Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1876)
- re v7t Af eiHtfeatt of publlealion mirtm mtvtl ar P"". n a VuraULXlfutur: " . .... kI..HUUai l-.IL. . MeiVase p(roiim of tubteriplion. ' VnrtrM. -Simple nnnodneehiewta Of births, out .i.-wTand daathswill ba inaertM without char. Oi.W" wiU chj"fld bt at the rate oflO mqU per lino. V , r (Mne ao reapooaibUity fat Tiewi expressed oormspoaden ta. MiurloeaiaiofthoOciSD,lBwimppen tor BtU ,, BT b obtained ot thi office. CITY AMD COUNTY. ; Got Horn. Ueo. W. Bitter, bo u , erreeted by Deputy Sheriff Hofcati, of Dong u county, at this place last 'Winter Tai In terviewed by reporter at Laramie from which it it learned that Bitter, after skip pb ont of Laramie, last lall, took'the Den Ttr train at Cheyenne, proceeded directly to St. Lonii, where be remained tea days ao der medical treatment, then Went to New York, with ft view of taking a ahip for the FaciBo coast, bat not finding one ready to .jail be recuperated hia health at Providence, B. for abont ten days. He then tailed from New York, aroood Cape Qood Hope, tod northwTid to British Columbia ; bat finally brought np at Portland, Oregon. Re naining there bat a few days, be went eoutta wird to Boseburg, where he was dbddenly 'accosted in the street with, "Qow are you, Bitter?" by one McDonald, a gambler from ' Cbeyeooe. The fleeing defaalter was so much disconcerted that he took McDonald 'lor ft U 3. detective, and offered to ilirren ' dtr himself. It happened that the city mar shal was a listener, aod, going to the sheriff of the county, asked him if Bitter 'was not the name of the man for whom there was a reward offered. He replied that he as, and ... . j a . ' S T (traigniwty aispaicnea a aepaiy naraua no gaa in pursuit, bat Bitter bad departed, and Hogao had ft loDg journey (or nothing. Comiog back, he foond his man at Eugene City, where he was arrested. Bitter says that be had made np his mind to be a fugi tive do longer, and bad telegraphed home 'for money to bring him back, the night be fore bis arrest ' At any rate, be bad a rstroog disgust for Oregon "mists," and told 'some of the web-footers that he wonld sooner 'live in the Wyoming peniten'iary than have 'a farm in Oregon. When Sheriff Brophy reached that land of mud and mire, he had a 300-mile jonroey by stage from Bosebarg to . Bedding, over the woret roads in Christen 'dora. One day tbey made but six miles, having frequently to dig the horses out of 'the mud, and often the couch got over only 12 miles of mire per day. The reward was 'divided $200 going o the city marshal of Bosebarg, and the remaining $800 divided 'equally between the sheriff and Deputy IIo tran. who made the arrest. The expense of , 'Sheriff Brophy's trip was nearly $800. Ex amination was waved by Bitter's counsel, TJowney & Kingman, and his bonds were taxed at $13,000. Th Kirxiso 0 ZfMtVALT. ffas. McCobe tame to I6wd and ave himself into the cus Ttody of Sheriff EAen last Saturday aid nn 'derwent a preliminary examination More 'Justice Brown oo a charge of murder. It was concluded that the evidence Tvas odt of Vk character to sustain this charge and be was bound over in the sum of five thousand 'dollars to answer to the charge of man slaughter. There was no evidence that Mc abe went to Zomwalt'a for the purpose of having any trouble with the