHrldrr. Wrk Hark, Nurvou aad n-Ntorrd to h.'slthr vigr, I iK-oiniy, Na-tinf ot hoxui uviuftlu tic.. curt'U N. 'll, I'erxmn uuslile to visit ns my b treste,! at tltelr homes, by oorresitflnih'no. M.'.lichirs and instructions sent by instlorexpress. t'onsultatlou Vtm. Bud4 oents In stsmpslur Ihe Yuuiuj Xlau'i d'rleud or o uias to dlock. O I LI Nil A I . HAt'H. Uablur. Rienisl. Ptsnoa; Burdell Oriau. band hutruuwais. I-i. j look of Nhml Music and Hi ois. liauiU sueril Ksstern Prlow. MATT1I1AH UKAV Ut), V itrtmi. n Kmnstsnr oi yes, yes. A alnired eat dreads the Are. I u'cad Ktillty. .(Mil LOOK AT IT-AINT IT A DAISY? Jba JtstaiAfcJ-"- THE "ADVANCE" THRESHERS AND ENGINES I KUHrantee the Kew.Fangled Art vanre Neparator lo be the Ixat urain savinir, fast est Tliresher and mot dnrsh'e Setiarotnr rvi r made. Hut, remi mber. It la ml an raprrl- nsnlsl iiisrhlliH. aslhellld I'OII llllll'lllni'. vou have to nay foil in eperlinciillii with ThrcNlier Irniln the way. The urowlln rowlliiK anil j hy the amount ol t(ra n kicked ut in ed ut ill the sirs w wish I dear a chenp niechine. Old Koitle w ill supply you at yuur own price; but their inscliines are at any price. Von cannot alloid lo buy a iliresInT without exBinlniiiK the Att A! fc. ot lie talked 'nto ImiiiiK a nmcliine bw aiisc II Is cheap and Old 'o ih. Ak the lt . i ..... Ion uaentH H Uiry will si t lii slile tne new miiairu uiw nine ni ici jou ftj nmcn mo lexuurlmiiital niachliie, aud sold on llsmer in. 1 have never oi had to mil i n any court to 1 heln d.t'lde the iiii'Hls of the iit-w-laiialeil mscl.lne. I'leese i xai. Ine the court record tn ref. tn n. e to the Old Fogle'Hplan. Many yi uis ao a man linlll a n w-lnlel maclilne. called a atenni enniue. l l-len llien. as l ow, kIoimI t ai k and ssld thiy Wi.iild ruin the country. IIiijou not unnl to lie i ulned In Ihe nnnir nj V l tin niliir. the new- i lanaleil mai hiiie istlallepeilnirnllim. wliilu Koj'i niail.ims are helnfr ex. I uerliiiimled with all the time, ai.d at jour eapeuae. Ito not fcoi with Hum any lunner, while your KiHin Is koiiiK o nile. tne I hi that ; as 1 mm Al A4 K mnch ue ..ill .1,. ut.,1 l...,h. ..I.Hllrnire biiv olll foy mbor, your whole deHinlei.or Is upon your crop proeeeil, anil i If J oil abow (Mil 1 1 igj ma- ne.4 U) t- J our arali., you aiojusi that mm n tun oi ihh rcu in l ". t the puity Dial does vour thresliiiiir pnH tirts a new -laualeil Al -. K 1 1neMlier. Ihey ara constructed sows lo wive your Krain, sun navo a oem-r inuiu iu wni i hie. vv rue lor uiiner iianic'iiiars. i mi minnu , fiyy." 'j '"" AIIV A( rv. iiiurhine Iiiim lull, il lo do a lepri Hr nleil alnee Ita Introilurtlon uu this) onnl. Khow up or nhut Bp. IteiiM'inlier ihat old fity airents suyiiiK lu contrary dm not make It an. It will pay you to Mb. IiIiiitv. Kami. Cliureh and School Hells, Valves, Ml lee I" P". Hsmock lnsilraliirs. Park tc Keniiidy Injc.tors. Anno and Alllktor Wrinidics, lllucksinllh Dnlk Hilfllcailnir IW'i Tuli. the vWwih,Kl.use Knit hie, fee the prices: 10-fiorse on winds. !K); Tractiui., JI07:; Uhmse lVactloii, f lllH). hpccisl illscount for cash. UineialAKentlorColUurn'sllyuaiiMia