deceased ; but laving gone there young ZuiHwalt concluded that be had come for that purpose aod a Vjaarrel ensued which resulted in Zuinwalt s 'death by blow from a club in the hand's vt McCabe. An inquest was held 'over tile remain's of the unfortunate young did by James F. Browu, acting Coroner. The jury, after bearing the testimony, rctdrned tte folloWidg VERDICT T :' That the deceased, Albert Monroe Zum vralt, aged 20 years, a netlveof Oregon.came to bis death by a blow on the head by the bandofJamea McCabe on the 1 "lb day or April, 1876, in Mohawk Valley, Lane cutta: j, Oregon. V. W. Binjamix; " ,' .'. . Joh Skimkhb, ; . j. b. r it, ; P. Wu:u. Johm Brows, . .'' J. M. Banci. Jurdrs. Gall Gits a Notic. A correspondent W the Oregonian, writing from Canyon City, gives Henry Gale fie lollowmg first-class , notice : VPeaave a paper started here, which it 'Wed an evidence of progress. It started out witn very liberal views, and so went on for ix weeks. Like the Saviour oo the Monnt i Olives, be tried to fattier us all under his ingi? but it occurred to b;m that he. Was , getting spread ont rather thin, and at) be ' tdrned tbe Independents out of bit flock to icratch (or themselves, so early in the Spring ftnd rainy weather, too. Too bad, wasn't it? tie raking lore to tbe Republicans as tbey geefl. Very lasty and crow around and stmt. I imees be thinks tbey will tell well in tbe ' China market in ft few weeks. Ha givea the Democrats ft few crumbs of comfort. Tbe r j nunoptfiill inir?ntt that las five himself no uneasiness about tbeir "US." At hit animal waa took weak Id tbe back to earry ft UU. it will probably terva topieoe ont tail inr toe wmuoi did before. ,- ... f Not Fixed. The water has been to high daring tbe post week that tbe Mill Com 'faoy hu been uaable to repair the break in -Uedam. The bole wu flopped oo Wed peaday evening for ft abort tint, but while tha workmen were gone to supper ft washed out, and do farther attempt to repair H will -be sad nntil tbe water subsides'. Goiso East. Last Taely Mr. Jas. Eb- -barta and wife and Stephen Edwards and A C. Xidtola of thit eooatT left for tbe Eaat Bcaito. The Salem Woolen Mills were totaJlv destroyed by fire thit week. The lost it estimated at $120,000, with an is orasoa of about $69,000. HASH. Jat. O'Meara is employed on the San Francisco Cltromtlt. Chas. Lauer will leave New York for Eu gene on the 15th inat The McGibeny family are still concertis ing in Ban Francisco. From what tbej pa pars say, tbey are doing quite well. Joaquin Miller's reputation it on the wane. He shattered his fame as "a poet of nature" when be cutoff bis hair, put ona'"biled shirt," aod rolled down btt pantaloons. The first number of the Daily kttorian It on our table and ia a neat and newsy little shout, and will be published every evening, Sundays excepted. Prof. J. C. Arnold, formed of Eugene Is the Candidate oo (he Independent tit ket in Umatilla county for Surveyor. We are pleased to see bim thus fairly started on the highway which leads to booort and wealth That Sunday school scholar who merci lessly slaughtered Smyth's favorite five-dol' lar cat, and from whoe presence the very kittens "jump and skip away," would be a good lecturer on the atthjeet of cruelty to dumb animals he would know bow it was himself. The following Knes should be re peated to him at every meeting ol HtB Son day school : " No beaut thtt roami tha Tallty frae, To iltirUter I oundemn, TiuKbt by tbe power tuat pmet mo I learn to pity Item. We ar.