and lliip for t.lrrtllr Llanliug-S t OO I ly.ll l. THE RAWSON LIGHT RUNNING REAPERS AND MOWERS. THE LINDGREN CHEMICAL FIRE ENGINES Your vIllnKB cannot oo without one. You must ha1 e one Tor your mill, he without, a small one In your huue. Kor particulars, aildi-i a Z. T. WRICHT, Foot of re prepared to iiiniisn ynu siswinniui wim i"iu , ' y "AKlttm"i"lrtearhiian. tbrontrhotit the Unilerl 8ttp, nj ntal machine that tnvnt be soUl eh'ap in order to Mrmlure it, hut in a .L- .1 I t,,.ln n .;. -f" C"hfr TALKED INTO BUYING A MACHINE BECAUSE IT JS CHEAP OH NEW- Case "Abator" the heat and faaleat thresher made, and are ready to prmt it. h It not a Ihreaher known Ut be reliable In every respect than to experiment with new-fanned farforr who want their machine experimented wllh at your expene, while your orom nn.,Mii.,l Ton f lrfeclly HORSE POWER m1e. Beware nf Imitations! v. iu.n in irem-nil use In Oregon and Waahlnirton for year, and to prove thpm'to lie, the nrnut power,u. n,OMl ACKSONS tiuari tit '(! machlnciy. REWARD! 1 1 niin rJd for a-!) and mry t1q of polfl vlUUU uoutu iiUuntcm found In Wladi Kobsirtln twknowlftttttwl Um nuwl dvllithlful tvnd ooly mllf bATUiiia Wi)ft fcrtlol Mff prtnlurwl fur t-Mutlyliif auil nfwnuiii IKt etoilriloa, n-motlni tan, nuibuta, frpclut iid ftll hU-uiUtitf ud ruiifharai of Um ftktn. TbrU ftiid Imlitm-l lj tin rllw tif cif fcnd lh pta-. Mid f ivll 1rur'trUto i 60 etnU pnr nnttla. White wtd n-h. MiDiirMtiimlhf W. M. WI(lD4tf GENERAL AGENTS WANTED! 11 iiionih easily made si llingtho Knriners' Kriend, alinglioldcrHiidsa'ali'Scoiiiliiiicd. Kon't in I mm IhlM. Hend fnrclreiilHrs. K. K. II A I II. Manager I ugct round Mfg. l Ticoina, Wash. let. BETTER THAN 1 -7.,X,C, NKW II.M STItATKD iVtlal'K CATAI Otit K tH'KASII IONAULK 81IOKS The Finest ami must Completo Shoe Cata logue ever puhlislieil Iu the Uuito-I Status. It will euitbla you to buy your footwiwr an intelll gently anil profitably a thuugh you visited our store anil personally nnwlfl your purchase. Sent Freo to any address. Send for It now to Kast's 738 and740 Market St., S.F. certainly! I am aolllnn a "new faiiKled" machine -,..,1. i . X A J 1 ale. You are well aware ef the time Inst (that ld Mil) mm hint's. 1 lie IVew atiElr01 klckliiKOi me inn ruK) SKruis is umy tuiiaicii hy (lie w u iiiai nr es. mi course, u you nri I.Mllvr w,nk llisn sl.v nlhet. BKenl in name runr asrrs tun uenerai niacnineiy, owin .tnirim " You cannot alturd to Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon. Saving: and Fastest Thresher e?cr mafle Ihreshprmen to prove thla any other style or ma" or i a know led Kid to be THK ai bt-f -I. I... I. ...1 .1 a.. Il n.v.lta xiitlrelv. Its. AGITATOK" thresher yon t niakltm no experiment bni. Von nnot afford to buy a thresher nrlanBPr It by exper'mpnllna with new-fantrled thmrnnKMililr evils wl'hotir.. . ( one Anttator.vhtrh reliable, BEING BUILT ESPECIALLY FOR d'"l,!. f''t, more hklllfully constructed M'HRICKS SELF-FEEDER' AND FORKS. the M'i'tl ", l.iirineal nn I'.aiifKi llai niea ifSAVE MONEY by calling to te uh, or writing IT Sen lfuri:lu-tritel(!J"'u. t