- iudebted to F. W. Helmick, fhe great mosis pubtiaber of Cincinnati, frir ft new piece of music entitled " i oat Bauner Hundrod Yeiirs Old." The 'publisher pro doshs to ffive.'frea Of charce, five beautiful photographVbf the different centennial build ings at ruildderpnia, to every pnronaaerui Ibis great Centennial song., Tbe'e photo graphs lirt orth the price oflhesnng alone. Th ("(dig and photographs Will be mailed Iree, fipon Weipt of 50 cents, td any part of tbe UiiiteS States. Address. JP...W. Hel mick. music dealer and ipubhtilier, 278 West Sixth Street, Cinciouati. Obio.. Cbop Pro8pkot. From what we'ean learn from various pHrtiont of thit county there will be about an average acreage of grain sown with prospert for filly an average yield. D kleoatis. Spencer Butte Lodge No.1, I. O. O. F, has elected as delegates to the Grand Ladge, which meets thit month, Messrs. J. J. Walton,' Geo. W. Kinsey and Bon. F. Dorrit. Yocal and Instrumental Concert. Prof. Pierce, of San Francisco, with able as sistance, will give a musical concert at Brick Church Tuesday evening next. Nominated. The County Ceotral Com mittee had a meeting last Monday and nom inated J. J. Walton, Jr., as a candidate for Judge of the County Court. Notice to the P. of II. There will be a meeting of the Lane Coun ty Council P. of H. at the Odd Fellows' Hall in Kusene Citv on Tuesday, the 9th dayof May. 1876, to transact busineea ot 'thn 'MttMRt iMooftance to the order. A general attenflndce of delegates is reqnes'ed. All fourth degree members, especially ladies, are, by resolution Of the Council, coraiany invited td attend. ooBn molt, President. -L- m. Vy.k:Vil rinj iT,...l taa afcr0i4 ti Bridle? ftuiofaon for the beat Photographs in the Uuited Statea, and toe Vienna meaai ur me pch Id the world. 149 Hontanincrv 8treet, Francisco: tT6r "Htkli', 8S0 acres of land an excellent stock rancli j over 100 ani8 good plow land, will be Sold cheap. , Enquire of d ; A. W inter. Photographer. Steinheisef is still receiving vegetables, etc. A fresh lot to-day. frlflrehce sewiriff machines a varietv of styles and prleeB, for sale by D. B. Gray at Eluwonn s urag store tVm. breatori has Sust received from San PraneiMO a complete slock of ffoo' l" in bis line, ami hormnn wil find many nwlul ar ticles not heretofore brought here. . ft o(J warit a food pair of gloves, go to Vm. Prt'Bton. agency for the San Jose glove manufactory. vor SiLa A aood farm for sa'le on easy terms, within two miles of Ores well 550 acres' of and, all fenced, good boose on tbe same, aod 400 acres can be cultivated. If you want a bargain call aod see J.J. Walton, Jr. Buy 6'et wall paper already trimmed at ' ' ' F. B Dt!f!ft. ill SIXES N'OtiCEsj. Bicker & Bovo have reduced tbe price? oo fresh meats in accordance with the times, and wil sell cheaper than tny shop in tdwo for cash. Important i the Lailei. Mui Jennie Macoavara. Portland, an- nonntva to the adies of bngene that she in nna a fftut c lass stock or Millinery Goods at tbe rooms occupied by iliea Car on of about tbe 4th day of May. An opportanity u onerea to toe moiee oi ('nu-on. nl veitinv stvlish millinery at reas onable rates. Tbe ladies will do well to call early as tbe tifle will be limited. Bespectroiiy. jixkii iia"aak. Two apprentices wadted immediately. Ajrency for WmbEB, drriAr,ii Ucv, SngRiAH Htdi aod other varieties of Standard Organs, and eeneral tnosical mefchaodise D. B. Gray, at Ells worth lrog Store. List f Letters) Remaininr ahcalled for io tbe Tost Office at Eogeoa City, Or, May 6, 1876 : AIlri..CH Jm,HO Broa,iaCo !-'i.B . Iwuct. Unit X. LOTS, Jin IMMI VornP V Xemii. Fradariek MociB, Joha C VnfHS.0 W WrOam, R O Bufaop. Max &nth, Mr. M J BvMle, Ull tTluk. Gtmb (Tvmr, Ida Bisa Psf.JO Farm ib, t, V (nla,JC Gnn, 6m H Hnt, Kia M E Hit-bet, IF Htutm, BsniMnis Frank ParrvK, beonr IUradai. (norf fwitb. i B taitk, Thnmk B Ma,It Thomaa. K n Bumb J A. i. FAIItEfOS, P. It. Esrrra. Joha Uetall Produce and Provtalon JHartveti The following are retailors' prices I j FLOOR 1( bbl 00 Q U 40. CORN MEAL -Oiogoo Kround, In bulk to. WHKAT-HMt white ao. OAT8-3T60e bushel. , BKAK9 Ktail, 6s. BUTTBR-'relhlls,J7o. COFFKB-Conta Rica, 3ic; Rio, 29; Java, S3, ground, ST. CHEffiB-Oregon.M e. CANPLKS-V box ft 004 50. EGOS-IS e. POT ATOES per bushel, $1. . , BACOX-Sides. 12lo:riams.l!ia 15c; Bhoul- dcni.8l(K'. . , n C'H K:KE.N8 U 60 US 13 go per nozea. , PlMHK-lmnn hl. Ill kits, tl: beiriri. lh ft kiU.14 60 : mackerel. kit, til codfish, coast, 16c. LAUD liui, ltifc; hulk, 15c. fel!CARrt. P. K. 164c: Island 10aic:-crufih- td.rSc;-powdered, 50o. .-..! . aii Tir.n.. xi inn ,.! T5:'Bar tl '76; Liverpool Pairv. Mi coarte Liverpool, 11. i K A -llioice ureen i ou it ro; iiiya BYRUP-Heav Colden.M OOtitcg. . OILS Dtvoe'a coal. 75c: Linseed, boiled, tl; . 1: j CANNED GOODS-Oyster, 10c; Burdines S7J; .vwuirted Jellies. H'iHc: Orwq Corn. 60c: 4'eacbea 60c; Toniatoes, 37io ; XIEND JSo. to OKO. P. HOWELL CU., new (3 Vork, ftir Tainpblot ot 100 put", conUtinina; r - lisU of 3(100 newt piwrs, and eatnuatea suowuig cu ol KilvartisiDir. W. C. NELSON'S Improved Iron King Wind Mill. , (Patent! u. etn, inia.i , TliE TBt'E FniRND OF THE Friiit Grower, the Farmer, the Irrigator, . , A.MJ ALL. WnOREQCIRETUE USK0FVA.TEU. There are several reasons why this Mill should be preferred to all otbeii: 1st. It is far more durable because it Is all Iron. 2d. It is Cheaper because of its simplicity and durability, and will outlast several Wooden Mills Sd. It Is Less Complicated, because there to only throe piecea of operating machinery. 4th. It is more oowerful than any other Mill, on account of the thin fan, and consequent in creased suction or air, and because It Is operated by an eccentric, being far superior to tbe crauk shaft or rest pin, as a lifting and falling power. Mh. It needs no ca:e. no watching, havl.'g self-feeding oil caps aud self-regulAting Taues. It regulates, protects and takes care of itself. fith. It never warus. shrinks, or swells, hence It is not liable to get out ot order. Ouce up, it goes all right. 7th. It does more work, runs easier and throws a lai ger body of water. It will submerge a larger tract 6f land, with leas wind and in a shorter snace of time than any other Windmill now in uo. It may be actio turn ont or me wma at any aesirea pressuie.tbere being a graduated lever fur that purpose. ffth This Mill took the only premium given at the California State Kalr, over tllo toany others there on exhibition. PRICE LIST : root Wheel.. Mo 10 " " 140 u " " loo Mills and County rights for sale by Z. 8. McMCRRAT. HARRINGTON'S SPAWSH LUSTRAL, CELEnRATED for its medical pweia over tlio Human llnlr. I his pie)HrHti(n enull- uti's 6t'ivf und ban Iniff, excitlnir a heal thy a'tin uf tlia root r the Hair, thereby unDruvinir. ita arowth ind Boant'y, Is a ..lire preventive rur iwMiiiM. and l7 its ' efpient use tiaes the Mair to assiinie iu rur- 'iier hcaltlilul and bill' itint appeamnre. Ita d'ellriil noiieiti eniler it IndiepensHble bi a i'iy s loiioi, 1 hia oreiMratiun is purely veritable. Pre- INtrea anu sum vj iRANK HARRINGTON. ENGENE CITT, OBEOON. t A txi k wna on linnil and fir aale. a fine aiwnrtment of rrnwim, trip, bruauea, shaving and toilet anaus and perfumery.. NEW STOItfi AT THI OliD STAND F. R. DUNN, ITATINO BOUGHT THE INTEREST F ll MrHcottin. heoldlrm is n-iw running th isineas k'ooe at I he old stand, where be will be p, ised to see all I old ciiKtmera H ving ninth old stock dowo very low my stock -Bownea ly entirely JV dJYD COMPLY IE Composed In part of .nearly Ef EUYTHJNU CALLED FOB, And I make a ipeeUHyIa HARDWARE; IRON AND STEEL I V ' - L. . L. MMtJ SAnrldk tnl An Ml I " aiB " . ' ,, tinu farmers caa come nearer getting all tbey may waos at iu r ami him t inn., Ii.hmnt. 1 am alan sscat for HAWLEY. VOVD k CO., of Portland, for all Agricultural Implements. ALSO, FOR PRINCE A CO.'S ORGANS AND 3IELODEON3 Baring had aixteea years evper'ew' la boat reaa here I tbink.I know tbe wa&U otha people tve m a call. ' F. B. DUNN- $2503 A JfOXTTI Areata wanted rrr Uera. Httilnaa tioc'rMa af,d fl r.t -Jaa. rrt!"iianantrr. Al'a . vi vviti a i.u.. eu umih.b' AMERICAN AND FOMCIOX PATENTS. Ollruore Co., succesora to Cblpman, Ildsmer uo., nowiiora. raienta procured in an coun tries, No fees in adr in.. Mo charge unless the patent Is granted. No fees for making piellml- nary examinrtiaus. Noaddit:onai fees for ob taining and conduotlng a rehearing. By a recent decision ol the commissioner all rejected applica tions may be revived. Special attention given to Interference Cues before the Patent untce, 1.x tvfore Conirms. Inlrinza ent Suits In different Btatea, and all litiratiait apptrulnldg to inventions or rateutt, send stamp to Wunoie & C'e. for pamphlet of afxty pages. LAND CASES, LAN'P SCRIP, ContesUd L's.tid Cities prosecuted before the'O. P. (icneral Uud Ofne and Department of the In-terior- Piivate Land Claims, Mining and Pre Em (ion Claims; aud Homestead caes attended to. Land Scrip in 40, SO, and 160 acre pieces fur sale. This Scrip la assignable, and can be located In tbi name of thi purchaser upon any Govern ment land su'dect to private entry, at 11:25 per acre- It Is of equal value with Bounty Land War rant. Bend stamp to Uilmore 4 Co. for pamph let of Instruction., ,, , ARREARS OF PAY AND BOUNTY. Officer, Soldiers and Sailors of the late war, or their heirs, are iu many case entitled lo'biuuey fiom the Government of which they have no knowledge. Write full history of, service, and state amount Of pay aud bounty received. Enclose stamp to liUmort i Co., and a full reply, after ex amination, will be given yoa free. PENSION'S. All Officers. Soldiers, and Sailors wounded. ruptured, or injured In the late war, however slightly, can obtain a pension by addressing Uil more & Co. ., , . Cases vroneculed by Gllmore k Co. before the Supreme Court of the Uuited SUlea, tbe Court of Claims, and the 8 utbern Claims Commission. Each department of our business is conducted In a aeimmie bureau, tinder rharge of the same experienced paities employed by the lid firm. Prompt atuntion to all buaiueas entrusted to Gil more Si Co. is thus secured. We desiro to win success by deserving It. Dissolution of Partncfship. TI1R PARTNERSHIP HVRETOFGRE EXIST Ing beiwi eu Alex- Clifioinpham and George Cunningham, under the Arm name, and style of A. & U. Cunningham, was dissolved by mutual conNent. March llh. lnTG. Geo. Cunningham re tiring Alrz Cutiufiigham assumes ail liabilities of the firm and laauthonxcd to collect and receipt for debts due the nine. ALEX. CUNNINGHAM, GEORGE CUNNINGHAM. Junction City. April 22d, 1878. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, EUGENE CITY, OREGON. A, RENFREW, ; : Prop. DR. RENFREW annouaces that he Is again In poabession of tbe aud well-known ST. CHARLES HOTEL. Which bas been newly furnished and refitted, and Is now open for the reception of guests. , Cy this change In the ownership, fifteen rooms Inths. ..... . - . . .... FIRE PROOF feftICK BUILDING making fifty rooms. It the most commodious and best appoiuted hotel in the State south of Saem. ' Thanking the puhlio ror past patronnre, i so licit a continuance of tte same and shall do all for the comfort of guests. FREE COACH TO THE HOUSE. " A. IlENFItEW. OSfilUUN & CO'S NEW PnUG STORE, Willamette street, nex to Bristow X Co. DKALEB8 IN DRUGS, CHEMICALS, OILS, FAINTS, . GLASS, VARNISnES PATENT MEDICINES, &c. Brandies. Wines and Liquor? OF ALL KINDS. In fact, we have the best assortment t articles touno in a tfiRST CLASS DRUG 3TORE. We warrant all of our drugs, for they are al new and fresh. Part! attention tabled to onr stock or , li Perfumery anu Toilet Articles.' As we have bought OUR' GOODS FOR CASn Ws can compete w'th any establishment Eugene City in prk t ' acoantiqodation. Buy your gmfdsvLi, . ilcau get the bestairfl che . eat. rrtscrii tircft . Tnrcfuy Filltfl, At all hours of the day or night. - ' OSBU11N & ti October d.. - Wtf. 1 Lite Impreveaents render thsIXOEEICE more than ever tbe sen wr lamiij w. 1 J,268 FLOftEHCB JUCHiswJ were sold on the Pad Sc Coast la 1 674, s largsr BnmbatBrobaUytbjuwaevereoldbere , ofasjetier alaa laasmgieTtw. 19 let l3l!23EtTjSlttt, OiatiBrttlB-JUJiR' tAI flAICltCt, 'OBtEiEBIL JHEBCHASDI8BO0 T.C HENDRICKS, Well Improved. Farm for Sale, . .... r a ti f ifla . mm fM ami CJ-.,- KHud I milea waalof Wwa aad baa a I fxai outranc lor fUp t. I Applr al UilS crftf. If thers It s FLORENCE Sewing Michlns within onsaVa . I thousand sillaj of -yr J ' () Vl worklnj r"w.l,wlllflxltwith. aut sxpenst to the owner. SAMUEL HILL, Agent a r . ., 03 n hi :- o 3 Wagons, Hacks, Alargeatock oo hand and I will to . ILL WOK " WARRANTED M Repository and Shop Corner Ninth ,'lMease'call and see for yourselves before Bltictistiiithihg, Wb6(t Work 7 ; MccORmOafcs HAR VESTING MACHINES! , ' . ' PATtMEflS Of LANE COUNTY, money any longer in looking at, discussihg or buying Third arid Fourth rts Machines, but go straight lor the BEST ONXY, and WTy HcCORMICK'3. More 'than Thirty VearV Experionco In Porfbctirtg 'and Manufatsturina1 them has proved it, ni over Two ITdndhkd 'raocsASD ; Fabubbs have indorsed them to be such. ' ; , , Sft'ilitrpst this aubicct well and then no and look., and your own good -" -n " Fenso aud iudgment wfllltiad you to time. plasm, . ECGKNB CITY, OREGOJT. 4 Alr Arrpfnt Tor inline Wagons. Wheeler's Jride'rJcfidc'ntRea'per, and C&U improved uay iiases, mo ti-ct nppMrn rnrt THE d?ho Largest Stock of Gbo'dB EVER BROUGHT fttn STOCK OF fIL'OTHINQi. lias bwn lawljr Increased and ws can allow Handsome a line ni rracj msiir guuua m MEN'S AND B0Y3 ' : . Itirsincss and Dress uits, As can be found In the county . sird as prices that f-:l , - .ir.. vauuuk iau iu wusii ntm .... u . .. DRttSS GOODS. t)tPARTEANT 'la wallflllp'lwlth asnlt'naidaaanrl all the leading styles and fashionable sha rs goods. FinnfoRt Clnflis. , ,..r. ........ . . Mohair American Dresi to'bds, Plaid. Plain and Onera Flannels of all colors. Bleached & Unbleached Cotton Flan nols. Ladies' and Gents' Underwear, SHAWLS and SUA1US; Robinson & Church, SIIELF& HEAVY IIARDWARL 1JAVB TUB Bcs, Selcdcd Stock in Jc ; IE OKf SUV, and ISTKlPf BA1K aUaUTgspcad. ilf cured: psiniaas, no publicity, at doom and wuaout ioconvoKnca. Ao antidot (hit lands on its aurits Srod mmpi for parbculan. DH CARLTON, Itj wasoiogua ssao, vucafo, in. JARRIAGEI Via rjhattalcd wrt trS m, a pnat apaaMior hi ttafTtaa sudnMe Elatfaabhl OB tha larilartafl eftha miuiI rritn. Ma abuaH. au., lain VIx-ototim ia us r wni urn MMudutloat aoM balndv hippy in U married ralaUea. Mala and Mala) youiia aud mUMla agd shouia Rad and DnamHiS cunlaiiM Inhnmlloa, which doom eta attora lo ba VIIH3 out 1 on how 10 praatm tha heaiihi and ouoiplnloB. and (ivtto ftulrd chwka lha Imahmw. ot rottlai th bt and onlr irua Mirrlai. Qoida In tha world. Prlaa lOanita by Mail. Tl auUuif may ba eontullad aanonall arhy mall on any oftha.nhWU mirtUiidlii hit wurk ihlraia f. A. O. QUX, ia WaAiBgumaUOuoaio, IU. Tin WOWHWWATfTI HtauiuMUMaa,!!,,. ruam-Ofa ah., GUIDE fefeS . loewulir of HmslitHi tiitkMiariOva sUiul4 Mar. llcavl hiiai keiJif of Rrpmslrirtto. tfieair fMtur nd ort, Trrtli tm 3l Mvy Wmkmh, i1 Si-ot. sVntbf kail -t uiTiy ralfti on nAvi BU rrH. lr. (f A- IIoilANNAN Hvilh M Jlli Ot I Un, L 1 lafrf Central Market. Wu.' llcnslmw, Proprietor, KEEPS ' CO NET A N TLX : OH HAND FKESI BKEFl . " ' ; FORK, fflUTlO, VEAL, CHlCHKJfS, : " r CURED MEATS, ETC., ETC. THE CHEAPEST PLACE OH .... . - Tbs racifle Coast for HOME-KADI DOOT8 AD SHOES. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. Has nnw 00 baAd, evaraa bnadreA and Iftr fairs of Krati ol onr para sink, which I am bouad to acd ii -. . .M m. nmnarwl La maka Boots to ordsr at UwfuUowiii freaOlr raduead piV Frnw-h Calf Boots from to W par pair. . 1 u . ti ... , .1 . . n an Ml. ' ' . ru.tnraia Kin UonlisavU to onUay ior H V pair A ml all othor wort at a-ioaUf ,"w fjwa- Mr Ins; nona a hdhi 1 Leather aod Fiailinn for aala. HvmcBiiar tlia stmailC twa doors Bouth ot A. V. retars a 1 -a urica avorw. . . . J. H. OU5IALD. QHOCEBIES-IabailkeepoaafuUof GEOCEEIES tSt PROVISIONS aad mvlte tbe attention of HoseaepT" T.U. HK.NDBC1KS. WAGOMS T. O.HEKDEICK3 13 AG EST for tbe celebrated jStndcbaker South Bend Wagon. Buggies, CaniagiS, ordar of the Best Eastern Ttobar throogboaC EVERT RESPECT, lit Ttir Prices.';' ; '. jt and Oak Streets, Eitobb Citt. ' hrt purcbailofr elsewhere ' . ,u ' . and Carriage Painting done W. W. ESPE.YVj. i. . , ' . .. 'iu; i . 1 1 ' i . i ' '; :l'A.U'. i i. -Of !.::) i . 'V. .. m .i ';,''''' ' dotit tt'aata vou tiretferus . tirtto tnd ea " , t t . buy a McCORMICK . Machmo everjr . m a.aati eavavaa 1 a a. , , MATHEW WALialS. aeni, r. - - fiPMVd AND BUMMER TRADB ' i -it :'' TO EUGENE. ; i u. WOOL BLANKiETS; . , ' 1 All Colors. . .i i ;U Trunks and Traveling ; SMcf.tTi. . . v -a' - k ' - HATS SJPirvy ..... ..Ia tha leading Sty lea ,., U v . OIL CLOTKS, for, Floor and Table 1 BOOTS , & SHOES; We .wotildycs.ll special .attention o, oor, stock, Wens and lipys' Soo f ra.ncisco uopu, Mi-h w hava anld for a .nnmhar otrtASS., with great aatfifactlou, .Ttvety pair warranted. ' a eompltestocror , ' Plows . and rarmiim ,!i; CHOICE TEAB. v. ., : u XJASNEP U0OX. -, i , a.ndslthoiee, ;i u . FAMILX. GROCERIES,,; . i.i . at eitonlehlmrlr towirateai .. . . . LIVEItPOOL AND CABatEH l8LAP,f UT? Ilighest price Tor all Kinds oi proaooe sums WOOTJ. - ? , If. FUIEUfDLYe VTAVB rOB BAtf tJ AT THB RATES i. , - Iron.rHeel, i ! 1 a soar .. ...i . Aatlla, ': ' Cable Chalaa, eiia,' pe.'' iii . i. if. fntlr 4 ' Table A Pocket Caller Oregon . , uuas, riatoia; . . 7 .' Ammunition, . AgilculttiraP'-i .. Impttmesa Dlaatlna; I'owder, FUln Tackle, Etc. Kle. - We Invite an et ami nation of onr goods '.onfident ' mar prleea will suit tbe tlajee. , t . e3- x killIkoswohth a coiv,' STAR. B A KERY; KEEP constantly in hand, fresh ' .. ; . 1 - . v ... ' f. 8nirar, Tobaooo A Cigars, , Peecbee, Coffee, ' Canned Ooods, , ' Plume, Bynip, ' , Cheese, ' Powder, Boatii. - Btarcb, Pepper, m Bard Ineak . baft, , ' Candles, - '.'I Commeal, t. Oandlse, (i N"uU,- lAfd,-. .Flour, , , . Etq.Eto. ' ' j .1.1. 1 Atao 1 r i -. Bread, Cakt,,' JTcj,' Fruits and TegelabltfcJ otevery dMsrlption; which they will eeB uheap for cash. Tbakful for past favors we solicit coo tinqance of the tm.,, . ., , , ,. - ... ,.- :Unode delivered to anv part of the eltr free at cdarire. We are constantly receiving new Goods ard will eatlsfy our customers in regard to priceav PHYSICIAN. URdE01 I (asd,. t , . . ;., iD R TJ 6,G 1ST.' " Ofdre on eaut side Wills meW street, bear eoe- ner of 7th, adjoining law oSiiM of J. V. Browaw t , RpeaJal attention paid to diseases of the Lunge, and all cases p) ehronlc,dlaeaaea. , ... . j KraatiTU Kuccese la practlee and atteaUoa to businraa. ' tliSIE POULTRY' -as , - I.a Bred by M. bYUEj Jr.; . NAPA. CallrbrnU. ' ' Brows Tarkars, waiirhina: to kba aarti. fmdasi Gaaaw, amirbiof frian 40 r fO IU. i pCT pais. Brahmaa, Cevboraa, Oapieaia; Fa lua Dncka.aTeraanna lft Vw W lua., and boat of alt . tt . .', . . UufasaaUrya. ,v, . , .,, Alao-A due aaanrtmanl of flfeoaa, Sabbitt, UniDaa fowls and Ferrwla, .. u . . . i ' 1 Any varletr ot fowls deairad fanportad. .... roOSvtni, tonams, fraah at4 wall packsd, kw sal at D-odaraU pnoas. . tkaJ for TJIostratsd Ofmlar, and IMee 1H, Id . hi EYRE, Napt. Cul..; . Oaranslpt of Weenta is atamna, I will fnraiaSV iiwium gnpr of ma rii.1.111.., w UlnaaraVMi sz pace swain it, m iwnariauHi wwr tj in poultry mattrra in ti.a U. H.; aivt tfIlly tha heat Poaltrr Juaraal pabUabad. sulaxwipUoa oavlr till, wmmr Flaaaw staU vbara Jon saw this ad ml i aw at, OnUraaUfalsebsktaaa tbisiirnoa TRY IT I TI7E T.O. HEXDCICK3 BBAKD of SOAP, ror sale only br T.O.UEXDRrCIS. PBODITR OF 8VEBI KMD TAKEK in ar'hjoga tur rm-t .:.-,,,;-T. G. HtXDP.ICKS. set